Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 12, 2018


Chapter 65

The boys had come up from the beach and were playing with Ayden's cars and farm animals on the table. Donk was very animated; I could tell he was excited and happy. He said later he thought the boys handled Kate's visit beautifully so I told him he shouldn't expect anything less from his best mates. I also said I wanted to paint her as she was beautiful and he smiled at me and nodded his agreement. It was curry night tonight and while Rita's customers had dropped off lately she still had a full crew working, the takeaways haven't stopped. Spud had insisted she still take the profits and he was happy to keep making them with Tush and Bubble's help.

The table was cleared of kid's toys and I made Ayden put them in his toy box, that somehow they had made an appearance on the porch. He threw them in and it became a game for him, but I didn't care because they were all plastic. Alex brought the curry and Blue the plates and rice and I watched his ass bounce up that porch, and of course threw a boner.

Evan stared at me for a long time before he shook his head and dived in to his meal, and before the others could clean it all up.

Halfway through the night he pulled Horse aside and gave him the keys to the last jet ski and Horse's smile got larger, then he laughed. He kept looking at me and at one stage he pulled his shorts aside and gave me a look at his ample balls, but unfortunately they were covered in underwear. I blushed furiously then he leant over and whispered,

"Blue and I will be down the beach tonight, do you want to do a father and son scene with us in the bushes?"

I stuttered and blushed, I didn't know what to say or where to look as Evan laughed his head off. I will get him back later.

Cynthia was on board and wanted some more of my works. She sat next to me and we talked a bit about Spud and his paintings. She said Marcel had outdone himself and wanted to do an exhibition in Paris with just Spud's works and mentioned that the curator of the Louvre had contacted him about donations. She felt they could afford them so there won't be any freebees handed out. Marcel had the same opinion and needs thirty or more of his works. I wished her luck in convincing Spud who's now wanted by one of the best museums in the world.

She had opened her doors and her first customer was Lindsay, who was here to fish again and bought six of Birdy's carvings and two of Spud's paintings. He said he was going to donate the carvings to the National Gallery of Victoria. I don't know whether Birdy would realise what that meant for him, but as an artist I know it's a great accolade.

She also said Shannon was more manageable for her sister and everyday he improves and amazes his mum. She will be down with him on the weekend and wants to know if Ayden would be available for a play date, so I told her anytime is a good time for us. She did have a lovely smile on her lips as she watched Abs who was watching her, but then I had to go and ask,

"Did the dress fit?"

"What dress Den?"

"The big, fluffy, white one Aisha brought over for your wedding," Her hand squeezed mine so hard I yelped.

"Shut the fuck up Den."

She later told me Abs has secretly moved into her place so Tony will reap the benefits of the rental until Christmas.

Undressing my man was a real pleasure for me as I get to unfold his beauty all on my own. He was trying to do me too, but I wouldn't let him, I wanted to concentrate on him tonight, only him. I bit, nipped and sucked his body as I unfolded it from his clothes. His hair was long, very long, almost as long as his fathers was and his dick was getting longer as I toyed with it.

"Den, let's lay down." He grinned.

"No let's not." I grinned back.


'No, let's try this one out on the bathroom tiles." I led him into the bathroom where I laid a big fluffy towel down then took his fine ass to the hard floor. I humped him for ages, I think he was surprised I took so long but I wanted to be there, in there with Evan. I held off until I couldn't anymore, and he moaned and cried out for me to finish him off and I did, it was my absolute pleasure to do that little job for him.

"When are you going to register the new line bub?"

"Already done Den, the paperwork's in the mail and the container will be here in about four weeks' time I believe."

"That quick?"

"Yeah, the Chinese don't muck around Den."

"I can't wait to see it." My butterflies were going ape shit again; I think they were excited.

"Well I am hoping it will be a great success, I might even throw a launch party."

"That sounds cool, do we have to wear suits?"

"No Den, just casual."

"Oh, but they usually wear suits and hand out champagne while people buy the stuff."

"It won't be necessary, and anyway it was just a thought."

"Can you try your suit jacket on, just to see if it still fits bub?"

Again he stared at me for ages then slowly took his fine ass and half rigid cock to the wardrobe where he put his shirt, tie and suit coat on. I had my wicked way with him again before he fell asleep exhausted.

I had wondered what Horse would look like in a suit, but that was before sleep enveloped me once again.

It wouldn't be long before I had my answer, he did look fucking awesome in a suit and tie.

