Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 6, 2018


Jack gave us the official okay two days later so I took Anne and Mavis back to the shop so they could work out where their furniture would be placed. Mavis picked out a nice spot for her bungalow but she seemed a little preoccupied with something. Mike was just being his sweet self and looked after Emma, and Ayden helped.

I suggested that Jack leave the red caravan behind the shop and just use his car to go home in, after all they will be down again soon. Before they left the boys helped him back it into the big workshop out the back of the shop, it will be safe there.

He will organize a container for his workplace and their furniture and he had to finish up the few orders he had. Mavis will go to to the public housing building armed with a letter from Evan in lawyer talk, and her plan to set one up in her daughter's backyard. She will have no problems at all getting one installed for free and I think they haul them away as well when the occupant passes away, but hopefully that won't be for a very long time.

Rita had been seeing the doctor so Tiny was still monitoring her blood pressure, she looked a lot healthier and had loads more energy. Spud hung off her more until he was fully satisfied she was going to be okay. The last of the army guys left a week after Mike did, they did say goodbye this time and received a lot of hugs and best wishes from us all. Ali and Spud's house was empty again and a few days later a helicopter arrived at the football ground.

"King!!" Ayden ran out the front and down the steps.

"Wait up bubs," I called out but he was too fast for me. Evan got the car and we drove there. I told him to pass Ayden by, that he could walk. Then I felt awful and we stopped to gather him up, well he shouldn't have bolted off like that. He was like a fart in a bottle when he saw the helicopter land so I took a firm grip of his hand so he wouldn't run under the rotor blades. Arras and Aisha with a couple of guards stepped out onto the grass. He swooped Ayden up and I hugged my lady friend, it was great to see them again.

"Come on Den, get me home, I want to get out of this drag." She smiled at me and she looked gorgeous, but it was hot and she needed to dress down for a couple of days.

Ali and Spud arrived and he hit the ground, there was no time for nasty comments because he was in his father's arms before the greetings were even started.

"How long can you stay?"

"Only two days Den, we came by to see you all and we want to make sure Rita is well. Evan, the pilot is waiting for anyone that wants a joy ride."

I immediately rejected the idea but Evan and Ayden were right onto it. Spud almost turned green so Ali thought he had better stay with him, just in case. I waved them goodbye as they hovered into the air.

Ali drove us all back home, Evan and Bub will follow later. I hope Bub keeps his seat belt on and doesn't open a door or something. We could hear it roar past several times while Aisha talked to Rita in the kitchen.

Arras and Horse continued their banter then they hugged.

"You smell like a goat," Horse sniggered.

"Long flight Horse, have you been rolling in your own poo this morning?"

"No Arras, that's the aftershave you gave me last Christmas."

"Nice isn't it?" Arras laughed.

Aisha had changed into one of Rita's new day dresses, she loved the design and swished her way down with a tray of coffee, Arras groaned but kept looking sideways at her.

"So where is my youngest son, why wasn't he here to greet me?" she demanded to know.

"I will go get him mum, he's probably over at Tony's carving his statues," Ali offered.

"Come on Den, let's have some fun, help me find him." She took my hand and led me down the steps. We got to Tony's and she looked around his shop for a few minutes, then Birdy appeared.

"Son, come greet your mother." He fell on his face and not so gently either, poor little bugger hit his head and it must have hurt.

"My youngest son, come and give your mother a proper hug." She was very commanding and I expected Birdy to do a Spud and throw up, he was so pale. I guess he never expected to see his queen in the flesh, ever. He gingerly walked over and bowed again then he placed something in her hand. She looked at the small bird figure and made a fuss over it. She thanked him then got on her haunches and pulled him in for a big mummy hug. He didn't know what to do with his hands so I took them and placed them on her shoulders.

"It's so good to meet you at long last and thank you for my present, it's beautiful." She then excused herself and started talking to him in Arabic. He started crying so she must have said something nice to him.

Tony arrived and his heart would have melted except when Birdy saw him he said,

"Bow to my mother the queen wood man." It was perfect, Tony's face went beetroot, but he did bow, then he welcomed her with a hug while Birdy and I laughed.

Evan drove in and after a few minutes I heard Ayden calling out for the King, he was ecstatic after his ride so it's going to take awhile for him to calm down. Birdy was now sitting next to Aisha looking more like a little prince as she held his and Ali's hands.

"Aha, venetian whorehouse keeper, you dare to show your ugly face around here again?" Abs bounded up the steps. But before she could return the greeting Birdy was on his feet and rushing towards him with his fists at the ready.

