Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Dec 6, 2017


Aydens Eyes 40

Spud got up and kissed me and bubs, then went off to the beach. to find Evan.

When he came up from the beach, he only had to take one look to see something was up so he hugged me and kissed me forever. I couldn't hold back my tears the news was so sad. He became concerned about me so I apologized to him then showed him the newspaper, he read then reread the headlines.

Plane go's down in Indonesian sea, two Australian men were on board it is believed they were lawyers from Melbourne, there were no survivors, it was all there in black and white for him to see. He sat back and expelled his breath. I reached for more tissues Ayden had gone to sleep, so I silently cried into his body. Then the dam burst, he put his arm over my shoulder and wept into my neck.

I have never seen Evan cry so much, so I moved closer to him and tried to hug him close, but the fact that bubby was in my arms sleeping meant I couldn't hold him tight.

"Den can we go into our room for a bit?" I think he was embarrassed.

"Sure bub." I took Ayden kissed Rita and thanked her then I followed him into the bedroom where I locked the door.

"It could have been me in that plane Den, what a terrible tragedy." I put bubs on his chest and crawled in beside him. I stroked his head as his tears started again. He was kissing bubs and thanking him, one minute he would be smiling then he would break down again. I forgot my sadness and soothed my man. My bubs woke up and when he saw Evan he cried a little then started.

"Dah Dah no go Dada wif bubs, good?"

"Now good bubs, thank you." The biggest smile crept onto Ayden's face as we both leaned in to kiss him

"Poor Bill and Victor, my god what a terrible thing to happen to them and I shudder to think about it, what if I was on that plane too." His tears started again, this is all fucked up.

"Well you weren't bub, I hope they rest in peace maybe we can have a night surf for them."

"Sure Den Bill would love that. I don't know too much about Victor he wasn't in my office."

"We will find out bubs maybe we can help in a small way but for now get all your crying done, here with us in private and thank god for the beautiful life you have." He looked at me with his tear streaked face and kissed me.

"Thank you Den."

For someone that doesn't show his emotions to others Evan did just that he cried some more smiled kissed and stroked us. But he only did that with his family in his arms just us three.

We had put Ayden's bath in the double shower with us and was very careful the water wasn't aimed at him. I made sure he was laughing and with that laughter it made us feel better. Although Evan was still down, he knew them, he lunched with them and worked with them he knew them. I was just sad because any unexpected death is terrible no matter who, and it frightened me that Evan could have been involved. I also was sad because it had effected Evan so much and I don't like him to be sad.

I thought about Ayden's warnings and accepted that all of them wont always go our way, Evan could have easily been on that plane if I had of pushed him. Later as we sat on the porch watching the clouds roll by he made a few phone calls, I think to his old office I heard a loud sob a few times but didn't interfere. Rita came down with sandwiches, she hugged him from behind but didn't disturb his call, everyone had left us to ourselves all of them knew how he was feeling and as I looked up the porch I could feel their love. Looking over to me I nodded and Rita sat and took Ayden we three continued watching the afternoon roll by. She had taken Evans hand and I suppose that mothers comfort was making him feel a little better.

"Dah good?"

"Yes bubs dah good." He wasn't with us at all.

"Evan, what have they told you?"

"Only that it has been confirmed it is them, they are in constant touch with the Consulate over there and will let me know on any further developments." He took a deep breath.

Evan started looking through his phone and Rita moved back to serve some customers. I guess the boys had enough of seeing their mate in pain so they all moved back to our table, each one giving us both big hugs breaking the mood in the process. It was a good thing because he put his phone away and just held my hand.

It was Donk that went to get Evans wet suit and I helped him get into it.

"Den, I can't." He got out.

"You can, and you can scream and cry all you want because you will be with the most wonderful friends you will ever find."

The boys clapped him on the back and he was taken down to surf his heart out.

It was nearing Easter when he finally snapped out of his sullen mood. Everyone was so excited for Blue and he got a lot of tips and ribbing, that put the smile back on Evans face.

