Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 17, 2017


Aydens eyes 41

Mavis called by around four, I had made Evan and Donk go surfing for a couple of hours, Blue's next bout should start at six.

She used the ramp to get onto the porch easily and made her way to the table.

"Coffee Mavis?"

"Yes please Den, I've been sitting across the road watching this place literally explode, is it always like this?"

"No, just at Christmas and Easter, plus we are three men down too."

"Oh the Bells champion, I wanted to meet him, I heard he's a dish." She giggled.

"He will be on TV tomorrow so come up here and watch it with us."

I indicated to Mike two coffees, he winked and went to get them.

"He's a top boy that grandson of mine Den. But I'm sure you know that already."

"We all love him Mavis, he didn't deserve what he got."

"Yes and no Den, if he hadn't have had it he would have probably become a road worker or something, but now his grades are top of the class. He's got a whole lot of new confidence he didn't have before and a whole load of nice, new friends."

"Well I'm sure he's going places; I can feel it in him."

"Thank you, I just wanted to confirm something I have felt for a long time."

Mike arrived with the coffee then sat with us for ten minutes. He was talking his head off about school and his mates, but he had better mates here and he wanted to keep us all a secret, otherwise our sleepy town wouldn't be so sleepy anymore. I knew what he was talking about and I pray no one disturbs our little piece of paradise. I also put Ayden in her lap and he talked his head off at her as she stroked his face.

Horse came up and I introduced him to Mavis.

"If Tony comes looking for me tell him I've gone surfing." He kissed Bubs and ran through the shop and out the back. I was thinking about poor Jay trying to lift tables on his own, it will be another week before he will be able to go surfing again.

We did have a pleasant catch up and Ayden went to sleep so I placed him in his bean bag.

"Now show me the paintings and I don't mean Spud's." I took her through to Ayden's room where she almost swooned over them and when she spied Ayden's eyes, she nearly wept. The others got a thorough perusal too.

"Oh my," she said when she saw Evan's nude.

"They are wonderful and the colors are out of this world Den, everyone must be so proud of you."

"Well they were a lot of hard work, but between you and me they are an easy paint because I love doing them."

She had to go but before she left she ordered a serve of stew and mash to be sent to her room, she wanted an early night.

Evan wasn't so busy tonight and Horse and Alex loaded his truck to leave early in the morning. He said that Nuts was keeping him informed of Blue's progress, who had been in bed early, no parties and no one with him. He was becoming very popular with the other contestants and was expected to be in the top five according to the experts.

We made love again and again and I had Evan moaning into the pillow. He is more beautiful today than yesterday, his hair now falls halfway down his back and it suited him to a tee.

We waved the boys goodbye and then our day started without our backups. I really didn't know why I was in a big panic, maybe something else was coming into play, but it was as if everything had settled down when they left. I made Evan go surfing while Bubs was placed in his bean bag. I pulled out another blank canvas and sitting there I thought about Spud and how he was fast turning into a grown up. Before I knew it I had him sitting with his legs crossed on a sand dune.

I placed Ayden in the shot and or course my fairy folk. The party was going on and the king and queen I placed on his shoulder, they were looking at something and smiling. There was a gold chain around his neck and the little, now teenage prince looking more and more like Tarzan in bright board shorts was hanging by one hand. The other was touching Spud's heart and he was laughing. Spud's smile and stance wasn't what I had at first intended, I was going to make him look hopeful, but his big smile and loving eyes were watching his prince swing and play, he looked happy, not hopeful. I also had never done this before but I included dozens of butterflies that had exploded from Ayden's small hand, and they had surrounded Spud and the little Prince.

I was also so aware that they were exploding in my stomach.

"Is that me Den?" I heard someone ask.

I looked up and there was Spud.

"Yes you, the king, queen and the little prince." I didn't know what to say to him but I am going to be honest, I didn't think I was drawing this scene, it was completely different to the one I had in my head.

"Did you mean to do it this way?"

"No, I had intended something entirely different." I let a tear drip because I knew it was going to be a triumph, I won't sell it and I won't give it to Spud.

