Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 1, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 23

I wanted to paint today so I set up my tools and started drawing the caravans and tents on the foreshore. I lost myself in it until coffee was placed on the table next to me. Spud had a quick look at my drawing and said, "Stick a circus tent over in the corner Den, it needs some grunt." He smiled as he walked away to go help Rita.

He was right: it was looking a little dull. So when I started layering paint on it, I made the colors as bright as possible and the tent even brighter. It worked so I put it away to dry and will come back to it tomorrow for the touch ups and fixers. I was just dozing in the chair when Evan, Alex and Blue came in. They had showered and Blue went to get Spud. They didn't say much but headed towards the foreshore park - now what are they up to?

After a few minutes I heard my son stir and instinctively knew he would be looking for milk, so went to warm a bottle.

"What are the boys up to Rita?"

She smiled and said, "I wouldn't have a clue Den - no good I suspect."

I went to get bubs out of his cot. He was pleased to see me and when he saw his bottle, he was even happier. I placed him on my lap and fed him but then his eyes drooped so I talked to him - I didn't want him to go to sleep on me.

Susan and Pat brought the basket up and grabbed us a coffee. They were going to have a sit down before going into town to have a look at the tea rooms.

"Do you want to come for the ride Den?"

"Sure! We can take my car or Evan's - they both have baby seats."

"Cool bananas," she smiled.

We packed some baby supplies then I drove them over to Longford. We found a park and got bubs into his stroller. He was sound asleep again. The tea rooms were busy and while we settled into a table, a pretty young girl handed us a menu. It was simple fare but it all looked nice and Donk's wife was looking as cool as a cucumber behind the counter. She had two school kids waiting the tables and another woman in front of the grill. I noticed she made heaps of coffees and teas both for the diners at the tables and take-away.

Pat was taking it all in: he had even brought a small note pad to write on. We ordered a sandwich each and Mrs. Donk got onto them straight away. She actually delivered them to our table and said to Pat and Sue she would show them the back living space when they had finished. I hadn't met her before but she was a beautiful woman. She introduced herself as Kate and she knew who I was because she had seen me sitting on the porch painting. Also, Donk talks about us all the time. I actually found her very pleasant.

"You guys come back early one morning when you get back from your holiday and I will go through the outgoings and suppliers with you. I know you won't be back for three months, but the school holidays will be over by then so that will give us time to talk some more."

The kids liked her and we were a little confused because Donk was letting her go. He has said she was his best friend from the start, so maybe they still feel the same way about each other?

I think Pat and Sue got all they needed for now and as we drove back, they talked non-stop on what they planned to do with it. I was glad in a way that they didn't seem to want to change the menu - just add a few things to it - and the décor just needed a paint. Pat also mentioned there was a perfect place to put a wood-fired pizza oven in.

I pulled into the driveway and spied the boys sitting at the table, laughing and slapping backs. Horse and Donk had returned and were eating their lunch - chips and hamburgers. Ayden was still asleep and even a bomb wouldn't wake him at this moment, so I put him into a bean bag and put a little fly repellent on his cheeks. Both Sue and Horse were looking after him - I suppose hoping he will wake up soon.

"So what was so urgent you all ran off to the foreshore before?" I thought I would ask.

"Secret men's business Den. Can't discuss it now," Alex puffed up and said.

"Okay, maybe later then?"

"Sure, later." I heard stifled giggling.

I watched the customers going into Rita's and the passing traffic - I think Tony will do very well down here during the season. Evan got some lookers and called me in because there were people looking at our paintings. I answered all their questions and one lady bought Spud's plastic tip truck painting and the other man bought one of my surfing scenes. I packaged them neatly and swiped their cards. Holly and Peter ran in to give us both a kiss, their dad was taking them for a swim. They held Evan's hands and we went back to the troops. Horse had Ayden so Susan looked displeased. I laughed.

"Mr. Horse, are you coming swimming with us, pleeease?" Holly begged.

Horse looked across at Susan and advised, "Be gentle with him," as he passed Ayden over to her.

"Yes Holls my girl, let's get cracking."

"What's cracking Mr. Horse?"

