Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 12, 2018


Aydens Eyes 48

"Dah!!." He screamed. I looked around and there was this woman dressed from head to toe in a black robe, she was holding a large knife in her hand. I screamed more in shock than anything, my stomach ached so bad. The next thing that happened was so quick it took me awhile to process it. Abs was behind her and had her by the throat, I think he snapped her neck; as she dropped the knife I kicked it under Ayden's cot.

"Den Den what's the matter are you okay?" It was Evan.

"Evan go back and lock the door." I yelled, but by this time the woman had slumped to the floor in a dead thud. Abs then took her ankles and dragged her out the back door I heard a thud as he threw her over the balcony.

"Lock your doors." He ran off, Evan ran to me I was shaking all over.

"What the fucks happening Den, is Ayden okay?"

"Ayden." I moved back to him he was still asleep but less agitated.

"Something's happening there was a woman dressed in black in his room when I came to check him. I think she intended to kill him Evan, she had a knife." I shook all over.

"Oh Den, surely not."

"She's laying in the back yard dead, Abs killed her didn't you see it?" I was in shock, and all this was so surreal. My butterflies calmed down a bit, all I felt was dread.

"No Den I was too busy trying to get to you and Ayden to notice." He was in shock.

He went out the door and looked there was nothing to be seen, no woman, no body.

I picked my baby up and took him into the bedroom where I whispered to Evan to come with us.

"No lights bubs just lock the door and push the dresser in front of the window."

As I placed bubs into bed I heard light tapping, it was Horse.

"What the fucks happening, there's people creeping around everywhere. I just saw Abs carry someone down towards the beach what was that all about."

"Someone tried to kill Ayden, I think Abs stopped her I think he killed her, although I'm not sure it all happened so quickly" I slumped on the bed.

"Fuck me, have you checked Rita?"

"No. I was about to go in there." Evan replied.

"Leave it to me." Horse opened our door.

"Oh god Horse be careful." I whispered.

He crept down the porch and went inside, I could hear talking and he and Rita quietly walked back into our bedroom.

"Are you okay Rita?"

"Yes something woke me, there's people moving around outside Ali's house. I locked my door I was too scared to move but I sent spud a message to lock himself in and call Tush and Bubble." She slumped on the bed also.

"My god Den what's happening, I am so worried for the boys?" She was very agitated. I didn't tell her about the attempt on bub's life I didn't want to worry her, not at this very moment.

"I called Abs because I saw two figures across the road in the shadows, but unfortunately I didn't see the third one. He said to lock the doors and stay inside."

"Fucking hell, I have to find out if Spuds okay I will be back." Horse moved to go to the door.

"No Horse, is Tony locked in?"

"Yes he's safe I made him lock the door and bolt it."

He pulled his phone out and sent him a message, he answered he was all right. Another tap on the door it was Spud and Ali. Rita immediately jumped up and hugged them both she started crying. Spud was shaking as he held onto her.

"It's safe It's okay just some hoods trying to rob us the men have resettled them, there's no more around. Does anyone want coffee, I have Tush starting up the machine."

"Bullshit, don't tell us any bullshit Ali or by god I will beat it out of you myself." Horse got mad. Ali went blank he didn't elaborate.

"It's safe now it's all over, go get Tony we will all have some downtime on the porch." Now he looked worried because Horse was standing over him.

Bubs let out a very loud giggle he was back with us, I picked him up and both Evan and I kissed him he wanted to play with my nose I must clip his fingernails again; shit that hurt.

When we crowded onto the porch Tony ran in and grabbed Horse.

"I've never been so scared in my whole life, thank god you are all okay, you fool why did you even want to get involved?"

"I felt I had to Tony, just a feeling that's all but it was over before it started; oh hell Jay?"

"He's fine and will be here in a minute Hulk had his back." Ali said.

"So what the fuck is happening Ali?" Horse took charge.

"Can we wait for Abs please?"

"Okay but I want real answers." He was getting madder, and as I looked at him I more and more thought he was acting like a true leader would.

