Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 21, 2019


Chapter 97.

Everyone has been very excited these past few days because Blue's competition is looming. He and Alex were making plans to leave a few days early so he could get the feel of the waves. Horse and Tony if needed, would be going with them to look after Andy. Apparently the motorhomes wouldn't be small, they were more like the one Ali had when he first came to the bay, double story and push outs everywhere.

Rita was busy making hamburgers to freeze and organising Tush's menus for the busiest days when he would open the cafe. I have it on good authority that he with Susan's chef Harry, and some unknown extras from Longford would be opening the cafe every day while Rita was away. Tony is shutting down for the two weeks and Cyn is too ill to travel, so if anything is urgent she will organise that. Evan said he wouldn't be busy because everyone would be watching the carnival on our big screen. I worried that they wouldn't cope without us all not being there, but I had reassurance from Tush that he had plenty of back up in Longford and Melbourne that he could call on at anytime.

My son's suitcase ended up being over packed so I sat with him and sorted through the clothes he wanted to take. Fairy dresses were a must, and Blue's clothing line mandatory so I took out some of his magazines and he put them back in. In the end I put them and some of his thongs and t-shirts in my and Evan's suitcases, we don't need that much. I did want to take a few canvases and the not yet started cake shop drawing.

I thought on the dull days I would sit and paint in the fresh air.

Amazingly Nuts and Tim took our camper, Horse's paintings had been repaired and I had touched them up so his tiny house got back to normal when he hungrily hung them back where they belonged.

I had stocked the camper up and put clean sheets in it in case they needed changing. The boys loaded up their clothes and boards were strapped onto the roof rack. They left a day early and we will follow today with Rita, Spud and Ali following behind. The excitement of the trip made Ayden overtired so he slept most of the way. He did want a toilet break at a roadside stop, and then he wanted a burger from the mobile food truck that was handing out free coffees to weary travellers. We grabbed a picnic table and Rita unfolded her sandwiches and placed them on a tray for us all to eat. She also had a thermos of coffee and cups, Ayden took one bite of his burger and spat it out.

"Nots good nanny, your bestest."

"Have a sandwich instead baby." She passed them over, he took a long time to choose which ones he wanted but in the end the plain cheese won the day.

"Here comes the boys Ali, I hope they are having a good look around on the way," I said as Bubble, Apple and Sampson pulled into the car park.

"They are Den, I believe they are stopping every now and then to take photos."

"Well I don't want them hiding in the vans all the time, I want them to have fun and to mix with the crowd."

"They will Den; they know that anyway." Ali smiled. I thought about ringing Tush to find out if he was busy, but lost that thought when Evan touched my arm and said,

"Everything is organised Den, stop worrying." I believed him then Rita took out her phone and rang them. Of course I chuckled into my salad sandwich, which was quite delicious by the way.

Ayden was almost jumping up and down as we pulled into the caravan park. We registered and then Alex, who had met us at the office showed us where to go. The vans were huge and there were onlookers standing nearby taking photos of them as we hauled our sore asses out of the car. My boy wanted to know where his bed was and Apple unlocked the door with a remote control to let him in. The others had already taken the one next door and Ali and Spud with Rita took the third one.

It was magnificent. A staircase led upstairs to an open area for dining and a kitchen, lounge and a large bedroom with a full bathroom, there were two more bedrooms downstairs with a big TV room and a small galley kitchen and another bathroom. I looked at the larger bedroom and then chose the two downstairs insisting Apple take the main suite for himself. He argued until I put a stop to his objections. I told him we wanted to be near our son and the bedroom downstairs was nearly as big as the one on the upper level so he relented and started bringing our bags in.

Ayden was jumping up and down to go see his mate Blue who was apparently on the beach with the guys practicing. Evan was just as excited and was getting into his board shorts to take bubby down. I started putting away all our clothes and stacked my boy's magazines next to his bed. Spud arrived with our carnival passes and he was so excited to join in, and within half an hour everyone was headed down the beach path; even Rita.

