Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 13, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 29

The time came for Evan to leave. We had been kissing in the bedroom and I had given him one last orgasm. Ayden was hugged and kissed and we walked out to the back yard to wave. Nuts and Donk rode with him. Donk and Tiny were in Donk's delivery van: they had a mattress in the back and would use Evan's stove for cooking if they needed to. I was assured there were toilets on site, and fresh water and showers.

We waved then they left, beeping their horns madly. Bubs and I went inside - he was tired and I wanted to lay down for a bit. We both dropped off and before I knew it, Spud was shaking me awake.

"Den, you have customers waiting." I thanked him and went to splash my face and then gently carried Ayden out to the lounge room and placed him on the floor. My visitors ended up being a couple of art dealers from Sydney. I opened up for them and they were very eager to look at my works. They also asked to look at Ayden's Eyes - they had heard so much about it. I showed them and they made an obscene offer. I declined, knowing it would never be sold at any price. There was no way that painting would leave this house.

They fell in love with the real thing asleep on the floor, then they started shopping. They bought six and debated about buying two of Spud's, which they eventually did. They were going to put them in their latest Art Auction catalogue and, if it turned out the way they thought, they will be back for more. They knew Cynthia very well and she recommended they get some for their gallery-slash-auction rooms.

Payment was made and I packaged them up for travelling. Their card was left on the counter and they tried again with Ayden's Eyes, stating that it should be in the Australian Art gallery for everyone to see. I smiled at the two gentlemen and again declined the idea. I fleetingly thought I could paint another one but that wouldn't be fair - it would feel like I was cheating.

I got a coffee and put Blue's painting on the easel to start on it. Bubs was stirring so I prepared his milk and checked his nappy, which was full. So I talked to him about potty training while I wiped him down and made him nice and clean for his day. I put him on the porch in his bean bag and popped his milk in his mouth. Rita came over and kissed him then me.

"How long has he gone for, Den?"

"Just the four days, Rita. I will miss him but the waves are bigger there apparently." I smiled. "Well he's done well with the shop. A little holiday won't hurt."

I noticed Spud poking his head around the corner. I suppose I had better put him out of his misery: I held up two fingers he punched the air. I think he was pleased.

"We have to do something about Spud's money. It's building up. Maybe he can buy a small property or something like an investment."

"Yes. I discussed that with Evan. He thought it was a good idea too, but I really want him to enjoy his teen years. Buying a property is a good investment though."

"True - I just thought he might buy a block of land and build a house-come-gallery-come games arcade sort of thing. He can do a city property later on."

What do I know? Carol did all the pushing with our property. I would have been content to stay in the rented flat we lived in the first two years.

"Well, maybe you're right, Den. It all depends on what he wants to do. He makes a fair bit out of his curry night, so repayments won't be a problem."

I left it at that. He has to think about it and make a decision. Maybe he should talk to Tiny and the guys that actually live down here. We are new, and for a long time there wasn't a food or gift shop within thirty kilometers. Being here is a godsend for the campers and holidaymakers. Maybe my idea of rejuvenating the town with a few more businesses wouldn't be so bad. Tony will be up and running within four months. And an arcade games place, I reckon, would be very popular with the kids. At sixteen, he has his whole life ahead of him. He can do anything he wants within reason, but Rita is right - he should be enjoying himself not working all the time.

I started adding colour to the painting: I already had done the background - it was the intricate work I had to do now, the focal point, the essence. My stomach was alive as I did the guys, this is a happy one. It made me smile all the way through it and after an hour I could see the depth of its meaning. Blue will become a champion surfer - he's made for it. My mind shifted to Evan: he wouldn't even be halfway there yet and I missed him terribly. I should have gone with them.

Bubs had dropped off again. The heat was rising for another hot day. I will probably sit inside in the cool with him or go down to the beach. A plate was put in front of me as Spud had made us both a sandwich for lunch.

"I will get Evan to transfer your money when he gets back -- they used their cards." "No problem, Den - when he's ready. Do you really think Blue will win Bell's?"

"Not maybe this year, but he will win it in the future. I feel it in my bones."


