Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 23, 2018


Ayden's Eyes 50

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He was gone in the morning but I'd felt whisper kisses on my neck before the door closed. I went to the toilet and washed up then went to get Ayden ready. No bubby today, I must have lost him somewhere during the night. Walking out to the porch Susan had him in her arms and he was having another ten minutes.

"Good morning," she mouthed.

"Hi yourself, good to see you."

"Pat and I came early, he wanted to get a surf in and Rita's just packing the cakes and pies up."

"How was your business yesterday?"

"Awesome Den, I was run off my feet all day. Is Christmas like this too Den?"

"Busier and more campers too." I smiled.

"Coffee?" I offered.

"Yes please, I think Rita's already getting that." She giggled.

"I want to go have a look at Spud's house, do you think they will be up?"

"He opens at nine honey and I can see some kids lined up already, he's been very busy."

"Oh, maybe I will leave it until after the holidays then."

"Have your coffee and I will walk up with you, one of the guys will show you through the property. There isn't much to do except exchange money for tokens and Ali is looking for an automatic machine that does that. It will free Spud up for some playtime." I grinned.

Rita arrived with the coffee and some eggs for Bubs, but he had already fallen back to sleep so she sat and sipped her tea.

"You might like to think about putting in a few machines Sue, Spud's are doing great," Rita was making a suggestion.

"You know Rita, we haven't got the time to even go look at the moment, and if we did Pat and Harry would be playing them all the time, more work for me I think." She smiled that beautiful smile of hers.

"Who's Harry?" Rita was curious.

"The new cook, he's from somewhere in the east and knows his food. If I was to hazard a guess I would say that Ali and the boys would know him." Her face had a smirk on it.

"He's there to protect you both and to warn Abs if anyone suspicious is hanging around," I blurted out.

"I thought so, the name Harry just doesn't suit him. I will have to get his real name off him and buy him some skimpy shorts and a tank."

"There's another one there too, but apparently he's invisible," I added.

"Really? I will keep my eyes open then."

Rita took Ayden and placed him in the bean bag while I walked Susan up to Spud's place. He was happy to see her and Mike was there waiting for his big girl hugs. I asked Ali if he could do the royal tour of the house for Susan because I wanted to get back to my boy. Mike followed me back and swept and dusted the shop out. He said they didn't need him until six tonight so I said he could chill out with us or sit behind the counter until twelve. I will shut the shop, then reopen at two.

He was happy to do that so I grabbed a blank canvas; I had better get back to work.

"Dah." I heard and my heart skipped a beat when I looked at him with those blue eyes beaming.

"Hello Bubs, did you have a good sleep?"

"Dah, up dah."

I put my brush down and picked him up for more cuddles and kisses.

Tush brought his eggs back and I spooned them into him. Then the basket appeared so we decided to take it down to the guys. I covered my work and cleaned my brush, ready to get back to it this afternoon.

Evan saw us and was first out of the water, Donk, Tiny, Nuts and Trip were next. They began eating their bacon and egg burgers and talked about going to Cowes for the weekend, it was too busy here again.

"You want to go Bubs?"

"No Den, the shops too busy."

"I will look after it though Bubs, I have back up, Mike's already been working behind the counter."

"But you paint, I do the shop, that's our deal."

I looked at Ayden for guidance.

"He poops, sleeps and eats Den, it's not really a job, but that's all he's capable of at the moment."

He started laughing at my face.

Pat arrived just in time to snaffle the last roll, he looked well but tired.

"Just get over the next two weeks then you can relax for a month or two," I advised him.

"Fat chance of that Den, we haven't stopped, I haven't even got time to surf much."

"Oh, so it's a bad thing?"

"Fucking yes Den, a friggin bad thing." He laughed.

"I told you it was a little goldmine when I sold it to you."

"I know Donk, and it is, I hope the price hasn't gone up too much."

"No Pat, the price stays the same as agreed."

"Good because will you accept cash?"


"We are doing exceptionally well Donk so we now have the cash, or check if you would prefer. Dad has put in some money but we can pay him back later."

