Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Aug 2, 2002


A Baby Story (6/10)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: G to some slight NC-17

Feedback: Please! This is a trial story, so I really need to know if you all like it or not.

Author's Notes: This story is for Viv. She came up with the idea, so it's only kind to dedicate it to her. Also, I have decided to change the chapter amount to 10 instead of 8. Hope everyone's still enjoying it. It should be done soon, for I want to get it out before my education starts back up.

P.S.- The lullaby Josh sings in this chapter is "Dreamland" by Mary Chapin Carpenter.

Josh's POV:

That first month and a half we had you, so much happened in such a short amount of time we barely could keep up. I had decided to take a few months off from work until you were at least a little over a year old, so I was home with you every day. This arrangement worked wonderfully for pretty much everything that had to be done, and I don't think we could have handled it all I had been working. Of course, it also had it's down sides.

"Josh, baby where are you?" Justin asked, as he walked into the nursery.

"I'm in the kitchen Justin." Josh answered, fasting Vivian into her high chair.

Justin turned off the light in the nursery, closed the door, and made his way in the direction of Josh's voice.

"I'm off. I'll be back at 1:30 to go to the doctor's with you two." Justin stated, walking up to his husband and kissing his lips lightly.

"Okay, thanks so much for doing this. I know how hard it is to get you out of the office at that time of day." Josh answered, kissing Justin once more, and hugging him close.

"I want to be there for moral support."

"I know, but you didn't have to." Josh replied, turning his head up to look at Justin in the eyes.

"I love you." Justin whispered, again kissing his husband, fuller this time.

"I love you too." Josh answered, pulling away from the embrace and walking over to the microwave to begin getting the formula for Vivian ready.

"You too angel." Justin said, leaning down and placing a kiss on Vivian's forehead.

"See you at 1:30."

"Yep, bye baby." Justin stated, opening the front door.

"Bye." Josh answered right before he heard the door close.

Josh opened the microwave door and placed the newly poured bottle of formula into it. Turning on his heels, he walked over to Vivian and positioned the bib around her neck. The ding of the microwave sounded and Josh made his way back over to the counter, opened the microwave, and tested the bottle on his wrist. Seeing that it was the right temperature, he trotted back over to Vivian and crouched down to her side.

Vivian looked over at her Daddy and smiled.

"Here you go sweetie." Josh started, handing her the bottle.

Vivian gratefully accepted it, clutching it tightly in her little hands. Josh stood up and brushed the stray hairs out of her eyes. Walking back over to the counter, he put the excess formula away and put the coffee on. Hearing a thump, he glided back over to Vivian to find the bottle on the floor and formula spilled everywhere.

"Darn it." Josh spat, as he crouched down to pick up the bottle just as Vivian began screaming and crying.

Standing up abruptly, he tossed the now empty bottle on to the table and went to his daughter. Unbuckling her and pulling her out, he sighed.

"Shh, it's okay honey. There, there." he cooed, rubbing her back gently.

The crying increased the more he tried to soothe her. Getting frustrated, he turned his head to see her face. Vivian's eyes were swollen as tears continued to leak from her wet eyes.

"Come on princess. What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Vivian opened her mouth a bit wider and spit up, hitting Josh directly in the eyes, on his nose, and getting some into his mouth.

"Oh Vivi." Josh spit out some of the vomit that had gotten into his mouth, as he made his way to the sink with Vivian on his shoulder. Getting a paper towel, he wiped off his face and his tongue.

"Look at you, you've got stuff all down your front." Josh threw the paper towel away and walked into the nursery, flipping on the light that Justin had turned off. Carefully placing Vivian down on the changing table and fastening her in, he went over to the closet and pulled out a spare change of clothes.

"Here you go sweetie pie."

Josh unsnapped the buttons on Vivian's bodysuit, and pulled it over her head. Unexpectedly getting a whiff of her diaper, he pulled back and shook his face.

"Whew. I think someone needs a changing."

Josh opened her diaper and quickly wrinkled his nose in disgust at the site before him. Wiping her tiny butt with a wipe and spreading some Desitin on the reddened skin, he lifted her behind and swiped the dirty diaper out from under her, tossing it into the Diaper Genie.

"You poor thing." Josh stated to her, as he placed a fresh, clean diaper underneath.

Taking some baby powder and spreading it on the essentials, he fastened the diaper and smiled down at her.

Vivian beamed up at him, a big grin spreading her face. Leaning down as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead and nuzzled her nose, Josh began to slip the knit pants up onto her little legs. Pulling back and sitting her up, he slid the pink shirt he'd picked out over her tiny arms and down around her belly.

