Back to the Stuy

By Ish Grayson

Published on Mar 14, 2023


CONTENT WARNING: This story is for adults only. You must be of legal age, in your area, in order to read this! This story depicts adult males having sexual encounters with each other. If it is not legal for you to read this (or if you're offended by it), please close this story!

This is the first story I've submitted to Nifty. Please feel free to send me as much feedback as possible, as well as any hot lewds/nudes you think might inspire me at

The majority of these events have happened in real life, but the names of the characters and locations have been changed. Some aspects are fictional, but not very much.

While I love having bareback sex, I also know that STDs and laws exist. Please be sure to be responsible, and caring, towards yourself and others.

Thanks Nifty for providing us all with a resource for being able to spill our nut! Please donate to Nifty if you can! They're doing this for all of us!

------------------------------------------ Sorry for the delay in updating the story. Been dealing with life, and getting things in order. I hope you guys like this chapter. ------------------------------------------

Back to the Stuy Ish Gray

Chapter 5:

I woke up late Friday morning; purposely not setting my alarm the night before, because I knew it would be my last official day off before going back to work on Monday. I looked over to Micah, still sleeping after having come over at 3am. His snores were cute, making me forget for a second of how rough he fucked my still loose hole before knocking out. Moving back to Bed Stuy really enhanced how often we'd have sex. Neither one of us was necessarily happy when we lived 25 minutes away from each other by train; the only time we'd hook up was when he'd be performing in the city, or if I was hanging out in Brooklyn. Now that we lived 5 minutes walking distance, we were having sleepovers.

When I walked into the kitchen after my morning piss, my dick was still hard - leading the way to the coffee maker. I laughed to myself while pouring the bean juice into my mug, thinking just how much I'd kill for one of Tristan's amazing blow jobs while reading the news (I'm an old man at heart lol). Here I was standing at the counter with a loose hole that still had Micah's load deep inside of me, and I was wanting more sex. My hoe genes were strong as fuck.

"I don't know who was louder last night, you or Tristan," I heard behind me. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts and needing coffee that I didn't see Vlad sitting at the windowsill with his mug.

"Ya know... You could be a spy with the way you creep," I chucked, walking towards the couch before taking a sip of my coffee.

"Nah, too much of a slut for that," he moved to sit in his favorite leather recliner.

"Even better," I retorted.

"Too many tops have fucked me in missionary, my face is too memorable," he sipped his coffee.

"This is why I prefer doggy," I winked.

"I thought it's because you're a bitch," Micah's voice said, making his way to the coffee pot. He was wearing a pair of my boxers with his favorite beanie.

"You're a sight for sore eyes," Vlad looked him up and down, lust in his eyes.

"He'll make your hole sore too," I quipped.

"Aww, is baby complaining after begging?" Micah mocked.

"You're the one that could barely move afterwards," I responded.

"That's because I closed the bar before coming here," he said.

"My bad. Bartending, cleaning, fucking four different guys... Sounds like somebody really had a tough day at work." I jokingly patronized him.

"Exactly," he sat next to me, pretending to give puppy eyes. "Pity me before using my body next time."

"I'll be sure to cook Daddy a nice hot meal for when he gets off work," I rolled my eyes.

"That's all a man wants!" he smirked. "Well that, and a blowjob."

"Maybe I should start dating bottoms," I looked over to Vlad, he looked amused witnessing our bullshit.

"This is why I don't date vers dudes," Micah's hand found its way to my shoulder. "They'll fuck anyone."

"That's funny, what were the dudes' names from last night?" I was still keeping eye contact with Vlad.

"One of them was named Ish," he stuck out his tongue. "And one was definitely a girl," Micah offered up before I heard him slurp his coffee.

"Great! Now I've gotta bust out my skirt again!" I rolled my eyes again.

"Maybe we can give ol' Vlad here a show," he leaned close to my face.

"I'm younger than you, old man," Vlad quipped at Micah. "Besides, I've got too much to do before the party tonight."

"I was hoping you'd forgotten about that," I responded. I really wasn't in the mood to be the center of attention.

"I've sucked too many dicks to make sure we have enough liquor!" Vlad said. "We're having the damned party."

"Don't worry, babe," Micah moved his hand to my knee. "I'll be here all night, I gotchu."

"See! Your own lil buffer." Vlad stated.

