Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 20, 2017


Ayden's eyes 42

The foreshore was nearly empty by the weekend, it felt lonely but good. Evan was smiling from ear to ear as he had a great Easter and the big stack of cash I saw him stash away in the safe was all tax free stuff, he winked as he did this.

"I think I might buy some land Den."


"Some land, you know dirt." He grinned.

"Oh, where?"

"Umm, I have been talking to Tiny and if you don't mind I want to buy the four blocks on the other side of Tony's from him. He said he will take cash and they are nearly as cheap as the one we bought next door."

"Oh? But Cynthia is thinking of buying one off Tiny."

He grinned at me and wiggled his gorgeous eyebrows.


"Yes, she hasn't approached Tiny yet. I was telling him I wanted to invest in the town and had loads of cash I wanted to get rid of, he's very interested and is going to give me a price for the four blocks this afternoon. Den this is hush hush, you and Ayden will be on the titles."

"I will go you halves Bubs but fuck me, Tony and Cynthia are going to be really pissed off."

"Well Cyn can have a block at four times the cost price, I don't have a problem with that."

"She is going to kill you and me, fuck Evan what a crack up, when can we get a hold of them?"

"This afternoon, I will make Tiny an offer and dump a load of cash in his wallet as a deposit, it will take four weeks to finalize."

I think Evan's money laundering; he has to get rid of all that cash in the safe. My man the gangster, umm.

My butterflies were back but for different reasons, just to see the look on Tony's face will be priceless when he has to negotiate with Evan. That's of course if Tony is thinking about building more holiday units, which I bet he is.

"Den its hush hush." Evan kissed me and I started laughing. Bubs laughed too, I think he got the joke. Just then Cyn rang.

"Oh shit, I forgot the auction, how did we do Cyn?"

"Three hundred and fifty big ones, I'll be by to collect another one."


"No Den, Lindsay." She laughed her head off.

"Alib has dropped off the radar and I haven't heard from him for a week, but Lindsay's happy." She laughed.

"Okay Cyn, I'll sort out another one for you, maybe give it a month before you list it."

"Sure Den, I like doing business this way."

"Oh Cyn, can you move a shed full of circus memorabilia on your site?"

"I don't know Den, what's up?"

I told her the story and explained I wanted to help Mike out but she said that it won't be worth more than five grand, she was however willing to go have a look at it. I asked her if she would offer twelve grand to Mavis for the lot and I will pay that, and as a bonus to her she could take the hand painted ones to sell and keep the profits. I thought the artist would be well known, they usually were in those days, that's when circuses had money.

She was excited and said she had to go to town next week to deliver Lindsay's painting so she will call in to Mavis's place.

I thought I would donate it all to the memorabilia museum, I'm sure they would love it.

"I'll transfer your money tonight Den, got to go, see you soon and send Mavis address will you?"

"Bye Cyn and don't forget to deduct the twelve grand from my money, love you." I hung up feeling like a prick because she's about to get ripped off by Evan, then I had another chuckle.

I brought a canvas out to the porch and while everything's quiet I thought I would get some work done, I wanted to paint another scene for Lindsay. He's been so good to me I wanted to thank him. The painting he bought was another beach scene so I thought I would do a sister one so he had a pair that would up his investment. I will give it to him next time he's down our way.

I drew for the next hour then I heard some noise coming from Tony's where there was a large people mover with some guys unloading it. They had a shit load of luggage and must have rented Tony's apartment. I couldn't see clearly from here but it looked like there were six of them, but the entrance was on the other side so I wasn't sure. Tony will be rubbing his hands together about now. My boys came up for lunch and Evan winked at me, he went to our bedroom and I followed.

"Den, not now."

"But you winked at me."

"Only to let you know that Tiny has accepted our offer so I'm getting the deposit together now." He went to the safe.

"Oh, so you don't want to fool around?"

"No," he said absentmindedly.

Then he thought about it and had a lay down on the bed.

I worked him over like a hot dog at a carnival, he was so beautiful. His bleached hair was everywhere and as I straddled his face, his lips were doing a tango on my dick.

Eventually he got the money and put it in a brown paper bag, I think that's what crims do, and he marched out to give it to Tiny who had a smile on his face from ear to ear. They shook hands and Horse gave them a weird look but nothing was said.

Tony came over for a breather, he was only doing what he could and Jay was a godsend, he was picking up the trade very fast.