Mike will be here soon with his parents and Nan. I was looking forward to meeting her. The bounce was put back into Evans step and we even managed to make love again, which I was missing; but I couldn't push it at the time. Bells was coming up and Blue was the toast of the town, there had been a few write ups in the local paper. I had taken his poster down and had it framed to give it to Horse. Evan still held back on going to watch, I didn't want him to miss out but he insisted bubs and I needed him more. I think he just wanted to stay close to home.

Bubs was growing and his vocabulary was widening, he knew that Blue was going to surf somewhere else, and his only worry was that he wouldn't be around to give him a ride for a week or two. I organized Evan to do that for him, he was getting lessons on how to launch it and gas it up. I know he was thinking about buying one for himself but he kept putting it off because it was blues thing to do with Ayden.

Tony was talking to him one day on the porch and they looked like they were arguing over something so I grabbed a quick coffee and sat with them.

"You have to hear this too Den." Tony smiled.

"What's up and why are you upsetting my man?" I laughed.

"I want to buy your property and build four upmarket apartment rentals on it, but my ex boyfriend here wont come down on the price, he insists I have to take the studio too."

"Oh bubs that's not nice, how much are we talking?" I rubbed my hands together.

"Three times what you paid for it including what the studio cost Den." He grinned at me.

"Sounds fair Tony so what's the problem?" Poor Tony's face he almost blew a gasket.

"What's the problem, what's the problem, he's trying to rip me off that's the problem." I'm now very sure he's blowing his stack.

"Oh but its worth every penny we have even thrown in a paying guest." Evan got serious.

He held it together for a second to get the next sentence out.

"Twice what you paid for it and you can keep the studio and the tenant."

"Okay deal." Evan held his hand out to shake Tony's, then he quickly moved it back before he could touch it, he started laughing at his face.

"Just let us know when you want to move the studio onto our block mate."


"It's not a deal until you agree to pay for the costs of relocation, otherwise it comes with the land at three times the price for the land and the studio at cost." Evan had him by the balls. Tony was furious so he got up and walked down the stairs yelling expletives. Then he shouted from the driveway It was no fucking deal.

"He'll be back I would have given it to him for cost but he's got money to burn and it's not the block he wants it's the view that comes with it." He kissed me. I really didn't know what was going on but I loved this man when he's negotiating on my behalf. I probably would have given Tony the land for free.

A half hour later Evan got a text he looked at it and laughed himself silly.

"He's accepted our terms Den and he wants the studio and paying guest. I will start the proceedings as soon as possible, it's about the money Den the paying guest clinched the deal that studio will pay for itself." He again laughed. Bubs started laughing too, but only because Evan was tickling him. Did I just hear someone shouting expletives from the neighbouring property?

Evan was back on top and I started painting again and generally shit stirred Tony for the next week. Cynthia flew in for a visit on the Thursday she nearly wet herself when she saw Bub's painting. But she calmed down when she saw the other five stacked under it.

"I'll only take one Den; it will be a good benchmark for what's to come."

"Sure Cyn, do you think it will do well?"

"Of course it will, but not as well as the series, you must do another set one day." She smiled.

"I will but not just now its going to be chaos here next week, and we have Blues comp, and then there's Tony." She started laughing.

"You know he rang me ranting and raving when he left here, I just told him to suck it up and do it. His townhouse idea is a winner for him and the studio is another established rental. Den he's like you he really doesn't need to work but his artistic side compels him too." She went on.

"And don't tell me you would have given it to him because he knew that, that's why he went to Evan first." I could hear her giggling all the way up to Rita's then she shouted.

"Pack up six more for me Spud will ya. I'll transfer the money tonight."

He poked his head out and called.

"Rita I think Cynthia's on drugs." She took off after him chasing him into Rita's lounge.

He came out all smiles as he winked at me and went to pack six of his best. Cyn followed with a coffee; after she stopped laughing she said to me.

"He's become popular Den, its time to up his prices again."

"Oh, Spencer is going to order more is he?" I smiled. She couldn't help it, she screamed into her pashmina.

"Shussh, I want to surprise him, he has a couple of avid collectors that desperately want more of his works."

