Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Nov 3, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 36

I placed our towels down. The breeze was a bit cooler down here - it was nice. Horse had been waiting - he had the twine on his wrist and placed the other end on Ayden's ankle. He then stroked bub's face and told him to have another ten minutes. He smiled at Horse's touch and went back to sleep. Evan took my hand and walked me down to the water's edge.He made me lose the tank top and shorts. I only had underwear on, but I didn't care. Then he walked me into the crispy cool water. My hat kept the sun off my face and the water was so fucking nice I could have waded in it for the rest of the day.

"Thanks, Bubs, you're the best." I sat down in the shallows then lay back.

"You looked a little hot, Den. Perhaps we should get a tree to shade the studio a bit. I don't think the air con is enough, and it makes everything sticky and the air stale."

"You're right, Bubs. I feel the need to open a window or two when it's like this." I dunked my head and my hat tried to soak up the water. I took it off and drenched it then put it back on. He took my hand and stood me up, then walked out through the surf to waist height.

The water seemed cooler out here. He started playing with my goods. He had his hand up the leg of my underwear and was rolling my dick with his fingers. It felt good and I wished I was in bed with him. He had manipulated us so we went a little deeper. Then he showed me the lube. His eyebrows went up and down. He lifted his body up and his legs went around my waist. I felt for the prize and easily slipped in. It made me hotter but it was so fucking satisfying. Evan couldn't stop grinning and as we emerged from the water I heard Blue and Alex clap. I bowed - the performance was over.

Bubs was awake and slapping Horses face, giggling. Horse was playing dead, and I had a flash. I wanted to get back to the studio as soon as possible, so Horse looked after Ayden and I ran to the shed. I unlocked it and checked that Spud and Jay weren't in the bedroom, then I put pencil to canvas. I worked on the basics for a couple of hours and by the time I had my idea set, it had become overcast and a summer thunderstorm was rolling in. I love them especially because they bring a cool change along with them.

Testing the air I found it was much cooler, so I opened all the windows. The canvas blew off the easel and I quickly replaced it. I wanted so much to paint, but Jay will be home soon unless he's gone down to the beach. I rang him - he said he and Spud were going to body surf and would be a while yet.

I mixed Ayden's colour: he was doing the freestyle move in the ocean surrounded by his mates. There was some kind of race they were having and Ayden's giggles leapt off the canvas.

Under him, I put Evan. He was actually holding him up and moving him along. His big arms held his son safely and the folk laughed, partied and hung off Ayden's body as usual.

Jay came in and I jumped.

"Sorry, Den. It's getting too cold down there and I'm hungry. I'll just have a quick shower and will be out of your hair in a minute."

"No, take your time mate. I am going to eat now. I'm finished for the day." I smiled at him.

I covered my painting and headed for the cafe.

"I was just coming to get you, Den. Where have you been?"

"Painting, but I have stopped for the day, Bubs."

"Da dah."

I took Ayden off him and kissed him all over the face. He giggled because my whiskers always tickled him.

"I'm starving, Bubs. What's for dinner?"

"Hot curry, Den. It's Wednesday," he grinned.

I spied two very good looking men coming up the porch. Nuts and Trip were grinning from ear to ear. A lot of hugs were shared and news parted with, they looked tired but well. The thunderstorm had left, but the cool breeze kept going. It was welcomed, but cold on our hot skin. I put a t-shirt on bubs - he didn't like it and kept trying to take it off. I relented and removed the offending item.

They told us all their funny stories and about the trip. The girls were having a ball, but they both had decided to come back early, they had missed Horse so much. They both smiled at him after it was said - he groaned into his wine.

Tony was on board and he was telling me he was glad everything was okay and the stock was shipped. He now can get on with some serious work. He wants to hold onto Jay -he's a good worker and picks things up fast. Doing the apprenticeship helps because the government pays half his wages. He was laughing at that because he would have hired him anyway. The curry came out and we started eating. I was hungry and thought maybe I had taken on too much with the studio. I missed Rita looking after me. I hadn't eaten today except for half a sandwich. I felt so stupid when I realized I wasn't happy in the studio and wanted to turn back time a month. I thought some more on it and decided there and then I don't like being shut away. Well one good thing will come out of it - Jayden will get the studio to himself.

"It's the shack, Bubs, it has to be. I couldn't work in the studio this morning until you came there. I was stumped for an idea. Then, after a half an hour with you I suddenly knew what I was supposed to do. I am sorry I have wasted all that money, but I have to move home."

