Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Sep 7, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 28

Tony arrived and we talked about his stock. He told Evan to give his mate a ring at Surf's up and get him to box up a mixed range of Tees and shorts - he may as well start keeping that line. He said that they will probably give him a good discount because after all it was Evan's dads painting that was heading their advertising campaign. Evan should be in on the ground floor. It's awesome stuff. I trusted Tony's judgment, so, later on, I got Evan to shoot them off an email asking for a catalogue and price list. We could hang the original painting behind the counter, maybe.

Egg and bacon rolls were delivered to the table along with more coffee. Donk and Trip turned up and young Mike arrived ready for work. It will be another easy day for him.

"Did you go home early last night, Mike?"

"Yes, Den. I got bored with the movie." I will leave it at that but I think he might just have been a little scared.

I noticed Blue was on deck but Alex wasn't. I hadn't seen Spud but I'm sure he's around somewhere. Mike went to sweep the shop: he seemed a lot better than he was two days ago but we will watch him anyway. Anne had told us his tablets were very mild, and the doctor was going to look at alternative medicine for him now he is getting older. I had been reading about medicinal cannabis, but I didn't know if it was used for Mike's particular case. But after reading the article, I'm a big fan of making it legal - all those people suffering for no reason.

Rita flew out of the shop with bubs sitting on her hip and a dish of something in her hand.

"He doesn't want his gran to feed him today. Which one of you lot wants him?" He didn't give us time to answer he fell sideways towards Horse.

"Looks like it's me again." He grinned.

Evan had finished his list. It looked long, so I looked it over - it seemed like quite a lot of stock.

"Do you think this is going to be a little too much, bubs?"

"No, Den. I thought I might order double this time. Then I will be ready for anything that's chucked at me. I could have sold plenty more but just didn't have the stock."

"But that's Christmas, bubs. You might not be busy again until next year."

"I know, but I can't leave the shop looking half empty."

"True, Den. He needs to have plenty of reserved stock just in case -- then he's ready for anything. Maybe it all won't sell, maybe it will. By the end of next year he will know exactly what to keep and not to keep. It's a bit hard now because he hasn't traded for a full year." Tony was being very helpful and we did appreciate it, so I put the list down and smiled at my man.

They all started looking at each other, the wind had picked up and the waves got louder. I knew it wouldn't be long until the mass exit.

"Come on, Evan. Let's go surfing." Both Donk and Trip stood up and started for the beach. Evan smiled at me I nodded and then he followed them.

Blue came up and said, "Ready dad?" Ayden was placed in his bean bag and Tony and I looked at each other.

"I'll go watch the boys surf, then." He smiled at me. I got my pad out and picked a nice paining to start.

"Did you want to be alone, Den?" Mike came up and asked a few minutes later.

I laughed at his concerned face, then said, "Yes, Mike. Go get your board and join them if you want." He scooted off. I had lied, but that will occupy him for a few hours.

I started on a new painting. I drew the tea trees that surrounded the property. A few larger branches will have a whole fairy city amongst them. I drew for about two hours, then got myself another coffee and a sandwich. Rita said the boys' lunches were ready, but I should eat first before I go to hand them out.

My bubs was still zonked, so I did some more work. She came down to my end of the porch with her mug of coffee. I finished eating my sanger and, as usual, it was bloody delicious.

"What are we doing for New Year's Eve, Den?"

I thought about it for a second and replied: "Nothing. Absolutely nothing, Rita. We should all chill out - no cooking, no presents, no beach parties."

"Oh, is that what you're doing, Den? How boring! I think I will join you. I'm absolutely knackered." She looked tired. An easy night off is in order for her. After all she had given us such a beautiful Christmas to remember.

"I thought Brett was coming home for a few days."

"They couldn't get away, Den. That's okay - I think I will go to the U.S. and see them when winter's here. It will be summer there."

"Good! Do a tour while you're there - see some of the country."

"I will think about it. I have always wanted to go to New York. I believe it's magnificent."