"A bank draft will be fine; Evan can you start the ball rolling?"

"Sure Donk, all I have to do is submit the title."

"Thank you Pat, I will get it to Kate when I can."

"You don't own half Donk?" I asked.

"Yes Den, but Kate needs the money desperately, whereas I can always find some work." I saw him stare out to sea, I think that fire will never go out.

I walked back with my son and he is trying to find some flowers for his nan, but unfortunately there isn't any. I put together some leaves for him; leaves are nice too. He ran up the porch and gave them to her and she made a fuss then put them in a jar of water. I put the basket on the bench and ordered more coffee. Ayden wanted to stay and talk so he was planted in his high chair while I went to do some work and to check up on Mike. He had a couple of lookers in and gave me the thumbs up.

I painted non-stop for the next two hours then Alex placed a couple of plates of assorted sandwiches on the table, so I put my brush down and settled into eating a couple.

"Dah dah," my boy was waddling down the porch, he sort of runs now so maybe he's forgotten how to walk. I sat him on the chair next to me and put some chicken pieces on a small plate for him.

His hands felt wonderful, Evan was back and massaging my neck while the boys helped themselves to some sangers. I hadn't realised it was close to two, I looked around for Mike and he was still in the shop.

"Why didn't you close up Mike?"

"I was having so much fun, I kept it open and lucky I did because I sold two of Spud's paintings to a guy. Also Evan, I think you should clean out the register, there's no room left." He grinned. Evan got up and checked and came back smiling with another wad of money.

"Thanks Mike." He squeezed his shoulder.

"It was okay just a constant trickle of customers but I coped."

"Well you should have come and got me." I looked at him.

"Den, I think you were elsewhere, you were painting your heart out when I came looking for you, anyway Tush helped a little there at one stage so all's good."

"Okay, but tomorrow you close at twelve, chill out have a rest and a milkshake."

I was wanting to look at the painting, it was another beach scene, I don't remember trancing and I didn't get any sudden urges this time.

I lifted the sheet and gasped. Staring back at me was Donk and Kate having a sunbake on the beach. They were surrounded by fairy folk, were holding hands and smiling at each other. She had a vintage swimsuit on and he his aqua board shorts. This isn't what I wanted to paint, the scene in my head was totally different. In the background was Ayden in his red shorts playing with his truck and he had a cheeky grin on his face. The folk were helping him move the truck around.

"What the bloody hell? This isn't what I wanted to paint."

Later that day I showed it to Donk, he gasped.

"It's beautiful Den, so relaxed looking. I can feel the calmness," Donk quietly said.

"Well it's yours Donk, do you think Kate will like it?"

"Den, you can't just give me the painting, but I really can't afford to buy it either and she would love it."

"Well it's our gift to you both, and I know deep down she has to see it Donk, so I suppose it will hang on her wall. You can give it to her when you drop the money off." I smiled because I felt Mrs. Donk had to look at this loving painting, it might remind her who truly loves her. I know he still does, I see it in his eyes.

"Thank you Den, it's awesome."

"When does she finish University Donk?" Sticky beak me had to know.

"Ten months, she's only there to finish her certificate then she will probably open a pharmacy, maybe back down here." He was distant.

"Has she said she wants to come back here?"

"Yes Den, she misses the beach vibe and she's very depressed about what happened, she has no answers and I just want her forgiveness for my terrible behaviour." Yep, he still loves her, and I know this painting is going to be the catalyst, the healing force.

"Bubs do you think we should open a small goods store, maybe on one of the vacant lots?"

"What for Den, Longford's only ten minutes up the road?" He stretched out on the bed.

"Yes, but if we say, open one and put Donk in to run it, then Mrs. Donk can open her pharmacy in it too when she's ready, people need pills here too you know." I smiled.

"Leave them alone Den, Donks is taking things really easy and doesn't want to make the same mistake twice with Kate. He adores her but he loves his surfing more; so it's up to her whether she wants him to work it out or not."


