Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 26, 2018


Chapter 88

I was transported home to my safe haven, the bay was abuzz and everyone seemed to be on a high. Horse and Donk made sure I made it to my seat safely by carrying me up to the porch and Evan followed up at the rear with our son in his arms; he's being a little clingy at the moment. Birdy was jumping up and down so I pulled him onto my lap and I didn't care whether he liked it or not, I kissed the top of his head and he leaned back into me. Tush and Bubble carried tons of food down to the table, I think everyone was hungry. I saw one of the new guys helping, they had got him into some tight shorts and a tank top, up until now I have only seen him in his billowing pants and crisp white shirts. Secretly I named him Apple, because he had a couple of huge apples in his full pouch, if you know what I mean.


"What bub?"

"You have only just got out of hospital and your starting to perve already."

"Sorry bubs, those apples are hard to ignore."

"Yes they are Den, but stay focussed and don't let your vivid imagination wander."

"Okay bub." I was a very naughty boy; this morning's round of sex hadn't relaxed me at all so I wondered if Evan would be up for more after lunch.

The laughing started when Alex's hand walked Andy out, he had bought him a small fairy dress like Ayden's and when he saw it he screamed then ran up to greet his little buddy. They both plopped on the porch and started giggling and talking in fairy, I think. After a few minutes Ayden rushed to his bedroom and donned his green one, they looked so cute together as Andy was trying to put it over his face and Ayden was showing him how to wear it properly.

They eventually moved over to where I was sitting then my son took his hands and Andy stood up straight, then took three steps towards me. His dribble was all over my leg as I picked him up and placed him next to Birdy. Sorry son, I have run out of room. Ayden was lifted onto Evan's lap and all three boys chatted away. I could see Blue wasn't too happy about that so I leaned over to have a quiet word with him.

"Blue, Ayden's magic was doing that, it's really not his first steps you know." He thought about it then smiled. I really don't think he cared but it would be nice if Andy's first steps were taken with his dad watching, or better still toward his dad's arms.

I told Evan after lunch I was feeling a little tired and wanted to have a nap, so he organized Ayden to play up at Rita's then he said he would have one with me. Inside I was feeling the butterflies in anticipation because I had lied to him, I just needed more sex. When I stripped and crawled into bed I gave Evan a good show then I gave him eight inches of pure pleasure. I was fully satisfied now as Evan moaned a bit about how wonderful I made him feel. I had to eventually move him onto his side and slipped another to him just to make sure my apples were empty.

I got questions and I gave some answers but Evan and I had decided that not all our friends were on our level as yet so we agreed it might not be a good thing to tell them the full story. So I gave off handed answers mostly, enough to satisfy everyone's curiosity except Horse and Spud's, which was my next conversation to have.

"Ali, can I see you for a minute?"

"Yes Den, what's up?"

"Follow me." I walked him and Spud out to the back porch.

I told them about the big war, and how we were all stuck here on Earth. I also told Ali that when we die we come back with more magic and when it's fully restored we may be able to go back to our lands.

"David was a fairy son, he had to go away so he could be reborn."

"But why didn't he cure himself and stay with me?" He also had questions.

"He couldn't cure the human illness, maybe he didn't have enough magic, but I think you will find when he passed he never left your side, he's still around waiting until he's reborn on Earth again." Ali lifted his head and looked around.

"But how long does that take?" Spud asked.

"Lifetimes maybe, next week, next month, a thousand years? I don't really know the answer Spud."

"I see, so I won't see him again, possibly for many centuries."

He sounded disappointed.

"You will see him again son, but neither you nor he will remember what you had." Then I added,

"If I know the fairy, he won't be too far away and he will come back to this bay as a new born, I know that. You will see him again in this lifetime, I'm certain of it."

Ayden is slowly returning the magic to us and the bay, I don't know how long it will take for him to restore our memories but I know he's restoring mine first, then Evan's and maybe Rita's.

"And he won't remember me?"

"No kiddo, none of us can do that, but he will be in your life again and you can give him loads of hugs when he comes."

Ali actually smiled then looked at Spud, then he kissed him and told him he loved him. Spud had a tear in his eye.

