Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 28, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 61

Occasionally Shannon would laugh and it was loud and guttural but his smile told us he was happy. After lunch Evan and the boys went and got into their wetsuits, Blue and Alex were behind them while Ayden and Shannon went to his room for a lie down. The girls went home and Birdy came looking for a cuddle.

"I missed you, where have you been?"

"Tony's working," he formed the words perfectly.

"You don't have to carve all the time kiddo, have a rest, go surfing sometime."

"I don't like because my prince is there, he might be mad."

"Why would you think Ali would get mad at you, he's been good to you hasn't he baby?"

"He's my prince, I cannot disappoint."

"Oh dear, is that what you think. Well wait until you meet the king." I smiled but I felt him shiver.

I guess in his life he's had to bow down to authority quite a lot, and I suppose it's not an easy thing to shake off.

"You needn't be frightened of Ali, he's a good guy and Spud is my best friend too."

"Like Spud, he funny but Ali always there, I like him too but he the prince."

"Not here he isn't, Ayden is." I laughed.

"Seriously Birdie don't be afraid to have fun, it's what little kids do, and you might miss out on some very good times."

"Do you think Den?"

"I know baby, come on I'll take you down to the beach and we can hang out for awhile." His face lit up.

I walked up to Rita's and asked her to keep an eye on the boys who by now should be sleeping. She said she was just going to sit and have a sandwich herself, Bubble and Tush had everything covered.

We walked hand in hand down the track. Birdy was laughing and all my boys were up on their boards. I stood there and watched Blue who was more than magnificent, he was so fucking hot on that board as it coasted into shore. He ran over and grabbed Birdy then in between his giggles and squeals he got him onto the board and paddled out. I hadn't asked Ali whether Birdy could swim or not but he's in safe hands with Blue. I would trust him with anything. They repeated the ride four times then Evan took him for a few more and Horse wanted to get onto the bandwagon but Birdie hid behind me and giggled.

All the time Hulk was watching from his group of friends; he did smile but I could see concern in his eyes.

Birdy and I went over to the shade tree and placed our towels on the sand. I sat him between my legs and dried his hair with a spare towel.

It was all over the place, dark brown curls for miles and it suited his almond skin. He will be a heartbreaker when he gets bigger, that's if he ever does, his growth had been stunted in that jail. We watched Ali and Spud surf the shore then he grabbed his board and paddled out to find Abs, they talked then rode in together. Evan wiped out again but I waved when I thought he was looking at me so he lost his concentration.

Birdy dozed while I drew some scenes to paint, not that I don't have hundreds already in various sketch books. I didn't know when I was going to find the time to paint them and laughed to myself.

Hulk walked by to go up the pathway to home, he gave me the thumbs up and I did the same back. I then started a list of things to do for Ayden's birthday and also planned Birdy's move into Ayden's room.

He woke full of beans and I asked him if he wanted to go back for a milkshake, he nodded his acceptance so we headed home.

Ayden and Shannon were running around the place playing knights or pirates again so I ordered us both a shake and sat once again in my favourite spot.

Birdy sat next to me, he had somewhere acquired a knife and piece of wood and was carving away at full speed. I finished the fairy painting as Shannon and Ayden watched grinning from ear to ear.

Jay arrived and was going home because he's had enough for the day and wanted Birdy to come with him so they could pack. We were talking about it and he said he would feel much better having him with them. He kind of liked the little guy and would miss him. Birdy's face fell and I could see he was disappointed so I indicated his tears to Jay and he immediately picked up on it.

"Well I guess I can come see him every day, and Ayden does need a roommate for a few nights anyway." A smile crept over his face, and a bigger one appeared on Birdy's. I hugged him and said I would see him later on, he should go and pack and that Hulk had his lunch ready for them.

My boys and I were walked down to Cyn's place with the small painting which was still wet. Shannon was told not to touch it because he will smudge it. Michelle placed it beside his day bed and would take it home with her later on. He laid on the bed and watched it smiling here and there. Ayden was watching him and smiling.

"What's up bubs?" I asked as Cyn brought some coffee out for us.

"Okay daddy, Shan good."

"Oh, he's okay, good then we will leave him to rest."

"No daddy, he already sleeping here, he very happy." Ayden put his hands on his head indicating what he meant. Michelle started crying, it was a long drawn out deep sob. I pulled her in and kissed her head then rubbed her back.

"Get it all out honey."

"I can't describe how much those few words mean to me, thank you Bubs."

"He okay, just here he asleep sometimes." He again touched his head.

Then he went on and I'm not sure it was the right thing to say.

