Babyface Jocks Own Me

By Unabbook

Published on Jun 12, 2012


Aw fuck! "PLEASE MASTURBATE ME! DUDES AW FUCK!!!!" I'm screaming, but it just makes them laugh with their perverted jock smiles. The whole football team have me lifted high up in the air with my encased edging dick pointing up at the ceiling. Shit, these dudes are so tall !!!

Now they're screamin, like, "BONER CLOSET! BONER CLOSET!!! "

Aw FUCK! I know what that means, it's the fucken football team shower room.

Everyone knows full well what it is, cause it's this special shower area where there's like five open showers on each side of the room, facing each other. It's totally reserved for the jocks, and everyone knows if you shower in there it's totally open and you're gona totally get a helpless boner.

Plus for some special perverted reason only known to the jocks, THESE particular showers are in like a separate room and you can look the door to it. I guess that's to stop anyone getting in there after hours. Or maybe to stop any non-jock from getting OUT. Anyway, once we're in there, Larry locks the door behind us.

I'm still wearing my sweatpants -- I had put them on this morning to hide my encased boner. Fuck! Are they gona strip me?

Hells yeah. Now that they've got me in this double-sided row of showers, they turn them all on so it's like totally wet. The blonde buzzcut kid, who looks like a fucken Marine porn star, starts like chanting "strip the BITCH! Strip the BITCH! Strip the BITCH!" and now everyone really is laughing their heads off. They're all naked and wet, and they start throwing me around in a square each time they yell "BITCH!"

Now Larry comes up with the neck collar again -- aw fuck, what next, not that!!! -- and, smiling his bracesfucker smile -- in front of all these dudes -- he forces me into it, attaching my wrists tight up to my collar again.

Well, that's it, right. They tackle me to the ground and strip me off. Then they all lift me to my feet, and surround me in a big circle, all like 5 feet away from me.

Oh my god! My pulsing encased obscenely huge boner is the biggest thing in the room!

They're all shocked and hooting and screaming now!!! They're all screaming like, "that's a fucken pretty ass boner dude, do you want us to touch it? HAHAHA!" Now, you have to imagine that I'm surrounded by the whole football team all wet, basically either naked or just in wet jockstraps. These dudes are like fucken dirty hormone bombs, and they're all like pointing at my cock, which nobody can touch anyway, and laughing at me, and Larry has my boner buzzing once every 10 seconds or so, which is just edging me to all hell.

What can I do? I'm totally on display while they're edging me. I have to DO something!! I have to use some energy, aw SHIT!!! SO I kinda involuntarily do the only thing left for me - I stretch onto my tiptoes and start bouncing up and down.

I look at Larry, who has the remote hidden someplace. He's beaming and his bracesfucker smile shines linke the sun, especially with the bright lights in here. I try to stay quiet, but I can't help it. He buzzes me once or twice -- not enough to spurt it of course -- And I'm like,

"somebody touch it! OH MY GOD SOMEBODY TOUCH IT !!" So Bobby gets right up in my face and slaps me hard, laughs, then backs off again. I'm basically bouncing on my tiptoes with my eyes wide open, saying "oh fuck! oh fuck!" under my breath.

All of a sudden, these four jocks come in. One of them is Billy from the AF store. I remember him, mainly cause he's like 6'10".

Shit! Okay if you're a buff ripped 6'10" with a babyface, you obviously can control anybody!!! And of course this time is no exception, Billy struts in, and this time he's controlling this tall blonde kid. Specifically, he has the kid bearhugged off the ground. I think his name is Eric -- I don't know him, but I noticed him before because he was so hot. I mean normally Eric would tower over me, but in this case he's bearhugged off the ground by baby smiling Billy. Eric's in a fucken wrist-neck collar too.

But the thing is, Eric has a red rubber ball gag locked on his head, with the red rubber ball in his mouth.

Now, Eric's lips are pouty and wet anyway - - I remember this from sneaking looks at him -- so basically he is now drippin saliva all over the place, making the floor even more slippery. Of course he has sprung a ragin boner that nobody is gona touch.

All the jocks seem to have planned this. They're all screaming "BONER CLOSET! BONER CLOSET!" and spitting on it and laughin. They're all chanting and pointing at Eric's helpless boner, which obviously Eric can't make stop. And then super tall Billy -- with dirty sexy smile -- is all, "I think he likes us dudes."

So now Larry produces this spreader bar, but at each end it has like TWO cuffs. What the fuck! Now they shove Eric and me, front to front, together and lock all 4 of our ankles in the spreader bar. Then they put a belt around both our waists, and cinch it closed.

Now basically I'm locked onto to Eric's front, but he's taller than me, so all I can do is look at his dripping lips and ball gag at close range. He is so shit hot sexy. The ball is making him drip down all over my face, and it smells so hot! Plus, Larry keeps buzzing my boner once every 10 or 15, but not enough to make me cum. Aw fuck! Aw fuck!

So now Billy is behind Eric, and Larry gets in behind me, and Billy and Larry have their huge biceps around Eric and my necks, just taking care of us and smiling. And then Larry says in my ear, "dudes, you wana get forcefucked?"

Now all these baby face jocks are laughing and screaming "forcefuck! forcefuck!!!" and spitting all over our heads, drenching us even more. Eric's like rubbing his huge boner up my chest, like he's pretty desperate to masturbate himself at this point, and I would be too but my cock is encased so I can't masturbate myself, besides he's taller than me so my cock is just stuck out in the air between his spread legs.

Larry and Billy lift Eric and me in the air, like we are meat in a sandwich, and then they jam right in and start forcefucking us, bouncing on their toes. But Eric and me are suspended in the air of course. No way are these perverted boyish jocks gona forcefuck us on the ground.

Shit! Eric's lips are so wet and sexy, and I'm surrounded by the dirty sexy adolescent smell of the wet red rubber ball holding his dripping mouth open right in my eyes. Actually, my boyish upturned nose is kind of pressed right into the ball, and you know how sensitive my sense of smell is. Larry and Billy are like jumpin in unison, and everyone's smiling and screaming "force FUCK! force FUCK!" They get faster and faster -- these total teens are like fucken superhuman -- until they fucken shoot, with LAUGHING screams of "YEAH!!! YEAH!!!!."

Of course, I can never cum. When they're done forcefucking us, Larry gets a short bungee cord, and attaches both our collars to the showerhead, and turns it on warm to hot. It's not tight, but we can't escape. They say, "don't go anywhere, dudes!" Then everyone leaves and locks the door.

Now we are taking a forced shower together, perma locked to each others' fronts. All I can do is look at Eric's incredibly erotic dripping lips and ball gag at close range. Shit he is so sexy plus my boner keeps buzzing once every 10 or 15.

Basically we are both helpless, but Eric is bigger than me, so now -- even with his dripping lips controlled in a ball gag -- even HE uses me as his forced masturbation toy. He's like fucken at my abs, jumpin really fast. I'm thrusting too -- shit I am so desperate -- but of course I can't cum. But still, I can't help thrusting, although all it does is masturbate Eric. He's squealing on each jab at me, until he shoots right up my front, right up my upturned nose!

Now Eric is spurted out, he leans against me on the wall as we get force showered. I'm still being edged, of course, and I'm helplessly looking at his HOT sexy dripping lipe, and thrusting my encased cock. But MY cock is between his legs in the spreader bar, where there's only air, and it's encased anyway. It looks like Eric will be edging me for awhile. Now I know why it's called the boner closet !!!

Next: Chapter 15

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