Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 19, 2018


Chapter 71

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Well the shit hit the fan later that week, Cynthia started it by handing Evan an order from one of her customers worth ten grand. She had also sold three of my shadow boxes and by the weekend, Jack was about to get an order for twenty more frames and mountings, while Evan was seriously thinking about ordering more stock from China, that was only the first week.

I loaded Ayden into Evan's car and drove around to Jack's shop, he was in next door fitting another shelving unit. Ayden started playing with his tools and looked like he wanted to help.

"It looks great Jack, is this what Kate wanted?"

"Yes Den, she's got stock turning up in a few days from Longford, I'll help her fill the shelves."

"Good, let us know when it arrives and we will all help. I need to talk to you about the frames."

"What's up?"

"I need to order more, Cynthia has sold three and it looks like they are going to be a good seller, I need at least twenty more."

"That's okay, Mike has been helping me with them. I'll get the wood cut later today and he can assemble and glue them, shouldn't take too long." I took the cash out and handed it to him, his face lit up and he smiled.

"For twenty Jack."

"Thank you Den."

"How is business anyway?"

"Den, I haven't stopped since I came here, admittedly it's mostly yours and Horse's work, but I haven't had time to scratch myself." He smiled.

"Well don't forget to have some time out for yourself, my order isn't urgent. I can pick them up as they are finished."

"Did you bring the clothes?"

"Yes, I have them in the car."

"Can you take them into Anne, I'll only be a minute then I'll join you for coffee."

I went and got the hangers out of the car and took them through Jacks shop. I did call out but Ayden was too fast for me, he wanted to see baby Emma. Anne rushed out to greet me and was all smiles and welcoming.

"Is Mike at school still?"

"Yes Den, he had a big exam this morning, the last of the main ones, I'm so excited to see how he went. He should be home soon."

"Me too, I didn't know he was so close to leaving school yet."

"He skipped a class last year after his hospital stay but didn't want anyone to know so it was all hush hush." She winked at me.

"Are you settled now?"

"Very much so Den, I couldn't be happier and I know Jack's jumping up and down inside, he will settle down eventually, but at the moment he's so happy. I want to thank you for everything you have done for us Den, it's been life changing coming here and I have you and Evan to thank for that." She kissed my cheek and I told her it was our pleasure because they were all our family.

She stood at the back door and called Mavis in for coffee then placed biscuits on the table and Ayden went straight for them.

"Only two bubs, you have to leave some for everyone else." He moaned.

"Good morning Den, how's tricks?" Mavis walked in.

"Good Mavis, I thought it was time for a visit and I need more shadow boxes from Jack." I smiled at her.

"Well I think Jack's got extra already made, are those the clothes?"

"Yes Mavis." She took the hangers and said she would iron them later.

Anne poured the coffee and Jack arrived soon after, he washed up then sat with us.

Ayden was eyeing off his third biscuit but to his credit he held off.

"What time does Mike get home?"

"It won't be long now, I can't wait to hear his news," Jack answered.

"Did you talk to Donk?"

"Yes Den, he's happy to get some more work. I have had him doing all the small jobs Horse gave me. The big ones I will help him with, everything is so organized. How much did you get for the frames Den?"

"Three and a half grand each Jack, that's on Cynthia's site, and I will charge two grand in the shop, now you know why I insisted you take more for your framing. I knew they would sell well and I reckon when they become popular I could get a lot more for them too." He nearly spat his coffee out.


"It's the magic of the bay Jack, didn't we tell you about that?" I grinned.

"Piffle Den, it's your signature and extra touches that make them worth that," Mavis snorted.

"Have you asked Kate for a part time job yet Anne?"

"I didn't think of that Den, but I have Emma to consider too."

"I was just thinking she will need someone to do the shop and to deliver the pills to her elderly customers." I stared at Mavis.

"What?" She opened her hands.

"You've got a car and you need the practice, a drive into Longford a couple of times a day isn't going to break the bank, you could babysit and deliver drugs, like a drug pusher does." I laughed.

"I think we had better talk to Kate about that Den, she might get in a delivery service or have other plans."