"Well, it's sad he didn't make it home, but maybe it's a good thing, you get to travel." I smiled.

"Now I want to talk about Spud for a minute."

I think I'm going to get a talking to for interfering. "What's up?"

"Thank you for talking to him. He needs men in his life and you and Evan and the boys fill that role. But I wanted to say personally to you, thank you for putting his smile back."

"It's all okay Rita it wasn't such a big deal, except the kid insulted him and tried to con me. Well, in a way he did con me, but I thought he was genuine. Has Spud talked to you about it yet?"

"Yes, Den. He's a good kid. He told me everything from the rent boy days to the present. We had a good long talk. He wanted me to know what I was up against if anything serious really happens."

"Well, it rocked me. I'm not used to that sort of child abuse. And I love him like a second son, so I didn't know how to handle that one. I think Nuts has been talking to him about it."

"He has, Den. He's been a really good mentor for him and he's got a gay nephew he thinks is right up Spud's alley." She laughed.


"Yes! He's going to introduce them casually one day when he takes Spud into town. He works at a second-hand furniture auction room or something like that." She went on: "I know he's young still, but in reality, Den, does it really matter? Like he's seen it all. He's doing a good job with his curry nights and he's earning big money with his art work. Nuts hasn't said a word about Spud to his nephew, who is seventeen by the way. He's just going to introduce them, that's all."

I started laughing then I told her what I told Spud and I said I thought the Asian kid had his eye on him the other night too.

"He's only here until after New Year's Eve. He will be moving on. I think Spud deserves something more solid than that, Den."

"Fair enough do you want us to take over the stay bookings from now on?" I changed the subject.

"No, Den. Leave it to Alex. He's got it all running smoothly: he's advertised it on a few backpacker sites in Europe, so you have bookings over winter also."

"Good. I know I would just mess it up, and I didn't want Evan to be lumbered with it."

"Leave it to my son."

I had asked Alex to manage the stays and paid him a percentage not long before they were all done. He knows all about back packing and stuff.

"Well the boys will be starving Den. Better go do your deliveries."

"Ayden's still asleep, Rita. Could you?"

"Of course, Den. I want to sit here for a while. There's no customers and Spud is in his room doing his painting. I can call him if I need him."

"Thank you, Rita, for everything."

She held her wrist up and her bangle glistened. "And thank you, Den. It's so beautiful."

I played with my chain, unsaid words but a million said with just simple gestures. I picked the basket up and checked my son, then I was off down the front steps and around the back to the beach. The wind was coming from the southwest today - that means the surf would be good -- and, as if I had rung a bell, they all started for shore, even Mike who was playing by himself. Tony and Horse weren't there - maybe Tony forced him to go have a rest.

Evan stroked my back as he ate. Tiny and Donk were there and I asked how they went on at home. They said they had to do some chores, then stay the night, so all was good. They're back on the beach.

"What have you planned for New Year's, Den?"

"Nothing." I think I just had this conversation.

"Oh." Tiny looked at Evan.

I suspected a little question coming up. "Rita, Spud and I are going to sit on the porch, have coffee, watch the fireworks on the beach, then go to bed. I think Evan's going to surf Bells if I remembered correctly."

"What?" Evan's face was priceless.

"Well isn't that what you told me last week?" "No, of course I didn't, and we thought we would go to Lorne instead." He grinned.

"There's thousands of people down there New Year's Eve, bubs. Wouldn't you prefer somewhere more private?"

"Yes, Den. We are going to surf a few miles from town so we don't get caught up with the holiday makers. We know the good spots," Nut said.

"Bells beach it is then." I smiled at Evan.

"Actually, Den. We need to go there a few times because Blue, Nuts and I are entered in the Rip Curl Pro surfing competition this year. It's at Easter so we have to practice." Bloody Tiny smiled.

"I've heard of that event. That's big. Is it your first time?"

"No we have done it a few times with okay results. This will be Blue's first outing. He's good, Den, really good. We think he can take on the big boys."

"Have you entered, bubs?"