"Just a thought, Den: why don't you get in on the ground floor and sponsor him, like have the shop's name put on a few tank tops and shorts -even his board shorts? It wouldn't cost that much and I think all you have to do is pay his accommodation and stuff." He smiled.

"Maybe `Surf's Up' might want to do that with us. I will think on it, maybe ask Evan - he will know more about it." I will ask Evan he knows everything about surfing.

"Where's Mike today?"

"Gone to the city with his folks. They had to go see if his gran is okay. She lives alone."

"Oh, so it's just you and Rita then?"

"Yes, Den. She's going to ring her standby later. He can help serve - I can cook and wash up."

"Who's her standby?" "Riley."

"I can help if you want. I can just put a sign on the shop to come find me if people want to have a look."

"I'll tell Rita, but she doesn't like using you. She said you will probably go to bed early to make the time go faster," he giggled.

"She's right - I was just thinking that." I laughed back at him.

He left because they got some customers. I walked up and told Rita I would give her a hand as soon as bubs wakes up. She said she would call me. A car pulled up and a lovely woman swanned onto the veranda. Cynthia was beaming as she kissed both my cheeks, then Spud's, then ordered a coffee for both of us. She took my hand and walked me up to our table.

"Well did you have a good Christmas, Den?"

"Yes, honey. Excellent! Evan's shop is nearly empty, Tony sold out and Spud and I did all right, thanks to you. Also, your friends from Sydney just left with six paintings."

"I tried to get here before they left, but they had to get back, I will catch up with them next week - I'm going to have a week off."

"Your business won't suffer?" I smiled.

"No, Den. My sister is going to do it. She needs a break from the city and she's done it before. All's good."

Our coffee arrived and Spud almost bowed to her as he placed it on the table.

"He's a little nervous around you, hon," I laughed.

"Well he's a great artist and he doesn't need to be - even his coffee's good." She giggled.

"Did your mirrors get to New York okay?"

"They are still on the docks, but will be delivered next week. I need to talk to you about something. You can say `no' if you want -- it's just a request, Den." She had another sip.

"What's up?"

"The same client that bought the mirrors has requested a series of paining's for his hotel in Miami. He wants thirty works."

"What?" I nearly choked.

"Yes, Den. It's on South Beach overlooking the ocean. He wants beach themes, so he has requested I ask you to do them. I tried to get Spud involved but he wants them all from the same artist."

"That's a big commission, Cyn. Bloody hell! Thank you."

"There's more, Den. I won't require a discount this time, but I will be requiring the paintings in three months. Do you think you can cope with it?" She laughed.

"Oh, I think I have at least eighteen beach themed ones here, so I will only have to do another twelve. Yes, I can do it, but I would rather discount them to you. This is awesome."

"Don't sell yourself short, Den. I'm charging a bucket for these. He's got money to burn and I don't mean small change. I don't want you to miss out either. I'm pretty fair that way. I do look after my suppliers sometimes." She grinned. I could only imagine what she's charging for them.

"Ten each, delivered." She whispered I slapped my forehead. "You have a commodity they can't get over there, Den, so they don't mind paying more for what they want."

"And he doesn't mind they won't be of South beach or Miami?"

"Absolutely not, Den. He wants uniqueness, and make sure you put Golden Bay, Victoria, on all your name stickers. You never know - we might just spark a tourism rush."

Some sandwiches came by. Spud smiled from ear to ear. My heart dropped because it's a no go this time.

"Box me up four of his best ones, Den. I will sell them eventually and it won't make him feel left out."

"He's got to learn, Cynthia, it's not always honey and cream with art."

"No, Den. I like him and his works. I'll take four, but we won't mention the discount on yours though."

She's being very generous. I only hope Spud gets to feel like I do at this moment. It's a big job for me. I pray that someday it will happen to him.

"Now Tony will have moved down here by the time I require your works, so just take them over to him to put in the container. I have a rather large order for him, too," she giggled.

"Oh, he's going to be chuffed, baby."

"Yeah, and he's going to be busy too - coffee tables, hall tables, assorted brick-a-brac - the largest order I have ever taken. He will be working his butt off, or his helpers will be." She was nearly dribbling.

