Bachelor Party Service

By Linda Laving

Published on Oct 13, 2003



Bachelor Party Service

By Linda Laving

For any of you who might have read my previous story, 'Under The Table', you probably know a little bit about me. But there have been some changes in my life, so bear with me for a minute.

I'm now 39, still 5'7 and 130 lbs., and my eyes are of course still blue - but I'm not sure I'd describe myself as a transvestite these days. Actually, I'm not sure where in the transgender spectrum I fit.

I've been finding myself wanting more and more to stay female, and about 6 months ago I began taking hormones which have up till now given me small (A+) breasts, and I've grown my own hair and had it cut in a long shag with bangs and tinted off black. I've also gotten an extra piercing in each earlobe and a small nose stud, but very importantly for me I've finally had facial laser treatment and my beard is now gone completely.

I am still working as a guy, sort of, and I'm becoming pretty obvious to the world, but fortunately I work as a consultant in the software programming field and people hardly pay attention in that environment. And I never stay on one assignment very long and make an outrageous amount of money when I do work so I don't have to work very often these days. So I am living pretty much fulltime as a woman these days.

Sexually things haven't changed all that much, I still find myself attracted to females in a 'chemically' physical way, but I still love sucking off as many guys and swallowing as much cum as often as possible and am still pursuing that whenever I can.

I'm actually very oral in general, and like servicing both females and males with my mouth. I love giving pleasure to others that way, hearing the moans and screams from them as I bring them to orgasm, but the cum filling my mouth with guys is an added bonus, and I've grown to love the taste and texture and warmth of it and the feeling of it spurting into my mouth as they release.

The only thing that has changed is that the hormones I'm taking have made it very hard for me to get an erection - but since I don't really want anyone playing with my cock anyway, it isn't a major problem. And I can still make myself cum if I want, I just don't get hard.

I don't, however, have any intention of ever getting genital gender reassignment, ever.

Since my 'Under The Table' experience, I've kept my ads going and have found some other groups of guys to service, but all have been under a few dozen guys at one time, and most under a dozen. But because of my physical changes, the hair, breasts, and laser treatments, I've been feeling very comfortable about myself as a woman and have also been looking for situations in the straight market as well.

Recently, a guy I had heard about was the owner of a lounge that sometimes hosted private parties, and when I called him he told me he was happy to hear from me, and that my timing was great as he was actually looking for someone to work a party.

He explained to me that the following week he would be hosting a private bachelor party at his lounge and the people throwing it had asked him if he knew a woman (actually they said 'whore') who they could hire to work the party.

They were hoping for a nice looking 'whore' who'd basically suck off the groom and best man as part of the deal, and be available for anyone else who was interested at separate reasonable pricing, of course. There were going to be a couple of hundred guys at the party, but of course a good percentage wouldn't be interested in participating. And that they were offering $1000 flat, which would include sucking off the groom and best man, plus whatever could be made from the crowd.

Was I interested?

Of course I was interested! It sounded like it might be a huge group, and it'd be my first opportunity to see if I could pass myself off fully as a female in a large crowd. And while I don't need the money and was more interested in the cum, the thought of working as a 'whore' was cool in itself.

I did tell him, though, that I wasn't available for fucking since it would be 'that time of the month'. In reality I didn't really like getting fucked, period, but in a situation like that it'd make things impossible anyway - it's hard to fuck someone's ass and not notice there are balls under it. But he said that wasn't a problem, so I told him I would forward a few pictures of myself to pass on to people running the party, he said he would confirm with me, and I said goodbye and hung up.

He called me the next day and told me I had the job and gave me directions to his lounge, which was only a few towns over. And he told me the party was Saturday night, starting at 8 PM, but that I should be there by 7PM if possible.

I woke up late on Saturday, had coffee but ate lightly, and began getting ready in the late afternoon. I started my makeup with foundation and went with Revlon Colorstay liquid foundation so it'd last, and went very heavy with the eye makeup (blue and plum shadows blended together, waterproof black liquid liner and mascara) for a slut look, and used a plum blush and deep red lipstick, and all my nails were painted the same deep red.

Before getting dressed I tucked myself really well so I wouldn't bulge at all, pushing my testicles back up inside me and using a piece of flesh color surgical tape to hold my soft cock back and out of the way. Then I slipped on a pair of black lace bikini panties and inserted a 'Light Days' pad inside to make sure I was covered, and to give me an excuse for not taking off my panties if it came to that. Peeing would be a pain in the ass, but I had no choice.