"There, all clean angel." Josh said, smiling at her.

Looking down at his watch and noticing that it read 9:15, he smiled.

"You want to play for a little while?"

Vivian giggled in response and reached her arms out for her Daddy.

"Okay, Daddy will take you upstairs for a little while so he can get some work done and you can play." Josh picked her up and placed her against his left shoulder, and headed towards the playroom.

"Josh, I'm home." Justin yelled into the house, as he walked into the foyer.

"We're upstairs." Josh returned.

Justin walked into their bedroom, set his briefcase down, and undid his tie. Slipping it off, he walked into the closet and hung it on the rack as he stepped out of his loafers. Hunching down and putting on some sneakers, he came back out and headed up the stairs to his husband and daughter.

"Hey there stranger." Justin said, coming up behind Josh at the desk and leaning down a bit.

"Hi." Josh answered, turning around and craning his neck up to reach Justin's lips for a small kiss.

"You ready to go? I'm a little late." Justin asked, standing back up and placing his hands on the back of Josh's chair.

"Yeah. She's been fed, burped, and changed." Josh replied, sullenly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. She keeps me moving a lot, and I really need to pay these bills."

"My poor baby. Well, I told the guys at work that I wouldn't be back in until tomorrow, so if you'd like me to go alone to the doctor's with her I'd be glad to." Justin stated, reaching up and rubbing Josh's shoulders.

"No, no. I want to go with you two. Not that I'll be much help. She's getting her shots today."

"You sure you're up for this?" Justin asked, looking down, concerned.

"Yeah, let's go."

Justin walked over and picked Vivian up into his arms.

"Come with Papa sweetie."

Carrying her down the stairs into the nursery, he grabbed her jean jacket, and slipped it on her, as he proceeded down the second flight of stairs to the closet below. Buckling her into the stroller, he hollered up to Josh.

"You coming? The appointment's in thirty minutes."

"Yeah, right now. Just had to grab the diaper bag." Josh answered, closing the door and trotting down to his husband and Vivian.

"Okay, let's go." Justin stated, opening the front door and pushing Vivian out on to the sidewalk, with Josh right behind them.

"Vivian Chasez?" the nurse asked, walking in through the wood door with a clipboard in her hand.

"You want to come in with us Josh?" Justin asked, turning to his side.

"Yeah." Josh answered, getting up and pushing the stroller towards the nurse.

"Right this way please," she stated, motioning them inside as she closed the door behind them.

"Take a seat. Dr. Klapsman will be in right away."

"Thanks." Justin answered, right before the nurse turned around, closed the door to the examination room, and left.

Josh looked around the room, taking in all the supplies lining the counter. Even the children's posters and brightly colored wall-paper couldn't take away the slight anxiety he felt in the room. Justin looked over at Josh and noticed his uneasiness.

"Josh, sweetie are you sure you're going to be alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just hope Vivian is."

"I'm sure she will..." Justin was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Josh answered, folding his hands tightly in his lap.

A tall, bulky man entered the room and smiled.

"Hello you two. Long time since I last saw you." Dr. Klapsman began, adjusting his glasses on his nose.

"Well, we've been pretty healthy lately thank goodness. We'd like you to meet someone though. This is the newest addition to the Chasez family. Vivian Annette Chasez." Justin responded, unfastening Vivian from the stroller, and bringing her to his lap.

"Well, hi there cutie," the doctor smiled, bending down on one knee in front of Vivian.

Vivian turned her head up at Josh and began to whimper.

"It's okay sweetie. He won't hurt you, Daddy promises." Josh stated, turning to look down at his daughter.

Vivian turned back around to face Dr. Klapsman.

"So I see that Ms. Vivian here is in need of her Hepatitis B, Polio, DTAP, and HIB shots."

"Yep, that's right."

"Well, let me go get them."

Dr. Klapsman backed out of the room and returned a minute later with four flasks full of the different vaccines and four different needles.

Josh looked up at Dr. Klapsman and stood up.

"I'm sorry I can't do this. Justin, I'll be out in the waiting room when you're done."

"Okay baby, we'll be there in just a second."

Josh walked out of the room and went into the waiting room. Five minutes later, the door opened and Justin wheeled in a red-eyed Vivian.

"How'd it go?" Josh asked, standing up.

"Pretty well, she only cried on the first two." Justin answered, stopping in front of his husband.

"I paid while you two were finishing up." Josh stated, as he took the stroller and began pushing it.

"Great. What would you like for dinner? I thought while we were out we could stop at a cafe; I noticed you brought enough stuff for her." Justin asked, opening the door.

