Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Oct 8, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 32

I walked bubs by the hand to the beach. It took us ages because he wanted to bend down and throw stones into the bushes. After, he wanted to have a rest for a minute, followed by looking at every blade of grass. Eventually, I picked him up - he enjoyed a ride too. With the breakfast basket in hand, we hit the beach. He wanted to go in the water, so I left the basket sitting on my towel and took him down to the shore.

Blue was first on the scene. He picked him up and placed him on his board and gave him a ride. Then he did something out of the ordinary: he grabbed my sling and placed it over his shoulders. Bubs was securely placed in it as he paddled out a bit. I could hear bubs' laughter as they caught a wave in. I wasn't scared for him -- Blue's an excellent uncle and surfer - there was no danger; but then I heard, "More?" I think we have opened a can of worms.

Evan was beside me now and was enjoying the scene. When Blue came over with bubs, he gave him to Evan and said,

"He wants more, daddy. I'm starving." So Evan did the same thing many times over.

"Hey Evelyn, give him to me," Horse bellowed.

"Here, Den. Hold bubs for a minute."

He shoved the kid into my arms and took after Horse. They were running down the beach at full speed - there was no way Evan would catch that powerhouse. Eventually, he gave up and then took bubs for a ride out into the less heavy waves. I had to call time out after the fifth ride. As I took bubs in my arms, he wouldn't stop talking, I guess this will be his new fun thing to do from now on.

"You have opened a can of worms now. He will expect this treatment every time he is here."

"I don't mind, Den. I never thought of it before. He's safe with us. It's only small rides for now. We will have him up on a board before he turns three, I think.

"You wish, but it's not happening, Bubs. Too dangerous. I'm sending him to boarding school soon."

"Yeah, sure and are. You going with him?"

"Of course! Someone has to do his homework for him." I had to smirk.

"I'll get to you later. Now, where's my breakfast?"

Evan and I walked up to the guys who were chatting about surfing around Australia. For some reason, I had a bad feeling in my stomach and, as much as I didn't want him to go, I suppose I have to let him. I looked over at Evan and he was looking at me. I don't know what happened because he took my breath away: my butterflies were overwhelming and a tear dripped down my cheek. I guess we will have to talk later when no one's around.

Mike arrived followed by Spud and they started to skim the shore. I saw a kid, or should I say a young man really, join them. I don't think they knew him, but they seemed to accept his joining in.

"And the fun starts." Nuts said.

"What do you mean?" I was inquisitive.

"My nephew Jayden - you know, Spud's new boyfriend," he grinned.

"Wow, he's got to be happy with that guy, Nuts. He's pretty bloody cute," Trip said. I saw them all nod.

"Yep. And he's all Spud's, but don't tell him - let him find out for himself. Jayden's a catch, Den, and he's wise beyond his years. He will be good for Spud I think."

"Well, let's wait and see. Spud's got baggage, Nuts. He might not want a boyfriend as yet." I tried to be a good Uncle.

"Yeah, sure. What sixteen-year-old kid doesn't want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I was onto my fifth one by that age," he laughed, then added, "Jayden's one of the nicest kids I know. He won't use Spud and he won't treat him badly either. If anything, they will become good friends at least"

I went along with Nuts. I trusted him. Then Tiny said, "He doesn't know anything about Spud, only that it would be in his interest to get to know him." They all yahooed, then picked their boards up to go check out the new guy.

Evan held back.

"I saw it, Den, and I have no inclination to surf around Australia without you, bubs, Rita, Spud and now Jayden. So please put those thoughts away."

"But it was your dream," I whined.

"It was my dream, and that was long before I met you and Ayden. My life has changed for the better, Den. I don't need to dream anymore. I have a fantastic family and everything I want." He leaned in and kissed me. I felt a lot better and a bit guilty. It will be nice to have some peace and quiet. Maybe I will get some work done for a change.

I gathered up my baby and basket and headed home, carrying him this time. I don't want him to get too far ahead of himself with walking. The holiday season will be over in another few weeks, but there will be stragglers left behind. In addition, this time of year, there will always be campers and back packers.

Tony was there when I got back. He had been to the build watching the instillation of his glassed-in veranda. We got coffee, and bubs was placed in his high chair to be fed.

