Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Jul 31, 2002


A Baby Story (3/?)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: NC-17 (this chapter)

Feedback: Please! This is a trial story, so I really need to know if you all like it or not.

Author`s notes: To Viv, because she asked me to write a family Jushua story. This is an AU.

Justin's POV:

He told me that night about going to see Sergeant Anderson and the situation with the baby. I told him I didn't know what I wanted to do if you became available for adoption, but your father seemed so sure of himself on this, reminding me of how worried I'd been about you, so I gave in.

"Justin, I went to the police station today after work to try and find some answers, since no one seemed to have filled us in on anything like they said they would." Josh said, curling up against Justin's naked body.

"You did? What'd they say?"

"Well, I talked to Sergeant Anderson. He said they still had no clue on the baby's mother. But, that if still no one comes forward in a week, they can legally put her up for adoption."

"Wow. Well, thank goodness for that. She'll finally be safe in a home."

"Justin...I was thinking..." Josh started, drawing circles on his husband's bare chest.

"About...?" Justin asked, turning to stare at Josh's face.

"Maybe we could adopt her."

Justin paused, thinking and Josh took this opportunity to present his case.

"Justin, you had already told me that you would come with me to the adoption agency. Then, wow, you find an abandoned baby in the park. And in a week, if no one claims this baby, she can be adopted. I think that's a very big coincidence, if not fate."


"Justin, please. I saw the way you looked at her; the way you held her. Justin, you were so worried about her. You didn't sleep for a week, I mean that's one reason I went down to the station. I think this is our chance to have a baby."

"Josh, I just don't know. She's of Asian origin, and wouldn't it be weird for her to grow up looking completely different than her parents? Plus wouldn`t she normally be put in foster care?"

"Sergeant Andersen said she was going to be put right up for adoption. But, even if the first step was actually foster care and he was misspoken, most foster parents tend to eventually adopt the children they've had as their foster child."

"Well, yeah, but I mean what about who we are? Would that be a problem for the police?"

"No, I don't think so. He even tried to act like he didn't know who I was. Justin, a baby has come into our lives. I think we should grab at this chance to make her permanent. I don`t think our careers can or should stand in the way of this."

"Okay, Josh. If she is put up for adoption or foster care, we'll apply. You`re right, this might have happened for a reason, and she was a wonderful baby girl."

"Thank you. I'm telling you Justin, I think it was fate."

"Maybe you're right Josh, maybe your right." Justin finished, clinging to his husband as he drifted off to sleep.

Justin woke up to the sound of the shower running. Rubbing his eyes he sat up and looked around. A billow of steam wafted out from behind the half open door to the bathroom, dragging him curiously towards it. Standing up, he made his way over to it and pushed it open the rest of the way.

Josh stood in their shower, hot water cascading over his form. He reached for the soap and lathered up his chest, caressing the soft skin with the touch of his fingertips.

`What a wonderful wake up present.' Justin smirked to himself as he unlatched the hook to the shower door.

Josh continued to bathe himself, oblivious, until he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist and was pulled back against a naked, firm body.

"Good morning handsome." Justin said, kissing the back of Josh's neck.

"Good morning to you too." Josh answered, grinding his back end into Justin's crotch.

"What's up for today?" Justin asked as he took the soap from Josh's hand and began to wash his husband's back.

"Well, I actually have the weekend off for once. Erik decided it was time I take a break from the show and as far as I know, Randy doesn't have me scheduled for any stand-in positions on Dateline," Josh finished, getting the soap back and turning Justin around so he could start cleansing him.

"MMM, so you mean I get my husband this weekend and not the rest of the world?"

"You better believe it."

Josh stopped soaping up Justin's back, placing the soap on its dish as he put his hands on Justin's hips.

"You are so beautiful; I could just stare at you all day long." Josh mumbled into Justin's neck as he placed a kiss there, and cupped Justin's penis in his right hand.

Justin melted into Josh's touch and grinded his butt against Josh's groin, resting his left hand on top of the one Josh had still on his hip.


"I thought I wore you out last night," Josh snickered, starting to move his hand up and down on the shaft.

"I'm never too tired for you...uhh..." Justin responded, beginning to pant, and bucking his hips up a bit, trying to get more of himself into Josh's hand.

"I am the luckiest man on earth."

"Oh god,"

"Do you know what you do to me Justin?" Josh asked, rubbing his now hard organ fiercely against Justin's ass.

"Please Josh, fuck..."

"Please what Justin?" Josh whispered into Justin's ear as he lapped at the earlobe with the tip of his tongue.

"Fuck me." Justin pleaded slamming his ass onto Josh`s hard penis, as his breathing became erratic.

"Ohhh..." Josh responded, surprised by the forcefulness Justin had shown.

Justin waited for Josh to make the first move. When he didn't respond, Justin began sliding on and off of Josh's member. Josh thrust his hips up in response, getting himself deeper inside Justin's body. They started a fast, brutal rhythm. Josh slammed into Justin repeatedly, continuing to rub Justin's penis, as Justin moaned and begged for more. The steam and water swirled around the two lovers, creating a humid paradise.

"Baby...I'm gonna, I'm gonna..." Justin tried, but to no avail, as he screamed and exploded all over Josh's hand.

Justin clamped his ass tight around Josh's organ, creating a pressure so immense Josh couldn't control his own actions. With a loud, ear piercing cry Josh shot all of his semen out of his body.

"Josh, that was incredible." Justin started a few minutes later, leaning back up against his husband, spent.

"Yes, lover, it was." Josh answered, clasping his hands around Justin's stomach.

"I love you." Justin stated as he turned his head to look at Josh.

"I love you too." Josh returned, kissing Justin lightly on the lips and squeezing Justin to him.

Justin looked down at his hands, "My fingers are all pruney."

"Well, then it must be time to get out." Josh laughed.

They separated and stepped out of the shower. Justin got two towels and handed on to JC. After toweling off, they stumbled into their bedroom and got dressed.

Justin turned to his side as he pulled up his black slacks, "Josh, if we do get to adopt her or have her as our foster child, what are we going to name her?"

"Hmm good question. I hadn't really thought about it. Maybe she could have name that represented a bit of each of us?"

"Well, her birth mother asked in the letter for her to be given a strong, righteous name. In the south, one of the strongest, proudest, and oldest names for a woman is Vivian."

"Vivian. It's not very popular right now, is it?"

"Nope, but I always promised myself I would never name my child with a trendy, or hip so to speak, name.

"Well, I must say it does have a nice ring to it."

"Okay, so Vivian it is. Now, what would her middle name be? This one is yours Josh."

"Well, there aren't any middle state names. But I could go back to some of my slightly French roots."

"How French are we talking here?" Justin pondered, slightly anxious.

"Well, not too French. I mean, obviously she doesn't look French."

"She doesn't look Southern either though."


"But, yeah back to her middle name, what do you have in mind?"

"Hmm. I always loved the name Antoinette. But, Vivian Antoinette Chasez sounds a little bit extreme. But, a cousin of the name Antoinette is Annette, and that flows pretty well don't you think? Vivian Annette Chasez?"

"Oh, I like it."

"Now, let's just hope we get chosen, if she's put up for adoption."

"Yeah, let's hope."

~~LD Griffin~~

Next: Chapter 4

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