"Just be happy kids, know that at the moment David is safe and well and waiting to be reborn into our lives one day. He never died Ali, he's just having a rest."

I left him and Spud to talk about it, the last time I saw them they were heading for their room.

The lights were turned out on the porch as Evan locked up. I was in the bedroom with my son who was playing with my fingers, and was also deep in thought.

"Now I want you to sleep tonight, no travelling and no long conversations with anyone."

"Yes daddy"

"No dah anymore?"

"Yes dah plenties." He kissed me.


"Yes my son."

"Dabid is near, he comes soon, buts he not same."

"He won't be the same baby, but that's a good thing isn't it?"

"Yes dah, Spud love Ali so much, goes sleep now, where pa?"

"Coming soon son." I kissed his forehead and prayed he gets a full nights sleep tonight. I know he didn't get much when I was in my deep sleep in hospital.

Evan arrived and the kissing and tucking in finished with the sound of baby snores, he took my hand and we headed for the shower.

Ayden's night was peaceful but mine wasn't. I dreamt about wars and conflict, gods and travellers, painters and sculptors, I was re-living my hospital dreams again. I'd had enough after the third time and at four thirty I got out of bed. After making a coffee in our kitchen I sat on the porch and watched our beautiful sunrise, thanking God for the glorious showing.

A hand rested on my shoulder and lips kissed my neck softly.

"Good morning Den, didn't you sleep too well?"

"No bub, I had a lot on my mind and it wouldn't go away."

"Well maybe you can have a nap today sometime, was the sunrise special?"

"Yes bub, magic. Do you want a coffee?"

"I have just put the kettle on, do you want more?"

"Yes please, this one has gone cold." I smiled lovingly at him.

He went and made a big pot for the both of us and when he returned he placed it on the table.

"Are you going down to the surf?"

"Yes, as soon as Horse gets here, there must be a breeze. I can hear the waves rolling in."

"Good, I might crawl back into bed for awhile."

"Have your coffee Den, I think Ayden's up, I heard the toilet flush before I got out of bed."

"He must be so bloody tired; I think his magic was working overtime when I was in hospital."

"He hasn't been travelling into the fairy folk land again has he?"

"No Bub, I think he was planning on dreaming about his surfing last night, but I had insisted he get some sleep before you came in." I sort of laughed.

"Do you want to come look at the houses today, Horse said they are nearly completed; Jack has to finish the kitchens sometime this week, then they are done."

"Sure, maybe we can drive by Rita's and have a look at hers too, do you know what Lindsay and Cyn are up to?" I had to ask because no one ever will tell me anything.

"Lindsay's building a hotel in Longford and Cyn and Abs are his business partners. It's early days yet, Horse told me he had a shit load of plans to look over, it's enormous apparently."

"Well as long as he doesn't build it down here, I suppose it's okay."

"They are demolishing some holiday houses on the beach to make way for it, apparently it's going to be a huge resort style place."

I thought about it some more but then I got a little angry about it disturbing the surrounding area so I put it aside. Maybe I will talk to Cyn about it, maybe not.

Horse poked his head around the corner then came up onto the porch, he went and got himself a cup and poured a coffee.

"I didn't want to wake Tony, he had a terrible night but was sleeping when I left."

I wondered if Tony has ever made a round table, the one I saw in my dreams was magnificent, and if I didn't know better Birdy had a hand in the carvings on it.

"So did Den, it seems we all had a few dreams last night, I reckon there's something in the wind," Evan mused.

"Maybe Evan, Den, what did you dream about?"

"I really don't want to get into it Horse, it was nothing."

"It didn't sound like nothing to me Den, you tossed and turned for ages." I relented.

"Okay, I was getting images in my sleep and they kept me dreaming, that's all."

"What sort of images Den?" Evan was right onto that one.

"I dreamt about everyone of our friends past lives again, much the same as the hospital dreams. I had to get up so I could get some peace and quiet."

"So you dreamt about our past lives in hospital?" Horse gingerly asked.

