Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 16, 2017


Ayden's Eyes 20

Rita was getting busy and Evan was spending more time in his shop because he was doing well with his boards. He had to go to his supplier to get more to fill back orders. I think everyone is buying their kids boards for Christmas.

We took a family off day to drive into Melbourne Ayden was all eyes - I don't think he remembers the city too much. We loaded the twenty boards plus skim and body ones onto the trailer Evan had borrowed and he tied them down. He planted his foot when he turned onto the freeway, and I could tell he wanted to get back to our patch of paradise as soon as possible. Ayden had fallen asleep - I think the city bored him and as Evan spread his legs a little too much the head of his cock was poking out of his shorts. So... what do you do? Naturally, I slowly pulled him off.

"You owe me one when we get home." I smiled, hoping I would get more than a pull.


Tiny was waiting for us when we got in. He helped unload the colorful boards and, after Evan replenished the shop display, he put the rest in the garage. The stays were finished and we already had bookings at fifteen dollars a head per night. They were going to be popular. Spud decided he couldn't cope with sending paintings to London - he thought that they weren't good enough - but Tony insisted on taking ten of them with him when he left. He also took some of mine -- well, Horse did in his ute and stayed at Tony's for a few days. The caravan had been set up for Blue and Alex and they were stoked to have their own place, so we came to an agreement. They could have the space rent-free if they would look after the stay bookings and maintain them. I suppose they can cope with that and to help, we bought a mobile phone for them to use just for bookings. The two share accommodation units each housed eight people and we made the single rooms a bit dearer, in case people wanted privacy. It was all happening around our place and at times we didn't know who were guests and who were holidaymakers ... so many board shorts and so much semi-naked skin.

The teenagers took advantage of Rita's Wi-Fi. They were good value because they had to buy a drink to use it, and also maybe chips and a hamburger. When they found out about curry Wednesday the first week of the holidays, it was packed with diners. Spud coped and he couldn't stop laughing. Blue and Alex were onboard for Rita, but they ended up working for Spud as he was busier - that's how it works here, and it works well.

On the Friday, which was abnormally quiet, I was in the shop on my own and a well-dressed woman came in. She had the `Jackie O' look about her - she oozed class and was just browsing as I showed some boards to a couple of kids. I think they were tyre kickers.

"Who is this artist Den?" She was talking to me.

"Spud, ma'am. His name's Spud."

"He's very good. These are wonderful!"

"He's brilliant! His works are already on the way to a gallery in central London. He will do very well."

"That's a good recommendation coming from a world class artist like yourself."


"Well, you are! I have several of your pieces. I'm sorry, Den - I'm Cynthia Hayes. I live in Venus Bay. That's where I run my operations from. I bought a few pieces from you online from that gallery in London. I should have come right to the source. How long have you been here?"

"About seven months, Cynthia. My partner loves surfing, so we bought this place and moved here."

"Your work is improving, Lindsay told me you were here last week when we had dinner. I was wrapped to hear you were so close to me."

"Well he's a great guy - loves his fish."

"That he does, Den. Can I look some more? I can't quite decide which ones I want."

"Sure you can. Would you like a cool juice?"

"Thank you. That would be nice."

I went to get her a juice and found Spud was happily helping Rita to make cakes, Donk's pick up was tomorrow. After getting her juice, I took Spud's arm.

"Come with me." He looked scared but I assured him all was good and he should smile a lot. He did have a great smile.

"Cynthia, this is Spud, the artist." I put her drink down on the counter as she held her hand out and shook his.

"You're so young, what a surprise."

"Sorry ma'am," he stuttered.

"And he is painfully shy too." I smiled at her.

"I can see that."

"Okay. First, I want to take some photos of you both together and alone. I run a high end online store that only sells the best of the best, and I do very very well for myself, I must say." She smiled.

"I know Tony's work, but it's too big for me to handle, so I am going to approach him to be his agent. Then I can put his tables online and he can ship them direct to the customer, but I didn't know he had so much smaller stuff. I will have to visit him soon."