We talked about Tony and her business, she is seriously thinking about moving her operations down here. I didn't know until she told me that she leases the house off Lindsay. Although she has that awesome view, it's wasted because she spends her time sleeping and working on the computer. She went on to tell me she will build so she gets the views. I told her we owned the small block on the other side but she would have to negotiate with Evan, she hit me with her bag.

"Don't you dare do that to me, I'll talk to Tiny about land thank you very much; Evans a Shark."

Bubs was waking up and Spud had finished packing the six paintings. He went to get a juice for Ayden and I cradled him while he wet his dry mouth.

"Spud get together twenty-five paintings and send them to Spencer, send an invoice and add twenty percent to the prices will you?" Poor Spud again started with the tears he just doesn't get it.

I held his hand while he got it all out Rita had noticed and came up to see what the fuss was all about. She looked Cyn up and down and deemed her of sound mind then took bubs and sat down. It was a natural thing with her if she wanted to nurse bubs, she gets to nurse him; no arguments.

"Spud, look at me." He slowly lifted his head.

"Everyone's so proud of you my boy, do you really think that Spencer would put rubbish in his nice gallery in the middle of London just because he likes your pictures?"

"No, I think I'm popular at the moment he wouldn't do that just to please me."

"Well believe it and no more crying, accept that your work is worthy of sitting on someone's walls because they love it or want to invest in it."

"Thanks mum." His smile was back, I noticed he more and more looked like a young man, gone was his Goth look and his hair wasn't black anymore it was a deep rich brown. I can only hope he gets over this feeling that he's no good.

"I'm going over to Tony's now to upset him some more." Cyn said giggling.

"What's up?"

"I need to give him another order from Miami, much the same as the Singapore one, he's going to be very busy me thinks." I laughed at her teenager like exuberance. I helped her with my and Spuds paintings then she kissed my cheek then left.

Ayden was kidnapped by Rita and Spud to go play in her Lounge room so I took the opportunity to sweep out the shop then restart my painting.

I was thinking about Carol and the horrible way she was ripped from our lives, and I had no idea what I was doing with the canvas. It confused me but as it stared back at me those butterflies started and they didn't let up. I felt what I was about to do was very private so I locked the shop and sat out the back.

"Den, are you okay?"

I snapped out of it, Rita was holding my shoulders as the tears flowed, I shook like hell my friends have left me with an awful emptiness in my tummy and heart. She hugged me as I came down to earth. I had done an amazing portrait of Carol, it was so realistic I could just about see every fine lines on her face, she was breath taking, in her arms was infant Ayden, who was staring up at her his blue eyes beaming with love. My hand hurt and there was paint all over the porch and myself, I stood to start cleaning up, when the electric shocks came the butterflies leapt into my body, it was like they were fighting an enemy that was trying to kill me.

Again I woke up in bed but my feelings were all empty this time. Evan had been called into the shop, it was busy but I noticed there was a sandwich and water by the bed. I presumed he had stripped me and tucked me in. Carols painting stood by one wall, I rolled over and wept again.

It wasn't Evan that came to cuddle me it was Ayden, he waddled through the bedroom door and wanted up. So I put him in bed with me, we cuddled and his bright eyes were on me. I brushed his hair away from his face and said.

"Now my little prince what's going on?" He started giggling because he probably didn't know what I was talking about.

Evan poked his head in.

"Found someone more gorgeous to hang with have you?"

"Yes bub, is the shop really busy?" I said as he leaned in to kiss me.

"Flat chat Den, mainly clothes a few boards and skimmers, but the clothes are what everybody wants today."

"Okay, I will shower and come and help."

"Just rest I have Donk helping, that painting is amazing Den she looks so life like."

"I still have to work out what it means bub, but I don't know what?"

"Maybe talk to Horse or Spud but its a message Den, maybe it means to teach Ayden her name or memory, like mum or something like that. Maybe she's telling you something like, don't let him forget her." I stared at him and thought, how lucky am I to have him in my life, he's probably right.

"I'll hang it in his room and see what happens then, I don't know if he remembers her but its worth a chance if that's what the paintings saying." I threw back the bedclothes and pulled my shorts on, then took the painting to hang on Ayden's wall.

