Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 4, 2018


Chapter 84

If there was ever anyone in the world who deserves another kid to cuddle its Horse, who was sitting with me and Ayden early the next day. Evan was putting Ayden's wet suit on him and they were going for their early morning surf. After last nights' butterfly revelation everyone had a spring in their steps today. I could even hear Rita's singing coming from the kitchen. Horse beamed from ear to ear, he looked younger and the stresses he'd felt in the past had gone from his handsome face.

"I didn't think I would get another chance Den he's so flipping beautiful."

"That he is Horse, and I know you will love him more and more every day, that's what babies are all about." I smiled back at him. Just about everybody was on board except Aisha and Arras; maybe he's making her stay in bed for the day, you would think he was pregnant not her. Rita came out and was pacing up and down the porch, she had her phone in her hand and looked a little over anxious. I heard her phone beep and she looked at the message.

"They're coming now." She moved up to us and looked over the balcony. I saw Alex and Blue walking towards us, Alex had Andy in his arms and they seemed to be talking non-stop.

"Good morning boys, how did your first night go?" Rita took Andy and started kissing him good morning.

"We haven't slept mum, he kept us awake all night," Alex replied.

"We had better get doctor Tiny to look him over then, maybe it's wind."

"No mum, Andy slept like a log, we couldn't sleep because we were too busy watching him in case something happened." He laughed.

"Urrumph," Horse let out a grunt just to let Rita know he was there.

"Oh sorry Mister Horse, just give me a moment with my grandson would you?"

"Just make it a quick moment Rita, I have important things to discuss with him and then I'm taking my other grandson surfing." We all laughed at Rita's face while Ayden was standing there in his suit staring at Evan.

"Okay men, and lady, this is going to be difficult to police but Alex and I discussed it last night."

My boy sighed, I think he knows this is going to be a long drawn out meeting, his head dropped onto my lap and I stroked his hair.

"What's up son?" Horse was interested all of a sudden, but he rolled his eyes at me.

"We decided that we want to share Andy with everybody so this is his schedule for now and we reserve the right to change it at anytime."

"Okay, let's have it." Horse nodded.

"Alex doesn't need to work, but he wants to. I need to surf so in the mornings Alex will come to work as usual with Andy. Rita gets Andy for the mornings while we surf dad. In the afternoon you and Tony can look after him either here or at your place or on the beach, wherever the guys are. When Alex's shift ends we will take him home for some parent time, baths, naps and things. Anyone who wants to visit Andy has to ring first because he may not be awake." He stared at Horse who again rolled his eyes.

"Give the baby to me lady chef, and son take another good look at your schedule." Rita reluctantly handed Andy over to him.

"Aww dad, you have mucked it up already."

"If I can't greet my grandson every morning I would be very unhappy son, so when the baby comes here I get him first for a morning cuddle, then he gets to spend time with his grandma so I can take my little mate here surfing." Ayden's ears pricked up again as Horse stroked Andy's face and gave him many kisses.

"Blue and Alex, you have backup here and everybody wants a piece of Andy like they do with Ayden, let's just go with the flow and see what happens. I'm sure Rita and Alex won't mind having him in the kitchen until we return from the beach, then we can have some time with him until Alex knocks off work. I will come home to your place and we three can get him settled in for his afternoon nap. Of course my buddy here will have one with him, won't you son?" He looked at a sort of nodding Ayden.

Horse went back to talking to Andy as Rita cleared her throat to say something then thought better of it and left to do some cooking. I think she's going to make some plans to outsmart him.

Evan and Ayden with Nuts finally headed for the beach and Horse reluctantly after a half hour handed him to me and drifted off after them. I cuddled him for a minute but then Blue wanted him back. He was almost asleep anyway but I couldn't help but notice his perfect little smiles, maybe Ayden really has introduced him to his fairy folk.

I had an inkling that Horse wouldn't last long at the beach today and would be back at the shack in no time at all.

Blue took the longest to say goodbye to him, and Alex took many photos of which he will send a few to Hildy to pass onto Andy's mum. They also said they will offer to have her in his life whenever she felt she needed to. Alex then took Andy up to the café where we had resurrected Ayden's high chair and I suppose he will sit there for an hour or two probably trying to give them orders, oh the memories.