"The guy is related to the Fairfaxes; money is no object," she laughed.

"He's good, Cynthia. Maybe the job might be too big for him."

"No, Den. Don't you know about his workshop?"

"No, I thought he did it all himself." God, I'm dumb!

"No, he already has the original pieces. He sends photos and dimensions to his suppliers in Indonesia. They knock thirty of them up within weeks, then ship them over. This table you have, he probably had made from there. He would have only designed it."

I didn't believe her as I started dusting my beautiful table off with a napkin.

"True, Den, but don't say anything. I think he will probably tell you when he gets down here, but it's quality work and he double checks every piece before it's shipped. The mirrors he got in a job lot from a defunct glass company. I should have bought them when I had the chance, but he doesn't know that." She laughed harder.

"Oh what a tangled web we weave...that's awesome! Wish I could do that."

"You can, Den. The Indonesians can copy anything, but I wouldn't recommend it for your works, Den. Keep them real."

"Now are you sure about Spud's paintings?"

"Give me four, Den. They are still selling, mate - a Christmas bonus for him."

I shook my head and she helped me pick out four of the best. I charged her accordingly then helped her put them in her car. We kissed and she drove off into the afternoon sun. I stood there thinking what a goldmine she was - a very astute business woman, but she shouldn't be telling me any secrets. I can keep my mouth shut, but there are times it has a mind of its own.

I returned to my baby boy who was again missing in action. He must be at Rita's, so I went searching. I found him in his high chair eating a bowl of custard. He smiled for days, as usual. Custard dribbled down his chin so I wiped him up and took his spoon. I fed him and he enjoyed the attention.

"Four, Spud. You need to do more to fill in the spaces on your wall." He grinned. I thought his face was going to burst, then he opened his hands. "I got a commission for a hotel in Miami, thirty works all beach-themed."

I didn't see it coming. His tears started as he threw himself at me. "That's awesome, Den. You deserve that sort of recognition. I'm so happy for you I could cry."

"Umm, Spud, you are crying mate."

He laughed and Rita hugged me, patting my back as she did.

I went into the shop and started putting works aside. I will do the naming stickers later on. The spare room had plenty stacked in it, and a lot of unfinished ones I had down in the garage. I sorted them out and came to twenty-four works that are beach themed. I chuckled to myself as I started a list of what they were. I then placed them in the living room for me to check, then pack. My walls were nearly empty, so I had better put my painting hat on and get started on doing some more stock.

Spud brought out four of his best and I helped place and price them. He was improving every time he did one - they were awesome. His colours were amazing - he has mastered his mixing technique beautifully. Rita was starting to get busy, so I put an apron on and began to take orders from the four full tables. It was easy work and the hardest part was cooking it.

Her Chinese was the best in town. The phone started around five and didn't let up until eight-thirty. Riley arrived at around five and he and I did the phone and the tables while Rita and Spud bumped into each other in the kitchen. I was pooped by the end of the night. I helped clean up, after which we all sat and had something to eat and, of course, coffee. Riley had got the girl from next door to babysit and he was eager to get home to his kids. He left as soon as the dishes were done.

Ayden went to bed at seven in Rita's bedroom. He was all tuckered out. I checked on him every half hour and just now he's still sound asleep. Spud kept yawning, which started me off, so I said my goodnights and went to shower, then bed.

I was thinking about Cynthia's visit when my phone rang. "Hello, Evan?" "Yes, Den. We got here safely. How are things there?" "Very quiet. We miss you so much. Have you had a surf yet?" "Yes, just now. It was awesome, Den. Den?" "Yes, bubs?" "Are you in bed?" "Yes." I know where this is going, so I snaked my hand down to my groin and found a very hard pole to play with.

"Den, are you naked?"

"Are you?" "Yes, Den." "Good. Now finger your ass while you wank, will ya?" "Okay." "I'm just going to spread my legs a little and cup my balls while I pull my cock." "Umm...okay, Den."

We bantered back and forth for a few minutes, then I said.

"Bubs, lift your legs in the air and pretend my tongue is in your ass."