I also put on a black lace wonderbra and slipped some silicone half moon enhancers under my small breasts, and I looked like a solid B cup with decent cleavage. A matching garter belt with black fishnet stockings followed, and finally I slipped into a pair of black patent leather 4" stiletto heeled sandals.

I brushed my black hair and teased it up a little, and after inserting a set of successive sized silver hoops in my ear lobes I was basically done. It was after 6:30 by the time I was done, so I grabbed my large purse and threw on a knee length black sweater and was out the door.

When I got to the lounge I parked by the back door, saw that it was half opened, and walked in. The first door was open and I stuck my head in and saw a heavyset balding guy sitting behind a desk. He looked up, saw me, and said 'Hi you must be Linda - come in and have a seat'

'Thanks' I said 'I'm a little early. I wanted to say thanks for getting me the job, I appreciate it'

'No problem' he replied 'It helped me out also'.

'Well, if there's anything I can do in return...'

'Maybe later' he said offhandedly 'but let me show you around'

He came around the desk and walked out the door and I followed him down the hall and through swinging doors into the lounge itself. It was a surprisingly nice place and very clean, a very large room with a small stage at one end, and a long bar at the other end, and lots of chairs and maybe 50 or 60 small round tables throughout the room.

The stage had a very large screen TV on a stand in the center, and a small podium with a microphone to the right - with a few padded folding chairs behind it, and a small thick oval carpet in front of it. On the left side of the stage was a door, and there were a few spotlights over the stage as well as some subdued recessed lighting, which was now on.

He pointed out a camera mounted on top of the TV and explained that during the show the camera would be focused close up on my face and the TV would be showing it to the audience - but that nothing was being taped.

'Actually, I don't mind being taped' I said with a smile 'but it'd cost a lot more than $1000 for that'

He headed up the stairs on the right and I followed him across the stage and through the door. We were in a small room with a lighted dressing table and mirror with a large pitcher of ice water and a glass on it, a chair in front of it, some hooks behind the door, and a free standing screen of to the side with a toilet and sink behind it.

'This room's yours to use' he said 'What's going to happen is that when everyone gets here we'll bring the groom and best man up to the podium for the usual toast, and when that's over we'll bring a spotlight over to your door and you'll come out on stage and put on a show with the groom, and the best man if he's interested. How it goes from there is up to you.'

'Great' I said 'Thanks'

'Here's the $1,000 up front' he said, handing me an envelope. 'When you hear the speech start just open your door a little and look for the spotlight. In the meantime, relax and do what you have to do - I'll see you later' - and he left the room.

It was warm in the room, so I put the envelope in my sweater pocket and hung the sweater on the hook behind the door. Then I opened my purse and took out my makeup, brush, comb, etc., and then sat back and waited.

I was really nervous, first of because I'd never been in a spotlight before trying to pass as a female whore, and second because all my past group suckoff scenario's were preset and this one was freeform except for the groom and best man.

I'd never actually had to sell my services like this before.

It was still early but I soon heard people starting to come in and there was a loud buzz of conversation, which got louder over the next hour. And then it quieted down, and I heard someone talking into the microphone, probably the best man, so I opened the door a little.

It was the best man, giving the usual toast, and there was lots of clapping, catcalls, and laughter as he talked. I walked closer to the door to listen, and finally he started winding it up, and finished with 'Since Bob is going to be, at least on the surface, giving up his horndog ways, we've arranged for a sendoff for him. So let's have a big hand, and enjoy yourselves'

A loud applause started, and the spotlight hit my door. I stood back, opened the door, and stepped out into the spotlight to more cheers. The groom was standing across the stage, eyes wide, as I started slowly walking towards him. He was a very tall slim guy, early twenties, with dark hair and eyes and the spotlight followed me across the stage.

When I reached him I took his hand and led him over to the small carpet where I slowly slid down to my knees before him, undid his belt, and slid his slacks and boxer shorts down to the floor. He seemed somewhat stunned and his cock looked very small in the spotlight, and there was more laughing and catcalls. But, I leaned forward and took him into my mouth and gently sucked and ran my tongue around his cockhead, and he quickly grew, and I was soon sucking on a 6-inch medium wide cock.

I noticed the TV was on and quickly glanced over to see my face, very large, staring back. There were some more cheers at this point, and I took my mouth off his dick and lifted it up with my right hand and leaned in and began running my tongue over his balls, which were covered with fine dark hair. He groaned softly as I softly took one testicle inside my mouth, then the other, and massaged the head of his cock with my right hand.