"More like fluffer," I chuckled, before Micah playfully slapped the back of my head, causing me to turn towards him. "Nigga. You is a hoe! It's why I love you."

"D'awww! You love me!" He made a derpy smile.

"For now, at least," I rolled my eyes once more.

******* I decided to run a few errands in the afternoon while Vlad and Micah set up for the party. To be honest, Vlad forced me out of the apartment. There were no details about the party given to me, except that it was casual dress, and that Davit would be there. This could mean anything.

Knowing that Vlad bought most of the decorations and games at the sex shop, and that there would be plenty of alcohol... There's no telling what they had in mind. It could've just been a regular party with funny/silly decorations; or it could've been a planned gang bang where each guest would have to fuck me after taking a shot; maybe even an orgy with a fancy buffet spread strategically placed on the bodies of sexy cater waiters. Who knows what runs through the twisted minds of my two best friends?

******* Being that it was a beautiful day, I decided to walk to my favorite cafe in Bushwick, thinking that I'd get a tea. As I was waiting to cross over Broadway, I thought I saw a familiar face standing on the opposite side of the street. "Nah, it can't be," I thought to myself. As often as I ran into people that I knew, there was NO WAY that it'd be him; last I heard, he was living on the West Coast. He must've recognized me as well, because I saw him staring at me with his phone to his ear. Mine vibrated in my pocket, it was an LA area code.

"That you?"I heard his voice ask, while I watched him as cars passed by. I couldn't speak, only nod. "Stay there," he commanded.

I followed his instructions, not moving; not believing this was happening. I watched as the 6'1 brown skinned man with wavy shoulder length hair that blew in the wind as the J train passed above us, looked to see if he could cross the street. He was wearing a pair of cutoffs with a short sleeved black based Hawaiian shirt that was only buttoned in the middle. He was still one of the most beautiful men that I'd ever seen. I silently cursed myself as he crossed the street, making his way towards me.

"Long time no see," he smiled as he stopped in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" were the first words out of my mouth. He chuckled. Fuck! I missed his laugh!

"Just moved back last month," he responded. "What about you?"

"Last year," was my only response. I still couldn't believe it was him. He could tell that I was dumbfounded.

"All these years, and I still leave you speechless?" Ah, there it is; the cockiness. Bringing me back to reality.

"I'm just surprised they still allowed dumbasses over the bridge," I retorted. He was actually one of the smartest, and most well read people that I knew.

"Sure. As if you're not looking directly at my lips because you don't want to kiss them," a smirk went across his face. Silence; he wasn't wrong.

"Where'd you move?" I asked him, attempting to distract myself and change the subject.

"Monroe and Throop," he responded; it wasn't far from the bar that Micah worked at. "What about you?"

"Lexington and Gates," we didn't live too far from each other. Just my luck.

"Cool. I know the area," he responded before asking me another question. "Where ya headed?"

"Was gonna go to a cafe, but I think I need something stronger now," I told him. I definitely needed alcohol after seeing him.

"Wanna head to Coyote Club? Catch up a bit?" He seemed sincere. I nodded, and let him lead the way. His ass looked plump in his shorts as he walked.

During the twenty minute walk, I loosened up a bit, accepting that Kal was actually in my presence for the first time in five years. We laughed as we shared a spliff that I rolled before leaving the house, noticing the strange and random objects and antics that you'd only see on the streets of Brooklyn. For a while it just felt like old times, to the point that we absentmindedly were holding hands as we walked down Lexington Ave. Neither of us said a word about it; I didn't want to have to read into who initiated the physical contact. It felt good, it felt familiar; but I was glad that he let go before we walked into the bar.

After getting our drinks (him - a rum & coke, me - a tap lager), we decided to sit outside on the benches placed out front. The noise of the street, and sunshine, outweighed the semi-awkward silence.

"So what brought you back?" I asked him while he looked at his drink, tapping the glass.

"My Mum," he didn't look up. "She kept guilting me into coming home."

"Oh damn," I knew how well his mother could guilt any of us; it was a talent. "How's she doing these days?"

"She's pretty good, getting ready to retire."

"Lucky duck. I'm patiently waiting for the day."

"Aren't we all," he wryly joked. "At least I'll have the place to myself when she starts traveling. You know how loud I am."

