Back in the Fold

By Master Raymonds-boi

Published on May 9, 2023


The usual disclaimers apply. If you are under 18 please come back when you are old enough. If You can, please support financially.

If You enjoy what you read, i would love to hear from You. If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you spot any errors, please feel free to comment. Master Raymond is especially interested in any suggestions You may have for punishing bitch for errors.

Master Raymond is the best and this bitch is not worthy to lick the dirt off the soles of his feet.

Day 4

Thank You so much to all those of You who have honoured my Master with Your feedback. Today Master Raymond ordered me into uniform. i struggled into the fishnets and hustled into the rest of my slutty outfit. Strange to feel my mask of manliness being stripped away by putting something on. i become my natural self. A slave. Master Raymond's property.

After sending the required poses Master Raymond directed me to respond to Your messages. Some have engaged in conversation about our various circumstances, some have been kind enough to comment on my writing. And some have requested to see me in uniform. my heart sank. Master Raymond had me include the offer in my posting. i still harboured hopes that nobody would ask for them. Or demand them. Modesty? Some misplaced notion of privacy or self-worth, perhaps. In my heart i know that i don't deserve modesty and that my worth is exactly what Master Raymond bestows upon me. But that doesn't stop my head from thinking about fear of exposure, of being recognised, of the embarrassment and shame of being seen in my uniform. Master Raymond, in His infinite wisdom, selected some of His pics, ones that i have given to Him. This slave belongs to Him and any images of His property belong to Him. i am thankful to Master Raymond for cropping my head. i guess only people who have seen me naked, or in uniform, might recognise me.

One of my correspondents expressed displeasure with my response. Master Raymond directed me to apologise in suitable tones and to solicit a punishment should the correspondent consider that a recompense for His disappointment. If He does respond Master Raymond will decide when and how the punishment is to be carried out. Master Raymond enjoys having me undertake punishments directed by others, i think.

After attending to the emails Master Raymond ordered me naked and hard. i was excited. Master Raymond might allow me to cum! It was not difficult to get hard!

"When was the last time you came?"

i admitted that it was about 2 weeks ago. i checked my calendar and clarified. i came 10 days ago.

"Did I give permission for that?"

i conceded that He did not.

"Interesting. I thought you were My slave?"

i tried to justify myself. i know there is no justification. But sometimes that doesn't stop me from trying.

Master allows me to have a boyfriend. Because i cannot be with my Master it is good for my mental health to have some companionship. i really appreciate Master Raymond's understanding. Sometimes He makes me earn BF time. But mostly He allows me unless He has already made other plans. Master Raymond has been especially understanding recently because of a change in my circumstances. i feel bad that i haven't been thankful enough to Him for this. And now i have cum with my BF without Master Raymond's permission. It doesn't matter that the decision wasn't mine, or that BF fucked me for almost an hour afterwards, or that i cleaned up both loads with my tongue afterwards. What matters is that there should have only been one load.

I spent the next hour on the floor, grovelling before Master Raymond. Begging to be punished. Master Raymond is just. Master Raymond is wise. i also know Master Raymond is capable of being creative, twisted, cruel. And i know i deserve it.

But for now Master Raymond commands me to sleep. Where i am, naked on the bare, tiled floor. A bed and bed clothes are privileges and privileges are granted and can be taken away to be restored when i can treat them with respect.

Day 5

i reread the above. It seems to be all about punishment. i guess some people are into that but i don't see myself as a 'brat' who misbehaves for the attention or a masochist that craves the pain. i don't pursue punishment. But sometimes i forget my place and disobey, sometimes i forget my training and sometimes i just fuck up. But punishment is a pathway to better obedience, better service and more pleasure for Master Raymond. And that is what matters.

Master Raymond reminded me of two occasions when He has helped on that pathway to better obedience. Before landing on the current design of uniform for His slave, Master Raymond ordered fishnet tights to be purchased. As with so many things in a post covid world the mantra in retail is

"I can get it in for you," neglecting that the customer can get it in for themselves and that there is a reason why they chose to go retail. Rant aside, i had to visit multiple retail outlets, small and large in pursuit of Master's desired look. Amongst all the negative responses the "have you tried..." and so forth, only once was i asked who they were for. i blushed beet red and admitted they were for me to wear. They still couldn't help and i scurried from that shop in haste. A pair of fishnets was finally secured, in black. Not Master Raymond's first choice but all that was available retail. An internet search yielded more satisfactory results and from the options available Master Raymond selected His favourite, commanding His slave to order and pay.