"They are doing a great job, Den. It's costing me a small fortune, but it's going to be so worth it."

"It looks beautiful, Tony. I hope you think about lighting it up at night. It would look awesome."

"Yes, all that's been taking care of. Did Horse ask you if you and Evan wanted to come to Bali with us?"

"Not yet. Was he told to ask us?" I laughed.

"Well, he thought you and Evan might like to come. The surfing there is supposed to be awesome, not that I see much of the beach when I'm there."

"I'll talk to Evan about it then. I don't really want to take bubs on a plane again. It effects his ears so much," I lied.

"Okay. Then Evan can come on his own. He can get plenty of beach massages while he's there - they will lotion him up," he grinned.

"Maybe we had better not mention it. He's already giving up a trip around Australia. I feel so mean not pushing him to go, but they will be away for a few months at least. I won't cope well, I know it."

"All right then I will tell Horse not to mention it."

"Thanks, Tony. I feel so mean." I didn't really - I wanted Evan to myself.

"Don't. What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

He left to go do some washing and I was at a loose end. I did have a sudden urge to paint Evan, but it was only because I adored him and he's a good subject. I took a canvas and opened my paint box then looked through my notebook. I remembered something and started looking through my phone.

The photo of Spud skimming the beach at dusk - it was awesome only I will know it was Spud. Then I thought to myself, could I sell it? Probably not. So I decided to put a non-person in it. That way, I could part with it.

I had been hard at it for an hour when bubs came back. I put the big TV on the cartoon channel and he kicked and talked in his bean bag. Mike whizzed past to get the boys' lunch orders in. He grabbed a milk shake and sat with me.

"Who's the new guy you and Spud have been surfing with?"

"Jayden. He works in Warragul. He's a local kid and wanted to know if we wanted to go to the drive-in with him tonight. I think he belongs to Nuts' family or something."

"Are you going to go?"

"Umm, no, Den. He seems a little keen on Spud, so I thought I would make an excuse."

Right decision kid.

"Oh that's nice. Do you think he's gay?"

"Den, everybody including me knows what's going on. Don't try and fool me."

"Oh I just thought it was a big secret - that's all."

"It is a secret - from Spud. Doesn't mean we can't all know," he grinned.

Rita brought the lunch basket out and handed it to Mike. She winked at me then said, "The drive-in's out, Den. I know what go's on there." She laughed all the way back to the cafe. I was so pleased for Spud. I hope to God this is the one for him. I needed to go into Sale tomorrow and hit the two-dollar shops. Australia Day is coming up and I need some flags to tie across the porch. A big day here in Australia - heaps of beach barbeques and cricket games - a good family day.

Susan and the girls arrived back. They were so excited, and Patrick was even more pleased because he starts tomorrow in the tea rooms. He has to work it for a few weeks when they will take it over. The girls were ready to hit the track and do their holiday. They will end it back here and will be gone for two months. They were happy to have Nuts and Trip with them, They had shopped in town for supplies so I didn't have to do it. I'm sure Rita will have a basket full of stuff to get them going for the first few days. The boys told me later they will probably come home when they hit Darwin. They wanted to come down the centre of Australia, which means they won't be going all the way around.

The guys started to come up the track and I rescued my son from his cot. He was still a little bit sleepy and, god bless her heart, Susan tried everything with him but he didn't settle until Horse took him off her and lay him across his shoulder. He had another fifteen minutes' sleep then it was time for some wake up juice.

Evan was in the shop looking after some customers and the girls and guys left to get the vans ready. I want to go to the petrol station and buy a gas card for them, but I can do that in the morning. Eventually, there was just Horse and myself. He was deep in thought then he moved over next to me.

"Do you think the fairy folk are here, Den?"


"The Irish fairy folk you put in your paintings - do you think they are here now or just appear when something's going to happen?"

"I don't know Horse, but if they come to me, it's in the guise of butterflies in my stomach. That's my first sign that something's up. I also feel electric shocks"

"Oh I had better read my books on folklore again. Maybe there's an answer in there somewhere."

Evan came out and Horse moved over. Ayden was getting hungry, so before he sat down, I asked him to go raid Rita's fridge.