"No, Den. That's for professionals - I'm just an amateur."

I smirked at him and replied. "I will sign your entry forms. Get some while you're there. I think you should enter. Make your family proud!" I think Evan's better than Blue at surfing - why wouldn't he enter?

They all chuckled as our group broke up. Evan kissed me and I was left with Mike. He looked a little tired, so I suggested he come up with me and sit in the shade for a while.

"You not sleeping well Mike?"

"Not really, Den - just off and on the past couple of nights. It happens. I will come good."

"There's no such thing as Zombies, you know."

"I read all about voodoo and Zombies the other night. They said it is still around in some countries."

"Not completely true, Mike - all smoke and mirrors. There's no Zombies, ghosts or Ogres walking this earth. You will learn about that when you do your med school. Reality is now and what you see - not what you don't see. It was a made-up Hollywood movie, Mike. See it for what it is." I smiled at him.

"Then how do you explain what happened to you before Christmas?" He's got me stumped even I can't explain it.

"Mike, I can't explain it. Maybe it was brought on by my wife's horrible death. Maybe the stress was so huge my brain shifted. I don't have an answer."

"Then I will find one for you."

"Thank you, mate. You do that."

He grinned at me.

"Come on - milkshake time." I helped him up and we walked up the track back home.

He made himself a milkshake and I took his poster off the notice board. Rolling it up, I put an elastic band around it and handed it to him. He grinned again.

"Put it away somewhere safe. It will be a collector's item one day."

I then got another big page and clipped it to the easel. I drew Blue surfing through a water tunnel. His smile and body was gorgeous. I wrote on it: "Vote for Blue - Bells Beach Surfing pro champion - two thousand and seventeen." I then pinned it to the board.

Mike went to give Spud a hand. It was curry night and he expected it to be busy. His reasoning was everyone would be sick of ham sandwiches by now and looking for something different, so he cooked up a storm. Mike was making Roti and doing a great job under Rita's supervision. It was early yet, so they had ages to get prepared. Spud walked down with bubs. He saw the poster and nearly fell over laughing.

"Do you think he's got a good chance, Den?"

"Yes - second place behind Evan." He laughed again as he passed my baby to me.

"Da." He hit me.

"Yes pumpkin?"

"Da." He hit me again. I blew bubbles into his neck. He squirmed and giggled, then wanted down. I placed him on his feet. He walked seven steps to the shop door and looked around.

"Truck?" He pointed inside the house.

I nearly cried, but as I got up he had a giggling fit and fell flat on his bum - lucky he had a soft nappy on. I got his trucks and he happily played on the floor, making his take on truck noises. I sat there tapping my fingers looking at my surroundings. This is my heaven. The sun beat down and the foreshore park was quiet. All I could hear was the pounding surf and kids screaming, just beautiful.

"Den, did Evan do that email?" It was Tony who broke my solitude.

"I think he shot it off before he left. Let me look." I looked at Evan's email and there was an online catalogue and price list in his return box. I did notice the twenty-five per cent discount written across the top plus a smiley face.

"Yes they have sent something back."

"Can you send it to Rita's printer? Horse was telling me they are going to Bells beach for New Year. I want to see if I can pick this up when we go to the city tomorrow."

"Horse not going to Bells?"

"No, we are thinking we would like to watch the fireworks over the city New Year's Eve. It's a shame we can't take Ayden, but I think the noise may frighten him." He smiled. Good - I want him here with me and I have cotton wool for his ears.

"I want Horse to take it easy just until the stent settles in - no more surprises."

"Will you have time to bring back some of your stock for the shop?" "Yes, Den. He's going to borrow Trip's trailer. We will grab some boards while we are there too. I will organize the containers. If I ship everything down in four or five, I can reuse them for orders going overseas."

"Did you find out how the warehouse went before Christmas?"

"Yes, Den - not so good. I did better down here and with Cynthia. No one buys big furniture this time of year. I'm not worried about it - it's been like that for the past three years." He smiled.

"Has Horse changed his mind about moving in with you?"