"Well, Den, I can't say I blame you. I came here first hoping you were around, but you weren't in your usual spot and it felt wrong. So, I will get the boys to help you move back in the morning, okay?" He smiled at me.

"Okay. Jay will be happy - he gets the place all to himself. I felt like an intruder when I went back. I thought `what if Spud was there and they were having a quickie?' I would never live it down if I caught them going at it."

"Oh, I'm sure you will cope, Den. I am certain you would cope." he laughed.

I turned him on his side, but not for that. I wanted to hold him close. He was warm and smelled so nice. I liked kissing his neck so much.

"Pass the lube, Bubs."

I started bringing my stuff back in the morning. All the boys were down on the beach. I drove my car over and loaded it up. It didn't take long and by lunchtime I was sitting with my son on the porch, exactly where I should be. Rita smiled and handed me water and a big salad roll.

"Welcome back. I missed you."

"Me too, honey. Feels right to be here."

"Well next time you get a bright idea, come talk to me first."

"I will, and thanks."

She walked off with a sort of spring in her step.

I went back to doing what I do best - painting. Ayden had nodded off. I will give him an hour, then I must take the lunches down to the boys. I was hearing some sort of machine going. It was familiar, but I couldn't place where I had heard the noise before.

All was revealed when I walked down to the beach with salad rolls in the basket. Blue was riding around on a Jet Ski. He had Evan on the back and they looked like they were having some fun. Ayden immediately screamed when he saw it. When they came into shore, they headed for Rita's basket and us. Bubs babbled on incessantly at Blue.

"Yes, bubs, you're next. Be patient." He smiled at me then held up the tiny life jacket. I felt that the ski was a lot safer than the board. He won't go fast because it can get quite bumpy.

"I got hooked in Bali, Den. So Trip found this second-hand one for us."

"Oh, are you giving up the boards, Blue?"

"No -- it's just that it's something different to do - that's all. And my nephew is going to love his ride. It's safer, if you get my meaning."

Ayden squealed again. I hoped that this wasn't going to go on all day - the squealing I mean - it's hard on the old ears.

He was placed in a kind of kid seat in front of Blue, then strapped in. His hands clapped as the ride roared into action. Blue took him out beyond the surf, then he opened the throttle. They did twists and turns and even jumped a few waves, but it wasn't a violent ride, and I could hear bubs and Blue laughing. Of course the boys stuck close - not much surfing was done while they played.



was all bubs could say, he was so excited. But Tiny had taken the ski while Blue had a surf. So dad came to the rescue and gave him a gentle board ride up and down the shore. He wanted to go faster. Evan complied with his wishes, but I thinkhis arms were giving out - he looked puffed. That kid's hard work!


"Enough for today, bubs, no more." Wrong!

He almost immediately collapsed into a bundle of sobbing screaming baby fat. I instantly dropped beside him and mimicked what he was doing. He thought I was mad = that was his job. But he eventually saw the funny side of it when I started tickling him. I gave him a bottle of lemon water, then tied histwine on his ankle. I don't know what I will do when he discovers how to take it off - maybe no more naps on the beach.

I know my skills are going to be tested when he starts walking and running properly. I have to be fully aware of what he's up to. I will have to talk to Horse this afternoon about gates - one for the back and one for the front of the shack. I can't lock him in the Lounge room for the next couple of years. After thinking about all this and remembering when he escaped down to the water, I suddenly sat up and leaned against the tree. I will stay awake - no more naps for me. I took out my pad and pencil then doodled for the next ten minutes, then I got another brainwave.

I was painting up a storm. Everything I painted fell into place perfectly, and every time I touched them, my brushes worked faster more with purpose than hesitation. The news had broken in Australia. Maggie's write-up was sensational, and once again Spud got a good plug. I took all my works off the walls and replaced them with Spud's. He wasn't happy and neither was Spencer. He was screaming for some of my new stuff and was pretending he was furious that I was sending twenty of Spud'sexcess stock to Marcel, Bobby's friend in Paris. I promised that when everything settled down, I would send him a half-dozen paintings, but he might have to wait a few years.

I really had nowhere to go on this one: on one hand I was easing my workload, and on the other I felt guilty I wasn't doing my regular stuff for them. Cynthia was my best bet. Her reach was vast and she didn't care whether I had one painting or ten for sale - she would sell them easily. I put this dilemma to Evan a few times and he said to do what I was supposed to do -create good works and don't paint for the market. I don't need the money, so just do it for myself. Don't think about everyone else - they will survive.

So I painted for myself. I turned out some good works over the next four weeks.

