Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 21, 2018


Chapter 57

We were stuffed by the time we got back, and Horse jumped onto Jack's brochures while Rita caught up with Ayden's big day out. Tony arrived and started looking through the many pages then he poked at one and said to Horse,

"That one with a dark burgundy splashback, marble counters." Horse nodded his acceptance.

"We are going to buy Cynthia the kitchen for her housewarming, do you want to pitch in?"

Evan said yes without any hesitation and I agreed, we will leave it up to them to organise.

I had already put one of Jack's riders on the notice board but I didn't think he would get much work from it because he's not local, but you never know.

I waved to Birdy who was heading towards Tony's workshop. I suppose he has important work to do today. Abs was sitting with me and Horse.

"The king is organizing a tutor for him, he has to be schooled but we thought for the time being it's better done at home. He's a clever little boy but has no school. We also found out why he was put in jail Den. He saw his mother and father being shot and attacked a soldier. He was just thrown in jail, and of course forgotten."

What a terrible thing to do to a kid.

"He was one of the lucky ones Den, most of his childhood friends were murdered or sold off to god knows where. Look at it as a blessing for him to even survive that horror."

At that moment all I wanted to do was hold him in my arms and I did when I went to see what he was up to. He was the first to hug me. Tony had set him up under some bright lights. A TV was playing and he was listening to the English words and repeating them. Whether he knew what he was saying or not, he was talking English. I thought he would do better if he put a DVD in and used the eastern sub titles, then he would know what the words meant. I will suggest it to Hulk or Abs.

He showed me what he was working on, it was a perfect sphere about eight inches across, he had carved my fairy folk onto the outside and it was beautiful. I lifted it and saw the king, queen and prince plus assorted other familiar faces.

He giggled and put his hand over his mouth then pointed to a hole he had made which was hidden in the intricate carvings.

I played with it then he indicated for me to hold it up to the light.

My chair flew out from beneath me and I nearly dropped the delicate item when its secret was revealed. I looked through the hole again and nearly cried with pride. He had actually carved my painting.

Inside was a gorgeous phoenix bird with Ayden riding on its back. A thin delicate rope was being held by Birdy who was stroking the bird's feathers. The light behind it gave it a mixture of depth and shadowing so it was perfect.

"What the fuck?"

"Naughty word Den," he said to me slowly. I looked at him and I couldn't laugh so I said,


What the fuck do I do now? This kid is better than me, he's the real artist around here. I hadn't realised but my tears were going crazy and my butterflies were leaping around my stomach, I had to paint.

I excused myself without panicking Birdy too much and ran back to the porch, I didn't talk to anyone but just headed for the back veranda with a blank canvas. I drew like there was no tomorrow and wondered why this was all happening now, after all this time. Then I tranced.

Evan was lying on the sofa when I came to. I didn't hesitate when cold reality hit me, I had to look at the painting, I just had too.

A handsome man and a beautiful woman were sitting in a gorgeous garden oasis. In front of them was Hulk and Birdy smiling from ear to ear. They were happy and I guessed I had done a family portrait of his parents and their garden. Fairy folk covered the canvas and I thanked God they hadn't deserted me forever.

"Den are you okay?" It was Evan and he started massaging my shoulders.

"Yes bubs, I'm in a beautiful place, I feel alive and so grateful this has happened."

"Are they their parents Den?"

"Yes I think so bubs. I also know they don't have any photos or mementos of them. God I hope it's accurate."

"Do you need to rest?"

"No bubs but I'm as horny as a broke teenager in a brothel." I kissed him deeply and urgently.

"Where's Ayden?"

"Out with Horse."

"Good, let's go." I took his hand and lead him into our bedroom then slammed the door and pushed him on the bed. He struggled a little as I nearly ripped his board shorts off then I kissed, nipped, pinched and licked his awesome body, and that was just for starters.

I think Evan likes the new me. I gave him a thick, uncut eight inches and then went back for more of the same afterwards, not giving him anytime to recover. He will get a good going over again tonight too. Fuck I was horny, he stared at me as I climbed on top of him and said,

"I want you to fuck me."

"What?" He looked shocked.

"Just try bubs, or use that vibrator."