Jack was taking it all in and having a smile to himself as we bantered back and forth.

"If I was to go one step further Mavis, Rita was thinking about getting an electric bike to make home deliveries for her curry, that was when Mike was first around. She thought he could do it but I reckon your speedy ride on could handle it."

"Never going to happen Den, it's in the garage where it's going to stay and hopefully I won't need it again." She knowingly smiled.

"Well I'll get Rita to buy a bike for you then. There's plenty of money to be made down here, it's just finding out what people want that's all."

Mike came in all smiles, he automatically picked Ayden up and beamed at his dad, "I blitzed it." Everyone was so happy for him and I was as proud as his dad and mum for him.

Ayden kissed his face, he was happy too.

"Bus, Bus Mi."

"Yes, caught the bus, it was a good ride bub."

"No, bus mister." He kept looking at Mike as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Oh, you mean the bus driver?"

"Yep Mi." Mike laughed.

"The driver was saying he is moving into Warragul over Christmas and he has to sell it. He was saying it was a good money spinner but I told him I was going to college to be a doctor."

I looked at Mavis and urrumphed.

"Do you know how much he wants for it Mike?" She asked.

"No nan, but he only lives over near Trip and Mel's place, you should go and ask him, it's the place with the little bus outside of it." She got the message. I reckon Mavis would make a great bus driver, she loves kids and she could do the loop a few times a day to get people into Longford.

"See, there's money to be made here Mavis, you only have to look. Evan will help you with your books so it doesn't inpinge on your pension." I winked.

"Yes but Anne needs help with Emma."

"Not while the bus is doing it's runs; it starts by leaving the bay at eight each morning. You can be back by nine and I think there is only a midday and afternoon run after that. It's not that big of a timetable but it does make some cash."

I gathered my boy up and Mike asked for a lift, he was getting some shifts off Rita now. His school will close up next week and he's eager to make some money; and to see us boys.

We said our goodbyes and Jack said he will get started on the frames tomorrow, which is good because by the time I had returned home two more had sold.

"Bub I think you should order some more stock," I said to Evan when he came up for lunch.

"I already have Den, that container is less than half full now and it's only been a week. I know Cody and Rory's order took a lot of it but going on past indications I think we need to have more rather than less."

A half hour later Cynthia came up for coffee and asked him how he felt about selling bulk to a Japanese fashion group. They have gone ape shit over there for the range and were prepared to work directly with Evan. They will accept a container load being shipped directly from China to their depot.

"How much do they want Cyn?"

"A container load, all smaller sizes Evan, I have a breakdown for you. That's if you think it's going to be to your advantage, they own seventy-five shops world wide." She laughed.

"I have to get in touch with Cody, I wasn't prepared for this onslaught, maybe I should stick to the basics." He was thinking again as Cyn clipped his ear and he yelped.

"Get onto it now, no more talking to Cody, you know what to do, a golden opportunity like this only comes around once in a lifetime, and I'll only take ten per cent commission thank you very much." She stared.

"Of course you get your commission Cyn, I wouldn't have it any other way." He was genuine. He flipped his phone and rang Cody anyway, I think he just wants to gloat.

They talked and he laughed back for some time, Evan was walking through the shop then back out to the porch constantly, he was excited, he looked excited. I had hoped he wanted a good grope of my penis when this day was over.

"He said he knows the company, they are huge and I was to go for it if I thought I could cope."

"Here's the breakdown Evan, get onto it straight away, but I think I just told you that." Cyn passed a printout to him and smirked. He sat and looked at it then put it aside, he looked at me then spoke to bubs.

"What do you think son?"

"Pa yeah," he screamed. Rita poked her head out then brought more coffee down.

"What's got everyone so excited Den?"

"This order from Japan, Evan's about to make a killing."

"No kills dah, moneys, pa makes moneys."

How right he was.

Evan immediately emailed the company and confirmed the order, then he emailed the details to his agent in China. Cyn was laughing her head off because when Evan does business he's like a lawyer, he is very thorough.

"Thank you Evan, I think this range is going to be the hottest thing on the planet very soon. Be prepared to say no to any other offers from other companies. Just deal with this one exclusively, you don't want them to get their noses out of joint."