"I don't have any answers, Horse. I know when they appear, I have an urgent urge to paint. And if I don't, whatever they are trying to tell me will come true. So, I have to do it good or bad."

"Well, Mike's painting is a masterpiece. I would like to own it, but I know you won't sell it."

"How about six months on your wall and six on mine?"

"No, Den. It's where it's supposed to be. If I take it, I might upset the apple cart." he laughed.

Evan came back with some pieces of chicken and veggies and a plate of sandwiches for us.

"Has Spud returned yet, Den?"

"No, I haven't seen him, Bubs. Why?"

"Rita's having a fit in there. She's worried about him."

"He will be just fine. That kid's a good one. He won't be pushing him for anything he doesn't want to do," Horse said.

"I'm not worried about him, Horse. It's Spud that might push it." I laughed into my sandwich. Bubs laughed along.

After I finished my food, I excused myself and told Evan I was going up to the garage to get something. He asked what for, and I told him. He handed me some money to go halves with the card. I wasn't gone that long, but when I got back, the party had started again. The girls had Mike up dancing and Spud was all smiles. I sidled up to him and asked him if he was going out tonight.

"No, Den - staying home, but he's coming up for dinner. At least I will get to have another talk to him without all these goofballs eaves dropping."

"Has Rita given you the night off?"

"No. She's in a fuss about something, Den. I didn't like to ask," he giggled.

"Okay leave it to me," I smiled.

I walked into the cafe and there was Rita standing by the grill. She turned and saw me.

"Don't you dare give me a lecture, Den. I just got one off Nuts and I'm sure Horse will be in here soon too."

"What's the matter, Rita? It's just a first date."

"I'm concerned for him, that's all. Someone has to look out for his interests. So, it looks like I'm the bad guy." She wasn't mad just a bit off her kilter.

"Honey, he's one of the good guys. He apparently likes Spud. Otherwise he wouldn't be coming for dinner tonight. It's a good thing, don't you think? He will be safe and sound with all of us around and, of course, I don't need to remind you, it's better than a midnight meeting on the beach."

"Oh Den, I'm just being silly, I know, but I can't help it. He's so young."

"He's a sixteen-year-old boy that's seen and done things that we have only read about in the smutty newspapers. He's a good kid. Let him have dinner with his beau. Let him feel the power of falling in love. God knows, he needs it. He's been abused often enough."

"I'm being stupid again, aren't I?"

"No, you're being a good mum. You once told me you were, and now I can see it first hand. I don't think Spud will pack up and leave you anytime soon, honey. Give him a chance to prove to you he can be an adult."

She dropped her egg flipper and went to the cafe door. As she got there she turned and said to me, "God I love you." Then she shouted, "Spudly, can you come in here a minute?"

"Yes, mom." He lilted out, running into the kitchen.

"Don't get sassy with me, boy, and why aren't you showered and dressed for your date?"


"Your date. He will be here soon. Don't you want to make a good impression? And put some of that nice aftershave you bought in town on. Not too much, now - just a little dab."

Again his tears began and he hugged her hard. She stroked his hair and kissed his head. My work is done.

I ambled back to the table just as Horse was coming down.

"Forget it, mate. It's all sorted."

"Good." He grunted.

I almost snatched my baby out of Donk's arms, and as I turned him around to face me, he said, "Dah!" The smile was so beautiful those butterflies started singing. I held onto him and he talked to me. I wanted to be with him, so I excused myself and went to give him a bath.

I soaped him up and he talked to me about everything. I think he was saying how much he had enjoyed his surf today.

Evan came in and I said, "Lotion, Bubs."

"Den, not now - it's too early."

I looked him in the eye and answered, "Baby lotion, Bubs. It's on his chest of drawers."

"Oh, sorry," he blushed.

"You will be tonight." I giggled to myself.

"Did you get the card, baby?"

"Yes. It's in my wallet. You can give it to them later or in the morning."

"I'll pass it to them in the morning, Den. They are drinking, so they might forget they have it."


He helped me lotion bubs up and again, the four-handed massage was his favourite thing at the moment. I took longer on his legs - we have to strengthen them. We dressed him for bed and then went out to the porch.

