Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 12, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 25

I walked back with Mike and Ayden. He had the basket and I was telling him if the café starts getting too much for him, he's to tell Spud and come sit with me. He also has to run over the road and tell his mum he would be working late. He told me he was good and he knows when he's pushed it too far. I put my arm on his shoulder and smiled at him.

When I got in Rita took the basket and whispered to me,

"I have burnt the offending painting, Den. I hope you don't mind."

My body readjusted. I felt it smile and our shack relaxed-I needed to draw.

"Fantastic idea Rita, my lovely. Any more of that brandy?" I hugged her.

"Coming up, but haven't you got a big date with Evan tonight?"

"Yes, and I need to be drunk - he's hard work." I laughed all the way back to the table.

I did open the shop and I did have one more drink, but I was okay. I felt happy again and whistled along with Rita's soft Christmassy music. I took up my sketch book and started a different medium. A man being hugged by his mum and dad. He was wearing a spiffy grey suit and tie, his smile as large as the paper he held - written on it was Doctor Michael Smith. I hadn't tranced, but I knew deep down this was his fate. I just knew it because it was the good leftover in my head from last night.

The shop got busy and I took a lot of cash for Evan. Christmas is just around the corner and Tony's art was walking out the door. I didn't even have time to replace it. As happy as I was, I managed to sell two of Spud's paintings after a bit of haggling. I won the battle because I won't sell him short - just a better discount than normal.

Tiny, Donk and Evan came back. Evan took one look at me and moaned again - he does that a lot as you know.

"Den, are you drunk?" he whispered.

"Nope, just happy. Bubs. Look in here - there's a big surprise for you."

"Den, not in the shop - I told you that the other day." He moved over to me. I pushed the button on the till and it dinged as it tried to open.

"Look - lots of cash. I can't fit it all in, bubs. It's too tight." I whispered back to him.

He got my double meaning and I saw he was rising for the challenge.

"My god! Have you been serving customers in that state?"

"Yep. They all love me so much they gave me all this money, bubs, and I've only had a couple of drinks." I started clearing out all the notes,

He stared at me for a while, then said,

"Well, I better leave you to it then." He laughed as he took the big wad of cash and moved out to the porch to count it. I swanned around the shop, then went out the back to Rita's and scored another drink - a coffee this time. As I walked down the porch, I said to Spud,

"Two more - your greenly weenlie rain forest, and your big teddy bear's picnic."

"You mean my lake scene and my one large Panda Bear."

"That's what I said, Spudly, my man." I laughed as I sat with Evan. A customer walked by and I looked at him.

"Your turn bubs." Yes, he made that noise again.

"Who's got my kid?" I looked around.

"Rita, Den. Didn't you see him in his high chair giving orders?"

"Nope - too busy doing some work." Just as I said it, Rita, with bubs in her arms, walked down the porch followed by Mike with a large pot of coffee. I have been truly busted. I suppose coffee's nice too.

I held bubs. He didn't look too happy with me either, so I passed him over to Donk. The little bugger laughed.

"Den, that customer is a friend of Cynthia's. Can you pack up eight of your paintings and six of Spud's for me? I am a bit busy at the moment with boards." Evan had a panic sort of tone to his voice.

"Come on, I'll give you a hand." Tiny took the lead and helped me crate the paintings up. The agent gave me a check with a lot of zeroes on it. I waved it at Evan who, by now, had Donk helping him with some serious looking surfers. I must have lingered too long on the black haired guy's bum because I heard,

"Den!! More coffee! "Bloody Evan spoils all my fun.

I went out to the porch and waved the cheque in Spud's face, He gave me a blank look.

"Six more of your wonderful paintings for Cynthia, and don't ask me which ones. I didn't have time to look at them." He gulped then turned and ran to the café, then I heard,

"Rita! Den's drunk. No more Brandy for him." He yelled out laughing his head off. Mike poked his head out and gave me the thumbs up. I gave him one too, and a wink. What a nice kid. And I wasn't drunk - I was happy!