"Well it's a shock, but let's see how it pans out," I said.

Cynthia smiled at me, then she winked.

Evan had been dressing Ayden in his wet suit, he's going to take him for a thank you surf I think. He baby kissed me several times before he left so I had to tell him pa was heading out the back door, he was so excited he forgot to go with him. He ran off calling his name.

"Now tell me." I had to know what the wink was all about.

"It's Aisha's company Den, she has several throughout the globe. It's not because of Evan, it's because she thinks they will be a huge seller in her stores. I don't think she wants Evan to know either because he will sell them off cheap to her."

I blew my breath out, this is big, and I know something Evan doesn't know, yes, at long last!

Rita smiled and poured more coffee.

"How's Tony today Cyn?"

"Ranting and raving about all the things he has to finish before he goes on holidays next year. I have left him alone because he needs to do some work. Jay's trying to do as much as he can and coming up to Christmas he's going to be even busier. I think he's getting Hulk in, Ali and Spud can run his games parlour."

"Well I've got Mike back, and the two girls that helped last year will be down again, but I really don't need both of them here," Rita told us.

"Well don't forget you have Mavis and Anne as backups if you need them." I smiled.

"I won't Den."

Cyn left and I walked down to the beach to watch my boy, he was out there yelling his head off when he saw me. I don't know how many runs he's done, but he did look tired. One more did it and he slowly waddled up to me after thanking all the boys for looking out for him. He flopped into my arms exhausted but elated so I walked him back to the shack. We lay down for a few minutes' rest and he was baby snoring in no time, and so was I.

A strong hand was running up and down my thigh when I woke. He had shifted bub into his own bed and half closed our door, I think he's got sex on his mind.

"Den, I've done over a hundred grands worth of business this week and I haven't taken any cash in the shop yet." He was smiling in his afterglow; he had done that thing to me I really loved. I toyed with him and prayed this would keep up, this is big and so was his gear stick, I rolled him on his side then poked at him. He groaned as I let him have it.

There were more emails on his laptop when we finally emerged and Ayden had gone to visit Mike and Rita, I could hear them talking. When I sat down Evan was typing his fingers off and his smile was gorgeous. He finally closed it down and turned to me.

"Don't tell anyone but I know Ayesha is behind this Den."

"What? How do you know?"

"The lady I'm working with in Japan let it slip. I don't mind Den, and I will give her a discount but let's just keep this to ourselves." Now I have two secrets, how am I ever going to cope. Then I had to go and say,

"Bub she doesn't want a discount, this is not for you, she genuinely loves the line. Let's not forget she will ask a bigger price than you at the cash register, so pay ignorant for now and just charge the normal price."

"What do you know about this Den?"

"Not a lot, Cyn told me to keep it a secret."

"And you didn't."

"No." I burst out laughing, blushing like a virginal bride.

I couldn't wipe the smile off his face, he was so happy. He kept walking into the shop looking at his stock then coming to sit with me. I don't think he could actually believe it was happening. I clipped a T-shirt to my easel and started on it. I was signing the clothes and was also highlighting them with the same paint colour then painting a fairy on them. They looked awesome, it wasn't hard to do, and didn't take long.

I had a small stack of tags to ring up which I did when Evan went out to the container. I gave myself a discount then put the wad of cash into his register. I won't take them for free, this is a business deal and I should be paying. I wanted to get back to my painting but a small boy was walking up the street for his after school hugs.

I watched two more caravans come up the road and turn into the foreshore, which reminds me, we have to go Christmas shopping soon, who knows what I'm going to give Evan this year, maybe a signed T-shirt?

All the building had finished in the bay and Tony's stays next door looked awesome. He had the landscapers in today to do the gardens and he said he was fully booked out until March next year. I noticed Tush and Bubble moving some stuff from their place into the rear bottom one, and when I asked I was told they were moving in there to be closer to Hulk and Jay's place. I suppose the king has rented the apartment for them.