Tush bought a big pot of coffee out then went go get the mugs. He winked and smiled at me giving me a calming feeling. Evan had taken Ayden, then he sat and poured himself a drink. There were still no lights on only the one from Rita's kitchen. Jay arrived full of questions and we all hugged him and made sure he was safe. Thank god the other two boys were still away Blue would be going berserk by now.

Abs walked up the stairs to the porch he looked business like and had words with Tush before he came to talk to us.

"The robbers have been disposed of, they will not bother us again." He stopped and looked down the road there was a divvy van coming, some one must have called the cops.

"Leave it to me." Horse said then added.

"If its Tine's brother in law he will believe me."

"Be very cautious with what you tell him my friend; they were house robbers nothing more." Abs held Horses arm.

He nodded slowly then walked down the steps to meet the car as it swept its spotlight onto all of us. He talked to them for a few minutes then they did a U turn and started shining the light onto the foreshore as they went back down the road. We watched as they turned the corner, and until we could no longer see the light.

"They wont come back I told them we had a couple of house invaders hanging around, but they ran off down the beach when they saw us, thank you Tony for your concern." He grinned at him.

"Well I was scared for everyone so I called them, what else could I do?"

"It's a good thing you did Tony, and we thank you." Abs said.

"Now, explain what's happening Abs, I demand you do."

"When the guys get back Horse but be assured it is over, my Prince is safe and so are all you. I will have some answers soon."

We looked at each other not knowing what to say, Ayden was trying to make conversation then he wanted Evan to hold him closer. Bubs almost cried when he brushed his face and smiled at him.

He lifted him closer and kissed him many times. I think the `what if's?' just hit him hard.

Bubble and Hulk appeared they pulled Abs and Tush aside and they talked for ages up Rita's end of the porch. They kept looking at us every now and then. Bubble came down and asked if he could borrow Evans laptop. I went and got it for him. He sat at the table and fired it up.

"Now we follow the trail." He grinned. He tapped away while Rita went to make more coffee, she made Tush go with her. I understood she was still jumpy; she wont sleep alone tonight even if I have to shove her in bed with us three.

Bubble turned the computer off and nodded to Abs.

"Confirmed." He said.

"The three assassins were sent from the enemies of the King, they were here to kill Ali Bubble Hulk and Tush." Jay gasped.

"Two brothers and a woman were involved; this is the result of the man they killed who was abusing Hulk. They were what's left of his family, it has been wiped out. There will be no more trouble Hulk is free at last." Hulk was held by his friends including Jay.

"The whole immediate family has been wiped out the King has ordered the rest to be imprisoned for treason against the crown." The two men were sons of the original attacker they were here on their mother's orders; she is already dead. Please believe no one under thirty was involved, only the adults." He looked at us then he looked at Horse.

"Horse my best friend, I have some very unpleasant news for you. I think we should talk in private, because it concerns your immediate family." He looked sad.

"I am with my family you can speak freely in front of them Abs my friend."

"So be it." He took a deep breath.

"The woman was recruited to their cause with the offer of untold wealth. She is Australian and was a decoy for the other two, but she didn't know she was being used. They told her you slept in the spare room of this house and she was here to kill you, not bubby." Rita gasped her head snapped around and she glared at me.

Horse leaned back his brow wrinkled as he tried to understand what Abs was saying.

"Horse my friend I am deeply sorry I had to do this to you." I saw a tear run down his cheeks.

"The woman's name was Louise; she was paid handsomely but fell for their lies. She was here to kill you for the money but while she made a decoy scene they were going to murder Ali." He put his hand on Horses shoulder, his tears now flowing. Horse put his hand on Abs and squeezed it.

"You did what you had to do, poor Louise she never could resist a pile of dough (money)." Tony hugged him and we all wanted to do the same but later in private.

"Horse I have to know what you want to do, she is dead and we can make it look like a suicide, or we can simply make her disappear."

"Are you sure it was her?"

"Yes Bubble confirmed it after talking to one of the assassins he searched for her bank and found a lot of money was deposited into her account yesterday. We knew they were here we just didn't know how they were going to attack. Everyone was covered and completely safe, except we didn't know about her."

"Can you make her just disappear, I don't want Blue thinking his mum committed suicide, better he thinks she just ran off somewhere."