"Yeah, I did. That sounds fine." Josh answered, as he walked past Justin to the outside.

"Come on Vivian. It's time for bed, aren't you sleepy?" Josh asked, looking down at the baby cradled in his arms.

Vivian looked back up at him with semi-sleepy eyes and yawned, readjusting herself.

"Hmm, well, maybe a lullaby would help you along." Josh thought for a moment and then began, melodiously.

"Sun goes down, and says goodnight. Pull your covers up real tight. By your bed we'll leave a light, to guide you off to Dreamland. Your pillow's soft; your bed is war; your eyes are tired when day is done. One more kiss and you'll be gone, on your way to dreamland. Every sleepy boy and girl, in every bed around the world. Can hear the stars up in the sky, whispering a lullaby. Who knows where you'll fly away, winging past the light of day. The man in the moon and the milky-way, welcome you to dreamland." Josh sang softly to his daughter, as he rocked back and forth in the rocking chair.

Quiet breathing could be heard when he finished. Carefully getting up, he placed Vivian gently down in the crib. After pulling the blanket up her chest and tilting her head slightly to the right on the pillow, he leaned down and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

"Sleep tight my princess." Josh whispered as he backed out of the room and turned off the light.

Walking out into the hall, he ran into Justin.

"Whoops sorry." Josh said, as he rubbed his temple with the palm of his hand.

"So, is she asleep?" Justin asked, rolling his thumbs together.

"Yeah, she's asleep." Josh asked, looking up at Justin's face.

"How long do we have before she wakes up?"

"I don't know, probably about two hours max."

"Well, then, I was wondering..." Justin began.

"I'm going to go finish paying the bills." Josh stated, as he started to walk away.

Justin grabbed Josh's wrists and pulled him back towards him. "Josh, we haven't had sex in ages. You're up before I am in the mornings to give her her morning feeding, so that when it's time for me to go to work I tend to either find you in the nursery or in the kitchen. You're so tired all the time and every time I do the entire night shift to let you get enough sleep and then try to turn you on, you don't respond."

"Justin, I smell like baby vomit and diaper shit. I have not gotten a full night's sleep in over a month. And, unlike you, I am here all day with her. So, DON'T tell me you aren't getting laid often enough. I am too tired, and frankly, I AM JUST NOT HORNY!" Josh retorted, pulling free from Justin's grasp and crossing his arms.

"Well, Josh, I haven't gotten as much sleep as I would like either. I do know you put up with a lot, and I thank God every day that you do that for our child. But, I share the shifts too. I get up at night too. I change the poopy diapers; she spits up on me too. But, I still want to remember the fact that you and I were lovers first, and unfortunately, lately we have forgotten that element to our relationship. Forgive me for wanting to make love to my husband." Justin finished and walked away in a huff, slamming their bedroom door, and abandoning Josh shocked in the hallway.

Justin sat lay down on the bed as a single tear escaped his eye. He hated fighting with Josh, especially over something he never thought they would have to argue about. He loved Vivian with all his heart, but it was dividing his and Josh's relationship. They had always enjoyed having a regular sex life. It wasn't the most important factor, that was the love they deeply shared for each other, but it was a form of expressing that love that Justin found important enough.

The door opened and Josh stepped into the dark room. Looking over at the bed, he sighed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that." Josh started, walking over to where Justin lay on his side.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for pushing and I'm sorry that I said some stuff that were a bit harsh." Justin answered, rolling over to look at his husband.

Josh sat down on the side of the bed and leaned over Justin. "No, you have every right. I've been completely absorbed with Vivian, when I need to tend to your needs too."

"That's just it Josh, I should be tending to yours. The baby is where a lot of your attention is focused and it has every right to be. She has a ton of mine too. It's just...I miss you." Justin whispered the last line as he looked up towards Josh.

"I miss you too." Josh answered, leaning down a bit more and capturing his lips with Justin's in a loving kiss.

Justin put his arms around Josh's lower back, pulling him in a bit closer. Josh placed his right knee between Justin's legs and crawled slowly on top of Justin, leaning down so that his chest was flat on top of him.

"I have missed you too." Josh repeated, breaking away for a split second to sit himself fully on Justin's pelvis, then leaning down and recapturing Justin's lips.

Justin slowly slipped his hand up Josh's shirt, running his fingertips over the smooth skin. Josh slid his right arm around Justin's, caressing his back through his shirt. Leaning closer in, Josh began to grind his behind on Justin's groin, applying more pressure as their kiss became fuller and more passionate. Justin jerked back and pulled Josh's shirt over his head, then began unbuttoning Josh's chinos. Josh slid off of Justin's lap and slipped his pants down and stepped out of them, walking back over to the bed in nothing but his boxers. Leaning back over Justin, he pulled Justin's shirt off and swiped his sweatpants off in one move.

