Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Jul 31, 2002


A Baby Story (2/8)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: G to some slight NC-17 later on

Feedback: Please! This is a trial story, so I really need to know if you all like it or not.

Author`s notes: To Viv, because she asked me to write a family Jushua story. This is an AU.

Josh's POV:

The next three weeks went by so slowly as we got no word from the police. Justin wasn't sleeping at all and I was so worried about him. So, on Friday of the third week I took it upon myself to go down there after work.

Josh walked into the police station looking quite determined. Eyeing Sergeant Anderson, he made his way to the back.

"Sergeant Anderson?"

"Yes, oh hi...Joshua was it?" Sergeant Anderson answered, turning around sharply.

"Yes, Joshua Chasez. I just came down to see if any progress had been made on finding the baby's mother."

"Nope, none so far. We've interviewed many people who work around there and are in the park's maintenance crew and no one can recall seeing a woman holding a child in a yellow blanket that morning. We dusted the letter for fingerprints and found Detective Davies, yours, your husband's, the baby's, and a pair we assume to be the mother's, but no match of her is on file."

"Where's the baby?"

"She's still at the orphanage. We're trying to find foster parents for her, but no one seems to want to. If she's here another week she is able to be legally adopted."

"What are they calling her?"

"Right now she's referred to as Annie. As a joke, of course, but I believe they haven't really called her anything to her face yet."

"Okay, thanks for the information. We've been worried; Justin was very upset about finding such a small child abandoned."

"Most people would be." Sergeant Anderson said, as he picked up a file from an adjacent desk.

"Well, thanks for your time. Please keep in touch, especially if she is here that one more week." Josh said, shaking the man's hand.


"Bye." Josh said, turning on his heels, and heading out.

"Josh, hun, I'm home from work." Justin sighed, coming in the door.

"Hey baby. How was your day?" Josh said, walking up and pecking Justin lightly on the lips.

"Tiring and stressful, just the normal these days. Honestly, the stock market has gone haywire lately. I don't think anyone in their right mind should be investing in the oil business right now. It's gone nuts."

"Well, I know Vintranon went bankrupt but there are still a few good companies right?"

"Yes, but everyone is selling their stock because of the Vintranon mess and its making the companies suffer more. Merryl's getting more business because everyone seems to need severe help managing their finances. So, our treasury department has gone into overtime."

"Well, I'm sure they are all doing well under their brand new treasurer." Josh stated, and winked at Justin as he slapped his butt playfully.

"How was yours?"

"Good, Katie had me fill in for her this morning. Her youngest daughter got the chicken pox."

"Oh dear."


"What's up for tonight?"

"I don't think anything really. I've cooked dinner, it's all ready to serve, then I thought we'd go from there."

"Sounds good." Justin said, walking into the kitchen.

"Sit down, baby, I just need to put the mashed potatoes into a bowl."

Justin sat down at the table and picked up his water glass. Taking a sip, he looked at the table. Roasted chicken, asparagus, and fresh corn bread was laid out before him. Looking back up at Josh, he smiled. Josh was turned around scooping the potatoes into the yellow serving bowl, looking sexy as normal.

"I wonder what America would think if they knew that one of TV's biggest celebrities cooks and slaves over a delicious dinner every night." Justin questioned out loud, smirking a bit.

"They'd probably think that maybe there were a few normal celebrities out there. Besides, you know you love my cooking." Josh said, turning around and grinning at Justin.

"True, true."

"There we go." Josh said, setting the dish down and taking a seat himself.

Justin reached over and picked up the platter that held the chicken. Taking a leg, he passed it to Josh and then picked up the asparagus.. Josh put a breast on his plate and then set the dish down. Receiving the vegetables from Justin, he placed five pieces on his plate and then reached for a piece of cornbread, placing one on his plate and Justin`s. Justin plopped some mashed potatoes on his plate and leaned over and did the same to Josh, then finished by slicing a piece of butter and putting it on top of the heaping pile.

"Thanks hun." Josh smiled, starting to cut into his chicken.

"Your welcome." Justin answered, buttering his bread.

They began to ate conversing in light conversation. When they were both done, Justin got up and cleared his and Josh's plate. Cleaning them off, he placed them in the dishwasher on turned them on. Running the tap water, he poured some soap into the sink and placed the pots Josh had used into the soapy water. After scrubbing them clean, he placed them on the towel on the counter as he felt a pair of arms slip around his waist and a light kiss on his shoulder.

"I've got you so well trained." Josh whispered into Justin's ear.

"Yes, you do." Justin said turning around in Josh's arms.

"Have I told you how sexy you are lately?" Josh stated.

"Yes, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again." Justin grinned, lightly kissing Josh's lips.

"You are so sexy." Josh answered, kissing Justin back.

"MMM." Justin said, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck.

"When was the last time we had sex?" Josh asked, breathless.

"It's been awhile." Justin retorted, again kissing Josh.

"You feel up to it?" Josh questioned, hopeful.

"Of course." Justin replied, smiling, as he led Josh into their bedroom.

~~LD Griffin~~

Next: Chapter 3

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