It was a beautiful day when Mavis, Jack, Mike and Anne finally moved to the bay. I could feel a celebration coming on as we all helped them unload their container. Horse had the place looking good and all the repairs and painting had been done on both shops. Mavis was in two minds about the bungalow, she thought she might take the caravan instead but she's still thinking about it.

The new bathrooms looked amazing but Jack wasn't impressed we had done them, but grateful because Horse had handed him a list of jobs he wanted done. The first one was to fit out Kate's chemist shop. He had finished everything he had to do and with Mike's help had started ten frames for our new stock. I looked them over and they were perfect but I couldn't have them yet as they had to have the clothes mounted in them. Mike said Jack had been researching how they were done properly and had been eager to start on them. I will try a couple that are on Cyn's site, just to test the waters.

While we were slogging away at carrying things back and forth I noticed heaps of boxes going into the garage and asked Mike what was in them.

"Nan's treasures Den, don't tell Cynthia." He chuckled. There must have been twenty good sized boxes stored in there, and when I looked at Mavis she put her shy grin on and opened her hands.

"I couldn't leave them behind; they are Mike and Emma's future." I went with that. Ayden was a big boy again today, he tried to help where he could so his mates gave him the smaller stuff to take inside. He laughed that beautiful laugh when they teased him about not being able to carry a sofa.

I suppose if he had to, he probably could, with his fairy folk's help.

We started placing furniture and the boys helped Jack set his shop up. It looked stunning under Tony's supervision, all his cabinets weren't fixed but were just for display only. A large desk was placed in one corner with four chairs, he will do his consulting from there. Mavis and Anne were setting up the house kitchen and immediately looked around at me when they started opening the old cupboards.

"So sue me, we wanted Mike and Emma to have some snacks." I had done a big shop in Sale when I was picking up more canvasses. It was mostly chips and nuts, snacky things, plus some canned goods that I thought Anne wouldn't have time to shop for. We did buy a deep freezer for the back porch before Evan and I filled it with meat and frozen veggies, just in case they could use them.

Mavis, instead of taking over Emma's room took the red caravan, so the boys hooked it up to the services and Mike, Alex and Blue attached the canvas annex. She was getting about brilliantly these days, and she still held Ayden when she could. I had brought my car over and parked it up the back, so I handed the keys to Mike and said,

"Share it with gran kid, she might teach you to drive it too."

"No, stop right there Den, that's too much. I will be buying Mike's first car for him, take yours back home." Jack was upset.

"Why? I don't need it, and if I do there's plenty of cars at my place I can borrow anytime I want."

"I am going to buy Mike his first car." He was adamant.

Mavis went over to Mike and took the keys out of his hand and said with her mischievous smile,

"Then I will have it. I need to get to bingo in something and public transport isn't an option. Thank you for your generosity Den." She jangled the keys at Jack then walked off to settle her home. Jack shook his head went back inside.

"It's all too much for him Den, Horse has just handed him almost six month's work and that's not including anyone that wants kitchens in their holiday houses," Mike told me with a tear in his eye.

"He's right you know," I answered.

"Right about what?"

"Your father should buy you your first car, and teach you to drive too, they are supposed to do that." He grinned because he already knew that. I also told him that when the time comes, to get Trip to get one, he's our go to car mechanic.

The day was long and the party ended up back on our porch. Rita was busy again as the boys took our orders tonight. There was no communal dinner, everyone ordered from the menu and of course it was all on the house. I waited until a small boy had eaten in the kitchen then I wanted some of his cuddles, as it turned out he wanted Horse's cuddles, so I opted for my little mate Birdy. He was pleased to oblige me with a few squeezes.

During our dinner party a car pulled up and out stepped Mel and Trip looking like they had just had the perfect holiday, which they had.

There were plenty of handshakes and congratulations going around. Mel kissed my cheek and Trip hugged me.

Somehow I had eventually ended up with my son in my lap as the guys took over the conversation, so I quietly sat with him. He was draped over my knees and his bright blue eyes were watching me. I looked down and he said,

"My dah."

My heart melted and I replied,

"Yes your dah, do you want to learn how to drive yet?"

He giggled then sat up and kissed me.

Mel and Trip have already been to her house and dropped their suitcases off. Trip will move his things in tomorrow and again we will all help. He did say that everything he owned would fit in his wagon and there was no need for any help. He also said he would be here early for a surf and slapped both of Blue's hands, while Mel was full of stories and photos of their Elvis chapel wedding. I was getting a little tired, it had been a big day so I excused Ayden and myself and took him off to bed.