"It means come on, let's hurry up and go."

"Okay, let's go cracking," she screamed.

Riley picked Peter up and they walked down to the beach, followed by Blue and Spud. I will wait until later to pass his good news on.

Pat was sitting with Evan just shooting the shit when Evan suddenly looked at me and asked, "Did you ring me before?"

"Yes, I wanted to get in touch with you about the bed linen."

"We better go see what this is all about then." He turned his gone surfing sign over and we left Pat and Susan sitting there with their mouths open.

"Now where's this linen?"

I dropped my shorts and replied, "Here," while pointing to my boxers.

He whipped them down and my cock sprung up, so he pushed me back onto the bed and had his wicked way with me. I put my arm under his neck and played with his vibrator a bit before we did the real thing.

"Where did you go this morning?" He started laughing.

"Blue, Spud and Alex went to find the kid who defaced your paintings." He was still laughing.

"And did they kill him?"

"No Den. They found him sitting alone up the beach. I think he was avoiding people after your shame drawing."


"They held him down and drew dicks all over his chest with a black marker." He was convulsing.

I thought about it and agreed, karma's a bitch, the kid will have to wear a t shirt from now on and it was getting quite hot.

"And why did they want you there?"

"To witness that they didn't beat him up or abuse him."

"Will that hold up in court bubs?"

"No, but in their minds it will." He let fly now, his legs were everywhere and he couldn't stop laughing. I asked him to spread his legs a little wider and we were well spent by the time he turned his sign to open.

Susan was playing trucks with Ayden and Pat was doing a crossword.

"Ready Pat?" Evan was dying to get down to the surf. Pat rushed to get his suit and board, and that's the last we will see of them for the next few hours.

Horse came back with Tiny and this time they were hungry so ordered salad sandwiches, while I had a sandwich and a milk shake. Ayden had a spoonful or three - I think he liked it. Spud delivered the rolls and when he looked at me he giggled. I smiled at him because it was a kid's prank and he's such a big kid.

"Oh I'll get Evan to transfer your money tonight."

He looked shocked.

"The one of the tip truck left the building."

He punched the air and went to tell Rita, as Horse finally got Ayden to himself when Susan went to have a lie down. Tiny sniggered.

"He's got you under his spell Horse and he's never going to let you go," I said.

"He has Den; I don't know what it is but that spell is really powerful." He smiled at Ayden as he patted his bum.

I had thought that Ayden was bringing back lots of good memories for Horse, but now I'm a little unsure. Maybe Ayden does have magic inside him, I know he always takes my breath away but I thought all babies were designed to do that. He does seem to have a certain attraction when it comes to the boys: maybe it's his cheeky smiles or his smells? I finished my sandwich and shake then excused myself, I was going to have a lie down for an hour. I trusted Horse to look after bubs so I kissed him and turned the shop sign over. I partially stripped off and got on top of the bed, I was asleep within seconds.

Evan woke me with several kisses - I knew it was him because they were sweet. I groaned because he was getting me going and was interfering with my underwear: he was going to do that deep throat thing but I had a better idea.

"Lie down while I lotion you up bubs." He groaned and I reached over and got our jumbo body lotion tube from the bedside drawers. I did my thing and accidently slipped in again, he was tight and ready for action. Afterwards, he opened the shop and went to find Rita. Life goes on.

Ayden was asleep in the bean bag next to Horse's legs and Tiny was reading some story out of the daily newspaper. It was Maggie's write up in which she couldn't praise us enough, and the photos were brilliant. Our shop got a big wrap from her with the address and phone number made available for the readers. I will send her an email thanking her and I hope she feels a little better within herself now. I read it after Tiny put it down then took it to show Spud. He sat at a table and must have read it five times before tears appeared.

"It's not true," he whispered.

"It is all true," I smiled.

His smile returned when Rita read it and agreed with me and showed it to the others. By the time I got it back, everyone was there wanting to read it. Must be time for afternoon snacks.

