Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Apr 11, 2003


A Baby Story (9/11)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: G to some slight NC-17

Feedback: Please! Your comments are the ones that keep me writing!

Author`s notes: First off, to Viv, because she asked me to write a family Jushua story. Secondly, this chapter is the calm before the storm. I hope to have more out soon, but I just don't know if my education will be allowing it for awhile. It's taken me 7 months to get this chapter written, and it's been in pieces since September. Thanks for your patience since I know it was August when I last updated.

P.S. - Gay marriage is not legal in any state at this time. That factor in this story is taken from my hope that in 14 years, the year the story is set in, gay marriage might be legal.

Justin's POV:

In April, your Daddy and I's 10th anniversary rolled around and the time to finalize your adoption was upon us. We had sent in the petition to the lawyer back in January and the agency had given us six unexpected house calls to see how we were managing since then, so we had expected to get a call about a hearing soon. The call came April 3rd, two days before one of your Daddy's co-workers made a potential mistake, that almost cost us you.

The phone sounded through the house, waking Josh from his light early-afternoon nap. Walking over to the phone, he picked it up and groaned.

"Hello?" Josh asked, groggily.

"Hi. Mr. Chasez?"

"Yes, that's me. What can I do for you?"

"I'm Hannah Barrington calling from Judge Catherine Albright`s office. Your paper work has come through and if it's not too much of an inconvenience the city has set up April 7 to be the day of your hearing."

"Just a second, let me check my calendar." Josh dropped the phone and jogged upstairs to their office. Opening his planner to April, he looked at the dates and then picked up the phone on the desk.

"Hannah, you still there?"


"Sorry that took so long, I was downstairs and my planner was upstairs. To answer your question, yes that should be fine but I need to check with my husband to be completely sure. Can I call you back in about an hour?"

"Sure. I'll give you my cell it's..."

"Just a second, let me grab a piece of paper here. Okay."






"9065. Great thanks. Talk to you soon." Josh set the piece of paper down on the desk and hit the receiver. Dialing in Justin's work number, he sat down in the chair and waited.

"Mr. Timberlake's office" Amber, Justin's secretary, said into the phone.

"Hi Amber is he in?" Josh asked.

"Josh! How are you? And yes he is in."

"I'm fine and thanks."

"Let me get him. Our transfer system is down, and this time of the day he's usually not staring at his phone watching for the blinking light."


Amber stood up and made her way to the mahogany wooden doors.

Justin turned on the radio in his office, leaning back in his recliner with his coffee mug in hand. Taking a sip, he let the scent waft through his senses. A knock at the door brought him out of his reverie.

"Justin, there's a phone call for you on line two." Amber stated, peeping her head in and smiling broadly.

"Thanks Amber."

Justin picked up the phone and hit the blinking light. "Hello? Justin Timberlake speaking."

"Hey baby."

"Hey yourself; everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Hannah Barrington just called from the Judge's office. The city has set April 7th as the date for the hearing and they wanted to make sure that would work before they finalized it. According to our calendar it works, but I wanted to make sure you didn't have anything set up that I didn't know about."

"Yes, that works fine. I didn't think we had a say in when we could have it anyway."

"I didn't either."

"I'm looking forward to tonight by the way. I know I already told you Happy Anniversary this morning when we woke up, but I'm going to say it again. Happy Anniversary, we made it to ten years."

"I know can you believe it?"

"Nope, it doesn't seem that long."

"I know. Anyway, I'll see you back at home in about an hour. Heather's coming by to get Vivian at 5:00 and will bring her back sometime late tomorrow morning."

"You didn't tell me we were getting the house to ourselves."

"Well, I thought it'd be a nice surprise." Josh smirked through the phone.

"It is. Anyhow, I need to finish up here. See you soon, I love you."

"Love you too."

Justin hung up the phone right as Amber knocked once more and came back into the office.

"Big night planned?" She winked, dropping some last minute paperwork onto his desk.

"Yep, it's our 10th anniversary."

"Ten years. Wow. I wish John and I could have lasted that long. But no, he had to run off with his secretary. I don't guess I could persuade you to do the same?" She joked.

"Nah, I'm afraid you just aren't my type. Not to mention Josh would have my neck."

"I don't see how Josh puts up with such a dork," Amber teased, laughing, as she backed out of the room and went back to work.

"Josh, lover, I'm home." Justin announced as he set his briefcase down by the door.