I placed him on our bed and again looked into his eyes, he fell asleep and then he began smiling in his dreams.

Evan came back and we put him in his big boy's bed then went to shower. I spent the next hour looking into his eyes trying to remember when my luck had changed. It was as if I have always been with Evan, he felt so familiar and even from my childhood I always felt someone was looking over me. I wondered if my golden knight was the one.

Loads of morning kisses rained on my face when I woke. Evan was now looking into my eyes, and then twenty minutes later Ayden had his turn. Evan was getting into his wet suit when Ayden woke and ran into us for his morning kisses, then he got into bed with me.

I tickled him and kissed his sweet face as Evan kissed mine goodbye. He went out the back door and I noticed a gloom come over my baby's face, I think he wanted to go with the boys this morning.

"Okay bub?"

"Okay dah, I stay wif you."

"You know why, don't you?"

"Yes, Pa can surf wif his own self."

"Yes Pa needs a surf too bub, don't be sad, your turn later." His smile lit up the room and I kissed him some more.

"Nanny." He smiled again and got up then rushed out to greet his nanny. She was up and about, I could smell bacon on the grill and coffee in the pot. I helped myself while she organized Ayden's drink and something for him to eat. He had that awful porridge today but he didn't seem to mind, Rita had added a banana to it. The last thing I wanted was that stuff, mum used to give it to me all the time and I hated it.

Mel came by and I sat and had breakfast with her. She was a brand new woman and it will be hard to wipe that smile off her face anytime soon.

She had been told about Kate and Donk and seemed happy about it. She was also telling me that Cal was a dirty little bugger even when they were at school, and she didn't know why Kate had ended up with him. I filled her in on what little I knew but it really wasn't up to me to say anything, only that I wished she and Kate would become good friends. She said they were from way back but Kate had changed and she thought at the time that Kate sometimes looked like the loneliest person in town. She had shunned everyone and always seemed to be at work. She also said she would make a great effort to get to know her again, I could depend on that.

I thanked her, holding her hands as I did. I can only pray that the rest of the town are on the same page.

My son ran down followed by Alex who had the egg and bacon roll basket in his hand.

"I'll take them down Den, come for a walk bub," Alex said, I think he needed a little break. So they trotted off to the beach, followed five minutes later by Mel, and I was left alone. Good, now I can get some work done. I drew on my canvas, Horse in a yellow tutu holding Ayden in his red one, nothing else, just bare chested boys. At their feet were hundreds of shells in the sand, and of course butterflies and fairy folk who all had Ayden's fairy dresses on, even the boys. I looked at it and wondered, apart from them being in my stomach and a couple of trances, the butterflies haven't really appeared, and I thought that maybe they represented my love for Ayden and Evan. Only time will tell I suppose.

I felt someone behind me, however before I turned around I asked,

"Is it morning cuddles time baby?"

"Yes please papa Den." Birdie was picked up, kissed and cuddled to no end, and when Rita saw us she gave him some more just for good measure.

He smiled as she went to make him a fizzy drink and a small breakfast roll before he goes off to work. He told me he was working on a special carving of his mother the queen and the king to put by his bed, so he could see them anytime he wanted.

I thought that would be a great idea.

He also dug deep in his bag and he pulled out a statue of Mike smiling from ear to ear.

"Can you give it to Mike?"

"Yes I can, but I'm sure he would like it better if you give it to him yourself."

"I like Mike, he like Spud, funny with Birdy."

"How about I put this amazing carving in the shop drawer and next time you see Mike you give to him?"

"Okay if he wants me to give him, might not."

"He will be over the moon son." And he will be too.

Now the school holidays are over I thought maybe Birdy hasn't got anyone really to hang about with. There's only Holly and Peter, but because of their dad's work we hardly see them, only when they come for swimming lessons and that's rare nowadays. Between school and work they don't seem to have much time for us anymore.

Rita sees them quite often when she visits, or has to babysit but they really don't come here. Also they now have loads of school friends they play with and their free time is taken up with playdates and sleepovers. I don't know about Birdy, but really it's no good for a kid to just hang around adults all the time, and even Ayden is too young for him. I have to find someone his age to be his buddy.

I thought about the kids that are dropped off to Spud's but they are just blow ins. When their mums want some peace and quiet for an hour, or a half day, the kids are dropped off at Spud's games room, they know they will be watched by Hulk. When Birdy had finished his fizzy drink he hugged me again then left, waving to us from the side of the road with the biggest grin on his face.