"It's going to be brilliant Den, that prince sure looks happy."

"So do you Spud." He sat staring at it for a long time.

I didn't faint, I didn't do anything much except have the bowl of stew Spud had brought down, I was famished.

"Can I b..." he didn't finish.

"No," I replied quietly, it hurt to refuse Spud's request.


"Spud, I know in my heart of hearts I have to keep this one, I'm sorry kiddo but I just have to this time."

He smiled and looked at me.

"No harm in trying."

"No harm done kid, and I am sorry."

He turned the big TV on at five and Evan and Donk were a little busy, but we did manage to catch some highlights of the day.

Blue was awesome, his scores were at the top but that was all we saw, it won't be live on Fox until tomorrow. Then we will know the meaning of the word busy because every surfer and fan will be here to watch it. Rita as usual had it covered. Instead of her usual fare she was only serving pies, fish and chips or hamburgers for the next four days with no exceptions. She can pre make most of it and only do fresh chips when needed. The girls Mike knew had done waitressing before so there was no training required. Of course she will have the usual milkshakes, dim sims and potato cakes but no curry or stew, or her big special menu, things like that.

As the excitement mounted in the morning we decided to just go and do our own thing, Evan was sent with Donk surfing and Jay went with them. Tony came for coffee early and was smiling from ear to ear.

"Good move?" I winked.

"Fucking the best move and you know it too. How the fuck do you do it Den?"

"Do what?"

"I thought you were mad buying this place on a whim and when you told me at your house what your plans were, I thought you were completely insane."

"I knew in my heart it was going to be good for Evan and me, I guess your luck followed you here." I laughed.

"That's not what I meant and you fucking know it."

"Well I guess we will call it good luck."

"No, and don't try to avoid it. Point one Den, now listen. You buy a shack on the beach and bring a retired lady who was content to bake cakes and sit in front of the telly, an unhappy lawyer, a baby and yourself to a sleepy town by the beach. The guy that sold it to you said it was a good earner but didn't say it was a bloody gold mine."

"He just didn't run it properly."

"Right and you, Rita and Evan knew how to run a business did you?" I smiled at him and decided I had better say nothing.

"How the fuck did a retired housewife turn a run down café into a thriving take away, come restaurant, come wholesaler overnight, tell me how?"

I shrugged.

"And Evan, a lawyer turned a run down everyday surf shop into a high end label, factory outlet, let's not forget a fishing rod and surfboard retail outlet too." I don't see Evan's shop like that.

"I will not get on your back about the hermit painter that went from three thousand to five hundred thousand a painting within twelve months." He was laughing, he's not mad.

"As for Spud, his time has come and he does do very well, so much so that now he has his own accountant and investment lawyer working for him." I wondered if Evan charges, might be a good idea that he does, more income.

"Cynthia was telling me that before she met you she was doing really okay but now she can't keep up with it, she has to hire people and has so much money she has to build down here to get rid of some of it." I didn't know she was building down here, well not yet anyway.

"Did you do well yesterday Tony?" I thought I might just change the subject.

"Do well, do well? Den I have so many orders I have been knocking back work, it was a bad move to come here because now I really have to knuckle down and actually work. I just don't know how you did it, it's like everyone that comes in contact with you instantly makes a shitload of money. I haven't made so much, no I've never made so much money in two days like I have yesterday and the day before. Even Horse was saying his building business has doubled with work. Whatever you're doing for this town and your friends thank you, thank you so much." He leant over and kissed me.

"It's the baby," I mumbled.

"It's the baby, yeah let's blame the baby."

"Okay I'll go with that."

He shook his head and finished his coffee then said,

"I have to go, thanks to `the baby' I don't have any free time for myself anymore."

I stood up and took Evan's sign off his door and gave it to Tony.

"Here, take the day off, go surfing."

He chuckled all the way down the porch and when he got to the stairs I heard Rita's voice coming from the café,

"Has Tony been drinking Den?"

"Oh go back to your cup cakes and TV Rita, see you later." I could hear him chuckling all the way back to his big shed.