I was looking forward to seeing Mike again. We all had taken turns in ringing him. He was doing well back at school and couldn't wait for his four-day weekend with us. Anne had rung and said it wasn't worth setting up the van just for four days, so we said we would come and pick him up if they couldn't come.

She said Jack would drop him off if it comes to that. We had a long talk about his schooling, and she said he had more mates than ever since he had come clean on his condition. He was having loads of sleepovers and was going to the pictures more often. I was so happy for them and especially for Mike.

I thought he would probably have one of the stays while he's here and I set about collecting stuff for him to use. We had all gone into Warragul one day last week. It was like a mass exodus from the beach. All I wanted was some art supplies and I had to go to Tine's brother-in-law's hardware shop to order a slow-burning wood fire.

The smoke will kill my paintings if I lit that open fire again this year, but I want to be prepared for the winter chill before it starts.

We, meaning the eight of us, arrived at Longford to have coffee with Sue and Pat. That took two hours.

Then, we headed towards town. Spud and I spent time in the supply shop and we didn't skimp - we bought heaps of extras.

The lady behind the counter didn't have a clue who we were, only some out of town painters, even though she had Maggie's write-up taped to her shop window. Anyway, she was happy when we left. So was her cash register.

We dumped everything we could into Horse's truck and he secured the drop down cover before locking it. Now, off to the hardware shop.

Tiny was talking to his brother-in-law as the salesman talked us through the various sized stoves. The office girls kidnapped Horse, Trip and Donk and, of course, Ayden, who was playing at being a star. Spud stood back with Nuts looking at a few things he thought he might like. I saw him look over a big TV and sound bar. I think he was buying it for Jayden's cabin. He had a TV but it was a tiny one. He didn't buy it in the end. He said to me he liked watching movies with Blue and Alex in their van and, like me, if he was at Jay's place all the time, he wouldn't see anybody. I think that cabin was a bad idea after all. It doesn't matter because I could buy another three of them and rent them out. At least now with the house gone, I can see Tony's magnificent old property emerge into a brightly coloured butterfly.

I had noticed this morning that another container was leaving his yard. Jay told Spud, who told me, it was headed for the UK.For someone who always looks immaculate, Tony sure does get dirty when he's working on a piece of furniture. Many times I caught him ducking home for a quick shower. He is going to have a bathroom installed in the barn, but that's after the house is finished.

Evan and I picked out the best wood fire we could get and the price included instillation. The supermarket was next and I spent heaps on shampoo and conditioner, soaps, toilet paper...anything I thought Mike would want for his room...plenty of snacks and drinks - my trolley was full.

Evan did ask me what I was doing with all that stuff and I answered with a

smile, "Mike's room has to be stocked."

"He's coming for the long weekend, Den - not for a year."

"He might need this stuff, Bubs. I can't be running into town getting things for him."

Ayden was laughing as the checkout chick totalled the stuff up.

With that, everyone piled back into their cars and we headed home. I felt like I was in a convoy of celebrities and bodyguards. Again, we stopped at Susan's - we never went through Longford without calling in, even if it was only for ten minutes. They weren't that busy, so Sue kicked Pat out and he followed us home to go surfing for a few hours. Mrs Donk had gone and I could see that our Donk was looking a little sad as his eyes scanned the old place. Maybe he will follow, her maybe not, but he was a bit down.

We unloaded the ute and everything was placed mainly in the garage. The boys went to the beach to find Pat. Spud, Ayden and I carried the leftovers up into the house. We rewarded ourselves with a milkshake each.

My beautiful son nodded off for his forty winks and I went back to my art work. I couldn't help but feel loved and safe in this environment.

Rita came and sat with me later on and we quietly talked about Spud - she was still concerned for him.

"Let it go, Rita. He's doing all right and I haven't spied him coming out of Jay's cabin early in the mornings yet. Has he asked if he can have a sleepover?"

She nearly fainted.

"No, of course not, Den, but I suppose I will have to say `yes' --otherwise, I would have Robin and his merry band on my case."

"You don't have to love, but I don't think it's wise to alienate him. He's a good kid -- nothing's going to happen."

"I know I just worry that's all."

"Well if he gets pregnant, then we will worry."

She gave me a sour look and left. I was still laughing into my hands when I heard her rattle her pots on the stove rather loudly.

Of course, Spud has spent some time alone with Jay, and more than once. From my advantage point, I saw Jay running into his cabin at lunchtime yesterday, just as Spud was coming from the beach. He also went into the cabin. Spud hasn't said anything and I haven't asked, but if he's getting some, who am I to interfere?

