Baby Story

By Griffin, LD

Published on Jul 31, 2002


A Baby Story (1/8)

by: LD Griffin

Disclaimer: COMPLETE FICTION. This has been completely concocted in the far-most corners of my mind.

Pairing: JC/Justin

Rating: G to some slight NC-17 later on

Feedback: Please! This is a trial story, so I really need to know if you all like it or not.

Author`s notes: To Viv, because she asked me to write a family Jushua story. This is an AU.

Justin's POV:

I remember it like it was yesterday. I had just gotten the promotion at work and Josh and I had finally settled into our brand new penthouse. The morning smelled crisp; the air full of a fresh aroma. The birds sang cheerfully all through the city even though it was a dreadfully cold autumn morning.

Justin turned on his side, rays of sunlight reflecting into his open pupils. Scratching his tummy, he pulled down the covers and stood up. Leaning over, he placed a light kiss on the man who had been laying beside him.

"MMM...too early." Josh groaned, rolling over.

"Josh, baby, I'm going for my run. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"Uh too."

Justin smiled at his husbands sleepiness and quickly threw on his track pants and sweatshirt. Grabbing the keys he opened the front door and set out.

The sun shone brightly, awakening Justin as he began to job towards the park. The city of New York was hustling and bustling around him; neighbors saying hello and pedestrians crowding the sidewalk.

Crossing 5th Avenue, he spotted a mother and father dragging their child from FAO Schwartz. Smiling, the conversation he'd had with Josh the night before came flooding through his brain.

He and Josh had been married for almost nine years and had dated for seven before that. They both had very successful jobs, Justin as the treasurer for Merryl-Lynch and Josh as one of the main anchors for NBC's subsidiary, MSNBC. So, it would only seem fitting that a child or children might be wanted to complete their family.

Justin knew that Josh wanted kids more than anything in the world, so he'd agreed to go to an adoption agency on Monday. The thought of a baby made him a bit anxious but he wanted to be a dad too.

Entering the park, Justin spotted a deserted trail and headed towards it. The leaves crushed under his foot as he ran through the underbrush, the sun blocked by the pines. Seeing a clearing, he ran faster into it.

A metal bench sat near the opening. Needing to catch his breath for a second, he sat down when suddenly, quiet whimpering caught his attention. There, on his left side lay a baby, wrapped up in a large yellow blanket. It's almond shaped eyes were brimming with tears; it's hands curled tightly around something.

Justin looked down at the child then scanned the area. No one was around. Reaching over and feeling the child's cheeks, he frowned. They were ice cold, so the baby must have been there for at least a few hours. Scooping it into his arms, he noticed a letter clutched in its hand. Pulling it out of the baby's grasp, he gasped.

October 14, 2014

To the finder of my daughter,

I am unable to keep this child, and I hope that whoever finds her can give her a better life than me. She is six days old; her birthday is October 9th. I dared not name her but I ask that you give her a strong, righteous name for I know she will be a fighter. Please tell her I love her and that she will always remain in my heart. Giving her up is the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I know she will be much happier without me.


An unworthy yet gracious mother

A tear slid down Justin's cheek as he finished reading. Gathering the child in his left arm he stood up, the letter attached to his right hand. The baby curled up against him as he made his way back to his apartment.

"Josh, I'm home. Are you up?"

"Yeah, hun. I'm on the computer."

Justin walked to their office and stood in the doorway.


"Ye..." Josh started looking up from the screen, his eyes widening at the sight.

"She was on a bench in the park. There was no one around, it was completely empty. A letter was in her blanket." Justin stated, handing Josh the letter.

Josh quickly read over the words, his mouth agape, then looked up to he baby in Justin's arms.

"What should we do?"

"I guess we call the police." Josh answered. "Yeah, that makes sense. I'm just so flabbergasted to think straight right now."

Josh made his way to the phone and diligently dialed the police station.

"Yes, hi, my husband found a baby abandoned in Central Park about 20 minutes ago. Uh huh...of course he can and oh, a little Asian girl. There was a letter with the child from the mother. No, it said she couldn't keep the baby. Yes, of course we still have the letter. Uh huh....2179 56th Street. Right on the corner. Ring up, we'll buzz you in. Uh huh...goodbye." Josh finished, hanging up the phone.

"What'd they say?"

"They asked if you could tell them where you found her and if we still had the letter. I told them you could and we did, and they said they'd be right over."

"Okay, gosh, I hope they can fix this." Justin commented, as he made his way to their leather sofa, the baby still in his arms.

A loud ring sounded through the house and Josh made his way to the intercom sighing.

"Hello?" he asked, pressing the "talk" button.

"It's Detective Davies and Sergeant Anderson from the New York Police Department. Can we come up?"

"Sure." he finished as he buzzed the men in.

Loud, husky steps ascended the stairs and two big black men entered their home.

"Hi, I'm Detective Ronald Davies," one of the men spoke, extending his right hand, and holding up his badge with his left.

"Hi, I'm Joshua Chasez. And that's my husband Justin." Josh said, as he gripped Detective Davies hand, eyes motioning to Justin.

"Sergeant Anderson." The other man said, raising his hand in a small wave.


"This must be the baby." Sergeant Anderson added as he made his way to the living room.

"Yes, here she is." Justin said as he handed the letter to Detective Davies and the baby to Sergeant Anderson.

"The letter was tucked inside. She was clutching it when I found her." Justin started, eyes full of worry.

"Where exactly in the park did you find her?" Detective Davies asked, eyes looking up from the piece of paper he held in his hands.

"Um, I can't say the exact area. But, I can show you and describe it to you very easily. I know that it was on a bench about six feet from the opening of a trail that led to the east park entrance. I'd never been on that trail before, normally I run on the trail that leads to Tavern on the Green. But the leaves looked so pretty this morning in all their colors, so I decided to try a new route."

"Uh huh. And she was only in this blanket? No stroller or anything?

"Yes, that's right. There was no stroller there."

"Do you have any estimation of how long she could have been there?"

"Her cheeks were ice cold, so I assume a few hours at least."

Josh watched his husband answer all the questions as Detective Davies jot all the answers down on a notepad.

"Alright I think that's everything. We'll keep in touch if we find out anything, and be sure to call us if you learn any more." Detective Davies stated as he tucked the notepad and letter into his pocket.

Sergeant Anderson stood up. "We'll be taking her to an orphanage for the time being. Thanks for everything."

He and Detective Davies made their way to the door.

"Thank you." Josh said as he closed it behind them.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Justin asked, concern covering his countenance.

"God, I hope so." Josh answered, crossing his arms over his chest.

~~LD Griffin~~

Next: Chapter 2

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