I could hear the pounding of the waves, they were huge and the spray was soaking everyone on the shore. I could see Blue, Horse, Nuts and Tim, then I spotted Trip walking towards us. The crowd was huge and the party had begun. Of course there was no drinking on the beach nowadays but there was quite a few pop up stores with food and soft drinks all lined up. Later I spied a small carnival up the beach, I can take Ayden to it when he gets bored. No, I don't believe that either, he will be too busy watching the surfers.

The lady's trials were kicking off today and Blue's first run will be in the morning at the men's pre-trials. Rip Curl was everywhere, after all they sponsored the carnival, I wondered if Surf's Up had a stall other than Blue's outfits, I couldn't see anything else advertising their gear.

Ayden ran off towards the shore but the waves were too rough for him to get into the water so Blue came in and grabbed him then took him for a ride. He was nearly beside himself as he was carried back to us. If this is how excited he was going to get then we have a problem, how to calm him down?

"Did you get your entry form bubby?" His eyes were everywhere looking for the entry booth.

"It's okay, it's over there, come on." Blue put him down and he followed him over to the booth to register. We followed because there would be some sort of permission form to fill out.

"No, he's too young," the guy behind the counter said before he went to serve someone else.

"Hang on a minute mate, it's open to all ages, it says so on the sign over there, and anyway he's already registered online." Blue insisted the guy give us the time of day.

"He's still too young, come back when he turns five or six."

"Not too young and ise a good surfer mista," Ayden shouted out above the crashing surf.

"You are too young sonny but I'll tell you what, if you go over to that table and get yourself some insurance, I will entertain your request to enter, okay?"

"Okays." He almost ran over to a pretty girl with bleached blonde, white hair and sporting the obligatory dark tan and yelled,

"Insure peese." He dug deep into his pocket and brought out some loose change then popped it on the table. Then he stared into her extremely bright blue eyes. I had an image of her dancing on the beach with her wings on display; she was one of us.

"How old are you baby?"

"I'm not, not baby, ise Aydens and I am three and half."

"Can you surf beautiful boy?"

"Yes, I bests surfer in the whole wide world cept for Blues."

It looked like they were connecting spiritually and I could see the glow, and the young girl suddenly grabbed her chest and said,

"OMG the magic, I should have known you my prince, you have your insurance and good luck, not that you will need it." There were tears coming from her eyes as she got Evan to sign the papers and pay the fifty-dollar fee. He then counted out five coins and gave the rest back to his son.

I didn't know where she had come from but she was fairy and a raving beauty at that. Ayden then took his time and stared at her as the line got longer behind us. She shivered then a broad smile appeared on her face.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"It's okay, I fix but if I cants do it you comes to myes place anyways. Daddy is mys dress on the paper?"

"Yes son, and you are welcome anytime young lady," I said to her. When she looked at me she bowed her head, how the fuck does she know us anyway?

"Come on son, let's get you entered." I handed him his insurance paper and he then almost slammed it on the entry table in front of the first guy.

"Insures, now give me more papers," he demanded.

The guy looked it over and shook his head.

"You know it's dangerous out there, are you prepared to put him in that situation?" He looked at me.

"Of course, he's a champion like Blue, probably better than Blue." He smirked at us then stamped the form. When he passed it to Ayden it was like a light switch went off, he started dancing in a circle then dropping down onto his bum. The guy took his microphone and announced that the youngest contestant ever had just registered for the junior competition.

He also announced that everyone was to keep their eyes out for three-and-a-half-year-old Ayden Curtis, he's a champion surfer, reportedly better than Blue Walker. I heard a lot of cheering and laughing coming from the beach. Rita came up and sort of danced with Ayden, then something else happened. The young lady who sold him the insurance started dancing with him, they were dancing fairy and it was awesome. I could see the glows, but I don't think the public noticed.

Now I'm not one to discount anything is possible in our world, but if the girl was fairy what was she still doing in the human world, why didn't she go home with the others; very interesting?

The ladies comp had started and we watched the girls for an hour, some were wiping out, some couldn't get a good run, but there were some outstanding women surfing. We clapped and cheered then it was time for all of us to get back to the camp ground.

"Trip, where's Mel, did she stay home?"

"No Den, she was resting when I left. We came down with Blue and the guys the other day."