As the sun beat down I started painting again, everything was still and quiet except for the waves pounding the beach and a yell or two. I will start my fairy folk paintings soon -- small ones that I originally wanted to do for Ayden's room. I now have a good idea what they all looked like, and I thought I would do a series just for his room. My heart skipped as I looked over at him: his pink face and slightly tanned body was moving. He will be awake soon and wanting a juice or something exotic like that. I put my brush down and walked up to Rita's to get a small pop top for him. The smell from her stove was making me hungry.

"Just a big pasta bake tonight, Den. I'm not in the mood to go all out."

"Sounds great, Rita. The boys will love anything you make."

She handed me a small bowl and said it would keep me going. I smiled at her intuition that I was a little bit hungry.

Bubs was nearly awake and this time he was irritable, but he soon lost that when two of Horse's workmen came by to install the gates on the porch steps. He won't be able to push them out or in without help - that's until he works them out - but I hoped I had a year or more before he did. While bubs sat and watched them work, I took the opportunity to do another sketch.

I mused that the thirty works that were on their way to Miami would triple in price before they got there. Talk about printing money for the owner! In the distance I could hear the roar of Blue's jet ski and so did bubs. He was up on his legs and wobbling back to me at top speed. He pushed my legs and screamed.

"Dada -- Bue -- Dada -- Bue - dada."

I sighed then picked him up and started walking down the beach. He was almost in raptures when we got there, but it wasn't Blue's. I should have looked over at his caravan to see if the ski was there before I left. He was confused because there were two of them out there. Blue was surfing.

Bubs looked at me and I said,

"Sorry, bubs, not Blue today - just some other boys."

He didn't believe me and kept pointing at the skis that were way out. I eventually caught Blue as he came in on a wave.

"See - not Blue, bubs, another boy."

He started crying because it should have been Blue on it.

Blue ran over and took him.

"He made me come down because he thought you had the ski out without him." I smiled, but Blue fixed that.

He jumped either side of his board and took Ayden for a ride on it instead. Then Horse took over, then Evan.

"Dada, Dada, mor, mor?"

So the boys took it in turns of giving him a ride, just in the shallows, but it satisfied his need to surf.

I waited by the tree and eventually Nuts brought him back, a very happy boy indeed.

He sat on my knees with his back to me and watched all that was happening. Every now and then he would giggle at something Horse or the others did. I wanted to get back, so I brushed the sand off us and started walking him back. It took me ages to get through the bushes and into the back yard. I eventually had to pick him up.

The guys had finished both gates. They looked like they had been there for years. Standing in the shower to get all the saltwater off him, I kissed his cheeks and told him I loved him. My butterflies were back and so was Evan's arm around my chest. I could feel his stiffie resting in my crack. My hand snaked around and gave him a few tugs. Passing our son to him, Igrabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist then grabbed another to wrap bubs in. "I'll see you on the porch." I grinned at Evan.

I ordered coffee and he opened the shop as he came through. We had made three more shelves for Rory's stuff and put up the posters that came in the boxes. I kissed Evan and he took bubs. He was talking to him about his ride, but Evan's perfect nose had him intrigued as he held onto it.

"I see the gates are up they look good, Den."

"Yes that will stop his need to escape from us." I smiled.

"You looked good in the shower, Den."

"Have your coffee, Bubs." I grinned.

A small bowl of pasta bake was brought down by Rita. She wasn't busy -- just a couple of travellers looking at maps and using her wi-fi.

Horse, Donk and Pat arrived. Nuts and Tiny had things to do.

Pat was elated because his Pizza oven was so far a goldmine,and he reckons the coffee and cake side of things was his saving grace.

He didn't cancel the order with Rita: her pies and cakes were the best he had ever eaten, so he kept that going. The bonus is we get to see Susan when she comes to pick the orders up.

"I have to go into town this weekend, Den. Does anyone want anything picked up?" Donk offered.

"No, not for me, thanks. Are you going for business or pleasure?" I had to ask.

"A bit of both, Den. I have to drop some stuff off at Kate's aunt's place, then I think we are going out for dinner."

"Good! And what are your plans? I mean, are you looking for a job down here or don't you need to yet?"

"No Den, I can get by okay and if I want work, I can always do some shifts at Nuts' warehouse or Horse's building company. It all has worked out fine for me. Don't worry, Den. If my situation changes, I will inform you." I got embarrassed and Evan nudged me.

I hope he will be okay - I really don't know apart from the tearooms what money Donk has, but I'm sure he would ask if he needed any.

