Aztec Boys

By Nifty Boy

Published on Nov 20, 2017


Aztec Boys

Chapter 2: First love

By NiftyBoy (

The two boys remained snuggled against each other, both still hard. Xipilli began to slowly and languidly rub against Chicahua, the cummy cocks sliding against each other. The Aztec boy reached down and cupped the round buttocks of the Huastec boy and squeezed and kneaded them. Xipilli whimpered as he felt his buttocks being spread and massaged.

"That feels so good," he moaned happily and kissed Chicahua and then began licking and kissing his neck and shoulders and collar bones.

"It feels so nice to me too, Xipi, my baby," Chicahua whispered and wrapped his arms protectively around the Huastec boy.

"I will always look out for you" he sighed and wrapped his lean legs around the boy, squeezing him against him.

Soon Xipilli humped and rubbed more urgently against the taller boy. He started to make excited yapping sounds. Soon Chicahua felt the boy heaving on top of him and his face contorted and he began twitching. His small balls were already empty from his first ejaculation so he couldn't shoot but his muscles contracted again and again as his body climaxed. He slowly calmed down and the Aztec boy gently caressed the back and sides of his trembling friend.

Xipilli smiled, then he slid down and kneeled between Chicahua's thighs.

"We should leave and find another place to sleep. The dead snake will attract animals. Are you able to get up?" he asked the Aztec boy.

"Aha, it looks like Little Chica is able to get up just fine," laughed Xipilli, reaching out and wrapping his fingers around Chicahua's stiff penis. The Aztec boy moaned and stared at his lover. It was the first time that his erect member had been touched by anybody but him and it felt incredible. Xipilli saw his lover's excitement and began stroking him. This was an entirely new experience for Xipilli, awkwardly moving his hand up and down along Chicahua's slick cock. But apparently his lack of experience didn't matter very much because the Aztec boy thrust up and moaned. Xipilli felt the slippery penis beginning to throb and stroked his friend even faster. He looked down at the engorged glans, just as the cock started to pulsate and a rope of semen squirted out and landed in Chicahua's navel. Both boys moaned and Xipilli continued stroking him until the Aztec boy began wincing and trying to twist away.

"Stop...please..." he gasped and reached out for Xipilli's hand.

The Huastec boy smiled sheepishly and finally pulled his hand away. It was slick with semen and he wiped if off on his chest as Chicahua's penis slowly softened. Xipilli went to the snake and collected the knife and the sheath and then helped the Aztec boy to his feet, supporting him. Chicahua groaned and put his arm around Xipilli's shoulders and even though his entire body still felt sore, he knew he'd been very lucky. If his friend had killed the snake just a few seconds later, he was convinced that his bones would have been crushed, ending his life.

"Let us find a nice clearing nearby," Xipilli suggested and, his arm around Chicahua's waist, helped his lover into the dense jungle.

Xipilli was surprised how heavy the Aztec boy was. Although slim and lean, he was dense with muscle. Chicahua tried not to show his pain but from time to time he couldn't help wincing. Xipilli was concerned and hoped to soon find a good place for them to rest. After an hour they reached a clearing that was perfect. It was surrounded by huge trees and covered with moss, ferns and grass. A small creek partially hidden by plants passed through it, supplying fresh water.

Xipilli helped Chicahua to lie down and saw to it that his head was resting on a soft mound of moss.

"Now you relax. I will find food for us and will help you clean yourself later," he said then kissed him gently and disappeared into the jungle.

Xipilli was soon back with berries. He lifted Chicahua's head and slowly fed him the tasty fruit. The Aztec boy ate greedily, then he sighed and laid back.

"Come, I will help you clean yourself," Xipilli said softly.

Like all city dwellers in Mesoamerica, the two boys were fanatically clean. Their cultures had learned that dirt and lack of cleanliness led to sicknesses and epidemics. Since they were still toddlers, it had been driven into them that they wash themselves extensively every morning and evening. Both their cities had public baths and toilets, and Chicahua had grown up with a private toilet and bath at his house. So even though he could barely keep his eyes open, Chicahua nodded. Xipilli helped him up and led him to the creek.

"Do you need to squat? Do you want me to help you?" the Huastec boy asked his lover.

The Aztec shook his head.

"No, I think I did that when the snake strangled me," he said, blushing, "but I do need to pee."

