Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 30, 2017


Aydens Eyes 44

It was the biggest cruiser I have ever seen, well almost, and it had parked out from the beach beyond the rocks and surf. Ali and Spud with entourage casually walked down the track and when he saw, it he whispered quite loudly,

"My father."

The body guards went to him and he gave them instructions then they ran off.

"What's the matter?" Spud asked rather quickly.

"My father's here," Ali said to him.

"Please don't worry about him, I am sure once you meet him you will like him." He looked panic stricken though. The boys came out to see what the fuss was all about and the guards ran back with their robes on, they quickly dressed Ali and we saw a shuttle boat being launched.

It took several minutes to start its journey to the shore. Rita had joined us, she had seen the guards running across the road and the campsite being cleaned.

"What' s up Den?"

"The king is here." I pointed to the small boat that was riding on the waves.

A very tall man alighted as his guards lifted him onto the shore, he was David's king in the painting to a tee. Ali and the guards hit the sand, faces down but I didn't know what to do. The boys sort of did the same, but not Horse, Rita, Evan, me and Bubs didn't count.

"Oh mighty King, your son is so pleased to see you," Ali spoke with his head still in the sand.

"My son, the light of my life and diamond in my crown, rise."

"Father, it is so good to see you again, welcome to my destiny."

"Destiny, destiny you filthy little goat herder, how dare you preach to me about destiny, I have a good mind to have you horse whipped in the public square."

"You will do no such thing; how dare you speak to him like that. He tells me nothing but loving things about you. If you touch a hair on Ali's head, I will flog you myself. Calling your son, a goat herder, really," Spud screamed at him, I think he's found his voice at last.


"No Spud, please don't hurt him your highness," Spud pleaded.

"Who is this man you filthy farm pig?"

"Father, I........, " He didn't quite get it out, but I noticed Ali was smiling.

"His friend and my son, and by god Ali will be another of my sons as soon as you leave. How dare you speak to your precious child like that." Poor Rita was having a mother's dummy spit.

"And if you would like to take your ass and Hench men off my beach, we all can get back to our surfing," Evan told him and he knows everything.

"Who are you people who have turned my son against his father, his king? He insults his father and ancestors once again."

"I'm sorry father but you haven't given me a chance yet." Ali giggled.

"Oh haven't I, seed of my loins?"

"What?" Rita was ready to pounce at any minute.

"Welcome father."

Ali stood up and took his robe off, then the king did the same, he walked in his bright board shorts to his son and grabbed him in his arms.

"Father welcome, thank you for coming."

"My jewel, as if I could stay away, light of my life." They held each other very tightly as Ali's henchmen dropped their robes, and so did the king's men, they all had swimmers on and my eyes were everywhere.

Evan, ever the man said,

"Den behave; come on boys let's go surfing." He kissed me and Ayden then they all ran into the surf. The king held the prince and the queen wasn't so sure but the little prince was happy.

"Kin kin Bubs me?" he was saying over and over.

"Kin me Bubs." The king looked at my son and walked over, he bowed to him then picked him up. Ayden was going at fifty miles an hour and his face lit up like the sun.

"Hello Bubs," a deep voice said.

"Kin kin Spud prince king look." He kicked his legs.

Ali did something next regardless of whether he was pushing it or not, he pulled Spud into the small circle.

"David, how is this possible?" the king asked.

"He's not David dad, he's Spud, my best friend," Ali replied.

The king looked Spud over then took him in his arms and looked into his face. He stood there in his board shorts and hugged Spud so close I thought he was going to faint or throw up, or cry, like I was doing.

He also pulled Ali in and kissed his head and said,

"He's back son, he's back, I thank my gods he's back."

The king stroked Bubs and cradled him in his arms then kissed his face.

"This is Ayden dad; Ayden, this is my king." Bubs went quiet for a second then he burst into laughing tunes and his legs went everywhere again. I think he was happy, his smile created a new universe, while the king held him and his son.

"David I have missed you so much." The king then held Spud who had tears running down his cheeks.

"Thank you my king, my prince is now complete and I am complete, but my name's Spud," was all he could get out.

Rita was still in a shocked state so I elbowed her, she then moved over behind Spud and Ali. The king noticed her so moved Spud and Ali away and stared at her for a moment, then he hugged her to death.

