Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jan 2, 2018


Aydens Eyes 45

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes I watched their house being slowly built, it will end up blending in. I think Spud had something to say about it. Ali didn't go berserk with the building but he insisted their bedroom was at the front upstairs, so they could watch the sunrise. There were only short trees in front so they had a magnificent view, that's why Evan charged them extra I suppose.

He sent his staff back to the island but kept the four main ones. God knows where the huge motorhome went, probably back on the island or in storage somewhere? Ali had told me it had been made specially for his family to use. I knew the two housekeepers were a couple, they were all military and were there also to protect Ali and Spud, in around about way.

He rented Tony's apartment to them all to stay in but he slept with Spud in his room mostly. Tony now had a smile on his face from ear to ear and it was nice to see. I must talk to Evan and see if I can get a discounted price for Tony, he desperately needs that third holiday property.

"When Spud opens his fun parlor, Den and Rita will be short of staff so I will let her know Tush and Bubble are at her disposal full time free of charge, they can cook and clean." He laughed.

"Winter's coming Ali and she won't be that busy, but offer anyway, the guys must be going nuts not having much to do all day."

He offered and she accepted, I think he's going to build quarters for them, because there was a separate building going up at the back of the property, oh, and the small swimming pool. The tabloids were oblivious to his presence but the local paper had a write up about new money coming into the bay, with photos of Tony's and Spud's shops. My portrait of Ali was full of the fairy folk but I deliberately didn't include Spud or David in it, just Bubs. Spud couldn't stop staring at it and I told him it was a house warming present. Bubs will be two years old soon and I was getting a little depressed about that. There were no pressing urges to paint and Ayden was just a happy normal little kid, finding new words to say every day. The big guy Abs followed the boys everywhere and I suspected he and Cynthia may have done the dirty dancing bit several times.

Donk was working more and more in the shop and still going to Melbourne occasionally to meet his wife. We told Pat and Susan about Ali and that he can be trusted, they were wrapped their business was sustaining them beautifully. Horse's men were also working on Cynthia's house which was four doors down. Evan didn't rip her off and she got a fair price, but Tony was still being stubborn. I painted for myself and every time I finished one, Ali would try and buy it, my usual response though was to tell him to take a photo and chill out.

Cyn was putting them on her site and they were selling like hotcakes but I made Ali promise he wouldn't bid for them. I told him again to just hang David's and Spuds and maybe a few of mine, but not to overdo it, his walls would look like a museum if he hung them all. And then there were the emails. Cyn handed me a dozen pages of them. They read; I dream of these folk every night (I didn't know anyone else could feel them), these fairy folk have been with me for years etcetera, one million, final offer. It was Bubs and his friends who brought the magic to the bay, even though Horse said it was me, I deep down knew it was Ayden, he was the catalyst.

"Will you piss off," Horse said for the hundredth time to Abs.

"Give me a go hairy man, you teach him rubbish."

"You can have him for ten minutes because I have to go next door; but I want him back."

"Will that be before your public humiliation or after," Abs replied. Yet another argument over my baby so I took Ayden off Horse and walked with him to Rita's, they just glared.

"Want ten minutes with your son Den?"

"Yes, I haven't seen him all day." I kissed my boy.

"Neither have I, want to have some fun?"

I looked at her, she never says that.


"Come with me, Alex, I will be back soon."

"Take your time mum."

"Now you two kiss and make up, the baby's ours, Horse go to the build, Abs, you go home."


"I heard there's trouble with the septic at Spud's place Horse, and Abs, Cynthia is on her way. They scattered and I looked at Rita, she burst out laughing.


"I agree Den; what time will Evan be back?"

"Soon I think." She took Ayden and winked at me.

"Bubs I have missed you, come with nana, we can talk in the kitchen." She laughed, and then there was just me.