"He's thinking of moving down here but he just can't make his mind up." I again smiled.


"Now I want to take some paintings for my online store and I want you to wholesale them to me - let's say a twenty per cent discount on the marked prices. Is that fair?"

"Of course, that's okay with me. How about you, Spud?" I nudged him.

"Yes, please. That's right, is it Den?"

"Leave it to us kid."

He almost curtsied then ran out the door.

"Which ones do you need, Cynthia?" I laughed.

She was still giggling at Spud's exit. "Okay." She started taking our works off the walls and placed them next to the counter - twenty in all.

"I will only take six of Spud's because he's new, but, shit Den, he's good!"

"He sure is."

"If they sell I will be back for more. I know yours will without any trouble, and if my instinct is right, his will fly out the door."

I totaled everything up and it was a sizeable amount, even for me and I gave her the discount she had asked for.

"Good I will mark them up two hundred per cent and make a killing. Thank you, Den."

I nearly fainted, but laughed instead.

She used her credit card and it went through all right. Then, I started to pack them in foam sheets and tape.

"My photos, please. Can I get some?" She finished her juice and we went to find Spud who was in his room.

"Come on kid. Cynthia wants a photo."


She took ten or more photos, following which, Spud, who had his gorgeous smile on again, helped me load her car.

She passed her card over and said, "I will see you when these have sold. Wish me luck." She waved as she drove slowly off with her precious cargo.

"Spud, I will get Evan to transfer your money over tonight. Is that okay?"

"Yes." He was almost jumping up and down on the spot.

"About six grand Spud."

"What? No!"

"What? Yes," I screamed like a schoolgirl.

"Ritaaaaa!" He screamed as he ran towards the café. He kissed Alex as he passed, then picked Rita up. She couldn't stop laughing.

"The Cokes are on me. Come on Den -- let's celebrate." I see a new man on the horizon.

Blue and Alex took him down for a surf to cool him off so I followed with a basket of sandwiches and my little man. The guys were all there and everyone except the three teens rode to the shore. Ayden greeted them, laughing while sitting on his haunches like he had just met some long lost friends. Horse scooped him up and ran towards me laughing all the way.

"It's like old times, Den. God, it's good you guys are back." Evan was smiling.

"Ah well we will be around for a while so you will get sick of us really quick," Trip said.

Donk leant over and kissed Horse on the cheek.

"I missed you the best, big guy." Horse blushed.

The sandwiches were eaten, but I must say they were very well behaved - they left three packs for the teens. Cokes and water were opened and gulped down quickly and Ayden was passed around. He was saying his `welcome backs' to everyone.

I heard screaming coming towards us. Blue and Alex had picked Spud up and were carrying him over to us. He was so happy. They had their sandwiches while Nuts related a few stories to the ones who weren't there.

"I'm sorry, Evan, but your mates were arrested in Lorne trying to deal drugs to an undercover cop. They will be tied up for a couple of years, I think." Evan looked at me and I felt really sorry for him.

"It's okay, bubs. They are still your mates. Just keep the old memory alive - Brighton beach, the surf, the bushes." I roared with laughter: poor Evan he'll never live it down.

Ayden clapped along to the joke then he started looking for his red truck. I found it buried under the sand looking okay, it had weathered the harsh winter beautifully.

He started shifting sand and making truck noises and some of the boys helped him with that.

Rita was busy tonight: apart from the eight of us she was doing take-a-way Chinese. Blue hurried ours down to the table - two big bowls of curried chicken and vegetables, and a larger bowl of fried rice. There were wontons, mini spring rolls and dim sims on a big platter. He dropped the bill on the table, I picked it up and it was empty except for a smiley face. I will catch her later - maybe just drop a couple of hundred bucks in her till. Spud joined us. He was still on a high and Nuts put his arm around his shoulder then pulled him in for a good kiss on the head. I know what this is all about: he's bonding with children again - a big step for him and a good thing for Spud. My phone rang around nine - it was Cynthia.