"King can't fix but make him so happy." He giggled.

I had to leave before he said anymore, I finished my coffee and left the two of them sobbing on each other's shoulders.

I grabbed Ayden and we walked back home and by the time we got there he was wanting to see his nanny, and was almost instantly sucking on another juice bottle. I sat with my book and my son on my lap and reflected on Birdy for some time. I have to make him more comfortable around Ali and Abs, he needs to be a little boy with no more fears. I rang Arras the king, but he wasn't available so I called Aisha. I updated her on the surf label and Cody's comments and Birdy. She said to leave it to her, after all she's a mother and knows what to do.

Ayden jumped out of bed early, firstly he came in with us then he looked around the room for any signs of a present. We wished him happy birthday and loaded him up with kisses which he duly wiped off his face, so I deliberately went in for a second go, licking all over his cheeks. He made a horrible noise and again wiped his face.

"Later bubs, at lunchtime." He stared at me, I'm such a tease.

"Okay, in the wardrobe, you might find one." He jumped over Evan and headed for the door, opening it wide. A big parcel was standing here and he struggled to drag it out but when he did the paper was ripped from the small surfboard it covered.

"Paaa, look, look pa."

"That's so cool, your own surfboard baby. I hope you can ride it."

"Me can pa daaaddy, come on, come on pa." He grabbed Evan's hand, he wanted to try it out.

Evan was forced to start getting into his wetsuit and he didn't look happy, I think he had other things on his mind.

"Come pa." Ayden was standing by the back door in his red shorts waiting in anticipation.

"Just a minute young man, haven't you forgotten something?"

He looked around then ran back to me and kissed me.

"Thankyou daddy."

"That's okay son, but that's not what I meant. The other present under your bed."

"What?" He ran into his bedroom and dragged a parcel from under his bed. He ripped open the brightly coloured gift and was greeted by his very own wet suit and life jacket.

His screaming brought Horse out to see what all the fuss was about, and as he lost his shorts he struggled to get into it.

"Let me help you Bub." Horse was onto it. Evan came out and Ayden went for the legs, his head hitting his balls which made Evan kneel down and hug him.

"There are rules son, no using it without supervision, no going in the surf without your lifejacket and when I say you have had enough, you agree okay?"

"Okay pa. Blue, Blue, nanny." He had an after thought so ran out to the shop to show Blue and Rita, he was very happy with his presents.

Blue came back with him all suited up and he couldn't contain his excitement. He wanted to go down to the beach and he wanted to go now. I watched them leave then pulled on my swimmers and followed them. They had sort of caught me with nothing on under the blankets, so I had to wait until the room was cleared.

I heard him screaming as his dad put him on the board and showed him how to paddle by himself. He was like a fish to water, and that was officially the day I lost my baby to the wave chaser's club. He was good, very good and Blue had him doing all sorts of moves. He was off the board more than he was on it but he was like an octopus, he pulled himself back on that board and did it all over again. I was grateful to Horse for teaching him how to swim but he won't be going out beyond the surf until he is a little older. I guess he didn't realise he would be limited to the shallows. "Oh shit don't do that Blue."

Blue towed him out beyond the waves that thank God weren't enormous today. He made him paddle a bit and turn to face the shore and he showed him how to kneel on it and paddle as fast as he could before he hung onto the sides as he rode that wave in. He ran up to me leaving his board to look after itself and was crying with happiness, he went to hug my legs but I was too fast for him and knelt to hug him back. Then he ran off again.

For the next two hours he was taught different moves by six mates who hovered around him keeping their eyes open.

It had all slowed down a bit and he looked exhausted but he wasn't ready to give up just yet. Evan called a halt so bub's face got sour but I explained to him that he has to have a big boy's shower and get ready for his party and he could come back later if he felt like it. He wouldn't let me carry his board, he dragged it up the sandy track and he placed it beside his dad's others, against the garage. I turned on the shower and regulated it and he struggled with his wet suit so I helped him with that and he showered.

No, he didn't want any help, he was a big boy now. But I did get to dry him, that's the one thing I think he loves me to do. I dressed him then rinsed his suit off and placed it on the back porch to dry out. He looked gorgeous in his red shorts and white tank top and had to go see nana again. He came back with another parcel. She had bought him some surfing magazines and some colouring books just in case he wanted to be a little boy again. Running down the porch he couldn't wait to show me, Blue was on the cover of them all and he searched for more photos within the pages. Occasionally I would hear a wow when he found another photo of his mate.

The boys made their way up before lunchtime and Birdy, Tony and the gang arrived bearing more gifts. Horse bought him a ton of story books and he got another wet suit and some board wax from Spud and Ali.