I had a sneaky suspicion something was happening when I caught Spud and Ali having a deep conversation on the back porch. I also felt the king and queen were about to move here before Christmas. Just a feeling it was, and it was confirmed when Ali asked me how I felt about an airport being built in Longford. Of course I told him a heliport in the bay would be a much better installation.

There are things I notice and things I don't, as I have said before, but while driving to Jack's place the other morning I had to drive past the jetty. Now, the jetty has two fishing trawlers and many, many smaller boats tied up alongside it. There were workmen revamping the landmark, and it was being extended and widened. I thought that was strange because I hadn't heard of any local council works being done here.

I had my chance to find out what was going on in my bay when I got Abs all by himself, he was at a loose end because Cyn had gone into the city with Susan and Anne shopping and to catch up with Kate while they were there, which was a good thing.

"So what's the king doing with my jetty?" I was being blunt.

He stared at me and shook his head.

"The fairy folk?"

"Yes," I admitted, I already felt something and put it down to the magic fairy.

"Well there's no hiding it Den, the king is having the renovations done. He needs somewhere to park his yacht." I laughed.

"What's he really doing Abs because I'm not liking it one bit."

"He wants to do this for his new country, and he wants to build a restaurant on the end of it for the tourists."

"We have a good restaurant Abs; we don't need another one."

"He thought Rita might like to move there, and maybe Spud and Ali will take over this one."

"Not happening mate, not on my watch, and not with my boys or Rita. Tell him to shelve it or I will shove his plans where the sun doesn't shine."

"And you think you can do that to my king?" He smiled.

"Watch me." I was angry, I didn't mind the king moving here but I don't want him to reinvent the place.

"The local council is restoring the jetty Den, it's over a hundred years old and getting dangerous. They are extending it to shelter more boats. I read the local newspapers Den, did you not read it last month?"

He laughed because my face went red.

"That's better," I replied.

"When is the king coming?"

"In about three weeks Den, they are going to spend four months here and three months there, the crown prince has already taken over and Arras is just helping him with the western side of things. They have many interests they have to look after Den, so it's not a permanent solution, but close."

I was happy for them.

"Tush and Bubble will take Tony's place and the king will move into Ali and Spud's, while their servant's will move into the summerhouse."

"What servants?"

"The ones they are bringing with them Den, about twelve at last count."

"What?" I screamed. I spotted Rita bringing more coffee down, I think she wants in on this conversation.

"Only two Den, one for the outside and one for the inside, Tush and Bubble will cook for them if they need."

"That's better."

"Den, if your so concerned for the bay why don't you run for mayor?" Abs suggested.

"We don't have a mayor, only the one in Longford."

"That's a great idea Abs, then the bay will be kept rural and Den can control how much building works are done," Rita chipped in and smiled at me.

"The Longford council is in charge of that Rita, we will have no hope if they decide to develop the bay."

"Start your own council, break away from them," Abs suggested.

It's only banter at the moment, but he has a point. I had to think about it.

"So what are the girls up to and why didn't you go with them Rita?"

"They are Christmas shopping Den, and when was the last time I went to the city?"

"Never." I giggled.

"Exactly, never. Warragul is as far as I go kiddo, you can have the city."

"I understand my friend, is your house still rented?"

"Yes Den, but I'm toying with an idea at the moment and maybe you can help."

"Of course."

"I am thinking of selling it, the prices in the city have gone mental and my house is worth a hell of a lot more from when I lived in it. I thought I might sell and divide the money up between the boys. My husband, god rest his soul, worked hard to put a roof over our heads and I'm sure that's what he would want me to do." She was looking for an answer.

"Do the boys need the money?"

"Not really Den as you know Alex has plenty. Blue was paying him to be his publicist while he was away, and I think he's still on a retainer. He gets a good wage from me also but doesn't really have any ambitions to build a house or anything. But when the time comes I'm certain Blue will take care of that. And the other two have their own homes they aren't struggling."

"Keep it, watch it grow value wise, maybe revisit it later and if it's not costing you any money, just leave it," I advised all business like.

'Well it's not Den. I was just thinking that's all, is Evan thinking of selling his mum's house?"

"No baby, that's for Ayden as well as both the apartments."