"Well when they got married they opened the cafe, then Donk went surfing and Kate was stuck in the tea rooms doing it all on her own. Donks very remorseful, he understands now, but he can't understand why he treated her so badly in the first place. Tiny's been working with him and he's starting to open up to us. I think it's more embarrassment than anything else." See, I should have asked Evan in the first place, he knows everything.

"You know Bubs, they remind me of your mum and dad in a way. They coped all right didn't they?"

"Yes Den, my dad adored my mum and vice versa."

I looked at him and opened my hands.


"I see what you mean Den, yes they are similar in a lot of ways. Maybe we can think on it later in the year." One last grunt did the job then I pulled my shorts up and Evan hit the bathroom.

Ordering coffee, I then re-opened the shop. Mike was eager to help; he didn't want money, he just wanted to get away from the crying new born. I laughed at him and he said he loved her but she has got a good set of lungs, especially when she's hungry. I remembered those days, Ayden didn't actually scream a lot, maybe because we didn't let him get hungry. We had Susan on call and I suppose she kept the bottles up to him, but it's all a haze now. The more I tried to remember those early days the more my head hurt. Evan came out just as Horse handed Ayden over to me, he was wanting to go see how Tony was getting along.

Bub got really busy again and I could see kids lining up at the parlour while Rita was still run off her feet although Tiny was helping out there. The guys were too busy posing for photos to do any work and I heard Rita scream,

"When you two are quite finished, there's work to be done in here."

"Coming Rita," they both said in unison.

As I watched the café diners eating their meals I suddenly had a flash so I ran to get a blank canvas and started drawing. I won't trance this time, I had a grip on myself and a definite scene to paint. Ayden was eating a big red lobster at one of the tables and the fairy folk were diving from it into a strawberry milk shake. His mouth was huge as he slipped a piece of white meat into his gob. His toy cars were scattered on the table and they were being driven by more folk, they were having a race.

I grinned as I looked over the sketch and couldn't wait to paint it. I noticed Bub's hair was getting blonder and his perfect skin was darker with every painting I had doing; I must start putting more skin softener on him, otherwise he will have trouble when he's older.

"Den." I smiled.


"Oh yes Bubs?"

"Den, there are people here to see your paintings, have you any for sale?"

"Yes Bubs plenty, where are they?"

"In the shop waiting, they are looking at Spud's at the moment but they want to see yours." I got up and covered my work,

I was thinking about it when I went to talk to the customers. It immediately hit me when a very elegant lady turned around, she was magnificent and I had the urge to bow to her.

"Den, pleased to meet you at long last, my name is Aisha and this is Mil and Tor my friends. This artist, ur Spud, he is a wonderful painter, my husband has several of his works and I would like to buy some. Also, I want a birthday present for him and I know he loves your works immensely; do you think we could have a look at them?"

"Of course Aisha, gentlemen, please follow me." My nerves are coming on.

I took them into the lounge room, something was niggling away at me and my butterflies started flying as soon as we were alone, then I had to say it,

"What took you so long your highness?" I bowed because I knew immediately who she was.

"Turbulence Den, then we had to stop in Singapore for lunch." She smiled, she was so beautiful.

"He will be so happy to see you; he misses his mum."

"I am overjoyed that the threat to him is over and I can visit whenever I get the urge to, now tell me is it true Spud looks like David?"

"Yes your highness he does; but he doesn't either, if you can understand that. He has a lot of David's features but a different personality. Spud is different and everyday Ali sees that and every day he falls for him a little more, he loves Spud for being Spud not David."

"I do understand, I have seen paintings of him and they do look very similar, but I know what you are saying, he is different inside and that's a wonderful thing for my Ali."

I showed her a painting I had done of the two of them and she immediately wanted it.

"Your highness, now you are practically family there will be no charge for family portraits. Please pick a few and please don't argue over prices, they are gifts."

"Won't Cynthia get mad?" she giggled.

"No, she has my eternal gratitude. I will always look after her, sometime soon she will get a few free ones too and that will make up for any leftover loose ends." I couldn't take my eyes off her, I think she was blushing.