"Oh boy, do I," I involuntarily responded; remembering our trysts of the past.

"So who are you living with these days?" He pivoted the subject.

"Moved in with Vlad and Tristan last week," I told him.

"Oh shit!" he looked up, with a smile on his face. "I miss those guys. How are they?"

"Still being obnoxious whores," I laughed.

"You always managed to find them," he retorted.

"You approached me first!" I jokingly reminded him of the first time he asked me on a date, when I was barely 18.

"And bottomed first too, if I remember correctly."

"That ass was top tier," I did a chef's kiss with my left hand.

"Was?!" he exclaimed. "Still is!"

"I might need a reminder sometime," I smirked.

"Buy the next round, and we'll see if you get lucky," he winked.

He still had the ability to hypnotize me, making me want to impress and please him. Let's be honest, he brought out my inner bitch. With most guys I've fucked, or dated, I never felt the need/want to be anything other than I am; they got whatever version of me that I was that week. There was no true spark that made me want to be a better me. And despite how much I loved Micah (granted I'd yet to officially say it without joking or in passing), I knew that neither of us had the desire to change anything about ourselves in order to maintain the relationship that we had (and, we're both content with that dynamic). But with Kal... It was different.

This wasn't just some dude I'd dated for a few months, then deleted his contact after things ended. This was my first real love. The guy who proved that he was willing to go to Hell, and back, for me. Of course I wanted to be a better me, in order to make him proud. He taught me how to be a good top, a great bottom, and a better math student. He encouraged me to chase my dreams. While I did the same for him during those intense years. There's nothing I wouldn't do for a chance to ensure that we're both happy in the long run; and that included buying the next round of drinks.

We nursed on our drinks for about 45 minutes, continuing to catch up. He'd moved back to Brooklyn after just having broken up with his boyfriend of three years. Apparently they'd been monogamous, because his ex said that was the only way that they could be together, after having met in a bar. Knowing how much of a slut Kal was, I figured he must've truly loved the guy to agree to that. But, like most WeHo relationships with white guys who constantly have to bring up their partners' skin color, his ex cheated on him. For two months with a Black dude he'd met at the gym; Kal literally walked in on his ex begging for "that big Black dick", before turning around and slamming the door. That's when his mother's repetitive requests for him to move back home, finally became an option. He broke his lease, packed his car, and left his life in LA behind to return back to the city.

I wanted to feel bad for him, but he wouldn't let me. He said that he's glad it was over, because he felt constrained. Three years of fucking only one person wasn't the life that he wanted for himself. He also mentioned how much easier our previous relationship was.

"We were kids, everything was easier," I told him.

"Bitch. You whined about everything!" He knew I was a spoiled brat.

"Because I knew my big strong boyfriend would take care of things," I winked. "It's all about strategy, babe."

"Yeah yeah yeah," he shook his head. "Probably strategizing how to get into my pants."

"That's never hard to do," I joked. "Already figured I'd be in them before heading home today."

"I'm not THAT easy!"

"I'm assuming you had two random hook ups on your drive back to Brooklyn," I quipped. "AT MINIMUM!"

"It was only one," I could tell he was lying.

"Stopping along the Jersey Turnpike counts, bitch!" I knew him well; remembering his history of cruising at rest stops on his road trips.

"I hate you so much." he glared.

"That's why you're sitting here wondering if it'll feel the same as it did when we were in Chattanooga?" I reminded him of our jailhouse fuck.

"I was thinking more along the lines of when we got kicked out of that club on Delancey Street."

"Well, maybe can see if there's any difference," I wanted it, and was going to get it. "Your place?"

"C'mon," he stood, grabbing my hand from over the table.

Leaving behind the last swigs of our drinks, we walked the seven minutes it took to get to his place. I was getting pumped up to fuck the same dude I could barely say a word to less than two hours ago. The same dude who made me cum handsfree before anyone else. The same guy that I fucked in multiple public places throughout the US and parts of Canada. The guy who had the power to make me submit to him, just by giving me a look. He still wanted my dick after all this time.

As soon as we made it to the fourth floor of his mother's brownstone, he was kissing me. Our tongues danced with each other as he directed my body towards his bedroom that was still full of unpacked boxes. He didn't bother closing the door as our shirts came off of our bodies, in between kisses. My hands went all over his torso, feeling the hair that covered his front side and pits. The smooth back with the familiar tuft of hairs on the small of it was the same. I always loved the feel of his body. I could tell he felt the same as his hands roamed everywhere that they could, before he undid the button and zipper of my well worn cutoffs that were soaked with sweat.