"Did Spud's paintings go Tony?"

"Yes Den, yesterday. Marcel should get them in two weeks, Spud's happy?"

"He couldn't be happier Tony and is seeing his accountant this afternoon." I chuckled.

Poor Tony, he was right, everyone who comes in contact with this shack makes money.

"New tenants Tony?"

"Yes, four weeks, five hunks down to do some surfing, but I think they are really here to make a porn movie, they are superb specimens."

"Oh?" was all I said.

"Den." Evan doesn't miss a trick.

"Bubs, can I buy a movie camera?"

"No, and stay away from Tony's." The guys laughed as Ayden started waking and then crawling up. Spud delivered a load of spaghetti and meat balls he had cooked and Rita brought the garlic bread.

Horse grabbed Ayden and cradled him while he yawned and sucked his dummy, I think he wants ten minutes more.

About a half hour later the biggest motorhome I have ever seen came up the road and turned into the foreshore, I hadn't noticed but there were several big ones already set out. It must be a club get together or something. We watched as the bigger one set up, push out walls, solar panels, satellite dish and the roof raised to add a second story. I've never seen anything like that before in my life, it must have cost millions. The guys were going ape shit and Tiny and Nuts went over to have a closer look. I will go for a walk later when Evan goes surfing, maybe call into Tony's while I'm at it.

I watched a tent go up and several smaller ones were erected. Then the strangest thing happened, three Arabs ran across the road in their long white robes. They went into Rita's and ordered up big, Alex and Spud helped while Blue made milkshakes by the dozen. They were carried back and the guys came back for the forty orders of hamburgers and chips. They were also running them across the road as they were finished. That will drop some lovely cash in Rita's till.

About an hour later the three came back with a tall guy who was dressed differently, he looked like he was a commander. Maybe I will get some answers as to what's going on now.

He sat down at one of Rita's tables alone but I couldn't see his face because he had his back to me. His minders sat at another table and watched him as Spud came out to serve him and stopped in his tracks, he was suspended in time as he stared at the man. I walked up then nudged Spud to get him going. Rita was behind him and stepped around him to ask the man what he would like.

"A chocolate milkshake, please Rita." She looked at him twice then pushed Spud back into the kitchen, he knows Rita. I looked at the man and thought what a dish then I followed them into the kitchen where Spud was almost fainting, but he managed to whisper,

"Did you see him Den?"

"Yes Spud, do you know him Rita?"

"No, I don't think so Den." She shook her head.

"So what was that little display for Spud?" He had a tear falling down one cheek.

"He's absolutely gorgeous."

"That he is my boy, now take this milkshake out to him." Rita passed a shake over.

"I can't, I'll spill it all over him."

"I'll take it Rita; Spud, get a hold of yourself will you? He might think he's not welcome. I took the milkshake out to this Arab hunk with dark piercing eyes and the longest eyelashes in the world and the pinkest lips. It was criminal to walk around looking like he did I thought as I placed his drink in front of him, he grabbed my hand.

"Are you Den?"

"Yes that's me, do I know you?"

"No, but I know you, could you sit with me please?"

"Of course I can mate, but I have to go get my boy first."

"Ah, the famous Ayden, yes I need to meet with him." This guy is so weird.

I went and got Bubs, he was full of giggles and as happy as Larry.

As I went to sit down he said,

"Spud, dah Spud."

"No Bubs, Spud is in the kitchen."

"Ohhh," he replied a little confused.

He looked at the stranger and wanted over, his arms shot out and the guy smiled, his almost red lips were full. He had a three-day growth and short dark curly hair from what I could tell, his skin was creamy olive and his face perfectly shaped. I need to paint him.

"Do you mind; I think he likes you?"

"Of course, I don't mind Den, he's gorgeous, come on Bubs." Bubs went straight to him and asked,


"I know, I just almost met Spud, he's hiding in the kitchen isn't he?" He grinned at my boy.

"He's very shy but a beautiful boy all the same." I smiled.

"My manners Den, I'm sorry, I am Alib, I will forego my full name, it's too hard to pronounce." He laughed as he shook my hand.

I was speechless, of course he's Alib, who else could afford the entourage on the foreshore.

"I had to come, I have to see you for myself and thank you for being so brilliant and for painting my artwork." He again smiled. I need to paint him, I have to paint him.

