Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jul 9, 2017


Aydens Eyes 19

Rita came out with some scrambled eggs and toast and mentioned that Spud was feeding Ayden, and they were getting along famously.

"He wants to know if he can look at your paintings alone, if you wouldn't mind him looking that is?"

"Rita we are going to the beach after breakfast so he can knock himself out for a couple of hours, and if he needs tops and things, tell him to just pick some stuff out."

"Thanks Den, this is going to be a hard nut to crack, he's been living on the streets since he was thirteen and he's nearly sixteen now."

"My god, what happened?"

"Don't know yet baby, it will take some time I think."

"Okay, but if you need Evan and my help, just ask." I kissed her cheek.

"I will."

Bubbly bubby came crawling out of the cafe, he sometimes hangs onto chairs and sofas to get around but today it's the floor. He headed straight into Evans arms he must have heard we were going to the beach. It was cold today so even I rugged up, Evan had his wet suit on and the surf was rough, no blue skies today just grey clouds. Ayden didn't want the truck today but the spade and bucket. I set myself up, leaning on a tree trunk and started a new painting, just another beach scene, but a wintery one and I even wanted to somehow add snow flakes into it.

My mind drifted off to Spud, how he must feel and what he has gone through. Looks like he took that leap of faith and asked Rita for some food. There's no way he will leave here anytime soon without her permission. I pulled myself out of it thank god, I hadn't been drawing but someone was trying to escape because I felt a tug on the twine as he tried to go to Evan. Before I got to him, big arms swept him up and blew bubbles on his cheek. Horse had come down at just the right time.

"Thanks Horse, have you seen Cal?"

"Not this morning Den but he did say last night he was going into town early, is his car there?"

"Don't know, I didn't notice."

"Well neither did I but I think he's got something to do in town. Now do you want me to dunk this escapee?"

I laughed then took my baby off him so he could join Evan. I unhooked the twine and walked down to the shore and the water wasn't cold. We waved and yahooed to Evan until he saw us and I could feel his love.

Later on when I sat on the porch to do some more work I noticed Spud sitting at a table having a milkshake and he was staring at me. I waved but he ducked his head down. I took my sheet off the painting I was working on, but instead of seeing my current works there was a whole different ballgame staring at me. The colours leapt off the canvas and my jaw dropped as I suddenly stood up. A three dimensional abstract portrait of Rita burst into my life, it was fucking awesome. I looked up at Spud but he had disappeared. It was fantastic, boy did this kid have some talent, even I wouldn't attempt that kind of work. Rita came out and handed me an envelope.

"He used your paints Den, this is to compensate you for it. He wants to ask you if he can paint Ayden, that is if you think he's any good."

I was still in shock.

"Have you seen what he did?"

"No Den, he wouldn't show me, he said you would know if it's good or not, and if it's not to just burn it."

"Burn it, burn it? What the fuck is happening here? Look, just look at what he's done," I was using my loud, whispering voice.

She moved around and gasped loudly and her tears started almost immediately.

"My god Den, I don't know much about this style but it's good, isn't it?"

"Oh fucking yes it's good, bloody hell, not too many artists can pull this one off, the only other painter I have heard of who has done this kind of painting is Bobby Thompson, and he's world class."

I walked around in a circle trying to think of what to do next. It came to me and I put pen to paper,

'Why would you think this portrait isn't any good, it's fucking awesome. I want you to know that you can use my paints, brushes and blank canvas anytime you feel the urge to paint. And yes, you can paint Ayden whenever you want, just make sure you keep an eye on him.'

I handed the note to Rita and she smiled as she clutched it to her breast.

"Rita this is world class, this is going to get him off the streets and into every art magazine in the world. Fuck, I wish he wasn't so shy."

"He is shy Den, but his inability to interact with people runs deeper, he's been abused badly over the past three years. He's worked on and off for drug dealers, car thieves, anything that's illegal, he's done it but he's scared shitless of Evan because I told him he was a lawyer, and men generally terrify him."

"Evan wouldn't hurt him, or turn him in."

"I know that, but he has to believe it's true, that he won't harm him."

"So it's Evan who's holding him in the cafe?"

"Sort of, but there's someone else he's scared of too - you."

"Me, why would he be scared of me?"

"He knows who you are, you are his hero and he has looked many times at your paintings in magazines, he looks up to you because he wants to be as good as you."

"Fuck me Rita, he's better than boring old me."

"You underestimate yourself Den, your sales tell a different story my boy." I held onto the porch railing and shook my head, I then had another look at his painting.

"Tell him to sign it."