"You should rent yours out Den, it's been a while since the accident. It could be another source of income for you."

"I hear you but I would prefer it if maybe everyone here used it when they go to the city, it would be cheaper than getting a hotel room. I thought maybe I might give it to Mike for a graduation present maybe."

"Do you really think that Mike would live there when he becomes a doctor Den?"

I thought about it and decided no, he will be happier down here with Emma and us, and his family.

"No," I answered honestly.

I really didn't know what to do with it, like Rita's its quadrupled in value, maybe I should rent it out or maybe just sell it.

"What are you thinking Den?"

"I'll keep it empty, something will turn up, and I certainly don't need the money."

Mike brought bubs down for a nap, he has just about worn everybody out today. I kissed him and he lay down with his juice in his bean bag.

"The girls wanted to get to know Kate a bit better, that's the real reason for being in the city Den," Abs restarted the conversation.

"That's awesome Abs, she's a good looking woman and I suppose she could do with a few friends now she's coming down here."

"She won't be lonely Den; I think that had a lot to do with her decision to sell the tea rooms," Rita said.

"Well I'm hoping to hear the pitter patter of little feet after she comes here."

"What do you know that we don't Den?" Rita again.

"Nothing Rita, just thought she and Donk should think about starting a family, there's nothing like kids to liven up a household." I leered at Abs. He grunted and walked off to the games parlour.

Later on the girls came back giggling their heads off, they had a great day, and surprise surprise Kate was with them. Her car was stacked up with clothes and personal stuff. They had helped her pack then did some shopping. She said she had to go back to get more but for now she's here for about a week to settle the shop.

Rita went to get some food started because she could hear the boys coming up the backyard. I felt the kiss on my neck before I saw his blue eyes and smile. Rubbing his leg as he scooted in beside me. Donk looked at Kate who blushed as he kissed her deeply on the lips. I noticed she was rubbing his ass through his shorts and I thought I detected a boner happening. Yes, the babies are on their way.

Cyn kissed Abs when he came back and handed him a small gift she had bought for him in town, he was stoked to get a new wallet and immediately emptied out his old battered one. How many credit cards do you need Abs? I was thinking to myself.

Ayden had woken up and crawled onto Horse's lap for his after sleep cuddle. His eyes were looking at me and he said, "dah," and smiled.

"Where's Tiny guys?"

"In Warragul Den, he started at the hospital today."

"Oh that's good, the time will pass quickly then you can have him back and the bay gets a new doctor."

Horse was now looking at me and said,

"He's already a general practitioner Den, he can practice whenever he wants."


"I wasn't to tell anyone before but he's taken up the job in Warragul to ease himself back into it. He finished his final exams last year on the quiet."

"Why wasn't I told?"

"Exactly, why weren't you told. Let me think. He didn't want you offering all sorts of incentives to help him."

They all laughed.

"Den, did you order more shadow frames?" Cyn looked at me and asked.

"Yes Cyn, he will start on them today I think. I took the clothes to him."

"Good because you're sold out."

"Birdy has sold seven items, and six of yours and four of Spud's paintings have left he building." She was looking at her IPad and smiling.

What could I say? I was pleased for Birdy, more money for his education and maybe he wants to buy a house or two down here, there are always a half dozen holiday houses for sale at any given time.

"Now how many have I got for dinner tonight?" Rita was asking.

Kate declined saying she had to settle in, but the rest were staying.

"Let's get you home Kate, we can help you settle and by the time we finish Rita will have the food ready, it won't take long. You can dine with us tonight," Cyn offered.

Kate was going red again, it matched her flaming hair.

"Thank you Cyn, I'll stay for dinner and can settle in tomorrow. Den, can I have one of the stays for a couple of nights. Donk is going to get some furniture tomorrow from the good will, we have to start again, I'm afraid everything we had was left at the tea rooms for Susan and Patrick to use."

"No problem Kate, I will get you the key in a minute."

Abs kissed Cyn then went to find something in the kitchen I think.

We pushed a table up to mine and everyone spread out, I could smell something familiar cooking and was getting pretty hungry.

