Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Aug 4, 2002


A Baby Story (8/10)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: G to some slight NC-17

Feedback: Please! This is a trial story, so I really need to know if you all like it or not.

Author`s notes: First off, to Viv, because she asked me to write a family Jushua story. Secondly, all the products mentioned in this chapter are real baby toys, and are designed for a child of the age that Vivian is at this moment. All behavioral, developmental, and health encounters Josh and Justin have come across in this chapter are measured within the approximate range of most children.

The songs used in this chapter are: "The Time Warp (Rocky Horror Version)", "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas". "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra inspired the smut scene included in this chapter. If you don't have Christmas Eve/Sarajevo, I suggest you download it. While writing this, I so wanted to make a movie because the beats in it fit perfectly for what they're used for, and in my imagination and in a lot of people's I talked the emotions like it should.

Josh's POV:

Right after your first birthday, all the holidays came a flying by. You had your first Halloween, your first Thanksgiving, your first Christmas, and your first New Years with us that year. So, I was determined to make it a holiday season you'd never forget, whatever it took.


Justin and JC opened the door to the nursery, the tape player blasting the song as they sung along.

"I remember, doing the time warp, drinking those moments when the blackness would hit me and the boy would be calling, let's do the time-warp again, let's do the time-warp again. It's just a jump to left, and then a step to the right, put your hands on your hips, and bring your knees in tight. Then it's the pelvic thrust, it really drives you insane. Let's do the time warp again, let's do the time warp again." they finished, walking up to her crib and Josh set the tape player down on the dresser.

"Happy Halloween our little goblin." Justin made a face at Vivian, making her giggle.

Justin brought Vivian up out of the crib, and laid her down on the changing table, changing out her diaper while Josh got her costume out of the closet.

"You're going to be the cutest lady bug anyone's ever seen, angel." Josh said, walking back over to her and slipping the costume on her.

Sitting her up, they placed the antennas on her head and picked her up in their arms.

"Your going trick-or-treating for a little bit tonight," Justin said, tickling her stomach.

Vivian giggled and clapped her hands in response.

"Come on munchkin." Justin said, picking her up into his arms and walking out into the hall, Josh right behind him.

"You got the goodie bag?" Josh asked Justin, passing the counter and grabbing a flashlight.

"Yep." Justin answered, opening the door and walking downstairs.

They walked over to the next building and stopped in front of a red wood door. Justin looked down for a second at his feet and noticed a pumpkin sitting on the ground with a happy smile carved into it; a candle glowed inside, illuminating it in the dark.

"Do you know what that is, angel? That`s a jack-o-lantern." Justin stated, pointing at the ground

Vivian followed her Papa's finger and smiled.

"Ring the doorbell Vivian." Josh said af, picking up her hand and touching her index finger to the button.

A buzz sounded through the building as the lights turned on. A moment later a lady answered the door, a orange bowl in her hand.

"Trick or Treat." Justin and Josh said together, turning Vivian outward.

Vivian smiled at the lady, then turned and hid her face in Justin's shirt.

"Well, what do we have here. A lady bug? Well, I bet you're a hungry lady bug, aren't you. Here you go." the woman said, grabbing a handful of candy and dropping in the bag Justin extended from his wrist.

"Thanks Mrs. Reed." Josh said, as Justin began walking back up to their aparment.

"You're welcome Josh." she answered, turning around, and closing the door.


"You'll be there at 11:30 right? And you remember where?" Josh asked, nervously.

"Yes, baby, we'll be there at 11:30 and I know you're two blocks east of Macy`s." Justin replied, handing Josh his coat.

"I'm nervous. This'll be the first time Vivian has really any idea what her Daddy does for work."

"Don't worry, Josh, everything'll be fine." Justin soothed.

"I just worry about her."

"I know you do. Now you have fun."

"I love you." Josh responded, starting to walk down the stairs.

"I love you too." Justin hollered after him, closing the door.

"Well, you know Josh that most of these balloons have been used for almost 30 years, and it takes a team of about 300 to get them in working order and to maneuver them all through the streets of New York."

"Yes, Katie, and I also know that we're debuting four new ones this year including the new Heinz 57 Ketchup bottle balloon. And here it comes now."