"I'll be out in a minute." I called to Evan.

From the very second Ayden spied the painting he wanted to know.

"Who dat?"

"That's momma bubs your momma."

"Oh?" He answered and said who's that, again. He said it several times then he started saying mum mum mum.

Butterflies started in my stomach almost instantly and I deep down knew I had the answer. He stared at it for ages like he was getting instructions or something.

He reached out to touch the painting but it was still wet so I pulled him back saying.

"Still wet later bubs." Evan was just as amazed as me but he had to get back to the shop. After he left Ayden started kissing me and I played his game and kissed him back saying mum mum mum all the time. It was a game we played for the next fifteen minutes, but I had to get into that shop.

I joined the crowd and dumped my boy in Horses lap.

"Teach him how to say mum, momma and any other word along those lines will ya?"

"Sure Den, have we had a breakthrough?"

"Yes I think so, he needs to remember some sense of his mum, I think."

I then went to help Evan and Donk. I don't think I've seen so many white bums in the shop before, the girls took over the two small change rooms but the guys just dropped their shorts and used the shop to try on stuff. Evan was looking at me intensely then I heard.

"Den." Rather loudly. I had been staring at a gorgeous blonde of the male kind.

"Coming boss." I smiled as I started wrapping up some goods, actually I cut price tags off and shoved them in a brown paper bag we had made for wrapping. Of course I was sporting a boner, lucky my tank covered it. Evans hand groped me for a second.

"I thought as much, do you want a threesome with him?"

"No bubs, just looking." I laughed and went to help the blonde who was struggling to fit all his bits into a pair of very tight low waist to knee Rory board shorts, they were made of some sort of stretch fabric and highlighted his ample goods and ass to perfection. He didn't need my help he said, so red faced I moved back behind the counter.

"Ummm." Was all Evan said.

"When's your tea break bubs?"

"Not soon enough I think." He smiled.

I think I will have to buy him a pair of those for later on they are fucking hot.

I worked for two hours until the shop cleared, Evan took a wad of money out of the cash register and winked at me then we went to join our crowd. Ayden was having fun with his new words and the guys were helping him I noticed Rita was flat chat too, Spud Blue and Alex were running everywhere. The boys will leave in a few days to go to Bells then it will be every man for himself here.

A sort of calm came over me while I bathed my boy, his ducks were forgotten and his endless mum mum mum was the flavor of the day. I dried and dressed him then took him out to the porch to say goodnight. Tony looked as buggered as the rest of us.

"Big day Tony?"

"Massive, I had no idea there were so many well heeled people that come down here, I did very well in the shop today." He grinned then added.

"I even managed to sell one of Spuds paintings." He laughed.

On cue Spud came out with food for a table so Tony held one finger up at him. He smiled then dashed inside again.

"I think the messages were from Carol she has something to do with the king and queen and Ayden is linked somehow." I was talking to Horse.

"The king the queen the princess and the little prince, now we have narrowed it down I will do some research." He answered.

Thanks Horse but I think I'm getting there quicker than you at the moment.

"Did you get turned on Den?"

"Yes bubs."

"I think he was straight."

"He was bubs."

"Want to pretend your screwing him?"

"Yes bubs pass the lube while I pull your new shorts down a little bit further." Those shorts looked awesome on Evan even better than the blonde guy.

Blue Tiny and Trip left the next morning to set up tents and prepare for the big weekend. Tearfully Alex was a bit somber after that, but he really didn't have time to dwell in two days they would see each other again. I went to bathe bubs and give him some cuddles he prattled on a lot about his mum and the king whoever he was.

Evan was doing some banking on the internet when we came out, his smile got our attention.

"Is the balance looking better?"

"Yes Den much better Tony's deposit has come through I have transferred your half."

"Good." I went to order coffee off Alex and sat with my favorite little man, Horse and Donk. My boy wanted to practice walking, but secretly I think he was heading up to Rita's.

The boys were talking about going tomorrow morning, they were leaving it as late as possible.