I watched the dusk fall around the area. Hundreds of fairy lights burst into life. Christmas music played softly through the speakers. Evan was still in the shop. I sold another painting, just a small one. He cleared his cash register out three times. Donk was filling the stock up as fast as it sold. He got sick of that and, with Tiny and Nuts, they brought the rest of it up from the garage and dumped it in my living room. I went to Ayden's room, which is also where I store some of my extra works, and re-did the shop walls. I replaced Tony's stuff that had sold - he had better send some more down to me. Spud was helping for a bit and Mike got into waiter's mode, brilliantly I must say.

"Christmas presents, Den. People concentrate more on the holiday and forget presents for wives, husbands, Nana's, Granddad's, extra mates, but fortunately not many forget the kids." Spud looked sad.

"How did you know about the sunrise, Spud? I didn't even see it." I quietly whispered to him.

"I read your painting, Den. You only saw his eyes and heart - I saw the background, which was a sunrise. You couldn't see it but I did, and I knew whatever was going to happen would happen then. And I believe when you saw Ayden's eyes change, they actually didn't. You saw it in your mind."

He smiled.

"Thank you, Spud! Just thank you! "I patted his shoulder.

"Well, Horse is your friend. His need to have Ayden all the time must have calmed him down when he felt slow and sick. He's special to you all, isn't he?" This kid is improving.

"Yes, Spud. He's part our family, like you are." He grinned at me then blushed a lot.

"And yes, there will be presents from Santa under the tree for you in three night's time."

He giggled.

"That will be a first. All I ever got was twenty dollars in a card."

I looked at him and thought, `Who would do such a horrible thing to their kid?'

Evan eventually had a break from the crowd. Everyone was eating or getting take-away. Rita was flat chat. I noticed Blue and Alex had returned. Maybe she rang them, but I doubt it. Blue came over with pies for us. He said Horse is doing very well. He's walking around, going stir crazy. He thought they might let him out with Tony tonight. The stent was inserted through his neck so there's only one steric-strip to worry about. He said Horse now is a low-risk patient - they are just watching his improvement before he's released. I hugged him. He grinned like a little kid then took a stack of tomato sauce sachets out of his back pocket and put them on the table. They disappeared very quickly.

Evan had his hand in mine as he ate his pie with the other one. He had noticed I hadn't touched mine.

"Eat, Den." He let go and picked my beef pie up and placed it in my hand.

The shop was a mess, so after eating, we began the cleanup. Most everything that the guys brought up was now being stacked on the shelves - mainly tees, tanks and shorts, a few boards, and, surprisingly, with the Skim boards having sold out, there were none left. Maybe that has a lot to do with Mike's drawing. I did wonder. I felt a lot better and, as I watched Evan stack his boards into the display frame, my mind shifted to his ass. Wrong thought - my boner didn't let up until I sat down again and had more bloody coffee.

Ayden was having a ball. He had slept in the bean bag for a few hours, and when he woke and had his dinner, he was placed in his walker and mainly fed himself with a little help from all of us. He darted in and out of the shop and café. I saw Rita push him out at one stage - he must have been giving her orders again. He ended up in the lounge room watching cartoons. We had another spurt after the diners had finished. Evan couldn't wipe the smile off his face. A sort of calmness came over the house after that and the guys started having beers and a very happy Rita came to sit with us.

"This is the first coffee I've had all night; shit I've been busy."

We all looked at her.

"So sue me!" She sipped on her brew.

"Da Dah." I heard behind me. I turned around and Ayden was standing by the shop door rocking back and forward. He had pulled himself up and his outstretched hand was pointing to me. He let go and took his first four steps, but I was quick to slide onto my knees before he hit the deck. I had him by both hands. He couldn't stop laughing, so lost his concentration and just wobbled from side to side.

"He walked Evan! Did you see that?"

"See what, Den?" He had been in a deep conversation with Blue.

"He walked four steps! How beautiful is that?"

"Sure, Den." He didn't believe me.

"He did, Evan! You missed it, ha ha! You missed his first steps! Who's the champ? Who's the daddy now?" I picked our son up and hugged him, kissing his rosy cheeks and told him how clever I thought he was. There were loads of cheers and claps coming from the family.