Nuts had a very angry scrape so he went up to Rita's to get some Betadine smeared on it and Tiny helped him. He didn't do it on any rocks - he did it walking through the bush. Sandwiches were produced and eaten with gusto that's when I suddenly remembered I hadn't taken the lunch down today, oh well, it won't hurt them. I looked into the shop where there were some lookers so I went to help Evan. He was up to his arm pits in wet suits, while there were a couple of buyers waiting at the counter.

One of Tony's small expensive Venetian mirrors sold, and a small surf board. I fixed them up and served the next lady who wanted to look at my paintings. Her husband had given her some money for Christmas to buy something for herself, so she wanted one of my paintings. While looking closely at the works she said,

"I want something of the beach, the foreshore. My family has been staying here for nearly fifty years so I want something to remind me what it's like when I'm not here."

"Do you want the beach or the foreshore?"

"I hate the beach Den. The foreshore -- the trees, the vans, the people, the life."

"Wait here a moment." I went and got the painting I was working on - the one with the circus tent. "This is my current work. Let's go out on the back porch where you can see it in the daylight."

She followed me out and I stood the painting up against a pillar. She got in closer and gasped.

"I'll take it as soon as its finished."

"Just like that?"

"Yes, my family were also circus people in the past. This is amazing: you captured my van perfectly! It's the red one closest to the road."

I looked and, sure enough, it was as plain as day. She paid for it and I said she could pick it up in three days, but I had a pang of guilt so I told her I would deliver it.

She was a lovely lady and we clicked immediately. What a great gift from her family.

I checked to see if Evan was good then went back to the porch. My boy was smiling at me so I picked him up and stared at his eyes. He rewarded me with one of his big smiles and a head butt. I placed him on the floor just standing and holding onto my hand. His balance was good but then he swayed when trying to look around and slipped onto his bum. I made a fuss then popped him on my knee, so he leant back and looked up. Again, my heart melted.

Evan once told me I look at Ayden differently than others: I see beauty in his every movement, whereas others ignore or can't see it. It reflects in my work in the detail I do. If I could capture what I really see and feel, I would be a very rich man.

The hands on my shoulders told me Evan had arrived back.

"How did you go?"

"Really good Den. I might stay here for another year, how about you?"

"I reckon I could stay a few months, then you will have to keep me."

"You can work it off."

"Can I choose the jobs?"

"Of course." He kissed me.

"Thanks bub."

He sat next to me then took his son. He kissed him and blew lip farts into his neck, so naturally little bub let fly with a huge giggle.

With Christmas coming up, Evan's shop was a bit busier and thankfully, he had bought extra stock which was stored in the garage. He had made a list of what he had sold and wanted to go get some more items out of it. I offered to help but he declined saying he wouldn't leave the shed walking straight.

While he did that, I kept my eye on the shop and sold a couple of tank tops and three skateboards, plus a surf board cover. His till was flowing over and I couldn't be happier for him but I made sure I cleared the register, we don't like to keep a lot of cash in it. Rita's the same - she's always clearing the notes out of her cash register. I popped the wad of cash in my back pocket and went back to the porch. Trip had bubs now, but as I got there, he passed him onto me.



So I went to change him. I have no idea when he will be ready for toilet training, but I think it's two years. I certainly didn't mind the job - he's my son and I want him to be as comfortable as possible. I heard Evan come in the back door. He poked his head in and said, "Fuck me Den, I think I over ordered on stock."

"No you didn't bubs. Put your hand in my back pocket, there's a present in there for you."

"Are you sure there is?" He didn't believe me.

"True dinks bubs. There's a wad of cash in there." He pulled out the wad and looked at me.

"I had a few sales when you left - good ones too."

"Thanks Den. My shout for dinner." He smiled then dropped his goods and kissed me. I accepted that one gratefully.

"You can have a Boxing Day sale bubs, you know - like the big shopping centers do. Everything half price. That will rotate your stock nicely so you will get to buy new season's stuff when winter comes."

"It's an idea Den but let's wait and see. It's early days yet, we still have the last minute Christmas rush to come." He grinned at me but I took it the wrong way and automatically got on my knees. He picked up his wares and continued on to the shop, laughing I might add.

