Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 21, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 35

Rory was taking photos and Bobby was looking again, so I thought I would go and see if coffee had arrived.

"Before you go, Den, there's two more I have to see, but I don't know where they are."

I knew the ones - they were on the bedroom wall.

"In the other bedroom. And there's one of Mike in the lounge you missed, then some in the other bedroom. I'll go organize sandwiches."

I didn't mind if he saw Evan's nude - there's nothing to see anyway except his awesome buns. I did hear Rory shout, "Awesome!" as I walked out to the porch. Spud was there with food and drinks. He had no idea who was going to walk through that door at any minute.

"Is this enough Den?"

"Yes. Thanks kid. Sit down for a while - they will be back in a minute."

"Who are they? Rita said you had guests."

I didn't want him to go into shock so I told him.

"Spud, he's just a regular guy just like you and me, but he wants to meet you. Can I rely on you not to curtsy or throw up when you meet him?"


"Bobby Thompson."

He went ashen then white. I handed him water and said, "He wanted to know if you believed you were good enough yet?"

He tried to talk but it just wasn't coming out right.

"I told him no, but we are working on it. He said, `Good - because you're a fresh talent and a half, and will make it big time."

He abruptly stood up and was looking around for something.

"Spud, what's the matter?" I said just as Bobby walked out.

Poor Spud leaned over the railing and threw his lunch up. Bobby nudged me and laughed.

"Spud, I presume."


Rita, who had been watching from the other end, brought a wet cool towel down and placed it on his forehead. He took several deep heaves before he finally settled.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Then the tears came.

Bobby moved over and hugged him, whispering good things in his ear. In his small voice Spud thanked him. They sat down opposite me and Rory and he held Spud's hand for reassurance more than anything.

"Now what are we going to do about you Spud? I think you're awesome and I want to ask you if you would come to Queensland one day and visit me. Do you think you could do that?" "Yes sir, please, I'm sorry I did that I get nervous. And yes, I would like that immensely, sir."

"Just Bobby, Spud. I also want you to pick out twenty of your best works - you will know which ones. I want you to send them to a gallery in Paris. Marcel, my agent there, wants me to get some. Apparently there's a very selfish guy in London that has them and Marcel is getting pretty mad because he also wants some. Do you think that would be okay?"

He couldn't talk.

"Okay then. You pack twenty up and I will get Cynthia to ship them. Marcel only charges the regular commission. It's all above board, trust me."

"I can get Tony to send them over. He's just down the road." He's calming down now.

"Oh, Tony! I forgot he was moving here. Which is his place?"

I had no idea how he knew Tony, but I'm sure it's another big story.

After he and Rory calmed Spud down, he started on me. "Those paintings are better than anything I have ever done, Den. Don't sell them short of a mil or two. In fact, put a reserve on them," he grinned.

"Fuck me!" I nearly threw up.

"Okay," Rory said eagerly.

"Rory, behave yourself!" Bobby shouted.

"Sorry, lover."

Spud roared with laughter. Then he and Rory slapped hands. I think they are all going to be good friends.

"I have never seen the fairy folk until today, Den. I feel them when I trance - I know they help me with the ghosts. But until today, I have never actually seen them. They went crazy when they saw me in there - they are one of the same, Den. Ayden and you have them - so do I - many people have them around but never feel or hear them. They talk to you through your art - they talk to Ayden through his innocence - and they sometimes talk to Rory, but he never listens." He giggled.

"The best advice I can give you is to listen to your heart because that's how they converse. They will warn you of some shocking things to come, but they will also protect Ayden and you from harm. You and Ayden are one of the same." What the hell is he talking about, the same what? He picked up on my confusion.

"Ayden adores you and Evan, and you both in turn adore him. The fairy folk love that, and their love must be pretty powerful because you can almost see them leaping off your brush." He slumped then took a deep breath.

"Bob, no more you're exhausted," Rory said as he hugged Bobby.

"I have to tell them, Rory. The folk are making me do it. Spud you will become famous for your paintings. When the warlock and his witch come, don't try to outwit them, don't talk to them, and just come to me and Rory straight away. It wont be that bad, but it will shut some painful doors for you. Your kind friend in the cafe shouldn't have any concerns for you or your safety. She will be the one who will fight the witch and win. She will change her mindset somewhat after that."

He grabbed a bottle of water and drank it all in one go.

"Phew that was a mouthful," he said.