"Anything you want my friend, you will hear no more of it, and I will get Bubble to transfer her bank account to an account in Switzerland, we will send the money back sometime in the future for you to have, or pass on to Blue"

"You can do that?"

"Of course my friend and I am sorry." Horse stood up and hugged him again, he couldn't blame him because he thought she was there to kill his little mate. We watched them hug for some time then Tony cleared his throat.

"How much are we talking about here?" He said.

"A mil." Bubble answered.

"Oh I wonder if Blue needs a lover." That broke the sad scene as Horse laughed and took Tony in his arms and said.

"I love you so much dick head."

"What dick head?" Hulk said.

"Drop your shorts and I will show you big boy." Jay screamed laughing.

"Jay!!" Rita screamed back.

"Sorry Rita." We tried to process what had happened. I worried for Ali and I dreaded what would have happened if Louise had got to Ayden. But I am sure it would have shocked her to see him and not Horse in that bedroom.

They didn't tell us how they disposed of the three bodies and in our real world I couldn't comprehend it, but I was assured by Bubble it was common practice in his world. Everything had been cleaned up and was made untraceable.

My little man was very tired and it's going to be hard to get him to go back to sleep, so he will hop in with us. I asked Tush about Rita he said they will sleep in Spud's room tonight.

So I said my good nights to everyone and gave Horse a peck on the cheek and a hug. Evan said he wont be long, I was about to open the shop door to go through to our bedroom when I suddenly had a thought.

"Rita we didn't have brandy."

"Shit Den I forgot." She went red.

I laughed as I walked to the back, I checked every cupboard and room twice then put my baby into our bed. He giggled away as I slipped in next to him.

"Go to sleep bubs."

"Dah okay now."

"Yes everything okay." I kissed him then shut down for the night. I had no idea when Evan came to bed but I knew he was beside us making everything safe.

We had a late morning and when I finally woke Evan was gone. He hadn't gone surfing he was with the guys checking around the property. Horse had worded Tiny Trip and Nut's up Donk was at work in the fabric warehouse. I wondered again if there was anything I could do for him.

"Good morning Den, did you sleep okay?" Rita asked as she bought coffee and a bottle of milk down for us.

"Yes my friend I didn't dwell on it, and was so tired I dropped off as soon as my head hit the pillow."

"Me too, I felt safe with Tush and Bubble sleeping in the other room. I shudder to think if it had all gone pear shaped. I wish I had the boys still living with me I am so worried about them."

"Well we have to believe Abs that there wont be any more trouble coming from that family, hopefully when Christmas arrives everything will get back to normal."

"I'm sure it will, have you heard from Mike?"

"Yes they will be down early next week he's very excited about something he has to tell us, and I believe little Emma is beautiful."

"I can't wait to give her cuddles Den."

"Me too, they are so nice and at that age." I looked at my son, and my butterflies started. They are nice at two years old too I kissed him as he sucked away on his bottle. He's going to have another ten minutes sleep soon.

I took the street painting out and started to blank out the dark figures I will auction this one, I don't want to look at it anymore.

We exchanged notes about last night, and I told Rita what I thought was happening with Ayden being attacked. She understood and her smile returned when the kids came up for breakfast. Business as usual, nothings changed as a car load of day trippers arrived for a big breakfast. Tush and Bubble were already at the grill cooking away so Rita asked the boys and me what we wanted, then she moved back to he café.

"Did you sleep all right Spud?" He blushed and replied.

"Well I was so tired when we finally got to bed. I wanted to go to sleep straight away but Ali had other ideas. It seems a little murder or two gets him turned on." He giggled Ali went bright red.

"It did not my Spudly, I wanted to sleep but your ass was in the way."

"Sure my Prince, that's why you asked me to pass the lube." I laughed my head off. Evan kissed my head, he said everything looked kosher around the properties.

"Did you find the bodies bubs?"

"No Den we were just looking for loose ends that's all."

"There wont be anything, my men are thorough. The bodies were picked up from the beach by the two men that reside in Longford." Ali said.

"My God have you got people everywhere Ali?" Evan asked.

"Well there are the two in Longford, two in Sale, and Two in Warragul and we also have a fishing boat in Lakes Entrance. You maybe have seen it sometimes off your beach."