"I humbly thank you for buying my art, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did creating them."

"They bring me such peace Den, and this child is everything I imagined." Ayden had snuggled in to him.

"When I finish my awesome milkshake, could you show me his eyes and whatever else you are hiding in the back rooms?"

I giggled, I didn't think Alib would be so young but so grown up at the same time. He acted thirty but looked twenty.

"Of course I will, but I must warn you some are not for sale, that includes Ayden's Eyes." I smiled.

"We will see Den." I detected a small grin on his face as he kissed Ayden's head.

He sipped on his drink and I couldn't help staring and apologized, he told me he gets stared at a lot then he put Bubs over one shoulder and said,

"Please show me, I can't wait."

I went to take Bubs but he wanted to carry him so we walked up to the shop and I unlocked it.

After the lights went on I explained that all the works were Spud's, he looked them over thoroughly twice then he indicated I should show him the rest. In the lounge room he stared at Ayden's Eyes for ages then I heard,

"Five million."


"I will pay you five million for it."

"It's not for sale Alib, I'm sorry." Evan could do with the money but it's not my decision.

"Will Evan sell it to me?"

"I don't know but he will be here soon so you will have to ask him." He then gasped when he turned around, he was looking straight at Spud's cross legged painting and I heard faintly,

"David?" He stood there for ages and his tears flowed freely, I passed him a tissue, he kissed his hand and placed it on Spud's heart.

"I am sorry Den, that painting has overwhelmed me, I must have it."

"It overwhelms me too Alib, and it's also not for sale." He managed a smile.

We then went into Bub's bedroom, he gasped then his hand went to Ayden's painting, he stroked the Queen's face then he did something strange, he bowed. Ayden was aware of what was going on as his eyes never left him, then he giggled his head off.

He looked at the completed works then he wanted to see Evan's nude. I didn't think for one minute he was guessing rather I thought he's been talking to Cynthia on the net. He again gasped when he saw Evan's mum's rose garden, he croaked when he saw Evan.

"Does he really look like this Den?"


"He's magnificent, you are very lucky Den."

"I know, I am blessed mate, he's one hell of a guy."

He smiled then walked through to Ayden's room where he bowed again then looked some more.

Bubs giggled again then nodded his head.

"And bubby talks to them, doesn't he?"

"Yes Alib, all the time."

"I have a story for you but first can we now sit down, I want to meet Spud, and Den please call me Ali." He looked once more at Spud's painting and kissing his hand again.

He didn't let Ayden go and we sat at the big table. I went and ordered sandwiches and coffee.

"That was Spud that nearly served me wasn't it?" Of course he knew who Spud was also.

"Yes it was, and as I said, he's the nervous type."

"I want to tell him that I love his work, I have several of them on my walls and I want to gaze upon him."

Rita brought the coffee down and I asked her to send Spud out.

"Is that wise Den, he might throw up." She laughed.

"He will be fine Rita," I said.

"Do I know you son?"

"No Rita, but I know about you. We have a mutual friend in Cynthia and I am very happy to meet you at long last."

"Rita this is Ali, the guy that bought my paintings at auction."

"Oh, I am so pleased to meet you at last, how are things with you?" She shook his hand.

"Things are fine with me thank you, now I have met you all, but I know there are others I must meet."

"There are Ali, how long are you here for?"

"For as long as it takes Rita, I have things to discuss with Den and I must meet Spud and Evan and a man called Horse." He giggled.

"Okay I will send Spudley out, prepare yourself for a little drama." She chuckled.

"I want to say a big thank you for buying my paintings Ali, it was awesome to watch that auction."

"I wanted them; no I had to have them. I fell in love with them as soon as they appeared online. We can leave the story until later, but I am pleased that I came here to see you all." He smiled, I was a little confused but will go with it.

It took a few long minutes before a shy Spud emerged from the cafe and took a deep breath. When he got closer Ali gasped then he spilled his coffee, his hands shook so much. I wiped up then introduced them, Ali was now speechless. Tears flowed down his cheeks and Ayden clapped and kissed him.

"Spud Prin Spud." He was babbling.

Spud was riveted to the spot, he didn't know where to look so he made a decision and flopped down next to me, then passed Ali another tissue.

"I am sorry, I forget myself sometimes, my father would have me horse whipped for doing that in public. Spud I am Ali and I have been dying to meet up with you for a very long time now." Spud held his hand out and it shook like a leaf in the wind.