I rescued the baby from Rita's and he was very pleased to see me, then I turned the TV on. The porch was filling up and Evan and Donk had showered and found a good spot at our table. He had left his closed sign on the door and would open it when Blue wasn't competing.

"Blu blu it Bubs," Ayden shouted when he saw his mate on the big screen. He had just finished his first run, Rita was sitting with us but the girls and Mike had it covered. Spud was watching it on a smaller TV up near the café. There would have been at least two hundred guys and girls standing on the porch and their roar was all I heard when Blue started his second run.

He looked spectacular in the water.

He had an insanely good ride, I thought it wasn't ever going to end and the noise from the spectators matched the crowd on the porch. With his board he ran onto the beach and I could see Horse and the boys literally carrying him over to the competitor's area. That one got him in the finals.

"It was good Bubs, wasn't it?"

"Yes Den, it was a perfect ride on a perfect wave," he sighed.

"I have a perfect wave you could ride Bubs." I grinned at him and his eyes darted to the shop door then he must have had second thoughts.

"Don't do that Den."

"Do what?"

He groaned.

The party was late and loud and the phone calls started as soon as the broadcast ended. Poor Blue, he must be so tired, I wondered if Alex had a big wave for him to ride too.

Evan rode one of the best waves that night and he wouldn't stop grinning as I hung onto his white straps. We did it again in the morning, that's how good he is.

I apologized to Mavis in the morning when we caught up for coffee, that was after I helped the boys clean up a big mess. I also noticed she had picked up Ayden and was nursing him.

"I watched it in my room Den, he is spectacular, isn't he?"

"He sure is, a champion Mavis, he's going places."

"He will have to join the world circuit but after that ride I reckon he knows what he's doing, I also reckon he's better than Kelly Slater." I looked at her and nodded.

Whose Kelly Slater I said to myself, I must ask Evan, he knows everything. She stroked Ayden's hair and kissed his head several times. The funny thing about it, I don't even think she realized she was doing it.

I wanted to get back to my painting so after Mavis took off to the red caravan, I took myself out to the back porch. Spud poked his head out several times just to check on me and Rita had the baby all taken care of in the kitchen. All I could smell was hamburger and fish and at one stage I told Spud to make his chicken curry and put it in Chinese take away containers. I think he talked to Rita about it so maybe I might have a better smelling shack tomorrow.

I painted until Evan shook me.

"My god Den, that's so beautiful, your prince is gorgeous, he looks a lot like you."

I put my brush down and looked him in the eye and said,

"You want him to fuck you, don't you?"


"Come on let's go, can't sit around painting all day." I grabbed his hand and we raced to our bedroom.

"I can't find your whites," I moaned.

"There, in the wash."

"Ohhh," I whined.

"Den fuck me, now!"

It was an order, so I mounted him and he groaned as I slipped in to his tight ass. I pumped away for ages, longer than usual then whispered in his ear,

"I think we can lose the whites; I think they make me cum faster Bubs."

He backed onto me harder and I lost it, giving him a crazy, deep thrusting fuck.

I stored my painting in the lounge room, Ayden's room was full so I must sort them. In the afternoon the crowd started swelling again and it was hard to get to the kitchen so I went around the back way. Blue wasn't on until around two. Horse had told us so Evan and I sat in the shop, but we weren't sitting for long and our sandwiches were forgotten as the crowd swelled into it. Apart from serving at the counter we also had to watch out for shoplifters, luckily when we did a stock take weeks later we were spot on. Anyway, around two we had to clear the shop and go watch Blue. There was room reserved at our table and the surfing fraternity were so good to us, Evan's popular too which helps.

There were three contestants in the water, one was Blue. The first one took a wobbly wave and wiped out, the second rode into shore beautifully. Blue took his time he was doing what Donk had taught him, feeling the wave and when he felt it rise he was paddling away at full pelt then he jumped up on his board. I held my breath and the crowd went silent, he milked that wave for everything it could give him. He was through to the next round and the porch shook under all that weight.

There was no party tonight because the wind had come up and the waves were calling. They all scattered to their favorite spots, Evan, Donk and about a dozen others went down to our beach. I heard screaming coming from there, the wind carried it and Evan's voice was heard, he was happy.

