Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 17, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 8

After Evan left I put the wash on and played with my son for a bit then I called a handyman to finish the front bedroom and he will be here early Wednesday morning. I packed my boy up and headed upstairs and around one I put my brushes down and carried Ayden back downstairs so he can have his afternoon nap. I went and got Evan's painting and looked for the best spot to display it in our bedroom. I placed the roses one near his mum's photo in the family room; the colors were bursting out of the frame. Later I went out front to collect the mail and the letter I was expecting from London was there.

"Good morning Den, how's the patient?"

"Hi Rita he's fine. I wanted him to stay home but he insisted he was okay to go to work."

"Men, they can be a bit like that, I know my boys are."

"How many kids do you have Rita?"

"Three boys Den." She laughed.

"Oh my."

"Yes love, one after the other and yes I've got a rainbow son too. Two of them are married, the youngest is the colorful one, he's trekking somewhere in Nepal. I do miss them all."

"My second son has two children, a boy and a girl."

"Wow, what a handful, you must have nearly gone crazy with that lot."

"Never Den, I was born to be a mother, it agreed with me. The one thing I found that helped was not to panic, deal with the problem and fix it straight away. Well I had better be going, I've got cakes in the oven, I will drop some off to you later on."

"Thank you, I can't wait to try them, have a good day."

"You too, I'll see you later on Den, and Den?"

"Yes Rita?"

"Don't be afraid to ask for help, I'm only next door and I would love to get my hands on bubs for an hour or two, you can trust me, really you can." She smiled.

"Sorry Rita, it's just that we are very protective of him, give us time to settle. I'm sure you would make the perfect grandma for Ayden." I laughed.

"Well Den, I saw your face last night and all I wanted to do was give you a big hug. I know what happened with your wife and I wanted to tell you Evan will be fine."

"Thank you Rita, I didn't sleep at all when he was gone. I was so worried about him." I lowered my head.

"And understandably, in future you knock on my door and I will sit with you, promise me."

"Okay I promise and thank you for caring about me."

"My pleasure now go and get some sleep and I will leave the cakes on your doorstep."

She turned and went indoors and I felt so fucking crappy.

I went back inside and checked my boy then sat at the kitchen table staring at the envelope. It will contain the results of my DNA test. Well there's no time like the present so I ripped it open to read the contents. I don't know if this will make Evan happy or sad but I do know it made me feel whole again. I popped it back and put it in the drawer that holds all my important stuff. Now what do I tell Evan and what's with Ayden's eyes more like it? The test results show I am ninety-nine percent Ayden's biological father and I had it done for the boy's sake, not to be one up on Evan. Maybe I will just leave it for now but my heart jumped for joy then sadness for Evan and more so for Carol, unless?

Something was nagging at me as I sat there; Evan had said Carol had used a turkey baster and if my memory serves me well I saw one when I was unpacking my stuff. Something just didn't add up so I made sure bubs was okay and went out to the garage. I found the box of kitchen stuff I hadn't needed and rummaged through it. That brick hit me again when I put my hand on the unopened packet and I spent the rest of the day contemplating all sorts of scenarios. I kept coming back to the only possible reason for Carol to do that to Evan; then I rang mum.

Why would she do that? I know I had loved her in so many ways but it wasn't anything near the love I feel for Evan. I remembered once when we were having a conversation about him she suggested we have a threesome, at the time I thought she was joking but I also remember I had a raging stiff just thinking about it.

My boy came home early; he looked a whole lot better.

"How are you feeling bubs?"

"A lot better now Den, feeling nearly as good as new."

I was pleased and relieved, tonight we will have an early one so he can catch up on some more sleep.

"So what's happening at work, any good cases today?"

"Not really Den, just paperwork stuff, why?"

"Because I'm supposed to ask you those sorts of questions when you come home from work, aren't I?"

He looked at me and burst out laughing.

"You do my head in Den, what did you get up to today?"

"Not a lot, I organised the painter to come Wednesday then talked to Rita over the fence, she made us some cakes. We can have them later with coffee. Did some more painting and hung a present in the bedroom for you. See I've done heaps today and all you did was paperwork."