"It's not what you are thinking your highness, I have to paint you, your structure is amazing, would you allow me to do a portrait?"

"Of course Den, it's just that I get stared at a lot and it can be quite intimidating sometimes, you're not actually ugly yourself. I think we will be good friends."

"We already are," I replied.

She looked through my works and then asked to see Ayden's Eyes, and when the three of them moved into Ayden's room they bowed to the king's painting then Ayden's. Before she looked closely at them she swept her hand over his cot and took a deep breath.

"I miss the smell of babies around me, where is he?"

"In the café with Rita your highness."

"Ah Rita, I must meet her too, I believe she's moving into my husband's harem soon." She burst out laughing then said,

"Den, just call me Aisha, let's go informal for this visit please."

"As you wish my queen, sorry Aisha."

"Now that we are practically family; Evan's nude?"

"Follow me." I smiled, she's going to see something really special now; and she did and I think she lingered.

Back to the lounge room, she chose two paintings and wanted four of Spud's, and insisted she pay for them.

"My husband has untold wealth, more than is reported Den so let me pay, I will feel better." I totalled them up with a decent family discount and she gave the papers to one of her men who punched numbers into his phone.

"Have you seen Ali yet?"

"No Den, let's surprise them."

"Spud will cry." I smiled.

"David was the same." She understood.

"Now I have seen your gorgeous man, I want to meet Rita if I could?"

"Come this way, we will go through the back." I showed them into Rita's kitchen and she immediately headed for Ayden whose face lit up.

"Quee me Bubs." His arms shot out and she picked him up and kissed him.

"Good to meet you Bubs, it's so good to hold you at long last." She kissed and smelt him. Tush walked in and looked shocked when he stared at Aisha, then he said something in Arabic and postured himself on the floor.

"Tush, is this the way you dress all the time now, don't you have any respect for yourself?"

"Forgive me my princess, we weren't expecting you so soon."

"Come here, I want to give you a hug." She smiled. He stood up and they hugged each other as she whispered a thank you in his ear. He nodded his understanding and then he introduced her to Rita. Aisha winked at me then walked around to Rita who nodded at me.

"My husband has good taste with his women I think Den."

Rita grabbed her ladle and was about to tap her on the shoulder and tell her to behave when Bubble came through the doorway. He screamed then hit the deck and we all laughed at his shocked face.

When he finally stood up he also got a firm hug.

"I must alert the prince," Tush said with a worried look on his face.

"You will do no such thing, I want to surprise him and Spud."

"Would you like coffee and sandwiches your highness?" Rita was back.

"Yes thank you Rita, and it is good to meet you at long last."

"Well cut out the harem bit and we will become firm friends I think."

"It's my husband's fantasy Rita, he knows if that sort of nonsense happens, I will personally cut off his testicles."

Rita gasped and held her throat and so did Tush and Bubble, Bubs and I chuckled along. Alex and Blue were introduced and they were both drawn into her beauty. Tush was going to make up a platter of sandwiches but she wanted a hamburger. We organized that and then walked down to our table, to everyone else there she was just a beautiful and elegant woman; dressed in Dior.

Her minders sat talking to Tush and Bubble at another table while she manoeuvred her way through half the hamburger.

"This is wonderful Den, she's a great cook."

"Bubs, my cue." He was back, it must have been a big shock for him but how the hell did he know she was a queen anyway?

"When do I get to meet the other king Den, I believe he's a hunk like my husband."

"He will be here soon; they are all down at the beach surfing at the moment but you just met his son Blue."

"The champion surfer, yes, he's a little honey too." God, I think Mavis is going to have some more fine specimens to ogle at.

Evan joined us, his customers were gone and he wanted coffee.

I introduced him to the queen and he was speechless. She quickly put him at ease and they too will become friends. Rita's café had calmed down too, so she joined us and was asking Aisha where she got her divine dress from. They talked quietly for awhile and Bubs went to sleep on her shoulder so I took him and put him in his bean bag. Bubble came over and said,

"My queen, our prince is coming for afternoon tea."