"Thank you pretty lady, thank you for looking after Davi... I mean Spud for my son, how do you feel about joining my harem?"

"What?" Then she had to go on.

"If you think you're going to get away with calling your son a goat you've got another thing coming, king or not, he's now my son too." Rita was still fighting, she didn't see that it was all a play, or did she? Ali's father wouldn't hit him, he loved him, this was all show.

"Dear lady, please accept this token of my gratitude for finding Spud for my diamond son." His body guard handed him a box and the king handed it to Rita. She then opened it and gasped.

"Is this real?"

"Two carats my friend, not enough but it was all I could get duty free." He laughed.

Then he added,

"He is my diamond son, he is the light in my life, I love him, and now I have a whole lot of other people to love too."

"King prince Spud," Ayden was back and the King kissed him again.

"Which one is Den?"

They all looked around then I realized he was talking about me. I put my hand up and said,

"What took you so long?"

"There was turbulence and we ran out of petrol, sorry." He hugged me and he stroked my face and he said a quiet thank you in my ear.

I watched as Blue grabbed Ayden and took him out on the jet ski, then I felt an arm go over my shoulder.

"Thank you Den; he's been so unhappy for so long and I was at my wits end because I couldn't help him." The king kissed my cheek.

"Well he's with my family now so he's at peace, I only hope Spud's up to his expectations."

"My son loved David eternally and I can see he's going to love Spud very much. I will not interfere but if he hurts my son, I will have him flogged in the civic square." I felt a chuckle.

"He's safe here, the magic has enveloped him into our world and he will never be harmed in any way, this I promise you."

"But he has an island, Spud could go live there too."

"He won't; it will break his heart if Ali does, but he won't go."

"I believe you Den, David was the same about his island, he wouldn't leave it either." He hung his head.

I relaxed and looked out at all the men on my beach and I welcomed new and old friends, some were skim boarding and some were surfing but the best sight was my Bub taking Ayden for a ride on his board. I looked at his eyes and they were looking at me, then I heard,

"Dah," in my head.

"You will all dine with me tonight Den, be ready at seven, and I mean all of you." Then he added,

"Thank you for saving my baby's life, I am forever at your service.".

"Can he stay?" I had to know.

"As long as forever is Den, I love him deeply and he is my diamond son, as long as he's happy he can live anywhere he chooses on this planet." He squeezed my shoulder harder and then left me going down to the beach and running into the surf screaming.

"Come son, Spud and Rita, if you are brave enough."

He actually looked like Horse in his boardies, same physique and all, boy is Tony going to be impressed.

An hour later I noticed Ali and the king talking further up the beach, they hugged and touched each other all the way through the conversation. Ali had the biggest smile on his face when he came back to our tree. Spud walked over to him and did something I hadn't seen before, he took Ali in his arms and kissed him deeply, he didn't care who was watching but I did detect the king smiling broadly.

"We have all been invited Donk, don't give me any grief will you?" I made Donk wear a shirt. I already had an uncomfortable Evan in the bedroom getting into his old suit and didn't actually know what to expect, we are dining with a king.

"Tiny no boardies, you need to put good trousers on."

"Ayden, omg Ayden, what have I got for him?" I ran into his bedroom and pulled his drawers out then rummaged through them.

Why the hell didn't I ever buy my son any going out clothes?

"Den!!" It was Evan, not now Bubs, we are dining with a King.

"What??" I sang out.

"Get in here," he called.

"What? I'm busy."

I walked into our bedroom and looked. Ayden was on the bed with Evan, they were smiling but they weren't dressed.

"You're not dressed, Ayden, where's your good clothes?" As if he would answer.

"Den, chill will ya."


"Den lay down for a minute." Evan he knows everything.


"Den settle down."

"But we are dining with a King."


"Yes Bubs?"

"Den come here."

"But Bubs."

"Den," He said slowly.


I looked at both of them and had a light globe moment,

"Okay Bubs, red shorts, where are they? Evan board shorts, new ones, got any?" Then I shouted,

"Donk drop the shirt, show your chest, change of plans."

I heard him call,

"Rita, brandy for Den, he's being a dick." Laughing was coming from the porch.

"Den," I heard Evan's voice.

"Calm down, it's casual."

"Ayden, your red shorts, where are they?"

He giggled.

"Den, he has them on."

I heard Evan talk and it sounded nice then I looked at my son and put my nose to his nappy, he smelt okay.