I heard lots of groaning then. "Too late, Den. I came." He giggled. "You were already hot then?" "Yes, Den. It started on my last run." "How's Blue going?" "Really good. He's picked up an entry form, so Nuts will help him fill it out tomorrow." "Good, bubs. Did you get one too?" "No, Den. I'm no champion -- let's leave it to Blue, hey?" "Okay, only if you're sure, bubs." "How's Ayden?" "Good. He's asleep. I helped Rita tonight and I am so tired. Cynthia came by and I got a commission for thirty works. They have to be finished within three months."

"Wow, that's great Den! Can you do that?"

"No, bubs, but I already have most of it in store." "I miss you, Den." "I miss you too, bubs. Have a good night's sleep." "You too, Den. Love you." "Love you back." I hung up because the sooner I go to sleep the sooner he gets home.

The cafe was very busy this morning and Mike was back on board. I had lingered in bed a little longer while I had a morning wank over Evan's painting. I missed his ass and his company. Bubs was playing in his cot quietly. I gave him lots of hugs and kisses as he flopped over my shoulder - he was still tired. I warmed his bath and soaped him up. He played with his toys while I washed him. He was dressed in his signature shorts and nappy and I put him on the floor and took his hands. He waddled out to the porch laughing his head off. Mike brought a bottle for him and a coffee for me.

"How was your Gran, Mike?" "She's good, Den. She's always kissing me. I suppose she missed us." "Does she live with you, mate?" "No, Den. She's got her own unit. Her friends are around her. She's good, but she misses coming down here every year." "Why doesn't she come, kid?" "Because she's in a wheel chair and she can't get in the caravan doorway."

"Why don't your parents rent a stay for her? The showers are open and the doors are wide. She could stay here." "That's a thought. We all miss her. She's a lot of fun, really. I will tell mum." "You do that. Mike. Nothings a bother and putting in a ramp is easy. It's getting her across the road that might be tricky - it does get busy." "She has an electric ride-on, Den. I think she could handle it." "Okay just tell mum and dad what I suggested, will ya?" "Of course I will, and thanks."

He went back to serve some customers. Ayden had nodded off to have another ten minutes. I put him in his bean bag and drank my coffee. After I finished, I brought out five paintings and checked them out thoroughly, then wrote on the stickers and packed them in a crate. I did this to all of them, just to check they were finished. The day was warming up and Ayden was now up again practicing his walking. I must get onto child proofing the Veranda: the legs of the chairs and table need some foam rubber on them and I have to do something about the stairs at the front - maybe a gate across it.

Mike served customers, and I suppose Spud was helping prepare meals. I saw Rita pop her head out and so did Ayden. He squealed. His journey up to the cafe started with crawling until he found a chair to pull himself up with, then he ran and fell on his bum, deciding crawling was safer. Rita was full of encouragement, and, eventually, she picked him up to go feed him. I brought out Blue's painting to get it ready to work on.

Then for the next few hours I checked and packed the rest of the paintings. I more or less finished Blue's painting and started a new one, I wanted to paint Cynthia's view - it was magnificent! I went and got my phone to look at what photos I had taken that day. I found one we had taken on the way there - we stopped at this fantastic viewing platform. There were heaps of rocks in the distance with seals all over them. I laughed at myself thinking I would do them in an animated way. I started drawing the scene onto my blank canvas. Sandwiches arrived and Spud sat to look at the work.

"You know, Den, you should make them all stranded surfers instead of seals. You can put the seals on the viewing platform in sunglasses and T shirts. He laughed. My mind switched to that scene.

"What a great idea! Can I use it? I'll give you half the money I get."

"Of course you can use it, and you can keep your money - I have plenty."

"What are you going to do with it all, Spud?"

"Buy a shack, Den. I want a beach shack somewhere where I can paint all day and I want a boyfriend that goes surfing all the time." "Well when you want a baby, I suppose we can share mine," I sniggered. "No, Den. I want to adopt a street kid and give him the best life I can."

Good thinking, Spud. Keep going down that track and you will probably end up with twenty kids. I drew the stranded surfers and the platform, filling in the background with a glorious sun. I can start it tomorrow.