He shook his head and half walked Ayden up the hallway to have a look at his nude. By the time I got there he was sitting on the bed shaking his head again.

"You really are a brilliant artist Den, this is beautiful."

"Well thank you, I think it's beautiful too." I kissed his lips.

"Your other one is finished also but I want it placed in the family room, you can choose the spot."

"What other one?"

"The rose garden baby."

"Oh." He sat there for a while then kissed me again.

When we finally got back to the family room Ayden was exhausted and had decided to have a lay down on his rug. Evan looked around the room and decided that he would hang his rose garden painting on the wall next to the sliding door that took us out to the backyard. I agreed with him so went and got a hanger then the painting. It looked great and Evan stared for some time at it, but god knows what was going through his head.

"It's beautiful Den, mum would have loved this painting, she loved that garden." He was down again; Oh no you don't, not on my watch Evan.

"What did I tell you the other day?"

"That you were re-planting it."

"No, I told you I was making an eternity garden for us and it represents new beginnings for both of us. Your mum's garden is still here Evan, you only destroyed the bushes not the fertile soil and It's the soil that formed the base of her garden. Look at it this way, we are only improving it for her."

"Thank you for all your hard work Den."

"At least it can be replaced bub, I'm just sorry I can't replace her."

"Well she would have loved you and the painting."

"She's not an axe murderer you know." I changed the subject.

"Who, mum?"

"No Rita next door, she's quite lovely actually."


"Rita, she's got three boys and one's gay, she's really nice." I couldn't say more because Evan had a hold of my cheeks and his lips became fully planted on mine.

"I'm going to enter your painting in the Archibald prize this year."

"You are not you know." He looked shocked.

"I think it's got a real good chance of winning."

"Do something else Den, I'm not showing my butt to the world."


"Absolutely not, what would my partners think, they might not like it too much."

"They might love it too." I grinned.

"Den my job's pretty sober so I have to be straight laced around them. I hardly ever hear anyone laugh at work, it's just not the done thing."

"Well we had better change that then, how about I come into your work and fuck you on your desk?"

"It's all I think about Den."

"You sure do think about sex a lot bub?"

"Yes, especially when I'm away from you."

"Well I might do a self nude for your office wall then."

"Don't you dare do that to me." His hand stopped me talking then he said,

"Den, get the lube."

Today the painter comes in to finish the bedroom ceiling and this time I made sure the room was well ventilated. I thought I might sit out the back with Ayden and start some new paintings. I flipped through my sketchbooks thinking I can't just paint for the house, I should be doing works that will sell, and yes I could go the other way and just paint for the gratification of it. But that's not what I'm all about, I want to share my gift with the public, which reminds me I must go down to the council chambers and see which paintings are there. Maybe if they haven't sold I can replace them. I had looked in my diary and found the entry where I had donated them to the Council's gallery two years ago. But I hadn't written down which ones they were.

Harry was right on time and looked like a well seasoned painter and decorator. I showed him the room and explained what had happened. He was more than happy to help out and I found out he was retired and only took on small jobs to bump his pension up a bit. I left him to it and went back to my canvass. After two hours he had finished and I was getting ready to start cooking something for dinner but then thought we would eat outside tonight to let the house air out some more. I turned the ceiling fans on and left the front door open.

After managing to get half a small bowl of food into Ayden, he looked full and satisfied and while changing him Evan came home. By this time the house smelled pretty normal. He kissed me a little longer than expected as I tried to undo his shirt buttons, but to his credit he resisted my advances and picked up bubs then walked down to the back of the house. He was sitting at the table with Ayden his head was buried in his little body and Ayden was playing drums on his head.

"What's up?"

"Nothing Den, just didn't feel like it that's all."


"I'm sorry Den, it's just sometimes everything overwhelms me. I couldn't focus at all today, I'll come good, just give me a minute of two, it's so good to be home."

"Leave then."


"Leave your job then, we can set up a private practice up the road, downgrade, chill out, go surfing, don't take on so much."

"It's not that Den, I really don't want to discuss it, let's forget I said anything."

"Umm no."

