
By Andrew Passey

Published on Jun 27, 2019


The bus to Manali was basic but relatively comfortable. It was mostly full of stoned israeli backpackers heading up to sample the famous drugs of the Manali region, there was me and a few other europeans and a handful of Indians. It was a Friday evening so the traffic was bad getting out of Delhi. I ended up near the back sat next to an attractive Indian student called Jev (not sure how to spell his name to be honest) who was travelling with his two friends who were sat in front of us. They were the same age as me, fresh faced, good fun, intelligent and well educated and really interesting to talk to.

We played a game of truth which was funny as it really showed the difference between our cultures. They had never even kissed girls, were obsessed with sex and talking about it. They were finding it hilarious to try and find something I'd say no to, I guess i was showing off a bit too and some of my answered shocked them! "Ever seen a girl naked?" er yes of course" "Have you ever had sex with a girl?" Yes, "Ever seen another boy's penis" Yes. '"Ever had sex with a boy" Yes etc etc After about 20 of these they finally got me with me: "Ever seen an Indian boy's penis" No! Which caused them to fall about in laughter and led to a some more jokes between us. They were quite demonstrative and a couple of times Jev touched my leg maybe a little bit higher than acceptable and let it linger there. Indian men are very touchy feely with each other though, and hold hands etc so I didn't think much of it. We stopped for a break and then stopped again around midnight for a toilet break and for food if anyone wanted it. Most people were asleep but I need a piss and Jev said he did too. His friends were snoring away, the driver said 20 minutes so we headed out to the toilet and to get some food.

We found the toilet which was very basic as always in Indian truck stops, just a furrow in the ground. As we finished pissing and were shaking clean, Jev turned round, "Hey, now you can say you've seen an Indian boy's penis!" he said waving his dick at me, very brown, not very large. I smiled and said yeah, and then showed him mine "now you can say yes to having seen an English one!" Jev whistled, "Big, bet the girls like it" I grinned and said "yeah, and the boys" and we laughed.

Jev said he wished he lived in the UK, " I won't get any action until my parents arrange my marriage, you guys seems to be able to do it all the time." We ate a quick bit of daal and chapati, then got back on the bus. We climbed out of the plains and through windy mountain roads. It was pretty cold! I was prepared and had already got my sleeping bag out, Jev was freezing as his warm stuff and blankets were in his bag in the luggage compartment under the bus. I said we could snuggle under my sleeping bag. I opened it out, we got comfortable and I started to drift off amidst the snoring of his friends and the bus in general. I felt Jev's hand on my leg and then it move up slowly to touch my dick which he rubbed gently through my trousers.

I stirred slightly and he moved in close "can I play with it?" he whispered. "If I can play with yours" I said back. We quietly pulled our trousers and pants down so our dicks were released. It was all covered by my sleeping bag and it was pitch black out aside from the faint lights of small houses we passed on the road. He started to massage my balls and then tug my foreskin up and down. I gently wanked him as well and he let out a slight moan. Lucky the bus made such a racket with it's engine struggling as we climbed up mountain roads that no one heard. It was fun and reminded me of being a teenager again, a slightly more innocent age when we fondled each other as opposed to fucking each other silly!

We wanked each other gently, I had tissues ready and as Jev came on my hand with a little grunt, I was able to wipe him and my hand clean without causing too much mess on my sleeping bag! Jev kept wanking me and very soon after I shot in his hand, I gave him a tissue but he did lick some of it "Just so I know what it tastes like!" he whispered."You can taste t whenever you want" I said back pushing my luck a bit.

"Thank you so much, as you can tell I've never done anything with anyone, I might not have kissed a girl but I have made a boy cum" he whispered and I could tell he was grinning. We pulled our trousers up and dozed off. I slept on and off and by first light we were an hour or two away from Manali. Jev's friends were awake and when they saw I was they chatted about their plans for Manali. They were off to a resort a few km south of Manali for just over a week including two nights of rafting further down the Kullu valley on Monday. They invited me along but I explained my quest to find Olly. They got very excited and said they'd help. I didn't really need them hanging around but I agreed to meet them at their resort on Thursday afternoon so I could update them! Jev stirred and woke up, he smiled at me and said he had a lovely dream. He rubbed me under the sleeping bag, luckily his friends didn't see although they took the piss out of him for smiling at me.

"He's looking at you like you're his girlfriend!" they said with a laugh, Jev told them to fuck off but it was all very good natured. Annoyingly we stopped around 45 minutes out of Manali for breakfast when I was keen to get there. Everyone filed off, Jev held me back though so he could talk.

"That was fun. I want more though! Listen, we're supposed to be going rafting on Monday, how about I feign sickness and you come and stay with me for a couple of nights. I'm not gay. But I am horny. And inquisitive! I can't sleep with girls. I can''t sleep with indian boys. But I could probably sleep with a western boy that no one would ever find out about"

I didn't want Jev to miss his rafting but at the same time I was all about life experiences (particularly those involving sex!) so said that could work. I said he should go rafting but I'd come along on Monday to his resort to see if he was there.

We had breakfast and eventually got to Manali bus station. The boys headed south to their resort, squeezed into a rickshaw. I headed up on foot to walk to Old Manali to find a place to stay and to ask around to see if anyone knew Olly....

Next: Chapter 19

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