"Makes you hungry doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I know I could sure go for some hot french fries right about now. It's freezing out here."

"That it is, Josh. Al, maybe you can give us some insight on if the misting snow. Is going to be letting up anytime soon?"

"Well, I hope so. We seem to be in some sort of..."

The camera cut off, and Katie turned to look at Josh.

"So Justin's bringing the baby today. Finally I get to meet her." she smiled at him, putting a curl behind her ear.

"Yep, he should be here any minute."

"How about now?" Katie asked, motioning her finger for Josh to turn around.

"Justin, you found me. I was worried, since we moved the stage, you wouldn't be able to see where I was."

"Nope, found you just fine."

"So this is the infamous Vivian Annette Chasez." Katie said cheerfully, walking up and smiling at the child strapped into the carrier across Justin's chest.


"She's gorgeous Josh." Katie added, rubbing the back of Vivian's head.


"She just woke up from her nap, so I think she's in a good mood if you'd like to hold her." Justin unbuckled Vivi and handed her to Katie, who gratefully took her into her arms.

"You look great."

"Thanks, so do you. And I'm glad you remembered Vivian's parka."

"It's 34 degrees out here, of course I remembered her coat." Justin laughed, wrapping his arm around Josh's waist.

"Santa is coming up the street." the cameraman spoke to Katie and gave her the 10 second countdown.

Justin pulled away from Josh and moved to take Vivian, but Katie stopped him. "She can stay here and look at Santa with us."


The cameraman counted down to one and pointed at Katie as the green light went on.

"Well, you know it's the start of the holiday season when you see Santa go by on his sleigh. Isn't that right Vivian?" Katie asked the child.

Vivian looked over to her Daddy as her lower lip began to quiver.

"Dada." Vivian spoke, reaching out for Josh.

"Well, it either means the start of the holiday season or the start of a time when families bond and come closer together." Josh answered for his daughter, smiling towards Katie.

"I agree. What do you say Al?"

"I agree with Josh too, Katie. There's nothing like the holidays to represent family togetherness."

The camera zoomed in on Santa Claus then zoomed back out focusing on Josh and Vivian.

"Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone, we'll see you next year." Josh stated, as the ending them finished and the camera zoomed in on Vivian's face.

"And we're out." the cameraman announced, turning around to start packing everything up.

"Well, we got to dash to my sister's. But I'll see you soon Katie. Tell your daughters hi for me and Happy Thanksgiving." Josh said, hugging her, and kissing her on the cheek.

"I will. You come back and see me, you hear?" Katie asked Vivian, taking her little hand in hers and squeezing it gently.

"Bye Katie, we need to have you and your kids over now that everything is getting slightly less hectic." Justin added, hugging Katie also.

"We might take you up on that sometime Justin." she answered, returning the embrace.

"You ready?" Justin asked Josh, as he placed Vivian back in her carrier.

"Yep, let's go."

"Bye everyone." Justin stated, placing his arm on Josh's lower back and leading him out into the crowd.

"Heather, we're here." Josh called, unlocking her front door with the spare key he had.

"Hey you three!" Heather said, walking into her entryway.

"Hi Heather." Justin stated, following his husband into the house, with Vivian still strapped to his chest.

"Josh, I saw you and Vivian on the parade this morning. You two looked great."

"I was nervous beyond all hell. I don't know why." Josh answered, laughing.

"Well, you looked great nonetheless. There's my niece."

Heather walked up to Justin and lifted Vivian from her carrier, hugging her, and then placing her down on the floor. Vivian crawled over behind Josh's foot and grabbed onto, his pant leg.

"The feast is almost ready, about 20 minutes more. I thought you all could sit in the living room for awhile. They're showing "It's A Wonderful Life", just like they do every year."

"Sounds good. I think I`ll take Vivi in there." Justin said, picking Vivian back up in his arms and walking towards the couch.

Setting her down on the floor in front him and picking up the remote, he turned on the television. Josh followed Heather into the kitchen, offering to do anything he could.