Then he had to go and say it.

"Den, he's been doing that all week. Haven't you seen him?"

"I don't believe you this time, Evan. You're trying it on again."

He laughed into his beer and I punched his arm. He had been joking all along. I guess it's his lawyer's humor. I was so proud of bubs. He got a special treat tonight - a little piece of chocolate cake with ice cream. I didn't make him do it again I don't want him to tire his legs out.

Tiny, Donk, Trip and Nuts suddenly looked at Rita with open hands. Blue pouted.

"Oh, for god's sake, it's in the fridge, Alex -- seven large serves of chocolate cake and don't spare the ice cream."

They clapped and lifted their beers to her. She was chuckling for most of the night after that. She was so proud of bubs.

Anne and Jack came by -- they had been out for their nightly walk. They ordered coffee as room was made at the table for them. Mike was telling them this amazing story about Ayden's eyes and how my painting had saved Horse from certain death. He was more excited about the stent and how it worked. Blue had told him about the tiny balloon and how it was inserted.

They looked up at me and Jack said,

"It's all over the foreshore, Den. You're a bit of a hero over there at the moment and Ayden's a miracle worker. Don't be surprised if there's a shrine in his honor out the front tomorrow morning"

I was humbled and went to find their present. I won't paint this sketch. It will be a first for me doing something in that medium, but it looked straight and felt right. I handed it to Anne and said,

"I also saw your son's future when I tranced."

She gasped. Mike grinned so hard I thought his face was going to drop off and I saw tears in Jack's eyes. They couldn't say anything -- what could they say anyway but a heartfelt thank you? It was passed around.

Tiny started talking to Mike.

"You're a doctor?" Mike asked.

"Not really, but I did four years at medical college, so we can start your education now. Let me explain the heart to you." They talked for the next hour. Mike had plenty of questions while two very proud parents looked on.

They said their goodnights and Rita went into her café to get something.

"Five hours' work, thirty dollars. Thank you, Mike, for helping me out. Do you think you might be available tomorrow for the same shift?"

He didn't know what to say. I could see him struggling but he looked at me and said,

"She pays better than you."

I laughed and replied,

"You got me. Six an hour it is."

I heard his laughing from across the road. Their lights were still on when I finally turned our colored lights out.

It was just me, Ayden and Evan. The others went down to the beach to party and maybe night surf. Blue and Alex were keen to get home. Rita went to bed and Ayden was fast asleep. He must be exhausted after his big walk. The fairy lights were left on -- it gave a Christmassy feel to the shop and as I looked over the foreshore there were millions of them blinking away in the night.

"This is so beautiful," I said to Evan.

"It sure is, Den. Do you realize it's the first time we have sat here alone? It's awesome." He pulled me closer. I turned my face to his and kissed him deeply. I could hear the guys' laughter from the beach -- sound travels.

"Give me one more, bubs, then go."

He moaned.

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not -- that's why we are here isn't it?"

"Yes, Den, that's why we are here. I took over four and a half grand today. I'm so stoked."

"I took twenty-five and didn't have to do anything much." I giggled into his mouth.

"He walked."

"He did." Another kiss.

"Merry Christmas, my beautiful man."

"Merry Christmas to you too, bubs."

He kissed me yet again then I walked out the back while he put his shorts on, I grabbed a six-pack for him then he ran down to the shore. It's hot tonight -- the water will cool him down and I know he needs his time alone to reflect on what might have been.

I put bubs to bed. The air con was on low, and as I gave him his last kisses, he stirred and opened his blue eyes a little. He smiled a warm one -- he was still asleep. I crawled into bed alone, but I didn't mind because I heard Evan's laughter coming up from the beach. Sometime in the night I heard a car arrive, that will be Tony. Everyone's home except Horse, but he will be back tomorrow.

