Back in the Fold

By Master Raymonds-boi

Published on May 3, 2023


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If You enjoy what you read, i would love to hear from You. If you have any suggestions for improvements or if you spot any errors please feel free to comment. Master Raymond is especially interested in any suggestions You may have to punish bitch for errors.

Master Raymond is the best and this bitch is not worthy to lick the dirt off the soles of his feet.

Day 2

Last night, after writing my report i needed to pee. i had been kneeling on the tiled floor for two hours and i was busting so i asked permission.

"you can pee right there" came the reply. So i did.

Still in "uniform" and without specific instruction to the contrary, my bladder opened and the piss flowed. Of course some flowed down my leg, pooling at my knee but more sprayed through the mesh extending the pool across the floor. i felt disgusting kneeling in a pool of piss. Even animals move away after pissing. As the pool of piss spread across the floor i was concerned that it might get to some imperfection in the floor and seep through to downstairs or get to electric wires or something.

i begged permission to clean the floor. i was hoping to be permitted to use a towel or cloth. i thought it was possible Master Raymond would command me to roll in it or worse, sleep in it. i wasn't completely surprised when He reply

"start with you tongue bitch"

If there is one thing i dislike more than drinking my own piss, its licking it up. Cold. Research tells us that a toilet seat, a toilet bowl, is cleaner than a kitchen worktop. Any of those is potentially cleaner than the floor in a high traffic area. As i got close to the floor i could see the long hair from the last person to visit, the fluff, a footprint. And my nose was filled with the scent of my piss. Taking care to ensure the task was recorded, as everything is, i stuck out my tongue and swiped it through the pool. The acrid taste flooded my senses. If you have ever tasted cold piss you will know how it spreads across the tongue assaulting all of your tastebuds. It doesn't taste good. i don't enjoy drinking piss, i don't get off on it. i am doing this because Master Raymond has commanded it and what i want to do is to please Master Raymond.

Master Raymond teased me, called me disgusting, a fag, bitch. Told me to hurry up or i would have to sleep on it. i am human. At least my anatomy is. Sometimes i'm not sure. The tongue is not designed for transferring liquid to the mouth. Master Raymond allowed me to use my lips to suck and slurp. i got most of it this way and then went back to licking. The floor was gleaming clean by the time the job was done, 20 minutes after i started.

i felt... like there is no task beneath me. Pride, the notion that i might have some status is eradicated in my mind.

Master Raymond was satisfied with my cleaning job and He allowed my to strip off my uniform and sleep in bed, naked, and no, i was not permitted to brush my teeth.

Day 3

In the morning Master Raymond allowed me to get on with my day without bothering Him. Master Raymond doesn't need to bothered with my toileting, exercise, eating, washing, working... unless HE wants to be. As i pounded laps of the sports field i was acutely aware of my clothing choice. A singlet. Short shorts. Trainers and socks. Definitely at the more conservative end of what Master Raymond has allowed or required me to wear exercising. It's still quite "what is that guy wearing" but not "look at that faggot". i felt good running and my speed was good although having had my routine disturbed for a while i did run out of stamina. i need to work on that.

Later in the day...


Fortunately, i was home and naked.

i grabbed my collar, knelt, sent the necessary pic in response.


Being ordered into uniform makes me nervous. What will Master Raymond command me to do.

"From now on, once you're in uniform youre in full slave mode.

And you do NOTHING without my permission."

This thought competes in my mind with the other thought.

"Don't rip the damn fishnets."

This happened before and Master Raymond was not best pleased. He is right, as always. i need to be careful of the things He allows me to have. Because, as the saying goes when a child breaks something, 'that's why we can't have nice things' and i have learned to appreciate the privileges Master Raymond has granted me. Because i understand He can also take them away.

i present myself to Him in what i later learn shall be;

position #1: Kneeling down, legs spread wide, fingers laced behind the head, arms wide, body upright with back arched. i remember Master Raymond had me teach this to another sub once.

position #2: similar to position #1 but with knees together.

Position #3: Kneeling, legs spread wide, arms stretched before me as i kiss the ground. Of course, from the rear this has my ass raised invitingly.

In future, each time i am ordered into uniform i must present myself in each of these positions.

Master Raymond ordered me to get naked and left me alone.

My circumstances are not straightforward. i contemplated how this can circumscribe my capacity to serve Master Raymond. Sometimes i get confused about when to obey and when judgement and situational awareness would be appropriate. And when what i think is utterly irrelevant. i am thankful to Master Raymond for allowing me this simple que. In uniform, Master Raymond makes all decisions, directs all actions. If i need to eat, drink or piss, Master Raymond will decide how, where, what. He MAY allow me to beg for something, He MAY allow it with or without conditions, but i know He may also decide not to allow it, and i will obey. And that thought makes me hard. i am not in chastity right now. Master Raymond ordered me to unlock. The urge to jerk off is great. And i do give it a couple of strokes. But it's wrong. That belongs to Master Raymond. Like the rest of me and He has not commanded me to do so. i'm not it Total Slave Mode, not in uniform. But i am still HIS. i let go. my cock is frustrated but i feel good?


i hurry into uniform. Careful again with the fishnets.

i remember that instruction about the three poses. It helps me change mental gears. Dial down my autonomy. Move several steps to the right on that Kinsey scale or whatever it's called. i'm sure you've seen the one with boyfriend at one end and object at the other.

i feel like i passed a test.

And then nothing. No further instructions. i had things i wanted to do. Nothing more important that anything Master could want of me, but still. i waited. And thought. And waited. And a little thought popped into my head. Master Raymond wouldn't know if i watched some TV or had a nap or chatted with friends or whatever. But i would know. And i am in uniform. Total Slave Mode. Do nothing without Master Raymond's permission or orders.

i did move about a little but i stayed where i was for four hours. Am i wrong to be proud? Master Raymond's Total Slave was in uniform and commanded to do NOTHING without permission, so i waited. And thought.

Master Raymond questioned me about my thoughts.

i thought about the idea and practicality of Total Slavery.

i thought about choice and obedience, and choosing to obey.

i thought about the things in my life that make total obedience to Master Raymond challenging. Things that Master Raymond is good enough to work around.

i thought about how badly i wanted to pee.

"Well that was a waste of thoughts bitch. Because you don't have a choice, you will obey. And you will be happy for the honor, challenges aside"

and Master Raymond is right. Naturally.

A number of readers have been so good as to get in touch. i thank you all for Your comments, questions and input. Master Raymond graciously granted that i may pee, after responding appropriately to all of them.

Thank You for taking the time to read this. If you have any feedback, comment or criticism, let met know.

Please get in touch if You would like to see me in my uniform. i am really nervous of making this offer but i trust that Master Raymond will do what is best for His property.

Next: Chapter 3

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