Vivian sat on her bottom, looking up at the screen. The characters moved across the set, their lips opening and closing as they spoke. Vivian opened and closed her mouth, sticking her fingers in and sucking on them one by one. Standing up from her position, she grabbed onto Justin's pant-leg and looked up into his eyes.

Justin smiled down at his daughter, watching her eyes glaze over at wonder with him. Suddenly hearing a voice she recognized, she turned around towards the television and pointed.

"Dada." she said, looking directly at the screen.

"Yep, that's your Daddy, Vivian."

"Dada." she repeated, taking one step towards the TV, before she fell on her bottom.

Justin's mouth dropped open as he watched his daughter take her first step.

"Josh! Heather! Get in here now!" Justin screeched, reaching into the diaper bag for the camera.

Josh and Heather came running into the room as fast as they could, out of breath.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked, coming up beside Justin.

"Nothing's wrong. Vivian just took her first step. She saw your face on the screen and took a step towards the television before she fell on her bottom."

Josh stooped down a few feet in front of his daughter.

"Come here, princess. Come to Daddy."

Vivian picked herself up off the floor and stood up. Sticking her feet out, she moved a bit towards Josh, managing two steps before she fell on her bottom. Justin snapped the camera as he watched her get up again and get a few more steps closer to his husband.

Josh extended his arms out wide, waiting for Vivian to make it to him. Vivian kept standing up and taking a few steps, then falling, but increasing the number she could manage each time. Finally, she reached her father, and Josh scooped her into a huge bear hug, kissing her forehead and praising her.

"You did it, angel!" Josh cheered, holding her close.

Justin set down the camera on the couch and walked up to them, then leaned down kiss Vivian's head. "Such a good princess."

Heather grabbed the camera and looked at the family. "You all are too cute. Get together."

Justin wrapped his arm around Josh's shoulder, while Josh turned Vivian around in his grip.

"Say cheese."


"Heather, that was the most delicious meal I have ever had." Josh stated, putting his fork down on his desert plate.

"Thank you Josh, glad you enjoyed it."

"I liked it Heather, but I'm just a sucker for Josh's pumpkin pie. No offense." Justin teased, kissing Josh's cheek.

"None taken," Heather laughed as she got up to clear the plates.

Josh looked at his watch after taking another sip from his cup of coffee.

"We should really get going, it's almost 5." Josh said, turning towards Justin.

"Yeah you're right. I'll go get Vivi out of the playpen." Justin said, getting up from his chair.

Heather came back into the dining room. "Where's Justin?"

"He went to get Vivian. I hate to leave, but we need to get her home. She needs to be in bed in about two hours, and it takes a little while to get back." Josh answered, standing up.

"Well, okay." Heather responded, coming up to hug her older brother.

"It was so nice of you to invite us." Josh said, returning the embrace.

"Of course, you didn't think I wouldn't did you?"

"Well, I didn't know if you had friends you wanted to eat with or anything."


Justin came back into the room with Vivian harnessed into the carrier.

"Thanks for everything Heather." Justin said, kissing her cheek.

"Anytime, Justin. Come back soon!"

"We will, and you drop by sometime. Vivian misses seeing you as often as she used to." Justin added, walking to the door, opening it, and stepping out onto the threshold.

"I will try to do that."

"Bye Sis." Josh smiled, as he headed out the door behind Justin.

"Bye Josh." Heather answered, closing the door behind her, and going back to finish the dishes.

Christmas Eve

"There you go Vivi. Here's some of the cookie dough to play with." Josh said, handing his daughter a glob of the sugar cookie dough, before the eggs had been put into it.

Walking over to the little boom-box sitting underneath the counter, he carefully placed in a Christmas tape, trying his best not to get his gooey fingers all over it. Pushing play, he made his way back over to the table, as the notes from the song started to flood his ears.

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do. I don't want a doll or dinky tinker-toys. I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy." Josh sang to Vivian, who looked up and giggled at her father.

"Hippa." Vivian stated, putting a bit of the dough in her mouth and closing her mouth around her finger.

"He won't have to use a dirty chimney flew, just swing him through the front door that's the easy thing to do." Josh continued, starting to crack some of the eggs into the batter.