He started laughing and broke my mood so I kissed him again, that shut him up.

It was two hours before we appeared on our porch. I got stared at a bit but I didn't have to explain anything.

"It's out the back." Horse was first in line, the others followed. He came back shaking his head.

"When are you going to give it to him?"

"I don't know; it might upset him."

"I doubt it," came a deep voice. Abs was walking through from the beach when he saw the painting and the crowd.

"Den, wait until he goes home then place it in his workshop, he will find it in the morning." Good idea, then he can get his grief out of the way in private.

"Okay," I heard bubs say.

"What bubs?"

"Okay birdy, okay."

"Thank you Bubs, I was a little worried for him."

He squealed then laughed.

"Okay Dah!!"

"All right." Horse and Abs stared at my son.

"You can believe him guys, he's always right." I giggled.

"I wonder if he can predict how Blue is going to go in Hawaii Den." Horse smiled.

Ayden was being a toddler and ignoring the question, so I continued to sip on my coffee. After dinner I went and placed the painting in Ayden's room. I will run it over to Tony's in the morning. Ayden had followed me in and he sat looking at the bright colours. I wanted to give him a bath so I hauled out his big old plastic one. Undressing him I looked at his perfect skin and wondered if he would always be with us, even when he gets old and wrinkly. He must have read my thoughts because he laughed.

"Bue win dah," he said as I placed him in his big boy's bed.

"Oh, he's going to come first is he?"


"That's good bubs, I will look forward to it."

"No tell."

"I won't tell bubs, only pa."

"Ok, pa only." He grinned.

I suppose he wants it all to be a surprise for the family. I must ask Evan if there's somewhere we can place a bet on Blue winning. Evan came in and got on the bed and we thought it was about time we started reading him some bedtime stories. One page in he was fast asleep, and with a big grin on his face.

Before we drifted off to sleep, Evan put his arm under my neck and made himself comfortable.

"He's going to win you know," I said.


"Blue, your son told me while I put him to bed, but he said don't tell anyone except his pa."

Evan laughed.

"What's with the pa thing?"

"I don't know, maybe he's picked it up from one of the boys, but it is nice isn't it?"

"I love it, now he's got a different name for both of us. He's going to win?"

"What?" I looked at him.

"You said Ayden told you Blue was going to win."

"Yes he did, but he said not to tell anyone else except you."

"Oh." Evan's thinking because he's gone very quiet. I moved around to look into his face then my hand stroked his six pack.

"What are you thinking about Bubs?"

"Nothing Den."

"Oh, I thought you might be thinking about the stiffie I have somehow made."


"Roll on your side big fella, it's a better position for thinking if you do."

He moved to his side and I gently slipped in.


"What Bub?"

"Oh doesn't matter." His hips started to move with my rhythm.

"I was worried about you trancing again, I thought that it was maybe all over."

"So did I bubs, I'm glad it happened though, I missed my fairy folk. But don't stress, it was totally different than the other times."


"I didn't feel any shocks, just the urgent need to put brush to canvas. The outcome was beautiful. No heart attacks or lesions."

"Well I hope that's true and there's no more dramas with it."

"The only drama was I felt so randy when it was over. You got to love the after effects bubs, be honest, you loved it." I nudged him.

He smiled at me then kissed my nose and his hair flopped over my face, I smelt my man."

"Good night Den."

"Goodnight bubs, I think you have taken too long to go to sleep."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because obviously I have an urgent need to have my wicked way with you again."

"Oh fuck, if this is going to be the outcome of your trancing then God help me." He giggled then settled in to sleep. No? Oh well, I will get him again in the morning.

Unfortunately, I didn't get my wish in the morning, Ayden had crawled in with us overnight. His big bed affords him more freedom to move around the place and it was beautiful to wake up with him between us.

Donk, Tiny, Nuts and Trip adorned my table the next morning. I haven't seen Trip all that much in the past two weeks, I suppose he's busy courting Mel.

"Good morning boys, are you packed?"

"Yes Den and what we don't have we can buy there," Nuts answered.

"Well we will miss you all. Trip are you going or staying here?"