Josh walked into the room smiling. Coming over to Justin, he placed a soft kiss on his lips and then backed away.


"You know, you'd think after 10 years I'd get tired of that exact same phrase every time I got home from work. But you know what, I don't. It's music to my ears."

"You know flattery won't're an hour late."

"Traffic was a bitch. I'm sorry."

"Justin, you work 8 blocks away and you walk...that excuse hasn't fooled me since we moved into this place."

"I know. I was just seeing if you were running on all cylinders tonight or if you'd already been into the champagne."

"You are too much. Dinner's served by the way. I had to put it in the oven, because it was getting cold."

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to be late." Justin replied, setting down his jacket on the back of the sofa and making his way into the kitchen.

Josh followed closely behind; placing his hands on Justin's hips and pulling him back flat against him.

"Can you believe it's been this long? It seems just like yesterday we got married on that secluded beach in Hawaii, with the waves crashing against the shore."

"I remember. God, no one has ever had such an amazing wedding and oh, the honeymoon..." Justin sighed, deep in thought as he recalled the wonderful event.

"Yes, we had that wonderful private resort in Tahiti. Remember how we'd wake up early and see the sunrise, and then make love right there on the balcony? Or, sitting out on that blanket under the stars with candles surrounding us and the waves crashing against the beach and then making love until we fell asleep in each others arms, only to awaken in the middle of the night and go at it again?"

"Yes...I also remember the sunsets, and laying next to you as you painted each color with such realism that if I looked at it, it seemed as if the sunset never ended. I still look at that one we took home with us that we have hanging. Every time I see it, I'm transported to that evening, that sunset. It's almost as if we never left."

"Yeah..." Josh started in a dreamy sigh, stopping where he was as if to relish the scene from where he was.

"Come on Josh. I'm starving, and if our dinner sits anymore in that oven...we're gonna have to go out for dinner." Justin laughed.

Josh snickered, and then started to waddle once more, kissing the back of Justin's neck as they made their huddled way into the kitchen.

The table was ornamented romantically by two simple candles that illuminated the silver utensils adorning the snow-white crocheted table cloth. A bottle of red wine sat chilling in a cooler at one corner, while the plates shone underneath the decoratively folded cloth napkins.

Justin stared in awe for a moment, his eyes grazing across every intricate detail.

"Josh, wow...this is beautiful. It must have taken you forever. That's our best china and silverware. I know I stored them up in the attic last year after Thanksgiving, how on Earth did you get them down?"

"How doesn't matter... I wanted this evening to be special, and you know how I am. I'm all about the details and the presentation. I couldn't have a romantic dinner without using our best stuff, so I found a way."

Justin nodded his head in understanding, and then turned his head to look Josh in the eye.

"Since when are you such an accomplished napkin folder?"

"I'm not. Heather is." Josh answered, grinning from ear to ear.

Justin chuckled and then unhooked Josh's arms from his abdomen and made his way over to the table. Placing the napkin in his lap he smiled as Josh began to walk over to the oven and pull out the first dish.

"I know that you were expecting grilled sole tonight, but I was at the store this afternoon and they had these gorgeous steaks. And well, I got inspired. So, I promise, we'll have sole sometime later this week, okay?"

"That's fine. Steak sounds wonderful." Justin answered, as Josh set down a gorgeous platter of the best cut filet mignons he'd ever seen garnished with large sautéed mushrooms and basil.

"Well, I hope they taste as good as they sound. I just sort of made something up." Josh retorted as he set down a heaping bowl of red potatoes and another overflowing dish of green beans.

"Josh, you have never cooked something that wasn't sinfully delicious."

"Well, thank you." Josh returned to the table with the freshly cut French bread and sat down in his own chair, adjacent Justin.

"How about some wine?" Justin asked, picking up the bottle and pouring some into Josh's glass and then his own.

Josh picked up his glass and raised it towards Justin.

"To us." Josh stated.

"To us." Justin repeated, clinking their glasses together.

"Do you remember the day I first told you I love you?" Justin asked, setting his fork down and reaching across the table and picking Josh's right hand up and squeezing it tightly in his.

"Yes..." Josh whispered, softly.

"That day I never thought I'd ever see you more beautiful. I was wrong. The way you look right now blows every other time away."

"Today after Heather picked up Vivian, I went into our bedroom and tidied up a bit and caught a glimpse of that picture I'd taken in Venice three summers ago. You know the one where you're leaning up against the lamp post, with that big grin across your face? I started thinking about how everything's changed in the last year. Justin, I never expected any of this to happen nor did I expect to be so lucky in my life. I remember how when we met, I was just about to move up to work for the network and you were just barely starting to really work on getting your masters in business."