Alex wasn't that worried about Blue going but he told me he was going to be lonely for a few nights. We have something in common there, but he will leave to watch with the boys in the morning.

The foreshore was filling up, and I spied a bright red caravan coming up the road.

"Mike's here." I yelled up the porch.

everyone stood to wave.

"Mi mi." Ayden did a detour down to the gates he was trying to get out.

"Mi mi." I stood up and grabbed him putting him over my shoulder he giggled as I patted his bum.

He was the first one out of the car, and hugged me then took bubs.

"Hey Den, how is everything?"

"Good Jack, same spot I see."

"Yes every year it suits us." Anne was beaming when she kissed me and Ayden.

"Mike help your gran, then take her across the road and get her settled while dad and I set up."

"Okay, it's still all right isn't it Den?" He looked at me.

"Of course it is."

A spritely lady got out of the car.

"I can walk but not far young man otherwise I would like to give you a hug." She smiled.

"Welcome back to the beach." I went to her and hugged her gently as Mike unloaded her fold up electric chair

"Thank you Den, call me Mavis." She smiled again.

"Okay Mavis I had your room modified and if there's anything you need tell me or one of the boys. We want you to feel comfortable." I smiled, she thanked me and Mike slung a large bag over his shoulders and said.

"Your carriage awaits Queen Mavis." He giggled I took the bag off him, Ayden off Anne then we travelled across the road.

Horse and Donk had done a ramp into the larger stay and one for half of the front steps, so she can travel anywhere.

She was so happy with her lodgings, Mike opened the bag then he couldn't help himself.

"Gran do you really need me?"

"Go on boy, go see your mates."

I knew he was eager to see everyone so I stayed back.

"There's coffee and tea over there and milk in the fridge, if you want sandwiches or something to eat just use that phone and dial nine its direct to Rita's cafe. This door leads to the back porch lovely in the morning but very sunny and hot in the afternoon."

"Thank you Den, and thank you for giving my grandson his life back." She had teared up.

"He did that all by himself all I did was confirm it and show him his new path in life."

"You have a real gift Den, the tarot card reader in our circus was a complete smoke and mirrors fake but you are genuine. I have come across a lot of fakes but I know the real deal when I see it."

"Well bubs has the gift too, I think, when you settle come up to the front porch and hold him for an hour. I would love to see what kind of effect he will have on you. He saved a friend of ours from a heart attack a bit back. He holds Ayden all the time he says its comforting but I think he was unwell for some time and holding Ayden gave him the strength the keep going so long."

"I heard all about the spooks from Mike, he told me they are the only ones he's not scared of, but zombies.... now they frighten the shit out of him." We both laughed; I agreed with her.

I left her to it she wasn't as frail as I thought, but her legs were the trouble she told me her arteries are clogged she had heavy legs from years of smoking. She could of slept in the annex of the caravan but she thought her chair and bed would make it cramped for Anne and Jack. They had offered to buy her a small van but they really didn't have the extra cash especially since the new baby surprise.

I wondered how Mike will be able to afford to go to medical school, probably a scholarship or something, if not Evan and I will help, nope strike that again, I will secretly help.

Evan had disappeared with Mike the shop was shut until two and all I had was my baby, Alex and Rita oh and a basket of sandwiches which I had to deliver. Mike was skimming with Spud, my bubs was glowing in the sunshine his hair sticking to his perfect face and sheer determination on his mind not to wipe out.

I was spied and they started to come over for lunch. Evan picked bubs up and cradled him, he kissed my cheek and got a round of sandwiches. Bells surf its rougher that ours I hope there's not much damage done to my boys, I miss them already Evan and I will watch it on TV. His shop was getting busy now and I think we will be flat out between Rita's and it.

Mike and Spud were finishing up they had to get to the Cafe so I picked Ayden up and started walking back with them.

Rita had customers, her and Alex were running around so Mike and Spud put their aprons on and started work. I opened the shop and put bubs in his bean bag so he could get forty winks. The caravans had slowed down as the foreshore was full. I moved inside as Rita's filled I will let her use my table if she needs. Putting bubs in the lounge room I set about changing our beds. When I got back there were people in the shop. They tried on clothes looked at the paintings and dropped some cash for Evan. I saw Mavis riding across the road towards the red caravan she handles that machine well.