"I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs. Oh what joy, what surprise, when I open up my eyes to see a hippo-hero standing there. I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do. No crocodiles, or rhinoceroses, I only like hippopotamuses, and hippopotamuses like me too." Josh finished standing up with the dough and walking by his daughter, placing a light kiss on her nose.

Vivian laughed at her Daddy and clapped her hands together.

"What's going on in here?" Justin asked, smiling, as he walked into the kitchen.

"We're baking cookies." Josh answered, turning around for a second to grin at his husband, then continuing to scoop the batter onto the cookie sheet.

"Oh you are huh?" Justin walked over to Vivian and crouched down next to her.

"Papa goo." Vivian announced, putting some cookie dough into Justin's mouth.


Justin kissed his daughter's forehead, smoothed her hair out, and stood back up again. Walking back over to Josh, he leaned in towards his ear.

"I finished wrapping the gifts. They're under the tree with the ones from our families. The stuff from Santa's still in our closet." Justin whispered, covering his mouth with his left hand.

"Wonderful, thanks for doing that." Josh replied, backing up slightly and putting the cookie sheet into the oven.

"You're welcome. How long until the cookies are done?"

"They're on low heat, so about 45 minutes."

Well, how about we go read a story in front of the tree while these cookies bake."

"Sounds good."

"Come on Vivian, let's go read a Christmas story." Justin said, walking over to his daughter and picking her up from the high chair.

Vivian wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to walk down the hall. Climbing the stairs, they settled down on the large leather sofa, with the tree angled to their right, the fireplace in front of them, and the three stockings hanging from the mantle.

Josh finished setting the timer and followed them up. Entering the loft, he walked over and turned on the tree's lights and closed the television cabinet. Moving slightly to his left, he crouched down and turned on the gas fireplace. A warm fire began to glow, blanketing the room.

Sitting down next to Justin, he took Vivian and placed her in between them, on their laps.

Justin picked up a book from the coffee table and began to read softly. "Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds..."

Josh turned to look at the tree as Justin continued reading. The lights sparkled against the green branches, illuminating the selection of ornaments they'd hung. Looking down at Vivian, he noticed her head resting gently on his lower torso, her eyes closed tightly.

"But I heard him explain as he drove out of sight, "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"" Justin finished, setting the book down in his lap and looking down at his now sleeping daughter.

"I'll take her to bed. You go take the cookies out of the oven, they'll be done in about 5 minutes." Justin whispered to his husband.

Gathering Vivian in his arms carefully, he started for the nursery, leaving Josh still on the couch. Josh got up and turned off the fire, then went back downstairs.

Josh finished lifting the last cookie onto the cooling rack just as Justin entered into the kitchen.

"She's down, and we kept her up pretty late tonight so I think she'll sleep until at least 8." Justin stated, coming up behind and wrapping his arms around Josh's waist.

"Great. I'm beat too. Let's go get the stuff set out and then turn in." Josh said, turning around in Justin's embrace.

"Yeah, I agree."

Josh put the spatula and dirty cookie sheets into the sink, grabbed Justin's hand, and left the room. Walking into the master bedroom, Josh went over to the closet and gathered the presents in his arms, placing one special one in his pocket. Teetering back over to Justin, he handed over some of the gifts, then left the room to go back upstairs, Justin on his heels.

They set the gifts out next to the tree in a pile. Turning to the stockings, they put some smaller things in them, making sure to cover their hands when placing something in the others stocking.

Yawning, Justin spoke. "Done?"

"Yep, let's go to bed. It's going to be a long day."

Christmas Day

Justin opened his eyes and yawned. Looking over Josh's shoulder at the clock, he smiled, and scooted closer to his husband.

"Merry Christmas Baby." Justin stated softly, lovingly kissing Josh's lips.

Josh stirred, opening his eyes, and returned the kiss. Looking up into Justin's eyes, he pulled back.

"Merry Christmas. What time is it?"

"8:45. I think her sleeping in was our Christmas gift."

"Remind me to make sure I tell her thank you." Josh responded, turning onto his back.

Justin sat up a bit and leaned over Josh's prostrate form. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Well, I guess we better get this show on the road."

