Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on May 19, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 56

Oh dear, my boy is down for the morning. Evan was on top of me, just rubbing himself when the moaning started.

"Be back in a minute."

I kissed him then slid from underneath him out of our bed.

His eyes were red from moaning and he was uncomfortable, I could tell.

I kissed him as I picked him up then I changed him. Evan was behind me and I made him hold bubs while I checked out his eye colour.

"He's got a cold, I'll take him to the docs later on but there's really nothing they can do. Give me a minute while I talk to Rita."

I walked up to the cafe and she was just setting up. We had a cupboard with a lock on it where we kept medicine and some of Ayden's stuff, she handed me a bottle and spoon.

"Maybe a day in front of the TV today Den, but sleep is the best medicine."

"Thanks honey."

When I got back he was whining and wanted me so we took him back to our bed, he eventually dropped off for some more sleeps. I indicated to Evan to follow me into the bathroom.

"Now where were we?" I said as I pushed him face, first up against the wall.

I laid in front of the TV with our son, who moaned and we watched Sylvester.

Tiny burped him, felt his forehead and generally commiserated with him.

"Just a cold Den, keep up his fluids, there's not much else I can do."

I thanked him and bubs went off for another sleep. I used this time to set up my work for the day.

I felt strange while I did this, something was bothering me. I know these feelings so I went to look at bubs then Evan's shop, then I looked around the porch. Oh there you are, I honed in on my big table.

On the table was a nest of tiny carvings, three tiny models perfectly shaped and the faces were spot on. Birdy had carved Evan, Ayden and I and they were so beautiful. I looked around but didn't see him any where, he must have placed them there sometime during the morning. I couldn't wait to show Horse and Tony. It was like looking at one of my paintings then I noticed the small brown paper bag. I opened it and there was Birdy and Hulk hugging with smiles for miles and a scratchy thank you was written on the bag. I didn't do anything really, we had just provided a safe haven for them, it was Abs and the king that brought them together.

When Horse arrived for his morning coffee and bubby cuddles he toyed with the little figures in amazement. I heard shouting coming from Tony's then a very red faced and good looking young man came rushing up the street. He held a brown carry bag in his hand.

"Look, look what he's done for me." He put his hand into the bag and brought out a beautifully carved statue of himself carving a statue of Horse. My jaw dropped and Tony's expletives started when he saw the tiny ones on my table.

"Oh fucking hell Den, we have to fucking do something about this."

"Tony, do you want me to come out there and kick your bum?" It was Rita.

"I'll give it a miss thank you Rita, go back to your pies." He chuckled.

I pulled my phone out and rang Abs, I talked, he listened.

"You need to buy a glass case for these Den so the dust doesn't get to them."

"I will Tony but first we will talk to Birdy through Abs."

So over to Ali's house we went leaving Spud to babysit. Abs already had Birdy sitting at the table. He had a pen knife in his hand and was doing another carving.

"He didn't have much to do in that jail Den. Thank god he wasn't sexually abused which quite often happens in young children's cases. He was actually looked after well, even though he didn't know why he had been put in there."

Thank god Rita wasn't with us, she would have swooped Birdy up and fed him more milkshakes.

"He loves doing his carvings and he wanted to thank you for saving his brother and him."

I pulled out the one he did of himself and Hulk and asked Abs why he gave that one to me.

After some talking he jumped up and took my hand, he indicated I should follow him. He tugged my arm and we all followed him upstairs to Ali's bedroom.

Then he pointed to the painting of Spud, David and Ali I had done, but was trancing at the time. The hundreds of fairy folk seem to be dancing off the canvas. He got down unsteadily on his knees and bowed to me as he started crying, then he pointed to a spot in the bottom corner.

"Where does Spud keep his magnifying glass?" Horse asked.

We found it in a drawer then checked the painting out. There was a tiny portrait of Birdy and Hulk hidden in it. He said something to Abs who related it to me.

"He said you knew they were coming and would be safe here with all your family."

Horse stared at me.

"I didn't do anything, David did this painting for Spud and Ali."

"You painted it with your own hand Den, there's no denying it." He looked again.

"He also said the carving was for you to remind you, your paintings will always make somebody's dreams come true."

He sniffled, it was all too much for him. He leant into me, his arms going around my hips as he cried and repeated, "Thank you, thank you." I sat down on the bed and held him until he took a deep breath, then looked up at me and smiled.

