Back Home with Old Friends

Published on Jan 28, 2021


Old Friends By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to or

Woody and I were next door neighbors from grade school until the senior year of High School. He was bigger than me and everyone thought I was smarter than he was. I am Jonathan Miller, a banker's son. I was considered to be a smart kid. I liked school and learning new things excited me. Woody liked doing stuff; he liked sports and did well at them. Books were not his thing. I went to college, graduate school and got my doctorate. I was the chair of the English Department in a major university. I only went home for major family events.

Woody went to college too and was a physical education major. He returned to our hometown and became the football and wrestling coach at the high school. He was a winning coach and was popular and admired.

When I had been the chairman for twenty years, my parents, who had been healthy and vigorous began to have health problems. Dad had a heart attack, and Mom began to have memory problems. Things deteriorated quickly. I retired and returned home to take care of them. Dad died a year later. That would have been terrible for my Mom, but she had mostly forgotten him. She remembered he was a nice boy and told me she might marry him someday. A year later, she went to bed and didn't wake up.

Woody's folks had died ten years earlier. He had married the coach of the women's Basketball team. She moved to Florida to help a sick friend and never returned. No one seemed to notice, since back then no one thought about women's sports.

We were two middle aged single guys. After being away for thirty years, I knew only a few people in town. They assumed I was a confirmed bachelor. The word was that Woody's wife had left him and he wasn't going to go through that again.

When we were kids, we had done the usual you show me yours if I show you mine stuff. We skinny dipped a few times but it never moved beyond that. When I was at college it moved way beyond that. I had a few friends, and when I was in graduate school I found more. I was always low profile, but I had some experience. I was good about avoiding entanglements with students, so I had no problems of that sort.

Since we were two middle-aged guys with no attachments, Woody and I connected again. He had handled his parents' estate, so he was helpful with my parents wills and the inheritance. He played being the dumb jock, but he was intelligent, just not academic in orientation.

I dropped by to ask him a question about taxes on the estate on a Saturday afternoon. He was watching a game and having a beer. I joined him. We got talking about the good old days, and he mentioned our skinny-dipping adventures. "I liked that but never have done it since," he said. "I spent a lot of time with naked kids running around the locker room and shower. My only objective was to keep them from slipping and knocking their brains out on the floor," he said. "I think my naked time with you was more exciting. There was no chance of major injury!"

I laughed. "There is damn little full-frontal nudity in the world of English Majors," I said. "One or two students flashed me, but they were after better grades."

"Did you ever connect with some guys?" he asked.

"A few, but I was on the top of the heap as the Chairman. Most guys moved away to move up," I said.

"I've connected to a few guys here," Woody said. "The locals are a bit clannish, but there is always interest in meeting new guys."

"New meat?" I asked.

"Some of the men have been playing together since they were in school. They are a bit fixed in their ways," he said. "Believe it or not, I am considered to be a free spirit."

"Do you recruit for the membership committee?" I asked.

Woody laughed, "We aren't that organized. To put it into less refined terms, I am usually horny as shit."

"I'm shy and careful," I said. "It turns out I am also full service. I like it all and am always willing. I am not particularly strong, but I never tire out. I am the belle of the ball at parties."

"What kind of parties? Do you take it in the ass?" he asked in a near whisper.

"Naked guys with erections parties," I replied.

"I've done a threesome," he said.

"I have a major flaw in my personality," I explained. "I like sex much more than romance. I have lots of friends, but no real lovers."

"I kind of think I am the same way. I have friends I have sex with and who I can count on, but there has never been a lover," Woody said.

A cell phone began to beep. Woody was a member of the rescue squad and there had been an accident. I left as he raced off. I wondered if anything might come of our conversation.

Two days later I was getting a book from the library and the librarian, Rob Newcomb said he hadn't realized I had been at school with Woody. I told him we had been next door neighbors until we went to college.

He asked me if the town had changed much since I left. I said the town had grown some, but it was still a lot like it had been.