"Den, it's Cynthia. Can you please pick five of Spud's best works and pack them? I will be down in two days to pick them up."

"You sold some?" I looked at Spud who looked up at me.

"Yes Den, five went in the first two hours. He's good, Den. He's very good. Oh, and I sold three of yours, so I will let you know when I get there if I need more."

"Okay, I'll have them ready for you."

"Bye. Den, and thanks." She sounded really excited.

I looked him in the eye and said, "She sold five of yours in the first two hours."

He nearly fainted. Nuts had to hold, him he was so shaken up.

"Thank you, please. Just thank you, Den."

"No, thank you." I lifted my glass to make a toast.

"Gentlemen we are witnessing greatness being born. Long live the Spud man!"

I drank my drink and smiled at him. He cried.

"Bub this Chinese is delicious," I said as I fed my little boy some steamed dim sim.

"It sure is, Den. This rice is so authentic. She really nailed it." He smiled.

I picked up a spring roll and popped it in my mouth, then slowly moved it back and forward. He got my message.

"Early night tonight, bub?"

"Oh yes, Den, early night."

And it was. We bathed our boy and got him into his sleeping suit. He smelt heavenly. Just a small amount of milk tonight because he's had a big day and he should drop off in no time.

I made love to my big bubs, and was trying to make it last, but he turns me on so much I just can't hang on. We cuddled up and just as I was about to drop off, I heard,

"Up, dada, up!" He shook the shit out if his cot so Evan went and got him and placed him placed in-between us, then stroked him until he dropped off to sleep again. I had one eye open because I didn't want to roll on him, so Evan fixed that with a couple of pillows. But then, I couldn't hug Evan and I missed him.

In the morning, we did our routine. Bubs was happily playing on the bathroom floor while we showered together. I managed to slip Evan one when Ayden's back was turned -- as I said it doesn't take me long. We dressed and prepared Ayden for his day then I put the kettle on and made some toast for him. He chewed relentlessly while I think we got two pieces down. Tomorrow I'll try a boiled egg.

Rita saw us appearing and came over with two big breakfasts for us. The boys had already eaten and gone down to the beach but she said Horse had looked for Evan, but when he saw Ayden in bed with us he didn't want to disturb him. Must do that more often: maybe I'll get Evan for a few extra hours to myself.

The constant stream of kids and adults that visited the cafe and shop was never ending. Evan stayed behind today - he was busy selling rods, boards, and plenty more, plastic buckets, sunscreen and even washing powder. His side of the store now had more shelving and it was starting to look like a small goods store. He had written down everything he hadn't stocked but was asked for. Horse helped to do the shelves and Blue assisted him. The love between them could be felt and as a father, I knew how proud Horse was feeling.

Ayden spent a lot of time in with Spud and would sometimes improve his English talking to the customers. I had to keep an extra eye on him sometimes because he would try to follow the kids down the road. I tried to keep shoes on him but they were more often lying somewhere on the porch, along with his nappy and shorts.

My side was doing okay, not so much from the holidaymakers but the day-trippers that blew in constantly. My painting was suffering again and I took to going down to the beach for a few hours in the afternoons, but I had to be back for the evening lookers.

I was sitting on the porch playing `this little piggy' with my son when Tony arrived, he looked good and was full of smiles. We chatted a lot about work, how busy we were and the Christmas rush but he kept looking at the old house up the road. I know he's still thinking about it.

"How's it going with Horse mate?"

"Really good, he's one in a million Den. I have fallen for him hard." He smiled.

"And him?"

"The same I believe. Den, can I ask you something?"


"If I buy that old Victorian house and renovate it, would you let me have some of your paintings for the walls, just to add color, and if they sell, it will be a bonus?"

"Of course I would welcome it. Evan's little surf shop is growing so rapidly he needs more room and Spud's works are becoming really popular. He's a real treasure to have around."

"I want his works too, Den. I have almost decided to buy the house because they are putting my rent up on the warehouse in a few months. It's ridiculous in this current climate. I can't afford to keep it."