"Bloody hell." Tiny blew his breath out.

"Please don't say anything but one of the guys in Longford works for Susan and Pat, it's the hub of the town so the best place to hide him; he's also an excellent cook." Ali smiled.

"And the other?" I asked.

"He's unseen, invisible to everyone I can't divulge his secrets."

"OOOH." Bubs agreed as he woke to really start his day. Big plates of scrambled eggs bacon tomato and toast started arriving and the boys dug in. I suppose they will go surfing later on, I bet they all will be on the lookout for the fishing trawler, which gave me another bright idea for a painting. I can see Ayden with a pipe in his mouth a knitted beanie and heavy coat sitting at the helm.

I fed my boy some eggs and toast, he was hungry this morning and as the vans rolled down the street I sat back and said to myself.

`Life's good.'

There were people coming and going all morning, both Evan and Rita were busy. The town was awakening after it's long winter sleep. The day wasn't hot but very pleasant, the boys went over to help Ali and Spud set up the shop, I could hear their laughter from where I sat.

"Den can you give me a hand?"

"Sure bubs, let me dump Ayden in the café wont be a minute."

I did just that then came back to help him out. He had a few customers that were wanting to pay for stuff so I clipped the tags off and rang the sales up. By lunchtime his register was full of money, I looked at Evan he was grinning so I afforded myself a simple pleasure as the last customer walked out I interfered with his shorts.

"Not now Den we have to go see how the games are going." He took my hand then locked the shop. He turned the sign around that said gone surfing reopening at Two. I grabbed Bubs and we toddled off to the boy's house.

Some machines were working and the bright lights beckoned me to slip a dollar in, but I resisted. It looked awesome, an old fashioned change booth was installed and Spud was counting out loose coins while the boys bought another monster of a machine through the side doors. Tony was overseeing their placements he was well suited for that job, and every time Horse was in reach he kissed him. I suppose we all feel a little closer today, nothing else was said but there were a lot of back slaps and hugs.

Abs and Hulk were helping and when they finally bought the last gaming machine in they placed some of Spuds paintings with prices on the walls. Tiny had helped them get the license for the shop in record time. His brother in law that works for the council had fixed all that up. I think Spud was going to test the machines then open in the morning.

"Tony, you are needed at the shop urgently." Jay ran in and said.

"What's up Jay?"

"Customers, I've never seen so many I can't handle them all, can you come back?"

Jay, instead of ringing Tony had run up to get him.

"Go Tony and thank you for your help, Abs and Horse go with him he may need you." Ali was delegating jobs.

They ran up the street and I did notice quite a few cars outside his gallery.

"Den you go back and paint I'll give a hand here for a couple of hours." Evan smiled into my face, if he only knew what he does to me.

"I can help here bub's, which machine do you want me to fuck you on?" I whispered in his ear. He cracked up laughing and I recon he would have chosen the surfing ride if we had been alone; his phone rang.

"Yes, oh okay, will be there in a minute." He hung up.

"People waiting to get into the shop, there go's my surf today." He grinned at me then took bubs to give to Rita.

I tried to give the guys a hand but they were too busy testing the machines, there were a couple of kids hanging around the front of the shop so Spud unlocked the door.

"Mister when are you going to open?" They asked Spud.

"Officially tomorrow morning, but I need three boys to test them out today, if you would like that job?"

"Would we, how much are they?'

"They are a dollar a go tomorrow but today they are free."

They whooped it up as they rushed inside to test out the games. Spud handed them a pile of tokens to use, they couldn't believe their luck.

"Testers also get a free hamburger and milkshake today only."

"They screamed." The chatter between them was wonderfully uplifting for everyone, and as for Spud I looked at him and winked, he smiled. That's the way it should be down here it's not the money it's the sound of happiness.

I was pushed out the side door ten minutes later and told to go paint so I walked back to the café.

"Good afternoon are you Mr Curtis?"

"Yes I am; do I know you?" I said as I walked up the stairs.

"No sir, my name is Robert Stanley, I am the curator of the Melbourne arts center, and I have been instructed by the powers that be to enter into negotiations for three of your works to be installed in the gallery." He smiled.