Later that afternoon I finished the painting and sorted through the ones in Ayden's room, then hung six in the lounge room which will give them to Cynthia, one at a time. The king and queen one I left in his room along with Carol's and one of Evan, I will hang Spud's in there too, when it dries.

Round three in the finals and Blue made a bad move, maybe his nerves got the better of him and he was knocked out of the race. No one, and I mean no one blamed him, and the cheering and clapping went on for ages as I saw Horse hug him and the close up of Blue was beautiful. I could see some happy tears and I could also see a fucking champion.

When it all boiled down he was sixth on the competition ladder, and if the other five contestants were anything to go on, he should be so proud of himself, those guys were the top five in the world. Blue had bested world class surfers to get to this space. I couldn't stop tearing up as I thought through it and was so fucking proud of him. Blue was a bit red eyed too as they interviewed him after the run. He was humble and he also said he was from the best surfing spot along the coast, Golden Bay. There goes my peace and quiet, now the world knows.

They will either stay and watch the final or be home by tomorrow. Tony was pining for Horse's touch; I know this because he seemed to have his edge on today. Maybe I'm wrong.

"Bloody Cynthia, why doesn't she leave me in peace? She wants three of my hand made tables for god's sake," he moaned.

"Tell her they are one offs, you don't take orders and you certainly don't sell in bulk."

"But the money Den, it's so good."

"It's not everything Tony, love is everything and when you start making things you love in bulk, you lose that love very quickly. You may as well have them made in Indonesia then you're no longer the artist, but the shopkeeper/importer."

He went silent and thought about it, then he took a deep breath.

"I'll tell her I won't do them; I have enough orders, I don't need to do rush orders, especially on my tables."

"Good, then your art just got a hell of a lot more expensive." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Go home, re-group, do what you can and don't do what you have been told to do. Slow down, chill out and make good art."

I know I was right because that's how I felt in the end, and I also think in a round about way, I had the same conversation with him over my paintings not so long ago.

"If someone wants one of your very expensive tables they can pay for it, top dollar. And Tony you have forgotten that Cynthia knows this and I bet you a million dollars she's just stocking up."

He smiled at me and said,

"Thanks Den."

"Your welcome." I smiled, sometimes people just need re-assurance and grounding.

"You backstabbing son of a bitch, he won't do them now because of you. Now what do I do? I thought I had him with this one." She giggled down the phone.

"Good morning to you too Cyn and how are things?"

"Sorry Den, good morning, just feeling a little grumpy, that's all."

"You know Cyn, when the horse is tired the ride gets rougher."

"Eh? what the hell are you on?"

"Baby, Tony's exhausted, he's an artist not a shopkeeper and if he does these tables for you they won't be as good as they should be. He will cut corners to get them done, he will compromise himself and your business. He's an artist honey, you shouldn't have any concerns that the next table he builds will be perfect and of course more expensive. Now who is he going to ask to sell it for him, do you get my drift baby?"

The phone went quiet I could imagine the dollar signs rolling around in her head.

"Your right Den, sorry but I get carried away sometimes, anyway your painting is up to three hundred, just thought you might like to know."


"The one we have up for auction, you can guess who's the top bidder." She chuckled.


"Yes Den, he wants it, hell or high water."

"My god, I must meet this guy."

"He's only twenty years old Den."


"He's been talking to me over the net, he says he's only twenty and owns his own island off Italy."

"My god, has he pinched his father's credit card Cyn." I laughed.

"No Den, he's very wealthy, more money than we will ever see, trillions come to mind, and he loves your work immensely." She laughed back.

I was flabbergasted so I had to say I would call her back. I forgot about the auction, oh well if that's what people want to pay who am I to argue? Fucking twenty years old!

I heard a yahoo coming from a van that went down our driveway, the boys are home. Blue looked very pleased with himself and Alex looked even happier. They didn't unload the truck but just wanted coffee and food, and I think it will be a few days before they will want to start back at the café.