"Please Den, I shouldn't have dumped my mood on you, do you want help with dinner?"

"No." I didn't push it because I could sense something had gone wrong at work today. He has to feel he can come to me, that leap of faith I talked about earlier.

"We are eating outside tonight, just to let the paint settle some more although there isn't much of a smell now."

"Okay." He smelled Ayden then lay down on the couch with him and promptly went to sleep, Ayden that is. I carefully took him and placed him in his playpen then covered him with a blanket.


"Yes bubs."

"Can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course we can."

I sat down next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder and I barely heard,

"I'm so sorry Den."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I love you." He's scaring me now.

"Den I was preparing Ayden's medical papers so I get to make decisions if you can't. I keep putting it off because I have to put myself down as his biological father and my guts churned every time I tried to fill it in."

"Why bubs? You are his father in every way as far as I'm concerned."

I saw tears forming.

"But I want you to be his father more than anything in the world Den, I am so sorry it all happened like it did. I would give anything for you to be his dad and still feel so fucking guilty all the time, it's driving me crazy."

"It's all right bubs, we can easily fix that."

"How Den, I don't want to go through the rest of my life feeling this way."

"You won't my handsome friend, you won't." And I kissed him then wiped his eyes.

I made sure he had calmed down a bit before I retrieved the letter from my London doctor. I then opened the envelope and waved the paper then I looked him in the eye and said,

"I had this DNA test done in London just after we met in the park. You have to believe me Evan, I had it done for Ayden. It's insurance in case he's in an accident and needs blood or kidneys or something, this will save us time."

"What does it say Den?"

"That I am ninety-nine percent his father."

He looked at me for a long time then raised his hand and stroked my face.

"Thank you, I wanted to ask you if we could have it done and have been making myself sick because I thought it unfair to you."

"Well I'll be the bad guy as long as you don't run away." That got a small smile.

"Oh Den, that's just the best news; just the best news ever, poor Carol, she said she felt so guilty about it, and so did I."

"Well I don't know what she was guilty about Evan, the turkey baster is still in it's plastic packet unused and sitting among her things in the garage."


"I looked for it the other day because I had some suspicions."

"What suspicions Den?"

"That she was in love with you and held Ayden over your head."


"Don't ever underestimate the power of love Evan. I had an inkling before bubs was born she had her eye on you."

"How could this possibly happen Den, this is so crazy."

"When we got my sperm count results I was in Townsville at mum's place and Carol told me what the doctor said over the phone and I believed her. We didn't make love all that often and I had the feeling she had gone off me, so when I found out she was still taking the pill we had a massive argument."

"By this time she and you were best mates and I felt so left out and unwanted, but I knew you were gay and nothing was happening." I kissed him again.

"She got pregnant after the turkey baster incident, I guess you weren't in the room when she did it."

`No Den, of course I wasn't."

"Well she didn't use it because she knew I could father children so she used me."

"Why the fuck would she do that?"

"As I said, we were being cool to each other and she was in love with you and a baby would clinch the deal when she left me, you would be in her life permanently."

"That's terrible Den, I don't want to speak ill of her but shit, what a bitch."


"So she put me through all that crap knowing you're his father, but what about his eyes?"

"I rang mum and apparently bright blue eyes run in the family. I have my grandfather's green eyes and she said my color was rare."

"Shit Den, it's so fucked up."

"No it's not bubs, it's the way it should be. Now when people see you and Ayden together they will think you are his father because of the eye color and that's the way I want it to be because you are his father along with me."

"Thank god, now I can get on with that paperwork, it was driving me nuts."

"Well you still need to put yourself down as a secondary father, and do it before you quit your job too."

"Den I'm not quitting my job; it's taken a lot of hard work to get where I am."

"Well I thought maybe you might open that practice up the road and I could come and visit, we could fuck on your desk in private."

"That would be awesome Den."

"Did I get you going?"

"Oh yes."

"Well what are you sitting there for? Let's go down the garden shed, I want to see you go nuts."

"Bring the lube."