Two days later my new friend's painting was finished. Spud gave it the thumbs up before he scooted off to get some sand and sunshine. I loaded up Ayden's ride and started off towards the big red caravan. Ayden was all eyes with his arms stretched out trying to grab trees as we passed. It was his little game I think, because he giggled.

I knocked on the door of the annex and heard, "Just a minute."

"It's only me -- Den. I have your painting."

"Oh you lovely man, thank you." She unzipped the door and bid us in then insisted on making us a lemonade. We talked more about the painting and she looked it over closely and loved it.

"I can't wait for Jack and Mike to see it. I've always wanted to own a piece of art work. Well, I do already in the guise of a son, but he's growing so fast, it's hard to keep up with him."

"How old is he?"

"Fourteen and a ball of trouble, but something's got him, he's all twisted up this holiday. He's barely left his room."

"Kids can be like that. Sometimes they need to be alone, I suppose. I know I did at that age, everything and everyone annoyed me." I laughed and Ayden laughed along. I picked him up and Anne took him. She cuddled him for a while, but it was clear he wasn't going to have any of that nonsense. He was passed back to me as she giggled.

"Mikey was the same: he wouldn't go to anyone, let alone a stranger, but this one is gorgeous Den, a real proper, bubbly baby." I puffed up a little.

"Mum, where's my blue t-shirt?" A kid poked his head out of the caravan, he looked at me and froze; he was my black marker kid.

"Come here son. Look at what dad and you bought me for Christmas. It's gorgeous, and meet Den, the artist."

"Umm yes mum." He slowly came down the few stairs and his face was as red as Rita's grill. I took the lead.

"Pleased to meet you Mike. I have been hearing good things about you." I shook his trembling hand.

"Hello sir." He was polite at least.

"Look son, our caravan."

He put his trembling hand on her shoulder and looked at the painting. "It's beautiful mum. Merry Christmas." He wouldn't look at me, or couldn't I mean.

"Well Den has put a lot of hours, colors and love into my painting. I absolutely love it son. This is true art - it's what art is all about."

"Yes it is mum, it's beautiful," he stammered then he left to go back inside, and very quickly.

"He's been down in the dumps for a few days now. I think he's done something very wrong because his usual holiday mates don't call here anymore."

"Maybe he's bored and maybe he's just plain growing up Anne." What could I say?

"Yes, perhaps you're right Den. He's normally a great kid, but sometimes he does things on the spur of the moment which he regrets instantly. He's always been a little out of whack but deep down he's a lovely, good kid and like your Ayden here, I adore my son and I don't like him being so down."

"Maybe he will improve closer to Christmas. Well, I have to get back. Thank you for the lemonade and for your patronage. Would a part-time job help?" Where the fuck did that come from?

"It might Den. What have you got in mind?"

"How about two hours in the shop cleaning up and helping customers. Let's say at the moment, four days a week, five bucks an hour?"

"Perfect Den, just perfect. And thank you from the bottom of my heart - a fitting punishment."


"I meant whatever he has done that I don't know about, working through his holidays would be a fitting punishment. That's if he's done anything bad that is." She was getting muddled up.

"Maybe what he did was crappy at the time, but I'm sure whoever he did it to has long forgiven him and probably see's a little of himself in the kid."

"Maybe Den. Thank you from my heart to yours." She touched her heart then mine.

She knew all about it and her painting was an attempt at unnecessary compensation. How the hell do I stay mad at someone who's loved just as much as I love my son?

"Mike can you come here a minute?"

"Yes mum, what is it?"

"Den would like to offer you a job for a couple of hours in his shop. Do you think that's something you would like to do?"

He looked at me and lowered his head and whispered, "I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry."

I couldn't contain myself. Before Anne said anything, I pulled him in and gave him a big hug.

"You start tomorrow at four. You knock off at six, just in time for dinner. Five bucks an hour, four days a week, until your holiday is over. I might just throw in a small Christmas bonus too." He replied with one tear and a huge thank you.

I left them in peace and walked down to the beach. My heart fell and I think I did something good for someone today. On my way up the beach, I took bub's t-shirt off and scooped some water up to put on his legs as it was getting hot. I started running because I didn't want him to get sunburnt.

