Back in the Day

By Surfing Dad

Published on Oct 14, 2006


Why in the world do I always add this, Please don't read this if your not old enough or in a area that it's not allowed.

Back in the Day

This goes back many a year, I was talking to a buddy the other day and we got to bringing up old stories of things that happened way back when. I'm in my late 40's a little wider than thicker than I used to be but still have those amazing blue eyes that were and are my gift! This goes back to the time a summer when Bad Moon Rising was no 1 on the charts. I was living in the west end of Richmond Va. off Monument just past Libby. Behind us was a cool kid, named Bobby, his dad was somehow connected to local radio or something like that. Any way he was cool, we could hang out at his place during the day cause no-one was home all day. We would play baseball or basketball or something, then go hang out in his house with the cool A/C air making us feel great. Another buddy always had these amazing girly magazines. Showing all the parts of the most amazing places we teen boys wanted to get. All my teen buddy's except for me that is. I was facinated by dicks, guys i'm not sure exactly how it came to be but I found myself just wanting to see other dicks. I know this sounds so typical for a gay story, but really it's just the way it was. I guess I need to step back a few months to the fall and our youth group camping trip. I got introduced to a man's mouth on my boy dick. all 6 inches of steel hard I beat it all the time dick. After that I was hooked on dick. Anyway Bobby was cool we would sit there sometimes just one two or three of us sometimes as many as ten guys hanging out at his place or on the local ball field or at the people's drug store or someplace in between. Now this is not your typical gay teen boy sex story so relax a bit ok. Anyway I don't remember the exact day or anything like that. We were in Bobby's place it was me and Bobby and another kid. We had been doing the usual lying about girls and pussy and things we would do to them. Then outa the blue Bobby says, hey guys want to try something really cool? Skeptically we say yes, with bobby it could be anything from super hot peppers to _______ fill in the blank. He says man I did something the other day with the vaccum cleaner that was so cool. So we ask him what and he says man you guys gotta promise to never tell anyone else. Well we promised and here it is 30 some years later, i'm breaking that promise. He pulls the hoover into the room with this long hose attached and proceeds to shift his shorts around exposing his cock, about the same size as mine, from what I could tell about 6 inches hard. and then turns on the vaccum and slides the hose over his dick. He gets this pure ecstasy look in his eyes and pretty soon you can tell his is dumping his load into the hose. Well i'm full on hard the whole time and take the hose and slide my boy dick in. Just as Bobby it was great and it took no time to dump my load into the hose. The third guy wouldn't do it at all, we chided him and teased him but he just took a ton of it then left. He called us weirdos. yeah go figure. Bobby had always been very sexual in his talking an bragging but since we all hung out together all the time we all new he was lying about the puss he was getting . He was just like I was I guessed, fantasing about things he wanted and then beating his dick to make it all cum true! The difference between him and me was I was more interested in guys it seems than girls. Well me and Bobby hung out a ton as usual and whenever we were comfortably alone out would come the vaccum and we would take turns getting the famous suck jobs. Me moved to sliding the hose onto each others dicks and pulling the hose back to see the cum shoot out for a while. One day Bobby asks me as we are sitting after our hoover sucks, if I like looking at his dick. I know I blushed a ton and said no or hell no or are you kidding or something like that. He says that I always stared at his dick he was just wondering? I said you stare at mine too! He says well yea I guess I do sorta. Days past and it was never spoken of again. we would do whatever, cherry cokes at peoples , the ball field going to willow lawn to get tossed off the property for hanging around. When it was cool , me and bobby would use the vaccum, sometimes some of the other guys would too. This one guy in our neighborhood was a wanna be jock. the best all around athlete in our group but alas not ever good enough to make the teams at school. Well anyway he was over one day and we or I should say Bobby mentioned the vaccum suck. It took a while of talking about it but eventually we , Bobby and I did the hoover thing, I know CJ was boned up in his shorts, it was easy to see, After we got thru , he pulled out the biggest dick I personally had ever seen, up to then I had seen maybe 4 all guys from the neighborhood, me