"I know. I remember the day we met. I thought you were disgusted with me, because when I went up to start talking to you, you walked away and headed back to your car."

"Oh baby, no. I was just tired. It was right before the holidays and I was getting ready to head back to Maryland the next morning."

"I know, you proved that to me when you tracked my phone number down from Joey and called me at home in Memphis."

"Well, you really intrigued me. You seemed really smart and appeared to be an interesting person to talk to."

"Really? I just went over originally because I thought you were gorgeous."

"I still wonder what your parents must have thought of me that first time they met me."

"Oh, Josh, they loved you."

"They walked in on us having sex, Justin. And it wasn't like we were at a stopping point, either; they came in on the exact brink."

"Well, they knew you loved me. That's for sure."

"That look on your mother's face. I don't think I've ever been so horrified."

"She was the one that was horrified. Though, I must say...that night when I was seeing them out, she told me I'd picked well."

"You're kidding. I must have made one hell of a good impression at dinner."

"Hun, she was talking about that fine as all hell ass. She said there wasn't a cuter one around on our side of the Mississippi. And let me tell you, I know from experience, there ain't a cuter one around anywhere. You got the best ass in the world, baby...and I'll be damned if I ever let anyone else see it ever again."

"You know I never really asked you when you realized that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me."

"It was the day of your grandfather's funeral. I'd gone with you back home to Memphis for the memorial service and I remember sitting there next to you, holding your hand in mine, as you cried on my shoulder and thinking that if it killed me I was going to try and spend the rest of my life making you happy so that you'd never have to feel that kind of pain again. When did you realize that? Was it when I proposed?"

"No, long before. The first time I ever saw your face."

"Josh, that was unbelievable. Thank you."

"Wait, there's more you know. I hope you saved room for dessert."

"What did you make?"

"Chocolate-Raspberry trifle." Josh replied, standing up and clearing their plates.

Justin picked up the bottle of wine once more and refilled their glasses, just as Josh came back with their last course.

"This looks unbelievable. Where on earth did you get the recipe?"

"Katie gave it to me. Some chef made it on "Today" last week. She said it was like heaven on a plate and she bet that it would be the best dessert I've ever tasted."

Justin picked up the spoon and tasted a bite. "Oh my god, this is to die for."

"You're eyes are so beautiful Josh. It's as if I can lose myself in them forever."

"They're only a mirror to my soul; a reflection of yours."

"Summer time is coming. I think you and I should go away for a weekend by ourselves. Do you think Heather would mind keeping Vivian for a few days?"

"I'll have to ask her. Why, where would you like to go?"

"Honestly, Paris. But I'll settle for Maine."

"Ooh. We should rent out a house on a private beach for 3 days. You think that could be possible?"

"For you Josh, I could walk on water."

"Leave the dishes." Justin said, sucking lightly on Josh's neck.

"Okay..." Josh said; setting the bowls back down on the table and letting Justin drag him into their bedroom.

Justin laid Josh down gently on the duvet, slowly undoing his lover's shirt as he kissed his way down Josh's chest, pecking at every inch of skin that was gradually revealed to his moist, pink lips.

Josh sighed in bliss at the contact Justin was making, lifting his right hand up to gently run it through Justin's tousled curls.

"You are so beautiful..." Josh stated breathless, as his eyelids started to slip to half-mast from the pleasure.

Justin stopped his movements and looked up to meet his husband's eyes.

"No one will ever be more beautiful than you, Josh. And I mean that."

Josh pulled Justin up to lay on top his chest, kissing his lips softly and methodically.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Justin replied, then once more kissed Josh again, with added passion this time, and then pulled away to continue his actions.

Moving back down to Josh's belly button, Justin once again began kissing lightly on all the skin, pushing Josh's shirt completely off his chest and beginning to unbutton the three buttons to Josh's slacks.

"You make me want you so much," Justin breathed anxiously onto the soft cotton fabric he found there.

Josh smirked and continued trying to breathe as evenly as possible. Justin stuck his tongue out and licked a tiny bit at the briefs underneath, then began to slip the pants down Josh's legs.

The cool air whipped against the tender skin of Josh's thighs, taking his breath away from the anticipation of what was to come next. They hadn't made love in a few days and the expectation was immense.