When I got to our beach, the boys were all mucking around on the waves. I headed for the shady trees and spied Evan waving to us. I untied bubs and spread a big towel out for him to lie on but he was instantly on his feet again and even managed to suck on his big left toe. I can't stay long because I didn't bring a bottle for him, so I'll wait for Evan to come say hello then go back to the shop. He came up after wiping out and he kissed bubs, then me. I made him sit for a minute.

"I hired him."

"Who Den?"

"The kid that drew on my paintings."

"Oh, and you did that why? No, let me tell you. You met him coming up the beach all alone, no friends, looking sad and he apologized so you felt sorry for him and hired him to do what?"

"To work in our shop four days a week only for two hours a day for five dollars an hour." I smiled because he knows me so well.

"Good. We need the help. Was I close?" He smiled.

"Yes bubs. His mum was the lady who bought the caravan painting and I met him at their camp site. He sort of apologized but looked so depressed and his mum looked even sadder. I think she bought the painting as some sort of compensation. She didn't say, but I think it was all set up by her."

"She loves her son," he replied.

"Dearly bubs, so I offered him the job in the shop. We need a little help that time of day and he needs to get back on track. I'm thinking Blue, Spud and Alex will be his new, best holiday friends. A kid's got to have mates while he's on holidays bubs, doesn't he?" I grinned.

He dived in for a smacker of a kiss just as Ayden started screaming. He had moved into the sun and was now sitting on the hot sand. I brushed him down then carried him back to the house. He won't do that in a hurry next time, poor little tacker. It must have hurt because he got antsy after that, so I made a bottle for him and checked his legs out, then fed him. He fell asleep but I wasn't going to let him bask in it, I turned him over my knee and burped him. Nope, he didn't wake up - he dozed on. I put him down in one of the beanbags then put pen to paper and filled another three pages. I checked the photos on my phone then did another two.

"Hi Den, that was a great write up Maggie did, I bet you were chuffed," it was Cynthia.

"It sure was Cynthia, and yes I had to convince Spud everything she said about him was true." I laughed down the phone.

"Well it was. Listen honey, I'm really busy with Christmas orders, but I really need five more of his and eight of yours desperately. Is there any way you could get them delivered?"

"I think I can babe. Leave it to me and I'll ask around. On second thoughts, it's not that far so maybe I'll come for a drive myself."

"That's awesome Den. I can't leave here because I have to be on top of it: this time of year is when I make my real money."

Fuck me, what does she mean by real money? She already has a hundred per cent markup on everything. "I'll ring you back in an hour honey."

"Okay Den, and thank you," she lilted as she hung up.

I went up to Rita's, grabbed a cup of coffee and found Spud in her lounge room. "Can you pick out five of your paintings? Cynthia wants them delivered."


I couldn't stop laughing at his face but then I hit him with the bad news. "Spud, I've hired a kid for the shop - just a couple of hours a day - and I want you and your cohorts to be nice to him. His name is Mike."

"Not that Mike?"

"Yes kid. He starts tomorrow, so can I just ask you to try and be nice? He's very remorseful and his mum wants him to do some sort of penance. He's lost his holiday friends and no one wants to hang with him. Please, can you try?"

"Yep of course Den. If you say he's nice then I'm not going to bully him - that's the last thing I would do."

"Okay, can you speak to Blue and Alex?"

"Of course I can but I don't think Blue is very forgiving, he's a bit like his father." He laughed, no giggled.

I ruffled his black hair and returned to my boy where I found Susan looking at him, like willing him to wake up.

"He will be out for another hour Sue, so relax will ya'?"

"Sure Den, I was just looking." Rita brought a milkshake up for her then sat with us.

"I hear you hired Mike."

"Yes Rita, just for a few hours."

"You did good turning it around. I'm proud of you." She patted my leg then went back to her kitchen.

Cynthia was another problem. I really didn't have time to drop the paintings off so I rang around some delivery places but they were too expensive. I rang her back and told her someone would deliver them by noon tomorrow and she gushed her thank you over the phone. I will ask Blue if he could take them to her.