I set my canvas up to start my day's work and the first one I plan to finish will be Andy's baby one. I have a clear image of him and wanted to place Blue on that surfboard, I will give this one to Blue and Alex, the first of many paintings of their son. I worked away for the next hour then I missed my son and Evan. I cleaned up then walked up to Rita's to find Andy was sitting up in the old high chair banging his hands on the rattles while all the boys were sort of talking to him while Rita was telling him to give the noise a rest.

"Breakfast is ready Den, and take this baby with you, he needs some sunshine and fresh air." Alex was obviously completely in charge now.

"And it saves Horse and Blue a trip up here to see if he's okay." Andy giggled as I kissed him and placed him on my hip.

"Come on bubs, let's go surfing." Rita gasped.

"I know he's no Ayden so I won't let him get on a board, well not today anyway, chill out will ya?" I stared at her face.

I laughed all the way down the porch because I get my new nephew to myself for awhile, like Horse, I'm sure we have lots to discuss.

I wasn't ready for the barrage of bodies that ran onto the shore when I sat down under the tree. Horse grabbed Andy and I grabbed Ayden who wanted to give bubby his truck to play with.

Evan kissed me and rummaged through the basket to get a hamburger as Horse loaded Andy up with kisses, then he was passed to Blue who was chomping at the bit to hold his son.

It worked well as the boys each had a cuddle but then he ended up back in my arms while the guys ate.

Nothing has changed as far as my son is concerned. I thought maybe he would miss out a bit but the guys were talking to him as usual, giving him surfing tips and when he handed Blue his biscuits they both smiled and winked at each other. Then my boy got a nurse while I cleaned up. I found the twine I used for Ayden and gave it a bath in the ocean, I will probably use this on Andy too when he wants a nap.

The king and queen came down to get some sun and that was when Horse grabbed Ayden for another surf. He handed Andy to Arras to cuddle and he looked at him suspiciously but Horse explained,

"If I don't hand him over to you both now, you won't hand your daughter over to me when she arrives, so you owe me a cuddle."

The king laughed, Horse was covering all his bases. He then stood up and brushed the sand off his powerful legs and ran into the surf. I watched bubby do his thing and after some cooing and cuddling I somehow ended up with a tired looking baby again. I tied the twine on his ankle and rested his head on my chest, it was like old times and brought back many, many fond memories. He was asleep and I could feel his little warm breaths on my body. I stroked his back then had five minutes myself.

The guys kept coming up to see if he was all right, but dah Den had it all organized. After he woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed he was looking for a drink of milk so I collected the towels and basket and we two headed for the shack. I heard someone yelling at me and when I looked around I saw Ayden running up the path. Oh shit, I had forgotten him already. I laughed as he started telling me off, but I must watch that because he may not want to hang with me in the future.

He wanted Andy to shower with him but I told him he was too small, that we would have to hold him and he would be all slippery. I used to shower Ayden in a carry sling, something to add to my shopping list. I suspected by the smells he needed changing anyway, something I can't do out here. I watched bubs rinse off then we headed for his bedroom. All his baby stuff was at Blue's place so I put a big towel on the floor and sent Ayden into the cafe to get a fresh nappy for him. You would have thought I had kidnapped him because Alex, Rita and even Tush followed Bubs back. I looked at their faces and said,

"I have changed a nappy before, in fact I have changed several in the past three years." I think they accepted I wouldn't damage the baby, so while I played with him Alex wiped him down and Rita put some powder on him. `How many Irish men does it take to change a light bulb?' came to mind, so I took my son's hand and left them to it.

After he was brought out he looked brand new and he definitely wanted a milk, and I so wanted to make one up for him but Rita took him into her kitchen again. I felt a little put out so I insisted my son stayed on my lap and cuddle me, he had wanted to go play with Andy. Not long after, I looked up and saw Rita coming down the porch with the baby in her arms.

"Here Den, he needs feeding and maybe a small nap afterwards." She smiled. She didn't forget me, so I gladly took bubs and started feeding him his warm milk.

"Thank you." I said to her. She smiled again and left me to it.

I bonded with Andy that day, he was a beautiful little baby and so easy to love so I hoped he would want me in his life forever. If he doesn't, I still have my baby, who by the way was having ten minutes himself.