Evan had taken to not wearing any underwear and he said none of the other guys did either, so I went with it but watched the guys more closely, I think Abs is winning by two inches. He came up to open the already opened shop so I asked him to come with me, I needed to lotion him up. He was as smooth as silk and I dined on every crevice on his body, but he moaned so much I had to put my briefs in his mouth, that made him cum immediately.

We re-opened the shop just as Bubs waddled down looking for us. He's maybe tired of Rita's conversation.

"Up dah." His arms shot out to Evan.

Then he snuggled in and went to sleep.

Ali had Tush and Bubble creating curries for Spud's night. They arrived full of beans and I didn't detect anything out of the ordinary, just two blokes going about their business. Rita was pushed out with a coffee while they did their thing and their curries were out of this world, so were their bums; hence the nicknames.

Ali and Spud walked in through the shop grinning from ear to ear, they explained that Abs was sitting on their stoop waiting for Cynthia, and Horse was hard at work.

They had to leave because Horse kept yelling at Abs,

"Is she here yet mate?"

Spud looked so grown up, and Ali was definitely smitten with him, he went to make the milkshakes and made sure Spud had a cushion.

"Thank you my prince." Spud smiled.

"Light of my life, it was all my pleasure." Ali stared into Spud's eyes. They bantered back and forth until Rita put a stop to it.

"Will you two grow up, I heard this conversation yesterday."

"What was that my father's jewel?"

"Cut it out," she shrieked from the other end of the porch.

"Spud, light of my life, don't you think you should be helping the lowly cooks?"

"My prince, do you really expect me to lower myself and go back to cooking for the lower classes?"

"Spud!!!" Rita was onto it and Evan and I laughed our guts out, Bubs slept.


"Behave yourself."

"Ali I think I'm in trouble again." He giggled.

"I will have her whipped in the public square my precious jewel."

"Your father won't be happy."

"Oh I forgot myself, she's earmarked for his new harem, he's bored with his old one."

They both started laughing as Rita's face got redder.

"Cut it out you two, I can always get my old paddle out."

"Sorry Rita." Spud grinned.

Ali hi fived him, then he answered that annoying phone.

"Father, glorious sunshine that warms me."

"Yes she's still here but father she looks like she's been eating her own hamburgers."

"No father, I will let her know you like some meat."

He and Spud were hilarious together.

"Wrong number." He looked at the furious Rita and she barked.

"Spud, kitchen now!!" She ordered.

"Coming mum." Spud kissed his man and left for the kitchen.

"You too Ali," she barked.

"Coming mum." He giggled all the way up to the café.

Later on I had a chance to talk to Ali, Spud was hard at work doing stuff for Rita.

"I am keeping it cool Den, David was exactly like Spud and we talked like that all the time, I think he liked it and it doesn't bother me."

"Ali, it's good to see you happy, have you spoken to your father recently?"

"Yes Den, he rings every other night, he misses Ayden and you and his diamond son. He talks to Spud and I think Spud has got him twisted around his little finger because father told me he was a very smart boy; we both know that already but Spud doesn't." He laughed.

The curries sold out, there wasn't only Spud's chicken and beef, there were a few eastern ones too and they were delicious. Tush and Bubble had so much fun with the locals when they picked up the empty containers. I think they are trying to improve their English and they sure did get a lot of looks from the ladies and some guys.

The fairy lights were hung and some soft music was playing. I had dressed Ayden in his overalls and his high chair was placed at the head of the table. Rita cooked and the presents were piled high, my son's number two birthday was happening tonight.

He had a special day of jet skiing and board riding and Ali even had him on the skateboard for a minute or two. Of course he had no idea what was going on but he enjoyed himself.

We all sang happy birthday and I helped him blow his candles out, his face was pink from all the kisses. He wasn't bothered but he was distracted by his overalls and wanted them off. As I put his shorts back on he thanked me in his small voice. I was so proud of him; but secretly unhappy he was getting older.