Xipilli smiled and nodded, the arm of the Aztec boy around his shoulders. He reached down and gently grabbed the soft penis of his lover and aimed it at the water. Chicahua smiled gratefully and sighed and let go. Pee began flowing from his slit and his penis began swelling in Xipilli's hand. Both giggled, then the stream weakened and stopped.

Xipilli helped the Aztec boy step into the creek and both boys sighed happily when they felt the cool water flow around the calves. Xipilli took handfuls of water and poured them over his friend's shoulders, the clear liquid flowing down the boy's lean and muscled body. Xipilli wiped down his lover, gently touching him everywhere. Chicahua obviously enjoyed the ministrations and the attention given by the Huastec boy. Xipilli stepped away to collect some leaves. Both boys were careful to protect their skin in the hot and humid environment and it was normal for them to oil their skin using certain leaves and plants.

He quickly returned and then wiped the thick leaves all over the Aztec boy until Chicahua's body was glistening all over. Chicahua briefly swayed and Xipilli helped him to sit down at the edge of the creek with his feet in the water.

Xipilli smiled at him and rubbed the oily leaves over his own body. He was excited to be watched by Chicahua who was fully erect despite his exhaustion. The Huastec boy took his time, spreading his thighs and moved languidly, exciting his lover even more. Once Xipilli had oiled himself all over, he stepped towards the Aztec boy and kneeled between his thighs. Xipilli spread Chicahua's thighs, then massaged the underside of his glans with his thumb. The Aztec boy whimpered and squirmed, then he gasped when he saw the boy bending down. Xipilli had his face close to Chicahua's cockhead and watched excitedly how clear drops of precum began oozing from his slit. Xipilli lightly rubbed the frenulum of the cock, causing Chicahua's penis to stiffen even more. The Aztec boy moaned when he felt Xipilli's hot breath on his sensitive glans. He sensed an orgasm approaching and tried to pull the boy away but it was too late and he could not hold back.

Xipilli flinched back as a glob of semen splattered on his cheek, but he continued stimulating the Aztec boy, watching as white cum flowed down his shaft. Finally he looked up and giggled. Chicahua eyed the white glob of cum slowly oozing down the cheek of the boy and had to laugh too. They kissed each other deeply and then Xipilli finally broke the kiss to finish cleaning his body.

Once he had finished with his ablutions, he stepped out of the water. Looking forward to being stroked by his lover, Xipilli's excitement only lasted until he saw Chicahua lie down on his side and begin softly snoring. He was disappointed but understood that the Aztec boy was exhausted after his ordeal with the snake and had been unable to keep his eyes open. Xipilli sighed, lay down and snuggled against his lover, pressing his erection against the taut buttocks of Chicahua and was soon deeply asleep too.

Xipilli was the first to stir, his lover still asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly. Xipilli wanted to let his Chicahua continue to sleep and so carefully slid away and got up. He looked down lovingly at the Aztec boy and had to chuckle when he noticed the proud erection sported by Chicahua. The youth must have been having a very pleasant dream because his lips were half parted and he was breathing quickly. Xipilli slowly dropped to his knees between Chicahua's legs, grateful for the opportunity to closely observe his lover's stiff penis. The vein on the underside of its shaft pulsated and his glans was already slick with precum. The dream must have become increasingly exciting because Chicahua whimpered and spread his thighs wide. His muscles tensed and Xipilli watched, amazed that the stiff penis began twitching.

Xipilli bent down and let his tongue slide along the throbbing shaft. When he arrive at the engorged cockhead he tasted the salty precum and moaned softly. His own cock was now fully erect and pressing against his flat abs. The boy wrapped his hand around the root of Chicahua's shaft and pulled at the stiff penis. It was so hard and engorged that he had to pull quite strongly to lift it up. When the member pointed straight up, the boy went down on it and let his tongue swirl around the damp glans. The taste of the salty precum was wonderful and he could not get enough of it. He puckered his lips and started to suckle at the slit. The Aztec youth moaned louder and his muscles began contracting and without any warning he erupted in Xipilli's mouth. He ejaculated a thick glob of semen and then moaned and shuddered while more semen oozed from his slit. The Huastec boy kept his lips wrapped tightly around the throbbing shaft and savored the taste of Chicahua's semen. It tasted differently than his precum, sweeter and creamier.