I burped bubs and kissed him many times as I smelt him then put him in the bean bag next to Ayden. His arm automatically went around his little body, the next thing to do is to find him some red shorts to wear, he needs them. I prepared my canvas and paints then finished his portrait, which was beautiful. I then started on the twins for Arras' hotel. Two hours later I put my brush down however Ayden was nowhere to be seen, but I did hear his voice coming from the kitchen. A minute later Alex was bringing a sandwich and coffee down for me. Ayden must have organized it because he skipped down and took a sanger himself, he took all that was good for him out and left the cheese where it was. We smiled at each other as we ate.

"He nice dah."

"Who Andy?"

"Yeps, he nice."

"He is just like you were when you were a baby."


"No, not yet Bubs, he has to wait until his dah thinks he's good to do it."

"I cans...."

"No you can't baby, too dangerous." I cut him off because I knew what he was going to say. He sulked.

"Not dangorus, not with Ayden's."

"I know bubs but he's too young for now."

"Not!" He knows best I suppose but I don't think Blue and Alex would allow it anyway.

He was stirring and so were his fans, they had snuck back for lunch and were all watching him, hoping he will wake soon. I was so pleased I'd at least had a few hours with him, it was just like old times.

"What's that Den?"

"What's what Spud?"

"The painting you have done, Ayden and Andy in that one, wasn't it supposed to be the twins?"

I looked at the painting and sure enough I had stuffed it up and put the two boys in it instead, both smiling at each other and both wearing red shorts. I will have to do another one for Arras as I feel this one has to end up in Andy's room for now, but I had a prickly feeling on the back of my neck.

"It's beautiful Den, thank you," Alex said.

"Your most welcome Alex, it's trying to tell me something but I can't quite get it yet. Give it time, a story will come through."

It was then Ayden sent me a message photo. It was he and Andy all grown up and holding hands while they walked on our beach. I was surprised and looked at my son who giggled then bent over and kissed Andy's cheek. I don't know if he knew what the picture implied because he's too small to know about those sorts of things. Maybe it's him saying they will always be good buddies, even into their later teen years. I will talk to Evan about it tonight, for the moment he has opened his shop and the shoppers were ambling in. I wanted to tell Alex that Andy is going to turn out the spitting image of Blue, but I will save that for another time.

He was all tuckered out by four so Alex clocked off and took him home, and I noticed Blue run up to the apartment ten minutes later. Horse held off because he finally felt it necessary for the boys to bond with their baby without his interference, and anyway he was playing pick up sticks with his nephew who was winning by the looks of it.

I watched the foreshore for a moment when I spied a little kid on a scooter motoring up the street. He parked carefully in his usual spot and ran up to see me.

"Where have you been son?" I pulled him onto my knee.

"Playing at the park papa, with my mates."

"Oh that's good, have you got any big games coming up?"

"Yes papa, in two Saturdays, we have to practice."

"I'm sure you will do well son, are you eating with us tonight?"

"Yes, papa, Jay says I can order anything I want." It was good to hear which reminded me I need to weigh and measure his height too.

"Come on, it's time to get you sorted out." I took his hand and led him through the shop to the kitchen. He stood up against the wall and put a pencil mark on the wall then measured it.

"One-inch Birdy, you have shot up another inch." His smile got bigger and so did mine, he's growing some more at last, I was so pleased. Then it was into the bathroom to weigh him, he's put on two kilos. I held him back a bit then looked him over.

"Boy, are you going to be a big fella when you get older. This is great news we will have to buy you a bigger rider soon."

He giggled and threw his arms around my neck and thanked me.

"No need to thank me son, thank Jay and Hulk for looking after you too." He nodded his understanding then ran out to the porch to tell Rita and the boys, he was very excited.

After the excitement settled down a bit he sat with Ayden and they had a long chat I think about fitness and such. I did hear Ayden mention something about his team, that they will win next Saturday and I wondered where I could place a bet on it.

Tiny was with us all tonight, at last he can leave the hospital and take over the surgery in town, he was telling Horse and Trip he will work at the place for a couple of weeks just to slide into the job then the doctor will retire. It's my understanding the doctor won't retire completely, he will be on call just in case Tiny gets busy, which is a given during holiday season. Horse then spoke to him about property, he wanted to know if Tiny had any more for sale in the area, so Evan told him he still had the one on the corner if Horse was interested.

"How much?"

"One million."

"I'll talk to Tony." He laughed.