Ayden slipped down and waddled over to the gates. He was curious and after trying to shake them open several times he gave up and moved over to Horse's lap.

Alex and Blue had their aprons on and started work. It was just a normal late afternoon for us. A couple of the guys were having a beer and I had finished my coffee and was watching my son talk to Horse, probably about getting Blue to get the Jet ski out again.

My hackles went up when I saw a couple of journo-looking people coming across the road. I had stopped doing interviews even though the offers were still rolling in. I had rung Bobby Thompson to find out how he handles it. He told me he doesn't do commissions, portraits or interviews, and he's survived mostly because where he lives is surrounded by private properties.

I couldn't hide away - I have a family here. So, as they approached the porch, I took bubs and walked inside. I played with him on our bed for an hour until Horse came by and said,

"It's all clear Den. Rita told them you had gone overseas for six months." He laughed, then he grabbed Ayden. I went and sat down again. The boys were giggling as they related the story to me. Rita had that big spoon in her hand and was waving it about. The jurnoes gave up and went back to their van.

All was quiet on our side of the street, and from the other side,fishermen would still call in and get Rita to cook their catch or buy bait, maybe buy a rod or two from Evan's shop.

We were all excited to have Mike here again. When Jack dropped him off, his first port of call was me. His hugs were most welcomed, and he was as excited as a bunny. Spud bought him a milkshake and he sat talking his head off at anyone that would listen. He looked so well and grown up. I think his voice is changing because it crackled a lot.

He wasn't on the porch for long before the guys came up to get him. Well, they carried him down to the beach and dunked him. I had retrieved his board and walked down with it. Of course,bubs was disappointed Blues Jet ski wasn't to be seen, or Blue for that matter. He sulked while the guys ate their lunches, then he heard it before I did. Blue had gone to launch it, and Ayden was pulling on Mike to come for a ride with them. We got bubs settled, then Mike sat behind Blue, who was very gently heading out beyond the surf. Mike yelled along with bubs -- he wanted to go faster. And he did when bubs was dropped off. Blue made sure he was safe, then they took off. Last I saw them they were going at full pace around the bluff.

I pulled Ayden through the surf holding onto his life jacked he loved that too. We showered and he was tired again, so I put him down for a nap. Three minutes later I was humping my boyfriend who had decided I looked good in my new shorts.

He had followed us up in the hope I would do just that. We lay there for some time talking about Mike and the reporters. He asked me if I wanted to go overseas for a while, but I said I was on holidays already - I didn't want to go anywhere else.

"I think Rita has organized a welcome home dinner for Mike tonight. She's been pretty busy in that kitchen." I grinned at him.

"Maybe, Den, maybe she's just making it extra special for him."

He kissed me. I rubbed my goods against his and my hand grabbed that awesome ass of his.

A half hour later we stepped out onto the porch to be met by Mike and Spud smiling. They nudged each other and Mike said,

"Well, nothing's changed here, Spud. The old rabbits are still going at it!" They both giggled.

"What are your plans tonight, Mike?" I ignored them.

"Eat whatever Rita's making, then we are going over to Jay's place to watch movies,"

"Not Blue and Alex's?"

"No, Den, they are going into town to the drive-in,"

"Oh, you're not invited to go?"

"No they want to be alone." They again giggled.

"But, we are going to their place tomorrow night. Which reminds me, Den - we are having a sleepover at Jay's place, so Mike won't be home tonight."

"Good, you all have fun then. Mike, there's heaps of snacks in your room to take if you want."

"Thanks, dad." They bloody laughed again.

I suppose they got the okay off Rita she would be happy that Mike was staying with them. But I suspect Mike will be sleeping on the sofa bed alone.

She had cooked up a storm tonight. There was so much food on the table, it was hard to choose: three different casseroles and heaps of mash and gravy, salad rolls and sandwiches, and a couple of quiches. Everyone was grabbing what they wanted.For afters, she had chocolate cake and ice cream. Bubs had a little bit of mash, gravy and egg from the quiches, then a big piece of cake. He was as full as a boot and very tired as the boys said their goodnights and started for their various homes.

I undressed him then put a clean nappy on for the night, he smiled and played with his feet. We had a play for a bit. His milk was ignored because he had eaten so much. But, he gently closed his eyes and dozed off. That was our signal to shower and get ready for bed. I didn't feel like making love to Bubs tonight, so we just held each other. He was so warm and I wanted to hold him - he made me feel safe. I did feel his boner poking my ass during the night. It was lovely.

Next: Chapter 37

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