Chicahua lifted his head and stared at Xipilli. Disoriented and still half asleep he wasn't sure whether he was dreaming or already awake. When he realized that Xipilli had had lips clenched around his erection, his eyes widened. ` "Did...did you drink my milk...?" he gasped, not quite believing yet what the boy had done.

Xipilli nodded and then finally lifted his head and opened his mouth wide. He stuck his tongue out and showed the Aztec boy the white, creamy semen that covered it. Chicahua's eyes sparkled, incredibly aroused by seeing his seed in the boy's mouth. Xipilli crawled up, his face over Chicahua's. Xipilli opened his mouth wide and let the semen flow into the mouth of the Aztec boy. Chicahua swallowed then eagerly, lifted his head and kissed his lover passionately. He pushed Xipilli on his back, slid down and wrapped his lips around Xipilli's glans.

Xipilli pushed up and moaned happily, his stiff member pushing deep into Chicahua's mouth. His penis was not yet very long, but when his cockhead brushed against the tonsils of the Aztec boy, Chicahua's gag reflex was triggered and he retched and his throat contracted. Xipilli nearly screamed when he felt the slim throat tighten around his cockhead. He reached down, nearly senseless with lust and pressed the head of the Aztec down against his crotch. The Aztec youth twisted and gagged and his throat squeezed the glans of the boy again and again. It did not take long before Xipilli yelped loudly, arched his back and ejaculated a glob of precum. Chicahua felt the salty drop ooze down his throat as Xipilli shuddered, his feet planted and his back arched.

At last he sighed and slowly collapsed, letting go of Chicahua's cockhead. The Aztec boy gasped for air, saliva dripping from his lips.

"I...I am sorry," Xipilli gasped and smiled embarrassedly.

Chicahua did not reply and simply slid up and draped his body over the boy and kissed him hungrily. The two made out wildly until they managed to let go of each other. They got up and stepped into the creek to wash each other. They giggled and laughed and finally prepared to continue on their journey.

"We have to cross the jungle. Once we are out of it we can go to my family and be safe," Xipilli suggested.

Chicahua agreed and they started walking deeper into the jungle. They tried to keep walking eastwards, even though it was difficult. It was only rarely that they were able to glimpse the sun and they often had to make detours when the jungle became too impenetrable. Their eyes slowly became accustomed to the gloom of the jungle and they were able to discern more of the colors and beauty around them. The jungle was teaming with life. Wherever they looked were animals and plants, butterflies flying and huge ferns waving slowly. Everything was glistening and wet. It was crisscrossed by innumerable creeks, most of which were narrow and the boys could easily jump over them. A few times, however, they had to walk a fair distance along wider rivers until they were able to wade through them.

The jungle was not equally dense everywhere. Often they crossed wide clearings, perhaps caused by tribes that had lived within the jungle and moved after the soil had become exhausted. After several hours of walk they arrived at an especially nice clearing and decided to take a break. They sat down on the damp moss and put their feet into a small pond and relaxed. Soon they began kissing and groping each other. They both climaxed quickly and calmed down and stretched out. Xipilli put his head on Chicahua's chest and listened to the slow heartbeat of his lover.

"Xipi, my haven't told me yet why you left your family and let yourself be captured by me," the Aztec boy asked while he slowly stroked Xipilli's hair. The boy sighed, at first reluctant to explain.

"It is not easy to explain, Chica," he started hesitatingly.

"My parents knew that I liked boys. They were not happy since they wanted to have many grandchildren to work in the fields or to become stonemasons like my father," he continued. "But they accepted in the end. Unlike you Aztecs, there is no shame with the Huastec for boys loving boys or girls loving girls. But....but...." and Xipilli hesitated.

"It's okay, my baby, just tell me," Chicahua said softly and continued to stroke Xipilli's glossy hair.

Xipilli took in a deep breath and then began.

"Once my parents had accepted that I liked boys, they sent me to a priest to show me how to make love, as is our tradition. But he was old, at least twice as old as I. He began groping me...and was not gentle and...and I ran away," Xipilli said. "My parents must be very angry since I stole a canoe and just wanted to be away."

The Aztec boy did not say anything and gently played with the nipple of the boy.

"I wanted my first time to be beautiful...and I am so glad I ran away... I want it to be with you," Xipilli whispered.

"I want it only to be with you too," Chicahua said softly. "I haven't done anything yet, but with you I want to try everything."

"We don't need a priest to show us what to do," Xipilli agreed and slowly slid down and began suckling at Chicahua's penis.