Jayden had arrived and was sitting with Nuts. He is a good looking boy - dimples for miles and a great head of hair that swished across his forehead. Spud came out looking a million dollars - his eyes sparkled and his black hair shined. He asked Jayden if he wanted to see his paintings. He was eager to get away from the prying eyes, I think, because he jumped at the chance. They almost ran into the shop.

It was getting darker, and because of the overcrowding, I had an idea. I had a talk with Blue and he gave me the thumbs up. He would set the smaller table on the back porch so the kids could have some privacy. Rita looked at me from the cafe door. She also gave me the thumbs up.

Anne and Jack arrived for dinner and Mike sat with them for a few minutes. She constantly did his hair with her hands while his father rubbed his back. I walked up to say hello and they both stood and kissed a cheek each.

"He's clear of everything. We just talked to his doctor in Melbourne. He's finally free, Den."

What wonderful news, but I knew that anyway.

"Well, kiddo, what an amazing holiday this has been for you! New friends, new job, no ghosts and a baby sister."

"Den, you weren't going to tell them."

"Oops -- sorry, a baby brother or sister."

"A baby sister. We already know its sex, Den. We were keeping it a surprise for Mike," Anne smiled.

"Oh, I had better hide all the pink stuff then, if it's a surprise." Mike laughed. I left them to it, as the boys were serving food and I was hungry. The sooner I eat, the sooner I get tired and go to bed. That's when my day really starts with Evan in my arms.

"Are you done, Den?"

"Yes, Bubs, I think so." I rolled off as Evan reached for the short time towel. He wiped us up and snuggled in for a good night's sleep. I tossed and turned. For some reason I couldn't get comfortable, so I rolled him over and got rid of that extra wad that was keeping me awake. Evan shook for some time after - he was laughing into his pillow.

"Shush, Bubs! Go to sleep," I said. He got worse so I turned on my side and held him.

"I've never met anyone like him, Den. He knows a lot more than I know. He loves my paintings and said he wanted to buy one for his wall. He's coming by today I am going to give him one. Is that all right?"

"Of course it is, Spud. You don't have to ask me. Do you think he might hang around a bit more?"

"Yes, I think so. He's working in town, but he wants to come and live here. He recons. It's really boring selling old furniture all day, and he loves surfing too."

Spud was glowing, and I could see he had gone to a little more trouble with his grooming today. He told me that the table out the back was good, because they got to talk in private. He also said Rita poked her head out the door every twenty minutes which made them both laugh. That's when I had one of my brilliant thoughts.


Spud almost dropped his coke.


"Tony will need an assistant to help in his shop."

I stared at Spud and he stared back. Then he must have got it.

"Fuck me! I will ring him and tell him to bring his resume with him today." He grinned broadly.

Ayden kicked and smiled too.

I was going to pull him up on his choice of words but it was cute.

"Spud, can you come here for a minute?"

"Yes, mum." He smiled and went to see what Rita wanted.

Susan arrived looking like she had drunk a barrel of Vodka. She kissed me, then bubs, but didn't go for him because he was talking to me. She said her girls would leave tomorrow. They were too hung over today. They would still be over the alcohol limit to drive anyway.

Patrick had picked Evan up early along with the rest of the guys, so I won't see them for another hour or so. I began another painting after Sue went off to shower and do some washing. An Asian boy on his bike riding hard with a huge back pack on his shoulders. I put the Australian landscape behind the long road he was riding on then some native animals - kangaroos, wallaby's and a couple of animated cockatoos sitting on a fence. My fairy folk were having another party on the back of his bike - some running on the wheel, some jumping off his back pack. I knew who this boy was and I drew him with a big smile on his face. When the first draft was finished, I set about painting it. I had only just finished the bike when I heard a ruckus out the side of the shack. I looked over the railing and saw the problem -- Blue's mother.

"Where's my fucking son?"

"Down on the beach, lady, but I don't think it's a good idea to go there drunk - too many kids around."

There was a man with her who was as equally drunk, and, unfortunately, he was driving.

"Well ring him and get the little bastard up here."

She reached into the car and pulled out a can of beer, then opened it. It spewed everywhere.

"It's fucking hot, you cunt. Do you sell cold beer, mate?"

"No, lady, but if you behave yourself, I will give you one of mine."