"It was a long one," Rory said, then added, "said the actress to the bishop." Rory giggled and Bobby giggled along with him. They had their heads together - I think they were talking. Evan returned and my butterflies started again. I introduced the boys to him and we all had a fun afternoon tea. He has thrown me now, and what did he mean about Spud?

Evan was being very charming and Horse, Tiny and Donk came up and ordered food and drinks. I sometimes think that's all they do.

"Rory's going to send you some stock, Bubs. You might want to build a new shelf in the shop."

"Really, I tried to get a price list from your shop in Melbourne, but the guy said I had to ring head office. I haven't got around to it yet. I love your stuff, and Cody's."

I looked at him and thought to myself, `how the hell does he know all that stuff?' Then I realised Evan knows a lot of things - I should have guessed he had already sussed it out.

It was time to farewell the boys. I was so thankful that Bobby had shed a little light on the fairy folk. I wasn't afraid for Ayden now and we promised to come to their beach in Queensland so Evan could surf it. I was dying to see his works. Apparently there are some awesome ones on the walls that will never be seen in public.

They drove down the road and we sat around and took it all in.

"He trances like you, Den. His ghost paintings are amazing," Spud said.

I proceeded to tell Horse and anyone else listening what he said about the fairy folk. Horse listened intently as I described his words.

"They are gypsy fairy, Den."

"What do you mean, Spud?"

"His family are descended from gypsies. That's where he gets his second sight from."

"So it's your mother and your father, Den. Gypsies travelled all over Europe - they still do," Horse said.

I had a lot to think on it.

"Mum and Dad are coming, Rita. I don't know when, but they will come. The Warlock and the Witch - it could only be them."

He looked sad.

"If they come, Spud, I will be here to meet them, and god help me, I will cast them into the fires of hell," Rita almost shouted. She was serious. Spud smiled.

I had calmed down because I had Ayden in my arms. He was falling asleep on my shoulder. I could hear his short deep breaths as he sucked gently on his dummy. It all must have been exhausting for him. I hope he's dreaming of his little mates.

Evan and I made love like never before when we got to bed. He was almost crying by the time I had finished him off. He was draped across me in the end and it was so peaceful listening to his deep breaths too. He moaned a little when I moved to go to the toilet. That butt and that perfectly shaped body was loved from head to toe and I didn't let him do too much hard work. I did it all for him. But he did have a good lap around my body just before I asked him to pass the lube.

"Do you think Bobby was right, Den?"

"Yes, Bub, he's a medium - he knows things, and if he says there's fairy folk looking after Ayden, then I believe him."

"It make me feel a little less stressed, Den, knowing that they are here not to do any harm."

"Of course, Bubs - but don't tell Mike. I told him there was no such thing as ghosts and ghouls." I giggled into his ear as I turned him on his side.

"Goodnight, Den. I love you."

"I love you too, Bubs. Is there any of that lube left, Bub?"


It was a busy boy for next four weeks. Evan had rushed the property through. We had gone to Warragul and ordered a large studio with kitchen and toilet, even a small bedroom. It was awesome and Spud and I will share it. There was plenty of room. I was excited about the auction and looked at it constantly - its ever changing total was creeping towards the eights.

Cynthia would ring every now and then to ask if I had any more works done yet, and to gloat over the total.

I had done some more works - in my opinion they were better than the six that were on auction.

Three paintings hung on Ayden's walls, all with my friends and mates in them, and I had no regrets selling them. I even did one of myself holding Ayden who was dressed in his overalls, I was nude. His legs hid my parts and the fairy folk were again having a party down my chest hair that they were using as a climbing wall. I had put hard hats on some of them and Ayden had a bright red one on his head his eyes bulged and his blues shined.

Evan wanted it as soon as he saw it. I made him take a nude picture of me - he can wank over that. The works are purely for sale and for self-gratification. All the paintings had our beach in them - the one I did of Horse laying on the beach was a hit because I also did him almost naked. He begged me to let him buy it but I refused his obscene offers, telling him he could bid on it. I will do another one for him - those fairies surfing all around him were the best.

When the all clear came from the owner of the property that we could place our studio on the land, I rang the company and gave them the go ahead. Horse's men will hook it up. It won't take long Horse said.

Two weeks after Bobby's visit, ten cartons of goods arrived at the shack. They were full of Rory's and Cody's beach wear. Evan was pumped as we all helped unpack the bright clothing range. His invoice said samples, seconds, deleted stock two dollars-fifty each item. What a gold mine he's going to have this year. Free stuff and next to nothing stuff but he knows that he won't always get his stock that cheap.