The Aztec boy got hard at once and placed his hand on the back of Xipilli's head and pushed him down. The Huastec boy moaned and gagged. The stiff penis of Chicahua was already long enough for its cockhead to squeeze into the throat of Xipilli. The boy began retching and heaving and his throat squeezed and quivered. It did not take long for the Aztec youth to ejaculate. Xipilli continued sucking him for a long time, until he finally let go.

"Let's stay here until tomorrow. I noticed some fruit growing over there," Xipilli suggested, wiping his lips.

Chicahua agreed and they got up to collect berries and other fruit. Xipilli walked towards a large tree. The trunk was at least twice as wide as two grown men. Thick vines wrapped around it and allowed Xipilli to find purchase and he began to climb.

"Be careful," Chicahua said nervously as he looked up and watched the boy climb up, his muscles flexing.

His eyes were fixed on the boy. Xipilli had to spread his thighs wide and Chicahua caught a glimpse of his tight pucker. The Aztec boy was transfixed by the sight of it and felt his heart beating faster. He did not understand why, but he continued staring up, his penis fully erect.

The boy threw down fruit, climbed down quickly and grinned when he saw the raging erection of the Aztec boy.

"I want to kiss every part of your body," Chicahua said excitedly. Xipilli nodded, astonished by the urgency in the voice of his lover. He smiled and took Chicahua's hand and led him to the small creek.

"I want to do this too with you," he said softly and splashed water over the Aztec boy.

The cleaned each other slowly. It took nearly an hour and they carefully wiped every part of their bodies. Xipilli sat down with his feet in the water. Chicahua kneeled in the water before him and slowly and carefully cleaned his feet. He gently massaged Xipilli's soles and carefully wiped his legs before Xipilli did the same for the Aztec boy. They examined each other's feet and legs since being in the jungle exposed them to the risk of bites from insects and leeches. But they did not find anything and the plant oil they used to protect their skin had repelled all critters.

Xipilli got up and walked over to a fallen tree and lay down on it, his arms and feet dangling down. Chicahua sat down on his heels and started with the boy's feet and licked his soles and sucked at his toes. Soon Xipilli whimpered and squirmed, clearly enjoying the attention. The Aztec boy slowly went up along the shins and thighs and crotch, before he arrived at Xipilli's fingers.

"Turn over..." he whispered.

Xipilli moaned and turned over, his erection pressing against the tree trunk. This time Chicahua started with the fingers and moved slowly down, kissing and sucking and licking. His tongue slid along the spine of the boy and then arrived at the small of his back. Chicahua's heart was hammering when he began kissing and licking the taut buttocks. He could barely stop himself from spreading the luscious globes and pressing his face against the crack and plunging his tongue into the boy's pucker, but he did not know how Xipilli would react, afraid that the boy would be angry and disgusted if he were to start licking his crack. He hesitated and merely licked at the beginning of the boy's crack, barely entering it. But then Xipilli moaned loudly and pushed his hips up, inviting the Aztec boy to go further. Chicahua trembled with nervousness and excitement. He grabbed Xipilli's buttocks and spread them, exposing the cleft. It was smooth and hairless and glistening with sweat. He could not hold back a lustful moan when he noticed the tight anal ring of the boy. While the boy's skin was a beautiful reddish bronze, his pucker was a darker brown and slightly creased. Chicahua's tongue slowly slid down along the crack until it arrived at the ring. He let the tip of tip of his tongue circle around the tight sphincter while Xipilli moaned and twisted, raising hips high up. The tongue moved along the perineum until he arrived at the boy's balls. He lapped the silky-smooth scrotum while the boy began rubbing and humping against the trunk. He felt the two testicles with his tongue. The boy shrieked and convulsed and Chicahua quickly reached under him and cupped his cockhead to catch his precum. He felt it spurting against his palm and gently squeezed the glans, trying to milk the boy, and then it was over. "This was so nice," Xipilli moaned. "I want to explore you too."

Chicahua rose, his legs spread. Xipilli slid from the trunk and kneeled before the Aztec boy. He bent down and began licking his feet and slowly went up. When Xipilli arrived at the buttocks, he did not wait and quickly squeezed his tongue into the crack and began licking his lover eagerly. Chicahua trembled when he felt the tongue against his sphincter, licking and probing. The Huastec boy turned him and began sucking his cock and it took only a few seconds before the Aztec erupted.