"Oh, please follow me, I think I have some out the back." I smiled because I knew I would donate them to the gallery or give them out on a perpetual loan.

I led him into the lounge where I had twenty or more paintings displayed, it was easier to hang them here.

"And Ayden's eyes?"

"In his bedroom, he wont sell it sorry." I giggled.

"Pity, but I must see it if I can."

I showed him to bubs room he gasped as those eyes enveloped him into the fairy world.

"This should be in the gallery Den, it's such an important work."

"Sorry Robert he wont part with it."

"We shall see." He smiled then he looked at the others and grunted.

"Everything in this room is not for sale, so don't start making lists." I laughed, he chuckled knowing I was serious. We went back to the lounge and he thoroughly looked at every piece then started taking some off the walls, he took four. They kind of matched color wise I suppose he's thinking they would make a nice set.

"I will take these four Den, and negotiate with the baby for Ayden's eyes." He laughed again then said.

"It should be surrounded with security, it's as I said an important work."

"He wont sell." Was again my answer.

I started packing up the works as he looked again, then he asked what the total was.

"They are a donation to the gallery Robert, I have been meaning to donate something to the people of Melbourne, but just haven't got around to it as yet."

"That's very generous of you Den, but I can't accept your offer I must pay."

"Oh then a couple of thousand will do."

"Den, I told you I was sent here from a higher power, the Australian government sent me and they have heaps of money, so I will pay it doesn't come out of the galleries funds this is a separate issue." He again smiled then added.

"May I have your bank details?" I handed over what he requested then he got on his IPad and tapped away.

"There one point two will that be enough?" I gulped.

"The government are loaded Mr Curtis." He roared laughing; I smiled.

"Den can you help me; oh sorry you have a customer." Evan looked lost.

"Go ahead Den, the transaction has gone through I will wait because now I have to talk to your son and have a Rita hamburger." He patted me on the shoulder as we walked out and said.

"Awesome paintings Den, we are so proud you're an Australian artist, it is uplifting to have seen your works." Then he went down to Rita's.

The shop was crowded and poor Evan didn't know where to turn, I got on the phone to Donk he was only a minute away.

"Who's next?" I started what was going to be a big afternoon for us all.

I chased a customer out to the porch he had forgotten his change, when I looked up to the Café there wasn't a spare table I indicated to Spud they could use our big table. Then I did a double take, Bubble and Tush were posing almost naked for photos, they had their tops off and flexed their arms wonderfully. The cameras were going off all over the place.


"Coming Evan."

Then I saw Blue and Alex pull into the driveway. I waved but had to get back. Donk was manning the boards and suits again while Evan tried to help with the swimwear. I took the money and wrapped the items. Alex and Blue ran in and hugged us three then went to the café I hope they were not too tired to help. After ten minutes Spud came in to help us, we were very grateful.

It didn't quieten down until after eight that night. For some unknown reason everybody decided to come here all at once. Evan shut up the shop he was exhausted and Donk was almost asleep on his feet. I told him to take a stay for the night not to drive home in that state. We finally ate and my baby was handed back to me. I thanked Rita for looking after him, she said she didn't Abs did, that got a stare from Horse.

Blue and Alex talked non stop and then went to see Spuds new venture, I suppose they will be playing video games all night.

I watched as Tony turned his lights off and his mood lighting went on, his place looked spectacular at night.

He arrived just as our food did, he looked buggered. Jay had gone home to make a sandwich and hit the sack.

"Fuck I've never been so busy what happened, did someone mention the bay on the radio or something?"

"We don't know Tony, all of a sudden it went berserk here we have only just sat down."

"It's those bloody hamburgers your selling Rita take them off the menu." He looked at her.

She huffed. I bet her register is loaded with cash tonight.

After cleaning up the shop and Evan counting his cash I said my goodnights to everyone, Evan escorted Bubs and I to the bedroom where we bathed and changed Ayden kissing him forever then gave him a bottle. I think he was asleep before I dropped my shorts.

I was too tired to make love and Evan seemed a bit restless.

"What's up bubs can't you sleep?"

"No, I wanted to talk to you about how busy we were today, do you think its just a flash in the pan, or is this going to be the norm from now on?"