"You will have to stash all that extra cash away, Bubs. Don't let the tax man get it."

He smiled at me - I forgot Evan knows how to do that too.

Horse, Tony, Alex and Blue took off for Bali the following week. I believe Blue talked non-stop during the flight and spent most of his time surfing around the island with Alex in tow. Tony was pleased with the workmanship and he is expecting a container within the month. He will look over and pack each piece before it and my paintings are shipped to America. I don't know how he does it, but it all works. Tony was busy in his workshop. I quite often went over to look at his art. One day I went and there was Jay working away.

"I need an apprentice, Den. It's all too much for me now, but my personal work I have to do myself. I have him finishing stuff off at the moment, then I will teach him how to carve the candle holders," he smiled.

"Does Spud know?"

"He will when I send him over to Rita's to get lunch," he grinned.

Jayden shook my hand and I wished him well. He's a cute man and Spud is going to be stoked he's just working next door. Which gave me a brilliant idea - the bedroom in the studio - now who can I think of to rent that out to?

It was a very busy month for all of us. Blue talked obsessively about Bali and they were saving up to go there again - maybe for a month next time. I know they have the money, but I think it was only dreaming on their part. Blue would miss his dad, and same with Alex = he's got his mum and the kids.

The day Jayden started at Tony's, Cynthia came by. She was looking for more of my art. I showed her what I had and she nearly wet herself.

"He's gorgeous, Den."

"Who, Ayden?"

"No, Horse. He's magnificent! I am so not going to enjoy selling this one." I knew what she meant - Horse was the epitome of a raw hunk: he had the lot, looks, body, muscle, smile, teeth, brains - the whole box and dice. I felt guilty thinking that because Evan is my muse in reality. Horse's bum was more rounded than Evan's hard dimpled one. They both had that sleek line from head to toe. Horse's was bigger and rougher.

"Alid, Den. He's leading the auction and has been heavily bidding all through it."

She was looking at her iPad checking on its progress.

"Who is Alid, may I ask?"

"He's the son of an Arab trillionaire, Den - old money, a recluse now apparently, he owns an Island in the Mediterranean between Italy and Greece. He makes his money out of the family oil fields. I can't pronounce his surname -- it's too long," she laughed. The gossip says his heart was broken, love lost, all that sadness, Den. I don't know how much of it is true though."

"God, is he a regular customer of yours or is this his first time?"

"Den, he has six of your works and he made me send him photos of your older works. He doesn't mind paying, Den. I think the money doesn't mean much to him anymore."

"I have a lot of paintings in storage at Evan's mum's house. Maybe I should finish them." I was looking back.

"Are they sad ones, Den?"

"Yes, pre-Carol's death. I can't look at them and I can't destroy them either." I felt sad.

"Keep them, Den. They are a gold mine. And if you ever want to sell them - even unfinished - they will get a hefty price, so leave them there." She touched my arm.

"Thanks Cyn, sorry."

"That's okay, Den. We all have our demons in the cupboards," she smiled.

"Okay - change of subject: do you think this guy will buy them?"

"Yes, Den. I shouldn't say this, but he's been writing to me about you. He's in love with your works. Lindsay has pulled out. He said he will wait for the factory seconds," she laughed.

I thought I might do another one for him, he's been so good to me.

"Yes, he likes his little bonuses, I think." She didn't know what I was talking about and she didn't care.

"I also have a photographer coming tomorrow, Den. Bobby said we should do about a hundred limited edition copies of the six. Two things, Den: you pay for the photographer and I get twenty per cent for selling them online." She wasn't joking.

"Okay." I was pleased she organized that. I didn't even think of it, but I know Bobby has done it in the past.

"You have five days to go - it's slowing down now, Den, but as of ten minutes ago, you should clear three mil."

"What the Fuck!!!!" My drink went everywhere.

"They have just gone over three mil, Den." Even she was gob smacked. I ordered more coffee, and if I had them, I would take some calm-me-down pills - I would have taken two! This is awesome - this is my dream come true. I won't have to paint because I have to - I will paint because I want to. I saw Jay walk up the road with the biggest smile on his face.