He opened his presents and the best one was a small dingy from Donk and Nuts, Blue would tow it with the ski and only at snails pace, and only if someone is sitting in it with him. Ali gave him a present from the king and we all gasped at its beauty, it was a small gold crown which suited him nicely. It had semi precious gems in it and Ali said he and his brothers all had one. It's not quite right in their world but his mother insisted they all get one just for fun, he said she had a great sense of humor and I will get Evan to put it in the safe. Ali and Spud had bought him some gold ankle bracelets, they were awesome and he didn't want them taken off at bedtime, in fact I got a good talking to when I tried.

The cake was beautiful and everyone had seconds but Ayden was now full and very sleepy, it had been a big night.

I made him say goodnight to everyone and Evan and I took him to bed.

We bathed him and told him how much he was loved, he giggled and kicked.

"He's getting older Bub and I don't like it one bit."

"Neither do I Den, he's so cute I want him to stay like this forever."

"Me too. Want to go back to the party or go to bed?"

"Bed." He gave our son one more kiss and popped his milk into his mouth, he smiled.

Evan was naked by the time I tore myself away from Ayden and it didn't take me long to ravage his awesome body, he was pink from head to toe by the time I had finished with him too.

"Thank you Den; I love you so much." He was exhausted.

"I love you too Bubs, just move onto your side for a few minutes will ya?"


The clean up didn't take long to organize but the presents did, I had no storage and there were still some Christmas presents he hasn't even played with yet. I gave the little crown to Evan to lock in the safe then Patrick arrived along with Ali and Spud to go surfing. Evan took off before I could check him out thoroughly so Bubs and I sat at the table playing with his new train set.

"Blue and Alex leave in two weeks Den, I'm thinking could go with them and take better take advantage of Tush and Bubble."

"Go Rita, it will be awesome for you to see a bit of the world, and I know Blue will do good in the comp."

"Well it's going to be hard to leave here but I will only be a week to ten days, that's long enough." She sighed.

"We will all still be here when you get back so don't worry about a thing, the boys can handle a hamburger or two and you're not even busy yet, so go chill out."

She was deep in thought so I pushed her.

"I will pay your fare honey, don't stress."

"Den, I have more money put aside than you think thanks to Evan's brilliant accountant, I can pay my own way, but thank you." She handed me the breakfast basket.

I heard laughing as Ali wiped out, he was showing off as Spud was skimming the shore. Bubs and I sat under the tree; basket beside us full of burgers and drinks. The boys started coming up to eat and I was asking Nuts who was going with Blue and Alex.

"I'm going, Horse will naturally be going, but I don't know about the rest."

"I think Rita wants to go too, she needs a holiday and I think the island is perfect for her."

"That's cool Den, I will make sure she has a great time. I have been there before on holidays and there's plenty to do."

"Do you want to go Bubs?"

"No Den, no travelling for me, I'm staying home, hopefully it will be on Fox sports." He took Ayden, no jet ski today but plenty of board rides. I was deep down very pleased he didn't want to go because we would miss him. I suppose after Horse's revelations, I got a little needier. I missed Evan at that time, even before he left I missed him, and I felt so depressed when I painted Ayden's Eyes.

"Is Tony going with you Horse?"

"No, he's too busy Den. Cyn has dumped more sales on him, thank god he's got Jay to help him, he's turned out to be a god send."

"How long are you there for?"

"Just five days, I don't think I could stay away any longer than that, but Nuts is going with Blue and together they will work out a plan, he's very good at things like that Den. Blue is in good hands."

"Well I am pleased; Surf's Up are sponsoring him so he doesn't have to worry about finances."

"He doesn't anyway Den, I put a shitload of money in his bank account months ago and he's handling it beautifully."

"Good." As I said before, I didn't ask how much he gave Blue but it must have been a fair bit.

"Horse did you stop the payments to Louise?"

"Yes Den, apparently she wasn't happy but that's her problem now, the money goes directly into Blue's account."

I felt sorry for her but on the other hand she won't have the money for beer, so she might just surprise everyone and sober up, but I doubt it.