New Year's Eve was a downer for me. Evan wasn't here for me to kiss but the foreshore was busy with fires and a few illegal fireworks going off randomly. Well-wishers came by all day and I sold a few of Evan's goods. I was sitting on the porch around nine when Rita closed up for the night. We had a drink each then I kissed her good night. Going to bed alone was awful but, hopefully, Evan will be home tomorrow, so I wanted an early night. I was awakened by the revelers and went to make sure bubby wasn't disturbed. A message came through from Evan and I sent one back with a `come home soon' message.

The next afternoon I spied his van coming up the street. My butterflies started going mental and I was so excited to see him again. I picked Ayden up and held his hand up to wave as it turned into our driveway. Taking him down the backstairs to greet his dad, I couldn't contain my emotions, and when Evan stepped out of the front driver's seat, I fell into his arms. It was only three nights, but they felt like weeks to me.

"Welcome home, bubs." I kissed his lips lightly.

"You look good, Den."

"I look even better without clothes on, apparently," I smiled.

"Yes you do, Den, awesomely good." Bubs held out his arms then fell to the side. He wanted to tell Evan all about his trials and tribulations. I took his back pack and we started walking back to the porch. It's been a long drive for him - I guess he's a little tired.

"Where are your passengers?" "They're staying another night, Den. They will be back tomorrow."

"You could have stayed, bubs."

"But I couldn't, Den." He looked down to what seemed to be a half wood.

"I see. I guess you couldn't then. How long have I got before it needs taken care of?"

"One coffee and, maybe, a sandwich. Then it must be done, Den." "You got it. And how would you like it...done?" "Just your sweet lips, Den. That's all I think of." "Bullshit! What about I lotion you up and use the other end instead? Have you healed?" I laughed "Groan." Then he giggled.

I knew what he wanted and it wasn't my lips - they will be firmly planted on his mouth while my lower half does the pumping thing. Rita was ahead of us and had food and coffee for both. She hugged Evan and welcomed him home. Ayden was still babbling on and Evan was trying to listen to him. He must have looked away for a second - that got him a whack on the face.

"Ow, bubs." He started fake-crying and Ayden started kissing him better.

"So did you get started on your commission?" He's better now. "Yes, bubs. Another five to go and I'm finished. Then I have to do some more for the shop. "When are Horse and Tony coming back?" "Tomorrow. Tony has to organize his order from Cynthia." "He sold something too?" "Yes, bubs, a shit load of stuff. He has to get it done when he gets here I guess." I told him what Cynthia had said about Indonesia. He was all ears as he chewed through his ham salad roll.

"Amazing, Den! That's incredible! Just the logistics would do my head in. What if he doesn't quite get what he orders?" "He checks it all out before it's shipped." "God, what a business!" "He's going to make a lot of money out of this, bubs. I believe this table only cost three hundred dollars, but that's not landed here, of course. But bubs, this is between you and me, please." "Of course, Den. I'm a lawyer - I have to keep secrets," he smiled.

I was looking at him like it was the first time I had seen him: he is gorgeous, and the more I looked at his golden skin, the more I barred up. I filled him in on what had been happening and New Year's Eve. He said they had a beach party, but apart from some great fireworks, it was dull this year. Last year I was too sick to do anything and I think I went to bed early. I can't remember what Evan and Susan did I was so out of it.

We hadn't done anything for Carol's anniversary. We had made love a few times on the day - we needed a distraction. I put it all in the past and forced myself to move on. Evan wanted to go to the cemetery. I said if he wanted to be with his mum, that was okay, but don't do it for me and Carol. I was okay not to go.

We dumped Ayden in with Rita and Spud. Then we showered and I put lotion on his awesome body. I showed him how much I had missed him. His hair was just below his shoulders now - all that was `Evan the lawyer' had disappeared and this other beautiful butterfly emerged in his place.

I eagerly emptied my seed into him then started holding and kissing him. His eyes were glassy and his legs were entwined with mine. That togetherness we have is wonderful. His hand stroked from my shoulder down my arm to my waist, touching the curve of my hips and ending up on my thighs. It was too much for me and I rolled him onto his back.

"Spread `em." "No, Den, no more," he protested as I slid another stiff length into him.