I felt him move over to hug me. There was light coming through the curtains. He must have slept on the beach. After a few moments, he started on me and didn't let up until I expelled my cum down his throat. He sat on my chest and stared at me while I pulled him to another orgasm, licking his sack as I did. He was tired -- I was wide awake. Bubs was shaking his cot. I filled his bath and undressed him. I couldn't keep my lips from his face, and I was rewarded with many smiles. I wondered if he would have another go at walking today, but I will leave it up to how he is feeling. I dressed him and we went to look for milk and coffee.

I opened the shop door and was greeted by a big gorgeous smile from Horse. Ayden went mental as I passed him over and hugged him.

"Welcome back," I said.

"Thank you," He replied.

"You should have said something."

"I didn't want to bother anyone."

"Well, you will in the future won't you?"


He kissed Ayden who went red and squished his face up. I heard a small fart.

"He took four steps last night and you missed it. I will get us coffee and you can change him." I laughed loudly as I walked down the porch to organize the drinks.

"How do you feel?" Rita was now with us.

"Great, it's been a while since I have felt this good. Heaps more energy than I had last week." Horse was sort of embarrassed.

"Good. Do I have to keep my eye on you too?"

"No my lovely, Tony's got that job."

"Where is he?"

"Sleeping, Den. He watched me all night."

"See the trouble you have caused by being stubborn?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

We didn't rub it in and as the boys and some customers arrived for their big Aussie breakfasts, Rita sighed and went to start work. The back slapping started not long after that. Evan arrived and a big man hug was in order. Blue and Alex were on board, but Spud wasn't around.

"He's still asleep on the beach with Nuts. We left them to it, Den. I think they said something about chicks," Donk laughed. I worried that Spud might complicate his life at this early stage but Tiny said he's more interested in the guy that follows them around. I looked at him wondering why didn't I see it.

"He's got a crush on you, Den," he whispered out of everyone's earshot.

"No." This isn't happening.

"But he said it was a man crush. You're too old for him." I was hurt.

I laughed and Evan and Ayden stared at me.

"Hoth, ook! Hoth, ook! "Ayden struggled down from his lap.

His little arms shot up and he took three steps to Evan's knees then looked around at Horse and giggled. Horse went apeshit and they both laughed. I think Evan wasn't impressed.

"He loves you, bubs. It's just a welcome home thing for his mate, but at least you didn't miss it this time. He's been doing it since he got up." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"What?" he yelled. I laughed.

Mike arrived and started sweeping the shop. Afterwards, he sat and had breakfast with us. He kept looking at Horse, maybe trying to figure it all out.

Tiny took over and showed him the cut and changed the strip in front of him. He was wide-eyed and rearing to go. That started another conversation about rehab. I talked to Evan about the shop. He agreed that he should stay home today though he didn't think he would get this busy. I repeated what Spud had told me. He agreed he was being a little slack. I finished up my delicious meal then got my sales book out. I had to sort out what money was Spud's and what was mine. The check I will bank when I drive Horse into the hospital for a checkup.

Tony's sales were also put in Evan's cash register under a different code, like mine, so we had a bit to hand to him too. Blue finished what he had to do and he and Alex sat with us, He held Horse's hand and Ayden flopped to his side and put his arms out for Evan to hold him.

"Ebbn da," he said. His face lit up like a Christmas tree, Evan's that is.

"See - bubs still likes you."

The glare I got was almost frozen on his face.

The guys then started the 'who's this?' game with him. He did really good too.

The breakfast crowd saw all three boys up and serving. Mike was laughing as he rushed his orders back to Rita and Spud, bumping into Alex as he did. I heard a

"Slow down!" coming from the kitchen. It was Rita multitasking again.

Riley popped by with the kids and they emptied their shopping bags full of presents, then placed them under our smallish tree in the lounge room.

"Are you all coming here Christmas morning, Riley?" Evan asked.

"Yes, mate. The kids insisted on it. They want to see Horse's face when he opens his present. And I think Ayden needs his cousins around that particular morning." He grinned.

"For sure kids always make it a great day."

"Mr. Horse, are you allowed to go to the beach with us today?" Holly inquired politely.