I tried to remember if I had seen Birdy in my hospital dreams but I came up with nothing. I have no idea what's going to happen when Cynthia sees them. Abs said she will be here to visit him this afternoon. Maybe she will decide they are too common for her site, but my concerns were pushed aside when she stormed up the steps early that afternoon.

"Where are they?" I pointed to the little collection on the table.

"Hi Cynthia, coffee?"

"Yes please Rita, oh and hi to you both." She giggled.

She pulled her IPad out of her overstuffed handbag and started searching.

"I have seen this style before Den, it's not your common carving, it's ancient. I think I saw it in ivory not wood. Do you know who taught him this art?"

"He said an old man in prison showed him. They are good aren't they Cyn?"

"Yes, very good." She picked Ayden's likeness up and rummaged through her bag just as Rita came back with more coffee. Her eye glass was put in place and she looked it over thoroughly.

"Pen and paper Den." She clicked her fingers. She's a woman on a mission I think. I had a little chuckle just watching her.

Rita sat and poured the drinks. Cyn started drawing a symbol onto my pad. She blew her breath out when she went back to her trusty computer.

"I have see them in the British museum, they were made out of ivory. Very early Afghani bird carvings they were. This symbol was carved into the feathers on each piece, they are worth a King's ransom." My head was spinning. I took Rita's hand and squeezed it as Ayden asked for his little image back. I think he's wanting to chat to it about colds and things.

She sipped her coffee nearly spilling it in the process, she was so excited.

"I read that the master carvers took months if not years to do those works and he's done these in what, five weeks?" Flipping her phone out, she rang Tony.

"Under no circumstances are you to sell any of Birdy's works Tony, and I mean it this time."

I heard shouting coming down the other end, she hung up on him.

"He will be here shortly." She laughed.

"I can get you seven grand for this tableau Den, maybe even more."

"You will give Birdy a good deal and I will keep these." I smiled.

"Deal." We shook hands, I don't know what for, I don't own Birdy or his works.

"How fucking dare you, how dare you." His eyes were spitting fire again as he looked and pointed to me and Cyn.

"I will provide the tools, the wood, the roof over his workspace, who do you fucking think you are?" Poor Tony, he was blowing another gasket.

"I've got plenty of wood Tony, and buying the tools isn't going to blow the bank balance." She fired back.

"You fucking turncoat, no more tables for you." Rita chuckled and made Tony's coffee. I think she was about to pick up her biggest ladle and give him a good tap on the shoulder too.

"I want first pick of anything Birdy carves and I want you to style my kitchen before I move in."

"Dream on bitch," he said under his breath. Rita disappeared then came back with her big ladle and placed it on the table. Tony looked at her in disgust, then he thought better of it and curbed his language in front of her and Ayden.

They argued into the afternoon and I don't think anything was resolved because Tony stood his ground. Of course it was just a game, they fed off each other's egos. I knew common sense would prevail eventually. It was obvious to me Cyn was the one to sell them. Her internet audience was vast and reached into the Arab countries where this sort of thing would sell big time.

I had a major head spin and grabbed my sketch book, a beautiful bird emerging from the water's edge with Ayden riding on its back, Birdy stood holding its reigns and stroking its feathers. Fairy folk were placed on them having yet another party.



"Den are you still with us?" Rita was rubbing my shoulders.

"Where did everyone go?"

"They are giving you some space, they took Ayden to Spud's place, they want to talk to Birdy."

"Yeah good idea, they really should ask him first." I giggled.

"This is beautiful Den; you have to paint it."

"Oh yes, you can bet your big ladle I will be painting this one baby."

She sat with me for the next half hour and we decided to just let them fight it out. If worst comes to worst, I will call a truce and order them to kiss and make up.

I started missing my man so I helped Rita clean up and headed for the beach. It was crowded, men were either laying in the shade, swimming, surfing or skimming.

Another image, another painting, this time with human fairy folk. Something I did notice while the guys were here, there was no prayer time or chanting. I must ask Ali what the deal was. I assumed they all have had enough of religion.

Evan walked up just as Tony appeared with some sandwiches and a very bubbly baby in his arms.

"Blue's off to Hawaii soon Tony, are you going to go with Horse?"

"I don't think he's going Den. Nuts, Trip and Tiny are this time but I think Horse is too busy at the moment." Just then Horse walked out of the surf. Tony gasped, he was a magnificent specimen, a powerhouse among men and his wet trunks were showing his assets off to perfection.

I groaned because I got another image into my head.

"Den stop it." Evan was on to me again.

"Come on bubba, ride time." Evan leered at me then took Ayden to give him yet another board ride. I could hear him laughing above the roar of the surf so I suppose the cold he had was a morning thing.