"No Den, I'm going and Mel is coming too. We are going to make it a holiday for both of us." He smiled.

Donk isn't going, he thought he might be needed in Evan's shop because there's a long weekend soon and he might get busy. The big send off will be in the morning and I'm not looking forward to Blue and the boy's exit.

Ayden wanted down, he wanted to go see what's up in the kitchen. He can hear Spud and Rita's voices. Horse arrived along with Evan, they had their wet suits half on and the boys jumped up and started zipping theirs then grabbing towels. I was kissed on the neck several times as Evan had coffee.

"I will see you when I bring breakfast down." I smiled.

He took his cup up to Rita's, kissed Ayden then ran down the porch to me. He gave me one last smacker then left for his morning surf. I turned to look at my book and heard little footsteps running into the shop. I was quick enough to head him off at the back door which thank god Evan had locked.

"Where do you think you're going young man?"

"Pa pa, dad pa swim."

"Okay monster, let's see what nanny has ready first.

"I have egg and bacon rolls to go Den, if you are going down to the beach."

"Okay come on my beauty." Rita laughed.

He was ahead of me and jumping up and down by the door again, and it looks like he's lost his skirt, or grown bored with it.

By the time I got to the beach he was running down to the water. The guys had just finished a run so they grabbed him. Evan smiled and put him on the board, his ride was a little longer than normal and the yells of happiness were louder. I noticed Evan was teaching him to kneel on it so I supposed the next thing he will be standing up.

The guys came in and started eating their breakfast. The newcomers were sitting in a circle about twenty yards away, they had their English class this morning. Birdie was looking at Evan and Ayden and I saw Abs looking at him. I heard a scream as Abs picked Birdie up and put him over his shoulder. He ran down to the waters edge where he picked his board up, placed the small boy on the board and started paddling out much to the kid's delight. Abs got him standing up and turned the board towards the shore.

He held onto him with one arm and brought them both in to shore safe and sound.

It was then that Hulk started in on Abs. I don't think he was that impressed he may have put his brother in danger. Birdy was still laughing when he pinched the board and started paddling out again and Hulk didn't know what to do. It was Ali that put a stop to it all. Blue had Birdy covered and Hulk hit the sand on his face when Ali shouted at him.

We could hear Birdy's laughter as he body surfed into shore. I think he's been treated too gently by his brother since he arrived, and was just letting him know he can do just about anything. Mind you I know how Hulk felt, he had been the recipient of torture himself not so long ago; no wonder he wants to protect his little brother.

"What did you say to Hulk Ali?" I asked him as he reached over and got a roll.

He giggled and said,

"I told him to chill out or I will have him filleted. I can't see behind me Den, is he still chilling?"

It looked like Hulk had joined the group again but his eyes were on his little brother.

"Yes." I laughed, then big bubs came up with his son in tow;

who, for a little kid has got a great set of lungs on him. He screamed,

"Horth, gif me five. Yehhhhh!!" Then he held his hand out to slap Horse's.

He lost his balance and fell into his lap and I couldn't help myself, I laughed so much it nearly hurt. He had got Horse fair and square in the balls.

"Do you need a massage Horse?" I offered.

"Den." I also forgot Evan was there but Horse laughed.

I watched as Evan chewed his roll staring at me, then I watched Birdy and Blue tandem.

"Did you put a bet on Bubs?" I asked.


"You know; the inside information I gave you last night."

"Oh that, maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

I placed my hand on his private parts and squeezed.

"Yes Den, don't do that, yes. I did first thing."

"Good, did you put some on for the baby?"

"Yes Den, of course I did."

"Liar." I laughed again.

Ayden was talking to Horse and Tiny about surfing. I passed him a banana to chew on and the other guests clapped then most of them ran into the surf as it was a hot day. It was bums and legs everywhere as they threw a ball around in the water. I didn't know if any of them were couples, but Abs had told us they were all single although of course that might change over the coming months. He said they were going to take a few of them at a time into the city, just to get them orientated. I didn't know when that was going to happen but he said it would be very soon.

Blue dropped Birdy back to his brother and I noticed Ali watching them intensely.

"Hulk is smothering him. I might have to interfere again soon."