"Yes honey." She walked off with my note in her hand, a smile on her face and a spring in her step. We didn't see him that night but I was assured he had the biggest smile on his face as he played in the lounge room with Ayden. His painting of Rita ended up on her mantle, and yes, he signed it, `Spud.'

Over the next week I tried to let him have as much time on his own, but I had also noticed he was helping Rita, especially on Wednesday nights. She had him cooking and cleaning up tables but at least he got paid for that chore. He was looking a lot better every day. The hump he had disappeared and a butterfly emerged from under his rags; which I think Rita finally threw out. She had bought him all new clothes so he was just a normal teenager and he blended in, but his interaction with us was still very minimal. I guessed the Goth side of him was a cover up and he used it maybe to go unnoticed among the crowds.

I told Evan about Spud so one night he deliberately sat down with him and poor Spud looked like he was going to melt into the floorboards. Evan talked, he listened and eventually he smiled. It's a break through but Horse had already been talking to him on and off. When Evan came back he winked at me and I kissed him as he sat down. Horse had Ayden in his arms when I heard,

"Den, Spud has something to show you, do you mind?"

"Of course not, what is it Spud?" He came from behind Rita and handed me a painting, then he slid back.

It was of Ayden who was in his high chair and there were toys surrounding him, they leapt off the canvas along with his beautiful eyes, it was astonishing. Evan and Horse looked at it and whistled.

"Spud, please come here, we are all your friends and we would never hurt you, never." He stalled and Rita held his shoulders and gently pushed him down onto an empty chair.

"This is amazing, I absolutely love it and you got his eye color exactly right." I smiled, he blushed.

"Now I want you to paint from your heart, but don't paint anyone here again, otherwise you will have a stack of works you can't sell."

He nodded.

"Paint something different, something that will sell and I will make space for you on the gallery walls. We will have to come up with a price and when you build up your stock, I will send some to London, to a gallery I know about there. The sales will tell you if they are good or not, but I think you will be cleaned out very quickly." I smiled at him.

A small thank you was heard just before Rita brought him a milkshake. He sat with us for a while, just listening to my voice as I explained why he has to paint for the masses. But when I mentioned a figure over two grand, he stood up and ran to his bedroom. Rita took his shake into him and some time later she told us he had been sobbing into his pillow for an hour.

I took Ayden in to him and said, "Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride. Evan is going to make some very, very discreet inquiries, just to see if you don't have any warrants in you name, but it will be discreet. If he fixes everything, will you trust him?"

"Yes." I left Ayden there for awhile and he was babbling along having one of his baby conversations.

Evan got onto a mate at his now ex-work and Rita had given him Spud's real name and some background. He was from Adelaide; he spent a lot of time spraying graffiti on walls and not much time at school. His parents were prominent government people and when they found out what he had been doing they basically locked him away. He was stifled and nearly went crazy so he disappeared one night, never to return. He did the graffiti because if he didn't he would go mad; it was something he was compelled to do.

He had relaxed a little around us, Cal was talking to him and so was Horse and we talked for hours about his painting. He had started churning out some masterpieces, it was an obsession with him, he couldn't get enough of them and craved more. He said his head was jam packed with ideas and he had to get them out, he had learnt the three D technique through his graffiti days.

His bad side was a direct result of his frustration and the need to survive. He found himself here when a car jacking went badly wrong and he ran from the guys who were using him. It was because he was so young the police couldn't charge him, and he wasn't alone, there were other young kids working for the mob too. Sometimes they were made to do very bad things, he didn't tell us what but we could guess.

Evan received a phone call a few days later and he looked pleased with himself when he hung up.

"He's not on any wanted lists and is in the clear, but there is a missing child report that's still open. Den if he wants to get in touch with his parents he should, he will be sixteen in a few weeks then he really doesn't have to do anything as long as he's looking after himself financially. I am getting Mike to get his birth certificate and we can open a bank account for him. If he wants to go back to school, we can do that, can't we?"

"Sure bubs, but I think I have a better solution for him."

"What's that bubs?"

"He's bored and needs to get all those paintings out of his head, so I don't think there's any room for math's or science. He's very good bubs so I want us to go into the art supply shop in Sale and buy him a complete set of paints, brushes and boards. They will be his own then and with Christmas coming I want as many of his works on the shop's wall as possible."

"Okay Den, we can get that stuff for him for his birthday present, I think Rita's buying him more clothes. What about when Blue and Alex get back. Rita put him in their room?"

"I've been thinking about that too bubs. I thought I would speak to Horse and and the boys maybe they could go shares and buy buy an old caravan for him to live in. He can park it up the back or on our vacant lot next door."