"What did you and Cyn decide Tony?"

"I finally got my way, I had to calm her down a bit and talk reason with her. I don't want her to exploit Birdy so I was making sure she knew I could handle him anytime I wanted." He laughed then continued,

"She's going to handle it perfectly Den. I will give Birdy some space and tools, and Cyn will get his carvings for her site to test the market, then she will put some in her gallery. We can't put a price on them until we know what people will pay. I know Cyn will do the right thing by him, but it was worth having the argument, just for the laugh."

"They aren't the real deal though Tony, maybe we are reading too much into it. Maybe my butterflies are wrong."

"They are the real deal Den; your butterflies are correct as usual. To carve like he does takes incredible skills. Skills that old man passed down to him. If I was a betting man I would wager that guy had that skill passed down from a long line of ancestral master carvers to him." He smiled.

"That makes them rare and valuable, it's not only the subject matter, it's the symbols. Only a skilled master craftsman has the right to use them, in the sequence he does. The old guy must have thought Birdy's carvings were perfect and has allowed him to use the ancient symbols. If he wasn't good enough, he would have been stoned to death if he even attempted to use them, that's how rare they are. Very much like Gold and Silver Stamping Den, it's illegal to use them if you have fake products. Cynthia has searched the web and Birdy is the only one to use them recently, not even the Japanese were brave enough to copy those carvings."

I blew my breath out and thought about it some. I know any painter can copy my works but they can't copy my style, my brush strokes are like my DNA, they are stamped all over the canvas. So I knew what Tony was on about.

"When we know what to charge then we will know if we are on a winner or not. Cynthia's website is ideal for this type of stuff. Now, do you want some in Evan's shop too?"

"No Tony, but I do need something to hang on my walls. Spud's paintings are becoming quite expensive for down here now, and as you know mine are off limits to the public."

"Why don't you ring Bobby Thompson and see if he's got something for your walls Den. From what Jay told me he's got thousands of works just sitting there."

"That's a thought, but he commands big prices too."

"Okay what about this," He muffled a giggle.

"Do some small paintings of the beach and surrounding areas, leave Ayden and the fairy out of them and paint under an alias."

"I thought about that too but when Cyn finds out she will take them all for her online shop. Spud was going to do some miniatures but they would end up with her too." I grinned.

"I have to style her kitchen."

"I thought you would my friend."

"Well I was only waiting for her to ask Den, the drawings are already done. All I have to do now is find out what kind stove she wants." He burst out laughing.

"Well if you need a master builder in kitchens, Mike's dad Jack is apparently a master craftsman at doing them."


"Yes, we are going to call into his workshop on the way back from the cemetery. I'll take some photos of his bespoke works."

"Thanks Den, that will be a great help."

Bubs came back with Ayden in tow. We had managed to get him to leave his runners on, especially when he's on the sand. He fell into me giggling his head off.

"Did you have a good ride Bub's?"

"Yep dada, good."

"Well did you thank Dad?"

"Thanks pa, for good ride."

Evan melted and said,

"That's okay my son." Did I hear him sigh?

"Now we have to make plans Bubs, when we go to the cemetery we must call in to see Jack's workshop and buy Ayden a big boy's bed."

"Okay Den, we can do that tomorrow if you like. Blue leaves in a few days so I would like to be around when he goes."

"Or we could go next week?" I replied.

"Why don't we go into Sale this afternoon and get a bed, I still have Trip's trailer. We can get flowers while we are there and go to the cemetery early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, want to come and help us pick out a bed for Ayden, Tony?"

"No thanks Den, take Rita, she's the kiddie expert. I need to get back to work." I wondered if Tony wanted children because he would make the perfect dad, and not to mention Horse, he would go mental.

We collected our things and Evan gave himself and Ayden a shower. It's much better now Horse has hooked up some hot water. I went to find Rita and she had nothing on so was pleased we asked her to come.

We were all in the car in the next hour and headed off for a thirty-minute drive into the next biggest town. Evan found a parking spot and we got Ayden's ride organized. He had dropped off for ten minutes on the way and he and Rita had a big conversation about what kind of bed he needed.

On the way to the bedding shop I got a phone call from Horse.

"Den, Tony just told me you are in town buying a bed."

"Correct Horse, we have put if off for too long, why what's up?"

"We made him a bed and it's over at Tony's so just buy a double mattress and some sheets and stuff, I was saving it for his birthday but he can have it now."

"Oh what kind of bed is it, because he's very fussy?"