After a lot of back slapping and hugs, Horse ran over to Tony's, our porch was filling fast and Rita again was busy. There were photos taken and a local newspaper was called in, so poor Blue posed, signed autographs and yawned his way through it.

"It was his nerves Den, they got the better of him but it's a good thing he has that experience now," Alex whispered to me.

"Well we are all so very proud of him, he looked awesome on screen kid."

"Well he has already been given an invitation to Padang- Padang in Indonesia and a few sponsorship offers he wants Evan to look over." He smiled and I was so pleased for them. Now I think Tony was right, everyone has so much luck down here, I just know it's the baby.

They were very tired as the rest of he crowd watched the finals on our big screen. I don't think Blue was interested, I just thought he may be a little exhausted as he and Alex snuck out through Rita's and down to their home.

When Horse came back he immediately took Ayden off Donk to go sit on the back verandah, I think he was hiding again, or waiting for Tony to arrive home.

The porch slowly emptied as the guys went surfing, Rita came up with coffee and Mavis arrived for her afternoon tea, which Mike was straight on to. Both Rita and Mavis looked at Ayden who was sitting on my lap playing with his pencils and paper. I passed him to Mavis and winked at Rita who smiled as she watched her stroke his hair and kiss his head. Ayden was aware of the attention and every now and then he would stretch and lay back, then look into her eyes.

"Gran are you okay?"

"Yes Mike, why do you ask?"

"Umm nan, you've got your sneakers on not your slippers."

I thought what an odd thing to say.

"Oh have I, sorry son I didn't realize. I hung some washing out on the line and I didn't want to get my lovely slippers dirty."

Mike looked at her strangely, he was confused.

No rest for the wicked, a half dozen kids came up and started going into the shop so I got up and asked,

"Will bubs be okay there with you Mavis? Rita you can take him if you like."

"No he's fine Den, we are just going to draw some horses aren't we bubs."

I indicated to Mike to follow me.

"What was that all about Mike?"

"She never wears her sneakers, they are too heavy for her to cope with and she certainly doesn't walk ten meters to the clothesline. She wouldn't have been able to reach the line without standing for more than a few minutes, something's happening Den."

"Must be the zombies Mike." I laughed as I started serving a nice young lady, he gave me a sour look.

"It's Ayden Mike, she doesn't know it but he's helping to ease her troubles. Just you watch her, she's unaware of his magic and reaches for him all the time, just like Horse does."

"Do you think he can heal her?"

"No Mike, but I think he can help her."

He went to ponder the world of magic; I have noticed she is unconsciously doing things she probably hasn't done for a year or two.

The shop wasn't busy but constant, I can handle that myself and when it cleared, Evan and the boys came back. Mavis handed bubs to Horse and then she had to go across the road, she was dining with Anne and Jack tonight. I watched her park her chair and walk the five meters to the tent, and she didn't wobble. I don't think she realized she was doing it. I also noticed Mike watch her and gave him the thumbs up.

Blue was up early and he and Alex with Evan in tow headed down to the beach, it was a cool day and I noticed Patrick's car was in the yard, he must have turned up earlier. There was laughing and talking coming from the beach when I went out on the back verandah, my guess is that everyone was there today.

I got my baby ready, bathed him, brushed his hair and put some green shorts and a white tank on him. I kissed, blew bubbles and generally played with him before we started our day together. Rita was having coffee and she immediately took Ayden and blew more bubbles. I helped myself and asked where her tribe were.

"All down the beach Den, big coming home celebrations for Blue I think." She giggled.

"Oh, well he deserves it, he was awesome."

"He will go to Indonesia to surf Den; I will miss them."

I hadn't thought of that, of course she would miss them, we all will.

"What is Alex's take on it all, I haven't had the chance to even talk to him about it?"

"He's fine Den, he will go where Blue goes and I think I can do without them for awhile, but I will miss them." She was being reflective.

"They won't forget you Rita, there's no way that will happen and there's always the phone, not like the last time when Alex disappeared."

"Yes it's a good thing Den and I am so happy for Blue. Horse said he will go and watch so maybe I might go with him."