Rita came out - I could see she was a little upset at the language.

"Den, don't invite her in. She's drunk."

"I have to, Rita, or else she is going to go down to the beach and cause a scene. I will try to get rid of her."

Louise and her mate came up to the porch. I went and got them each a can of beer, which they didn't thank me for.

Susan had heard the noise and bobbed her head out of the shop. I whispered to her to go get Horse. She took off to the beach.

"What's the little cunt doing down here? It's a long way to drive."

"Working, Louis. He's working in the cafe."

I picked my son up and held him close. Hopefully Horse won't be far away.

"Your baby?" she slurred.

"Yes, this is Ayden."

"Aids? Stay away from him, Rob. He's got aids." She didn't know what she was talking about and, thankfully, neither did bubs.

"His name is Ayden. Aids is a very different story altogether." I now regretted inviting her in.

"Well, I won't be touching him!" she snarled.

"I know you won't be, Louise. After your last effort at motherhood, I'm surprised you even recognise what a baby even looks like."

"Fuck off, idiot! Where's my son?"

"Coming soon, I think. He's out surfing, but I'm sure when he knows you're here, he will come up immediately."

I played with my son because they were having a small argument between themselves. Rob wanted to go - she wanted to party. I heard the back door slam.

Horse walked in and grabbed her by the neck. With one hand he stood her up and pushed her face into his.

"Get out and don't come back!"

"He's my son."

"No, he's my son, and you don't get to see him anytime soon! Now fuck off!!" He dragged her off the porch and literally shoved her into the car, her light body was swaying in the wind, as he didn't let go until she was seated. Then he came back for Rob. Tiny arrived with Susan and he immediately got on the phone to someone.

After a lot of shouting and foul words, Rob had the good sense to start the car up and back out of the driveway. He hit a small rose bush and the car lifted as he totally destroyed the letterbox. I prayed there were no kids on the road, but he did drive slowly up to the corner. I could hear Louise screaming at him all the way.

Horse was fuming.

"Why did you invite them in?"

"Because she would have gone down the beach and upset Blue."

"Okay, thanks." He threw the empty cans into the rubbish bin then went and got himself and Tiny one. His hands were shaking he was so mad.

"Not a word to Blue about this, please everyone? Let's just let it lie."

"No problem, Horse. I don't think she will come back any time soon."

"What makes you say that, Tiny?" I asked.

"I rang my brother-in-law, the local cop. He will pick them up on the freeway turnoff, maybe give them a day or two in jail, maybe a drunk driving charge." He chuckled into his beer, Horse nudged him, then started laughing.

"Sorry, Horse, but I thought it was the right thing to do. I was trying to calm her down."

"You won't do that, Den. I've been trying for years but unfortunately, the grog has well and truly got her. Maybe I should stop the payments: when she doesn't have the money to drink, maybe she will think about her life a bit more."

"You're still paying her maintenance?" Tiny asked.

"Well, yes. I thought it was the right thing to do, but now I'm not so sure about it." He was deep in thought. And the beer was calming him down.

I noticed Rita and Susan had brandy in their hands and one had been slipped in front of me. Oh no, not again. I skulled it, then Susan gave me a refill. I think she's going to be sleeping most of this day away.

Customers always ruin a party, but Rita was on to them. I think all her help went down to the beach this morning. I watched as she served them. When she came out with sandwiches and drinks, she placed a coffee and sandwich on a spare table, then deep in thought, she sat quietly. I poured my second drink into Sue's glass, and, with my son, I went to sit with my friend.

"Penny for your thoughts."

She looked at me and smiled.


"What's up?"

She moaned a bit about doing the right thing as she fed some chicken to Ayden. She was unsure about Jayden being the right friend for him. I reassured her that Nuts wouldn't put him into a bad position.

It wasn't until a small bunch of flowers arrived later in the day for Spud her downer turned into a smile. Of course, Spud walked around with his head in a cloud, and many times we heard her call out, "Spud, keep your mind on your work." He must have been cooking his curry His flowers were placed where he could see them. I didn't ask to see the card, but there was no guessing who they had come from, it was so obvious.