"When you get to know the new people, you will find the place has changed quite a bit," he said as he checked out my books.

Two days later I was at the Tire Shop replacing a bad tire. Grease Ball handled my sale personally. Grease Ball was a successful businessman, but he was very much hands-on in the shop. He was three years behind me in school.

"You were in school with Woody, weren't you?" he asked. I nodded. "It's funny, but three years seemed like a million years back then."

"You were on the wrestling team weren't you. Dad told me you almost won the state championship," I said.

"When my Dad died and I took over the shop, your Dad was my first customer. People were saying I was just a kid. Your dad told them I was the biggest fucking kid he had ever seen. He was in Rotary and that helped me get going again," Grease Ball said. "You and Woody were pals, weren't you?"

"We grew up together, we didn't share many interests, but we were close anyway," I said. Grease Ball winked at me.

"I share interests with several guys too," he said. A guy came in from the work area and said there was a problem. My car was done so I left.

I was intrigued, but I didn't know what to do. I decided to wait and see what happened next. I didn't want to seem too eager, but I certainly wanted to meet some new guys. I laughed to myself. I didn't really care about meeting guys. I wanted to have sex with someone. I had been in town for two years. Most of the time I had been occupied with my parents 24/7, now I wanted some fun.

It turned out that I wasn't the only one who wanted to have some fun. Woody's pals were old friends and playmates, but there was not much excitement anymore. They were the same men doing the same things they had been doing for years.

Woody called me and said he was having a picnic at his fishing camp and asked if I would like to come. I said I would like to come, but I didn't fish. He told me not to worry about that. The camp was a nice place to relax and chill out. I had been telling my students not to use chill out in a formal essay for years and I resisted correcting Woody. I said I would be glad to come and asked if I could bring anything. He said no and gave me directions.

A day later he called and asked if I could pick up Rob, the librarian, and a friend whose car was in the shop. I said I would be glad to do that.

On Saturday morning I picked up Rob and a guy name Jack. He was a nurse at the hospital. Rob knew the way to the camp, and we had a nice chat. Jack was new to town and was the head of ICU nursing at the hospital. The camp was thirty miles from town and having Rob's instructions were helpful. The camp was more than out of the way. Woody and Grease Ball were waiting for us on the porch. The camp was an impressive log cabin sitting on a placid pond. It and the surrounding woods were beautiful.

Right after we got there another man drove up, Teddy Smith. I didn't know him. He was good looking and ten years younger than the rest of us. We had lunch sitting on the porch facing the pond. While the guys didn't know each other, the conversation flowed easily. The day became hot and Grease Ball wanted to swim. No one had trunks, but skinny dipping seemed to be expected, so we stripped and jumped into the water.

It was clear that no one in the group had a future as a male model even in a rustic men's clothiers' catalog, but if you liked your men manly, this was a good group. Everyone was friendly and at ease.

I had hoped there would be a potential for sex here. The open and friendly atmosphere evolved into some fondling and then transitioned[BW1] into sucking. There was no drama or coercion. It was a natural evolution into a laid-back orgy. It seemed as if this was meant to be. Sucking a guy's cock was a natural as doing the back stroke across the pond. Woody knew them all, but they were casual acquaintances otherwise.

Woody was the same as he had been as a teenager, a bit heavier and hairier. Rob was a slim muscle man, otter type. Grease Ball was an exceptional hairy bear. Teddy was obviously a runner. I realized this was a collection of the physical types of men that most attracted me.

I was in the sixty-nine position with Teddy and we took a break. I could tell he was getting close as the flow of precum increased and it was still early.

"It's nice to meet someone new," he said. "Everyone here is nice, but some variety is nice. I'm the only bottom in town, so I'm a popular guy. What's your poison?"

"I like it all: top, bottom, middle and sideways," I said. "I haven't found much I don't like."

"For your information, Jack has tested everyone here, so they are okay," he said.

"I was tested before I came here. That was more than two years ago, but it has been a long dry spell," I said.

"I heard about your parents. You are considered to be a saint for staying with them," Teddy said.