"Thank you Bubble." She was very polite.

I watched as Spud and Ali walked over to the porch, they didn't see her at first as they came up to the table; but when he did, he threw himself on the floor and Spud was shocked at the sudden manoeuvre.

"My queen, my mother, the jewel in my father's crown, I am very pleased to see you at last." That started his tears.

"Our diamond son, the spawn of your father's loins, please come give your mum a hug." Rita prickled up.

"It's all right Rita, it's just a game," Ali said as he moved into his mum's arms.

"Introduce me to Spud son then we can talk."

"Spud this is my queen, my mother, she has come to visit us."

Spud looked at her then fell over the railing and hurled his guts out into my beautiful rose bushes.

"I'm truly so, so sorry your highness, sometimes I get quite nervous; I think I have a weak stomach." Rita went to get a cool towel and Spud's hands shook. Aisha stood up and hugged him then looked his face over, I saw a few tears running down her cheeks so I whispered to her when she sat down again,

"Same, same but different, remember that my friend."

"Thank you Den, and Spud thank you for your magnificent welcome. In my country it's considered a compliment if someone hurls at the sight of you." She laughed then pulled him down to sit on the other side of her, while Ali was already talking at a hundred miles a minute.

"Your brother's not liking the island son, have you reconsidered going to live there again?"

"No way mum, I'm here to stay, these beautiful people are my friends and the Island did become a prison for me, here I feel so free."

She stroked his gorgeous face and seemed to have a slight smile on hers as she spotted Abs coming up the stairs laughing.

"Bow to your queen filthy camel herder, how dare you laugh in my presence."

Abs stood his ground then went to her, they kissed and hugged.

"Sister it has been too long; you still look amazing."

"Good to see you brother but you still smell of camel dung."

"Better than smelling like a Venetian brothel owner." Rita was about to have a go when everyone burst out laughing.

"He's my brother Rita so he's allowed to say such nasty things to me amongst friends." She smiled.

"Really, so he's Ali's uncle then?" I inquired.

"Yes Den, he's my uncle, although only a few years older than me, he's my mum's youngest brother." I was intrigued.

"So do we call you prince Abs?"

"No Den, I'm just a poor relative."

"Your no such thing Abs, you're a special part of my family. I thought the king got my message loud and clear on that subject, clearly he didn't pass it on to you. And Abs you are rich, rich in kindness, goodness and passion." Then poor Rita chipped in,

"Yes, I've heard all about the passion, when do I get to meet this woman who has stolen your heart?"

"Soon my beautiful sister, soon and you will like her, she also has a filthy mouth."

He sat with us and they talked in Arabic, Tush and Bubble were in on the meeting.

"I'm sorry everyone we are just talking about terrible families and bad times now gone, we won't be long." Ali smiled and then kissed Spud. After their meeting she asked Evan if she could look in his store for a moment. He unlocked the door and switched the lights on, she looked through his racks and tried a few summer dresses on. When she reappeared she handed the tags to her minder who paid for the items. She had chucked her Dior dress for some more Golden Bay friendly dresses. Unfortunately, she still looked like she had just stepped out of a fashion magazine.

"That's better, now I presume you are going to invite me to stay with you Ali and Spud, so can I get settled and have a shower, it's been a long trip?"

"Yes my mother, as soon as you're ready." Ali bowed his head.

"I hope the bed is large son, your father will smother me otherwise."

"What? My father?" Ali's face lit up.

"Yes son, he had business to discuss with the Australian government, I think he's just arrived. I just saw him going into your Arcade and will send you broke son, he tested all the machines out when he bought them." Ali didn't wait for her to finish, he was up and running towards the Arcade before Spud even realized what was happening.

"I will talk to you all later I must wash the desert sands off my body. Rita I will be here for awhile and I want you to teach me how you make those delicious hamburgers, Evan nice buns by the way. See you Den and Bubs, sleep soundly because we have some business to talk about." Bubs smiled in his sleep as if on cue as Evan blushed.