"Yep, guess so." Josh said, getting up and scratching his belly as he made his way to the bathroom.

"I'll go get her up and feed her. Meet us upstairs in about 20 minutes." Justin stated, standing up from the bed, and leaving the room.

Justin walked into the nursery, turned on the light, and walked over to the crib. Vivian turned her head to look up at her Papa.

"Merry Christmas Angel." Justin told her as he picked her up and carried her out of the room, towards the kitchen.

"Look, there`s Daddy." Justin said, setting her down on the floor.

Vivian stood up and clumsily walked over to her Daddy, grabbing onto his pant-leg when she got there.

"Merry Christmas princess." Josh said, bending down to her level and kissing her forehead.

"Look what Santa brought you Vivi." Justin stated, coming up next to Josh and pointing to the pile of presents.

Vivian turned her attention to the area Justin was pointing to. Teetering over to it, she sat down on her bottom and begin to pick up the different toys. Josh sat down next to her and started to play with her, while Justin picked up Vivian's stocking and sat down next to the two.

"What's this? Look Vivian, you`re stocking." Justin asked, handing it over to his daughter.

Vivian stuck her hand in it and pulled out the stuffed animal that was tucked deep inside. Wrapping her arm around it, she beamed up at her parents.

"Let's get started on these gifts." Josh began, reaching behind him under the tree, and pulling three out.

"She's down for her nap Justin." Josh said, walking back into the loft.

"Great. Some quiet time at last. How about we open our stockings now?" Justin asked, turning to look at his husband as he approached.

"Sounds good to me." Josh answered, walking over to the fireplace to light a fire and grabbing the last two stockings from their hooks.

Josh handed Justin his stocking as he sat back down next to Justin on the leather sofa, leaning over to place the baby monitor he held in his hand on the coffee table.

"Go ahead, I want you to open yours first."

Justin stuck his hand inside and pulled out a small velvet box. Opening it up, he saw a beautiful diamond stud earring.

"Oh honey, wow." Justin said, taking it out and putting it into his right ear.

"I know you already have a smaller one, but I saw this one and I thought you needed to have it. It's 3 karats."

"Josh, this is gorgeous. Thank you so much." Justin said, leaning over and hugging Josh tightly against him.

"Okay, now open yours." Justin said, backing up, as he picked up Josh's stocking for him lap.

Josh slipped his hand inside and found a nice, smooth leather box. Pulling it out, he recognized immediately what it was.

"Oh Justin, god, this is beautiful." Josh said, opening the box and taking out the brand new Rolex he found inside.

"Well, I know how upset you were when Vivian broke your other one, so I went out and bought this one. It's not the same model, but the features it had were about the same, and I really liked the face."

"It's stunning, baby. Thank you so much, I had not been expecting a new watch since she only broke it last week."

Josh scooted closer to his husband, and laid his head on Justin's chest.

"Christmas is different this year." Justin stated, running his fingers through Josh's hair as he stared at the glowing fireplace.

"Yeah, it is. But my God, I loved the look on her face this morning when she saw all the toys."

"I know, I did too, but I just miss some of the customs we had for just the two of us."

"Like what?" Josh asked, turning to look up into Justin's eyes.

"For one, getting to stay in bed late, just cuddling. Then, when we finally got up, lazily making our way to the tree and unwrapping everything slowly while we listened to our favorite Christmas albums. Then of course there was always the Christmas sex."

"Oh right, the Christmas sex." Josh repeated, smirking up at Justin.

"I seem to recall some sessions of it where I think the outcome was the best thing I received."

"Really?" Josh asked, sitting up slightly.

"Yes really."

"Well, you know, not everything has to change this year."

Josh leaned over and picked up the stereo remote, turning it on, and scooted back close to Justin. The smooth sounds of the music flowed through the speakers, surrounding them. Josh brought his mouth up to Justin's and began to gently kiss Justin as the song changed. Justin wrapped his arms around Josh's form, bringing him in closer, the soft melodious tune enhancing the mood. Suddenly, the beats picked up, increasing the kiss's ferocity. Josh pressed himself down on top of Justin's chest as the sound of electric guitar swallowed them in.