"I don't know if a saint can have an erection," I said. Teddy laughed.

"If everyone has been tested, I assume bareback is possible. I sort of like tasting a man's special sauce." I said, "Would I be trespassing if I said I like the bottom too?"

"That is no problem at all. Sometimes I get overused," Teddy said. "Back at the Seminary, the men claimed my ass had divine dispensation to make the seminary a happy place."

"I guess it must have been an ultra-Reformed seminary," I remarked.

"I think it was Homo Catholic," he replied. I laughed.

I'm not sure if the men were timid, or just unsure that I liked the bottom. I am also careful and gentle top. I like to slowly explore a cock. Grease Ball had a thick, uncut thick tool. An old friend referred to tools like his as a Beer Can.

I think that Grease Ball was used to quickies, he was soft when my lips licked the puckered tip of his foreskin. I sucked the skin into my mouth and used my tongue to search for his head. I could taste the slight suggestion of soap, so I knew he had peeled back the skin to clean the hard-to-reach places between the skin and knob. My tongue found his wide slit. I worked it into the cum dispenser. My hand cupped his balls. They were huge and I wondered if I would need to swallow twice to take his load.

That thought vanished when I tasted the percum oozing from his cock. It was sweet. "Damn you're good," he moaned. "I'm going to shoot if you keep on doing that," he added. "Do you want me to give you a head-up when I'm close."

"I haven't sucked off a guy in two years," I said, "Surprise me!" Maybe a minute later he let loose a load of sweet, thick man seed. It didn't have the slightly bitter taste I associate with sperm. When we broke apart most of his load was still in my mouth. Woody came over and kissed me. He wanted to taste his buddy's cum, and I had no problem sharing.

By that time, Teddy had spread the word that I bottomed. Rob nudged his long thin tool into my ass as Jack fed me his cock. Rob must have been excited since he shot off after only a few minutes. Jack rolled me on my back and filled my vacant ass and took his time. He was as long as Rob, but thicker. That was good, Jack had a nurse's knowledge[BW2]. I had a strange feeling he had a check list and was making sure that everything was in the right place.

He could tell he hit my prostate when I moaned.

"I can treat your prostate as a punching bag. Would that be too much?" he asked.

"Maybe not on our first date," I managed to say.

Jack laughed. "I'll treat it like a pillow that needs fluffing. I've never fucked a guy with a load in his ass, would a second load be a problem?"

"I don't think it would be a problem," I said. It was odd to be talking about a man's ejaculation, but it was comfortable and almost cozy. It was as if I was at the old country store ordering up two ejaculations in my ass and one in my mouth. It felt like it was an average day of fornicating in my dreams. I suspect I was not the only one in the group realizing his dreams.

For the other men it was a level of pleasure they hadn't known existed. They enjoyed sex with men but had not realize the full potential. There was no upper limit.

Jack was tenderly probing my ass with skill and imagination. I felt good, but slightly dizzy. I just went with the flow enjoying the rhythmic thrusts of his cock. My cum filled ass loved every moment, every thrust, and eventually, every ejaculation. I felt I was home and each cock belonged in me. I briefly worried they would get tired fucking me. My ass might be too tight or too relaxed for one or two of them.

I had been to parties before. Some were wild and crazy; others never got off the ground. The men just sat around and chatted. I had more experience than most of them and I was more willing to experiment. For this group, anal was knew and a genuinely willing bottom was a revelation.

Jack was on the night shift at the hospital and Grease Ball was on call for the Rescue Squad, so the party broke up. I took Rob home.

"Damn, you make a big difference in that group. Most of us are Johnny-One-Notes. We aren't the most imaginative guys," he said. "You play all the instruments, and you do it with gusto. Exchanging the special sauce was rare and usually accidental."

"I thought Teddy was into it big time," I said.

"Teddy is a strange case. He wants you to shoot on his ass not in his ass," Rob explained. "I have a question for you. Did all those cocks turn you on big time?"