"Don't do that Ali, let the guys settle this one. I'm sure Hulk's intentions are good, but Birdy has to integrate too and he knows that. He's just being cautious and a good big brother" He smiled at me and nodded.

It was time for us to go up to the shack so I picked up the basket and herded my son to go ahead of me. Bad move, he headed the wrong way and we played chase for a few minutes on the sand before eventually starting up the track to go home. He dropped his shorts and let fly with a wee into the bushes, my boy has no shame. Then he needed to shower in the big boy's one, then he needed to change his shorts and find nana for a juice.

Our son was very well organised. I emptied the food basket leftovers and wrappings into the rubbish bin before I took it up to the cafe. By the time I got to the porch he was in his bean bag sucking on a juice bottle.

I asked Spud to keep an eye on him while I delivered the painting to Birdy's workspace.

Tony looked it over and I knew he was fighting the urge to touch it.

"Did he show you the sphere?"

"No Den, what sphere?"

I looked around the table but there was no sign of it. I told Tony what it was all about. He nearly farted with excitement as I placed the painting where Birdy could see it then left. I'm sure he was on the phone to Cynthia as I walked out the door.

Alex was running around that afternoon looking for suitcases and passports, you would think he would have had it all organised last week.

They leave in the morning so I suppose he's still got plenty of time.

Blue didn't look nervous, in fact he was grinning all the time as he answered his many phone calls, they seemed to be coming in non stop.

"They are well wishes and the guys from Surf's Up Den, it's been ringing off the hook today. The only peace he's had is when he went for a surf." Alex laughed.

"Well I'm sure he's going to do really well in Hawaii." I was looking at my sleepy son and could have sworn he winked.

I had just picked up my pad and pencil when I got a phone call.

"Oh hi Cyn, how are you?"

"Good Den, just a heads up, Birdy's `Robin family,' it has hit two grand."

"What, not Rita's?"

"No Den, he had a set of four already done, a robin and three baby chicks in a nest, it's awesome."

"Oh I didn't see that one, I must have a look on your site, that's a good price isn't it?"

"Yes Den but it hasn't finished yet, still got two days left. At least we have a benchmark." She sounded excited.

"Are you going to tell him or will I?'

"No Den. I was about to ring Ali to tell him, but you may have that pleasure if you like. I also have another forty grand for Mavis but I will ring and surprise her tonight." She smiled over the phone, I know she did.

"Okay he should be up for lunch soon so I can show him on Evan's laptop."

"Good Den, now I have to call Tony and discuss what we are going to do, I think at that price he could sell them in the shop also."

"I think so too Cyn."

I hung up after I told her I would see her later, then I went back to my drawing.

When we got the laptop out Evan took it to Cynthia's site where he found the little tableau, it was up to nearly two and a half grand. Shit these are going to go for more than that if there's two days to go.

The big write up she did on them and the history was awesome, and she had done a smaller one with a photo of Birdy. She let the buyers know he was an up and coming artist at nine years of age and urged them to get in on the ground floor. I blew my breath out and swivelled the laptop around so Birdy could see his auction.

Abs explained to him what it was and how much he could expect to get. He broke down while looking at me intensely, then he moved from his seat and got on my lap. He cried into my shoulder as I stroked his small frame, this is what he needs, he needs a good cuddle and a friend's shoulder to cry on.

"Taschakor, thank you Den," he kept saying. I talked quietly to him as the boys moved away to give him some space. After five minutes of that he fell asleep, so I rocked him back and forth in my arms. He was as light as a feather and I kissed his head several times. I wanted so much to shed a tear but held them at bay because he needs strength from me, not a wimpy old man.

"He's so grateful to you Den, he is convinced you and the magic baby sent the king to rescue him." I was talking to Abs after we placed the two boys in front of the TV. Birdy was a little embarrassed when he woke, but I soothed him again and told him anytime he wanted a cuddle to come to me or Rita. His smile said it all.

"It was the king's doing Abs, so why me?"

"He said he dreamt of you in the prison, he saw your fairies and Ayden. He knew who you were and you would rescue him from his prison."

I was blown away by that snippet of news. Maybe Evan was right and loads of other people see our fairy folk in their dreams.