The two youths slowly calmed down and noticed to their astonishment that the exploration of their bodies had taken hours and it was already night. They quickly ate some fruit, washed themselves in the pond, huddled together and were soon asleep, their legs entwined and their arms around each other.

The next morning, it was again Xipilli who awoke early. He looked at the peaceful face of the sleeping Aztec boy and felt an incredible feeling of love rush through him. He placed his hand carefully on Chicahua's chest and felt the calm, steady heartbeat. He rubbed lightly against his nipple and felt it stiffen under his palm. He pressed his finger slightly against the tip of the nipple and was soon rewarded with a whimper by the Aztec boy. He put his head on Chicahua's stomach and continued pressing and touching his nipple.

He thought back at the day before. He remembered clearly his excitement when Chicahua probed his anal ring with his tongue. And he also remembered how Chicahua had stared at his anus when it had been exposed to him for the first time when he had climbed the tree. The Huastec had many erotic murals and statues in their temples. Xipilli had often looked and wondered at one particular painting which showed a warrior pressing his penis against the buttocks of another warrior. He had never asked what it meant, but now his thoughts went back to the painting. Was it really possible for Chicahua to put his penis into him? How would it feel and would it not hurt? The thought of being impaled by his lover both excited and frightened him. He slowly turned his head to find the engorged glans of the Aztec boy right at his nose. It looked big from so close up and the corona of the glans was wider still. He reached out and brushed against the ridge of the cockhead, eliciting another whimper from the Aztec boy. Xipilli pressed against the corona and wondered if Chicahua's cockhead could be squeezed tighter before entering him. Chicahua twisted and arched his back, clearly more and more excited. Xipilli slid his thumb along Chicahua's frenulum and watched a drop of precum ooze from the slit. He spread the drop across the glans with his thumb and wondered if the fluid would lubricate it enough for the penis to enter him.

Xipilli slowly got up and went to the edge of the clearing. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to ask the Aztec boy but he intended to prepare himself. He stepped into the pond and washed himself carefully. He saw that Chicahua was now awake too, his luminous eyes open and watching him. The two boys did not talk but continued watching each other. Xipilli walked to the edge of the clearing and collected a few thick, oily leafs and wiped them all across his skin until he was glistening with oil. He stared at Chicahua as he wiped the thick leaf along his crack. He rubbed his finger across the thick leaf. Once the finger was glistening with oil, he sat down on his heels and reached behind him to rub his finger over his anus.

The Aztec boy whimpered and was at least as nervous as Xipilli. No words were necessary. They both knew what was on each other's mind. Xipilli shifted slightly so that his back was towards Chicahua and pushed his buttocks out and spread them slightly with his heels. He turned his head and bent down, completely exposing his glistening ring to his lover. He rubbed his anal ring with his oily finger and continued looking at his lover.

Chicahua sat up, watching and felt his heart hammering inside his chest. It had felt wonderful yesterday when he had sucked at Xipilli's ring and he remembered that his penis had become so stiff that it hurt. He had then not thought consciously about pressing his cock against the boy's ring, but his body had. He woke up several times during the night, his penis erect and his thoughts on the enticing buttocks of his lover. He agonized over how to tell Xipilli that he wanted to enter him. He was terribly afraid that the boy would be outraged and disgusted. But now he felt giddy watching the boy before him exposing his lubricated crack, so obviously offering himself to him.

He rose, his penis rock hard. He walked over to a bush at the edge of the clearing to urinate, so hard that it was difficult to press his penis down toward the ground. He felt Xipilli moving against his back and his hand wrapping around his penis. Chicahua took his hand away and let the boy hold his stiff cock. He breathed deeply and slowly and let go. The stream of pee shot out and splattered against the ground. Xipilli squeezed his cock and rubbed its vein. When the stream stopped, Xipilli let the cock go and it slapped back against the stomach of the Aztec boy. The two boys went to the pond and stepped into it, Xipilli carefully cleaning Chicahua's penis and glans. Xipilli looked deep into his eyes and took a fresh leaf and rubbed it along the shaft of the Aztec boy. Chicahua stood before his kneeling lover and moaned when Xipilli rubbed and massaged his frenulum.

"Are you sure?" Chicahua asked, his voice breaking and barely audible.

"I...I am not sure," Xipilli whispered, smiling nervously.