"Cocks turn me on, Hard cocks are wonderful; draining your balls through the cock is a dream come true," I replied.

"I thought taking sperm was gross," Rob said. "Watching you take Grease Ball's load turned me on big time." We had reached his house and I dropped him off. I was feeling good, but I was tired too. I fell asleep after dinner.

The next day I wondered if the picnic was a one-time only event. It was good for me, but it might have been too much for the other guys. I think I was foolish thinking about that. Too much sex is hard to achieve for men.

My house had a large, overgrown yard. It had been beautiful when my parents were in their prime. Grease Ball called me and said he had a guy he wanted me to meet. He came over around seven that evening, His friend was a gangly guy named Moses. Moses worked for him, but he liked yard work. He was happier working outdoors in the fresh air and sun. Moses was thirtyish, tall, and muscular. I had the impression talking wasn't his thing. He had a speech impediment. We wandered around the garden and Moses knew the names of the plants, and told me that a few couldn't be salvaged, but the others could be saved. I said that seemed unlikely and Moses asked if I had any equipment. He wanted to show me what he could do.

We went to garden shed. I open the door and when he saw it, Moses had the look of a kid on Christmas morning. He went to work, and Grease Ball and I went to have a beer. I told Grease Ball I couldn't remember his real name and he told me it was Tommy. I asked if I could use it. He said yes, maybe it was about time.

He told me Moses was a good and dependable worker but working indoors was not his thing. "He's what used to be called borderline." Tommy explained. "He has no problem with daily life, but he's bad at reading and stuff like that. He had a bad time with men who used him, but I took care of that problem. He likes sex with men, not sadists. He has never topped." One of the nice things about Tommy is that you never need to read between the lines. It was clear what he wanted.

A little later, Moses came in and said the tree was done. It was elegant and beautiful. He told me that it should be pruned again in the winter to finish the job. Apparently, his Grandmother was a good gardener she taught him all the tricks of the trade. I hired him on the spot. He said he would like minimum wage in payment. I asked Tommy what he paid, and I matched it.

It was hot and we were all sweating like a pigs. Tommy said he was going to give his car upholstery a workout diving home. I asked if he would like to shower. My parents had redone the master bath when dad first got sick. It was huge and had been the talk of the town when it was installed. Somehow all three of us took a shower.

Tommy told Moses that he and I played the way Moses and he played. Moses understood that. Making the message even clearer, Tommy and I were erect.

Moses came closer to me. "Are you a nice man?" he asked in a whisper.

"I try very hard to be nice," I replied as I reached out to play with his balls. "Your cock is beautiful," I said. "Can I suck it?"

He nodded. "Sometimes it drools sticky stuff," he whispered.

"I love licking the sticky stuff. That means I'm sucking you the right way," I said. Moses smiled. "I like the white, creamy stuff too," I added.

"It makes a mess," he said as I sank to my knees and began to suck his tool. It was a good, seven, thicker than average and a perfect pleasure thermometer. His precum was sweet and plentiful. He looked at Tommy, who was smiling. All was well.

We dried off and went to my bedroom. Moses was worried he would make a mess on the bed. I suggested he try fucking me and leaving his load deep in my ass. Tommy said that sounded like a good idea. He gave Moses instructions as he lubricated his cock. Moses eased his cock into my ass. Moses' cock curved upward and his cock head seemed to be larger than I thought. That seemed to cause near perfect anal stimulation for me.

Moses' thrusts were slightly irregular. It wasn't mechanical. As he noticed my reaction, he thrust harder and deeper. Tommy told Moses he was doing well, but Moses noticed my reaction and he knew that.

As Moses began to squirt, I had the sensation that we were merging, becoming one. When he pulled out, Tommy's tongue was at my ass making sure that none of Moses' sperm escaped. He noticed my cock had begun to twitch, so he shifted and took my load.

A little later Tommy took his first trip up my ass.

"It's nice in there, isn't it," Moses remarked.

It's really nice Moses," Tommy replied, "really nice."

Next: Chapter 2

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