As it turned out I took them the next morning, it's only a half-hours drive away. I got Spud to come with me while Susan baby sat. We talked a bit on the way and it was decided he should try and invest his money in something worthwhile, like a piece of land in our area while they are still very cheap. He told me Rita had said the same thing and with the money he has already, he could almost pay cash for it.

"Well, when you get to building something, make sure it's a general store or something like that - money spinner kind of place." I smiled at him.

"Maybe a waterpark Den?"

I laughed. He's such a dork.

"Umm Spud - think video arcade." He screamed out the window so maybe I hit the nail on the head.

Cynthia's place was big, very contemporary, high on a hill and overlooked the ocean. She answered the door with a big smile and showed us out to her triple garage. She had boxes everywhere so we placed the paintings in an empty spot. She said she would photograph each piece then get them online as soon as possible. We were shown up to her family room and I almost screamed.

"Wow!" Her views were insanely awesome. Spud started taking photos as she took my coffee order and Spud's coke order.

"It's been a tough trip so far Den, but I think I've made it into the big league." She laughed.

"Did you ever! This is awesome!"

"It is, but unfortunately it's rented." She smiled. "I mainly sleep until the afternoon, then stay awake most of the night. That's when my overseas customers come online, so I have to be ready for their questions."

"I don't envy you, what a life!"

"It's okay Den. I'm quite used to it now."

I did have a look at her website and there was nothing under two grand on it. The dearest was a hundred and fifty grand - an Egyptian artifact or some sort.

We sat on the overstuffed sofas and looked at the blue ocean and Spud was on his phone clicking away. I heard a loud ding behind me: it was her computer alerting her to an email.

"I won't be a minute." She got up and answered her mail and when she got back she was grinning from ear to ear.

"Another sale honey - five of Tony's large Venetian mirrors." She laughed.

"Great! He will be chuffed, I think."

"He wholesales them to me for five grand each and I sell them on for fifteen." She laughed as my jaw dropped.

"It's okay Den, they are worth every penny as they are so unique. I have to ship these to New York, they are wanted for a new hotel foyer."

"My god! How the hell do you orchestrate it all?"

"I get Tony to send them, then pay for the shipping." She bent over laughing.

"It's going to be hard for him to do that when he moves down here though."

"He will survive beautifully Den, and so will you and Spud. I hear he's already organized shipping containers to be dropped off and picked up. Unfortunately, he's the one doing all the hard work." We laughed and talked about a lot of things - mainly our works being popular on her site, then had to move it. She said her thank yous then we departed, reeling at her operations.

I thought about how clever some people are: she had it all worked out and was making a bomb. I guess she didn't have to do much except sit in front of a computer screen.

We made it back in time for lunch and Spud immediately headed for Rita's to fill her in on our trip. Later, I got a call from Cynthia and she was laughing again because she had forgotten to pay us. I told her next time would do then let Spud know and he was happy to go with that. My bubs was down at the beach with Susan, so as usual I took a basket of goodies down to the boys and sat with her. I had my ham and salad roll and Ayden was asleep, but he woke when he heard my voice. He crawled over to me and went back to the land of nod on my lap.

"How did you go?"

"She's got an awesome house which overlooks the ocean. What a view!" I told her.

"Lucky bugger," was all Sue said, then she made me sad. "We have to get the car back tomorrow Den, so we will be leaving before lunch. Pat wants to take some photos of the tea rooms."

"That's sad honey, we will all miss you."

"It's okay, we'll will be back. My girls arrive in ten days so we will all be back after Christmas."

"You will need the van."

"No Den, Pat's father will drive us down. He wants to look at this amazing place you found and the tea rooms." She smiled.

The boys had arrived and dug deep into the basket. Evan kissed me and asked how I went, so I told him about it. I also told him I planted a seed in Spud's head to open a video parlor. Trip's ears pricked up and he stared at me, I stared back.

"Yes Trip?"

"Maybe later Den. Let me think on it for a while," he said.

I guess I will know when the rest do although it's too early for Spud to be working that kind of business. I suppose he has to start somewhere and the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea, even though he already makes good money with his painting and curry nights.

Next: Chapter 24

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