Horse laughed down the phone and said we would have to wait and see. We can only guess what it's like, but I think it will be very nice.

We had fun as Ayden jumped on a few mattresses he liked. We bought the softest one that he was a bit partial to and it had racing cars printed all over it. I also got him to pick out some sheets and doona covers, they had cars on them too.

"Bed dad?" he asked.

"No baby, uncle Horse has made you one he thinks you will like a lot."


He went with that thank God.

Rita did some personal shopping and I went to the paint supply shop and bought up big. I rang Spud while I was there but he was okay, he didn't need anything yet. Evan went to buy some flowers for Carol and his mum. We will have coffee at Susan's on the way home, but by the look of my sons face he will sleep through it.

We were just walking out to the car park through an arcade when my son went crazy, he bolted into a toy store.

"Daddy, nana. Pa, for baby, for baby." He was sitting on the floor when we caught up with him. He had a fairy dress in hand, his shorts were already off and he was trying to put the skirt on.

"Hang on bubby, let dad help." It was so cute and when I got it fitting right, the shop assistant grinned at me and said,

"My biggest seller, for girls and boys."

Ayden jumped around the shop and looked so fucking cute.

"Do we buy wings?" The assistant said no, the boys just like the skirts.

"Den, we can't buy that for him." Evan was confused.

"Sure we can bubs, think about it. He looks adorable, he loves fairy folk and his friends will be so pleased he looks like them."

"Oh, I suppose so, point taken."

Ayden wouldn't take the skirt off and I could see he was going to wear it out very quickly by the way he was throwing it about. I bought three different colours for him then we headed for home.

Susan was thrilled to see us and she made us feel very much at home. The tea room wasn't crowded but a good scattering of mums and kids having their afternoon teas. She smiled constantly as she sat with us, this life agrees with her I think. We were updated on what the new men were doing in her kitchen and Pat has already added eastern food to the now very robust menu.

"They can't get enough of it down here Rita. I hope it hasn't impacted on your curry nights."

"No Susan, not at all, you go for it my love. I have no plans to keep it for my customers." She laughed. Rita has had some eastern food on her menu for months now, Susan just hadn't noticed it.

When we arrived home Abs, Horse, Tony and Cyn were having hamburgers on the porch.

"Did you get it all done, what the hell has he got on?" Horse yelled.

"His new fairy dress Horse, doesn't he look adorable, and yes we got it all done?"

"Yes he does Den, he looks great." Horse made a fuss wanting Ayden to give him a little dance recital.

"Evan's just getting the mattress out of the trailer now."

"Well go and have a look at your new bed, off you go." He was talking to Ayden who was jumping up and down like a ballerina, he ran off into the shop through to his bedroom.

I could hear squealing coming from that direction as I followed.

It was beautiful, Horse and Tony had done a great job, no hard edges. Just two surfboards down each side and a couple of bright skim boards for the ends, it looked amazing. Ayden hugged it to bits then Evan and Donk hauled in the mattress. Rita made a big fuss as Ayden helped her make it, or unmake it. When it was all ready I grabbed a bottle of juice from his cupboard and he got in under the covers. He insisted Pa got in with him to try it out.

"Thanks guys, it's amazing."

"That's okay Den, we had a lot of fun making it," Tony said.

"It suits his lifestyle down to a tee," Evan replied as he shoved Ayden over to get into bed with him.

I went to get a bucket of water to put the flowers in and placed it in our bathroom out of the way. I put Ayden's extra skirts in his drawer, then I had more coffee. After a half hour Evan hadn't followed me, so I went out the back to check my boys. They both were fast asleep along with some assorted teddy bears and favourite toys and trucks. I went up to the cafe to speak to Alex for a minute.

"No Den, we leave Saturday so another four days yet."

"That's good, I can get all my city stuff sorted out before you go then, do you need anything?"

"No, we are pretty well fixed Den. I was thinking we might take a week and go to New York to see that other brother of mine."

"Why don't you go with them Rita?"

"Not this time Den, there's more important people here to tend to at the moment, maybe next year." I think she was thinking of Birdy.

My boy looks handsome today, well he always looks that way. His white vest, red shorts and purple fairy skirt flashed by me as he ran into Rita's cafe. Evan and I had packed up his SUV with flowers and a cooler full of cold drinks and sandwiches. We are off to Melbourne to see two precious people who sadly have left this earth. Rita had everything under control, and our travelling meals were all done by the time we had finished our showers.

