
By Andrew Passey

Published on Feb 25, 2019


As I mentioned in my previous stories ("The Bully" and "School Days" in the Young Friends category) I had a gap year when I left school and before I went University. I'd had some pretty hot experiences when visiting Rob at University in his first term which I'll write about later. I went to India for Xmas and by the time I landed in Bangkok in mid January I hadn't been laid for weeks either with a girl or a boy. I was staying with a family friend (James) in Bangkok who had a great apartment with a pool. He was in his early 30s and had a hi-so Thai girlfriend (Suree) who was only a bit older than me. I had a great time settling in to Bangkok, I ended up have a one night stand on my second night there with Pat, a friend of Suree's which was good fun.

A couple of nights later we went to meet a friend of James and Suree's at a high end gay bar in a Soi off Sukhumvit. We were chatting together when Suree suddenly waved at a very attractive young thai boy. "Som, Som, over here!" She shouted, he looked like he hadn't heard so she ran over and grabbed him. She dragged him over, turns out he was a friend of her little brother. He was 19 but looked more like 16.

"What on earth are you doing here Som? Didn't expect to see you in a gay bar! Your girlfriend will get jealous and tell you off!" She said smiling at him. Som looked a bit awkward and possibly blushed. :"er yeah er we split up, I was supposed to meet a friend here but he's really late so don't know if he'll turn up, I didn't realise it was gay bar until I got here" "Silly Som! She was lovely. why are you always breaking these girls hearts! Anyway meet Khun Andy, he's here backpacking and staying with us for a bit."

Som came and sat next to me, he told me Pat had mentioned me and winked which caused me to blush slightly. We all chatted together and then Suree dragged James off to dance. I chatted to Som on my own, he was really nice, his parents were owners of a big hotel down in Hua Hin, he liked football like me and we chatted about the premier league etc. Suree came back and said she was worried Som wasn't going out much and was a bit lonely with her brother being away. She decided Som should show me round the city tomorrow and insisted we went to the cinema in the evening. 'Andy is only 18, he should be doing some kid things, not just hanging out in bars like us" she said. She obviously had no idea how precocious I was! She was a force of personality and Som agreed and we arranged to meet at 10.30 the next day.

He showed me round bits of Bangkok and we had dinner in a mall before going to the cinema to watch some action film I can't remember. I said I'd really enjoyed it (which i had) and hopefully see him soon. He grinned and said Suree had already invited him over to watch the football with me on Saturday so I'd see him then. I spent a lot of time with him in my couple of weeks in Bangkok and we really hit it off as friends.

I then headed off to the islands for a couple of months (more about that in a later chapter). He said next time I was in Bangkok let him know and we'd catch up and also invited me to go and stay with him at his parent's hotel in Hua Hin. We kept in regular touch over the next couple of months, me sending him postcards and doing the odd phone call. Unfortunately it was before hotmail and the internet had really taken off so communication options were fairly basic.

I was planning on heading up to Bangkok in early April and had left a message with Suree to pass on to Som a message to see if he wanted go to the cinema when I was back. I got back to bangkok and he'd already been in touch with Suree and had arranged to meet me that evening. We had a fun evening as usual. He said he'd just split up with another girlfriend , and he fancied a bit of time out of Bangkok for Songkhran (Thai new year) coming up and did I fancy a week in Hua Hin staying at his parent's hotel. He said it was his treat and I'd be doing him a favour as he really wanted some company. I agreed and so a few days later there I was with Som on the train down to Hua Hin. He insisted on buying the tickets and assured me the trip was his treat.

When we got Hua Hin he got us a cab to his Dad's hotel, it turned out to be one of the top hotels in Thailand at the time. I was blown away and felt underdressed in my backpacking clothes! Our luggage was taken and we went to check in. The staff knew who he was as they bowed and smiled at him. I could tell something was slightly wrong though as the check in guy tapped on his computer he looked a bit pale and started talking Thai apologetically. Som talked back and I could tell he was a bit annoyed, losing your temper in Thailand is a big no no though so he kept it together and there was some smiles at the end with a few "thanks you"s being said in Thai and the staff doing the wai with their hands and bowing

Som came over to me 'Ok seems they have fucked up. Not sure how, I guess because of Songkhran but they only have one room for us, it's the best suite with a private pool but we'll have to share, I'm so sorry and embarrassed, I'll get them to put a bed in". I said not to be silly, it was all fine and that backpacking around I usually shared rooms to save money, often double beds as well so I didn't mind sharing a bed. I also said it was a big treat to stay here and I was very happy to be there! He smiled and said fine, as its a suite the bed should be huge but if it's a problem tomorrow he'd get a small bed put in..

We were hot after the journey so decided to swim in our little private pool. Som turned round and stripped his clothes off, quickly pulling up his swimshorts but not before I'd had time to surreptitiously check out his arse. It was pretty tasty looking! He turned round with his shorts on, he was virtually hairless and had a nice and attractive body. He still looked more like 16 than 19 with his clothes off, I couldn't check out if he had a bulge without being too obvious and obviously didn't want to get caught doing so but my experience of Thai boys over the previous few months made me assume he wasn't particularly large down there, He started putting some suncream on his shoulders, and I pulled my pants off and got my swimshorts on. I could have sworn I could see Som checking me out out of the corner of my eye but I presumed I was mistaken.

We got dressed for dinner and spent a fun evening getting drunk on the beach. Som got smashed on thai whiskey and kept going on about how he didn't want to disappoint his parents and that he wanted to tell me something but he felt he couldn't etc.

Knowing from James the complicated politics of some Thai hi-so families I braced myself for a complicated discussion but Som then started flagging and could barely stand. I got the bill put on our room and started manoeuvring him back to the villa, half dragging him and trying to stop him falling over. I got him home, and he instantly feel fast asleep fully clothed on the bed. I undressed him down to his pants, I couldn't help myself and had a peek down there :-) He had a beautiful looking cock, he was surprisingly well hung for a Thai with a big mushroom head and a nicely darkened foreskin covering it. I got really hard looking at it and gave it a quick tug before bottling it in case I woke him up.. I went to the bathroom and I wanked off thinking about sucking Som's cock. I came on my hand and cleaned up, feeling guilty about fantasising about my friend like that particularly when he was treating me to this week away....

Next: Chapter 2

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