"Yes, Holls. Just let me get my swimming trunks on." He left to go get dressed. I suppose it's okay. I looked at Tiny he nodded his agreement.

I had noticed that Rita had a sign out that she was closed until four Christmas day. She had a big family dinner to plan, but she wouldn't let me help.

Today was much the same as yesterday: Spud rushed sandwiches down to the beach for the guys' lunches, and Evan kind of sulked behind the counter. He took the money - I wrapped the goods. We made a good team. I winked when a lady passed over the rather large four by three foot painting I had done of the footprints in the sand with the rain forest. She was very pleasant and I thanked her a few times as I parceled it up. I watched her get into a vintage Jaguar, the painting happily sitting beside her. She said she needed to fill a space on her wall before Christmas. I didn't recognize her name but her face was familiar - maybe I've seen her on TV.

The cash register was cleaned out around twelve-thirty and after totaling it, put it all in the safe. Tony arrived and after some hugs and genuine greetings, I talked him into helping, stating that we only had eleven of his things to sell by Christmas Eve.

"Fuck me, Den! You're doing better than my warehouse at the moment - I think all my customers are down here on holidays."

"It's okay, Tony. Evan's getting good at selling stuff. Go get a coffee and get one for us too, can you please?" I smiled.

He left to go do just that. I got a bright roll of twine and tied it across Evan's part of the shop. He gave me a `what for?' look.

"Go get your suit on - it's time for your break."

"Den, I can't - I'm too busy."

I walked over to the door and grabbed his `Gone surfing' sign and hung it on the rope.

"If they are desperate they will come back at four." I smiled.

He grinned and ran into the back of the house to don his wet suit. The last I saw of him was his dimpled buns running out the back door.

I took the rope and sign down- there are things I can sell too.

Tony and I had a good catch up. He was wanting to thank me for my quick reaction to Horse's troubles, but I shut him down. I didn't want to talk sad things with him. I was still in a good mood, so I asked him to drop it.

He sold a couple of his candle holders and I wrapped them in bright Christmas paper. I showed him what code he was and he took the money.

"Thank god you're open and have such lovely stuff, Den. I left my mother-in-law's present at home under the bed." The guy smiled at me.

"Not another mother-in-law forgotten." I laughed. He laughed along with me.

"You're an amazing artist, Den, and the talk of the Caravan park. Where's the magic baby today?" He grinned.

"In the café kitchen giving directions to the cook, I think." I giggled - silly thing to do.

"This is Tony - he's the guy that made your candle holders."

"They are truly wonderful. I thank you, Tony, for being so clever and from saving me from mother-in-law's wrath." He nodded and left with his large parcel, laughing.

It died down after that, so I totaled the register and added the totes to the accounts book I held.

"According to this, I owe you about nine grand, Tony. Would you like a check or cash?" He nearly fainted.

"Most of that I will have to transfer into your account because they use their cards a lot here. I will do that tomorrow morning after you look over the totals."

"No, that sounds right if it's all nearly sold."

"I still want you to double check for my peace of mind. We may have rung up a few things wrong." I smiled knowing we didn't, but I wanted him involved too.

"Maybe I should mark down the remaining stuff and then we have a clean slate."

"No, don't do that I have something in mind for boxing day."

"Let me tell you, Den - a big sale?"

"Correct. Then you and Evan can start the new year with fresh stock."

He laughed.

"Cynthia's doing well, Den. She's bought so much stock off me, I feel like I've got containers going all over the world at the moment."

"She sure is, mate. We went to her place the other day. It's magnificent - total ocean views from every room."

"Sounds great. I will have to scrounge an invitation when I come here."

"We were there when she sold the five Venetian mirrors for New York."

He started laughing.

"What a sale -- I was so happy to get rid of them. They have been hanging in the shop for two years now."

"Are you going to make more?"

He laughed his head off then and looked a little naughty.

"Den, please don't repeat this, but I got them in a job lot from a glass maker that went out of business. I paid two hundred bucks each for them. They weren't labelled and are excellent quality. I stuck my labels on them but I have no hope of making that sort of thing -- wood's my game."