and bobby about the same several tiny one's one really fat one. Then there was CJ, it was huge, long thick and the head was massive, he had flaming red pubes, I am a dirty blond and bobby was brown haired. CJ had that typical amazing red haired boy pale as snow dick with a really dark head. We laughed at the weapon on him and roared when try as he might it wouldn't fit in the vaccum hose. The poor guy was left boned up and totally unwilling to jerk off in front of the guys. I guess the vaccum was ok but to jerk off was to Queer. I'm not sure if it was the next day or a few more but me and bobby were alone in his house again , up in his room and we got to talking about CJ and he inablility to get the vacuum to work. I must have slipped up or something because Bobby was saying that i'm a queer and that I was queer for CJ. I stumbled and bumbled around got so tounge tied I just left. I stayed away for a day or so, I really don't remember but I was in the back yard working on my bike when Bobby was there saying hey come on over after you finish your chores. I guessed all was ok so I did. I got in his house and he was upstairs, I bounded up the steps and went into his room. He was wrapped up in a towel. Hair still wet saying he had just gotten out of the shower. I was layed on his bed as there was no place else to sit, and we were bullshitting bout stuff and he or I said something and the wrestling began. pretty soon he was naked pinned under me as I sat on his body pinning his arms down with my hands telling him to say uncle. Thats when I felt it pressing on my balls thru my shorts. I work cut off jeans and bvd's. I was on fire it was so damn hot and seemed so damn big. I remember getting hard in an instant. I must have relaxed a bit cause i'm on the floor and bobbys on top of me yelling say uncle say uncle. I fought and fought but he kept me pinned we were almost the exact same size and build. His dick was hard and on my bare chest. I couldn't help but look at it. The tension got to be too much and we ended the game and he got dressed and we went someplace. A couple of days later I was over again, and nothing had happend remotely sexual in those days, except for the daily hoover suck but that had become almost clinical in nature, it felt good we didn't talk about it , it just happened. We at that time had begun playing a game of truth or dare, some of the challenges being so so lame and some of them being cruel like eating a handful of pepper to opening the door and standing naked in front of it. Dumb shit stuff. We laughed and giggled and had fun. One morning I was over Bobby's and he says lets play truth or dare I say not enough to play , he says lets up play and nothings off limit's ok? That was a dare, hard to turn down a dare so I agreed. We started off with the usual lame ass stuff, get naked, moon a window or some such things as that. Then it's bobby's turn and I take Truth, he say's to kiss his dick. I say no way man thats so gross, but I really wanted to, remember the camping trip, I was facinated. I put up the lamest fight in history, relenting to the honor of the game and gave his cock head a pursed lips kiss. I then challenged him to the same feat. the same response. Then it was a bit more from him then a bit more from me, he was in charge the whole time, I see now looking back. It wasn't long before I had his dick in my mouth and I was loving it truley loving it. He started moaning an groaning an then my mouth filled up with his sperm. I don't remember how I reacted to that but I remember it happening. I tried my best to get him to do me but he would have nothing to do with it. Pretty soon I was Bobby's blow slave. every time were were alone I was on my knees sucking him off. It was never cruel or mean or anything, it was just a thing. I loved sucking his dick, I loved taking his sperm. I sucked him all the time, anywhere anyplace in the woods at his house my house, that was scary cause I never had no privacy in my room, Pot was just a new thing, and my folks always thought I was getting high. As summer was going by I was at the baseball field one day alone. I had to go number 2 real bad so I went in the bathroom on the field, an old brick building with a pee trough and 2 sit down's. I was sitting in the one closest to the door, I remember this cause it had TP, I was done and wiped up getting ready to leave when someone walked in, I guess I was just willing to wait a bit I remember just having on cut off jeans no shoes or shirt. I remember a couple of huge holes in the wall between the sit down's. The bathrooms were always being torn up by the big guys in our neighborhood. You didn't cross any of them at all. They were the meanest guys in the world we couldn't play ball when they played or even hang around. I hear the guy pee in the trough and then I see a big pair of white converse shoes under the wall and the guy says in a real deep voice shit, hey