"Where are you staying then?"

"In the camping ground, we hired a small camper, it's two up from yours I think, the one with the red stripe."

"Oh okay, as long as your comfy."

He smiled at me.

"More than comfy Den." Then he winked.

I took Rita's hand and walked her over the dunes towards home. It was a good spot and where we were, the noise from the beach was dulled by the big dunes and we were on the other side of a stand of trees that also buffeted the sounds. There was a big table set up and a fire going and I could smell something delicious cooking in the camp ovens. The boys had a feast awaiting us on our arrival, roast potatoes, meat and gravy all done on the hot coals. There were salads galore and after I counted heads to see if everyone was present including Mel, we started a line at the table to grab some food.

It wasn't exactly my big table but the plastic ones provided were easier to clean and stack away. I think the idea is for us all to eat together so there will be no cooking smells in the motorhomes.

Ali and Spud looked pretty excited to be away from the café, and Rita was sporting a big sun hat and one of Evan's dresses. She was laughing at the guy's jokes and trying to help with the food, but she wasn't really needed. It didn't take any of us long to relax and get into a holiday mood.

"Did you know that girl bubs.?" I asked my son.

He looked at me for a second or two and replied,

"Cans I have sum more graby dah?" He's ignoring me.

"Of course son, coming up." I took his plate and laced his potato with the delicious gravy.

Odd, very odd indeed.

We chilled for awhile then Evan went and got Ayden's wet suit, he was going to take him up the beach where the waves weren't so big and where his competition will be held, he has training to do. The idea appealed to the others and of course that nearly emptied the camp of all the surfers. I hugged my men goodbye and Rita went to have a lie down, Spud and Ali had their skim boards under their arms and the rest had their boards in tow. They couldn't surf on the main beach because the trials were still on. My son was nearly fainting he was so excited.

"Comes pa, times a wasting." He grinned at Evan.

I looked around for something to do then I spied my cake painting so I set up my easel and started to paint it. The colours leapt off the canvas as I applied each shade and my tummy was going crazy, but it wasn't the butterflies, it was because of the delicious looking treats. As I applied paint I could taste them in my mouth. My head had also started to buzz, something's up.

A crowd appeared out of nowhere and Apple placed his hand on my shoulder to rouse me. I blinked at the work which was half finished, but still looked delicious.

"Maybe you had better have a lie down for awhile Den, you have been at it for some time." He started massaging my shoulders, it was wonderful and I drowned in his touch.

I did feel a little tired after the third person offered me two hundred dollars for the painting, I laughed to myself thanking them for the offer but it wasn't for sale. I drank loads of water then moved into the van heading for the bedroom, that buzzing noise didn't leave as I stripped off my shirt and lay on the bed then went to sleep.

I dreamt of Ayden's fairy girl, she was dancing with him in the moonlight, her white, blonde hair was flowing and her wings were opened making her steps whisper elegant. My son was a good dancer too and looked much older than he really is. His wings were magnificent and glittered like Rita's dress. I felt I saw something missing and wondered what it was.

Then I heard the tiniest of whispers,

"We's cans make dah, Ayden's show's you how."

"What can I make son, how can I help you?"

"Makes fairy gold dah, myes friend can't go home until she has sum, she lost her's years ago and has been lookings for it since then, forever's."

I felt a surge of energy entering my body as I gasped for breath, the buzzing got louder and I knew that feeling, it was liquid magic.

I woke with a start and took deep breaths to calm myself down. It was just a dream and I won't paint it because I have plenty of Ayden dancing in the moonlight at home, but they did look magnificent together.

I had a shower then went to look for my boys. I caught up with them watching the end of day awards and the line ups for tomorrow. Blue with eight others was first off the rank, his grin was beautiful as he held Andy in his arms, they were posing for the photographers. I saw Ayden go and talk to a beautiful blonde haired girl who jumped up and down, then she picked him up and started singing to him. His head was buried in her breasts and his grin was wide. I didn't know whether anyone else noticed them, but I certainly did.

"Did we fix her problem bubs?"

"Yes dah, wes have to give gold to her sos shes cans goes home."