"No! Don't speak to mother like that!!"

He punched Abs fair and square in the nuts. He bent over and nearly fainted but we couldn't stop laughing. Ali spoke to Birdy in Arabic and he seemed to calm down after that, but still kept his eye on Abs, who by now had to sit down.

"Greetings camel bum washer, where's my sister in law, I have a beautiful white dress for her to try on?" He groaned louder.

"She's in town seeing Susan; can I see the dress?" I had to ask.

"Shut up Den, don't encourage her," Abs managed to get out.

Birdy stood again and he wasn't joking this time. That kid's a fighter for sure.

Of course Tush and Bubble danced around their king and queen and Rita sat with us, we were all pleased to see them.

"Bubs has something to show you later, I think you both are going to be impressed," Evan said smiling.

"King surf, me surf like Blue n Pa, I surf good," he was telling them.

"I know you surf baby. Birdy's brother Ali sent me the video, that's why I'm here to see you do it," Aisha said, Birdy secretly smiled. Hulk arrived and I noticed Aisha slip him an envelope. After a few minutes I watched as he took Birdy's hand and walked him down to the steps, Ayden followed. The three of them sat and Ayden held Birdy's hand while Hulk read him the letter. It was from his old master. Birdy's smile was priceless as his tears streamed down his cheeks but he kept looking at Aisha and Arras. Hulk held onto him and he made him read it again slowly. Aisha sighed then cleared her throat, I suppose she's feeling a bit motherly.

"Now Den and Evan I have to see the designs for your surf range, and I need to order some dresses." Evan went to collect his folder and some samples and she did like them as she ordered some for her Australian wardrobe.

Rita and Aisha were deep in conversation; Rita was assuring her that she was okay, it was just blood pressure and as long as she takes her pills she will be all right. Horse and Arras were bantering back and forth and Ayden was watching them from his pa's knee. He suddenly remembered something and struggled down to the deck then ran into his bedroom and brought out his wet suit and lifejacket. Placing them on my lap he rocked from side to side and stared at me in anticipation.

"Okay bubs, it sounds like they are going for a surf soon, better ask pa."

"Pa, pa, surf now?"

"Yes son soon, go get ready."

He again stared at me, God, I must be the stupid father.

I undid the zipper and he stepped in. After I got his jacket on he stood looking at Horse and Evan but soon got sick of that and ran up to the cafe calling Blue's name, a little later Blue and he rushed out and disappeared down to the beach.

"Oh I wanted to watch," Aisha said

"Better hurry up then." She got up and the whole entourage followed her.

Blue has instructions to either wait for the boys to supervise or just do the ski jet ride if no one's around. He's a great uncle and won't let anything happen to our boy.

The boys got into position while Aisha and Birdy sat with me, she pulled him into her and he sat between her legs. Ayden was screaming as Blue took him far out while the boys were placed at intervals just in case. He turned then started his first run. Blue let him go and he outstretched his arms and bent his legs, just like an old pro.

The clapping was loud and the queen said she was not surprised at all he could do it. Birdy sat there quietly and grinned all the way through it and I suspect it was the big cuddle he was getting from his new mother. I winked at him at one stage and he blushed.

Alex arrived with a basket full of drinks and sandwiches, so after three runs the boys decided Ayden had had enough and Blue brought him in.

He took all his pats on the back and then sat with Nuts and Tiny talking moves I think.

There are a lot of things I noticed out of the ordinary, but some things I don't see, unless it's right under my nose. Nuts was talking to Ayden about his three surfs and he will get number four in five minutes, he was actually teaching Ayden his numbers as he talked. Tiny did the same and I noticed Horse was the letters man. I relaxed a bit because I was worried that maybe I was doing it wrong. Evan said to me later that Horse had him writing his name but I didn't believe him until I looked in his colouring books, his name was written all over the pages. Why haven't I seen that before?

"How long can you stay?" I asked Arras when he came up to sit with us.

"Only two nights Den, then it's Indonesia for business."

"How is the abdication really going?"

"Smoothly Den, give me time." He grinned.

"Den, I have something I want to discuss with you and Evan before I talk to Ali and Spud. Can we find a half hour later tonight when the boys aren't around?"

"Sure Arras, is it sad?"

"Yes and no."

"Oh." My glum mood moved in.