The audience had gotten quiet and I then slipped him back inside my mouth and slid my lips down to the base of his cock, and my throat filled for a second till I slid back out to the head again. I held his balls in my palm and lightly massaged them with my fingertips as I concentrated only on the tip of his dick with my tongue flicking across his piss slit, and then, under the spotlight, I started sliding my lips very slowly up and down his shaft, lapping his shaft with my tongue, and taking his cock inside my throat on the in strokes.

I knew he was getting close, so I quickened the rhythm, and when he moaned 'Oh, geez' I slid my mouth out but left it open with his cockhead on my tongue and stroked slowly till he exploded, with the first blast hitting the back of my throat, and the rest flowing onto my tongue in full view of the audience, blown up on the screen. And then I finished by taking him back into my mouth, swallowing down his cum and draining out the last drops, and he finally started getting soft. He stepped back, and the audience exploded in cheers.

The groom walked over to the microphone and said 'Well, that was a first', and smiled. Then he turned to the best man, sitting on the side and said 'Now, as usual, it's sloppy seconds for you' to more cheers.

The best man, a slightly smaller guy with short blonde hair and blue eyes, said 'Sloppy seconds are my favorite' to some laughs, and started undoing his slacks as he was walking over, and by the time he stood in front of me his cock was out and already hard, and was longer than the grooms, maybe 7 1/2" but a lot slimmer.

Without a pause he dropped his pants to the floor and pushed his cock inside my lips and began fucking my mouth. On the third quick thrust into my throat, I gagged and bit down a little.

'Ouch' he said, and I replied 'Sorry, that's a natural reflex - let me set the pace and that won't happen'

So I took him back in my mouth and began deepthroating him, going right up to his pubes with my lips as his cock slid into my throat, then back out to the head, and knowing he liked it I took his cock in and out of my throat fairly quickly. And it wasn't more than a dozen strokes when he tensed up, grabbed the top of my head, and pushed all the way into my throat and held me there.

I was used to that, though, and I felt his cockhead pulse inside my throat as he began shooting his load and I felt the warmth of his cum slide down towards my belly as he drained himself. He finally pulled out, and without a word picked up and refastened his slacks and walked over to the podium to more applause.

'She's up for grabs' he said with a smile 'though it's out of your wallets from here on. How much is it honey?' he said, and I answered '$20'.

'She's worth it - so line up guys. There was more clapping as he left the stage.

I stood up and pulled one of the chairs over in front of the carpet and sat down, and guys started up onto the stage and stood in line. When the first guy came over, a young heavyset Hispanic looking guy, I said '$20 please', and he handed me a twenty which I slipped into my bra. I slid back onto my knees on the carpet as he pulled out his cock, and I took him in my mouth and gave him a nice soft, slow blowjob, as he moaned and groaned softly before releasing a large load of cum onto my tongue. As he got himself zippered up, I looked over and saw maybe a dozen guys in line, and was somewhat disappointed, but it was still early.

I stayed on my knees collecting $20 bills as the guys came over and relieved themselves in my mouth. It was a mixed crowd but they were mostly in their twenties and all were on the medium to large side - but that isn't surprising since guys with small cocks don't usually like an audience.

It was a mostly white crowd, but there were a few hispanics and 2 black guys with very large dicks, and it turned out there were about 30 guys who ended up in that line, some just didn't want to stand and wait.

I varied my technique according to what I sensed they'd need, but the most popular seemed to be with me on my knees with both hands behind my back, just using my lips and tongue as they moved themselves in and out of my lips till they exploded, filling my mouth with their sticky juices.

Others I varied my oral skills with, sometimes using my lips and tongue on their cockheads as I jerked them off into my mouth, some I used my whole mouth as a pussy, taking them in and out of my throat till they groaned and blasted my throat, but I used whatever it took, my lips, tongue, throat, hands, cheeks to coax the cum out of their balls and into my hot waiting mouth where I savored the hot warmth and unique tastes and swallowed down load after load.

At one point 3 guys came over at once and asked if I'd do them together, and as they stood in a row in front of me I went back and forth between cocks using both hands and my mouth trying to get keep all at the same point. The guy in the middle first erupted into my mouth, and as my tongue was getting covered with his hot goo I kept stroking the other two, and before the first guys cum started to slide down my throat the other 2 started moaning at once, so with the large pool of cum already in my mouth I pulled both of their cocks to my lips at once, opened as wide as I could, and had the tips of both cocks between my lips as they started shooting together.