"Where is the gold son?"

"Ins bed dah."

"So will she come home with us?"

"Yes dahs, she's very happies now, look for long time for fairy gold."

"Why did you need my help baby?"

"Cause the gold magic locked in the forever kings head, ise have to trieve it caus you don't know yet how to."

"So you got into my head and grabbed the recipe to make it then?"

"Yes dah, I takes a little of your magics and the recipe to make golds money."

"Is there much magic left in there?"

He giggled his head off and screamed,

"Forever kings has forever magics, mores than Ayden's, lots mores."


"Yes dah, you sillies." I put on a sad face as I picked him up for a cuddle and he whispered in my ear,

"Goldens book has all your memories in it, book is your memory."


"Cans we go surf mores now pa?"

He looked at Evan who thank god had seen my ashen face, I realised if Ayden was reading the golden book, then he's read some of my mind, I doubt he's read all of it but he has been in my head. Then I had an image of screwing Evan and suddenly lost it because I don't want my baby knowing about all that stuff yet.

"What was that all about Den?"

So I told him everything, he looked at the excited young lady and then me.

"So the book he's been reading is your memories Den?"

"It appears so bubs." He let out his breath and looked straight into my eyes then shivered.

"My brains not that bad bub, I do have a lot of clean thoughts too." I laughed.

Back at the campsite I gave my baby a shower and a new set of clean clothes while Apple immediately took our dirty linen and started the washing machine. We looked around for the tiny gold coin and found it in Ayden's bed. Our fairy friend came by and was almost jumping up and down on the spot when Ayden passed the coin to her, her tears had turned to sparkling glitter.

He talked to her for a few minutes and she kissed him endlessly, then she bowed to me. They both sat on a patch of grass and the glow around them got brighter. I knew something was going on because Rita, Evan and I glowed along with them while I heard soft singing then saw a burst of light. I knew it had been a success because the boys and girls started chasing the millions of butterflies that had invaded our camp, blocking our fairy friend's sudden disappearance.

Ayden danced with his nanny, and Tim nearly had kittens because he had witnessed it all. I felt wonderful and as I went to scratch the itch on my thigh, I felt something hard in my pocket, it was the tiny gold coin we had made. That was for her ticket back home.

It had been a big day for everyone and Horse was still smiling when we sat by the camp fire, everyone else had disappeared for showers and bed. Tim and Nuts climbed into the camper and I saw the TV go on, I suppose they are watching today's trials.

"So your memories are in the golden book Den?"

"It looks that way Horse, I remember being told that the forever king hid his subjects from the dark army as they coerced them into the human world. Maybe that cloaking blocked his brain too? Maybe it was deliberate?"

"And Ayden has found the key to your memories so he can read them or unlock them anytime he wants. Do you think the king deliberately didn't block his son's memory; like he holds the key to unlock them when it's the right time?"

"That sounds very plausible Horse my friend, Ayden said there was forever magic locked away in my memories. I think that was deliberate so the dark king couldn't get his hands on it, and that's why he came to get Ayden that night. He was after the secrets in his head so he could read my mind." I shivered.

"Whoa!" Evan nearly yelled.

"What's up bubs?"

"I know that's true Den; I somehow know that is absolutely correct."

"Me too Evan, I can see the king doing that in my head, and if I listen closely I can almost hear the words he used to do it." Rita was shaking with excitement.

It was Spud that threw an extra spanner in the works, he had been sitting quietly listening to all our thoughts, then he put his hand up.

"I have something to add to that theory Den."

"Yes Spud, anything you have to say is always welcome son."

"The king fled with his army into the human world, he cloaked his fairy folk so the dark king couldn't destroy them or their lands. Correct?"

"Correct Spud." Horse is definitely interested now.

"Right, when you sat with Ayden when Evan was away and he went into your father's lands, your father told you he had read from the ancient book which we now know as the golden or forever book."

"That's correct Spud," I said.

"How were you feeling at that very moment Den?" he asked.

"Pretty bloody excited, and very contented. I had almost actually gone to sleep when he did that, but he was only away for ten or fifteen minutes."

