
By Andrew Passey

Published on Mar 31, 2019


Once I left Ende I travelled up to Keli Mutu and then on to Bajawa, I'd met three Aussie girls and ended up having a thing with one of them for a week or so (who had the ridiculous cliche name of Kylie).

Kylie was pretty amazing in bed but she was very high maintenance and already getting on my nerves when her friends insisted they had to leave to the coast as they were running out of time. Before they left one of them said that she was a nightmare with men and they were definitely doing me a favour getting her out of her before she ripped my balls off! I spent an extra couple of days on my journey assuming they'd have moved on. I was running low on money so intended to do a day tour to Komodo, then get the bus from Flores all the way to Lombok where I could change my travellers cheques a bit easier.

I got down to the port of Labanbajo and bumped into the aussie girls, I pretended to be delighted to see them but in reality I wasn't that fussed. They'd booked a live aboard boat trip to Lombok from Labanbajo stopping off in Komodo for a suspiciously low amount of money given what was usually charged. I'd met a few people who'd done them, some loved them, others had money stolen and one girl had been sexually assaulted so I'd intended to stay well away. The girls were keen for me to come and look after them, I wasn't keen and pleaded poverty. I knew they were well off and on a holiday rather than backpacking like me. Kylie insisted I came and check the boat out and she'd pay if the captain needed more money. The boat was smaller than I expected and certainly smaller than some I'd heard about. Aside from the crew quarters below, it had two small bedrooms with a toilet and a nice deck to sit out on. So it would literally be the four of us and the crew which meant no escape from Kylie. I met the guys who ran it, the captain was a middle aged guy, the "first mate" as he was introduced looked about 16 but I assumed he was a fair bit older, and his brother looked even younger, maybe 14. They were attractive boys and obviously excited about the girls being there. I suspected they were more like 20 and 17, just late developers or young looking , as 14 was probably too long to work on a boat.

They didn't seem particularly happy when the girls said I would be joining them. The captain look pissed off and started saying it wasn't possible and they'd already bought the food and beer etc as agreed. The girl I was with (with the ridiculous cliche name of Kylie) offered to pay more and he grumbled but eventually agreed.

We were due to head off early the next morning, that night we all had dinner and drinks and I felt obliged to sleep with Kylie again! In a post coital chat she started talking about us heading back to Australia to live after a couple more weeks in Indonesia. This as so far out my plans I thought she was joking. I laughed which was a big mistake. Suffice to say she went mental, and I ended up kicked out the room with my stuff and having to sort another one out at midnight.

The next morning I checked out and headed to wait by the boat to wait for the girls. They were late and the captain started to get annoyed again. The finally turned up, then Kylie slapped me in the face and said they weren't going. She then tried to get their money back which the other girls told her was unreasonable. The argument between her and the captain got quite heated but in the end the captain gave her a bit of money back out of a big roll of money he pulled out of his pocket. He gave a bit to the boys and then put the rest in his pocket and said he wasn't going to go if the girls weren't and the "first mate" would be in charge of taking me. He stormed off and left the Aussie girls there with me and the two boat boys. The first mate looked pissed off as that as well and particularly pissed off the girls weren't coming. Kylie stormed off and one of the girls ran after her, the one who'd warned me about her bring trouble hugged me and say she was really sorry and hoped the boat trip would be ok.

I seriously considered not going but I needed to get to Lombok, I was short of money so wouldn't actually spend any on the trip apart from entrance fee for Komodo and more importantly it was likely Kylie would be on the bus as well and I'd have to spend a long long journey with a crazed Australian.

I got on board and put my stuff in the better looking of the two bedrooms, and waited for the boys to cast off. They introduced themselves but I don't remember their names, I'll call the younger one Bagus and the older one Gem. Bagus was friendly and smiley and seemed nice but Gem had a face like thunder pretty much all day.

We sailed on calm waters to Komodo, I relaxed on the deck and had one of the beers from the rudimentary ice box. At Komodo I explored around and saw the dragons. I got back on the boat and we cast off and sailed round to a different island to moor off for the night. It was deserted so I took my shorts off and I jumped off the boat naked and swam in the crystal clear water. Bagus and Gem jumped in as well to clean off the grime of the engine and we splashed around a bit. They had pants on but I could tell Bagus was checking me out as he swam under me a couple of times and brushed me with his hand.

I climbed out up the ladder first and they chattered together in indonesian obviously about me, I heard the indonesian slang word for penis used (Kontol) and a few other words I thought I recognised. I dried off with a sarong as they climbed up, Gem said something to Bagus and he shrugged and they pulled their pants off and put them on the deck to dry. I checked them out before they wrapped themselves up. Gem was fairly well developed with a nice looking cock and a nice mushroom head with a very dark foreskin hanging over it. Seeing his cock, I mentally aged him as closer to 16 than 20, although indonesians were not well hung from my experience so it was hard to say. Bagus had a smallish cock with a small bush but it was cute looking and was a bit bigger than Boy's was on Ko Phangnan. I got a bit hard and covered myself with the sarong I went to get to get a t shirt and shorts on. I considered having a wank. I got the lube out in case I wanted to finger my hole at the same time but Bagus called my name and so I went and had a beer on the deck while Bagus cooked a just about passable nasi goreng for us.