"Yes and no -- no, he's not moving in with me, and yes, I'm moving in with him." Grinning, he went on to explain: "I kind of like his tiny house and I love him, and where he is, I am. I will do the upstairs and make three bedrooms. There's an awesome view from that whole space. Think high class quality holiday let."

God he's clever.

"We will put in a separate entrance. I won't have to be on site twenty-four seven. The agent I got in Melbourne said I could get up to five and a half grand a week over holiday - that's a lot of loose change, Den!" "Fantastic, mate! Instead of paying it out, you will be rolling in it." "Just have to watch the tax man, that's all. But I can fix that," he smirked. He should know all about it - he's been in business longer than us.

Bubs was slowly getting further away from our end and Rita scored some customers. His trucks were forgotten. I watched him pull himself up with a chair and walk the last few steps to Rita's door, about ten strides. He stood there and started screaming at her counter. She poked her head over it and asked if she could help him. That started him giggling. His concentration lapsed and he fell again.

"He will be walking fully in a few weeks' time, Den."

"Yeah, I suppose so, but it's a little sad because I liked him as a baby." I watched as he crawled back to us with a dry biscuit in his gob.

"You made it!" I made a fuss/ He wanted up, I suppose it's time for another short nap.

Tony left to go down to the house to measure a few things, I sat with Ayden cradled in my lap.

The smells coming from the kitchen were making my stomach grumble. I had a couple of lookers in the shop but no sales up to now. Mike brought a small bowl of beef curry out to me and I woofed it down. He said it was afternoon tea, I thought I wouldn't eat tonight the bowl was so filling. It was delicious and as I wiped my face, a guy called me into the shop to ask when I was getting more stock. I told him next week, so he then took one of my paintings off the wall and said he would have it. That was the last of my bigger works, the one with the Yacht in it. We talked for quite a while and I found out he was a friend of Cynthia. He had driven down from Queensland just to buy this painting. He had the perfect spot for it in his Gold Coast apartment. I bid him a safe drive home and went back to bubs who was in his bean bag sound asleep.

Horse came by - he was going to Trip's to pick up the trailer. They wanted to get an early start in the morning. He looked well and the color had returned to his face almost instantly. I said I would get Evan to make a list of what he wanted surf board wise and I thought Tony was looking over the price list from Surf's Up. He said he was and is going to go over it again tonight with Evan - that will save time.

I picked up my pencils when he left and, placing a very large canvas on the easel, I copied a drawing I had done onto it. My hand was sore when I finished my first sketch. There was so much in this painting, but so little to the naked eye: a gigantic tunnel wave with a blonde headed surfer riding through it on a giant board, every muscle, every movement was captured in this one sketch. I had drawn six different images behind the surfer, all showing a different muscle and a difference face expression. The main subject had a big smile with sparkling blue eyes but they weren't Evan's or Ayden's - they were Blue's. I made up the other surfers, but they all equally had much the same bodies and muscle tone.

I started getting my paints out but the boys were coming back, so I moved the big canvas into our living room. I was itching to paint it. I kissed Evan and asked him if he wanted to be lotioned up. He ran out to the porch. I guess that's a `no thank you, Den'.

"Bub, Tony has printed off the price list from Surf's Up. He's going through it now and said he and Horse will pick up the goods when they go to Melbourne. He also wants you to order boards for pick up in a few days."

"Okay, I will get onto it now. How many do you think I should get?"

"Maybe fill the racks and some for spare. You never know, bubs - there might be a surge after New Year and you have orders for skim and body boards to get too."

He got up and made a list of the ones he had then went through his last invoice. I noticed he had doubled that order. He also needed wax, wet suits and towels and some assorted other contraptions. I think he gets them from the same place. I don't want Horse and Tony running all over Melbourne for us.

Speaking of the devil, Ayden had heard Evan arrive. He pulled himself up to stand holding on to Evan's knees.

"Ook da ook." He giggled then took six steps then of course fell then he looked back to see if Evan was looking. The boys clapped and yahooed as Evan picked him up and kissed him endlessly. He made a big fuss of his boy as bubs giggled into his shoulder.