"I think you did go to sleep Den, and I also think Ayden was in your head reading the ancient book, and Den."

"What Spud."

"I think the forever king did cloak and hide the fairy folk and their land. They are in your memory within the ancient book, the forever book, they are hidden in that book in your memories.

Ayden didn't have to go far to be with his fairy folk or to go in their lands, he only had to go into your memories." There was dead silence around us.

We looked at each other and felt a huge shift in the air, it was awesome and telling me we had made another discovery.

Ayden had fallen asleep and was smiling, I wanted to get him settled because tomorrow is going to be another big day. He will want to watch Blue surf from start to finish. I got up and swayed, Evan steadied me.

"Did you hear what Spud said Den?"

"Yes bubs, I have to put Ayden to bed." Then a thought hit me and I turned and said to them,

"The shock treatment brought the book alive again, what a perfect way to cloak the fairy folk, in my head. The forever king brought them into the human world with him. He is protecting them in his memories. When the times right he will gladly release them, because he misses them." There was dead silence.

I moved to the motorhome, nothing more was said but I heard Horse finally yell,


We said our goodnights to Apple who was sitting inside watching something on TV, then we put our son to bed. I heard the locks close on the motorhome and Apple ascending the stairs to go to bed. Evan held me for some time and it was strange to be in a different place with him, we have only known our bed and I didn't feel like sex. I did feel like a cuddle and a deep kiss because something had awakened in my head.

During the night I was woken by the sound of movement, a little tacker had crawled into our bed and was getting comfortable under the sheet. I felt a whisper kiss and heard a small, 'thank you,' before I heard his baby snores. My golden coin glistened in the moonlight and I wondered if our new fairy friend was dancing on the beach with her sisters in my head.

"Are you all right Den?" It was early morning and Evan was still holding me and our son.

"Yes bub, I can't think about it at the moment, too much information to process."

"Well just relax today, we can talk later on, and Den?"

"Yes bub."

"No matter what, I love you."

"You too bubs, forever and a day." He kissed me.

The boys were up cooking breakfast, Blue was excited and Ayden was hanging onto him like he was going to go without him. He had wanted to get there early to judge the surf and to get in some waves.

Horse fed Ayden his breakfast burger and we all started our trip down to the sandy beach. The cameras were going and Blue was interviewed once again, he was very humble and gorgeous on the monitor screen, his skin is perfect.

Rita was on the phone to her cafe wanting some sort of update on the crowd. She told us they weren't busy yet but all the stays were full and the porch was filling up but they were coping with them and had called in help from Longford. I felt tugging on my shorts.

"Papa, papa it's me." When I looked around I saw a big grin on Birdy's face. I immediately picked him up for a cuddle, it was so good to see him.

"When did you get here?"

"This morning, Hulk and Jay drive me, I missed you."

"Well I missed you too, very much. Where are you staying?"

"We hire a nice camper poppa. I get a week off school, my teacher said it's important to go watch my friends surf."

"Did she, well she's right because she knows how much Blue likes you to barrack for him." He blushed then I spied Hulk and Jay talking to Rita. It was a no brainer, if the others didn't cope with the cafe crowd they can always get more staff, like Cyn, Abs or Mavis and Anne. I had no idea how many extras Arras had hidden down in the bay.

It was so good to see them, and I felt a little better to have more of my family around me. Ayden hugged Birdy and they went to see Andy who was decked out in a t-shirt and sun hat, he was building a castle in the sand with Alex. They helped him for awhile then Blue took his fine ass down to the water's edge.

"Let's go watch daddy." Ayden took Andy's hand and walked him down the sand nearer to the shore. The three of them watched him as he waded out then lay on his board to paddle into the huge waves.

I did see Birdy look over his shoulders a few times just to check I was still there.

Evan had gotten us some coffee and we sat on the side of a dune to watch the show. The music blared from the speakers and every now and then an announcement was heard,

"Would the following contestants get ready for the Women's semi final, Julie Thomas, Belinda Carter, Rowena Margo, Stevie Nichols."

I wondered if Blue knew Andy's mum was competing here today.