Together, they scooted down the sofa until Justin was laying flat on his back, with Josh completely on top of him. Slowly coming up for air, Josh began to remove Justin's T-shirt, slowly lifting it with his teeth, his lips grazing the taught skin below. Justin began to pant, the feeling of his husbands moist lips lightly wetting his skin enthralling him.

Finally reaching the top of his husband's arms, Josh leaned Justin's torso a bit and discarded the shirt. Justin swiped Josh's shirt off with his left hand as he began to quickly undue Josh's belt. Josh sucked on Justin's earlobe while Justin discarded of his husband's pants, throwing them to the floor.

After feeling his pants slide off his body, Josh yanked Justin's slacks off as hard as he could, tossing them aside with all his might. Leaning back up to continue his assault on Justin's earlobe, he dipped his fingers into Justin's briefs, rolling his fingers up and down Justin's aroused phallus.

Justin's breath hitched in the back of his throat as his husband massaged his penis, his cries of pleasure matching the downbeats of the drum. Justin took his hand and jerked Josh's boxers down and off, exposing his hard member.

A cool blast of air surround Josh's phallus, causing him to moan in ecstasy. Looking into his husband's eyes and realizing what Justin wanted, he whipped Justin's briefs down his thighs and off his feet.

Scooting down a bit farther on the couch, Josh eagerly began to lick around the head of his husband's penis. Justin's head hit the back of the sofa in rapture as Josh closed his mouth around and swallowed, coming back up agonizingly slow. Justin gripped the leather and moaned out in pleasure, trying to not buck his hips up.

Josh placed his right hand on the base of Justin's phallus and began to pump upwards at the same time his mouth swallowed him, causing Justin to thrust his hips up. Placing his left hand to steady Justin, Josh blew gently on the tip inside his mouth. Justin whimpered in frustration.

Raising his eyes to look at his husband, Josh slowly started to rub his hardened penis against Justin's leg. Justin cried out at this feeling as his penis begin to swell inside Josh`s mouth. Removing his mouth, Josh crawled back up Justin and placed a hungry kiss on his lips. Reaching behind him, Justin grabbed one of the bottles of baby lotion sitting on the floor and forcefully smothered it all over Josh's phallus, covering every inch. Josh moaned at the touch of his lover's hands on him, stopping him before he could reach the brink.

Positing himself between Justin's legs and wrapping Justin's ankles around his neck, Josh thrust himself deep inside. Justin threw his head back against the leather as his husband entered him and grazed his prostate. Josh bucked his hips up, getting himself fully inside before pulling out excruciatingly slow. Diving back in faster, he began to sweat and groan as he felt Justin lift his hips to his every thrust. Pulling out once more, he pushed in even faster soon creating a pace.

They rocked back and forth, Josh supporting himself up on his hands as he drove his penis in and out of Justin's tight whole, gaining in fierceness as the seconds passed. The rhythms from the song intensified the moment, the drum beats and guitar rifts adding to the passion. Josh leaned up and looked into Justin's face, blue eyes meeting blue.

Justin leaned up and kissed Josh full on the lips, then backed up and came with a loud scream. Josh thrust in a few more times before exploding in time with the loudest note of the song, collapsing on top of his husband as the diminishing melody was replaced by the fast beating of their hearts and their breathless gasps for air.

Justin waited a few seconds before he leaned up and rested his head in the crook of Josh's neck.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

New Years Eve

"Justin, hurry up, the ball is about to drop." Josh called from the couch, Vivian snoozing in his lap.

"I'm coming!" Justin yelled, climbing the stairs with two mugs of hot chocolate in his hands.

Walking into the den, Justin sat the two cups down on the coffee table as he sat down next to his loved ones.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Happy New Year!" Dick Clark cheered on the television.

"Happy New Year, Josh." Justin stated, leaning in.

"Happy New Year, Justin." Josh answered, pressing his lips lovingly to Justin's for a kiss.

Vivian squirmed in between the two, causing them to chuckle.

"Happy New Year to you too, princess." Justin pressed a kiss lightly to her head, and cuddled up next to his husband, holding the child between them.

~~LD Griffin~~

Next: Chapter 9

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