I laughed then and thought about Cynthia's fifteen grand each - bloody hell the world's gone crazy!

At two, I put Evan's `Gone surfing' sign on the door. It had died down a bit and I wanted to hold my baby for a while. I went up to Rita's and he smiled and kicked until I released him from his straps and held him in my arms. I ordered milkshakes this time - I was over coffee -- and went back to our table. I had noticed that there was only Alex helping. She had slackened off too. Tony was going over the receipts I had given him and matching them to his list of goods he had bought down. Everything was kosher according to him. I felt a lot better he did that.

He cuddled Ayden, then I put him on the floor. He immediately pulled himself up and balanced himself on his legs and swayed back and forth as he picked his nose. I was ready to catch him if he fell. Alex came out with our shakes and Ayden wanted up - he knows he gets a couple of spoonfuls of froth off me. Mike ran in the back way - he looked excited.

"Mr. Evan wants to know if you need him?"

"Tell him to chill, my man. I have `Gone surfing' on the door and we are closed until four."

He giggled, then left the way he came, but he forgot to pull the shop door behind him. I got up and did that small task gladly.

I brought Tony up to speed about Mike and then we talked about his big move down here. He would be moving out of season, but he will have the Easter holidays to contend with - that's if he's settled enough.

"The plans are done and Horse said the builders will start in a few weeks' time. I only have to pick out the fittings taps, lights and things -- apparently, he will give me a list."

"Yep that's about it. Don't forget the air conditioning, and stick in an ATM machine while you're at it. We don't have any more room for one and it will come in handy for the tourists." I smiled.

Horse arrived back early as Tiny didn't want him to overexert himself.

"Hor - babby up." More words.

He picked Ayden up and kissed him. He squeezed his eyes shut because I think Horse's mustache tickled him. He fell asleep in Horse's arms with a little smile on his face.

They started talking about Tony's sales, so I went to get a juice and a sandwich for Horse. Rita was sitting in her lounge room under the air con, her apron fanning her face.

"Cool drink, Rita?"

"Yes, please, Den - as cold as possible."

I found the ones she puts aside for us and got one out and ran it down to Horse. Then I got Rita's for her and one for me.

"Ayden's where?"

"Asleep with Horse."

"I tried to put him down at one, but the little blighter wouldn't settle. I figured he was waiting for his mate to come back." She smiled as she gulped down her water.

"What have you planned for Christmas day, honey?"

"Not what you think, Den - plenty of seafood and salads - no cooking, if I can help it, but if the boys want roasts, I suppose you better tell them to make their minds up. I think it's about time they started a health kick, and quite frankly I'm too pooped to do the whole festive thing."

"That will be just fine with us, Rita. Good thinking." I smiled as I sipped my drink and soaked up her cool air. I heard Mike in the kitchen. He poked his head in and said,

"I've got it - two chocolate milkshakes for two idiots, Rita -- no need to help." He was quite capable of serving two idiots... what?

She looked at me and we snuck out the back door then into my place. When we got to the table, we watched him serve the two gangly boys their shakes. We watched as they talked to Mike and eventually, he slumped and sat with them with his own drink.

They talked and then I saw something I had missed with him: he looked older than them and more adult in his stance but they seemed to be burying the hatchet. They left paying for the drinks and he calmly walked up to us and sat down.

"They the ones?" Rita asked him.

"Yes." His head fell.

"Have you made friends again?"

"Yes - they are going to wait for me on the beach." I saw a small grin.

"Then why are you still here?" I asked.

He faltered then thought about it.

"You know what? I got me some better mates than those two dorks. They can wait all day in the sun like I did. And anyway, I have work to do, friends to talk to, and babies to watch," he laughed. I was so proud of him. I couldn't stop smiling and a little tear threatened to invade my eyes. I couldn't look at Rita - her eyes didn't stop at one tear. He asked if there was anything he could do for us, then he went back to the café.

"What was that all about?" Tony said.

"I will let Horse fill you in later okay?"

"Sure, Den."

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Next: Chapter 26

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