Ali was sitting with Spud, he had his arm around his shoulder and was nibbling on his ear. Spud's face was red and he kept giggling, I suppose it tickles. I must try it on Bubs tonight, he will tell me if it does or not.

Ayden was passed to Horse, and Abs stared at them like he had taken his favorite toy away. The other guard Hulk was watching Ali. Tush and Bubble took the morning off and were surfing with the boys, they made a gorgeous couple. Tush was telling me before he was moved to the island that they hardly ever got together, being gay is illegal in his country and very dangerous, but he didn't elaborate on what he actually did. I see why the king stationed mostly gays on the island, for their safety. Abs said his father was educated in America and held a lot of western views, he was in tune he said.

"What's the matter Den?"

"Nothing Bub, just reflecting a little." I smiled at him.

He kissed me then Bubs and went down to the shore to do more surfing. I noticed he had drawn a big heart in the sand with Evan loves Den in it, my heart melted. He looked more awesome every day as his hair flowed down his back, he didn't go ahead with the dreadlocks and I'm glad he didn't. His laughter warmed my heart as he took another big wave to shore, then he looked at me so I caressed my balls through the fabric. He looked out to sea and shook his head and went out again, I suppose he will be up at the shack soon. Before we left the beach I took a photo of Evan's sand heart, I will paint that also.

The noise from the builds settled down once the guys started doing the inside stuff and luckily Ali and Spud's home didn't overshadow our house. The upstairs was placed on the far side of the building and I noticed on the roof there was another open room being added, I was told that was for hot nights so the boys could sleep in comfort outdoors. The shop was very spacious and I wondered if Spud had got onto Trip for some second hand gaming machines.

Cyn had bought the circus memorabilia from Mike's gran and she did very well with the hand painted ones. The rest was donated to an Australiana museum and they were very happy with the posters and odds and ends that came with them.

Mike had told me Mavis was doing well and she seemed to have a lot more energy to get around on her own, he also said she didn't realize she was doing it. I guess that's Bubs' magic at work again, it will be interesting to see what happens when she comes down for Christmas this time. The weather has turned cool and I was lighting our new heater just about every night, it can burn twenty-four seven throughout winter but we had plenty of wood from the builds to keep it running. We managed to make love in front of it several times, and afterwards we slept on the blow up mattress on the floor, warm, safe and in each other's arms.

Both Patrick and Susan were doing very well, he had started his Sunday roasts, and of course the pizza oven was fired up every day. Sue visits us and when she does we have a great catch up and Horse makes himself scarce when she does, so she's got time with Ayden. Her girls are expected back anytime and she was looking forward to seeing them again. Rita had been showing Bubble what they will need for her orders each fortnight, they were good cooks and could make just about anything.

Ali would help in the café and more than once I caught him just standing alone and staring at Spud, then he would move to his side and kiss him. Spud was smitten, he was so in love I sometimes could hear him gasp for breath, and to be honest Ali was breathtakingly beautiful. For Spud's birthday, Bubble and Tush cooked a banquet for all of us, Spud's presents were piled high but he wasn't spoilt except for the beautiful ring Ali bought him. He couldn't stop looking at it and that big shiny white diamond in the middle wasn't glass, it was the real deal.

Spud was in tears before the night ended, it wasn't over the top though, just friends and family having a great time. Sue and Pat had come down and Pat was asking Tush for recipes as he plowed through the various eastern dishes

Bubs was looking tired so I excused myself and went to put him in bed, we will be buying a big boys bed soon, I don't think I am going to like that one bit so maybe I will hold off for another year. His hair matched his dads, long and flowing with lots of curls, I always tied it back for him in a boy's ponytail, and I noticed he sometimes mimicked the guy's walk and stance on the beach, he's so fucking cute.

Evan poked his head in to say goodnight; he takes my breath away sometimes, he kissed Ayden who smiled and then he took my hand and put me to bed. His lips moved slowly over my body as he wet my chest and pubes, then did my bum. I know he loves my body and sometimes I let him lap away but I would much rather be doing that to him. He was shining tonight and I lifted my legs over his shoulders because he was doing that thing we all love.