"I don't know bubs, maybe it's the folk doing it, I know things are changing but shit that was insane."

"Well things are changing Den, I can't seem to relax tonight my adrenalin is still pumping."

"Well I think you just might need a good..." Nope didn't get it all out, he pulled the sheet down past his waist.

The official opening of the Arcade games parlor was happening at eight thirty this morning. When we arrived Ayden was all eyes, the lights and noises were very interesting to his ears.

A few kids were in there already playing and Spud was manning the token booth. There were holiday makers on the foreshore and over the next seven weeks it will be packed again.

Ali was playing one of the games and laughing because he wiped out again. Evan was very interested in the big surfing game, he stood on the board and virtually surfed into shore, then he put bubs on his shoulders and placed a set of video glasses on him and he took him for a tandem ride. His little arms reached out to catch the water and he screamed his delight out loud. Some more teens came in and changed their dollars they were quick to secure a game they liked. One kid was standing looking at Evan and bubs I think he was waiting to use that particular game. When Evan finished he let him have a go, but instead of going it alone he asked if the baby wanted another ride. Does he ever?

His score was the highest on the board much higher than Evans and I winked at Spud and said to the kid.

"Highest score gets a free milkshake from the café on opening day." His eyes lit up and I followed him into Rita's.

"I know free milkshake day Den." She laughed.

Well it was good of him to take Ayden for a ride.

The kid almost fainted when he saw Blue bringing his drink to his table, so Blue sat with him and they talked surfing for ages. I think this twelve-year-old is going to be a wave chaser if he isn't already.

"Look Look at this Den, just look at what they did." Tony pushed a magazine into my face.

"What Tony who did what?"

"Tush and Bubble look at the Epicure lift out."

I opened it up and the heading said Naked chef's raw muscle uncovered.

There was Tush and Bubble in all their glory if it wasn't for the chopping board in front of them you would swear they had nothing on from neck to almost their black pubes they were naked. I did look closer, but no unfortunately it was all kosher.

The write up was all about Golden Bay, Rita's café Tony's furniture and Evans surf shop with hidden treasures, and soon to be opening Spuds Arcade games parlor, Cyn got a mention too. The main point was the boys and the food they create for their customers. Rita's hamburgers got a paragraph but this week it was all about the Naked chefs who cook wonderful eastern food.

I could see Bubble laughing to Alex; he was adorable and it explains why we were so busy yesterday; the paper had come out the day before.

"What the fuck are they up to Den, I have to shut the shop today I got so many orders to do." Poor Tony.

"You open up and do the orders when it slows down, get it in the bank as fast as you can." I smiled.

Rita was laughing when she came down with our coffees, she had been listening to Alex's tales of their holiday.

I shoved the lift out in her hands and said.

"You had better sit down."

"What's going on Den?"


She opened the page and nearly fainted.

"Oh my, oh oh my my my." She had only just seen the photo, wait until she reads the write up. She muttered.

"This is going over my bed; for sure it is." I think she was thinking aloud.

Tush and Bubble arrived covered in smiles.

"We did it last week, that foodie journalist wanted more pictures of us, so when you were all down the beach and Rita was in town we stripped off. It's our thank you gift for being there for us, and letting us into your lives." He started hugging us all.

"Well you both are so special to all of us and we humbly thank you for joining our family." I replied.

"Now Rita we have something for you." Tush said.

They both stood back and ripped their tanks off then started to lower their shorts while they swiveled their hips. Luckily Rita had left her ladle in the kitchen, but unfortunately there were no rude bits only thick pubes peeking over their jocks, but Tony's camera phone was clicking away furiously anyway.

"Send me copies Tony." She requested.

"Me too." I eagerly said.

"Den!!" Fuck sprung again.

"Yes Evan?"

"Come here."

"Yes sir." I giggled and went into the shop, he took my hand and into the bedroom we went. He wanted to give my dark pubes a wash.

Putting their photos out there might bring some headaches for them but they assured us it was all over there was no more threats. They wanted to live again and they decided that where we lived was the best place in the world. I noticed later Rita was looking at her phone and saying.

"Oh my my my."

Next: Chapter 49

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