Birdy had carved him standing on a board and he talked to it off and on all day.

Unbeknown to Birdy, Ali had a surprise for him.

It was Ali who ended up with tears flowing and asked everyone to be quiet before he made an announcement.

"I have an announcement to make today, the king and queen have requested me to tell you all that Birdy has now become officially my brother." Birdy's eyes widened.

"They have become your guardians and because they are, you Birdy are now my brother, you will from now on be called Prince Asad, son of Arras and Aisha. You are now officially a member of the king and queen's family forever and will be treated as such. Long live Prince Asad." Ali bowed and so did the rest of the guys.

The guys had got in on it, they all loved Birdy so much and my heart burst when Ali produced a small gold circlet crown to place on his head. He didn't know what to do so he cried.

I tried to console him but he wouldn't calm down, so between deep gulps of air I grabbed Hulk, who officially is not his brother anymore and Birdy didn't want to be a prince without him. But Ali was ready for that because he also crowned Hulk and named him his brother too. Birdy beamed as Hulk picked him up. Of course it was all for show, but it made Birdy feel a hell of a lot better, and he grinned shyly at his new brother Ali.

"How come I don't have one of those gold crowns my silver tongued prince?" Here we go again.

"Because you are my consort my bubble butted donkey boy."

"Oh, and the difference is?"

"Come into my tent tonight and we will discuss the terms then of making you a prince too."

"That's far enough you two, there's cake and ice cream to be served, now!" Rita interrupted their little show, then I heard,

"Now!" coming from Birdy's mouth. They all laughed.

Ayden managed to get most of his cake into his stomach which is a good thing to see but Birdy took his time savouring his treat, everything he ate he savoured like it was his last meal. My heart dropped at the thought.

My baby's day was wonderful; he might remember it, but again maybe he may not, but I'm sure I will for years to come. He crawled into his pa's lap this time, I suppose he wanted to talk about another surf, but he went and had a nap instead.

Birdie moved over to my lap and he thought he might have ten minutes too, things changed that day. Later on we all went to the beach, Ali put his new brother on his shoulders and gave him a ride, his crown was placed in Evan's safe with Ayden's, along with the queen's decree that he and Hulk were now her sons.

He played with Spud and Ali until Jay arrived then they played some more. The army guys had all been included in the party; they were a bit standoffish but enjoyed the proceedings. I noticed their group had gotten smaller and when I asked Ali he said that four of them had moved into the city. I felt a bit left out that they didn't say goodbye to us all, but he assured me they would be back from time to time and they are fully aware of what Evan and I had done for them, they just didn't want to disrupt our lives too much.

Ayden was waterlogged by the time I put him into bed, he just wanted to go on and on all day. The party was a hindrance to him and so was the story I was trying to read to him.

Evan came to the rescue, he read a big write up about Blue from a magazine to him, that quietened him down.

My big present for Evan was in my hand when he crawled into bed sometime later, then I introduced it again to his mouth because he needed to conserve his vocals.

Everything was cleaned up and Ayden's presents were stacked in our lounge room but I will store them in his wardrobe or the garage later. I grabbed a coffee off Rita and watched as a little kid with a backpack walked over.

"I think he has been waiting for you Den, I saw him come out and look several times." She smiled.

"Good morning my best friend, did you sleep well?" He shook his head from side to side so I kissed it and put him on my knees. Rita engaged him in conversation and we found out he was not sleeping because he keeps dreaming about the jail. I had no idea what was going on but I do know if it's something I need to know I will paint it.

I wondered if the king could do something, that was until I spied Abs and Hulk with Jay deep in conversation.

"He's worried about his friend Den; he thinks he has died without saying goodbye to him."

"And has he?"

"No Den, he's well and was released just after Birdy was. We actually released many of his inmate friends when we raided their jail two months ago. The old man has only one name, Master. Everybody knows he commands a lot of respect and never were they allowed to treat him badly, the same went for Birdy, his apprentice."

"So he's okay then?"

"Yes Den, he will be writing a letter to Birdy soon, I think he needs to hear that he's okay."

"Okay, you should get Ali to tell him to expect one, I would like them to bond more."

"We are ahead of you Den, maybe the queen and king will do it." He grinned.

"When are they coming?" I was excited.

"Next week, just for a few days on their way to Indonesia."

"How's his abdication coming along?"

He grinned at me and patted my shoulder.

"Dream on my friend, dream on." I guess that's a no.

