Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Feb 28, 2021


Back Home with Old Friends 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Ringo had a wounded puppy air about him. Moses wanted to help. Puppies in need of help were dangerous in the academic world. I sent them to professional counselors, not to my bed. That was safer and better for them.

Ringo didn't know the rules of life outside the commune. He had no idea what normal was. Moses was an average guy who knew the normal rules of life. He could tell Ringo what was normal, and Ringo understood.

Moses told me that Ringo was semi-literate and asked if I could help him with that. I said yes. Ringo was smart and we gained ground rapidly.

It turned out that Ringo was surprised that I hadn't fucked him. He thought that was what old men did. We had a long talk. I explained that taking advantage of young men was illegal, and that a forced sex was wrong. Sex is acceptable if you and your partner want it, it's voluntary. A few days later Moses told me that Ringo had asked if that was true. He had been a sex toy for years and he had a hard time believing that was true.

At about the same Woody called and invited me to a picnic at his camp. He said there would be several new guys there I might like. He asked if Moses would like to come. I told him that Moses had a new friend, and Woody said the more the merrier. He added that Rob the librarian, and Jack the nurse was going to be there, and they were bringing friends.

Moses and Ringo were interested. I told them it might end up being a naked party. Ringo was uneasy but Moses told him they were okay guys. With Moses helping out, Ringo realized that he liked sex, but not with the guys at the commune. Ringo missed the sexual stimulation.

Saturday morning, we drove to the camp. It was going to be a sweltering summer day. Ringo liked the woods. Rob was there with a young guy named Junior and Jack was with Don, a radiologist, and Martin, an operating room nurse. Junior was a chunky twenty-three-year-old who was in graduate school. He was bearish and had a slightly familiar look. I knew I didn't actually know him, but I wondered if I had seen him somewhere. Don was tall, thin swimmer. Martin was a muscular ginger. Tommy arrived a little later.

It was hot and the pond beckoned. We all stripped and jumped in. It was so hot; the cool water was refreshing. It felt so good that sex seemed like too much effort. I was next to Junior; he was getting a master's degree in Business Administration. I said I had been an English Professor. At one time that had been the most popular graduate degree. My father thought was a waste of effort, but I had been good for me.

"My Dad is a cop," Junior said. "He wasn't too hot for Business administration either. We talked a little longer. I accidentally touched his cock underwater. Junior touched my cock, not accidentally. "You have a nice one. It's big," he whispered.

"You like them big?" I asked.

"I'm not 100% sure about that, but I would love to find out," he said. We got out of the water and it turned out that he did like big cocks.

It became an afternoon of casual and rather mellow sex. The air was filled with opportunity, but there was no need to rush. I think we all discovered there was no need to frantically suck or fuck to achieve an orgasm. Slow and steady could inspire orgasms too. My cock slipped into Junior's ass easily. His ass was tight, so gentle thrusts were enough to inspire ejaculations. I was pleasantly injecting sperm into Junior's ass when I recognized Junior.

He was Greg, the sheriff's son. I was shocked but not shocked enough to pull out. Junior squeezed his sphincter to hold me in and to squeeze the last drops of sperm from my cock.

"I can tell you now that I like big cocks," he said. I didn't know what to say, but Ringo came to the rescue.

Ringo had been talking with Don, Jack's friend. Don was thirty-plus, a bit shy and a bottom. While Moses liked Ringo, I did know him except for what Moses told me. While I knew he had been sexually used by the men at the commune, I didn't know he had never fucked a man.

Apparently, Don and Ringo got along, and Don wanted to take Ringo's cock up is ass. Ringo had never topped before and it was a total success. Ringo had a bigger cock that I had guessed, and Don had a more accommodating ass than he knew. Neither man had anticipated how good it would be. It was a perfect fit. Both men felt things they had never felt before.

When Ringo pulled out, he was still fully erect and dribbling sperm. It was immediately apparent that being naked, erect, and drooling sperm was a good look for Ringo as well as being a good way to make friends.