"But Bubs, she's a queen, how could I refuse her?"

"You say no Den, just a no will suffice."

"But she loves your buns." I smiled.

"Groan." Evan's so shy when it comes to showing himself naked to the world, I must do a full nude one day to see how he likes that; full on frontal too. I was getting a little fruity at the thought.

"Rita it's just a joke, you shouldn't let them bait you."

"I know that Den, I like her and the king, I wonder where she bought that divine dress, probably Paris or Milan, must have cost her a bomb."

I will ask Aisha and maybe order some for Rita as a Christmas present. Then I had an idea, better than Milan is Bobby Thompson's friend Cody Mitchell, his dress sense is apparently exquisite, maybe he might have some day dress designs for Rita.

Bubs was awake now and very alert; he was looking around for the queen because they have business to talk about. Horse and Tiny arrived and Rita went to organize some food. We told them that Arras and the queen had arrived and he was wanting to see them. Bubs sat on his knee talking away to himself, maybe he's practicing his speech? Just then Spud ran up and asked the boys if they could make a special welcome dinner for his in-laws tonight and Tush said to leave it to them. I took his hand and told him to take deep breaths and not to over excite himself.

He was overwhelmed with his royal guests. I must admit the butterflies in my stomach were making me a bit breathless too.

"Where is he?" Arras bellowed as he walked up to Horse and hugged him.

"Good to see you again my friend, I missed you, now give the baby to me."

"No he's mine," Horse replied.

"Oh and it's good to see you too Arras."

"Guards," he shouted, his men gathered.

"Baby for the king."

They held Horse and took a very excited baby off him and handed him to the king.

"That's better, you ought to learn some manners my friend."

"King Bubs, me Bubs." He kicked and giggled at the king's gentle touch. He sat down next to Horse and smiled.

"You really didn't think you could get away with it did you?"

"Well I thought I might give it another shot." Horse smiled at last.

"The house is beautiful Den, small but beautiful, my son is happy again."

"He certainly is Arras, happier than ever, now the threat has passed he can be himself once more."

"Thank you all for what you did for my son, and thank you Horse my friend, I am sorry you gave so much to make him safe." I got his meaning and so did Horse.

"She was a special kind of idiot Arras, but I wouldn't have my Blue if she hadn't existed so I guess I have her to thank for that. She made her bed and her own decisions and she wasn't always drinking but mostly. I had a midnight surf for her and I hope she is happier where she is now. Ali will always be safe here with us, I know that to be true in my heart."

"Thank you Horse, has the money come through yet?"

"No Arras, I am not so concerned with that only that everyone involved is safe, and please let's not talk on it again, I don't want my son to hear any of it. As far as he's concerned she's just moved on."

"Deal my friend, I will get onto Tush to relocate the money for you."

"Thank you." I guessed that Horse had told Donk and the boys what happened, and I know they won't talk out of school.

Bubs had crawled up onto Arras's shoulder and was sucking his thumb so I will get some warm milk into him.

"Excuse me for a moment, baby needs milk." I walked up to the café and got Blue to zap a bottle for me.

When I returned Aisha, Ali, Spud and Abs were there, they were ordering coffee and she looked radiant, she was smitten with Horse me thinks. Rita brought the milk down and gave it to Arras then she sat down with them all.

The instant she sat my world thundered into overdrive; shocks attacked my body, my stomach twisted and my gentle butterflies went absolutely insane. I grabbed my stomach then looked up at them all, there was a golden glow over the table as they all sat together. I stood up and grabbed hold of the balustrade to settle myself. The singing in my ears was deafening and my eyes weren't seeing humans, they were seeing angels.

Thousands of fairy folk danced over their bodies, they were happily playing, and Ayden was laughing at them; holding them in his hands. Horse looked like he was gong to be ill and Aisha's and Rita's sun dresses looked absolutely beautiful, they were made out of butterflies, millions of butterflies.