Rita helped us move him in and we hung his clothes in Ayden's wardrobe and put his socks and underwear into a spare drawer. He bounced on the bed with Ayden and they giggled then he went to wash up so he could have breakfast with us. Jay was sitting at the table and Birdie hugged him then sat on his knee. Love and affection goes a long way with him and he lapped up all the attention.

Evan was on board today because there was no surfing, but when my boy remembered his wet suit he bolted out the back to get it. The door was locked so he went and got his spare one.

"Pa, pa now."

"Not today baby, pa has something to do."

"Now pa."

"Ask Blue." I didn't want him to go down to the beach without his dads but I kept my mouth shut.

"Blue, Blue, baby want surf."

"Okay little buddy coming." Blue was already suited up.

"You don't mind do you both?"

"No of course not, just keep a close eye on him," I asked.

I looked at Evan, he knew what my concerns were, they weren't with Blue but with Ayden, he might just want to go it alone.

"Trust me will you both, get your life jacket too bubs." I calmed down because Blue was a beautiful guy who wouldn't see any harm come to Ayden.

I breathed out.

"We do, it's the other we don't." I indicated Ayden.

"He will be good and do what he's told, otherwise I won't take him again." He smiled at a nodding Ayden.

I kissed him and we sent him on his way and Birdie wanted to go with Jay and watch bubs surf. Alex was right behind them and I don't know where Horse was, maybe in at Tony's build.

Evan again placed some paperwork in front of me so I asked,

"Where do I sign?" He pointed to three spots and I signed whatever it was.

"Don't you want to know what it is?"

"No, I trust you, it's Ayden I can't trust yet." I laughed.

"Now, I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, you are going to stick your big thing in my tight thing are you? That would be a big surprise."

"Den, behave yourself." He got up and went into his shop bringing back a big parcel that he said was delivered yesterday while we were down the beach. With all the celebrations going on he put it aside until we both could open it.

"Samples Den." He smiled, I was excited to see the goods so he ripped open the package and out popped several plastic bags.

I nearly cried when I opened Ayden's Eyes, the print was perfect and the colour was spot on. There was a t-shirt, a tank top, a cap and thongs with board shorts in each package. Also a package with plain coloured tanks and t-shirts to coordinate with the patterns. As a surprise for Rita, four day dresses, sixties style were in a separate bag. Ayden's Eyes and Evan's mum's rose garden, plus two matching plain ones, they looked fabulous. I couldn't wait to get her to model them for us. The rest were perfect and when she came out she noticed the colours bursting off the table.

"Is this the new range boys?"

"Yes my friend." She picked up the clothes and oohed and aahed her way through each set.

"Rita, if you wouldn't mind could you take these two dresses up to the cafe and try them on for us? We want to get the sizes right, Evan's going to try on the Rose garden ones."

"Not bloody likely Den, you do it."

"What size are these Den; they are beautifully made."

"Your size honey, size eight." She rushed down the porch and disappeared into the cafe. I went into the shop and dropped my shorts then tried on my boy's eyes, the board shorts only. When I came out Evan had to make sure the fit was perfect, and it was, he prodded and lifted my bundle then caressed my ass, he even licked my hairy nipples. Then he moaned that he wanted to go to bed.

"Later bub, you can play with me later." I smiled.

Rita swished out and looked sensational, she had put her hair up in a bun and she looked the part perfectly.

"Oh God these are beautiful Den. How much are you going to sell them for?"

"About a hundred and fifty-five each Rita, but those ones you have are a gift for you." Evan smiled at her.

"No! I can't take them without paying something," she protested.

I gave her a stern talking to about gift horses and mouths and such, and they didn't cost a bomb to have made anyway.

She left to try on the other dresses, which fitted her too. She was beaming and couldn't wait for Cyn to see them.

"We want you to wear them in the cafe, like advertising and the real stock won't be far away. Evan just has to give the agent the nod."

She picked up more of the clothes and checked them out thoroughly.

"Yes they are well made Evan, this maker is perfect with their finishing."

"Well I thought Cody and Rory wouldn't settle for less, they have been using this agent for a few years now."

"Well they are designers so they wouldn't settle for rubbish, especially in their shops." She nodded.

"So we are all agreed to go ahead with them?" Evan got business like. We agreed totally and when Horse arrived he danced Rita around the porch, and she giggled her way through it. He was a little disappointed that Blue wasn't included but he understood that he was contracted to Surf's Up.

"Open that one Horse." He stared at Evan then pulled the plastic open and Blue's face fell onto the table. His blue eyes were staring at us with his blonde hair perfectly framing his face, he was surfing with Ayden on his shoulders with fairy folk trailing behind.