I'd heard that the food was great on these trips but it's fair to say this was budget trip. As I wasn't paying I couldn't complain. Gem kept getting me beers, we had loads as enough had been bought for the girls as well. I was a bit drunk and chatted to Gem and Bagus. Gem's english was pretty good considering, he was only just 17, had left school to work with his uncle, he wanted to work as a tour guide and have his own boat but for now he had to help his "pirate" uncle out. "As he's not here now I'm in charge and I'm the pirate captain" he said which made me giggle as while he might have a boat and maybe rip off tourists pirate was taking a bit far. Bagus was a nice boy, he was 14 although almost 15. He had left school early to help as well. We chatted about girls, I could tell neither of them had any experience and they listened in amazement when I said how many girls I'd slept with. I left out the boy experiences although did accidentally let something slip at one point I think.

The stars looked amazing and I half considered sleeping out on the deck, I was pretty drunk and the thought of making it to my bedroom seemed a bit like hard work. Gem disappeared below deck and came out with a bottle of something spirit looking and poured a glass for me made a toast and made me drink it with him. It tasted foul like lighter fluid although I managed to throw some of it away when Gem wasn't looking.

I felt really drunk all of a sudden and stood up with the boat spinning. I sat down with my head spinning and was sick over the side. Too much booze or dodgy booze thinking of that spirit Gem gave me. I felt a lot better all of a sudden and drank a load of water which really helped. Gem then said something to Bagus, Bagus said something back to him and Gem said something more harshly to him. I could see Bagus heading below deck with his head down.

Gem then put his arm around me and helped me stand. "You drunk, you need bed Andy" he said. I felt ok I guess but definitely very drunk. The sea air was helping though and my head cleared slight and I started to feel a little bit better, He helped me to my room and opened the door. I could barely stand as the boat gently rocked and he pushed me face first onto the bed, my head hit the pillow which was a relief. I heard the door shut and assume he'd gone. "Good night!" I slurred slightly into my pillow feeling quite a bit better but the room was still spinning when I closed my eyes.

I then felt him get on the bed and my shorts being pulled down and felt a hand snake under my body and feel my cock up. I tried to roll over but he pushed me down and whispered "shh".

'Sorry Andy, was supposed to be saving first time for girls, but no girls here thanks to you. Only you and this" he said rubbing my arse. " I need this. I'm the pirate captain and you're my prisoner. I'm going to claim my prize and you need to pay. " and I felt his hard dick up against my hole .

"Wait!" I said with a slight drunken slur , "use the lube, it's that bottle on the table. Put it on my bum hole and on your kontol. It will feel better". I felt the pressure ease on me and considered whether I should try and kick him out the room or at least stop him. I thought that I was in no state to fight him, we were far from anywhere and while he might be wanting to technically rape me I was happy to be fucked and I didn't mind a bit of dominating role play and I needed them to get me to Lombok. I was slightly pissed off as to be honest as I'd have let him fuck me if he wanted, he and his brother were very attractive, and I hadn't been fucked for weeks. I'd assumed he wasn't interested and Indonesia was certainly not the place that a white western teenage boy could make a move on a local without risking a lot of shit.

I shifted so I was more on all fours and then I felt his finger on my hole with some lube. It felt cold and I jumped slightly at the shock.He then took my hands and tied them to the end of the bed albeit very gently and not tight. "So my prisoner can't escape" he said with a giggle.

I felt his hard cock knocking at my hole and he slipped in, it hurt slightly as my hole hadn't been worked for a while but I shifted back and wiggled a bit and he was all the way in. He started to fuck me hard with his hands on my hips. It felt pretty amazing and he was obviously a decent size when fully hard. 'At least wank me off" I said "eh what is wank?" he said. "Onani, onani onani my kolton!" I said in indonesian. He got the message and started wanking me as he moaned and groaned. "Like that my prisoner" he said, "you like...oooohh... my pirate cock?". I said "yes...uurgh..I do".. ''re going to having ...a lot of it...". His cock felt good in me and with his wanking me and the friction inside, I felt my orgasm coming and I came on his hand which he shoved on my mouth and told me to lick his hand clean. He then moaned and groaned with greater intensity and then shot inside me. He fell on top me, still hard and inside me. "You like that my prisoner, behave yourself and I might release you to continue your journey, if not I might keep you tied up here as my prisoner for weeks" he giggled as he said this and I could tell he wasn't serious, although to be honest it sounded hot to me. He pulled out and wiped me off, he checked my hands weren't tied tightly and that I was fairly comfortable and then left the room with a promise of "More fun tomorrow Andy, I mean prisoner" with another giggle. Being fucked had sobered me up somewhat but I was still drunk and fell fast asleep. I woke up in the night to feel Gem on top of me and his hand over my mouth "shh my prisoner"

Next: Chapter 14

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