"Very pleased to meet you Ali," he said.

We didn't even get to finding out why he was here because three men ran across the road and up the stairs. They immediately went down on their knees, their faces buried in their hands.

"What is it, I told you I didn't want to be disturbed."

"I am sorry my prince but your father is on the satellite telephone, you must come quickly."

"I'm sorry Den, Spud, I must go, can I come back later?"

"Of course you can, we will still be here." I was gob smacked as he shook my hand, he went to shake Spud's but all he said was,

"Prince?" He gulped.

"Ali to you Spud, but a prince yes. I have yearned so long to meet you, my heart beats faster now that I have." He almost ran back to his magnificent home, and I half expected the larger of the bodyguards to pick him up and carry him in.

We were stunned, and nothing was said as I held Ayden who was ranting.

"Spud prin Spud prin." I had no idea what he was on about, but it was plain that Spud had the hots for him big time, and I gotta admit, he was fucking gorgeous.

"Spud talk to me, what's going on?" I shook him.

"Den, he's beautiful, is it ever possible to fall in love with someone instantly?"

"Yes my beautiful friend, of course it is."

"Den, he's a prince."

"Yes Spud, he's a prince." I smiled at him.

I saw one of his minders run over again and he wasn't puffed at all by the time he got to the table, things happen fast in Ali's world.

"My prince sends his apologies for leaving so abruptly, he requested me to let you know he will be back after he talks to his king."

"Tell him we will be here, and we understand if he is tied up." I smiled.

Spud was in a super trance again, and again I shook him, almost violently.

"Prin, prin Spud," Ayden kept saying.

"A prince, he's my prince, yes Bubs my prince," Spud whispered and Ayden was having a ball laughing.

He started weeping into his hands and I had no idea what he was thinking. I pulled him into my chest and we stayed like that for ages, I rocked him back and forth and I thought to myself this is it. I knew how he felt because I have felt it many times since Evan came into my life. Rita observed but didn't interfere, she sat and had coffee on her side of the porch while watching us. I gave her the thumbs up.

Ayden was reaching for Spud so I placed him in his arms then I gathered up the cups taking them back to the cafe, Rita followed.

"What's up Den?"

"Instant love on Spud's side, Ali seemed to be the same but I can't tell because I still don't know why he's here, but he's smitten with Spud."

"Okay, do you detect any trouble?"

"Not yet but he is a full blooded prince, he's on the phone to the king now."

"A prince, what the f...?" she didn't finish.

"Yes," I assured her.

She blew her breath out and I pulled my phone out to ring Cynthia.

"He's what?"

"He's here, three big motorhomes and assorted tents, why is he here?"

"I don't know Den, I know he loves your works and was dying to meet you. I told him about Rita, Ayden, the boys and Tony but nothing personal Den, maybe he's here to buy."

"He offered me five million for Ayden's Eyes," I whispered down the phone.

"What!!!!" she screamed.

"It's okay, I knocked it back."

"You what???"

"I knocked it back. I can't sell it, it's Evan's."

"Fuck me Den, talk him into it."

"It's not for sale Cyn at any price, Evan or not, it's not for sale, for some reason it's part of the magic." She wanted to come down but she had auctions finishing so I left her on a high.

"He's a gorgeous dark eyed and haired, hairy chested Adonis Cyn and the twenty or so bodyguards look like they just walked out of a fashion magazine." Well they did.

"A bit like you Den." She laughed.

When I hung up I went and talked to Rita but she got customers so I leant against her bench and thought back. Nuts had told me once that Spud liked me a lot because of my looks, maybe he sees me in Ali but Ali is so much younger and better looking than me.

"Yes." I punched the air, Rita looked at me so strangely, my butterflies went absolutely crazy.

When I returned to the porch the boys were there, Evan had opened the shop and Spud was in a deep conversation with Nuts. Horse had snaffled Ayden and they were playing racing cars. I went into the shop and sidled up to Evan.

"Oh you have to meet Ali Bubs; he's going to rock your fucking world."

"Umm, you been drinking Den?"

"No! But you are going to get a big stiff when you meet him." I grinned and he screwed his face up.

"Den, go sit with the boys." He then went out to the porch and yelled,

"Rita, no more brandy for Den, he's had enough." I felt so embarrassed so with my tail between my legs I went to sit with the boys, but I knew he would bar up.