"Good to go Bubs," I declared.

"Baby, we have an hour to get there."


You are guessing what just popped into my head, but Bubs wasn't tired, so I will save it for later.

Spud ran into the café.

"Sorry Rita." I heard a lot of apologetic chatter then she settled down and he came out eventually with a milkshake for Ali, his three men sat at our table with him and the boys.

"So when do I get to see Cynthia again boss?" The big guy asked.

"You leave her alone, you low, mangy dog," Ali said.

"Ali, get in here!" Rita sang out.

"Coming mum." His smile brightened my day as he giggled his way up the porch. Just then Spud came out of the café and Ali grabbed him and kissed him deeply again, the magic is working.

"Ali, here now!!!" Their moment was broken as he went inside. I knew Rita was tapping Ali's shoulder with her big spoon so

I took the opportunity to talk to Spud, I took him out to the back porch.

"He's wonderful Den, everything that I ever dreamed of."

"So long as you aren't a rebound kid."

"I really don't care Den; it may take him some time but he will eventually see me as me, and if being here with me makes him feel better, then so be it." He hugged me.

"You know I already love him and I would never try and replace David, he doesn't make me feel like a rebound at all." I left it at that, I know Ali wouldn't ever leave Spud on his own here.

My guys looked very nice as we walked down to the beach to catch the boats that were waiting for us. Ayden babbled away in Horse's arms and Tony was still giving me filthy looks. I sidled up next to him.

"You are going to piss yourself when you meet the king, he's so much like Horse, it's uncanny."

He grunted, then moved forward to take Horse's hand. The ride out was so funny and Ayden didn't shut up all the way, I'm thinking he will have a small boat soon. We were greeted by the king and I nudged Tony, who released a small smile when he shook his hand, then looked sideways at me and blushed.

We were shown around the large cruiser and Evan and the boys were blown away, it was huge. We finished in a very large dining area, where servants were scattered around the walls and drinks were provided as we sat down. The King and Ali sat at the head of the table with Spud and Rita either side. I must say Rita looked awesome; she had gone to a lot of trouble and it showed. Alex looked so proud of her, but she was oblivious to the guys who stared.

The food just kept on coming, it was a banquet and a half and I couldn't eat it all so I had a taste of everything. As my plate emptied another clean one was placed in front of me, oh how the other half lives! The king was having a long talk with Ali and I noticed love in his eyes when Ali said something I quite couldn't hear. The biggest cake was brought out with ice cream, I couldn't resist that one and Bubs was going mental when he saw it. Horse fed him and held him close all through the meal.

Tony stared at the king, I caught him on a few occasions and Evan and the boys ate until they were nearly busting. Later the king got up from his seat and beckoned me to follow him while the others decided to go outside for a walk around the big deck.

"He has to love again Den," the king was saying to me.

"He will, but he has to learn to put David in a separate part of his heart and cherish his memory. It will be hard for him to do, I know because I had to do it myself some time ago."

"You are a wise man Den."

"No, a realistic man my friend, Ali has to realize he's loved no matter what, no matter by who. I sort of figured he's tormented himself relentlessly over and over again and David wouldn't like that at all. Spud's his lifeline and I know he will try with all his heart to make sure Ali has a different and happier life. Not one where he shuts off rooms and at night creeps in to look at lifeless paintings, he needs to feel and touch the real things in his life."

"I know what you are saying, I have tormented myself over this and I am hoping you can fix my son, can you?"

"I sure as hell am going to try but I am also going to protect Spud if you don't mind me saying." I took a deep breath.

"He's a fucking good kid, and I will not see him hurt. I don't think your son is going to do that; and I will do my best to make him see his beautiful future."

"His mother worries."

"Tell her he's with his other family, he is perfectly safe with us."

"He's my diamond son."

"I will do everything in my power to protect him, did I tell you we love him already?" I replied.

"Where's Bubs?"

"Holding court in the salon, last I saw him."

"Let's go, my grandson needs me."

"Good luck with that, he's with Horse."

"Guards!!! To the ready," he shouted.

Six guys appeared out of nowhere and fell on their faces.

"Save the baby from the big hairy one." They ran off and in a couple of minutes Ayden was in the king's arms.

"You got to teach me that trick, that's so awesome." Poor Horse.


"Hi Bubs, you having fun?"