punk, give me some TP. I pull some off the roll and hand it thru the hole not saying a word. I am watching him thru the hole as he shucks down his shorts and bvd's and wipes his ass. He asks for more and I hand it to him. I see his dick it's a big as CJ's if not bigger, i'm all boned up sitting on the throne, watching this real man who is probably going to beat the shit outa me for just breathing. Dreaming about sucking his cock. Well he must have asked again while I was staring at his dick for more paper. He says hey queer boy you like my dick. He pokes it thru the hole and I take it in my mouth and suck it for all i'm worth. I am not sure who was more suprised me or him. He was flat up against the wall grinding his dick into my mouth and boom, he cums not thin runny sprem like bobby's and mine , thick salty sperm, and so much of it. When he was done I jumped up pulled up my pants and ran out grabbed my bike an tore outa there. I layed low for several days, surviving on bobbys offerings. I took off again early one morning and went to the field. I ditched my bike in the bushes across the road, and watched. Every now and then a guy would show up go in the leave. sometimes they were the older guys from the neighborhood sometimes it was men, grown men, the would look around go in come out walk around go in come out walk some more then leave. I finally got up the nerve to ge back in I took my seat in the same spot, I hear after a while footsteps and a pair of work boots is in the stall next to me, I see jeans and then a dick out. No playing around at all it comes thru the hole I suck it he moans and groans and shoots his load in my 13 y/o mouth. He is no more done when he is gone. It was quiet for a while and I went out drank some water from the vile playground fountain. I saw some of the big guys down near the baseball diamond I retreated to the bathroom again. Pretty soon a pair of white Converse's are in the booth next to me and the dick is thru the hole. I take it and suck away and he's better prepared this time. I suck and suck away till he fills my mouth and face and chest with globs of sprems. He is outa the hole and gone just after he comes. I wipe as best as possible and wait a bit then another guy comes in and pushes his cock thru the hole, I suck him to , his is more like bobbys and fits nicely and pretty soon he's spreming in my mouth. I go up there ever couple of days and sometimes get to suck a dick sometimes several , the white converse's is a guy from my neighborhood, almost ever time I go in there I get to suck him. Some days nothing. One day the old black man that cut's the grass fusses at me and runs me off saying no good place for a boy to hanging out. I stayed away for several days after that. Pretty soon school was fixing to start and they locked up the bathroom. A big old padlock was put on the mens room but the womens room was left open. I rode up there after school started several times but it was always locked. I was goofing off after school one day when this older kid rides up and says hey kid what ya doing. I say not alot waiting for my buddy so we an go hang out. He keeps talking to me about this and that and other stuff and then says , hey kid ain't you the one who used to come up to the playground alot over the summer. I say I came up sometimes why. He says you never wear shoes do you? I say not when schools out then I see the white converse shoes. at that point I know i'm gona get my ass kicked. He says to me why don't you ride with me for a minute. I say no I gotta get home and he says for me to wait. I say no I really gotta go, he says he's not gonna beat me up or anything, just wants me to follow him for a minute. I relunctaly go along and we ride to his house and go around back to a lawn mower shed and workshop. We go in and he says aren't you the queer that has been sucking dicks in the bathroom all summer. I say no, and turn to leave. He says take off your shoes and socks. I say no way , he says take them off or i'll beat your fucking ass. I say to him please don't that yes he's right an i'm sorry. Not sure why but saying i'm sorry was something I believed got me outa everything. He says i'm no queer but i'm missing then suck jobs I got this summer. He unzips his jeans and pulls out his cock and it's hard and slobbering some goo. He says to me suck it and I get on my knees and suck him off till he shoots a ton of sperm in my mouth and face and all over my new shirt. Man I got in trouble when my mom found that shirt in the laundry basket.

Bobby moved away that christmas I sucked off white converse till he graduated college. I only saw CJ's cock hard once again and never ever touched it. White converse was 3 yrs older than me and a great baseball player, he took my cherry the next year.

If you want to hear about it ask. this is all from memory but all true.

Next: Chapter 2

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