"Spudley, are you going to do any work today?" Rita sounded pissed off.

"Coming mommy dearest." He again rolled his eyes.

For some reason a pot of coffee was placed in front of me.

"Drink Den," Evan called from the shop.

Ayden laughed as I pouted. I wish I had the urge to paint, I should have known he would turn up one day, I should have known.

Ali was coming across the road, he had his two minders with him and after giving them instructions, they bowed then sat at Rita's vacant table.

"I told them to chill out and I suppose that's what they are doing Den." He smiled I looked at the guys and they were ordering coffee.

"Yep they're chilling prince Ali." I laughed and added,

"Please sit and let's talk, what's the big mystery Ali?"

"One thousand and one nights, Aladdin, genies, and many more fairy tales."

He was straight to the point but not telling me anything I didn't already know. Horse's ears pricked up.

"I want Spud in on this too, if I may."

I sent a text to Spud, then went to get Evan who in turn shook his hand then slumped into a chair. I know exactly what he was feeling but I resisted my urge to have a feel.

"I told you so Bubs," I whispered to him, he blushed. Then I introduced the guys to him and he especially looked at Horse longer.

"He is everything I imagined Den, you are so lucky to have him by your side." He was talking about Evan who I suspect was trying to hide that raging hard on.

A shy Spud joined us with more coffee and after the greetings he settled in.

Ali spoke first after he looked at the guys, seemingly trying to photo shop their faces.

"My father the king demands so much of me but so little, when he calls I answer but not after ten, I'm asleep then." He giggled, and his dark eyes sparkled in the afternoon light, and when he took his hat off both Evan and Spud gasped. His hair was short and very curly and his eyebrows looked like they had been manicured.

"Is he in town too?" I asked.

"No he is back in Dubai overseeing yet another tourist attraction, and planning his next trip to see me." He rolled his eyes.

"Do not feel sorry for me my friends, what you see here is nearly the real me, I am not locked away and I am free to live my life anyway I like, but I must not embarrass my king with any scandal. I am expected to have servants and bodyguards, my king decrees it, and please forgive their presence, there is nothing I can do about it."

He sighed then went on. I noticed he was talking to us but he really was looking at Spud.

"My story began when I was sent to junior college in England, I wanted to be treated as normal but my father insisted my minders came with me. A house was bought and housekeepers and maids were installed, but I yearned to be normal like my school mates and that school was the only place I loved being at, I spent a lot of hours in the library there."

Rita was coming down the porch with her coffee, she had no customers now and she should be in on the story.

"Sorry your highness, can I sit with you all?"

"It's Ali Rita, and yes of course you can sit and listen to my story." He smiled and continued,

"I was in love with my school, my teachers, my school friends and a boy called David, he was pure sunshine in a bottle to me. We became fast mates and used to skip school to buy milkshakes and hamburgers, by the way Rita, yours are the best. I sent the guys over to get me one, and a milkshake earlier." He grinned and Rita's chest puffed out.

"My David and I spent every minute together from the age of fifteen, he was an artist a real artist like you Den, and you Spud. When I saw your paintings I nearly collapsed because you used the same themes as he did. The king, the queen, the little prince, they were all in David's paintings, I have them in a special gallery and no one is to look upon them except me." He lowered his head and rubbed his face with his hands. Spud's tears had arrived; he didn't like watching people in so much pain. Evan took my hand and squeezed it.

"When we decided we were in love, which was very quickly, he moved in with me, my world was complete." A tear ran down his face and he took Rita's hand in one of his and Spud's in the other.

"We had the most loving relationship, he painted, I did other things, but mainly I surfed." Evan's turn now to gasp, it was like a mirror of our relationship, how can this be?

"We have many similarities Evan, I even wanted to go into law." He smiled lightly.

"Of course my father ignored my indiscretions, he is a worldly man and is well read on just about everything. When my schooling was over I was to enter law studies. David painted, it's all he ever wanted to do, work in the arts. My father came for a visit, he had met David and liked him but my father has enemies and our relationship wasn't quite hidden behind closed doors.

He told me to go and live on an island and not to come back to Dubai because I would not be welcome if anyone found out."

He faltered.

"I'm sorry this is taking so long my friends; it's been hard for me to relive."