"But I want to try it," he added quickly, afraid to lose his courage otherwise.

Xipilli went on all fours, his hairless crack before the Aztec boy.

Chicahua kneeled and wrapped his hand around his throbbing shaft and placed the cockhead at the shiny ring. He felt dizzy and hot from excitement. He held himself steady by grasping Xipilli's shoulders and then began pressing forward. He was only thirteen and had very little self-control so when the tight sphincter of Xipilli barely budged, the Aztec boy began pressing more impatiently. He moaned, his blood roaring in his ears. He tried to jab in and placed one foot forward to gain more leverage and put his hands around the slim waist of the boy. He glanced down and saw his cockhead flatten itself against the tight sphincter, making it even more difficult to penetrate the boy. He grunted and tried to force the bulb of his penis through the ring. He finally saw the ring beginning to stretch slightly and the tip of his penis entering the warm cavity of Xipilli's anus. Chicahua had his hands grasped tightly around Xipilli's waist and struggled to hold him. The boy tried to scramble away, his hands clawing at the grass until Chicahua realized that Xipilli was drenched in sweat and whimpering in pain, not lust.

He quickly pulled back and gently stroked the back of the trembling boy.

"I am so sorry, my baby," he gasped,

"It hurt," Xipilli sobbed, his entire body shaking.

"I am very sorry," the Aztec boy whispered, feeling terrible.

After a few minutes Xipilli calmed down went back on all fours and pushed his buttocks high up.

"Try to lick me. Perhaps it will relax me and you can press in," he suggested.

Chicahua bent down and spread the round globes of the boy's buttocks. He marveled at the clenched, dark-brown muscle before him. He began lapping the striated sphincter and this time went slowly to make up for his thoughtlessness before. The ring was soon covered with his saliva and Xipilli moaned softly. Chicahua began pressing and probing with the tip of his tongue. Soon he sensed that the muscles were slightly relaxing and his tongue pushed in slightly. Suddenly the anal sphincter dilated and then contracted around his tongue. Chicahua groaned when he felt his tongue being trapped. He was not able to move it, neither back nor forward. Then the ring quivered again and the Aztec boy pushed his tongue in deeper. Both boys moaned loudly and finally Xipilli was relaxed enough that the tongue was flicking in and out. Chicahua was able to press the tongue in deep enough to brush against the wall of the anal canal. The tip of the tongue slid and pressed against the striated flesh. Xipilli yelped and gasped, while the Aztec boy began sliding his tongue in and out.

At last Chicahua pulled back and sat up. He spread the buttocks and looked closely at the sphincter. He rubbed and squeezed and stimulated it with his finger. Soon he saw a clear drop oozing out. He leaned in and licked it off and savored the salty tang.

"I think you are ready now. Do you want me to try again?" he asked and gently caressed the excited boy.

"Yes, please, try again. I want you to breed me," Xipilli gasped.

The boy spread his thighs wider and lifted his hips high up. Chicahua squatted behind him and placed the tip of his cockhead again at the quivering sphincter. He began to slowly rock back and forward, gently and unhurried. He started to moan when he felt the anal muscles of the boy wrapping around his sensitive bulb. Every time he rocked forward, it penetrated slightly deeper until his cockhead was nearly inside the boy.

The Aztec boy leaned forward and kissed the neck of Xipilli. He reach under the boy and cupped his cock. He squeezed the slick glans and bit lightly at Xipilli's neck and then shoved in. Xipilli shrieked when his anal ring was finally breached and Chicahua's cockhead was inside the anal canal. Chicahua moaned loudly, his glans squeezed from all sides by the fleshy wall. As it dilated and contracted around his cockhead he felt a wave of heat flowing though his body and convulsed at once and ejaculated. His penis twitched and he began pumping his semen into Xipilli's anus.

Xipilli whimpered and trembled while Chicahua spasmed without control and pressed deeply into him. The Aztec boy had his palm still wrapped around the boy's cockhead. He felt a hard stream of hot urine splashing against his palm and shooting out between his fingers. Xipilli whimpered and tried to hold back and the stream weakened and stopped.

"Let it go," Chicahua said softly.

Xipilli moaned with relief and gave up his fight and the stream resumed. Chicahua let his hand slide back and held the throbbing cock at it base and aimed it at the mossy ground below them. The pee of the boy splattering on the ground and soon stopped.