Poor Spud - I had to settle him down when he delivered the coffee, and I certainly had to settle him down when a young man arrived to order his lunch. They hugged and even kissed cheeks on the porch. He was so stoked. Rita, to her credit, congratulated him and hugged him, kissing his forehead in the process. She watched them as Jay told Spud he had kept the secret to surprise him. Tony had offered him an apprenticeship in woodworking - he loved doing that sort of work. He would help in the shop when Tony was busy and he's looking for a place to stay. They both looked at Rita.

"Not under my roof, my boy, but you can ask him to go to the drive-in again if you want," she chuckled.

"Seventy-five a week and you must keep it clean."

"What?" I get a lot of that.

"I will have a room for rent by early next week. It arrives tomorrow. Your rent is seventy-five a week, but you must keep the kitchen and toilet spotlessly clean. Oh, that includes your internet, electricity and gas too."

Spud hugged and thanked me. Rita huffed.

Cynthia laughed.

"Have you got a sexy single bloke hanging around you don't need, Den?"

"Of course I have, Cyn. I have a doctor, a fabric importer, a lazy millionaire, and a mechanic on my books at the moment. What coloured hair do you like?"

She laughed her head off because she knew who I was talking about.

"I'll take the mechanic, Den. I need a good one."

"You leave my Trip alone, Cynthia. He's mine!" we heard Rita yell as she walked back to her kitchen. That started another round of laughter.

Spud served his young man and even gave him mate's rates. He kissed him and saw him on his way. Cyn had to get back to work and said she would ring me. I walked her to her car and kissed her cheek. She hesitated a little, then patted my shoulder.

"Well done, my friend. Do you want cash or a check?"

I froze. There's no way she would have that kind of money sitting around her house. I giggled to myself, grabbed my baby and walked down to the beach.

"I couldn't be more proud of you, Den. That's awesome!" Evan had just been told of my good fortune. He was stoked and as he ate his sandwich he couldn't stop smiling. Horse shook his head and I said his paintings have just become collectable and were worth a small fortune if he ever wanted to sell them. He declined the offer.

Back to my daily grind - I watched my new studio come up the road on the back of a semi-trailer. It rocked a little as it backed into next door's drive, then swung around. It was offloaded onto the stumps Horse's guys had installed. I had a big skylight fitted in the roof for lighting. It looked great. Ayden was jumping up and down on my hip as the big truck took his fancy. The driver lifted him up and gave him a go at the wheel. He laughed and dribbled all down his t-shirt.

It was quite large, and when the truck cleared the property it looked lonely sitting there by itself. Horse and the guys had demolished the house in one day. The block had been cleared and I thought I would plant some roses around it just to make it look homely.

Jay loved his room - it had air con throughout, and I again told him he must keep it clean. I know boys - they can be pretty slack when it comes to that stuff. I needn't worry. He proved me wrong and kept it pristine. His car rumbled up the drive and he and Spud sat in it for a while. Then Spud kissed him and ran into our place. They had been to the drive-in and I am sure that red face wasn't all from being covered by kisses.

"Did you have a good time, Spud?"

"Yes, Den. Were you waiting up for me?"

"Yes, son, all us good fathers do that."

He giggled then kissed me. "Thanks dad."

He left and I closed up. Evan had gone to sleep as I wanted to wait for Spud. I undressed and got into bed. Evan was lightly snoring. As I kissed him, my hand snaked around his dick. He was hard, the bloody faker!

"Pass the lube, Bubs." He handed it to me in a flash.

The big day was here and it was a non-event. I watched as the price sat there. I think all the other bidders pulled out and there was just the one total - three point one. My heart was skipping as the Auction closed. Everyone cheered and slapped me on the back. Apart from the insurance money from Carol's death, I had never seen so many zeros. Evan and Horse opened champagne and Spud passed the glasses around. Blue smiled from ear to ear and Alex stood shaking his head. Rita put her hands out for a donation and Tony was nearly crying.

"She did good, Den. That's awesome, but truly they were well worth it," he said.

I had picked up Ayden - he was too preoccupied with the front stairs. I will get Horse onto putting some gates on it when I can. I thought two gates that only swing one way. He was feeling a bit wet, so I snuck out to change him. The butterflies and feeling of pure joy hit me when I opened his bedroom door. And as I changed him, those feelings got better and better. His friends were happy I think.

A couple of big arms went around my waist and he nuzzled my neck. He didn't have to say anything - he knew how happy I was. And he knew that nothing had changed in the past twenty-four hours. I loved him and the magic was still with us.