"Good. Come down here. It's seasonal work but we manage. The lifestyle alone Tony, is awesome."

"I worry though that Horse and I will not last and I will be stuck here without anyone." He did look worried.

"For God's sake, Tony! You have got him breaking up with you already. Give it a chance - take a leap of faith. From what I know of Horse, he's a keeper. He's been on his own far too long now."

"I know, you're right. If he wants to part with me, I will have to try harder to keep him."

"Tony, do you want us to go you halves with the house? That way you're not using all your cash, I certainly don't mind and the house is cheap. We can get Horse to do the renovations," I suggested.

"I'll think about it Den, but I have done really well and even better now since Cynthia's appeared. She's a great business woman."

"She sure is. Poor Spud's painting his heart out at night to keep up his stock." Again I giggled.

Rita came over and handed Tony the lunch basket. "Good to see you again, Tony. Take this down to your man and his friends will you?"

He laughed.

We walked down with him to the sandy shore. It was busy so the guys had moved a couple of hundred meters down the beach. Ayden was trying to wiggle out of my arms but he had no shoes on and that sand will be too hot for his little feet.

The guys spotted us and started coming in for lunch and drinks. Horse put his hand on Tony's back and whispered in his ear then smiled and winked at me. I felt Evan's hand too, but it wasn't on my back - more like my backside. Ayden wasn't in the mood for pleasantries now, he sat on my lap and leaned back, just watching the boys with his little eyes darting from one to the other.

"I'm going to buy the old house up the road and move here. Thoughts anyone?" Tony announced. Horse's grin got bigger and everyone clapped.

"It's about time. My dad was driving us crazy trying to think of ways to get you to himself." Blue laughed; Horse slapped his arm.

"Well I haven't made an offer yet, so that's next on my list."

"Go see my brother-in-law at the real estate agency in town. He will let you know what the owner's bottom price is."

"I will. Thank you, Tiny. I really appreciate that."

"Your welcome brother."

The wind had come up and the waves got stronger so the guys left to go surf. Horse stayed behind and snogged Tony, he seemed on top of the world.

We cleaned up and I grabbed my very quiet bubby and walked back to the house. Tony walked across to the empty house and had another look through the windows, a big plus was it had a verandah all around and his bigger furniture could be displayed on it. I had an inkling he would glass it all in. The house was actually very cheap: the same one in Melbourne would cost heaps more, but down here the land is cheap.

I put the TV on for bubs and gave him some juice. He will need feeding soon, so I left Tony in charge and went to find something delicious for him. Rita pulled her fridge door open and produced a bowl of veggies. She warmed them up, dumped a spoon and a little tomato sauce on it, and we were right to go. I managed to get some of it down him and the TV helped to take his mind off it.

Tony went to get his bag from his car and took it into Horse's tiny house. He didn't say how long he was staying, but I presumed just for the weekend.

I noticed just a hint of a color change in Ayden's eyes and thought he must be feeling a little off. He has been quiet so I felt his forehead and his tummy and he laughed. I grabbed my paints and mixed that color so I could paint another small painting later on. But for the moment, I lay on the floor with him: he needed a cuddle and he needed a small talk. "Dada, eep?" He was tired and wanted to sleep, so we both had an afternoon nap. I turned `Evan's gone surfing' sign around and locked the door and smelled my son as I drifted off. He sucked on his dummy and it was Evan who woke us as he had come up early to man the store.

"Everything okay here Den?"

"Yes, bubs. Ayden's a little bit off color - I think just a twenty-four-hour bug thing. There's no temperature. Maybe he didn't sleep well last night, but I thought he had."

I went into the shop with Evan and he turned the sign to `Open', then we ordered coffee. Spud brought it out but couldn't stop smiling.

"Tony had a talk to me about his gallery."

"Good, but I still want some for in here too."

He gave me the thumbs up as he ran back to the cafe still smiling.

"Did you get bored on the beach, bubs?"

"No, Den. I was surfing away, minding my own business, when I started thinking how much I missed you, so I came up here to, maybe, see you?"