It was Hulk that came looking for him, he had been to Tony's and seen the painting. When he saw me sitting on the porch he hit the deck and bowed right in front of me.

"Thank you Den, thank you, little Birdy and I will be pleased."

"It was my pleasure Hulk. Did I get your parents faces correct?"

"Yes perfect, now we have magnificent to look at, thank you." He got up and sat with me.

"Will it upset Birdy too much, because if you think it will then we can store it."

"No, he has to face it and believe his parents had loved him, and still do. I can see in the painting much love for both their sons."

His English was nearly perfect, but he still struggled putting sentences together. Jay was also helping them both and Birdy now lives with them. I mused at asking Tony to add a bedroom for Birdy but Hulk had told me the house they lived in at home was small and they were used to it. They don't do anything in front of him, rather they concentrate on just being a happy family.

Birdy had woken again and he came out to the porch. He leant on Hulk's legs until he picked him up and cuddled him.

He was talking quietly in his ear in Arabic when Birdy's eye's went wide, he looked at me and he smiled. Then he got down and ran up to his workspace with Hulk following.

I went and got a juice for my boy before I went and searched for him. He had moved into our bed and when I went to see if he wanted a drink, there it was. The orb had been placed by our bed and Ayden was looking through the spy hole talking to the beautiful bird. How the hell did he know that's what your supposed to do?

He had also made a stand for it so it wouldn't roll off the bedside table, and it was awesome.

Ayden then took his juice and replaced the orb and followed me out towards the porch stopping only to look at the TV, but the TV won as he plopped down into his bean bag.

Oh God, here it comes again. I could hear Ali and Spud coming up the side of the house.

"But seed of his father's loins that gave his mother so much birthing pains, I have to work my shift this afternoon." Spud and Ali were at it again. They went back and forth several times and Abs was chuckling at their antics.

"But Spudley you know we have to have some us time."

"For fucks sake Ali, how many times a day do you need it?"

'Spud, watch your mouth." I think Rita had her ladle at the ready.

"Sorry Mrs. cook."

"Spudley, I will buy you a new pair of diamond studs for your beautiful ears."

"Ali, chill out will you?" He stared at him.

"Yeah chill out Ali," I heard Abs shout.

"What, you dare talk to your prince like that camel herder?"

"You're my spoilt nephew first Ali, so go chill out and give Spud some space."

"Excuse me Abs, but I don't need your help." Spud spun around to confront him with his hands on his hips.

"Yeah we both don't need your input so go feed your camels," Ali spat out.

"Yeah, go feed those camels." Spud laughed.

"See you later Den, I think I'm outnumbered." He shot down the steps and headed for the games parlour while Spud and Ali disappeared into the cafe.

I had just pulled off my blue eyed man when I heard the patter of little feet. I looked over and there was Ayden with his elbows on the bed trying to haul himself up.

"Dah, pop, my bed." Evan reached over and pulled him in. He snuggled into Evan and went back to sleep but I did a very bad thing and whispered in Evan's ear that I wasn't finished yet. He replied,

"Unfortunately you've got him the bed Den, so yes, at the moment you are finished." Then he giggled.

I didn't mind Ayden getting into bed with us and I don't want to lock him out but when he got his big boy's bed he found he could come in here with us anytime. We were mindful of this so kept our groaning to a minimum, but tonight Evan was being overly boisterous.

In the morning bubs was back in his bed, he must have got bored with us and I noticed he had a pee in his potty on the way. Well done son.

Blue and Alex were the first up, followed by the boys. There was no time to have a surf but there was time for a big breakfast. Rita must have been up at sparrow's fart with the boys helping. Everyone was there to heap good wishes upon him and to stuff their stomachs.

Ayden was giving him pointers, I think. But the weirdest thing happened when I was hugging him farewell. I felt compelled to whisper in his ear,

"On your very last run take the second swell." He looked at me strangely but then it was as if I hadn't said anything, so he and the boys were off. He did however wink at me as the car left the car park though.

For the life of me I didn't know where that was coming from, but it felt like the right thing to say at the time, and the dream I had last night helped.

