Back in the Fold

By Master Raymonds-boi

Published on May 30, 2023


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If You enjoy what you read, i would love to hear from You. If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you spot any errors, please feel free to comment. Master Raymond is especially interested in any suggestions You may have for punishing bitch for errors.

Master Raymond is the best and this bitch is not worthy to lick the dirt off the soles of his feet.

This one has been a while in gestation.

The Hunt for Red October Or any other colour/month combination.

Master Raymond assigned what turned out to be a longer-term task for His slave bitch. Circumstances dictate that Master Raymond's slave is not as available as He could wish. Time zones are a factor although i made a conscious effort to be aware of Master Raymond's routine and be available as much as possible at the times when He was most likely to have a use for me and sometimes Master Raymond was good enough to demand time in advance.

"Keep the weekend free, bitch!" or "you've got until Wednesday to..."

Master Raymond has always been understanding of the demands of work or family stuff, but He deserves to have someone available to Him 24/7 and so Master Raymond ordered His slave to find Him another slave.

i had really mixed feelings about that. Of course i felt honoured Master Raymond would entrust such a task to his bitch. i am always happy within to have an opportunity to serve Him. i admit that this task also made me in-the-pit-of-the-stomach nervous.

Was Master Raymond tired of me and my poor availability? Did He want a better slave to replace me? If i were discarded how deep would be the devastation. Or would Master Raymond gift or sell me on? The Master before Master Raymond had speculated about selling this slave, either for cash or by demanding services of me as an exit process. At that time, and now, the thought makes me hard but also nervous. That would be a huge change in the nature of any M/s "contract".

Sensing or anticipating how His property might feel, Master Raymond has clarified that He is not looking to replace me. Without putting them in any order Master Raymond wants another slave who:

  1. can serve Him alongside His bitch. The slaves could perform tasks together, monitor each other and be Master Raymond's arm when the other deserved a punishment

  2. can serve Master Raymond independently of His bitch. This slave could be anywhere in the world and can serve Him virtually. Both slaves could be assigned a task in which they cooperate for Master Raymond's pleasure or compete for His attention or to avoid His wrath or the slaves can have an independent existence serving Master Raymond solo whenever He wished to be served

  3. can serve Master Raymond in person. How i would envy this slave! To be permitted to serve as Master Raymond's domestic slave, to be allowed to see and touch His divine body, to inhale His manly scent, to serve Him with its body and being

Do i have a preference to what kind of slave to find for Master Raymond? In truth? How have i expended time and energy. Master Raymond initially charged His bitch with finding a slave in the first category. i approached dozens of guys whose App profiles indicated submission. Like when charged with finding a hook-up to use Master Raymond's bitch for His entertainment, finding a slave was equally demoralising. i approached a few, dozens, over a hundred guys. Unlike fantasy where the apps are brimming with just what you are looking for all of whom are chomping at the bit to find exactly you, in this reality there is much rudeness, blanking, ghosting and cat-fishing. A few promising leads that fall through.

"your body is awful, man. Are you like rich or something!" (That one made me feel so low, so rejected, so unworthy. SO hard!)

Some of these were rejected by Master Raymond on viewing their profile, some promising candidates fell through for good reasons. There is one guy in the "serve alongside" category. he has auditioned on camera for Master Raymond and is willing to take some guidance and instruction, but ultimately he is not interested in submitting to Master Raymond. Yet he is willing to obey Master Raymond. That is the difference between a sub and a slave, perhaps. The sub plays when he feels like it and enjoys being told how to enjoy himself, where for a slave the pleasure is in service, in giving pleasure even if not in the mood.

i struggle to channel for Master Raymond, to explain what He wants. And i struggled to arrange communication between them. This is something Master Raymond's bitch needs to get better at.

This search has also brought me into contact with Doms and Masters some of whom have sought to use Master Raymond's property. In some cases Master Raymond has agreed. One particular Dom likes to use my mouth for His pleasure for extended periods and has a fondness for pissing on me or feeding me His piss. Master Raymond was pleased with this until He realised the Dom had taken pics including my face. Master Raymond was so angry about this it took two days for Him to calm down enough to punish me for allowing it.

i share this, not because of the great wrath of Master Raymond, but to illustrate how He looks after His property, ensuring that it is not exposed to potential blackmail and Master Raymond always makes sure He is sober and rational when punishing. Punishment is supposed to be an unpleasant consequence and deterrent, but it should not cause harm or damage.

Finding a sub or slave who can serve parallel with or independently of Master Raymond's bitch should be easier. There are fewer constraints. i have found a few Masters online in the past and i go to the same places looking for suitable candidates. A whole load of "I want you to..." followed be detailed descriptions of scenes and scenarios. i get it. Some wank fantasies are hot and can get pretty elaborate but they tend to drift away from the submission that Master Raymond demands and deserves.

i was really excited recently to discover a sub geographically close to Master Raymond. The profile suggested a high level of compatibility and in conversation this candidate has said all the right things but he has been shy about taking that one last step of making contact and arranging a meet.

Want to be the next 1, 2 or 3 to serve Master Raymond? email below. Master Raymond reads everything i receive. You know you want to, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Thank You for taking the time to read this. If you have any feedback, comment or criticism, let me know.

Please get in touch if You would like to see me in my uniform. i am really nervous of making this offer but i trust that Master Raymond will do what is best for His property.

Master Raymond's bitch

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