Martin came over and talked with Junior and me. "That scene made me thirsty," Martin said. "Are either of you guys loaded? I have a warm spot for fresh sperm."

I said that I needed some time to refill, but Junior was still loaded.

"I like it fresh from the cock," Martin added.

"I guess I could make the sacrifice," Junior said pretending to be unwilling. "Do you want to do it here or somewhere more private? My cock not that big," he said in a whisper. By then Martin's lips were wrapped around Junior's cock. five minutes later Junior's ball contents were in Martin's mouth. Thirty seconds later Martin, Junior and I were trading the load. We broke apart jumped into the pond.

I almost swam into Moses, Woody, and Ringo. "I was trying to explain the rules here too Ringo," Woody said.

"We have rules?" I asked.

Woody laughed. "Let's say we have guidelines," he replied. "Anything goes if you and your playmates are willing. Nothing happens if you don't. Yes, is yes; no is no; maybe is maybe, not yes or no. Remember, yes does not mean I love you and no does not mean I hate you."

"There are a few unspoken signs. If a guy gets on his back, hitches his legs up, and winks his ass hole, there is a good chance he wants to be fucked. If he strokes his cock and waves it at you, he may well want to be sucked," Woody continued. "I assume that if a guy says he wants to be fucked but not bred, he doesn't want your cum."

"I was in a bad place for a long time. I like to be in control," Ringo said.

"No one here forces anyone to do anything," Woody said. Ringo wandered off with Woody. I was briefly alone then Junior came over to me. "I was going to have some fun with Martin and Rob. Is that okay or is that too slutty?" Junior asked is a near whisper. "I think Martin wants to fuck me. You've already cum in me."

"I don't want to sound crude, but in this group, being too slutty isn't a problem," I said. "Using another guy's cum is a turn on for some guys."

"Should I tell him you shot off in me?" he asked.

"Everyone here knows I shot off in you. That is not a problem; it's an extra added attraction," I said. Junior went back to Martin and Rob. Jack joined they and I assumed Junior would have a more experienced ass before he went home.

I went over to Woody, Moses, and Ringo. Woody was interested in Ringo's life in the commune. As I recalled it was originally a back to nature, be yourself kind of place. It evolved into a sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll place. Eventually Ringo was the only one of the children to remain. When his mother died, he was sort of adopted as the sex-slave of the cult leader, Roscoe.

Ringo said Roscoe's mind was fried and he didn't know or care what he was doing. Roscoe was going to sell Roscoe to another drug dealer when he ran away. Ringo didn't have any skills and was lucky Moses found him. Ringo thought sex was being fucked. Drug dealers aren't very imaginative.

"Actually, Ringo didn't know you had breakfast, lunch and dinner," Moses said. "He also didn't know sex could be fun."

"Moses has a magic tongue," Ringo said. We all laughed. Ringo was turned on by older men. He first thought that fucking them was revenge. He didn't know he could enjoy his cock in a guy's ass and that the guy could enjoy it too.

A week later Junior was visiting me when his father, Greg, dropped by. It was an uneasy meeting. I went to make some Lemonade and took my time. When I returned, the atmosphere was more relaxed. Both men had been afraid the other would find out he wase gay. Both men were greatly relieved. Junior said he didn't think his father ever had any sex. Greg wondered when Junior would find the right girl.

Greg got an emergency call and left. I expected Junior to leave but I underestimated the sex drive of young men. This time he sat on my cock facing me and we talked as he squirmed on my cock. This worked for me and I was able to stroke his erect organ.

"This has been a lot to take in," he said. "My mind is spinning."

"You don't need to figure things out immediately. Take your time," I said.

"I wonder what he would say if he saw us now?" he asked.

"Junior, I don't kiss and tell," I said. "He not a fool. He knows life can be complicated."

"Do I look weak and pathetic squirming on your cock?" he asked.

