B and C party

Published on Feb 27, 2005



He got the note while standing naked in the pool locker room. Adam didn't see who gave it to him. He looked around and saw one or two other guys seemed to have gotten a similar folded up piece of paper.

Ron, his dorm mate didn't know what a "b and c" party was, so he said. But the smile on his face made Adam believe otherwise.

The note simply stated, "free beer, loud music, fun for the uninhibited and open minded guys on campus"

Friday night came and after meeting for pizza and beer with some friends, Adam walked back towards his dorm. But as he neared the street that led to the party site, he turned. He could always take a look and leave, he thought.

The house was huge, the kind that usually is a frat house but there were no such insignias on the outside of it. Adam saw a couple of other guys go inside ahead of him.

He waited across the street for awhile.

"Are you comin in?" Ron's voice suddenly made Adam start. "I though you didn't know"

Ron just smiled, "come on, you'll regret it if you don't...and leave all that tight ass mid west conservativism behind...don't think, just do"

Adam wasn't quite sure what Ron meant but followed his roommate towards the house. He eyed Ron's butt moving as he walked. It was one of the nice things about Ron, his ass. The two had become good friends and comfortable enough to be naked or near naked around each other. But that was normal for dorm mates, even though Adam knew his interest in Ron and other guys was part of the reason he enjoyed himself.

"Shirt to enter" the guy at the door said. Ron immediately peeled off his shirt and turned towards Adam. He shrugged and stripped his polo off too.

They walked down the hall, nearing the loud music.

"beer over there and downstairs is the dance floor" another guy said. Ron and Adam turned into a room that made Adam stare.

There were naked guys, guys in jockstraps, guys in underwear everywhere. The smell of beer mixed with the familiar aroma of locker rooms.

"Put your pants and shirt in the locker and you get one beer" The bartender said.

Ron already had his pants half off. Adam froze. But due to the several beers he had already drunk at dinner and Ron's example, his pants were soon rolled up and being put in a locker. The key strap fit on his wrist and the large cup of beer felt good going down.

"Ahh wore the jockstrap, you DID know what this party is" Ron said. They walked around meeting other guys. Some seemed to know Ron, others just smiled.

Adam felt a hand or two touch his bare buttocks as he walked through the crowd.

"Want another beer?" Ron asked showing his cup was empty.

Adam nearing a state of drunkedness that made him dispell caution downed the rest of his beer.

"Put your underwear on the board for another drink" the bartender said matter of factly.

Ron laughed and was soon standing naked holding a big cup of beer. He waited for Adam.

"Think of it like we were in our dorm room" Ron said.

Adam sighed and put his jockstrap on the board..along with several other underpants, jockstraps, speedos and even some sillk underwear.

He wondered who wore those as a cup of beer was put in his hand.

"Ok let's go dance" they drank as they moved towards the stairs. Adam was naked in the middle of many other guys. He was grateful the beer kept his usual erection from revealing his interest in what he saw.

There were small butts, large ones, firm ones, fat ones., There were small cocks, dangling ones, half hard ones, fat ones, uncut ones and huge ones hanging, pointing and begging for his touch let alone his lips.

Ron and Adam danced naked. They had never done this not even when drunk in their dorm room alone.

The music, the beer, the heat and the sweat seemed to overrule the beer as Adam's cock swelled and shrank thorughout the dancing. Seeing so many naked bodies covered with sweat, writhing and undulating were the gateway to Adam's letting his secret out.

He pulled Ron to where some guys were dancing in a group and they moved around each other, spoon dancing and more.

"Ready for more beer?"

"next room" they were directed to the bar.

Adam didn't see the bar but a bunch of guys. "Stand here and wait" Ron said "Youll get a beer, I could bet on it"

"Hi want a beer?" A tall hairy chest guy came over to Adam. He thought he recognized him from his daily swimming at the campus pool. "Uh yea" Adam said and realized he had to follow the guy.

Ron said "remember don't think, do" and patted Adam's ass. It was the first time Ron had touched him like that. He wanted to stay and let Ron touch him again.

But he followed the tall guy into the next room where they were both given a cup of beer. Adam realized the room was packed full of other naked guys. The sounds he heard were unmistakable. The guy turned and kissed him sliding his tongue deep. Adam didn't know what happened to he beer he had in his hand. He let himself be pulled close and tight against the guy.

His entire body became fingers touching feeling as he too was being explored. The cock fit into his mouth just right..better then Adam's cousin's that summer long ago. As he gasped the guys cock inserted probbed and slid past Adam's body's last objection his sphinter.

"Hi want a beer?" Adam had exited the bathroom and immediately was approached.

"Not yet" he said and was suprised he knew what to say. He wanted to rest. He had bene fucked for the first time, he was naked among other naked hot men, he didn't know if everyone there was gay or just uninhibited horny guys.

And he didn't care. The floodgates had been opened and he wanted to take the next step himself. Adam looked around and saw a cute guy that made his penis enlarge. "Hi want a beer?" he asked.

The shorter guy's eyes looked, he batterd his eyelashes and his smile broadened. They kissed, 69d and fucked. Adam had cornholed a fellow boyscout during a camping trip so he knew what to do, but he enjoyed this time much more...so did the shorter guy who made Adam turn afterwards so that was Adam's second fuck.

"How can one really get a beer to drink?" He whispered in the kids ear. The laughter he heard broke the ice...they found a place where they could drink and did exactly that.

"Come on" the kid said. As they moved into another room, "look around and find one, how about him?"

Adam didn't know what the guy had in minde but they both picked a guy that looked like Ron. Adam let himself be put in position and soon was fucking the kid while the new guy fucked him. There is nothing like being fucked while fucking and as the three got into a rhythm, others watched around them.

Adam was exhausted, drained and drunk. When he awoke, there were few guys around. He pissed and not finding his two most recent sex mates decided to go home.

It was chilly out especially without his jockstrap...you had to leave that there. His shirt too had dissappeard, so half naked Adam made it back to his dorm room. The dorm proctor looked up and smiled. Adam expected a comment or question but the guy, a student being paid to monitor the comings and going, didn't have anything to say.

Adam wondered if he knew.

The door was unlocked which meant Ron was home. It was dark inside. Adam didn't hear Ron's snoring..but Ron didnt' snore all the time. He stripped and walked naked down the hall to the showers. Adam had seen other guys do this but he had never thought about doing it himself.

The were now whistles, no cat calls, nothing even from the other guys that were in the hallway.

The shower felt good and revived him a bit. Adam decided againts wrapping the towel around his waist and once again walked naked down the long hallway to his room.

He stopped when someone called from a room. The door was opened already. The voice called him by name. The invitation was given, but Adam said he was tired which as true. He doubted if his penis could perform even if the hotest looking guy was kneeling in front of him.

"Another time" he said and walked "I hope so" the voice said.

The room was dark and Adam kept it that way.

"Hey" Ron said. Adam replied "hey"

"Have a good time?"

"I guess you could say that. How about you?"

"Always" ron replied telling Adam things he had wanted to know for some time but couldn't find a way to ask.

"Want a beer?" Ron asked.

"No I'm ...." then Adam realized what Ron as really asking.

He moved over to Ron's side of the room and moved under the blankets rubbing his body against Ron's which was where he had wanted to be for a very long time.

"So you know what a b and c party is now?"

"beer and cock" or "butts and cock" Adam said, either way they're all my favorite. He moved his head under the blankets and found Ron's thick, long, hard cock.

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