"Spud prince king dah Bubs."

"Leave us to talk, go and see if your friend is all right."


"If you don't I will have you split apart by two horses, let me be with my new grandson."

"Hey king, come here," It was Rita's voice, he's in for it now.

Of course I left him with Bubs so they can bond. I could hear Rita laughing and when I got to where Horse was, he was ready to murder someone. Thank god Tony was trying to settle him down.

"He won't be long Horse, settle down." I smiled at him.

He grunted his dislike, but a friendship was already forming between the king and Horse.

The king returned with Ayden, he kissed our son then placed him in Horse's arms again. They looked daggers at each other for the rest of the night, yes, I think they will become great friends.

And they were when the boys found the pool room, Horse and the king joined in and they were having a ball. They had teamed up to take on Evan and Tiny, who gave it their best shot, but weren't a match for those two kings. I sat with Evan and Ayden on a sun lounge just watching the lights off our beach. I had my arm around him and was giving him deep kisses, he groaned a bit then I said,

"Let's go home Bubs, I think it's time for bed."

"Okay Den, I don't want this night to end, it's been so awesome."

"Oh believe me, your nights only just started." I smirked.

We drifted off around two am, Evan latched on to me and stayed there all night, I thanked Horse and I thanked the King. I also thanked Rita and Spud for giving Ali a chance at happiness.

"Go to sleep Den." I heard a moan.

"In a minute Bubs, is there any of that lube left?"

The king and Horse were talking on the porch the next morning, he was very interested in what Horse did for a job, and Tony, he will take a walk up there sometime today and have a look at his works. I noticed ten of Spud's paintings leaning against the wall of the shop and he said he needed them to brighten up his gallery, he also said Spud was a genius.

I totaled them up and he handed me a credit card. When Spud found out he nearly went ballistic, he wanted to refund the transaction, of course the king would get them for free.

"Spud, my new son, I love your works and I must pay for them. It would make me feel a lot better if we keep this as just business, and you know I can afford them. So please don't insult your father in law thinking I am cheap, because I will order them through Cynthia if you keep carrying on."

"Thank you, please your highness, sir." Spud crawled into himself again and ran up the porch to tell Rita his good news.

"He thinks he paints junk; he still doesn't accept he's world class your kingship." I laughed.

"Well he's in for a big shock, I have friends who invest heavily in the art world and some of them have your paintings on their walls Den, but the lousy Cynthia only puts one on every now and then, where are they by the way?"

"In Ayden's room and no, you have to bid for them, I don't want to flood the market." I smiled. He pulled such a sour face.

"Okay follow me." We went into Ayden's room and he bowed to Ayden's Eyes automatically before he even looked at it. I had my son in my arms, he was giggling at the king and queen.

"It's much like David's work Den, but they are not me or my wife."

"We think they are a very young Horse, Rita and Bubs sir. Horse worked it out, have a look through the magnifying glass, look into Ayden's eyes."

He did, then looked at me.

"It's astonishing Den, did you have them printed onto the canvas?"

"No, I painted them in, I trance sometimes and I didn't even know they were in there but Horse saw it, I know it's impossible but I did do them."

"Call me Arras Den, that will stop all the confusion about king and worship and such, Arras is my name."

At last I was getting a little muddled up with what to call him.

"I would have liked donkey but I see you already have one in your stable." He roared with laughter.

"Twenty million for Ayden's Eyes." I felt my son seize up, he immediately looked at me, I think for guidance.

"Sorry Arras, I don't own it anymore; it's Ayden's to sell if he wishes, he does own it and I don't think he will part with it." I smiled at Bubs, who in his small, loudest voice screamed,

"Go way."

"Got your answer Arras? Sorry, but he doesn't want to sell."

"Pity." He smiled then took Ayden off me.

He then looked through the rest of my works. He put aside six of them and offered me a huge amount of money. I accepted and then I made him add fifteen percent for Cynthia's commission. We laughed all the way back to the porch.

He spoke to one of his minders who produced an IPad, then began transferring money into my account. I wish Evan would take some of it, I have exhausted ways of getting money into his accounts.

He was so grateful to Rory and Cody for giving him another good deal, but he also wrote to head office and requested a price list, he thought next time he would put a proper order in and maybe discount the stock down a little.