"I understand bubs; you've got a stiff."

"Umm yes."

But unfortunately we couldn't do anything about it because two car loads of backpackers landed on our doorstep. They needed showers and food, so I rented them one of the stays for the day. They can shower and chill in one of them, even order food and have it on the back verandah if they want. I think they were German, but I wasn't sure. A couple of the guys used the beach shower, but

Evan pulled me away from the window saying he was busy in the shop and he needed my help. I didn't believe him.

Ayden by now had woken up and was looking a little better. He came looking for me and I put him on my knee. I think he just needed cuddles, but when one of the German girls started talking to him in broken English, he looked up at me, held on and turned his back to her, burying his face into my chest.

"I'm sorry, he's not feeling well."

"It's okay." She ran her hand up his back, but then ran it down my arm on the way down. Well, it's been awhile, but I recognized the signs, she was trying to pick me up. I ignored it and she moved off to the cafe end to join her friends. Nice looking lady, but Evan's nicer and has that extra bonus. Horse, Tiny, Nuts and Trip came up eventually and talked non-stop about their day and soon after, Tony arrived. He had talked with Tiny's brother-in- law.

His smile said it all: he had made a decision and bought the place and got it for a bargain price. The house had been empty for a long time, but, thankfully, it had been maintained beautifully. He talked to Horse about it and handed him a few drawings of ideas he's had.

"Sorry, Den - it was so reasonable I had to take it, but thank you for the offer."

"It's okay, Tony. Any help you want, I'm onboard."


I looked at his ideas - they were awesome: downstairs would house his art, and upstairs will be converted to an apartment. There was already a huge metal shed for him to work in, and all he has to do now is find a moving company to deliver his stock into town for shipping. I advised him to ask Tiny and Tiny of course, gave me a big smile.

"What's up with bubs, Den?" Horse asked.

"He's feeling a little off-color - not even the European chicks interested him." I smiled.

"Aww... poor little fella. Has he eaten today?"

I looked at Horse and said, "Umm that would be a yes."

"Just checking, have you?"

"I had a sandwich and I'm about to order one of Rita's sausage rolls, thank you very much."

"Good," Horse sniggered. Tony nudged him.

Tiny stood and gently took bubs from me and he went willingly. He folded him over his knee and lifted him to his ear. He was listening to his tummy. He then turned him over on his knees and started massaging his back. Ayden's eyes were looking really droopy, then they widened as a very loud and long burp erupted from his mouth. It took me by surprise because I'm really anal about that and make sure he's burped regularly.

"Trapped wind, Den, a bit of reflux. It wasn't hurting him enough to send him into a spin, but he would have felt uncomfortable." He left him on his knees as his little eyes closed and he went into a deep sleep.

"Oh." Again I felt awful.

"Don't, Den. He's a baby, they get all sorts of things. All we can do is guess what's wrong, so thank your lucky stars he's a healthy kid. You have been saved from some awfully long, sleepless nights to date."

"Thanks Tiny. I will check his eyes when he wakes, they should be back to normal by now."

He kept rubbing Ayden's back and I heard short, deep burps. I think I will try that every night with him, I can't have him being uncomfortable all the time.

We ordered dinner early and Tony and I discussed what he wanted to do with his showrooms. He wanted some of our paintings for his walls but he didn't want hundreds. I knew what he meant and was glad he was thinking along those lines. I really like my space in the shop, even though Evan has taken some of it. I wanted to talk to Evan about the extra stuff he's keeping and we did discuss it at the time he bought it, it seemed like a good idea at the time. I liked it the way it was and the extra household stuff he has added maybe Rita should be selling. Or even better, build a general store on our vacant lot. It will be the only one within sixty miles and will certainly bring this tiny seaside town to life.

"Den, I have gone overboard a bit."

"Well bubs, I kind of like the surf shop-slash-art gallery we had but maybe the other stuff makes it look trashy."

