Back in the Day

By Surfing Dad

Published on Oct 16, 2006


Well things settled in pretty much that fall, Bobby and I did the school thing. He would do his thing in school I would do mine. We ran in totally different crowds. I barely got a look during the day but on the bus ride home after his buddies got off the bus he would slide over to my seat and say quietly stop by after you drop off your stuff, ok? I always said yes. I would go in the house get my snack, yea yea yea a snack ok, Then I would go to bobby's and get a snack. He would be waiting for me in his bvd's usually. Sometimes he would still be on the pot taking a dump moaning about how bad it stunk in there, always wanting me to come in the bathroom, I never did. He would come in his room naked shaking his cock at me and flop down on his bed legs spread wide and I would dive in sucking on his cock and rubbing his balls. Most of the time I never even took off my clothes, it was all for bobby, always. I would suck him almost every day, sometimes weekends were tougher cause privacy was an issue. Bobbys dad was no fun to be around and his mom who worked weekdays didn't want us kids in the house on the weekends. I was sucking him in his garage one saturday when his dad almost caught us. I still think his dad knew what was up but let it be. All along this time once or twice a week I would run into white Converse (wc) out and about the neighborhood and every time he would ask demand that I go back to his place. Into the the lawn mower shed we would go out would come his big dick and my mouth would go all over it. he would give me direction to suck his balls just lick the head suck it deep. He got me to deepthroat him. I liked him more than I let on cause he would get me off he didn't suck me but would play with my own cock till I came. The first time I got high was with him, in that oily shed. He had a joint he lit it and took a drag then offered it to me. I was no wussy dick sucker , I took a hit and about coughed up my lungs and he laughed and laughed at me shhhhshing me all the while. I had turned 14 and still remember the first time I got high and how great I felt blowing him. His dick was long and fat and his nuts were huge. He had real bushy bushy hair all along his lower body. I guess it was late October when bobby told me that they were moving to Savanah Ga. His dad had been home alot lately I guess looking back he either quit or got fired. Anyway that really messed up our sex sessions at his place after school, with his dad always there. About novemeber his dad was gone bobby said that he had moved down to start with the new radio station and that they would be leaving at christmas. Every chance we go I would suck him. sometimes in the garage sometimes in the local woods, sometimes in my room but that was always scary with my mom screaming every 10 min's what are you boys up too. I wanted to suck him the day he left and he wanted me to but we couldn't find a way to get away, it was real cold to cold to be outside and too much going on to go into my house. so we just said goodby. One thing i'm sure of is that bobby found a new boy to suck him in Ga. All the fall into the winter I would make sure to ride my schwinn by WC's block. not by his house he told me that he'd whoop me if he caught me hanging around. At least once a week I was on my knees sucking his fat long cock till he dumped his sperms into my mouth. As it got colder and colder It became less fun and WC would only pull his cock out thru the zipper slit. Over thanksgiving break I saw him at the Peoples and after he made sure I was alone he said to follow him park my bike in the alley and come to the back door. I did as instructed and he came to the back door and said lets go to the shed and get high first. I didn't miss the chance to get high. We smoked a large joint and then back into the house and he took me to the basement thru the kitchen. He has like a small apt or something there. a sofa a bed and a tv, a record player and stuff. We got in the basement and he says it's cool no-one's home today we have till 5 in the afternoon. The heater machine was down there and it was nice and warm. Between the pot and the excitement of what was to come I was beside myself. I asked him what he wanted to do, he said , lets get undressed and see. I was outa my clothes in a second, I like WC he always got me off lately and just maybe today he would suck me. He took off his clothes and that huge cock bounded out, I started just a sucking in it and sucking on it. was were on the bed I was all over him. He pulled my up at one point so that I was sitting ontop of his dick. he humped under me his long fat dick driving my balls wild, he had both hands on my ass cheeks pulling the apart. I was about 5'5" in those days, in great shape, sandy brown hair, a 6 in dick and med sized balls. I had never kissed anyone but my mother or other ladies in the family. WC pulled me down on his chest and kissed me. I was shocked, shocked, he even stuck his tounge into my mouth. I giggled I know. he said to relax, he sucked on my nipples. asked me to suck his, I did, he asked me to suck his cock and I did till he shot sperm into my mouth. He snuggled next to me and played with my dick till I shot my own sperm all over his hand and my tummy. He then asked me to lick the sperm off his hand. He got up and got another joint outa his jeans, opened a little window and lit it and said come on lets smoke some more. I shared another joint with him it was a high as I had ever been. I know I was giddy. he layed back on the bed and pulled me on top of him again.His dick got hard and so did mine. He took some corn huskers lotion and put some on my dick and rubbed it man that felt great. I was really getting into it. He said raise up and I did and he put some on his dick, a whole bunch then he told me so sit back down. I sat on the slippery stuff and felt his big dick under me he humped into my nutsack. We squirmed around like that he was pulling me and pushing me forward, every now and then his dick would run up my ass crack. He would hump like that sometimes getting it to hit my bottom hole. I was really high it all felt so good. so nasty but so good. He talked about how sexy I was and how much he wanted to fuck me. Fucking was a thing I had talked about but didn't expect to get to do till I got married. We are talking the 70's. He kept hitting his dick up against my hole holding my ass cheeks apart I was squirming around really enjoying the contact and fun. He put more of the lotion on his dick and his finger found my butthole. He toyed with it a bit then poked it in, It was uncomfortable, I don't remember it hurting tho. He said it was just like a pussy you had to loosen it up first, for him I didn't care, between my lust for him and the pot I was almost in a trance. He kept poking his finger into my butthole then took his dick and pressed it to the hole. He told me to push back against it. I did, searing white hot pain ran thru my body it was all I could do not to scream. I had taken his dick to the bottom in one push, silly me huh. I sat on his dick sucking air fighting back the tears for what seemed like the rest of the day. but in truth it was brief.once the inital shock wore off it felt great. Yea guys will tell you all this amazing stuff but I liked it I guess he did a better job of getting me ready or something. I felt him in my body I could feel his heartbeat thru his dick. In no time I was hard again. I was sitting as far down on his dick as I could get afraid to move but wanting to. he started to hump me, I know now he was rubbing my prostate but then I just no that I was seeing stars , and loving it. I have no idea how long it lasted or anything like that but I was bouncing up and down on him for all I was worth and his face was all screwed up tight. he had his hands on my hips jabbed his dick deep in me and at the same time pulled me down onto his dick and I could feel it throbbing and shooting his sperm up my butt. Each time he throbbed hot stuff shot against my insides making me shoot my sperm out. He stayed in me like that for most of the afternoon, We would stop get high again and he would fuck me again, I liked it best when I was on top of him , but once he pushed my legs back and was over me fucking me and that was pretty fun too. I really wanted bobby to fuck me too but we never did. WC and I met and had sex in the basement till he graduated from college. He fucked me in his car by the river and once at the apt building stairs by willow lawn. But for the most times it was in his basement. He never did suck me oh how I wanted him to. I guess I was in love with him or maybe just lust.

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