"You look happy. You cock looks beautiful, dipping and drooling," I said. "I can't tell if I'm fucking your ass or jerking off your cock from the inside."

"Are you going to cum?" he asked.

"That's up to you," I replied. "I would love to see your white cream." Somehow a minute later I was sitting on his cock and he was stoking my cock. Another minute I felt his cock forcefully squirting in my ass. "Damn that's beautiful!

"You can feel it?" Junior asked.

"I sure can. I'm close. Did you want to take my load?" Junior opened his mouth wide. I took that as a yes. He took every drop with enthusiasm. He went home a happy man.

The happiness was short lived. When he got home, he had a call from the police station. His father had been in a bad accident. He was in pursuit of a get way car when another car crossed the white lines and had a head on collision with Greg's car. Junior raced to the hospital and his father was in critical condition.

Jason had been passing by, so he was at the hospital too. Jason stayed with Junior. He called me to see if I could go to their house a get the address book. Junior needed to call relatives and he didn't have their numbers. I went to hospital, got the keys, and went to the house. Jason asked me to call the relatives for him. I found the book. Greg had three brothers and a sister. I got the sister, Elizabeth, and one brother, Neil. Elizabeth said she would get to the other bothers and relatives. Neil lived fifty miles away and he would be at the hospital in an hour.

I told him to make it in an hour and a half. He laughed and said I had a point. "I'll be on the way soon, obeying the speed limit," he said. I wondered who else I should call. The phone rang and I answered. It was a TV reporter. I told her that he was at the hospital. He was injured but I had no other information.

Junior called me and asked if I had made the calls. I told him I had only gotten Elizabeth and Neil. Elizabeth said he would contact the others. His Uncle Neil was on the way.

Junior laughed. "Aunt Elizabeth is a force of nature. She will take care of everything. Uncle Neil is a nice guy," he said. I asked if they had any word about his father. He said no. I stayed at the house until Uncle Neil arrived. He was a house builder and wore work clothes. I gave him the key and he followed me to the hospital.

There was no news there, but the Mayor and Junior were in the hospital conference room with several policemen. The man who drove the other car was in the hospital. It seemed that man was associated with the man in the get away car. If that was true, it had been planned. It had been a smash and grab at a jewelry store. The town was on the lookout for the perpetrator. Local Police and State Troopers were everywhere.

Greg was the senior investigator in the department, and he was the go-to guy when there were problems. The Police Chief was a younger man who was good looking and good on television. He was also smart, and he relied on Greg.

I saw Jack, my nurse friend in the hall. I slipped out. "It could be worse, but it isn't good," he said as he walked by. That was good, but not great news. A half hour later the surgeon came in. He said it was serious but probably not fatal. Greg was in a medically induced coma and it might be a day or more before he was out of the woods. He was in intensive care and no visitors were allowed. His beeper went off and he left. I had met the surgeon and he was precise and carful. Any news we would get would be exactly right. The Hospital Director went with the Police Chief to prepare a news update.

In the parking lot we encountered Aunt Elizabeth, two more Uncles, and five cousins. They collected Junior and Neil and took them to Greg's house. I went home. An hour and a half later Junior called as asked if Uncle Neil and his friend Tony could bunk with me. Of course, I said yes. He then whispered that I would like them. I didn't know exactly what that meant, but I could guess.

Uncle Neil and Tony arrived shortly. Tony worked for Neil building houses. Aunt Elizabeth, her husband and five daughters and four nephews and nieces were at the house with Junior. There wasn't any room for Neil and Tony. It was clear that was fine with Neil. I called out for pizza, and I had some beer in the refrigerator. Around eight, Junior arrived.

"Aunt Elizabeth is nice, but after three hours, I needed to get away," Junior said. "They have called every relative in the country. It was a madhouse. It's been only me and dad for the last two years."

Tony had a case of beer in the trunk of his car. That lifted the spirits of the men. I was in the kitchen reheating the pizzas and Neil came in.