I won't go too much into this area, but going to the cemetery is something we both needed to do, and it's not far to Springvale so we will swing by Jack's joinery business and have a look at his works.

"Come on Ayden, hurry up."

"Coming dadeee," he screamed.

"Nana kisses, bye."

Well I know what he's saying, he's kissing nanna and whoever is in the kitchen with her goodbye. This might take a minute or two so I took the opportunity to kiss my man in the shop. It will be open later today after we get back, and if we get caught up Donk will do it.

I went to snaffle my son and he screamed, laughing as I tickled him then threw him over one shoulder. He waved to his mates and by the time he had realised he was being kidnapped, he was already belted into his seat and we were driving out onto the road. I did hear a soft,

"Oh," coming from the back seat.

It only took five minutes for him to lose interest in the cows and sheep in the paddocks and along the way and his head fell to the side, he was fast asleep, again.

Evan as usual drove responsibly, but at the top end of the speed limit. He wanted to get today over and done with as soon as he could.

He hates leaving the bay for the city, he would much rather surf the coast or play with his son and me.

"Did you bring vases Den?"

"Yes baby, Rita gave us some big jars. I'm sure the ones we took last time will be gone by now."

"Good and have you got Jack's address?"


I took his hand and squeezed it, he looked sideways at me.

"Forget it big boy, concentrate on your driving.

The time went fast, only forty minutes to get to where we wanted to be. Evan found the gravesite within minutes and we parked near it. I left the windows and doors open because Ayden was still asleep. We took some of the flowers and walked over to Carol's resting place. I filled the bottles with water while Evan swept the dust off her tombstone, then arranged the bright flowers in it.

Ayden was waking up so we got his stroller out and moved him into it.

He started talking almost immediately and escaped his ride then sat on the granite grave. He wasn't talking to his mum, he was talking to the flowers, even touching each one of them. Very strange but cute. I said my prayers and Evan took some shots of us both sitting there. Then it was his mum we went to see. We did the same thing and Ayden repeated his words, even kissing the flowers this time.

Evan teared up a little but quickly got a hold of himself.

"Let it out Bubs, there's no one here."

"It's okay Den, I just had a moment that's all."

I stood behind him and pulled him back into me. We stood like that for ages, then I kissed his neck and we started for the car.

Ayden was talking his head off and I felt calmness as we drove onto the freeway towards Jack's business.

We pulled into the small parking lot around lunchtime. Jack waved as we put our boy into his stroller and Evan picked up the cooler. We thought we would have some lunch while we were there.

"Mi, Mi," Ayden screamed. Mike appeared out of the tearoom to surprise us. He swooped Ayden up and kissed him while we hugged Mike.

"I thought you would be in school today?"

"No, I don't start back until tomorrow Den so I had to come and see my mate here, nice dress bubby." He tickled Ayden then put him on the ground.

"No dress Mi, bubs fairy."

"Oh okay bubby, it looks really nice." Ayden danced around a bit to show it off.

"It's good to see you Mike."

"You too Evan."

I started looking around the small factory then I noticed a showroom type of display.

"Is this all your work Jack?" I flipped through a catalogue.

"Yes Den, it's all mine. That's the standard kitchens, the better ones are in the other catalogue, the one that looks like nobody has touched it." He laughed.

"You don't sell many of these?"

"No Den, customers don't have that sort of cash nowadays, it's specialist work and takes ages to perfect. Like Tony's tables, I won't compromise on them, but they do get a little expensive."

"Okay did you get a phone call from Horse?"

"Yes Den, he said you were to take some brochures and catalogues home for him."

"That I will do and I want some photos too, but first let's have some lunch, I'm starving." He led us into a makeshift tea room and Evan and Mike unloaded the food. I looked through Jack's kitchens and some of them were amazing, quality plus, high end material.

"So Mike are you ready for school?"

"Yes Evan, I'm all caught up and raring to go this year, Emma's going to be a distraction though."

"Whys that Mikey? I asked.

"She's so cute Den, I won't be able to put her down to study." He grinned, we laughed. Ayden ate his sandwich and had some milk then he wanted to explore. We watched him pick up a piece of wood and bang it on the concrete floor, woops bub not on your head, it's too hard. He started with a long face then the tears arrived, he was trying to be brave but it must have hurt him. It's that co-ordination thing he's got to get under control.

Mike distracted him and his decibels decreased to a more dad friendly whimper, then a giggle, then a laugh.

"Dad, bikkies."

I found a couple of his special biscuits with his name on and passed them over. He's happy again now.

Next: Chapter 57

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