We watched Ayden do two more surfs then it was time he had a nap. Birdy was already having his and I felt he was very content in Aisha's lap. I took my boy's wet suit off then walked him naked to the showers, he babbled all the way, his baby talk was back. He didn't even go see his nanny this time, he just crawled into bed. I suspected he wanted to talk to his king about surfing, he would understand him better.

Later, after a sumptuous banquet thanks to Tush and Bubble, Arras pulled us aside.

"We are very grateful for what you both did for the men; it is my understanding they are very happy with their circumstances now. They still meet for their English classes and Abs is scouting around to find a couple of food outlets to buy so the guys have work." He sipped his wine.

"Your government has been very generous to us, helping out where they can and I'm going to talk to the Indonesian government in a few days about sending some men there."

"So you're not going to send anymore here?" Evan asked.

"No Evan, we don't want to upset the bay any more than we have, so I am going to bring them in through Indonesia instead."

"Oh okay, will they be all right?"

"Yes Den, the next ten are strict Muslims so their daily prayers and faith will go unnoticed there. They will be integrated into society locally, but have the option to go to England, America or Australia if they wish."

"So what's the problem Arras?" I asked.

"The problem is, there is no problem. I wanted a few quiet minutes to ourselves to properly thank you."

"Well there's no need for that mate, it was our bloody pleasure to do it and if you need us again, please don't hesitate to ring us."

"I will Evan and thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Rita and Aisha had finally caught up with Cynthia and they were sitting up the cafe end having a girl's night. After they finished their dinner Tush and Bubble did a little dance and Aisha got in a few bum touches, but Arras was onto it and yelled at her, just to remind her he was watching.

With the two bodyguards they had brought with them they said their goodnights to everyone, then headed for Ali's place to sleep. We put Ayden to bed and went to shower ourselves and later I was just playing around with Evan's naughty bits when he started talking about the guys Arras was sending to Indonesia. He was thinking about Spud's plan to adopt a few street kids and he wanted my opinion on something he had thought of.

I was all ears because my mouth was full so all I could do was nod.

He said he might ask the king to find a couple of down and out kids for them.

I pulled off him.

"Bub, I think you should leave that for awhile, I'm sure Spud meant his street buddies from Adelaide, not strangers."

"Oh, do you think so?"

"Yes, just leave it for now, can I get back to my sucking?"

"Oh, of course Den, go right ahead, don't let me disturb you." He grinned.

Our morning kisses arrived early so I think he's expecting to go surfing with the boys, but I put a stop to that. And anyway Evan and the guys need their own time too. I ordered coffee and Ayden sat in the kitchen talking to Rita, she had handed him a book and pencils to write in. I started a new painting and did the base drawing easily just as Aisha came by and went into talk to Rita, and surprise, surprise, Birdy came and sat with me. He collected his morning cuddle then once again he whittled away as he watched me paint. Arras came up the stairs and Ali hugged them and Spud took their orders. Birdy was looking down at his carving but he knew they had sat at the table.

"Good morning son, where's my cuddle," Arras asked. Birdy immediately stood and bowed then cuddled both of them.

"He's a nice little son, isn't he my queen? I think we might take him home to live with us in the palace." He grinned at Aisha. Birdy kept shaking his head from side to side, he says no.

Then the king laughed and ruffled his hair while Aisha ran her fingers through it and tidied it up.

Cynthia was on-board this morning, she wanted to know if Birdy had anymore carvings for her. He ran into Rita's and grabbed his plastic shopping bag and when he came out he placed twenty statues on the table. Poor Cyn, she nearly blew a gasket again.

"What the fucking hell Birdy, don't you ever sleep?"

She was totally amazed he could have done these works in three weeks as she looked over all the pieces with her eye glass. Arras was putting a few aside and Aisha wanted some too.

"We will get Birdy's bank details off you later Cynthia, and we will take these six," Aisha said. Birdy again shook his head no. He opened the second shopping bag and took eleven small carvings out. They were carvings of his new family. The king, queen, Ali, Spud and the other four sons, Jay, Hulk and himself. He grinned at them as they looked them over smiling, he had gotten their images perfectly correct.

They thanked him and said they would put them in pride of place where everybody could see them, then they took the other six anyway and insisted Cyn put a very good price on them.

"They are very expensive Arras; Birdy's carvings are selling for a bomb."

"Whatever the going rate is Cynthia, you need to put your commission on top of it too," Aisha added. Birdy was over the moon and he looked at the family carvings once more then toyed with Hulk's and his other statues.