"Oh yes, please go, you need a break Rita, it's been non-stop here ever since you moved in. The holiday alone will recharge your batteries."

"I have to think about Peter and Holly Den, they need me too."

"Well from what I hear, they really don't you know, they have loads of friends now and are very popular. Surely they can do without you for a week or two."

"When you put it like that maybe your right, I would love to see Indonesia, I have read so much on it."

"It's beautiful I believe but don't make any sudden moves, wait until you know Blue's schedule."

"I will Den." She kissed Bubs then carried him into the kitchen for breakfast.

Mavis arrived for morning tea just as Mike came up from the beach. He served her while she looked around for Ayden.

"He's in the café having breakfast, he wont be long." I smiled.

"Den I want to ask you something if I may. You can refuse my idea and I won't get offended."

"Of course Mavis, what's up?"

"Well seeing you aren't displaying your works in the shop anymore, I was wondering if I might sell some stuff on consignment, some old circus posters I had framed awhile back."

"Of course you can, they would look great on the walls and it would be a pleasure to display them for you, Tony will probably do the same, how many do you have?"

"Hundreds Den, but I only have a dozen very old, hand painted ones framed. I could get Jack to drop them off to you and you can see for yourself, or better still I'll get Mike to send you photos before you decide. They are from Worth's circus; you wouldn't remember it; it was a different time then."

"Do you have much memorabilia Mavis?"

"A shed full Den, I don't want to donate it to a museum because I want to help Mike out, and the sooner I start the sooner I can get some money together for his university."

"I wouldn't worry about that hon; I already have a plan."

"Yes Anne thought you might have, but please leave it up to us first, you have done enough. I reckon the posters would be worth around fifty dollars framed and maybe ten dollars unframed, less your commission, we could have a tidy sum for his studies by the time he starts."

"What a great idea, I will talk to Tony and Cynthia about the collection and maybe she can unload it all in bulk, you never know."

"Thank you Den, there's plenty of posters and other stuff my mum saved from the rubbish tip in the shed. I will get Mike to sort through it and send you pictures."

"You do that and Mavis there will be no commission from us, Cyn and Tony maybe but not from us."

"No Den, Evan needs the money." She chuckled.

"Well we will see honey, this is going to be exciting."

"There's some lovely hand done posters Den but only a dozen."

"Hand drawn, wow, this I have to see."

"The earlier ones were done on the road, the circus had a resident artist but I forget his name, the latter by printers in the city."

"Okay, first things first, get Mike to send me pictures."

Just then Bubs crawled up the porch, he headed for Mavis's lap and he gave her plenty of good morning hugs and kisses before he had his after breakfast nap.

I thought about the posters, I want the hand painted ones for the shop and will do some research on the artist, they maybe worth more than what she thinks. I know movie posters and such fetch a few bob on eBay so I think I will get on to Cynthia to have a look. If Mavis raises ten grand I reckon that will sustain Mike for a year at university, I have already decided to talk to Evan about it.

The last few days of the Easter holidays was dull, everyone was tired and Evan's shop looked bare again, so he has to restock, but he's not in a hurry as yet. Mike and family will be leaving tomorrow and I dreaded saying good bye to them, it's been wonderful having them here. By the time they left Mavis used her chair less and less as Bubs wove his magic, but I don't know how long it will last. She just didn't seem to notice she was walking further and not looking for things to hang on to. Mike was nearly in tears when she absentmindedly walked into the café to see him, with no help at all.

Rita cooked a big breakfast the morning they left and everyone was there to say goodbye, it won't be until Christmas that we will see them all again. I spoke to Mike about the circus stuff, I wanted him to sort out the hand painted ones from the printed and he has to send photos. He was glad to do that for his gran and would get onto it straight away. We promised to ring each other and as we waved the red caravan goodbye, tears were happening.

They will call into Longford to see Susan and Patrick on the way and it seems like ages since I have sat down with her and talked. I saw her every fortnight picking up the orders from Rita but there never seemed to be time to just talk, she would play with Ayden then rush back to the business, I suppose they are doing well.

Next: Chapter 42

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