He pushed me backwards onto the bed, forcefully pulling off my shorts; the aroma of my sweaty crotch filling the air. "Nice tats", he commented as he stood over me, taking in a view of my body for the first time in years. I watched as he unbuttoned the crotch of his cutoffs, then let them drop. His thick 10.5 inch long dick stood straight from his body, staring at me. It was intimidating, yet inviting. Still the most beautiful cock I'd ever seen. I wanted to play with it, to lick it, suck it, take it deep in my cunt; but, I knew better than to touch it when he was in the mood to bottom.

Without ceremony, Kal dropped to his knees, and swallowed my dick whole in two quick movements. "Oooh fuck!" I let out as I felt his throat working its magic. He bobbed up and down, getting it wet with his saliva. His tongue twirled every time he made his way to the top. It was better than I remembered. I rested my hand on the top of his head as he kept going down. "You're sooo good," I told him as his eyes watched me writhe with pleasure. I felt spit dribbling from his mouth, down my shaft, to my sweaty balls and trench. He truly was an artist.

"I need you to fuck me!" he pulled off of my cock, and climbed onto the bed. I simply followed directions by standing behind him. His hairy cunt still looked the same as before, yet looser than the very first time I'd entered him. Loose cunts were my favorite kind.

"SHHEEEIIIITTT!" he screamed out, as I slowly entered him. "GIVE IT TO ME!" Not wanting to disappoint, I slammed my dick all the way in, bottoming out. I could feel his glutes against my thighs, and pubes. His pussy felt warm and inviting as I stood still, letting him get used to the invasion. He arched his back before pulling off my dick, then slamming back onto it. He'd always been a very dominant bottom. I simply stood still, watching him fuck himself onto me. Hearing his loud grunts and moans as he kept going. I had to stop him before I came.

Grabbing onto his hips, I kept him still. Feeling him tighten his muscles. "Please fuck me," the sexy man turned his head towards me. His puppy dog eyes begging. Of course I obliged. Making slow deliberate thrusts into him. I bent down to grab his neck, making him arch his back more as I stood to choke him while fucking his cunt.

"You like that?" I asked in a domineering manner. "Yes," his voice raspy from being choked. "You miss this dick?" He nodded, whimpering. "You miss being my lil bitch? Having my big cock in your pussy?" he nodded again. "How close are you?" I knew how to make him cum. "Sooo close," his raspy voice let out. "Good," I grimaced before slamming into him again.

I picked up my pace, slapping his ass with my right hand while still choking him. He whimpered and moaned loudly. His hole continued sucking my dick. Soon I heard him scream "I'm cumming!" while still being choked; I felt his pussy tighten on my cock as he nutted onto the bed below him. That threw me over the edge, causing me to shoot into him. "Fuuuck!" I grunted as I slammed my pulsating dick as far as I could. Both of us letting out as much cum that our bodies would let us before collapsing onto the bed.

"You learned some tricks," Kal smiled as he handed me a cold bottle of water. We were still naked from our semi impromptu fuck.

"A good slut learns, a bad one stays disappointing others," I spoke.

"Your Dad teach you that one?" he laughed, remembering how cool my parents were.

"Nah, Vlad did when I was sucking him off one day," I told him.

"Bro-jobs are important as fuck."

"And informative," I retorted, before we laid down to close our eyes for a bit.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" I asked him, after we woke up from our nap. The clock said that it was 7:15pm.

"No plans, why?"

"Wanna come to my housewarming?" I invited him.

"Oh? Housewarming?"

"Yeah. Tristan and Vlad wanna celebrate me moving in. I'm sure it'll be a good time." I shrugged.

"A wholesome good time, or a nasty good time? You never know with those two," he raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I said!" We both laughed, knowing our friends well. "Either way, it'll be one for the books. What do ya say?"

"Sure," he shrugged. "Just hope my good jock has been washed."

"It doesn't have to be," I winked, then pulled him in for a kiss.

Let me know what you guys think! I love getting feedback about my writing! And don't forget to donate to Nifty!

Next: Chapter 6

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