At the first opportunity Master Raymond had the fishnet tights modelled. The sensation on my skin was intense. Being newly shaved all over i was becoming aware i could feel everything, a breeze, an insect, a blade of grass, a hanging thread. The fishnets were almost sensory overload. After seeing both ways, Master Raymond decided uncaged was the way to go. With all the stimulation plus the mental state of total submission a fat, hard cock thrust down one leg when in Position #1 and bulged obscenely while standing. Master Raymond, please with what he beheld, decreed that i should sleep in them and keep them on all day for all activities.

In due course a second pair of fishnets arrived in the post, red. These were probably a smaller size and definitely a lighter mesh. Inexperienced in wearing tights of any kind, they suffered a few snags and in position #1 the crotch pretty much opened up. Master Raymond was not pleased with the care His slave was taking and decreed, once again, that the fishnets were to be worn all day.

"Even at the gym, Master Raymond?"

"I said for the rest of the day boi"

At the time i go it's not a busy gym. Sometimes only 2-3 other people, earbuds in, lost in their own workout. There are a few older guys who seem to spend most of the time chatting while about to use a piece of equipment and never quite getting to it. And the occasional high-school boys. They usually move around as a pack of 3-4.

The Changing rooms were empty when i got there, to my relief and only a handful in the gym. None were faces (or bodies) that i recognised and my workout (rowing, free weights, dynamic floor exercises) was completed without interruption. 3 people came into the area i was using. i wished so hard to be invisible but i'm not sure it worked. A scowl and 2 ignorings. A girl, probably 17, whom i have seen, did look, but then ignored me as assiduously as she does the meat-head teen boys who come in and try to show off to each other. Her focus is impressive.

Finished. Locker-room. Mercifully empty again. i put on my collar and snap a pic for Master Raymond before heading to reception, which was busier when i was leaving, but everybody seemed to be focused impatiently on their own urgent business.

"Why did you wear it with shorts hahahaahahahahahah?"

Turns out Master Raymond had expected His slave to work out wearing track pants or something more incognito. Master Raymond hadn't given any instructions to the contrary of wearing the usual singlet and shorts so that's what i had done. What should have been a private embarrassment, a private act of submission, had instead been a potential public humiliation. Nobody mentioned anything on subsequent visit. Don't ask - don't tell, perhaps.

"as long as you don't get in trouble." Master Raymond didn't order the shorts (i had been told to cover the tights while wearing them around other people in the house) and He is always careful of His slave's welfare. A responsible owner always takes care of their stuff. Afterall, He has invested time and effort to make me what i am. Why diminish the value!

Around the same time i was unforgivably slow in responding to Master Raymond. It amuses Him sometimes to have His slave devise a punishment for Master Raymond to accept modify or reject. Or demand more. And so it was that i ended up kneeling in position #1, naked except for a steel chastity cage, with my crime written upon my chest in sharpie. In a public place. In his wisdom Master decided that the nudist beach was the best place. i've been here before. It's a nice beach. A nice place to catch some sun, if its not too hot, too cold or too wind. A good place to swim so long as the surf is not too high. i'm told it's not bad for a morning surf in the right conditions. Before Master Raymond, i liked going there. Everybody is blind there and to be honest i have come to like being naked outdoors. Oh, and it's quite the beat.

Previously Master Raymond has had his slave go there caged. i am still uncomfortable like that, feeling the eyes and judgement upon me. What kind of man would allow themselves to be locked like that. But i am not a Man. Male, not a Man. i have mostly come to terms with this reality. This day, Master Raymond had His slave collared, caged, naked, with my crime written on my chest in permanent marker. "i kept MASTER RAYMOND waiting"

and i was to kneel like this, hands behind my head, until i was seen by Ten men. Decisions, decisions. If i set up on the main beach clothed people, dog walkers, families might walk past and be offended. Lets be honest. There is a double standard when it comes to undress in public. The hotter one is, the less clothing one can get away with without causing offence. Master Raymond's slave is at the wrong end of that scale from 1-10. Moving into the dunes means being near the cruising area, but there are multiple paths so any traffic is reduced. Because consent is important this is where i set up, kneeling on one side of the main path, camera on the other side, watching. Master Raymond is always adamant that if there is no evidence, it didn't happen.