I giggled into my son's back, of course Evan doesn't want that much, he should give it to him because Andy is his future son in law, I think. That would mean Ayden would move down to the corner when he's bigger, I suddenly felt a little sad.

Spud started serving the curry and rice, he had separate bowls for Ayden and Birdy, without the hot chillies. I noticed Birdy was loving every spoonful and he kept looking at me so I winked.

They did leave some room for cake and ice cream, I told everyone how much Birdy had grown in the past two months and they all congratulated him. Then I told them about the footy game down at the park Saturday week and I was taking bets, however Evan glared at me so I let them off the hook.

"Just joking guys, you can't bet on this game."

"You can virtually bet on anything nowadays Den, do you know something?"

"His team is going to win," I whispered to him.

I could see Evan's brain going into overdrive but I still don't think you can bet on it though.

I kissed my son goodnight as he had fallen asleep in my arms at the table, it had been another big day for him so he was dead to the world when I put him down.

"I think Andy's going to marry Ayden bubs."

"What? How do you know, oh forget it, who told you?"

"That's better bubs, Ayden sent me a mental picture of him and Andy holding hands on the beach."

"Well it's possible I suppose Den, but what about grandchildren, don't you want any?"

"Of course I do but with Ayden's history I don't think that will be a problem, he could conjure up a dozen or two." I giggled as I leant over to get the lube.

As I was lifting Evan's right leg up, he was thinking about what I said. He didn't even see it coming but quickly snapped out of his thinking and moaned as I gave him another long, slow man fuck.

In the morning I heard tapping on Ayden's window then ours. He ran in with his wet suit and pulled on my bedclothes.

"Ask Pa."

"No, I ask you dah."

"Okay, give me a minute." When I woke again they were gone and I could hear yelling coming from our beach. Evan had drained me last night, he wouldn't go to sleep so I had to keep going until I exhausted him. Then he wanted me to lotion him up, it was after midnight when he finally closed his eyes.

Andy was on board early today and his lungs were getting a good try out as Rita jiggled him in her arms.

"He's being antsy Den he must be tired, the poor little mite."

"Is everything all right in the nappy department?"

"Yes Den, he's just finding it hard to settle down at the moment, maybe it's the new surroundings, maybe he misses his mum?"

"Give me a go will ya?"

She handed the little bundle over and I looked into his eyes then all of a sudden he gave me a big grin. If I didn't know better he was missing Ayden maybe, shit Den, don't read a lot into it, he's just a baby and wouldn't know anything about missing a mate yet, but he did quieten down.

"Maybe I should take the guy's breakfasts down early today."

"Why Den?"

"He's missing Ayden, that's the problem."


So I told her about Ayden's premonition. She laughed at my face and didn't believe me, but if Ayden has the same smells as me it makes sense because he went off to sleep within minutes of me taking him. I placed him in the bean bag and popped his dummy in his mouth, I had to pull myself up not to say out loud,

'Suck on that one kid.' I don't think Rita would appreciate that joke.

She went and got me a fresh coffee and some fruit while I started to finish his painting. I then went to check that Arras' paintings were dry and perfect. I lined them up on the porch and went over them, Spud helped me by telling me they were all finished and not to meddle with them. I will reveal them all tonight so Aisha and Arras can look them over before I box them up for transportation. The basket was brought down and Spud and Ali watched Andy as they bantered back and forth about who would make the better father. I shook my head at the two gorgeous boys and left for the beach. One day they will have children in their lives.

Just about everybody was down here today, I even spotted Donk amongst the crew. I also saw Ayden surfing on his own in the small waves close to the shore, with no back up at all. Well I meant no one right there to help him, they were all watching him from afar but Horse was within range. He's doing good now, he manoeuvred his little board over each wave and my stomach sunk because this is what he wants to do all day. I thought I can't let that happen because he's got to rest too, but sometimes he surprises me.

He ran off his board then rescued it from the surf and dragged it to shore. Dumping it he then ran up to me giggling like crazy and leapt into my arms before kissing my cheeks. He was all wet and felt a little cold so I grabbed his towel and started to pat dry him. I felt Evan's kisses too and I asked him if he wanted me to dry him also, but he gave me one of his, 'you bloody idiot,' stares. Ayden had retrieved his own hamburger and passed one each to the guys, then he shot the shit with Blue.

"No Andy today?" Evan asked.