"Yes, you were a mogul warlord and you were sitting on a big white, magnificent horse, Rita was mother earth, Blue was Poseidon etcetera, etcetera."

"What the fuck Den, you mean you know who we were in our past lives?" Evan asked.

"Yes bub, but not you, me or Ayden."

"And that's because?"

"I think you and I have always been the forever king and his knight, and Ayden has always been our son the prince. I don't think we change much at all when we die, we just move onto our next lives together."

"But what about Carol, she's a big part of all this, why did she have to die so tragically?"

"I suppose it was because she was more human, she was needed to bring Ayden back, and you and I together again."

"That's sad Den, she didn't deserve that." I dreaded what I had to tell him next.

"Also bub, I can't kill or harm anyone, neither can Ayden, but you can."

"Are you saying I killed Carol, why would I do a thing like that?"

"You didn't bub, you were there and I'm quite certain in your present state you could have saved her, but back then you had no magic you knew of, it was meant to be Evan, please don't dwell on it."

He dropped his head so I lifted it back up and kissed his mighty fine lips.

"Bugger me Den, so I was a warlord, bloody hell mate, what do I do with that?"

"You go on being you Horse, you are mighty powerful to have around but you are also a deeply caring person. If you read about the Moguls you will see they are not quite you, they were barbaric and unforgiving, but that's not you, maybe you should write a book telling the readers how kind and generous some really were." I stifled a laugh.

"And Blue?"

"Self explanatory Horse, he's Poseidon, just look at the way he manipulates himself in the ocean."


"Alexander the Great, he took over Europe, he's a mighty leader too." I smiled.


"Sinbad, a world traveller and explorer."


"A successful merchant, he has to start making round tables, he had one in his warehouse I dreamed of, it was magnificent."

"So all the main people are leaders and successful people and the not so main are like secondary workers?"

"It looks that way Horse, there are more but I would like to keep that to myself for the time being."

"One more."

"Nuts, Donk and Trip?"

"The three musketeers."


"That's four more Horse, and let's make it the last. He was Galileo, starwatcher and inventor, maybe he just wanted to be a simple doctor this time around." I laughed then I saw a sleepy boy move onto the porch, he wanted his morning kisses and cuddles, he also had his wetsuit half on.

"Can I go to surf Pa?" His head dropped onto my lap. he was playing his I'm not sleepy card, but was really.

"I think you had better go with dah and have ten more minutes' sleep, you can come down later." Evan smiled.

"Okays." He snuggled onto my lap then into my chest and before too long I heard his baby snores, it's too early for him to be awake anyway. I placed my hand on his head and whispered,

"Deep sleeps my son."

"Coming dad?" Blue poked his head around the corner, his blue eyes flashed like lightning.

"Coming Poseidon."


"Oh sorry son." Horse giggled then Blue said something strange.

"I dreamt about him last night, they are making a new movie about him."

"Maybe they will ask you to play the lead role Blue," I sniggered, so he slapped my arm and replied,

"Come on dad, time is wasting." Something my son always says when he needs to get going, maybe he picked that line up off Blue.

I watched all three of them head down the track then placed my little boy on our bed and covered him, I then slipped in with him and was asleep instantly. No images, no dreams for the next four hours. When I woke I could hear Ayden's screams coming from the beach so I showered and went in search of more coffee.

"Good morning my lovely, sleep well?"

"Not really Den, I tossed and turned a bit then I had a dream about hundreds of children I had to feed. It was strange Den but I got through the night okay." She smiled at me.

"That's because you were a kind of mother earth in a past life." She didn't know whether I was joking or not so she made me a coffee and said as she passed it to me,

"You know something don't you?"

"Come sit with me and have a little chat for a minute." I couldn't wait to tell Rita who she really was, and when I did she

was smiling at me.

"True story?"

"Yes true story baby, but who really knows, maybe it's just Ayden and my imagination, maybe you were just the old woman in the shoe?" I laughed.

"Maybe." She was thoughtful then she got customers, plenty of them because a coach pulled up out the front. It was full of kids who were on a school excursion and stopped by for a bucket of chips and a milkshake each. I spied Birdy in there somewhere, he kept looking at me so I kept winking at him, just playing. His face was bright red. He knows he can come and talk to me, but I suppose he has to have some secrets from his mates.