"All right, I will see if Rita wants to handle it." He kissed me and I noticed Miss Europe looking daggers at me yet I thought they were pretty open-minded over there. Oh well, tough titties - my house, my rules.

Evan went to find Rita and to help with the orders. She was more than happy to take his stock off his hands and would take the shelving too. Good, we get our nice shop back and Rita gets richer by the day. Spud brought out a tray of pies but without any tomato sauce. The guys loaded up and Evan came back with drinks. He smiled at me then kissed me again. This time the girl had disappeared; for just a second she had made me feel uncomfortable.

Blue and Alex came and sat with us and were smiling a lot, so I presumed everything was all right in their cozy world. Blue had a small packet of tomato sauce in his pocket which he opened and dumped on his pie as the other guys stared.

"I like sauce on my pies, so sue me." Poor Blue, he then put six sachets of sauce on the table. The guys looked around for Rita and then dived on them, there were happy faces all around.

After dinner I got out the Christmas decorations while Horse and Nuts reinvented Rita's shop: drills were produced and shelves moved, then Spud, Blue and Alex took all the unnecessary goods into the cafe and shelved them all. Evan said she could have it, he had made his investment back ten times over so wasn't too perturbed about that stock. I was wrapping bud lights around the plastic green Christmas tree when I felt two hands on my bum, Evan was ripe for a treat tonight. He held up some fake mistletoe and kissed me deeply. It was one of those magical moments where the air was sucked from my lungs and my head was spinning.

The beers were opened and the boys partied as we bathed Ayden and got him into his sleeping gear. He looked adorable when he smiled his toothy grin. Luckily, he went to sleep pretty fast again so we showered and crept into bed. I made beautiful love to Evan - he shouldn't have started the butterflies in my stomach on the porch because tonight is the night I will last longer for him. No I won't - who am I kidding? There were no disturbances through the night so we all slept soundly and it was much needed by everyone. Big bubs was moaning in the morning when there was a knock on our window and it was Nuts trying to get Evan to go surfing early. He threw his pillow at it then moaned again and shared my pillow as he cuddled up behind me; we slept some more.

My legs were apart when I woke and my good morning kisses were back. Evan was deep throating me again -welcome back sailor!

Ayden had woken and was playing with his teddies but he's a good boy and I don't think he wanted to wake us. He squealed when he saw me.

"Up, up!" he demanded so I lifted him and was greeted with his saturated nappy. I blew more bubbles on his tummy and he rewarded me with lots of giggles. Evan was leaning on the doorframe smiling at us, he planned to clean up his shop and put it back to where it was and after breakfast, I helped him. Spud gave us a hand then offered to take some of his paintings off the wall. We nearly kicked his butt, but instead, we steered him back to Rita's where we made him make us coffees.

Tony came up and was bored because Horse had left early with the others, but was excited about the move, and even more excited that Horse was with him all the way.

"He's a bit disappointed I want to live in the house. He's only just getting used to his tiny house, but he sees my point: my upstairs is a lot bigger than his." He laughed.

"What a shame he loves that flat."

"He's going to ask you if Blue and Alex can live in it. That frees the caravan up for Spud to set up a studio-type of lodging which I think will work for him."

"I agree, Tony. He really should be thinking of not relying on Rita so much, not that she minds."

"Well, if he doesn't want it, you could rent it out."

"All will be okay, Tone. Whichever way it plays out, I'm fine with it."

Evan sat with us until the waves called. He turned his `Gone Surfing' sign around and left for the beach.

I will be down in an hour or so with lunch, but, in the meantime, I gave the kids a hand and went to change the beds in the stays and Tony gave me a hand. We even did Horse's place and the kids' van. It was fun, but the used condom I found under the bed in the van surprised me. Well, it's good, because they are playing safe.

Ayden was back on track: he must have missed everyone yesterday because he was in his walker and was moving all over the porch. Occasionally a customer would sit him at their table and try to order a milkshake for him, but Spud was on to it, he would thank them politely and say, "The baby's had enough milk for today, thank you." It always got a chuckle.

Next: Chapter 21

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