After pulling the briefs off in one swipe, Justin stood up and removed his garments, letting his clothes fall to a muddled mess in the floor as his back muscles flexed in the dimly lit room. Crossing back over to the bed, Justin crouched down on all fours, kissing Josh lightly on the lips.

Justin's eyes gleamed in the soft moonlight that was flowing onto the bed from the windows. Smiling from ear to ear, Justin leaned down and affectionately kissed the skin of Josh's inner thigh, letting his warm breath waft against it. Sliding his lips gently up, he traced his husband's hip-bone, feathering kisses up to Josh's belly button and across to his other leg.

Josh squirmed underneath Justin, the pleasure electrifying every nerve in his body; his skin lit on fire.

"Justin, please, I know love the...teasing...but God,'re driving me crazy."

Justin stifled a laugh against the tender skin, the attempt causing another shiver to run up his husband's spine. Taking a deep breath he stuck his tongue out and licked up the side of the thigh, over the inner curve of the hipbone, and up the underside of Josh's aroused penis.

Josh let out a satisfied groan, deep in his chest, his head falling back against the pillows, as lust poured into his eyes.

Justin placed the tip gently into his mouth as he slowly started to descend upon the stimulated phallus. Closing his lips tightly, he created suction around the tender and aroused skin. Bobbing his head up and down, he sucked Josh off with expertise, never once stopping in his motions to falter.

Josh grabbed the sheets and twisted them tightly in his coiled fingers; his knuckles turning white from the grip. Breathing heavily, he lifted his right hand and pushed Justin's mouth away.

Sitting up hesitantly, Justin sighed, "Why'd you want me to stop?"

"You're, way...too good at that," Josh answered out of breath.

"Well, isn't that supposed to be a good thing? I thought you married me for my expertise in blow jobs." Justin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Heh, well, you know that was one factor..." Josh started but Justin silenced him with a kiss.

Grinding his body into his husband's, Justin reclaimed the territory that had been his before they were interrupted by the mindless ramblings off two men in love.

Stopping for a moment, Justin moved back slightly and yanked the covers up over their bodies.

"Josh, get the gel."

Josh hurriedly reached over to the nightstand and opened the drawer. Pulling out a tube of KY-jelly, he quickly unscrewed the top, squirted some into his left hand, and placed it back in the drawer.

Leaning down to Justin, Josh smothered the lubricant all over his husband's manhood. Justin's breath hitched and eyes flicked shut with the warm touch of Josh's hand.

Picking up Justin's right hand, Josh applied the last bit of lube to Justin's middle and index finger. Justin kissed Josh's hand when he finished, and then got back into position. Hoisting Josh's legs over his shoulders, he put himself in position and then thrust his index finger inside of his husband.

Josh moaned at the feeling of being opened, sliding down slightly to get the entire digit inside of him. Motioning for Justin to continue, he gasped when he felt the second finger slide in just as easily as the first, stretching him, pleasuring him, and preparing him.

Justin removed his fingers and lined himself back up at Josh's opening. Hunching over, he attached his lips to Josh at the same time he slipped inside.

Fireworks flashed and an imaginary orchestra began to play in their minds as they rocked together as one. Josh looked up into Justin's eyes and absorbed the warmth that was radiating from within their depths directly into his soul. Detaching his mouth for a moment, Justin let out a cry as he felt Josh shudder around him, closing his walls in tightly to grip his lover's phallus deep within him.

Justin submerged himself deeper within the depths that surrounded him as he bucked his hips up and stroked across Josh's prostate. Josh moaned and then again began kissing Justin, swallowing all cries of pleasure and inhaling all the passion.

Sensing the end of his self-control, Justin reached for Josh's erect penis and began to stroke feverishly. Josh's breath hitched in the back of his throat as he was swept over the edge, crying out as his semen was liberated from his body.

Justin halted in his actions to look at his husband. Seeing the pleasure swoop over Josh's features, he let himself go, falling on top of Josh as his body was purged with relief.

Josh's arms curled around his prostrate husband, encircling his waist and drawing him up near the top of the bed. Nuzzling his cheek into Justin's shoulder, Josh placed a kiss on Justin's lips and held him tight.

"Happy Anniversary Josh; I love you so much," Justin whispered drowsily, exhaustion overtaking him.

"Happy Anniversary Justin, I love you too." Josh answered, curling his right leg around Justin's left and drifting off into sleep.

~~LD Griffin~~

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