We got Ayden in the shower. He is always wanting to shower with us, but I had kept using Rita's bath or his plastic one. He's sort of grown out of his old one so I will store it today with the rest of his baby things. The shower didn't happen all that often and we used to put him in a sling to do it in case he slipped out of our arms. But now with the help of a high chair we could soap him up and get him clean in no time, then he would sit there and watch us shower or he would run into Rita's for her to dry him. Oops there he goes again.

"Nanny!!" He scuttled off in all his naked glory.

"I think I'll do that tomorrow Bubs."

"What Den?"

"Run into Rita's naked and let her dry me."

He went quiet for a minute then whipped around and fell against the wall and said,

"Den, do me, come on do me now, before he comes back." I knew that would get him going, he's so bloody hot.

When we finally emerged there was only Abs, Spud, Ali and Donk present and I could feel the missing links. Horse had Ayden and was feeding him something that suspiciously looked like a veggie pancake.

"Hoth, hoth, bubs surf?"

"Later bubs, I have things to do this morning."


My phone rang, it was Cyn again.


"Great, that's awesome and there's still a day to go. That's bloody wonderful Cyn." Abs face lit up and I handed the phone over. I told everyone what she said and they were all happy for Birdy.

"I hope you have nothing to do with this Ali." I looked at him sideways. He looked shocked.

"Of course not, we need to know what people will pay for them Den, didn't you hear Tony?" Point taken, and I took my scolding.

"Spudley did you make the bed?" Ali suddenly remembered something.

"No my long legged boy camel, I didn't."

"Will you help me do it?" They were off in a flash, dirty little buggers.

Did Spud just say camel? God, I hope Evan didn't hear that. I looked my man's way and he was deep in conversation with his son. He was promising him he would get the jet ski out in a minute. My son isn't one to wait so he let us know he was ready now, by slapping his hands on the table and screaming,

"Now pease Paaaaaa." At least he said please.

Evan got up and walked into the shop as Horse distracted bubs by starting another colouring book picture. When Evan's car left the driveway that was our cue to get down to the beach. I went with them this time and it was nice to just gently move over the ocean waves. Bubs was loud and laughing but I was hanging onto Evan like grim death.

My knees ached from gripping the jet ski sides too hard, but we got through it and I dived off before we got to the shore. I swam for a minute then stood up and Evan was watching me as he unstrapped Ayden and passed him to Horse.

He walked into the water and took my hand and we started kissing, he was doing his rubbing thing as we did. I shot a load but Evan couldn't, he still had his wet suit on.

We lay under our tree and had five minutes of shut eye but then I wanted to go and see Tony so I collected our towel and headed his way.

He was in his shed sanding a table and Birdie was watching him from his workbench. His smile said it all, he was happy. I picked up a couple of his statues and marvelled at the intricacy of them as my arm went around his shoulder and gave him a big hug. He smiled at me, I winked.

"Thank you for present." He smiled. My heart gripped a bit but I managed to smile at him.

"Your welcome baby, and thank you for my present too." I kissed his head.

"He's going to be a very rich boy Den. I found a display cabinet to go have a look at and we are going to put it in Cyn's shop, it's more suited than mine. I think I'm going to reserve a space for Jack's kitchens anyway, I can do a better deal with him." He laughed.

"That's a great idea, I was going to put a display in the shop but it doesn't suit Evan's surf gear."

I marvelled at Birdy's little carvings then I had to go, I felt a need to talk to Evan. I found him in his shop restocking shelves.

"You should make a space for Trip to put a desk in, there's always someone on the foreshore who needs something fixed," I offered.

"He does them all the time Den, he's been the handyman for the locals for years," Evan was telling me.

"Oh okay, I had better think up another idea for the shop then."

"What shop Den?"

"Your shop Bubs, the walls look bare and there's plenty of space where my counter is."

"Leave it to me Den, I have something in mind."


"Just something." He smiled.

Everybody's got an idea for the shop except me, what's with the tight lips?

Birdy's carving went for seven and a half grand, we all watched the auction finish and the smile on his face was priceless, like his carvings. Tony was so pleased and proud of his new mate and Rita made us a celebration dinner.

Next: Chapter 58

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