I was looking into Evan's eyes but not really because they were closed but I looked anyway because he was special to me. My heart was full of butterflies and I attempted to kiss his lips just once more before I dropped off to sleep. He didn't say anything more after I told him about Ayden's parentage, he just smiled a lot. God damn it, I shook his chest and his eyes opened.

"Den what is it, I was nearly asleep?"

"Just wanted to say I love you before I went to sleep bub."

"Fuck me," he replied.

"Okay If you want."

I had some shit to do today and Ayden wasn't making it any easier, he was being a thorough brat.

"Will you shut the fuck up bubs?" I yelled

"Anything I can do Den?"

"Yeah, take this winging kid off me for an hour will you?"

"Meet me at the front door honey."

I must have yelled too loud and Rita had heard me.

"He's all yours, I don't know what's up because he's been antsy for hours now."

I passed the kid over to her and she put him on her shoulder and rubbed his back and he let out one hell of a burp, then she put her finger in his mouth.

"Wind Den and his teeth have broken through, got any of that deadener?"

My face must have gone red with embarrassment because I looked down at my hands and said,

"He's yours for an hour or so, let's get his shit together."

"Trust me Den, we are going to have so much fun."

It was freedom day and I thought it's about time so I went to have a look at the local council's gallery. The lady that was working there was lovely and showed me the two paintings. I told her that Rita was my neighbour and had sent me and she had nothing but good things to say about her and her family and said I wasn't to worry about a thing with her.

The paintings were a couple I had done after I realised my marriage was over, a little dark for this gallery. She helped me take them down and I assured her I would replace them with something happier and brighter.

Although they were okay they just didn't burst with love and joy as they should for the council's childcare centre. I would either do two new ones or maybe just rummage through what I've got.

After leaving there I called into the paint shop and thought instead of painting a frieze around his room, we might just stick one up. After looking at many different patterns I chose the one that didn't have birds or bunnies on it, just a light stripe. I bought a meter of it to show Evan so he feels involved. I didn't need a cot and there was a set of drawers in the garage I could paint, the five fairy folk paintings I could do in the frieze colors. Anyway so much for my decorating abilities, I was carrying the two paintings and assorted sample stuff so didn't run back. I took the short route home looking into shop windows as I went and saw something and thought why not? I really hadn't bought Evan anything, just did some paintings so this was the perfect gift for him. Unfortunately, I walked the rest of the way home holding a shopping bag in front of me, now I know how he feels when he thinks about me at work.

I didn't go and get Ayden straight away but just put everything on the kitchen table then went upstairs to look for something more suitable for the gallery. One of a playground and one of a local park I had done when I did Evan as a little boy in the park. I was thinking I had better pull my finger out and get the other paintings back from the galleries to ship to Spencer. Setting about ringing the galleries I managed to find another twelve works and then remembered I hadn't checked my bank for a while and yes, there had been deposits for sold ones. Instead of recalling them I said I would drop off some more and I could paint more for Spence if I put my mind to it. I then sat in the backyard and had coffee which was nice and thought I might get Rita to take Ayden a couple of days a week, well until I catch up on some work; I will ask Evan.

"Do you want him back yet Den?"

"Are you sick of him?"

"Of course not, he's sleeping at the moment."

"Can I leave him with you for another hour or so, I want to paint?"

"No problems Den, he's been fed and played with." She sort of giggled.

"I'll come and get him later, and Rita, thank you."

"Not a problem," she answered then I heard her back door open.

I lost myself in my work and Ayden's fairy folk will have to wait until I've restored my stock. But that wasn't a biggie. The next minute I could hear Even come in the front door, I knew it was him because he called out. I had done plenty of work today. I called back to him and he bounded up the steps then after a long kissing session, he asked where Ayden was and I told him then looked at my watch.

"Shit he's been in there for hours."

"We better go get him Den, she might think we are using her."

"Nah, she knows I wanted to get some work done, she didn't seem to mind."

"Come on." He smiled at me.

Poor Rita wasn't a bit worried about the lateness of our appearance.