Tony was back from the build and he and Horse had a conversation about him stopping payment. He thought Horse should give it straight to Blue instead. Horse said that Blue's set for life and didn't need it. Which reminds me, I have to do something about sponsoring him. He will need the best of everything to do his craft.

"Bubs, I want to sponsor Blue - you know, with the shop logo and things, maybe get our address printed on his shirts." I was being genuine, he knew that.

"Den, the shop doesn't have a logo. You can't put the address on his gear - it would be too long. A logo would make people ask him and he could say what it meant."

"Oh then, I have to come up with a logo?"

"Yes, Den."

"We could use your butt."


"Your bum! I could paint it and then we could have it transferred to t-shirts and shorts. He could answer, `Oh that's Evan's bum shop', or something like that."

He shook his head and walked off. Then I heard him and Nuts giggling. I thought it was a good idea and I was more than willing to paint it.

It looks like the party is going to happen again tonight. Hayley and Emma were again dancing with Mike or whoever came past. But, I did notice they were drinking coke. Evan handed them the gas card and they handed it back, refusing to take it. Eventually, we convinced them. They were so grateful. I noticed that Rita had Blue and Alex up a ladder - she had them hanging strings of Aussie flags across the porch. She was getting ready for Australia day in a few days' time. That saved me from going into town. The place looked really good and, combined with the coloured lights, it will look great at night. The other boys started helping them and it was finished in no time.

Spud had a gentleman caller and they sat on the steps drinking milkshakes and talking. He eventually took him into the shop and he picked out a great painting of a Mammoth walking down the beach with a big grin on its face, in the lower corner there was a basket of fruit that burst out over the whole painting. He wrapped it up and Jayden placed it into his very sober looking car. Spud's face was forever smiling and he winked at me several times. When Jayden left, he said goodnight to Rita and us, and I did see a quick kiss by his car before he drove away. Poor Spud - his hormones would be hanging from the ceiling by now.

Evan winked at me too, as he placed his hand on his crotch and rubbed a little. I thought it was time Ayden ate, so I grabbed some food for him and gave it to Evan. That will give him something to do for the next hour. Evan, forever the diplomatic lawyer, three minutes later handed him to Horse with the food bowl then went back to cock teasing me.

I was thinking about Spud and I wanted to ask Tony if he was going to hire anyone for his shop, so I sidled up next to him and said, "Tony, are you going to hire an assistant when you open the shop or are you going it alone?"

"I have thought about it, Den, and I wanted to see if I could manage it on my own. I know I will have to put someone on over the holidays but I don't think I will need them when I'm not busy. It's difficult to tell at the moment."

"Okay well you will let me know if you need someone." He grinned at me then waved an envelope.

"Got it." I know what he meant - Spud must have slipped it to him.

I also thought again about a small goods store combined with a pinball parlour. We could build it on the vacant land with maybe a small residence at the back. I was deep in thought when Evan started again -- he was going for it tonight. Anyway I told him what I was thinking about, and he threw a bucket of cold water on me.

"Den, let them do their own thing. Spud is growing every day. By the time he's eighteen, he might not even like painting, let alone being tied down in a shop in the back of nowhere."

"Okay, was just a thought, that's all, Bubs. You're right -- he might not even be around. He might move to Sale with Jayden." My heart skipped a beat because I was very fond of Spud.

"Right again. Den. He might or might not just want to open his own gallery down here. Who knows? He's too young at the moment. Just let him have some fun and stop organizing his life for him." I looked at Evan and he knows best, he always knows, but I couldn't help myself.

"Can I organize Ayden's life then?"

"Of course you can he's your son." He was getting agitated.

"Good I'm going to build a games parlour on the vacant block for him for when he gets big. Oh, here's a thought, Bub: Spud can run it for him until he gets bigger." I smiled.

"He needs a bath, Den. Then I think I should put you to bed."

"Okay," I grinned.

He took Ayden from Horse and we went to bathe him. His milk arrived and, as always, after many smiles he sucked on it until his eyes closed.

I didn't watch that bit. I was too busy having my guy suck on me. I think he just did that to shut me up, but it was nice of him. I pulled my shorts up and said my good nights to everyone outside. Then, I crawled into bed with Evan who was prepared for anything I might want to throw his way.

Next: Chapter 33

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