"Go you need any help?" he asked. I said no, all was well. Junior told me he had a talk with his dad. I knew he was gay a year or two ago. I didn't know about Greg, but if you ever met his ex, going gay would be an escape.

"I heard she was not a ray of sunshine," I said.

Neil laughed. "That would be a diplomatic way to describe her," he said. "Junior told me you were a fun guy. Tony and I are fun guys too. Maybe later tonight we could do some stuff to take Junior's mind off of his Dad?" It's Tony's birthday and we had been planning to celebrate some."

"We can play it by ear," I said. The phone rang and it was Jack. I called Junior in and they talked.

When he hung up, Junior said it was good news. His father was off the critical list. They had been monitoring for problems, but none occurred. His vital signs were improving dramatically. They would watch him through the night and if all continued well, they would ease Greg out of the coma in the morning.

We had a second call from Aunt Elizabeth. She had been a nurse, and she had all the information. She was pleased, she told Junior to go to sleep, tomorrow would be a long day. It was 10:30 and we all were winding down.

"Would it be too redneck of us to grab a beer, shower and go to bed?" Junior asked. That was a plan, so we went upstairs with beers in hand and into my room with the oversized shower. I had no idea how things would work out, but nature took control, and everything was fine.

Neil had discovered Junior's sexual preference when Junior was at college. Neil and Junior had no sexual connection, but Tony had helped Junior with the basics. Tony had expert knowledge on how to avoid users and jerks. Tony included some instruction on cock sucking. That had been five years earlier. Junior was three inches taller than Neil, he was a man, not a kid.

Junior had told them that I had successfully visited the dark side of his sphincter and that had been a success. Neil mentioned that his dad liked that too. I thought that would have shocked Junior. Junior was relieved. He thought cock sucking was just sexual play. Anal sex was heavy duty. It wasn't play; it was sex.

Tony had a hair covered jogger's body. His cock was long, and it looked like an easy fit. Neil was a more muscular version of Greg, but a red beard and curly hair covering his body. He was a red hair version of his brother. It looked as if his cock was a little thinner and longer than Greg's tool.

Soon, Junior was with Neil. I think it was curiosity at first, but it soon became more than just curiosity. Tony came over to me, "I like it all, top, bottom, north, east, south and west," he said. "How about you?"

"I'm open minded, but my friends tell me that my mouth and ass are more open than my mind," I replied. "A quick check on my prostate might be nice." Neil and Junior were whispering. They rearranged themselves on my bed and began to sixty-nine. I guessed the whispers were about who would suck whom first. The sixty-nine position resolved that problem. The first couple of licks were tentative. Junior was cut, but Neil was uncut.

Junior peeled back the skin with his lips. I was watching when his tongue licked Neil's slit. I assume Neil was oozing precum. Junior acted as if he had struck gold, and Neil's cock vanished down Junior's throat. A second later, Junior's cock was enveloped by Neil's mouth.

As I watched Neil and Junior, Tony had lubricated his cock.

"Bend over a little and spread you ass cheeks. We're going to join in the fun," Tony said. I bent forward and Tony's tool pushed deep into my ass. I tend to think I am cool and a bit detached. My sphincter didn't offer any resistance to the thrust. I was surprised.

"Damn, I didn't expect that," Tony exclaimed. I was going to say something, but it seemed his cock was longer and thicker than I thought. Neil and Tony seemed to have doctorate degrees in man sex. They were good, imaginative, and energetic.

"I'm getting all hot and bothered," Junior said.

"Would you be shocked if I said Tony and I are into heavy duty sex, not Sunday School sex. We always have to shower afterwards to get the sticky stuff off our bodies. Cum and lube are hard to get out of body hair," Neil said.

"Isn't cum usually shot off into a mouth or ass?" Junior asked.

"When you are lucky it is," Neil said. He bent over Junior to suck Tony's drooling cock. his cock was near Juniors mouth and Junior was able to suck it.

Next: Chapter 7

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