Setting it low meant my kneeling, exposed body was full height on the from but anyone who entered the frame along the path from either direction would only have their lower body recorded. Technically it's a public place but there are standards and etiquette.

15 minutes pass. Plenty of Men see me, see the collar, cage and writing and make a swift turn to another path. This is pretty common. Guys tend to avoid anyone who is too weird, too obviously a pervert of some sort. Like me. Repositioning, i set up again at a junction of several paths. Another 15 minutes of being deliberately avoided. i feel their judgement, their derision and disgust. And i can only agree. human filth. subhuman. contemptible. These thoughts swirl in my head chasing each other and other less well formed thoughts as the sun beats down on this piece of human shaped flesh.

i contemplate why i am there. Because i kept Master Raymond waiting. Because He wants me to do this, to be seen like this. i actually feel better to know the choice is not mine. my thoughts are tinged with something approaching pride. i am doing this for Master Raymond to learn to be better. Master Raymond wants to make me a better slave. These other Men have rejected me but Master Raymond, whose shadow they are not worthy to have fall upon them, has decided i am worth training. i determine to try a new strategy. There are places where Men will walk, where there are no alternative paths. There are patches of bushes where Men go to hook-up away from the prying eyes of the prudish or the Police.

By know i have been kneeling for over half an hour. Sand is soft but that only serves to accentuate any small sticks, stones and shell as they dig into the skin and my knees are red and indented. Three paths in with a kindof clearing at the junction. Room for a faggot slave to kneel where a camera can watch. An older Man, probably in his late sixties came in after a few minutes. He noticed and then ignored the camera. He asked several questions. Who, what, where, when, why, how. Kipling would be proud of Him! He touched me, played with my nipples, gently and firmly, squatted down to take the cage in His hands, grip my balls. He had never experienced one and wanted to know about it, if having my erection confined and restricted like that was painful. He was hard too by now. When He stood His cock was against my face. i was in a quandary. What would Master Raymond command? i was not sent there to serve or service Men but to learn promptness to Master Raymond's orders. In the end i opened my mouth. It would be recorded for Master Raymond. i submitted to Master Raymond vicariously by opening up to this stranger. Mostly the Man allowed me to do all the work, but He would sometimes hold my head once His ample cock was in my throat and hold it in place. He gave every indication of enjoying using me, being served by Master Raymond's slave but eventually He pulled out, not wanting to cum yet. He spoke complimentarily of the skills i have learned for Master Raymond and walked away. a few more guys peered in at one or other of the paths, but none ventured further. At this point i had been on my knees for three-quarters of an hour, my left knee was skinned and bleeding and despite being seen by about 25 Men, there was only evidence of one person seeing me.

i was crestfallen that i might once again fail in a task set by Master Raymond. There was nothing for it but to take myself to beach and wait for enough passing traffic to meet the target Master Raymond had set. Another fifteen minutes and at least half a dozen people had passed, mostly male, mostly naked. That was about the limit of endurance for the phone, and it shut down. Fortunately, the time on the main beach was recorded and saved so the evidence was there for Master Raymond.

i'm still not sure if Master Raymond was more pissed that i allowed that Man to use my mouth or that the video not very exciting as it was mostly the Man's lower legs as He stood between me and the camera.

A number of readers have been so good as to get in touch. i thank you all for Your comments, questions and input. Master Raymond graciously granted that i may pee, after responding appropriately to all of them.

Thank You for taking the time to read this. If you have any feedback, comment or criticism, let me know.

Please get in touch if You would like to see me in my uniform. i am really nervous of making this offer but i trust that Master Raymond will do what is best for His property.

Master Raymond's bitch

Next: Chapter 4

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