"He's awake now and having a bottle." She grinned as she led us through her house to her big family room at the rear. Ayden was tucked up on the floor with pillows and a blanket and when he saw us his bottle fell from his mouth because he was smiling and waving and kicking to us. I looked around the room and it was nice and homely, an assortment of family photos sat on the mantelpiece with one of Rita and her three sons in it. They are good looking kids, just the run of the mill family photo.

"The one you're looking for is this one Den, he's also the cutest but don't tell the others." She laughed.

"I'm sorry I got lost in my art Rita, when I do that I lose all track of time. These are some handsome boys you got, they all have your eyes too."

"Thank you Den, here's some scones Ayden helped me make this afternoon, and in the bag is a couple of pasta serves for you and Evan. I didn't think you would have the time to cook love." I stared at her lovingly because I hadn't cooked.

"Thank you lovely lady from the bottom of my heart, you're an absolute lifesaver." I then hugged her. Evan kissed her cheek, he had Ayden in his arms along with his carry bag.

"Anytime Den, anytime."

"Well next time it's our treat for dinner."

We left shortly after but I sensed something wasn't right. Nothing I could put my finger on, just something was out of whack.

"Did you see what I saw Den?" Evan was with me as we put Ayden in his cot.

"What's that bub? I sensed something but I couldn't put my finger on it."

"Didn't Rita tell you her two oldest were married and she had grandchildren?"

"Yes she did bub, why?"

"No wedding pictures Den, just ones of her and her husband, her with the three boys and one each of the boys, no wedding photos. I know if it was my mum she would have them everywhere, and where were the grandchildren?" That's what I didn't see when I looked, how observant of Evan?

"Maybe she's got them all in albums, maybe she doesn't like clutter."

"Maybe Den, just an observation."

"Well Sherlock Holmes, you just come and have some pasta with me and then I will make you a scone and jam for dessert." I smiled as I led him to the living room.

The pasta was delicious and so were the scones. Evan wanted to have a look at my work and I wanted to give him his present so I suggested he go shower and meet me in the bedroom.

"Take off that towel."


"You heard me, drop it."

He dropped the towel and stood in all his magnificent glory as I handed him a small paper bag.

"Put this on."

He looked into the bag and then reached in and pulled out the white cloth.

I could see his boner start its journey upwards.

"Put them on."

He twisted and turned the light fabric then decided that the zipper must go at the front; the backless satin briefs fitted him perfectly.

"Come over here." He slowly crept up the bed and I checked out the fit, they were perfect. A zipper at the front; and completely backless showcasing his smooth ass. My hands were all over the kitchen and Evan's breathing was getting very laboured as my fingers were doing a dance on his pucker.

I moved up to his face and kissed him deeply, his legs parted.

"I want you on your back," I whispered to him. The silence in the room was only broken by Ayden's baby snores.

What I did next made Evan moan and me nearly blow my load. I rimmed him thoroughly and then inserted a small vibrator. He screamed pulling the spare pillow over his face so he could really let go. His hips were going wild as I fucked the bed. He went silent and I could see the patch of cum forming on the briefs as he slowly let his hips fall to the bed. It was so amazing and I have never had sex like that with anyone, it was just awesome.

That beautiful moment got me going for seconds and I had to cum so I lifted his ankles and inserted myself and rocked him back and forth until I couldn't take anymore. Evan had pulled that zipper down and was flying solo.

He couldn't move so I got the towel and wiped both of us then I heard it, small quiet sobs. I could tell he loved the moment so I leaned over and turned the bedside lamp off and pulled him into me, not a word was said, just quiet sobs.

I don't know who went to sleep first, him or me but I do know we got a lot closer, and when Ayden started his waking up routine I also knew it was morning. There was no rest for the wicked in our house this morning, a nappy had to be changed and a bottle warmed up. Evan showered first then me, he fed Ayden while I made our breakfast. After he dressed he pulled me into his arms, kissing every part of my face.

"Den." I put my finger up to his mouth to stop him talking and whispered,

"Don't break the spell."

I was onto him, hoping he will smell my breath on his lips all day.

We didn't say anymore about the night, just smiled a lot. After he left I washed his underwear and vibrator and returned them to his drawer next to our bed.

Next: Chapter 9

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