We'd named Ali's other minders Tush, Bubble and Hulk for obvious reasons and they helped Rita off and on in the cafe. Tush and Bubble were cooks and Hulk I couldn't work out, he looked so young but was so old in his manner. I was sitting with Arras by ourselves one beautiful day watching the men clean tables and serve customers, Hulk was sitting at one of the tables folding paper napkins.

"I came here to see my son is safe and I feel comfortable that he is now. I can't watch him all the time and that's why Tush, Bubble and Hulk are staying here, Abs is their leader, and the four of them together are killing machines Den. If you need them to make anyone disappear, they are your go toos, don't be shy to ask them." He grinned.

"They are invisible special services and many times I had them infiltrating foreign dignitary's bedrooms, and yes I prostituted them out too, they saw it as their job but I will forever regret that I made them do that Den. It wasn't until they went to the island, I heard Tush and Bubble were a couple, but they would do anything for me and Ali. I am pleased they are here with you all, safe and sound."

"That's awful Arras, they must have felt terrible, like cheating or something," I answered.

"They did it for their country, their country doesn't like their lifestyle but accepts their contribution, it's all fucked up Den. I am trying to fix it but there are some very stubborn kings and princes out there and it's impossible to change their minds, that's why they must never come home again."

"And your other sons?"

"They are very safe Den, you know Den before David died; Tush and Bubble slept with him every night, they listened to him cry without a word as they calmed him down enough to sleep. I owe those boys so fucking much. They went beyond their duty to make my son feel whole again." A shadow came over his face.

He had changed his facial expression; I also saw tears.

"Well I can promise you nothing will happen here, that I will leave up to the magic of the bay. It will shield him and it will comfort him, he will become a different person and I hope he lives a long, happy life with Spud." I cringed and my stomach turned, the king was telling me something, he was saying always be aware we have a royal prince among us.

"I know what your saying Den, I will try my hardest to keep you informed if I think there's going to be trouble. And in a few months I will smuggle his mother in to see him, he would like that, she misses him. If she had her way she would be living here with you all, she's very westernized, that also gets up my enemy's noses." He laughed.

"She's very much like Rita in a way, very protective of all her sons."

It's okay Arras, I also have a secret weapon." He raised his eyebrows.

"When something bad is about to happen I get an urgent need to paint, and when I do, it's usually a good outcome." I then told him about Horse and Mike and a little of Spud's hanging tree but not about Nut's family.

"Good morning father, Den, I trust you all slept well."

"Of course son, and you?" He kissed his son.

"The best sleep I have had for many months father, it was nice and I had a really good dream."

"That's good son, can we have coffee and maybe a little something to eat?"

"Coming up. Oh Spudley, scrambled eggs for two adults and one baby," he shouted into the café, Ayden laughed.

Over the next five days we had a few long talks and Arras turned out to be a wonderful guy, on many occasions Tony would sit in and say his bit. I think he was thinking threesomes by now.

Horse on the other hand bonded with him and promised he would keep an eye on the boys, he also said he would visit his country but the king said we should all meet at the island. I had told Horse what was going on, he understood because he had read some about awful things that were happening to gays in that country. He really didn't want to go there; it was just a curtesy on his behalf.

When the time came we all were on a downer, Arras had to get back to his work and his first port of call was America.

"My diamond son, I have to leave before the Australian government attention arrives."

"But father, stay here with me, I beg you."

"Son, it breaks your father's heart every time he leaves you. I pray to the great one you will not be burdened with my affliction." He laughed then added,

"I will see you in a few months time, and I will install one of your brothers on the island and have your precious paintings sent to you."

"Thank you father; I will call you tonight." They hugged again then the king did the same to everyone on the beach; Ayden got a very special hug, and kiss.

"You know son; a hotel would look great on the side of that hill."

"Dad, I was thinking more of a fun parlor with a house attached." He winked at me. We watched with sad faces as the rather large cruiser slowly disappeared over the horizon.

Over the next few weeks Ali was having more and more sleepovers in Spud's room and we sold our extra block to them both. Evan did the negotiations and Spud insisted on going Ali halves but Ali laughed and suggested he could buy the furniture instead. Tony sat with them and designed a gorgeous house while Horse drew up the plans, a small house, really? More like a mansion with a shop attached, I think Ali is going to put our bay on the map. I will have to have a quiet word with him, I like it the way it is, and so do my fairy folk.

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