"We have to buy him a big boy's bed soon."


"Ayden, he needs a bigger bed."

"Den, can we talk after, I want to make love to you?"

"Sure, sorry Bubs."

He munched away while I groaned, then I had a thought.

"He will need sheets and covers like Power Rangers and Ninja turtles."

He sighed and left my ass then he laid on his tummy next to me.

"Okay Den, get the lube."

"Good idea." I smiled. It was just a game and I wanted Evan to go on forever but if I don't nut soon, I'm going to lose it spontaneously into the towel.

"Now, he doesn't need a new bed until he's nearly three Den, and for Christmas you can ask the guys to buy the bedding for it. Are we organized now?"

"Yes Bubs." God he does know everything.


"Yes Den."

"Can you lift your legs up a bit, I want to check you're okay down there?"

"I'm okay Den, why?"

"I wanted to check if you were full because if you're not I have a small extra deposit I would like to make."

"Groan," he said.

We slept deeply in each other's arms but I woke briefly when he went to put his wet suit on, the guys were also getting ready to go. The next thing I heard was Ayden groaning.

"What's up Bubs, is your nappy full?"

"Dah dah up."

I picked him up and gave him a warm wipe down and a clean nappy, he wanted shorts and I wanted a t-shirt to go with them, it was chilly. After a long struggle he finally lost the t-shirt.

I placed him on the floor making sure the screen was securely around the fire place then made some morning coffee. I warmed up a milk bottle and gave that to him and he gurgled and talked his way through another cartoon.

It was cool outside so I was happy when Rita came down with some breakfast for us both. She sat for a minute then had to get back to some customers that had landed on her doorstep.

They also wanted to look in the shop so I obliged them and after twenty minutes they dropped some cash into Evan's till. He had been sent another twenty cartons of assorted stock from Rory and Cody and at a very nice price, not as good as the first lot, but close.

Bubs was having another ten minutes sleep when I got back so I thought I may as well finish that painting I started last week.

The brightly colored canvas featured Nuts and Donk surfing with my folk and Ayden, they were full of muscle and smiles and I had put a very disjointed Evan in the background. His legs in the air, he was in the midst of wiping out yet again, his saturated hair flipped towards the sky and looked great.

All was good in our little village as Rita, Blue, Alex, Horse and Nuts prepared for their holiday in Padang Padang. She gave Tush and Bubble, Ali and Spud loads of instructions at which they all rolled their eyes behind her back, but I was sure everything will go okay.

It was all tears when they left one drizzly Saturday morning, Horse was miserable and so was Tony. if I had let Horse take Ayden with him he would have been a different man but no, he was sad to leave his mate. Rita kept telling Spud to behave himself and Ali reassured her that he would oversee everything. After looking him up and down she said to me,

"I'll be lucky if I have a café to come back to with that pair." I waved her goodbye and Ayden cried, until I gave him some warm milk.

When they left the boys sat with us, I gratefully accepted that my boy would be mine for the next week, and I had already planned activities for us to do. Ali on the other hand was talking about extending Rita's kitchen and installing a larger, hotel caterers type one.

I put the breaks on that and told him to leave it alone, Rita wouldn't appreciate them mucking around with her café, but I thanked him for the thought.

"The boys can use ours Den to do the curries and pies, it will be large enough to cater for two hundred guests." Spud smiled at me.

"Good use your gas, Rita's got enough bills already and you know she was only ever going to do the café part time." I giggled into my son's t-shirt, he had once again dropped into my lap.

Tush and Bubble were straight onto it, they cooked a decent breakfast and placed three different condiments to go with it on a separate plate, it was fine dining at its best. Abs and Hulk mostly followed the boys around, if they weren't in Spud's room, they were sitting on Rita's sofa and so forth. I suppose Donk, Tiny and Trip did the same with us, everyone was relying on each other to get through the next week without our special friends.