Both Tony and Horse came through the shop. Tony had a large piece of paper he wanted to go over with Evan.

"They will send display posters with the first order and I have selected the colors I think will sell the most."

Evan looked at the photos on the price list and what Tony thought he should get, leaving some space for Evan's other clothing. He nodded and passed it to me. I looked it over and said, "How do we order this - over the phone?"

"No, Den. I will email it off now if you both agree. They will have it ready for pickup Friday, but we won't be back until Tuesday."

"That's great, Tony. It saves us waiting for delivery men."

So Evan was organized. His remaining stock will have to do him until then.

Drinks were ordered and Mike ran back to get them organized. Rita was getting busy, or should I say, Spud was. The phone was ringing off the hook again, and the cash register dinged relentlessly. The backpackers were eating and looked like they were enjoying every mouthful.

Blue saw his poster and smiled, then called Alex over. I told Horse to go look at it. He did and equally smiled at me.

"He's good, Den. If not this year, maybe next. He will be in the top ten at Bells."

"Yes, behind Evan who will be in the top three," I smiled. They all looked at me like I was crazy - even Evan blushed. What do I know? But I think he's a really good surfer.

Tiny had taken Ayden off Horse while he went to the toilet. He came back with a big smile on his face.

"How much?"

"How much what, Horse?"

"That painting you're working on - how much do you want for it?"

"It's not for sale it's a gift for a good friend."

"Oh?" He stared down at me. "You." I said laughing.

"What painting Horse?" Nuts asked.

"The one that's covered up in the lounge room," Horse answered.

They all went to look and when they came back they patted my shoulders.

"I've got to stop doing that. I have to paint stock works, not personal stuff." I was just trying to convince myself. I don't think the boys cared too much.

Donk asked when Susan would be back, I told him after the New Year. He wants to go through some figures with her and Pat. His wife wants to close down the end of February, but she's hoping they will take it over earlier.

"She's eager, Donk," Nuts said.

"It's not what you think, Nuts. She's enrolled herself at Monash University. She wants to complete her Pharmaceutical studies."

"Eh?" I accidently added to the conversation.

"Den, we both dropped out at the same time and decided to come back here. We missed the lifestyle. And, so you all know, she's not shacking up with Cal either. She's going to live with her aunty. It's close to Monash. She just wants to finish her studies, that's all." He looked a little stressed.

"So Cal and her are no more?"

"Yes." He didn't elaborate, but he was twisting the napkin he was holding.

"Do you think she will come back to town after she's done it?" Horse asked.

"I don't know, I just don't know, Horse." He leaned back on the railing looking at something down the street. We let it go. Something is in the wind, and Donk's not saying anything.

A big pot of curry arrived with all the trimmings. The boys immediately got stuck into it. I had already eaten and Ayden wanted some. Instead, some chicken pieces were placed in front of him. I started feeding him. He was looking into my eyes. Only I heard what he said next.

"Onk okay?" He nodded.

"Yes, bubs, he's okay."

He giggled and both his hands lifted to his mouth. Then I am so sure he winked at me, but I have seen amazing things like that before.

Some wanted beers, some wanted rest, like Horse and Tony. When I was locking up they were sharing a bottle of wine on his porch. Mike had come over and swept out the shop and Rita had sent him home at eight citing that they will slow down now. He said his goodnights and I whispered, "No Ghosts, no Ghouls, no Zombies." He winked.

The rain started not long after he left - just a summer shower that cooled everything down. Evan, Tiny and Nuts were hanging the new TV in the right spot. We will have to get an electrician in to wire us up a plug for it. Trip said he will do it tomorrow - he's got his certificate and won't charge. The satellite dish will be installed sometime in January. Then we can have football nights during winter when it's played. I took bubs and gave him a bath while the boys did their thing. When he was squeaky clean, I massaged his legs a bit, then put his new nappy on. The rain was gentle on the new roof and I pulled a chair over to his cot and watched him suck on his bottle. It wasn't long before I was asleep.