"I wish I could find a friend for him Rita, someone to hang with so he's not tied up carving all day. He actually shouldn't be working at all; his carvings should be his fun stuff to do."

"He made some friends last holiday but I don't see them ringing him or calling by Den. It's sad he is all on his own, maybe have a talk with Ali and Spud, maybe they can get some street kids to be his friends." She smiled then saw my drawing. I couldn't stop her laughing at Horse's image, it was pretty funny I have to admit. I had painted Horse rolling his eyes and I hope he doesn't go crazy over it, but just in case I will have to hide it away until it's finished.

My fears for Birdie were put to rest a few hours later when Jay and Hulk came over for lunch and coffee. They had just been to their little house and it has been deemed habitable so they were relieved they could go home again. I said to Jay,

"I'm a bit worried about Birdie feeling like he has to work all the time baby. He has no kiddie friends only adults to play with."

"Leave it to us Den, we have an appointment with the state school in town early next week, I reckon it won't take too much time for him to find some mates. He's bright enough to start school and the headmaster was brought up to date with his past when his tutor visited last week. They only have to assess him and find out which class to place him in."

"So do you reckon he will be okay at school? I would be a bit concerned about the bullies because he's tiny for a nine-year-old." I was being very protective of my mate.

Hulk laughed and said,

"Den you saw him with Abs, he's had to fight off bigger men than nine-year-olds in his life, I don't think there will be any bullying."

"I will drive him to and from school and when he's comfortable he can catch the bus if he wants. But for now we have got him sorted out, we won't let him work his childhood away Den. Trust us to do the right thing by him, I have nephews that go to that school and they are Birdy's age and if push comes to shove they will protect him. You have my word on that." Butterflies were raging in my tummy; I think they were telling me that everything's going to be all right with my little mate.

After they left I started applying paint to the canvas I had been working on. My brush eased over the drawing without even a second thought from me.

"Den." I snapped out of it.


"Den, drink your coffee love, you're finished for now." Rita pushed a mug of coffee across the table, she had been watching me.

I looked at the painting and it wasn't finished, only about a third was done.

"It's far from finished Rita." I smiled.

"Well you have been sitting there for the past two hours doing nothing. I thought you were looking for inspiration but you kept applying paint to your brush, you didn't place it on the canvas. I think you have had a mental block or something."

I looked again and at my brush. I knew where I was going to apply the paint next but I must have had second thoughts.

Looking closely, it was a group of fairy folk and I somehow needed to know who they were, they are a new addition to my usual ones. I will put this painting aside until I figure out who the four men are.

"Thanks Rita, I know what happened, there's four men in the drawing and I don't know them, they are something new so I will put it aside for now."

"Horse looks good Den." She blushed.

I looked at that magnificent man and thought, yes he does.

Then I giggled at his eyes.

We sat and talked about Birdy's schooling and I reaffirmed that Ayden would be home schooled, mates or not, or will he? I had doubts now.

Mike dropped by the next day and he was smiling again, he had been to his new school and was very happy with the outcome. He only had to do another six months before he had the credits to start med school. He said he would bus it into town each day, he didn't mind. He also said his dad was looking a lot better and happier. Happier than he had ever seen him, apart from his hospital problem that is.

"Den he doesn't know what to do next, Horse has him driving all over with work and he has to do your frames and mum's kitchen. I found him in the bathroom this morning laughing at himself in the mirror."

"That's good Mike, I'm glad he's happy, and nan and mum, are they keeping busy?"

"Yep, they are manning the phone and the shop until it all settles down. Gran has cancelled the flat, she loves being in the caravan again and thinks the government flat should go to a deserving family instead. Dad's going to build her an ensuite with a bigger shower and toilet, then take down the canvas awning and make a permanent sunroom for her."

"When is he going to find the time Mike?"

He laughed and said,

"Well I guess I could do it, but no, I have to study apparently. He's going to ask Donk if he wants some work. I think Donk will be his offsider soon Den, dad and he get along great, they both love fishing and he will be living next door."

"The magic has started son." I grinned at him. He touched my hand and said thank you.

"You ask Spud, he's your friend," I could hear Ali saying as they walked up the porch to where I sat.

"No you, leave me out of it, it's your idea." Spud was adamant.

"What's up boys?" Ali blushed as Spud pushed him forward.