"Just take your time Ali, get it all out," Spud gently said.

"We used to holiday on the island so I was very familiar with it, David fell in love with it instantly and I was happy so he was happy. I managed to get my law degree started with a tutor and a company of teachers that were brought in from all over, but something happened and I won't go back to my studies. But I can speak seven languages fluently." He looked exhausted but something was telling me to listen, he was saying something important.

"I am the youngest of five sons, my father the king loves me and he also wants to protect me. He also came to love David and he told me that maybe we should go and live in the Mediterranean where such things are more accepted, he wasn't ordering me, he was protecting us. David painted every day on the beach as I surfed and swam and my father rang me every other day and even talked to David just to ask him how he was. Our island was private and we sat on the many beaches and talked our hours away, morning to midnight, he was my absolute." He struggled and the tears were flowing.

"What happened to David Ali?" I pushed, he dropped his head to the table.

"He passed away six months ago," he whispered and I could see tears running down his cheeks, they mirrored what just about everyone at the table was feeling, then he again whispered the 'C' word.

Instantly one of his attendants was up on his feet and rushed down the porch, he bowed then said,

"My prince, it's time to go back."

"No leave me."

"But my Prince it's time for your medication."

"Go back to your chilling, or I will have you flogged within an inch of your life." I heard Rita gasp this time.

"As you wish my prince." The guard had a slight smile on his face.

"At the campsite," he added.

They left to go across the road but stood in the shadows watching the shack.

"They will not be far Den; my father demands it."

"Ali is there anything I can do?" Spud's eyes were as red as strawberries.

Ali looked at him and said, no pleaded,

"Yes you can Spud, can you take me down to your beach and sit with me for awhile, just you and me?"

"Of course we can, Rita is that okay?" Spud didn't need to ask, it was a given.

"You go, I'll lock up." She smiled then leant over and hugged Ali tightly, rubbing his back.

I hugged him too then Horse then Evan, I think he lingered, then Spud quietly took him down to our beach. I noticed the two guards move down another track, but they will be watching him.

I checked on Bubs while Evan locked up. I had a lot on my mind and I would love to have seen David's paintings.

"He got you going didn't he Bubs?" I had snaked my hand over to his steel rod.

"He even smells like you Den." He sighed.

"Umm, I thought I detected a little lingering."

"Sorry Den, he was compelling me to do it."

I turned him to me and stroked his face, then deeply kissed him.

"He can't kiss you like that Bubs."

"Why Den?"

"Because you couldn't in your heart let him, pass the lube will ya?"

He groaned and as I mounted him I stuck my neck into his face and repeated,

"Smell me Bubs, smell me, use your imagination." He laughed so much I slipped out but my hand rectified that within seconds.

I didn't ask Spud what they talked about but he was very quiet the next morning as we all sat on the porch. I was telling the other guys Ali's story as I didn't think it was a secret, then one of the bodyguards came over the road and bowed to me.

"My prince requests your company Den, just for a short time."

I smirked at Evan and whispered,

"He knows me so well, short time, get it?" I nudged him and Evan again laughed then said,

"Come on guys, let's go surfing." As I followed the guy over the road I heard the guys all roaring with laughter, that bugger has told them.

"Thank you for coming Den, I won't keep you long but you must prepare yourself for a shock, and I need your help if you can find it in your heart." I was puzzled as he led me into his luxurious bedroom.

"Ali, I don't play mate, can we just sit in the lounge?"

"It's not what you think Den, I would never insult you or Evan with such nonsense, please sit on the bed." I gently sat down and he took my hand.

"I am about to show you one of the most precious things I own, no one else in this world has ever laid eyes on it."

"Ali, what am I looking at?"

"David's painting, it travels with me everywhere, it watches over me when I get sad, my father thinks the pills help, but it's David who calms me."

"Oh Ali, he's with you in your heart all the time, I know you can feel him."

"I can Den but I also want to look upon his beautiful face." He held up a remote control and a hidden panel opened, he squeezed my hand and I croaked out,

"It can't be."

"It is Den, that's my David and those are his fairies and if you look at the baby on the beach you will find it's Ayden." I shook so violently; the butterflies were all out today. I bent over holding my tummy so it wouldn't burst.

"Butterflies Den?" His tears ran free and I took him in my arms then we gently cried into each other's shoulders.

Next: Chapter 43

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