"They said they had no plans to do this kind of stuff, they are happy to get their name into the magazines as a sponsor but they said they couldn't stop us doing it. They even wished us good luck. And by the way Horse, because you own the painting you get ten percent off the sale price on each piece." Evan's so fucking good at this that I'm a little jealous.

Horse looked at each piece with a tear in his eyes, he was so proud of his son he could burst.

"Give the money to Blue Evan. He will need it for travel."

'He didn't get any money in Hawaii Horse?" I hadn't thought to ask.

"Yes plenty but I have a lot more so he can have it, I don't need it. And thank you mate, this is all awesome, he will be so fucking chuffed," Horse beamed. I stacked the clothes on the end chair and will get the guy's verdicts when they come up from the beach. Horse was on his way down to Tony's and Evan was still reading the paperwork. He sent off an email with a very large order in it. Now all we have to do is wait and see.

"Blue probably won't wear the shorts and t-shirt together Den, it might be too feminine for him but I would like him and Alex to wear a piece of it in the cafe just to gauge public interest."

"That's a good idea bub, maybe we should get Tony to wear the matching set in his shop." I laughed at the thought.

"Hi guys, is Rita in the cafe?"

"Yes Cyn, are you here to view the dresses?"

"Yes Den, she rang me to come have a look."

I heard a loud wow coming from within the cafe and after ten minutes Cyn and Rita both walked out in the dresses which absolutely suited them both. Cyn had snaffled a plain blue one while Rita had the Roses on.

Because the skirts were full circle they swished them over the chair arms as they sat, top models in my book. Rita set about making us coffees while Cyn looked over the rest of the stock.

"Den, have you organized the framing yet?" Evan asked.

"No bub, I'm waiting for Tony, he said he knew a man."

"Okay, let me know when it's all in place."

"I think Tony has asked Jack to do them Den."

"Uh, I thought Jack does only kitchens Cyn."

"He does but Tony showed him how to make a box frame, he said he was too busy to do them but Jack wasn't and he could do with the work."

"What a great guy Tony is, that's just magic," I mused.

"Well in my experience they won't be cheap Den, probably around two to three hundred dollars each."

I nearly choked on my milk biscuit.

"Why so dear?"

"He will make and glass the frames, mount your clothes and seal the backs, it's not an easy job. Also, Jack loves perfection Den, but if you want to go cheap then you will get cheap. With Jack doing it you will get a bespoke original and you could get anywhere up to three grand for each signed article. If you paint one of your fairy folk or Ayden in one corner, you could triple that." I was pleased Tony had asked Jack to do them, something I hadn't thought of for a change.

When Cyn left, Evan was still shuffling paperwork so I thought I would take a walk down the beach to see if I still had a baby. Evan said he wouldn't be long so I started off and left him to it. I wouldn't be much help, paperwork always confused me.

I heard screaming coming from our part of the beach. My son was up on a board with Blue, and having a ball.

"Dad, dad, look at me dad." He was so happy he was shaking. Birdy was sitting on the sand smiling at him so I sat next to him, I put my arm around his shoulders and he smiled up at me.

We watched for the next two goes then Evan ran into the water to have a surf. Blue handed him over and took off to get some alone time. Bubs took Ayden out this time and he did very well, no wipe outs.

After three goes my son was handed to me to be dried off. He was talking at a hundred miles an hour telling us how it was out there. I moved us three over to the tree where there was some shade. Ayden was watching the boys and I know he was aching to get onto that board again but his eyes were making him sleepy so I decided we three would have a nap. I placed the twine over his foot and pulled Birdy in and told them both to have ten minutes. I was woken by Ayden who was sitting up watching the boys again, he didn't care about anyone else as he yelled and cursed. I think it's time for a drink and something to eat so

I marched both of the boys up to the shack, made them rinse off then we went off to find something to eat.

"Hi little bro." Ali slapped Birdy's hand.

"Hi big brother." He grinned so I hope things will get better with those two.

Ali sat Birdie on one of Rita's tables and started talking to him in Arabic, I think he was telling him that the master is okay and is going to write to him. Birdie was crying and Ali hugged him very close then he suddenly got up and ran over to me. He talked a hundred miles an hour in Arabic so I just nodded, then he buried his head in my lap. I looked up and Ali was showing signs of a few tears himself so he sat next to us and talked to him while stroking his back as he went on,

"He knows Birdy's safe here and my father has made sure the master has everything he needs. He's very happy and feels the same for Birdy."

"How's his health?"

"He will live to a hundred Den, and he doesn't look a day over fifty as it is."

I was very pleased for Birdy's old mate.

Next: Chapter 62

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