Two candle holders from Tony's stock walked out the door, then I got busy with skim boards and rods. I wanted to get Evan up from the beach but there was no one around to go get him so I coped as best I could. Spud poked his head in and asked if they could use the table, he could see I was flat out.

"Give me five minutes and I'll run down and round up the cavalry." He laughed. It took awhile but thankfully Donk and Evan arrived I wanted to check on Ayden who was stirring so I popped another juice bottle in his gob and turned his cartoons on.

Back in the shop I go and I over heard Evan say.

"It's not half price the best I can offer you is ten percent off take it or leave it, but the artist is now showing in London and Paris the prices there are ten times what we have them for they are a great investment." He left the guy standing there with his mouth open. I don't think he believed him.

"Well where are the other artist's paintings, I wanted to see them too?"

"He doesn't paint for the shop anymore you can only buy them online now, from this site."

He handed him Cynthia's card.

"Are you sure the artist hasn't got any paintings hanging around?"

"Come with me mate I'll show you."

"Who are you?"

"Den, the other artist." I took him into Ayden's room and he gasped at my works. I had his walls covered in them.

"My god, how much are they?"

"The last six I sold for three million, so that will make these five hundred grand each." He didn't believe me.

"But I was here at Christmas they were a lot cheaper then."

I showed him the newspaper article about the auction.

"Not anymore mate, these don't leave this house under five hundred."

I think he had enough, he walked out through the shop and joined his mates at one of Rita's tables.

"He's not getting Spuds painting for nothing Den, leave it to me will ya?"

"Sure bubs." I laughed as he handed me a stack of tanks and shorts, all Surf's up stuff, I cut the price tags off and rang the sale up.

After placing the goods into a carry bag I then went over to tidy up a bit. He needs more stock otherwise he wont survive the holidays.

I saw two surfboards walk out the door, Donk was manning that section and the skim boards had sold out again.

"What are you going to do about the stock bubs?"

"Den I have loads in the garage, when it settles down I'll go and bring some up."

Horse did that for him and I looked across to Tony's he had quite a few customers walking around too. The three business were doing very well.

Mike and Spud were giggling as they ran their orders back to Alex and Rita, god knows what she will do after Alex go's.

I rang Susan she couldn't talk long she wouldn't stop laughing.

"Den I got no time we are flat chat here, hire a couple of kids from the foreshore."

"Talk later." I hung up and managed to make my way up to the cafe.

"What are you going to do Rita, its busier than Christmas."

"All fixed Den, I've got two girls starting tomorrow morning Mike knows them, Spud will be in the kitchen and I got three doing the tables."

"Has he got anymore hanging around we need someone for the shop."

"No you're good Donk's staying to help out while the boys are away." Why wasn't I told, I marched back to the shop.

"Bubs why didn't you tell me Donk was staying?"

"Because you paint, I do the shop we have a deal or did you forget that." He laughed as he threw another tank in a bag.

I started marking the clothes that Horse had unpacked because he had to go help Jay lift a table onto a trailer.

There was an empty spot on the walls the guy had second thoughts and bought one of Spuds paintings. What a fucking mad house.

Pies were delivered for our lunch's and we ate on the run. It finally slowed down mid afternoon and we got to have a coffee, Rita was regrouping for tonight, she cooked a very large pot of stew; the mash she will do later. While that bubbled away I fed Ayden.

"He com?" He said, new words.

"Who bubs?"

"Spud Prince." Spud walked by and laughed.

"No Prince for Spud today bubs he forgot me again."

"Ohhh." He screamed out as I shoved another spoonful of mashed veggies in his mouth. When we finished I took him down to the table he wouldn't shut up about the prince and he was convinced he should be here with Spud.

"Bubs princ come."

"It will be good to see him bubs." I amused him.

"Kin com see bubs?" Oh the King is coming too, oh my I had better be on my best behavior.

Next: Chapter 41

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