My mouth really started to fill up with the triple dose of sperm as I stroked both cocks dry onto my tongue, and before I could swallow I heard someone from the audience yell 'Don't swallow yet! Show us first!' So I turned to the camera with my mouth open, seeing myself on the large screen, and gargled the mouthful of cum for about 10 seconds before gulping it down. The guys in the audience went wild at this and started cheering.

This seemed to start a new trend, because for awhile after this, although I did start off sucking their dicks hard, only a few let me suck them off completely or wanted to cum in my throat. The majority pulled out after a few minutes and jerked themselves off into my waiting mouth and watched me swallow it down.

Eventually, though, there was no more line so I waited a few minutes and got up and started walking to the room for a break. And as I walked in front of the television there was a little applause, but also a few rude catcalls.

I went into the small room and latched the door, and pulling down my garter belt and panties I peeled off the tape and untucked my balls to take a much needed pee, and walked over and looked at myself in the mirror.

I definitely needed some makeup repair, my lipstick was about gone despite it being the 'long lasting' type and my lips swollen, and there were some globs of cum that had ended up on my chin, cheeks, and upper lip that were starting to dry and my hair was a mess. I walked over to the sink and wiped off the cum with a damp washcloth and washed my hands, and then sat down in front of the mirror and fixed my makeup, and combed my hair. Then, not sure where it was going from here, I took a deep breath and walked out of the room, and down the stage stairs onto the lounge floor.

Porn movies were now showing on the TV screen, and a lot of the guys were watching them, but I noticed there was a large crowd across the room at the bar, so I headed over that way, conscious of the glances and stares I was getting. But once at the bar a space in the middle opened up for me and I went up to the bar and ordered a white wine. The bartender brought it right over and the first few sips blended with the strong taste of cum in my mouth but halfway though the glass I could taste the wine. And by then some guys began to slide over towards me, and a few said 'Hello' and tried to make conversation.

But what does a guy say to a hooker who has just sucked off dozens of guys on the stage?

I noticed that off to the side there was a small dimly lit alcove with a couch and end table in it next to the ladies room, so I picked up my drink and headed over there and took a seat at one end. Slowly, guys began drifting over towards me, and this group was a little more varied than the ones on stage, and ranged in age from maybe 21 to their 60's. I stayed on the couch, and finally one guy broke the ice and said 'Are you still working?'

'Of Course' I said 'interested?'

He reached in his pocket for a $20 bill and handed it to me as he loosened his belt and pulled out his cock. And without a word I leaned over and took him in my mouth and starting sucking him softly, using my hands on his shaft as I licked and lapped at his cock, and within a minute he groaned once and blasted my tonsils, three spurts in a row, and I gently sucked out the last drop and swallowed it.

When he said thanks and stepped away, I saw that there was a large crowd watching, and with the ice broken one guy after another stepped up in front of me for a blowjob. Since it was fairly dark in this corner, I figured I was getting the more shy types now, and as I serviced guy after guy I definitely noticed that the average cock size had gone down since they weren't being seen quite so openly.

But I have nothing against small cocks, I just used a different technique, concentrating on the cocks with my lips and the tip of my tongue, and I have found over the years that the size of the cock has no relation to the size of the load of cum I'd be fed - and the cum was what I really cared about anyway. So I sat on the couch as one $20 bill after another was presented to me and slipped cock after cock into my mouth and serviced it, not even really looking at the guys themselves except to maybe notice their general age and build. And again I did what it took to get them to feed me their juices, and I lost track of how many there were as one after another cock entered my mouth and throat and splattered my tongue and tonsils with liquid explosions.

The loads of cum were all varied in taste, from bitter to pungent to sweet, and the textures ranged from watery to thick and ropy globs that were hard to swallow, and there was a constant warmth in my throat as they all merged into a solid flow and slowly dripped down towards my stomach.

After a few hours the crowd started thinning, and finally I looked up and the crowd around me was gone, and there was a guy standing there looking a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said 'I was wondering if I could buy a blowjob for my grandfather. He's 86, but in good health and has been a widower for many years, and probably hasn't had any sex in twenty at least. But he's kind of old fashioned and I wouldn't want him to know I was paying for it, I'd like you to just be nice to him and see what happens, and I'll pay you triple, upfront'

I looked over in the direction his eyes went to and saw a small white haired man in a dark suit and tie sitting in a back corner on a loveseat.