Although he has done some carvings for them he still hasn't told them he's a little bit famous. His carvings are selling quite well but I know he's settled down with them because he just wants to be a normal kid. I hoped and prayed his mentor would return with Aisha and Arras on their next visit, that would do him the world of good.

I grabbed the basket and noticed Andy was asleep in his high chair again, maybe he didn't sleep well last night either, all that travelling around Europe must get exhausting. I left him there then walked down to the beach, I saw all my boys running towards me and yelled,

"One at a time guys."

"Okay guys, shorts down and line up, me first," Evan shouted, laughing as he took the basket off me and started rummaging around in it. He passed Ayden's burger to him then took one for himself, then the others were allowed to raid it.

Where's Andy?" Blue asked.

"Still asleep in the kitchen." I smiled at him.

"Okay, he was a little antsy last night, I guess he's still tired."

"Still tired Blue, me makes everybody tired last nights." He giggled like he had been naughty, then he looked at me and blushed.

That little bugger, he was behind all our dreams, we had better have a stern talk to him tonight about really sleeping.

I suppose while he was sending images to me he was doing much the same to everyone else. After the burgers were eaten and Blue and Ayden had their biscuits, everyone raced back into the surf. There was just Ayden, Evan and me left, but big bub was getting ready to follow the boys.

"It's okay dah, we have big holiday, maybes we's settle down a bit." He looked at us both, he confused me.

"Okay what's going on son?" Evan asked, I think I already know what he's going to say.

"Big, big war in fairyland pa, we scape with big army and bring bad men here then forever king, prince and knights make them go, they are all gone now but we's have to rest cause all army fairy not all here yet." Something new to think about.

"I sort of get it bub but don't you think we are rested yet?"

"Took hundred years to find trap fairy army pa, they go home now but there is more, we need to finds them all, most here already."

"So that's why we are here then, and our mates here are the fairy army, we have to wait for them all to get here?"

"Yes dah, then have big rest, resets our magic, save magic for fairy's army, when we made full fairy, not half, half."

I wanted in on the conversation, the more information I can get the more I can deal with it.

"Do you know for how long?"

"Don't know dah, maybes hundred years, have to make us full fairy."

"Holy shit bub, let's not tell anyone, there will be too many questions."

"Surf now pa?"

"Hang on, I have more questions," he said.

"No more, finish, go surfing with my Blue now." Then he looked back at me and said,

"One year here a lot shorta than fairy land dah, already been here for hundreds of fairy years, go surf now." That comment didn't really shock me, I half expected that sort of timeframe.

He moved down to the shore where Horse and Blue were waiting for him. I know now why Blue's so good in the water, he manipulates it like it's a second skin.

I looked at Evan and shook my head, he did almost the same.

"Let's agree to not even try and work it out Den, it's starting to do my head in."

"Mine too, but I will tell Horse and Spud, we are here to wait until the fairy army all come here, we have to breed out the human side of us, then we can go back to our lands. That's if we have enough combined magic, that's going to take hundreds, maybe thousands of year's bub."

"I suppose so Den, it's a lot to take in at the moment. Maybe we should try and calm everything down again, like it was when we first got here. Den, let's tone it down hey?" I agreed then he kissed my lips and ran off to surf before his half boner was fully erect.

I stayed there thinking about it and came to the conclusion if anything is going to happen it won't be anytime soon. Everyone that's here is meant to be here but I wondered if Susan and Pat were holding us up? My guess is they have to be in the bay with us too. But then there's all those people that recognise the fairy folk in my paintings, maybe the paintings are bringing them back to the bay?

Then I got a bit sad, I really didn't want to leave this oasis, I loved being human and I loved our beach, most of all I loved Evan's touch.

I also loved painting and a magnificent general on a white horse is going to be my next project, so I collected my things and headed for the shack.