Rita had quite a few diners and she was talking to them all. The ladies were watching her dress swish about as she deliberately showed it off and I think we will see a lot of them over the next four months. It seems the Christmas/New Year time has expanded in our bay. The first year it was only the eight weeks then the place was empty, last year half went home but the rest stayed on for an extra month. I think this year it will be extended again; such is the magic of the bay.

A couple of big pots of ravioli pasta bake were placed on the table with a big dish of parmesan cheese. My kind of food, Italian at its best.

Horse made up a dish for Ayden and he had fun slopping it everywhere, but loved it immensely. I was laughing at him when Evan handed me a full dish. I thanked him then had a moment dwelling on his eyes, but my hand slipped accidently and grabbed his bulging shorts, he yelped. Blue, Tony and Alex were talking about the trip and Evan was talking to Horse about his stock. Underneath it all he was so excited, this is going to make him quite rich I think.

"It won't be necessary to go to the good will Kate and Donk, there is plenty of furniture in Ali and Spud's house to choose from," Abs suggested to them.

"Abs, their furniture is almost new so why the hell would they give it to us?" Donk was asking.

"Because the king and queen are moving here, they are bringing furniture with them. Ali and Spud are staying with Rita so their furniture will go to the good will anyway. I will organise the mover's tomorrow and all you will have to get is white goods, like a washer, refrigerator and a TV."

"Is that so?" Kate asked.

"Yes Kate, it's a house warming gift from my queen."

"Please come over with me later and pick out what you need."

They were speechless. she gripped Donk's hand and squeezed it.

I didn't believe that Arras and Aisha would bring much in the way of furniture, but Ali and Spud have heaps in their house, most of it brand new. We will buy a washer and dryer for them as another housewarming present, and I must get with Horse and Tony because they gave me a mischievous smile.

The night continued and was full of happy people, Abs took them over and they shopped but weren't greedy, they only needed beds and sofas maybe a table and chairs. Tush put a sticker on it all so the movers will know what to take.

I thanked the boys for parting with it and they said they would do anything for Donk and Kate, it was their pleasure.

Something was happening to my bay, what started out as getting Evan out of the city and back into the surf, has now become quite a big business. I thought of the fairy lands and how my father had said there were many kingdoms with many kings and queens, and I wondered if my bay would end up like that, a mirror image. After I put Ayden to bed I sat looking at his paintings, my brain was asking questions that weren't being answered. In reality I wanted the bay to stop expanding. I also questioned my own situation. While I was happy for Aisha and Arras to come live here I was also dreading what will happen when they do. Will they upset what we have by throwing money around, I believed Abs about the jetty but what if the king wanted to moor his yacht here, what sort of public interest would that bring? I love them both dearly but I worried that maybe everything will get out of hand.

"What are you thinking about Den?" Evan poked his head in. I sighed and looked at him, he had just showered and I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Nothing bub, just a few questions I needed answers to."

I dropped my shorts and underwear and stretched before getting into bed.

"They aren't coming here to upset anyone or anything Den, they just need a big break from the everyday stresses, that's all."

"I was just thinking back to when we first came here, it was you, me, Ayden and Rita back then. Then you met the boys and she met Blue and Spud, then it avalanched from there. Please don't get me wrong but I liked it back then, there were no dramas really, other than my trancing."

"Den please don't over think this, everyone that is here is meant to be here. You dreamt about them and you made them a reality. Arras and Aisha were part of those dreams, I think everybody that was meant to be here is here already."

"I know and I feel weird thinking about it but I wish you Ayden and I could go somewhere where we can be alone for awhile, like it used to be." I didn't even know myself what was happening to me, I was just feeling down a bit.

"And do what Den, surf, paint, play with our son? No Spud, no Rita, no Birdy, no Mike, none of the boys, are you willing to give them all up?"

I wasn't. Of course I wasn't. Evan Is so smart, he always brings me down to earth.

"Bub, can you kiss me again, then pass the lube?"

"Groan, I take it your back with us again?"

"Yes baby, just get the lube and don't give me any grief." He leant over to his drawer and I had a very intimate thirty minutes with the man I love.

Next: Chapter 72

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