'Honey' I said 'keep your money, this one's on me. Just give me a few minutes to fix myself and I'll stop by to see him'

So I got up and went into the ladies room and wiped the cum that had missed my mouth off my face and chest, fixed my makeup, combed my hair, and rinsed out my mouth, swallowing down the last remnants of cum still there.

I left the ladies room and walked over to the old guy and said 'Mind if I have a seat?' He looked up, smiled, and said 'Please do', so I sat next to him. 'Can I ask you a personal question?' I said, and when he nodded yes I asked 'Are you interested in me at all?'

He replied, in a fairly strong voice 'you don't know how interested I am, but I haven't even been hard in 10 years much less had sex with anyone' I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said 'Relax, honey, lean back and don't worry about anything'

He sighed and leaned back against the loveseat and I reached over and gently opened his belt, then his pants, and reached inside his jockey shorts and took his cock in my hand and began to gently massage it. It was still decent size, maybe 5", but totally soft. I stayed sitting next to him, looking in his eyes, as I played with his soft cock. And then I slid his pants and boxer shorts slowly out from under him, and moved over to a kneeling position between his legs on the small rug and kept gently rubbing his cock and looking up at him. His cock got a little larger but was still soft, and his balls were hanging very low, with age I suppose. I leaned in and gently took his cock in my mouth and licked and very gently sucked on it for awhile, then slipped it out of my mouth, took it in my hand, and gently rubbed it as I lapped my tongue all over his balls for awhile.

He moaned quietly, but stayed soft, so I took his cock back in my mouth and ran my lips up and down it's soft length, using my tongue all over, and very gently massaged his hanging balls with my right hand as I softly ran my fingertips along his inner thing. He moaned a few more times, and surprisingly his cock got a little firmer, not exactly hard but full enough that I could get the head into my throat on the down strokes, so I very slowly ran my mouth up and down his cock in a slow steady rhythm.

Then, totally unexpectedly, and with his cock still mostly soft he moaned and my mouth began filling with cum. It was on the watery side, there probably weren't any active sperm cells left, and it didn't shoot out in a blast, but it had a nice strong taste and I kept gently rubbing his balls as his juices kept flowing down my throat as I swallowed, and when he finally stopped he slumped back hard against the loveseat and I looked up and thought he'd died from the effort.

But as I was watching him, his eyes fluttered open and he gave me the biggest smile. 'Thank you sweetheart' he said 'I never thought that would happen again, and it was nicer than any memory I have from the past'

I kneeled upright and leaned in and gave him a kiss on his weathered cheek and said 'It was my pleasure', then gave him a big smile, helped him pull his pants back on, and got up and left.

The movies had gone off the screen, and everyone was back in their seats, so I started to head back to the room, figuring the night was over. I had completely lost count of how many cocks I'd serviced, but it was a lot, and as I started walking the cum in my belly was sloshing around and I felt, if not full, well fed.

But as I reached the stairs up to the room, the spotlight came on, lighting up the podium on the stage, and I stopped and noticed the best man was up there. He said into the microphone 'I'd like everyone's attention please', and I stopped to listen as everyone took a seat. 'I'd like to thank you all for coming .... And cummmmiing' he said with a grin, to some clapping. 'And before the night ends I'd like the lady to please step up here onto the stage if she will?' There were a few cheers, and I thought 'What the hell' and slowly walked up the steps and across the stage to the podium.

When I got up there he said 'We'd all like to thank you for your services tonight' to more cheering 'but before you leave I have an offer to make you'. He reached to a shelf under the podium and pulled out a deep clear glass bowl, close to full of what looked like cum, which he set on top - and on the side of the bowl was a small card that read - FEED THE WHORE, $20 -

'This bowl was on the counter in the men's room all night' he said 'and since many of the guys here are too shy for a public blowjob, we collected $20 from everyone who jerked themselves off into this bowl. We counted up the money a few minutes ago and there's $1,080 dollars, from 54 different guys who made a contribution to the bowl. The money is yours if you are willing to drink it all down now, up here on the stage'

It was pretty much the same concept as some of the Japanese porn movies I'd seen in the past - and in those movies the girls would chug down large beakers of cum with a smile. So without giving it too much thought I said 'Sure' and he said 'Have a seat, then, and he handed me the envelope with the money in it, which I tucked inside my already bulging bra.

I sat, and from the side I saw the TV screen light up and glanced over to see my face filling the screen again. The best man gave walking over from the podium gingerly carrying the bowl, which he handed to me and I took with both hands.