Evan woke me up and I apologized for my slackness. He got me to bed and climbed in with me. I wanted to fuck. He wanted to keep as far away from me as he could. But he did relent a little and gave me loads of kisses and feels while I dropped off again.

Horse and Tony had Evan's lists and everything had been ordered for pick up. What a great thing to do - otherwise Evan would have a bit of a wait. I kissed him good morning and suggested I lotion him, but he went and showered and got ready for his morning swim.

"I'm sorry, Den. It's not that I don't want to -- it's because I can't at the moment - too raw." he smiled.

"Okay. If you want me to put some lotion inside your bum, just let me know." I had a hold of his penis.

"I will let you know, Den." He scooted out the door laughing.

I suppose I was a little too enthusiastic but he should have said something at the time. Every time I thought about it I got a raging horn - I guess that Viagra is still working.

I stood at the back door and waved to Horse and Tony, then I went to slobber all over my son. I wanted to do more of that painting today, so I brought it outside and placed it on the easel. My son was put in his high chair and Spud was feeding him some kind of gruel. I got my coffee and went back to it. I started layering the color on bit by bit. Eventually, my bubs was brought out. He wanted that extra ten-minute nap, so he was placed in his bean bag.

Spud looked over my shoulder and patted my back. "Very good, Den. Blue is awesome isn't he?" "He certainly is Spud and I think he's got a real chance of winning Bells."

"I don't know much about it, but he's bloody good." He then went off to help with the Chinese meals Rita will be serving tonight.

I put the painting on the back porch to dry - it was fifty percent finished. I will get back to it tomorrow. I wanted to start a new one so flipped through my book and found one I had done in London. I started to copy it onto a medium canvas but Mike interrupted me. It was breakfast time for the boys and he was taking the basket down to them. He wanted to know if I felt like a break and would walk with him. I looked at Ayden. He was still asleep, but Spud was onto it. He had a canvas in his hands and came and sat with him. I had to ask Evan when was he was leaving for Bell as, he hadn't said. It's only three days to New Year's Eve.

The guys were onto the bacon and egg rolls and the surf was up because it was pretty windy again today. Evan rubbed my back and sat on the towel with me. I think I will try and find some big logs to sit on when they are away. It's pretty uncomfortable sitting like this.

"When are you leaving bubs?"

"Tomorrow after lunch, Den. You still don't mind?" "No, of course not. I will give the van the once over when I get back. We'd better go shopping for food this afternoon too."

"It's okay, Den. I can do that on the way. I won't need much."

"If you want to. Just make sure you eat - that's all I'm saying."

Mike had his board and was skimming the shoreline. Blue and Nuts were deep in conversation - I suppose about surfing.

A bubbly boy came to visit because he had woken and wanted his dad. It didn't matter which one, so Spud dropped him off. I thought I would sit for a while and watch the guys go through their paces. Bubs had his truck out and was showing me how he parks it. Mike came back and grabbed the basket. He wanted a shower and had to get back to work. He was going to help with the rice.

A cold chill blew up the beach, so I wrapped bubs in a towel and headed home. He had gotten so many toys for Christmas, I had packed most of them away in a big carton. I will sort through them and see what else I could take down to the beach hideaway. I put bubs on the bed of the van and started wiping everything down. It was in good shape. I turned the little refrigerator on, grabbed my boy and went to raid my stores. Long-life milk coffee and sugar, some mugs, dishes and cutlery, towels, soap, underarm lotion. I placed everything in the cupboards that I thought he would need, then I went to get a coffee.

I was a little lost at the moment. I didn't feel the urge to paint and Evan's impending departure had got me down a little. I didn't relish the thought of sleeping alone. I know the shops wouldn't be busy so I can maybe go down to the beach and paint. Rita had a few diners and I played with my son. I had opened some building blocks he had gotten from Spud. They entertained him until he found out the wooden squares tasted really, really nice.

Next: Chapter 29

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