"Okay, leave it to me, I will transfer the money to Evan's account." She smiled.

He was made a fuss of and plenty of family photos were taken to show his adopted brothers. But it was overwhelming for him and Aisha saw that, so she slowed it down by lunchtime so he could catch up with what was happening. Cynthia said later they had paid a hundred grand into Birdy's account and she didn't take commission this time because it didn't feel right.

In the afternoon my son was back in his fairy dress but I have run out of good ones, he's been a bit rough on them. But when I complained to him he should be more careful, he pointed to the cafe and said,

"Nanny sum."

"Oh has she?" I walked up and talked to Rita for a few minutes. She had been having fun buying a few in all sizes when she had been in town. She thought they would make for a great painting and photograph.

All of us congregated at four in the afternoon after Ayden's jet ski ride.

"You have to wear one too Bubs."

"Den, can't I just watch instead?"

"No, you have to be in the photo, he's your son, now put this on." I handed him a bright yellow tutu.

"Donk, where are you going?" I shouted.

"Into town," he shouted back.

"Put it on, it's for your nephew's photo, stop being a dickhead."

"Oh Den, do I have to?" he whined.

Ayden poked his head over the railing and shouted,

"Yes unc Donks, we's have to."

Everyone from down our beach had been decked out in fairy dresses, even Birdy. They all sat with skirts spread on the shack's stairs and some stood behind. It was the perfect photo and I was so grateful for Rita's thoughtfulness. Ayden's smile was beaming and so was Horse's. Tony didn't look too well though, and Donk looked so adorable, I will paint that scene as soon as I get time. In the end I sent the photo to everyone and told Donk to show Kate his feminine side, he laughed all the way to his car.

Some sat around in their dresses and some opted for shorts, like Evan. Later I will make him put it on with nothing else, then we will see if he likes it or not. A big dinner was organized again and we felt sad they had to leave in the morning. Ali sat with his dad and Birdy again, and Aisha was with Rita and Cyn. It was so good to see them. Their farewell was short because they had left it to the last minute to say goodbye. Birdy got plenty of hugs and kisses and so did Hulk and Jay. They left us with an empty feeling again, but they will be back.

The next thing was to try and settle down into my routine again. I set up my paints and canvas while Evan shoe horned himself into his wet suit, he walked out with it swinging from his hips. A hint of his beautiful blonde pubes was all it took for me to grab his hand and walk him back to the bedroom. Shutting the door, I then asked him to spread em.

"Den, I'm not in the mood, last night exhausted me," he said this while I turned him around and bent him over the bed, and was in and out like a thief in the night.

"Thank you." I smiled sheepishly while he laughed all the way down to the surf.

My son came out of the cafe with a juice bottle in his gob, he wanted ten more minutes so he crawled up on my lap. Birdy then came by for his morning hugs and Rita wanted to talk about Mike's move down here.

I didn't even get to open my paint box this morning. Ayden woke and went to get his wet suit on so I took sandwiches down to the beach for lunch. At least I could sketch away to my hearts content down there. The boys entertained Ayden and I was under the tree alone, at last.

That was until Horse wanted to talk.

He said he had his men onto painting the shops and they will be finished in a few days. He wanted to know if he needed to put shelves in Kate's chemist shop and I said she will need plenty. I gave him permission to do what he thought she needed, but to get Jack to do them. He said he had work piled up for him so I said he had better do the bathrooms too while he's at it. He agreed, at least that's one thing he won't struggle to do. Also, I told him to put it on Evan's account.

My day got a little better when I had a visitor, or should I say visitors and a beautiful, red headed girl sat herself down next to me. I smiled, it was Donks' Kate.

"Thank you Den, for everything."

"It was our pleasure Kate, have you been to look at the shop?"

"Yes my love, it's perfect."

"Well I want you to talk to Horse about shelving and we will get Mike's dad to build them when he gets here."

"I can't thank you enough for helping with Donk. He's a new man, very similar to the man I married years ago." She wistfully smiled.

"He's been a bit lost for a few years Kate, and you already know he's a good man, it's just his priorities are a bit out of wack."

"Well I am sorry I did what I did but I was so lonely for years on end. He brought me down here and dumped me in his tea rooms, I never saw him much after that."

"Well I completely understand, he was being a dickhead and didn't see your beauty, or deserve you. It was the surfing that called to him and he lost you in the process."

"I'm hoping at least I will see him for dinner sometimes this time, but I admit as much as I tried to hate him, I am still in love with him, I always have been."