"What's next, Den?"

"A rest, then more work. I have a feeling I am not going to be left alone for quite some time, Bubs. Once the newspapers learn of this, they will all want a piece of me."

"I'll try and shield you, Den, as much as I can. Maybe we should take a holiday - somewhere nice."

"Not yet, Bubs, but I would like to go to Queensland and see Bobby again. Maybe in a month or two."

He rocked me back and forth, and Ayden talked his head off again. He was looking at the two paintings on the wall.

The party had started and the music was loud. I sat watching everybody having a good time - even Jay and Spud danced together under the watchful eye of Rita, Blue and Alex.

An email came through from Cynthia. "Congratulations, Den. I have cancelled the prints. The buyer has paid more to make sure we don't go ahead with them. I have deducted the photographer's fee from your final invoice. Lolol... Best of luck. See you during the week. xox"

I sent a heart back to her.

This week the container left with Tony's wares and my thirty paintings. It was good to see it on its way. I had been working in my studio when the truck arrived and lifted the container up onto its tray. Ayden was all eyes as he tried to stand on tippy toe to see out the window. I picked him up and took him outside. It was a pretty hot day and the air con was on full blast. Going outside made me even hotter as the warm wind hit me.

"Let's go inside, bubs. It's too hot out here."


"Yes... too hot."

I stood by the window and watched it being carted down the street. Tony looked buggered, but he had it all under control.

Maggie was the first interview I had scheduled - that's tomorrow. Apart from the extra tents and motorhomes on the foreshore, I hadn't been inundated by the media. But a quick search of the internet told me it's coming - and not from Australia - it's coming from Europe. Rita seemed to be getting busy and there were a few foreign people dining out. A lot of photos were taken of our Shack and the shop, but mainly my art work, which I still had some on the walls. I will eventually take what's left down and store them.

It has started with the photos and I noticed a lot of them were being posted on news sites and Art websites. A big motorhome parked across the road which had `Ten' stamped on its side. The satellite dish went up and a well-spoken journalist came over to see me. She wanted a live interview which I granted. She asked me all sorts of questions about the paintings, the auction - I got a few mentions of Cynthia's site in. It wasn't full on just a casual talk, which I was pleased about. Ayden sat on my knees and he wasn't happy about it. He eventually got down and waddled up to Rita's.

The interview was shown on their tonight programme. It was okay, but I don't think I will do it again - bubs didn't like it. Maggie is arriving soon, I told her I was next door. Rita had made sandwiches and I had bought a coffee machine so I can make good coffee. I was toying with a new work. It was confusing me because I knew what I wanted to do, but it wouldn't let me get it out. I put my pencil down and looked at my son. He was busy talking to his teddy bear, the one Horse had bought him.' Enough' I said to myself. So, I lay on the floor with him and we had a great talk. He dropped off, then so did I.

There was knocking on the door - it was Maggie and Steven. She was all smiles and really looking very spiffy. I offered coffee and started making it. By the time she had sat down, her recorder was on. We talked about the sale and Cynthia again. Then she wanted to talk about the paintings. How did I come up with the idea? What do I feel about them? And who bought them, which was the main question on everybody's lips.

"I have rung Cynthia several times, but she's tight-lipped about the buyer, Den. Can you shed a little light on him, her or them?" She giggled. "Can't say, Maggie, only it's a he, and he's a billionaire living in Italy."

"Oh, he sounds very mysterious, Den. Is he married?"

"I don't know, Maggie. I don't know anything about him."

"Well his name is Alid. I suppose I can safely say he has Arabian heritage."

"How do you know his name?"

"It was on the site, Den. He was the highest bidder all the way through," she smiled. I handed her a sandwich.

We talked for the next two hours, and then she insisted on seeing my recent works, which amounted to the three. They were on the wall, and I debated whether to show her or not. I said she could have a photo, but I won't uncover them. All she got was a pic of the three-by-four dust covers. Steven took photos of Ayden sleeping and me standing in the doorway.

Evan arrived and he was just in time to say goodbye to them. They also took a photo of him.

"How are you feeling, Den?"

"Hot and bothered, Bubs. I can't get into it today. The container left a few hours ago and bubs has had his hour nap."

"Good, lock up and come with me. You need cooling off."

I lifted bubs - he was half-awake - and left the air con going for Jay or Spud, if he's going to paint. We locked up and I followed Evan down to the beach.

Next: Chapter 36

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