"No, he's a little tuckered out so I left him to sleep."

"We were up half the night with him Den, it worried us."

"Well he's okay now Blue, I got him settled but maybe he's probably a little edgy with his new surroundings."

"I'll take a look at him when I go up Blue, but Den's probably right, maybe you should put him in with Ayden for a night or two, that helped Birdy," Tiny was saying.

"Can I have him for tonight Den, hey buddy do you want to sleep at our house with Andy tonight?" I was appalled to think my son's leaving home for the night.

"Yep Blues, just tonights, my dahs miss me too, but I fix anyways." He took another big bite out of his burger.

I don't know who was in a bigger shock, Evan or me but we didn't show it, we just looked at each other confused.

"You don't have a spare bed Blue; he can't sleep in a cot."

"That cot would take a herd of elephants in it and anyway it belonged to my buddy here so it shouldn't be a problem." He grinned at me because he knows I would miss Ayden. When I looked at my son he nodded his head like he had just made a decision.

"Not fix tonight, I fix in afternoons when we nap, sorrys Blue, I miss my daddies too much." He grinned at Evan who let out a big breath and relaxed.

"Okay buddy, you fix so we can get some sleep." Blue was happy with that. They had their biscuits and Blue and the guys then ran back to the surf, which was now loud and pounding the shore and I wondered if Ayden had anything to do with that because there was very little wind about.

Evan kissed me again and said,

"Well one drama averted, I don't think I would like Ayden having sleep overs just yet."

"He's too young bubs, I would have made some excuse why he couldn't anyway."

"Dah." Ayden was back standing in front of us and put his arms around us both and kissed us then he threw his leg over my lap and snuggled his head into my chest. He was going to have a short nap, it's good that he knows his limits.

"I was just going to do that Den." Evan smirked.

"Tonight bubs, you would be most welcome to sit on my lap."

He re-arranged his crotch and ran back into the ocean.

Ayden was fast asleep but he moaned a little, I bent my head down and his eyes were flickering so I rubbed his back and whispered,

"Go to sleep baby," then he relaxed.

Perhaps he's talking to his folk again, maybe getting some tips on how to calm Andy down. Maybe he was calming him down now.

He didn't wake up anytime soon and I had to get back so I carried him up to the porch, his head nodding on my shoulder. Andy was still asleep so I placed him next to him and his eyelids started flickering again. I guess they're talking. Rita was on hand with some coffee and I told her that Ayden was getting Andy sorted out. She said she had a call from Kate to ask if she could help out for an hour or two so she was on her way over.

Alex sat with me and we talked about babies, he wasn't angry with Blue and was grateful because he has always wanted a kid.

He said he kept thinking about all the kids he saw in Nepal and how hard hearted he had become. He would like to get back there one day and make amends for his appalling behaviour.

We talked about Margaret and Riley, he wasn't happy with the situation but understood that the kids loved their mum no matter what she did to them, and they need her in their lives.

He also said that Riley was a little jealous that he now had a son to love, but he also said he felt really special to be asked to be Andy's other dad.

When the babies woke they were again full of beans, although not walking yet, Andy did a mean fast crawl as he followed Ayden up the porch looking for something to eat. Alex mixed up some fresh juice and handed bubs a paper bag full of chips and gravy. He sat in Horse's seat and ate them but Andy wouldn't have a bar of the juice and flung the bottle under the table, he wanted the fries.

"Too harsh for his tummy bubs."


"Yes they are, remember when they made you sick?"

"Did not!"

My son's rebelling, I think.

Yes they did." I teased him.

"Not, was burga." He was adamant.

"Well maybe you can give him a soft one bub but make sure it's not too hot." I grinned. I knew it was the burger that had made him sick, it was too greasy but a chip won't hurt him. He got his treat and decided he will only eat a little so the rest was left mashed on the floor. They both grinned at each other, I think they won this round.

Blue was actually the first in the shower and then up on the porch, he swooped his son up into his arms and started giving him fart kisses. Andy's deep giggling warmed my insides, then I heard,

"But Spudley, when are we going to get some us time? I'm sick of working day in, day out." They were coming down the porch milkshakes in hand.

"We are having some us time now idiot."

"Don't call me that Spudley, it's not nice." Ali frowned.

"Do you want to go into Warragul shopping this afternoon?"


"Then what do you want to do?"

