
By Andrew Passey

Published on Feb 26, 2019


Next morning Som was wearing dark glasses and nursing a hangover, he dozed most of the morning while I swam in the pool. We went and swam in the sea in the afternoon, it was a bit wavey so was good fun and we wrestled around a bit, I thought I felt him brush his hand over my arse at one point but he looked innocent when I turned round so thought it was a wave.

We went out for dinner and drinks again, this time Som downed a cocktail, looked at the glass in his hands and started to talk softly. He told me I'd become one of his best friends, he didn't like most of his friends in Bangkok, they were all so shallow. "I haven't told anyone else, my parents would kill me. I can't trust my friends as they all gossip like crazy but I know I can trust you. They all think I'm a playboy with all my girlfriends, but the reason I kept splitting up with them is because I don't want to have sex with them so I break up before we get to that stage..I think I'm gay, or maybe bisexual. That's why I was at the gay bar that night you met me. I lied about meeting a friend, I wasn't meeting anyone, I just wanted to hang out with people like me. Once I saw Suree I realised it was a mistake and I haven't been back since." he said with his voice getting quieter and softer, still looking down at his glass. "If you want to leave tomorrow I understand, I just wanted to tell someone about it, it's eating me up inside and at last now someone else knows".

I smiled at him, told him don't be silly, I didn't mind at all. I said I really liked him and I was touched he told me his secret. I didn't tell him I was bisexual yet as thought I might surprise him with that later!

We then had a few more drinks and chatted about other things. I suggested a late night swim in our private pool. We got to the villa and my shorts were still a bit wet, I walked to the pool pulled my pants off and dived in naked. "Come on in, its lovely!" I shouted to Som hoping he'd get the hint. He went inside and came back out with his shorts in much to my disappointment. He dived in and we swam around. He leant up against the side facing the villa catching is breath, I slowly sneaked up behind him and pulled his shorts down and threw them out of the pool. "Now we're both naked!" I said with a grin. He looked really pissed off and got out of the pool and stomped inside covering himself the whole time.

Realising I'd messed up I got out of the pool, dried off and went to find him. He was in the bedroom with the light off and he seemed to be quietly crying. "what's wrong Som" I asked " I'm sorry I pulled your shorts down, I was just messing around". He turned towards me and said that he'd told me about his sexuality because he trusted me and making fun of him by teasing him by swimming naked and pulling his shorts off wasn't a nice thing to do.

"Oh Som, you've totally got this wrong. I wasn't taking the piss out of you, I was trying to see if you were up for it?". 'What do you mean, up for what?" he asked. I smiled, "I'm bisexual as well and was trying to see if you'd be up for some action, ever since I saw your ass when we arrived and when I saw your cock last night it's been all I can think about" Som looked at me,"When did you see me naked, I've been covered up all the time" "er, I had a cheeky peak when I undressed you last night, and perhaps I might have accidentally touched it" I said with a grin.

Realising I had to take the lead I got into bed, sidled up to him and snaked my hand down to his cock. "so...are you up for a bit of fun?" I asked as I fondled it.. Som very quietly said "yes but I don't really know what i'm doing, I've never done anything sexual with anyone". I told him not to worry, I would teach him all he needed to know. With that I stuck my head under the covers, and put his soft cock in my mouth, it soon hardened up and was a decent size for a Thai guy, probably ever so slightly bigger than mine. I bathed it with my tongue, licking his balls and around the head. I then took it all in my mouth and gave him a really good blowjob, I had him moaning in pleasure and I felt his cock swell and start to cum in my mouth, it tasted a bit spicy but sweet as well. I swallowed it all down and licked him clean. "How was that' I asked. "Amazing!" Som said with a smile on his face. "What's next?" he asked with a smile. "It's your turn to taste me" I said with a smile pointing at my hard cock. Som crawled over and took me in his mouth. I gave him advice and tips as he went and he did a decent job for a first try, I came in his mouth and he swallowed it all down although choked slightly. 'How did I do" he asked nervously, I tousled his hair and said he did a great job.

I got out of bed and got the lube I always carried with me (you never know when you might need it!). I told Som it was time to lose his virginity, I lay on my back, got him to lube up his cock and my hole, I put my legs up around his shoulders and used my hand to guide his cock into my hole. 'Ease in gently at first" I said,'then once you're fully in and I'm used to it you can start speeding up" His head slipped into my hole, I felt a slight stab of pain, and I felt him go all the way in and his bush tickle my arse cheeks. I'd really missed being fucked by a biggish cock, all my recent experiences at the beach had been a bit of a smaller size although still enjoyable in the main!.

Once he was all the way in he started slowly moving in and out , his cock head was rubbing me up the right way and I was loving it. Here I was being fucked by a very attractive young thai guy who I really liked, and was giving him the gift of losing his virginity with me. I gave him some compliments to "Oh yes that feels amazing Som....don't fucking stop...ooh.., I love you fucking me with your big cock." I did love him doing it and I did think I was going to cum just from being fucked at one stage!. He then came with a big cry and with his eyes closed in ecstasy. He opened them and looked at me and I asked how it was. He looked like he might cry for a second, and then just said "there are no words" and bent down and kissed me.

I said he did a great job and I really enjoyed it. I also complimented on his cock size, he smiled and said his nickname at school had been Chang (Thai for elephant) because of his big dick. He pulled out of me and pointed at my still hard cock "I want that in me now, I want to feel every bit of it in me as you fuck me for my first time"

I didn't need a second invitation as I lubed us up and lifted his legs up around my shoulders so I could access his hole. I warned him it might hurt a bit. 'it's ok, I'm expecting that. Also we've got a few more days here, I am expecting to have it in me an awful lot so I better get used to it!" he said with a grin. I slipped in and could see him wince and gasp in pain, but once I was in and started moving gently he smiled at me. "Oh my god...this..ahh....feels...fucking. oooh.....amazing...don't stop...I do it..,again and again" he said in between groans and moans of pleasure. I took my time and made sure we both enjoyed it. I came in him and stared into his eyes as I did.

He looked a bit tearful again and just said "thanks". We cleaned up and showered and I cuddled him afterwards and we chatted till the early hours about things. I woke up in the night to feel his hard dick poking into me, I lubed us up and I gently pushed back until he was inside me. I moved up and down a little bit, he then woke up and realised what was going on. "Nice way to wake up" he said as he started to fuck me. Once he came he sucked me off and we fell asleep again.

The next day we didn't leave bed all day, we fucked each other in various positions and when we weren't fucking we were sucking. The remainder of our trip was mostly spent in bed apart from leaving to eat and drink and then odd swim. Our dicks were almost red raw by the end of the week! We shared a passionate kiss on our last morning and chatted about what next. I said I'd hang around Bangkok for a few days before heading back down south, I had plans I couldn't change and we were both realistic enough to know that this was a fun week that couldn't replicate itself in Bangkok really. At least not for long. Som had no desire to come out and realised he'd probably have to marry a girl at some point. I was bisexual but while I was loving all the boy sex I was having, long term I saw myself married and settled down with a girl. Still, there was plenty of time for more fun before then!

"We'll have to be careful when we get back to Bangkok" he said but we hoped we'd get a chance for some fun before I left. We packed up and headed to the station to get the train back to Bangkok...

Next: Chapter 3

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