She was a blonde headed girl with a great figure, but I got a sense she wasn't quite what she seemed when I saw her paddle out. If I was a betting man I would be putting my money on her, she had man muscles on her muscles, and I had the urge to call her Steve. Me thinks the lady is a gay, but I'm quite often wrong, aren't I?

The guys came in to let the girls compete. Blue's trial was up next and I noticed he was watching Stevie sail into shore. She had a magnificent run and when she got to shore she kissed a young lady on the lips then swaggered with her arm around her up to Blue.

They had a conversation, introductions were done and Andy was cuddled but given back to Alex. I felt nothing but love as I watched Rita walk over and introduce herself. After ten minutes the announcement was made that Stevie Nichols had made it to the next round, and the men's trials will start in ten minutes.

I made sure Ayden and Birdy had water and a good place to watch Blue surf, his hat had shaded his face so he wasn't getting red, and thanks to Rita and her boys, the three beach umbrellas we sat under were much appreciated.

"She's gorgeous isn't she Den?" Evan was talking about Stevie.

"She certainly is bub, and so is her girlfriend." I grinned.

"No way."

"Yep, tied and dyed, pure gay bubs, I thought you of all people would notice that."

"Why would you think that Den?"

"Because you're gay and you should know these things automatically." He giggled into his bottled water.

"Would the following contestants please make their way to the shore," he then rattled off names and when Blue's was mentioned a big roar came from our crowd.

Blue kissed Andy then headed for the waves. His first run was perfect to the point he could have stepped off his board onto the sand. The others didn't fare so well, and a few were eliminated.

The boys carried him back to our crowd, the cameras followed.

When they heard Ayden's name they converged on him. He was very professional and answered all their questions perfectly including, his nanny makes the best burgers in the world. My boy was now a star, our phones went off with messages from home, they were watching it live and had seen it all from our porch. Birdy was having something to eat so I pulled him over onto my lap. He didn't seem to mind this time and he was still as light as a feather.

Blue did two more perfect runs and that would be it for the day, the party started as soon as we arrived back at camp. The guys had put the beers on ice and there were cold cuts and salads for a late lunch on the tables. I saw Ayden talking to Rita and she went off to do something in the motorhome while I played with Andy, then his mum came by to have a cuddle. From what Alex was telling me down the beach she's not a threat, she loves her son but loves her freedom more.

Her girlfriend and she were introduced properly and she sat feeding Andy his milk; well her girlfriend did.

Rita returned with a dozen hamburgers and Ayden screamed when he got one and passed one to Birdy and Blue. Now that's real food, who can eat cold cuts when there's the best hamburger cook in the village? She must have thought this would happen and brought down a dozen frozen burgers with her.

It was my turn to get Andy when the ladies left. Blue was sitting over near the bushes doing an interview and Ayden was watching so Blue called him over and he sat on his knee and shook his head a lot. I worried that he might get some unwanted attention but he assured me that everything would be okay in the end.

"I use the magic's dah, to call more peoples to our house,"

"Are there many son?"

"No, nots so many now's, loose ends and things."

"I thought there was a lot more bub."

"Nos dah, there is, but not ready to go home."

"Does the forever king have to stay until they are all back in the lands?"

"Yes dah, and prince and knights and generals and trainsed assassins and cooks. Nobodies can go back without our helps."

He laughed.

"So there's a long list of human folk then."

"Yes dah." He looked at me like I should know this.

I felt a kind of sadness I have never felt before. I knew it was for all those fairies that had turned to sand before we could get to them.

Watching all that wholesome male flesh on the beach today got me fired up, and I made some pretty awesome love to my knight and he was glowing when I had finished the business. I was stroking his body when I noticed his hair had turned white, he looked stunning and I had to have another go at him before it disappeared.

He had to beg me to go to sleep and I felt like a real prick for keeping him awake so late. I figured it was his job to make himself available to me whenever it was demanded of him. I am going to get better with Evan, I promise I will. He's my love and he shouldn't be taken advantage of. I lost that thought in the morning before he went to surf, I had to oil him up from the inside. I was in heaven when he left, and couldn't move for some time.

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Next: Chapter 98

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