Ali looked at me and blushed, at least I think he did.

"Rita's gone out."


"So we have a couple of hours before she gets back."

Spud thought about it then said,

"We can't leave Bubble and Tush on their own my prince."

"Yes we fucking can Spudley."

"Oh." Spud thought about it for a moment then ran off to the cafe followed closely by Ali, their milkshakes forgotten. I chuckled to myself then set up a blank canvas with no idea what I wanted to paint today.

Blue had taken Andy and Ayden down to the café, he was going to eat in the kitchen and talk to Alex for a bit.

Evan came up and kissed my neck, he was wanting to sit on my lap I think, and as he looked at my canvas he shrugged.

"Nothing today Den?"

"No, I have been staring at it for the past half hour with no joy." He poured us both a coffee and I noticed the milkshakes were gone, so maybe Tush or Bubble did that little chore.

"Do we have to let Ayden stay the night at Blue's Den, it worries me?"

"No, I think he's fixed that, and really I don't think Ayden wants to sleepover just yet." I smiled into his blue eyes and couldn't help giving him a small light kiss.

"Is the shop open bubs?"

"I will do it in a moment Den, I believe Kate's busy again, she must have sold out of that stuff by now, surely."

"I don't know what she's got left bub, but it's made her a lot richer than she was a couple of months ago." I smiled within.

"I really don't know where she goes from here bub, if Aisha hasn't anymore containers she will probably settle in to be just a chemist shop. That's not such a bad idea, she and Donk have a big nest egg behind them now, I don't think they will want for anything," I sort of rattled off.

"Well I suppose anything could happen especially down here, don't forget I saw the butterflies, I will never forget how beautiful they were."

"And so were you, in your gold chain mail."

"I'm yet to see that but I know I felt it." He blushed.

He kissed me on the cheek again and went to set up in the shop, and I was getting a good look at his ass as he moved around in it.

As I was staring at the blank canvas again a dreadful feeling came over me like something bad was about to happen, my tummy was in knots. I have had this feeling before when Louise was involved with the assassins. I walked over to the safety rail to look over at the foreshore and all I could see were caravans and kids running around but I know this feeling and I don't like it one bit.

List of Characters.

Ayden's Eyes

Den Curtis - Artist

Evan Spicer- lawyer and surfer Den's partner

Ayden - Den and Carols magic boy.

Carol - Dens deceased wife.

Rita - Cafe owner, neighbour, best friend.

Spud - Street kid, artist.

Susan - Ayden's nanny cafe owner

Patrick - Susan's boyfriend surfer

Robert - Patricks father

Horse - Builder Blues father.

Tony - Furniture Maker Horses partner

Blue - Horses son champion surfer

Alex - Rita's son, Blues partner.

Andy- Blues son

Louise - Horses ex wife , Blues mother

Stevie Nicolls- Andy's mum


Tiny - a doctor

Donk - ex tea room owner, all rounder

Nuts - Nathan fabric warehouse owner

Trip - mechanic all rounder

Antonia- Nut's wife

Mary- Nut's daughter

Tim- Antonia's cousin, restorer

Millie- paint store owner

Mike - Young friend, cafe worker

Anne - Mikes mother

Jack - Mikes father

Mavis - Mikes gran

Emma - Mikes sister

Cynthia Hayes- Online entrepreneur, Abs wife

David- Their son

Spencer - Art gallery owner Cynthia's cousin.

Marcel - French gallery owner.

Michelle- Cynthia's sister

Shannon- Michelle's autistic son

Lindsay - millionaire philanthropist- loves his fishing.

Ali - Spuds partner

David - Ali's deceased partner

Arras - Ali's father the king

Aisha - Ali's mother the queen

Souma- Aishas daughter

Abs - Ali's uncle and bodyguard Cynthia's husband

Bubble - bodyguard cook in cafe

Tush - bodyguard cook in cafe

Apple- bodyguard

Hulk - bodyguard Games operator

Jayden - Tony's offsider Hulks partner. Nut's nephew

Mearl (Mel) Trips wife

Riley - Rita's son

Holly and Peter - Riley's children

Margaret - Riley's ex wife

Millie- Art supply shop owner

Birdy- Hulks brother

Joe- Birdy's mentor

Brian Spuds helper in the games parlour Blues little mate.

Never Give Up Crew.







Next: Chapter 85

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