Setting up a new canvas I was getting excited to do this painting, I guess Horse will want it too, but I really would like it on my wall.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the cafe and started drawing the work. I didn't trance and was fully aware of what was going on around me, Rita replaced my water and left a sandwich which I had half of. This painting is going to be magnificent.

I could hear the showers going out the back, the boys are coming up for a late lunch, so I went to the toilet then scratched my tight curls and splashed my face to await their return. I always get a flutter in my tummy when I hear that shower out the back going because I know I will see my beautiful family soon, and that warmed my heart.

Ayden was the first to arrive and he made a beeline towards the cafe.

"Did you forget something bub?" I shouted.

He stopped and turned around then at full bore he ran into me and hugged me.

"That's better." I grinned as I kissed his head.

He then restarted his journey into the kitchen to place his lunch order. I could hear Andy laughing, then Evan kissed my neck and sat down.

"What's Rita got for lunch today Den?"

"I think she's got a pot of stew and mash going on the stove by the smell of it."

"Good, another favourite, what is this?" He turned to look at the painting.

"Don't you recognise Horse in all his glory?"

"Oh God, yes it's brilliant Den."

"Well I'm going to cover it up for now, I don't want to rush it, oh and please don't say anything, I haven't decided whether I will keep it or give it to him."

"Okay Den, whatever you decide, I'm with you." He smiled as I threw the baby sheet over my secret painting.

By this time Ayden was slowly walking down the porch with Andy, half crawling, half bum dancing behind him, he can't quite make his mind up. He spotted Horse coming through the shop and screamed when he swooped down to pick him up.

"What are you having for lunch bub?"

"Stew dah, Ise loves nanny's stew."

I was asked more questions, most I didn't have answers for, whether they believed me or not it wasn't my main concern. Rita and Alex brought the delicious meal down to us and it was a race to see who could get the most on their plates. My interrogation was discarded and I thought maybe the guys are not supposed to know anything just yet, maybe they have deliberately been kept blissfully unaware of what's been going on here in the bay?

I was hungry and had a big bowl of the delicious beef stew then I saw Alex bringing down another big pot followed by Bubble who had more mash potato. My tummy was full by the time I had my seconds and my eyelids were drooping again, I was getting tired, well no going back to work today I thought to myself. If I sleep too much during the day I may not be able to tonight, that means more alone time spent with Evan, I got myself all excited.

The shop was opened and customers were arriving, it was like someone flicked a light switch on and everyone got busy all of a sudden. Ayden was pushing Andy around in his walker, I think they were playing smash them up derby. I looked at my latest work again and decided I will finish it when I'm in the mood, so I took it to the spare room to store it.

I walked back through Rita's back door and when I saw her I felt it, an earth tremor. She looked at me and I stared back then she smiled.

"Did you feel that one Den?"

"Yes my love it was awesome." The bay had shifted then relaxed again, I suppose it was re-adjusting itself to my revelations. All of a sudden Evan and Horse, Ali and Spud appeared out of nowhere.

"Did you feel that?"

We all confirmed we had but decided the shoppers and diners hadn't. Blue had picked Andy up and he couldn't stop giggling, I guess he felt it too.

"So what did you think Spud?'

"Sounds like it's reasonable considering all the things that go on here. Horse, Ali and I are going down to the beach later to discuss it more Den, your story is awesome, if it is true." He had a wicked grin on his face.

Evan picked up Ayden and walked back to the shop and Blue had taken Andy home for his afternoon nap while Alex was washing up a stack of dishes before he followed.

"I want Blue to have as much time with Andy as he can Den, I will miss watching him go to sleep, but without me there Blue can talk openly and from his heart to him." He smiled.

"Good, it will do him the world of good to spend quiet times like that with him, I know I always love that quiet moment with Ayden."

"Yes I know, we have watched you both you know, we have learnt a lot in the past year or so from you." He smiled and I patted his shoulder.

I took more coffee down to the table,

then helped Evan for awhile before I spied Aisha rolling her sleeves up to help, so I went and spoke to Arras.

"When do you fly out?"

"In a few days Den, I need to be home by the weekend, there's a big dinner on for the heads of state and my son needs my expertise and back up."

"So you will stay until the birth then?"