I heard Evan and Tony arguing again on the porch on Sunday morning. Tony wanted the block next to his other two and Evan was naming prices. I couldn't stand it and poor Tony was about to give up when I said,

"Evan can I see you in the back please?"

They both looked at me; Tony's face got dark.

"Bubs let's give the block to Tony, he's done so much for us over the past year, not to mention Horse's contribution. Hey, let's be a little generous this time." I held him as I was whispering in his ear.

He kissed my lips and then the grinning started, he almost was laughing. I watched as he opened his safe in the bedroom wardrobe and took out an envelope, he handed it to me and said,

"Give this to Tony with all our love."

I didn't know what was in it but I took it out and kissed Tony's cheek and said,

"With our love, thank you."

He opened it and his tears started. Evan had that block put directly in Tony's name when he bought them and the envelope held the title free and clear.

"Thank you Tony for everything you do for us, please don't tell Cynthia." Evan kissed his cheek and hugged him.

"I don't know what to say, except thank you. You are both so special in my and Horse's lives, we both love you so much, thank you."

"Don't expect a threesome with your ex-boyfriend Tony, that shops shut." I laughed at his surprised face.

"Well I'm glad we didn't go there, as it's all turned out it would have made us feel uncomfortable. Are you sure the shops shut Den?" It was my turn to blush.

Bubs told me we would keep the other two blocks for Ayden but I insisted he keep them for us, he needs more money, Ayden doesn't. After Tony left I helped Evan get into his wet suit, his dick was hard so I took care of it for him, then I shooed him off to go surfing telling him I would be down with breakfast soon. I walked up to the café and said my good mornings to the guys. They handed me Rita's basket and it was kind of heavy today.

When Bubs and I got down to the beach, a small sun shower started so we sat under the tree until it passed. The guys came up, only seven today and Patrick was on board, he had decided to take the morning off. Spud and Ali sat with Ayden and I opened the basket to hand out the hamburgers. Nope, no hamburgers today, instead there were take away containers filled with pasta and sauce with a dob of cheese on the top.

Tush and Bubble had done a two course meal for the boys.

There was cake in the other containers and Patrick went wild, he said he had to get the recipe.

"They are wonderful cooks Pat; you should pilfer them before Rita gets back." Ali giggled into Spud's shoulder.

"My god, there's a thought." He smiled.

"Forget it, they belong to Rita they're not for hire." I smirked.

I didn't think they would leave our bay any time soon, I had watched them and they seemed quite happy with their lot. When I observed Spud and Ali going to sit on the beach at night, the boys weren't very far away. They would all four run up to the end of the street and go through the bushes to watch. Hulk was a different kind of guy, he didn't speak much English but I think Rita and Spud were teaching him a few words. He seemed a little put out that Abs snapped Cynthia up so quickly, but from what I hear, Cyn's sister is available and coming down to help her with the business when she moves here. I must ask Cynthia for a photo.

They plowed through their big meal and Evan fed Ayden some pasta, he liked it and kept asking for more. He had a little off everyone's plates so no need for lunch I think.

"Thank you for doing that for Tony Bubs, it was nice."

"Well I already had wanted to give him a gift from us both, he's helped you out quite a few times Den, I just wanted to give him a thank you present."

"Well it was very nice of you to do that." I kissed his lips and he groaned. Then he ran his hand over my chest, tweaking my nipples between thumb and forefinger, I moaned.

"See you in an hour or two Den, go do some painting." I sat there with my raging horn thinking if I don't drop a load soon I'm going to burst.

I picked our son up and walked back to the café with the much lighter basket. The boys had customers and they worked that kitchen like they had been doing it for years.

There was a guy at a table who looked completely out of place, and he was writing on a note pad. He had ordered several dishes which he tasted and smiled. I think he maybe is the foodie writer for the local paper. When he had finished he said good afternoon to me then looked in the shop, he had a big smile on his face when he left.

Next: Chapter 46

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