Both boys were nearly beside themselves with lust. Chicahua felt the sphincter of the boy pressing around the ridge of his cockhead. It was so tight that it nearly hurt. He pushed forward again until his cockhead was fully in, the boy's anal ring tightly gripping his shaft.

"How are you? Does it hurt" moaned Chicahua.

Xipilli nodded and pressed back. "Yes, but it feels so good. Are you inside me?"

"The head of my penis is inside you. Do you want me to go in further?" Chicahua asked tenderly.

"Yes, I want you to breed me, as deep inside me as you can," the Huastec boy whispered.

Chicahua kissed the neck of the boy again and began pressing in. He felt a slight resistance, then he pushed through the inner sphincter and his cockhead began entering the boy's anal canal. The Aztec youth nearly screamed in ecstasy when he felt the warmth and tightness and dampness around his cock. Xipilli screamed too and shuddered as Chicahua's cockhead pressed against his prostate.

It was too much for Xipilli and he convulsed and ejaculated a glob of precum and then another one. Chicahua whimpered when he felt all the muscles of the boy clamping and the sphincter contracting around his shaft. Xipilli lost all control over his body and moaned and whimpered and spasmed. His penis twitched as his body tried to ejaculate again even though his small balls were empty and did not yet produce semen.

Chicahua continued to squeeze in, his cockhead widening the tight wall of the boy's rectum. Finally he was all in and both boys gasped and caught their breath.

"I am inside you," the Atzec boy whispered to his lover.

"I can feel you inside me. I came before," Xipilli moaned.

"I know," his lover sighed. "I came too just when I entered you."

Chicahua began grinding and twisting his hips against the boy and felt his penis pressing and moving inside the tight rectum. His cock was not very long yet, but he managed to hit Xipilli's spot. Xipilli moaned lustfully when he felt the cock moving inside him and sliding against his prostate. The Aztec boy began moving his cock slowly back and forth. It was still incredibly tight, but gradually it became easier. His semen and precum and the boy's anal mucus lubricated the rectum and canal and Chicahua's penis began sliding easier. The Aztec youth moved his hips faster and his penis pressed deeper into the boy. Both youths moaned and breathed harder and harder. Xipilli began pushing back and soon the two boys found their rhythm. Chicahua slapped against his lover and his penis moved with wet, sucking noises inside the damp cavity. The Aztec boy glanced down and watched his glistening shaft. The feeling of being inside his lover and the pressure of his tight wall around his shaft was incredible. The youths were like in a trance, moving in harmony. Chicahua's thrusts became more frantic and frenzied, his body glistening with sweat. Xipilli moaned and screamed in pain and ecstasy. Chicahua thrust in faster and harder and soon felt another orgasm building up. He screamed and ejaculated a glob of semen and then spasmed and moaned and then slowly calmed down. Xipilli was pressed down as he Aztec boy collapsed on top of him. He whimpered and felt the penis inside him slowly softening and then plopping out.

Chicahua gently kissed the Huastec boy. Both boys felt drained and exhausted but infinitely happy. They both knew that they had crossed a line and were bound together forever.

"Now you have claimed me for you," Xipilli whispered.

"No, it is you who has trapped me...and my little snake," Chicahua answered and rubbed his soft penis against the boy's buttock.

Both boys cracked up and giggled. Soon they were rolling around in the grass and laughing. Xipilli slid down and Chicahua felt the boy beginning to lick and kiss and suck his glistening penis clean. The Aztec boy sat up while Xipilli was laying between his spread legs and slowly and carefully cleaned his penis with his tongue. Chicahua moaned excitedly and stroked the hair of his lover. He looked deep into the boy's eyes and saw the unbridled lust in them. He sensed that there would be no limit to what the boy was willing and wanting to do. He reached down and stroked his cheek while Xipilli licked off juices from his erection. He watched as he lapped up the anal mucus and semen from his shaft. After a while he grabbed his hair and pulled him off and slapped his cock against the boy's cheek. Xipilli whimpered and squirmed while Chicahua slapped and wiped his cock across his face.

He parted his lips and fought against the grip of the Aztec boy and wanted to take his penis in again. Chicahua tightened his grip on the boy's hair and let him struggle for a while. Then he relented and Xipilli took him in again eagerly. He went down at once on his erection and sucked and gagged.

"I am so glad I got me a savage Aztec boy. We will have so much fun," Xipilli gasped and grinned up at him.

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