"Den, Den," I heard Evans voice as I turned to look at him. His body armour shone like the golden sun as he came to me and calmed me down. I started weeping into his shoulder at the sheer beauty of his being. Everything had slowed down and it was hard to take all of it in. Crowns appeared on Horse's and Arras's heads followed by tiaras on Rita's and Aisha's, Ali and Bubs had smaller golden crowns on and Evan held me gently in his almighty golden arms.

"Den, what's the matter?" I heard him say. I tried to speak and as my right hand smoothed over his face I had the greatest urge to kiss him and I did, deeply and with all the love I could gather. It was a wonderful feeling, my Evan had saved me, he had calmed me and he had loved me. I felt it in every fibre, every nerve ending, every vein, spinning, my head was spinning, the music was loud.

I woke up in our bed, Evan was holding me and I felt nothing for awhile, I just smiled into his gorgeous face. Stroking it lightly, I kissed him again.

"Are you okay Den?"

"Yes Bub, just a moment, it's passed now, thank you."

"What were you seeing?"

"Gold, lots of gold, they all had crowns on, and Rita and Aisha's dresses were made out of real butterflies. There were thousands of fairy folk climbing all over the table and our friends. Ayden could see them and Horse could feel them. You were the most magnificent of all. You had a sort of gold suit of armour on and your first touch calmed me down, your second made me feel safe and your third made me love you more and more." I kissed him urgently.

"And there was music, music in my ears and it was so beautiful I wanted to cry."

"Well that's one for Horse to work out, do you feel the need to paint?"

"No, not yet but my butterflies have started again; maybe it will come on later."

"Have that sandwich and water, it will make you feel better."

"I would rather kiss you." I smiled.

"Okay, kiss me some more then eat." Which I did.

Ayden was all smiles when he saw me so Horse had to pass him over as I sat with everyone, they were all staring at me.

"K Dah?" He looked concerned for me.

"Okay Bubs, Dah's okay now." I kissed him several times and he did me while holding his arms around my neck.

"Wata?" he added.

"Yes Bubs had my water."

"K now dah."

"Umm what just happened there, am I missing something?" Aisha asked.

"Den sometimes trances, he is covered in fairy folk and so is Ayden. We still can't work out how it's happening, but I know that I felt it. I felt awesome for a moment and I felt the folk all around me." That's right Horse, get onto them will you?

"My god, what did you see?" she asked. I told them what I had seen and for them not to worry because it doesn't effect me that badly, and it certainly wouldn't harm them. I was given coffee and another sandwich, then I asked Alex to send Rita down, I needed to test something. She came and sat at the table and was all smiles as she held my hand. Nothing happened, I didn't see anything, I didn't trance and I didn't feel my butterflies.


"What Bubs?"

"Go play." He pointed towards our beach.

"Have they, well I hope they are having fun?"

"Dey lub Dah."

"And I love you too my little beauty." I tickled him.

He giggled and stretched and I still have no idea what was going on, but I knew sometime soon I will get the urge to paint. And I know what to paint too, that glorious scene, two kings, two queens, two princes and an awesome knight.

"Nope, nothing's happening, it's just when Rita sat with you all things started to go haywire in my head. But not this time, which is good." I let everyone know I was all right and they needn't be too concerned.

Horse was explaining to Aisha what was happening and she was very intrigued but I don't think it was with me, maybe Horse's deep tones were mesmerizing her. It didn't go unnoticed by Arras.

We were shooed off to shower and change for dinner, I invited Mavis but she was having a barbecue with Anne and Jack and said she would call in on her way home.

I found some great hipster shorts for Evan to wear, he tried them on and I fiddled with his bits until they looked comfortable. We will shut the shop tonight and relax with good company. I checked the boys out and they didn't look any different than this afternoon but again, they look good in anything. Ayden struggled to find something to wear and after a lot of moaning he settled for his yellow shorts this time, and a white tank top.