"Not if I can help it but it looks that way at the moment. I think my wife wants her family around her for the birth, it's the way it's always been."

"Oh, then maybe we will come over for it, I want to do something while I'm there."

"What's that Den?"

"I want to go look at all of David's paintings, I think there might be a hidden message in one or two of them, or maybe all of them." I knew that Arras had all his and Ali's collection moved into an art museum in Abu Dhabi, they were kept safe there and shared with the world.

"Okay, is Ali all right Den?"

"Yes, he should be, Spud has it all taken care of, there's no trouble there, Spud's a great kid."

"He is Den, if I could I would make him my son too. I really love him for who he is."

"That's for sure my friend, I think we all would do that for him."

"Well if you're going to do that then what are you going to do about your business dealings here?"

"What do you mean Den?"

"The hotel, Cyn, Lindsay, jog your memory Arras?"

"Oh no, not me this time, that's all Lindsay's idea and Cyn and Abs are his partners, plus a couple of other investors, it gives Abs something to do. You know he was the instigator of my hotel chain, he's the one that got me started in that business."

"No, I didn't know that, then in that case he will do good by Lindsay and Cyn."

"He will Den, he is an engineer by trade, that was long before he decided to work security for me, and he only did that to come here."


"Yes he loved Ali and David like his own sons and wanted to look out for Ali when he came here, he also said something like he had to do it, he had to come to the bay. I think he felt something was happening here, and so did we."

"Maybe he did Arras, maybe you both were compelled to follow Ali here." Something else to think about.

"Are you taking the boys with you, your housekeepers I mean?"

"No Den, they will stay here, it's too dangerous to take them back home, but they won't be idle. More help for Evan and Rita, and more security, Apple has good English." He laughed, someone's told him my pet name for Apple

"Good, we all need more fruit and security around here." I laughed back.

"Don't underestimate it Den, there's still plenty of enemies out there that would like to kill me and my family. I am hoping that when I finally retire they will go away. But that poses another problem for my eldest son, but he's more Arab thinking than the rest of us." My heart sunk.

"I hope it goes well for you all then."

And I did, I really loved Arras and Aisha and their family, but wondered how they all fit in with my grand dream.

"Dah?" Evan walked Ayden out of the shop, he had ten dollars in his hands and was showing me.

"Did you get paid for your hard work bub?"

"Yes dah, ise works hard, now gets burger."

"Well I suppose nanny can't refuse cash bubs, you can only give it a try."

He ran off with his ten dollars and stood at the Bain Marie, Rita saw him and started asking him what he would like. He yelled at her,

"I have moneys and want burga with the lot pleease nanny."

"Coming up sir, would you like tomato sauce with that?"

"Yes please nanny, lots." He giggled. She took the money and he ran off with his paper bag full, she chased him with the change which he had forgotten. How the hell is he ever going to save money if he spends it on food all the time? He sat in one of the chairs and started unwrapping it, and while he stuffed his face he counted out how much change he had, maybe just enough for another one later.

A calmness came over the bay as I looked across to the foreshore, there were still plenty of campers there but mostly retirees now. The kids are already back in school and by next week my bay will be almost deserted again. I watched Birdy ride up on his electric scooter, he parked it neatly in his regular spot then ran up the porch. I reckon there wouldn't be one scratch on that rider, he looks after it like it was gold.

"Papa, I got a ten for geography, it's my first ten papa Den." His grin was beautiful. I picked him up and placed him on my knees, then I hugged him which he took gratefully.

"Well done son, that's just awesome news, did you get a prize?"

"No papa, just had to stand in front of the class and say thank you to my teacher."

Ayden was looking at his money then Birdy. He grabbed the change then shot off his seat and ran up to the kitchen. When he returned shortly after he had a bag with a chocolate doughnut in it and handed it to Birdy.

"Prize for being good at school Birdy." His grin couldn't have been any bigger and I was pleased my son had learnt about sharing today. Birdy loved his sweet surprise and made it last because he only took small bites of it, he shared most of it with his mate Ayden when the burger was all eaten.

Next: Chapter 89

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