"I love you." Justin said, looking up into Josh's blue eyes.

"I know. I love you too."

Josh climbed back onto the bed and sat between Justin's spread legs. Leaning down, he began to place feather-light kisses all the way down Justin's chest. Arriving at Justin's right nipple, he sucked the bud into his mouth, gently biting down with the tips of his teeth and swirling his tongue around it.


Josh pulled back, satisfied to see that it was erect and moved to the next one, repeating the process. Once the left one was hard also, he continued kissing his way down over Justin's abs, dipping his tongue into Justin's belly button.

Justin ran his left hand up and down Josh's back, slipping his fingertips in and out of Josh's waistband, getting slightly lower every time, until he began to gently caress Josh's ass, rolling the tips of his fingers slowly and sensually over the smooth skin.

"I have missed your touch." Josh whispered as he sat up and leaned back into Justin's loving assault.

"I have missed the way you feel." Justin replied, slowly slipping his other hand into the front portion of Josh's boxers and grabbing onto the treasure that was waiting for him.

"Ohh God." Josh moaned, arching his back in pleasure.

Justin continued to rub Josh's ass and penis, slowly rolling his left thumb around Josh's entrance and running his right thumb and index finger slowly and lovingly over the erect phallus. Josh scooted back and leaned down a bit then slipped his fingers into the waistband of Justin's briefs, getting the index finger far enough down that he could gently caress the top portion of Justin's member.

Justin sighed in pleasure at the feeling of Josh finally on his penis.

"I have been wanting you to touch me for so long." Justin whimpered, as Josh slipped more fingers in and began to softly rub him up and down.

"I'm so sorry I haven't." Josh answered, breathlessly, a moan soon escaping his lips.

Josh looked into Justin's eyes and slowly pulled himself off of him, slipping Justin's briefs down and off his body as he went. Standing up, he removed his own and got the lube from the nightstand.

"Make love to me Justin. I want to feel you inside of me." Josh pleaded, settling back down near Justin's lap.

Justin reached up and captured Josh's lips as Josh leisurely applied the lubrication over Justin's penis, squeezing it gently in his hands as he kneaded it with his palms.

Justin's eyes rolled back in his head at the feeling of his husband's hands on the most sensitive part of his body, his breathing becoming slightly erratic.

"Josh, I need you now...otherwise, I'm going to orgasm just from this. It's been too long." Justin panted, trying to remain in control as best he could.

Josh smiled and removed his hands. Placing his entrance over Justin's erect member, he slowly slid down until he was sitting on Justin's pelvis. Justin leaned up and kissed Josh's lips lightly as Josh started to slowly slide back up and then come back down.

Josh returned the kiss with all his might, wrapping his arms around Justin and pulling himself down. Gradually, he ascended and descended, making sure to take all of Justin every time.

Justin parted from their kiss and threw his head back against the pillow as he breathlessly let out his cries of pleasure. Josh moaned softly, deep within his chest as his prostate was hit, and began to increase his speed.

Justin brought his lips back up to Josh's again as he felt his climax rapidly approaching and Josh tighten within him. Wrapping his arms around Josh and kissing him head on, Justin exploded between their two bodies, just as Josh released himself deep with Justin, their moans muffled by their kisses as they held each other tight.

Josh pulled back as soon as his heartbeat had settled back to normal. Sliding off of Justin's not softening organ, he lay down beside his husband.

"That was amazing." Josh stated, curling up against Justin's nude form and placing his head on Justin's chest.

"I love you." Justin replied, wrapping his arm around Josh and drawing him in closer.

"I love you too. Again, I am so sorry I had been ignoring your needs, our needs."

"Baby, it's okay. I just missed this side of you, a lot. I know that sounds like something a 15 year old sexaholic would say, but it's true. There were so many times this past month and a half when all I wanted was to feel you vibrate in my hand, or feel the way I vibrate in yours." Justin said, turning and lightly kissing Josh's head.

"You're right, we need to keep this part of our relationship strong and healthy. I say we start making a day once a week when we hire a baby-sitter to take her and we have the house to ourselves for a few hours."

"I agree." Justin replied, yawning and moving his head to look directly at Josh's face.

"I love you." Josh said, leaning in so his nose brushed Justin's.

"I love you too." Justin answered, kissing Josh on the lips and slowly settling into slumber.

~~LD Griffin~~

Next: Chapter 7

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