The guys were already sitting at my magnificent table with Rita and Spud. Mike and Hulk have taken over the fun parlour and Ali will arrive with his parents and Abs. There will be no fighting over the baby tonight because I wanted to hold him. The table looked beautiful, Tush and Bubble had found some expensive looking crystal and had also done small bowls of rose petals. They arrived looking like a very happy normal family, Aisha had changed into a dinner dress and as Rita looked her up and down, I again thought of her Christmas present, I must get on to it.

They tried but I was quite firm that my son needed me tonight and Evan kept him amused by playing race cars with him. Horse gave me the evil eye and the king and queen were not amused.

"Oh for god's sake you lot, he belongs to us and we haven't seen him all day so give us a minute and then we will pass him around."

Then he did something I wasn't happy about, he stretched his hands out and said,

"Horth babby."

"Frigging hell, take him then." I passed him over to Horse and Ayden giggled into his neck, Horse grinned at us then smirked at Arras.

Of course I didn't mind but it was nice to have the allotted fifteen minutes with him anyway.

The food started coming down in dribs and drabs, lots of starters and nibbles, then the mains were served, lamb shanks and that gravy was one of the best I have ever had. The queen fed the king and the artist fed the prince, Spud was determined not to make a wrong move tonight so he said very little but just answered questions when required. I think he was a little nervous and we don't dine like this at all, so he probably felt a little out of his comfort zone.

The dinner had been spaced out over three hours and after the shanks I was feeling over full. I drank water and I listened to all the jokes and joined in the festive night, that was until around ten. I then put Ayden to bed as he was knackered. It started as I walked back to the porch, the butterflies gripped my stomach and my head started aching so bad, then I started getting the urge to paint. I excused myself and I heard Evan do the same as I walked through the shop.

I took a big blank canvas and my paints then moved to the back porch, Evan was sitting with me, I painted for hours. While I did this I was taken into a different world. I didn't recognise it at first, then it hit me like a blast of cold empty air. I was pulled into a waking nightmare. My beautiful son had died and I was lost to humanity, a desperate, awful emptiness overshadowed my being and my nightmare was endless, I was in a trance.

Dens Trance.

After fighting with every emotion known to man I finally came out of that hideous nightmare and slowly opened my eyes, I had to know. As I stared at the painting my head started pounding and I fell sideways onto the deck holding it. Electric shocks bombarded my brain and I heard,

"Dah help baby."

I saw Ayden's body smashed on the pavement alongside my wife's bloodied corpse, I screamed my lungs out as I struggled with his horrible death.

"Help him, help him," I screamed trying to wake the fairy folk.

"He's back, nurse get the machine unhooked."

"Den, can you hear me?" I saw a doctor, but he wasn't a doctor, it was Tiny talking to me.

"Den we have just given you a mild dose of shock treatment, can you hear me?" I gathered my strength and answered,

"Yes Tiny, what happened?"

"Later Den, it looks like we have had some success, thank god." He smiled as I looked over at the nurse who was beaming and I saw tears in her eyes, she was Rita and she said,

"Good Den, we finally have a breakthrough, thank god you're back, Evan's going to be very happy I think."

In the haze I saw many friends, kings, queens and princes, a load of surfers, people I knew, people I recognised; Susan, Pat Spud, Mike, Anne and Jack plus there were millions of bright fairy folk and butterflies covering my bed.

Horse came into the room carrying my baby, he placed him on the bed with me and I wept into his tiny outfit, he looked no more than two months old, the fairy folk covered him.

Mike brought me a sandwich and water, he looked so happy and Bubble and Tush did a dance as they moved the machines away from my bed. I saw them all in my trance, and they were so happy I was back, but back from where exactly? The smell of the hospital was making me feel sick and one by one my friends slowly disappeared until there was only Evan, Horse, Rita and Ayden.

"I love you so much Den." He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you Evan for being here for me. thank you for not giving up"

"I don't want to be anywhere else Den, and no, I will never give up."

I ached all over and wanted to sleep, I had that dreadful falling feeling again. I watched my son fall off the balcony with my wife. I screamed then ran downstairs to their side on the pavement. I looked into my baby's black eyes as he shook violently, then he died in my arms.

Next: Chapter 51

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