The bowl was close to full, and it was a very slightly yellowish color, and you could see many of the cumloads separated from each other, the thick ones seemed to have stayed together and the watery ones had probably blended.

They handed it to me as I sat on the folding chair, and the spotlight turned fully on me. The first thing I noticed, though, as I held the glass, was that it was maybe room temperature, not body temperature like I am used to swallowing.

'But how bad can that make it' I thought 'it's still just cum', so with the room totally quiet I turned sideways to the room, lifted the bowl to my lips, and slurped down a large mouthful.

Well, it's one thing having a warm load of cum fill your mouth directly from a guys cock as you're hearing him moan and feeling his dick pulse against your lips, but this was completely different. The taste was unbelievably strong and as I started swallowing down the mouthful of thick cold cum the large ropy globs caught in my throat and I had to gulp a few times to get them free so I could swallow the rest - and for the first time in my life I actually gagged on cum as the cold mass slid down towards my stomach.

When I gagged I coughed a little and some of the cum shot out my nose and was dripping down from my nostrils, and I paused with the still almost-full bowl in my hands, and blinked a few times, caught my breath, sniffed the cum back from my nose into my mouth, and wondered how I was going to do this.

But after a few seconds I had an idea, and I looked up and asked if someone could put the bowl in a microwave for maybe 10 seconds to warm it back up to body temperature, and the best man said 'Sure' and came over and with napkins took the bowl from me and walked off the stage and around the corner, to the kitchen I guessed. The room was dead quiet as I sat there waiting, but in less than a minute he was back with the bowl, and when I took it from him I felt that it was slightly warm this time.

I decided to just go for it, and I tilted my head back a little to get my throat open as wide as possible, lifted the bowl to my lips with both hands and just started slurping the cum down from the edge of the bowl.

It was still very strong tasting but much easier to swallow warm, and without stopping or thinking much about it I kept sucking it into my mouth and gulping it down, and though I could feel the globs slide past my throat opening they weren't sticking and as I swallowed mouthful after mouthful I could feel the sticky mass inside me sliding down my gullet and heading for my stomach.

And before I knew it the bowl was empty, the last large glob slid into my mouth, and I then ran my tongue all around the inside of the bowl and with a final gulp I swallowed down the end of it.

I sat there for about 15 seconds in total silence, my stomach feeling really full, and all at once the room burst into noise. There were some cheers and clapping, and also some rude remarks thrown my way, but as I put the empty bowl down on the floor the spotlight went out, and I got up and started walking to the room at the side of the stage.

I was really tired at this point, and I had a small stomach ache, so I went into the room and sat at the dressing table and looked at myself in the mirror. It was not a pretty picture, my lips were extremely swollen, my makeup was a mess, and there was cum everywhere. There were a few gobs hanging from my chin, cum in my hair, and even a few small drying globs on my eyelashes. I pulled the large wad of bills and the envelope out of my bra and put it on the table, then went over to the sink and wet a paper towel and dabbed off most of the cum, did a quick makeup repair, and combed my hair.

I was still a mess in the mirror, but I wasn't going on a date at that point. I laid out all the money on the counter and began counting and folding it. There was the $1,080 dollars from the envelope, of course but I was surprised to find I'd collected an additional $1540. Adding that to the original $1000 I'd gotten upfront, I'd made over $3600 that evening - and I would have done it all for free! Doing some quick math I realized I'd swallowed 131 loads of cum that evening, not counting the groom and best man - no wonder I was full and my stomach ached!

I slipped on my sweater and left the room, and by now the place was virtually empty except for a few workers cleaning up. So I headed over to the office where I found the owner at the desk doing paperwork. He looked up and said 'Hi', and I said 'Thanks again for the job, I appreciate it - is there anything I can do for you in return?'

'Thanks anyway, but I'm OK - I made a contribution to your bowl a little while back' he said with a smile 'That was quite a scene, I never saw anything like that'.

'Neither did I, but there's always a first for everything' I replied, smiling back 'Well, I'm going to take off then - and if anyone from tonight comes back looking for any services, could you please pass the information on to me? You have my email and phone number' 'Will do' he said 'take care' 'Bye', I said, and left the office and the bar, my stomach sloshing with cum as I got into my car. And on the way home I was trying to think of how I could possibly top that night - and I couldn't think of a single way.

Author's Note: Although many of the individual scenes were drawn from experience, the story itself is obviously a total fantasy. But please write me if you liked it.

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