Totally exhausted, we dressed and went outside. He looked in his shop and I told him I had a few sales, but nothing major for him this time. He was excited to be able to fill it up again. He also told me that after the holidays, the guys from Bells would be back in full force. Blue had become a bit of a star there - he out-surfed everyone and there was talk of sending him to the Pipe Masters comp in Hawaii.

"He's that good, bubs?" "Yes, Den, awesome."

Well I guess we have a star in our midst. I believe the surf is huge there: from what I have watched on TV, it looked bloody dangerous. I wondered if Horse would go to watch. I suppose he would.

"What have you got planned for Spud's money, by the way?" "I think I will just leave it in the hands of our accountant for now, Den, just until he decides what he wants to do. I don't think it's wise to push him into buying a business or home at this stage. He's got a bit of growing up to do yet, and I'm with Rita on this - he needs to have a life of his own."

"Okay, bubs. I'll leave him in your capable hands." I smiled at him because I knew what he wanted to do now, and that's go down to the beach. I got up and went to find Ayden, thanking Rita. I checked his nappy and said to Evan, "We are going to sit on the beach, bubs. Want to come?"

"I'll get my board off the van." "I'll grab my sketchbook." "Meet me out the back," he smiled.

So we spent the next two hours on the beach.

Evan stayed behind because he had found some buddies to play with. When we got back, Horse's truck was parked in the backyard. He and Tony had come home early. They were sitting on the porch. I hugged both of them and, again, Horse got a telling off from Ayden, who relented and went to him putting his arms around his neck. It didn't take him long to fall fast asleep.

"We had to get back. I organized deliveries for tomorrow by mistake, so we have to be here," Tony said. "Well is it just stuff for Cynthia or is it shop stuff?" "Everything, Den. Six containers will arrive tomorrow. The guys helped pack everything and the warehouse is cleaned out." "My god you're so organized what a mammoth task." "Yes and no, Den. I had let my stock run down a little bit. Mostly, what's in the containers are my work tools, furniture and a lot of my stock. I thought while the shop looked sparse, it was a good time to clean it out."

"And your lease?"

"Over and done with by the end of the month. I have to start work on Cynthia's things. The stock that Evan wanted is in the back of Horse's truck along with the rest. We managed to get everything," he smiled. "Good! He's down on the beach. He will be chuffed when he gets back."

Horse looked at Tony. "Yes, go baby. Don't forget your board," he chuckled. Horse put Ayden in his bean bag, kissed Tony and me, then took off to see Evan. That will be a nice surprise for him.

We talked about Cynthia's order and Tony pulled out a big sheet of items she wanted with photos. He said all he had to do was email it off to his workroom and they will get it done. The smaller stuff he will work on as soon as his tools get here. I told him I was down to five works for her and then I had to replenish the shop. But in the meantime, I could hang more of Spud's works. I did spy a new ring on Tony's wedding finger -- he said Horse bought one each to seal the deal. He was a lot more confident that they will make a go of it, especially now he was moving here.

He left me to go and do some emailing at Rita's, so I thought I would go and sort out Evan's shelves, getting them ready for the influx of stock. I looked out and Mike and Spud were having burgers and milkshakes. They were laughing because Evan and I had disappeared for an hour or so when he got in. I told them we had things to discuss, they laughed again.

"Spud and Mike, I need some help getting Evan's stock inside. Can I borrow you both for a half hour or so when you're finished?"

"Sure, Den. Do you just want it dumped in the lounge?" "Yes, mate. I will do the shop first and fill those empty shelves."

They followed me out and we got started. We put boards in the racks, stacked the smaller boards against the wall, put wet suits on the hangers, hung towels and what didn't fit, we put in the lounge. I will leave the shorts and tanks until later - Evan can price them. The boys went through the boxes. They said it was pretty cool stuff. I did look at the labels: Evan's father was featured on every one of them. To finish off, I hung the painting behind the counter - it blended in beautifully.

Thank you for the emails and the feedback I have received from you all, and for sticking to my story even though it may read a little boring in places. But I promise you its all a necessary pathway to the ending.

Thank you Tony and Duncan.

Next: Chapter 30

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