"Well when you move back it will be a different story. I think the magic of the bay will see to that." She looked out to sea then we watched Ayden do another run, but that will be it for now because the boys need to eat. I opened the cooler and passed her a sandwich.

"You had better get in quickly before the hoards get here."

"Is there enough Den?"

"Of course there is, Rita always over caters."

"I called in to see Susan and Pat and they are doing very well Den. I would have loved to have expanded the tea rooms like they have, but alas I couldn't do it all on my own."

"Don't get sad about it Kate, it had to happen because Donk and you had to move here with us."

"You reckon? Donk has been talking non-stop about the magic and after seeing Ayden do his thing, now I'm inclined to believe him."

The boys came in and put a stop to our conversation. They did exactly what I expected they would do and that's to make Kate feel so welcome. Even Blue was on board and kissed her on the cheek as he welcomed her.

She was overwhelmed when Donk gave her a deep passionate kiss and held her in his arms for some time. She was blushing when he finished, he even managed an, `I love you'.

They sat together and ate their sandwiches while Ayden got his special brown paper bag full of treats.

"Come on bub, share those biscuits with me will ya?" Blue was teasing him.

"No, nanny say all for me."

He shook his head from side to side, he wasn't going to share anything with Blue, except a surf.

Horse started talking to them about shelving and Kate said she had enough money for the renovations and would organize that when she moves back. Evan told her the shop fittings came with the shop and if she wanted to design where she wanted them, to send a drawing to him within the next few weeks. We told her that Jack was taking the other shop and he will be doing the fitting out for her.

"You need your money to stock it Kate, that's a priority. I guess you won't be storing drugs there; do you use a delivery service?" I was curious.

"Yes Den, they come from Warragul Hospital and cover this area."

"Good, then that gives you more time to sit here with us from time to time." I grinned.

"I don't expect it to be that busy, but I do know the one in Longford is closing down soon. The owner wants to retire so I will get some business from that, and I will also make him an offer on his stock."

"Don't forget to get plenty of body lotion, lots of it."

"Why Den?"

"Because Evan goes through heaps after he's been in the surf." I chuckled.

"Den, that's no one's business except yours."

"Groan," Tiny moaned.

"Yeah groan," Blue added.

My boys went back to their surfing and Kate, Ayden and I packed up and moved back to the shack. She went to talk to Rita and I rinsed my boy off, and his giggles were beautiful to my ears. When he was asleep in front of the TV I returned to my guest or guests because Rita had sat at the table too.

"Den, Rita, I have to apologise for my appalling behaviour regarding Cal."

"There's no need to even mention him Kate, we understand more than you know." Rita held her hand.

"Yes, just bury the past honey, let's start a fresh new life and I know you and Donk are going to be so happy here together," I added. I thought she might bring that subject up with us, and I didn't want her to feel any less of a person because of it. It's in the past now, and I know her life is going to be better down here.

She said her goodbyes an hour later, she had promised she would tell us when her graduation dinner was so we could be there, all of us.

Supporting Donk was a pure pleasure because we had seen the other side of him, the one he tried so desperately to hide from everyone. In the end he's just a wave chaser and with our support Kate will spend more time on our beach watching him chase that wave. He's a kid at heart, one that's never grown up and also with our help Kate will feel the magic every day.

Bubs woke but had to have his ten minutes more and he wanted to do that in his nanny's lounge room, so I got to open my paint box finally. The kisses on my neck told me I couldn't paint at all today and his smells were driving me crazy as I took his hand.

"No more Den, let's just sit and talk."

I have news for you Evan, there's nothing to talk about. I think you have everything under control, except me.

I walked into the shop and dropped my shorts and he followed me to the bedroom.

"Den are we going overboard with Donk and Kate's shop?"

"No, they need our help and we can afford it."

"Well Horse has insisted he do the bathrooms for free, he said he had enough leftover stock in his storage shed to do them all."

"I suppose he wants to contribute too, how about you give him the last jet ski? But if you don't want to, that's okay, I'll pay for it," I offered.

"That's a good idea Den, I will do that then, as a thank you present. That gets them all off my hands."

"I can just see Blue and Horse racing across the waves, a father and son binding moment. Their muscles glistening in the sun, their tight ass...." Nope, I didn't quite get it all out.

"Den! Do you want me on top or on my back?"

"On ya back bubs, I want to look at you." So we went for round three for today and it was awesome. Round four will occur later, hopefully.

Next: Chapter 64

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