"Well, we sort of want to ask you if you don't mind that is, only if you have already done it sort of." Poor Ali he's got himself all tongue tied.

"Oh for god's sake Ali, ask him." Spud started laughing as he sat down with me.

"Well Spud and I wanted to know, well did you ask, umm." He looked at Spud.

"He wants to know did you order those dresses from Cody Mitchell for Rita?"

"Of course I did, why?" They are so confusing.

"Well we were, well I was thinking. No, we were thinking it's Rita's fiftieth birthday in two months, do you think they will be ready by then?"

"I'm sure they will be, but why?"

"We want to hold a formal dinner dance party in our house for her, you know, everyone in black tie and evening dresses. I can get mum to send something but I thought you said you were going to order some."

"They will be ready soon, and yes there will be an evening dress and a cocktail dress among them, what a great idea. Do you think the boys will go for it?"

"I'm sure they will, we have to get them into Morwell to the suit hire place and want Rita to have a fabulous night, but no telling her Den.

"Okay sounds great to me, do a list of guests and tell them where they have to be. Talk to the ladies, they might already have a ball gown ready to go, otherwise we can take them into Cody's shop in town and buy off the rack."

"Thanks Den, I think we have it all sorted out now, we just wanted to know about Rita's gown." Well I'll shut up then, you obviously don't need my help, I said quietly to myself.

"Is that all then?'

"Yes Den." Spud laughed.

"Why are you laughing my little mop top lover?"

"Because you're so funny when you're nervous my big dicked Bedouin prince."


"Yes Rita?"

"Get up here, once again." Rita had come out to collect cups, thank god she didn't hear their plans.

"Be a minute sweetest mum in the world."

"NOW!" They scurried off laughing. I wasn't worried about them, they had all the help in the world at their fingertips.

I thought Ali's request was a bit odd, but I suppose everyone will know their plans before I do, again.

I was bored and needed to see my man so I picked our boy up and put him on my shoulders to take him down to the beach. Today the waves were fierce and I deemed it too rough to let Ayden surf. He wasn't upset about it and we just played on the shore. He was running away from the waves then running into the water when they went out. That amused him to no end and he laughed and screamed as he tried to not let them catch him.

My golden knight was close by and every time I looked at him he was looking at me, I got all shy but I did manage to cup my balls through my shorts. Oops he's coming over, I chuckled to myself.

"Stop it Den."

"Stop what bub?"

"You know, just stop it."

"Okay." I slowly ran my hand over my chest and lightly scratched my large nipples. He shook his head and returned to the surf.

I think he was having an argument with himself whether to grab me and go home or surf the tall waves. The waves won...for now.

I looked around for my son who had taken it upon himself to sit back at our tree, so I placed the towels down and rested up against it. He screamed, I sat up.

"What bub?"

"Truck." He remembered he had a big red truck down here to play with but since he discovered his surfing he hasn't bothered with it. I looked around and found it buried behind the tree, so we cleaned it up and he started moving sand again. Truck noises were made and sand was tipped onto a big hill and Ayden was very careful not to mess it up, he is getting more coordinated every day.

I stuck a thin stick with a leaf in it to resemble a flag, then he kicked it to death.

"More?" His angelic face beamed at me.

"Yes please bubs."

He started again. I was enjoying watching him work his way through another tough day at the office.

"Oh no!"

"What's up bub?"

"Flat wheel daddy." He woke my butterflies.

"No good bubs, get pa to fix it."

He pushed the truck over to me then sat and stared.

"Okay, which tyre is it?" He pointed to the solid, pretend flat one. I picked up the truck and put the offending tyre to my mouth and blew on it a few times.

"All fixed." I pushed it over to him.

"Thanks dah." He giggled and went back to his playing.

After twenty minutes of building and destroying hills he finally looked tired and eventually he crawled up on my lap and had a quick nap.

I sat with my back against the tree and watched my men surf. Horse was having a race with Evan and Tiny was having an argument with Donk over what he considers his space. I chuckled as Spud and Ali came down with their skim boards. It's funny because surfing is Ali's favourite sport, but he does the skimming when Spud's around and when he's not, Ali surfs mostly.

"Another ten thousand my scorpion prince?"

"Yes Spudley, I have to win sometime."

They skidded off with Spud first, who let his boardies fall below his ass and Ali flipped over and hit the wet sand.

Spud gave me the thumbs up and shouted,

"Works every time." I laughed at him, he's so gorgeous.

Next: Chapter 66

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