"Or maybe Blue and Alex would like it? He's feeling safe under Rita's roof Den and maybe the boys won't mind having their own place?"

"Great idea bubs, we can talk to Horse later; Evan!"

"What Den?"

"Grab the lube will ya?"


I had been looking at him drying himself after his shower and my mind was on other things all of a sudden.

Cal, Horse and Evan surfed every day and sometimes I didn't see bub until I took their lunch down. I spied Spud up the beach a few times, he had a canvas on his lap and just seemed like he had always been here. I drew him in my sketchbook and will paint him into my next work.

Wednesday nights for Rita had became so popular I was now giving her a hand. Her sales shot up every week and Spud was now learning how to cook.

One day a fine looking young lady came up the stairs looking for Rita, she was Donk's wife Kate, I found out when I was introduced. Cal and Horse were on the porch having a beer when she arrived and I detected a sort of connection with her and Cal.

She picked up and paid for the cakes and pies and Rita handed some money to Spud so I suppose he helped cook them.

Cal disappeared all of a sudden and it was just Ayden Horse and me.

"Did I detect a connection Horse?"

He laughed into Ayden's hair then said,

"Den, Cal's been sleeping with her off and on for a few years now, that's where he goes to at night, they sneak out and make love on the beach. Donk knows and he's over it, but he keeps her in the tearooms as much as he can. He ties her up so she can't go to Melbourne so much, that's why he's got Rita cooking for her, that and because her cakes and pies are better than what his missus buys in town."

"Oh that's a shame, Donk is such a nice guy."

"Well he has a lot of fun at their expense, they don't know he knows about them so he dumps as much work on her as possible. He doesn't mind anymore and if she asked him he would divorce her in a minute, but for the moment he's having too much fun." I laughed, the poor woman must be as thick as a brick.

"That's why I didn't encourage Rita to date Cal, I know what he's like, he would root anything on two legs. He's always been like that, even when his wife was alive, god rest her beautiful soul."

"Well that explains why Cal isn't about much, but how do they avoid Donk?"

"Donk has a trigger saying, when he feels sorry for them he tells her he has to go see one of Tiny's brother in laws and plans to stay the night. They get together and Donk goes night surfing instead, but sometimes he will leave it for an hour and change his mind, but poor Cal is already on his way." He laughed so hard he nearly fell off his chair.

After Evan had showered I locked up and joined Horse and him on the porch, Rita had left over curry tonight and Spud joined us. He was showing me his sketch book which was full of wonderful drawings and we had some surprises for him tonight. Rita was so excited she couldn't contain her eagerness, she disappeared for a minute then brought out a birthday cake and we all sang happy birthday to him, but he withdrew into his own little world. Rita handed him a big present which was full of new jeans and tops, pullovers and windcheaters. He kissed her cheek and thanked her and a tear escaped from his eye, but to give him credit he held his own.

We gave him a large box of paints, plenty of canvasses and dozens of brushes, also a gift voucher for five hundred dollars so he can go get whatever he wants at the art supply shop. His mouth moved but he couldn't speak so he fell into our arms to thank us. Evan also gave him the good news about his crimes then passed him his birth certificate. He told him he would go to the bank and help him open an account and also said he had been in touch with missing persons and had him listed as no longer missing. Horse and Cal went halves in T-shirts, shorts, a skim board and wet suit to be fitted, and they promised to give him surfing lessons. His eyes lit up as he hugged them both also.

All in all, I think he was happy but we had one more thing to give him.

I had painted him tagging some graffiti and his dark eyes and hair looked awesome as he smiled, because he was happy.

"This is for you and that smile on your face is all we want to see from you from now on, okay?"

He looked it over and breathed out heavily, handling the painting like it was the holy grail.

"Thank you," he said then he let fly with a beautiful smile for us. We cut the cake and had coffee; Ayden was covered in chocolate. We will have to bath him before he goes to sleep.

He was now soaping himself, sort of, and of course the washcloth was best used in his mouth. Horse had bought him some bright yellow ducks and a few boats so he had plenty to play with while I washed his hair.

Tonight he wanted to talk about his day and as the rain lashed the window I felt safe and warm just listening to his baby talk. I wanted him to stay with us forever and talked about home schooling him, but Evan put the brakes on that because he won't have any friends his own age to play with. I imagined he would find heaps of mates from the caravan park and foreshore campsites and every year I could see him waiting on the porch for his holiday friends to turn up. He would surf too, his dad will teach him and buy him his first board; they will have so much fun together.

"Den, why did you stop?"


"Den, move it." Evan turned his head so he could see me; I was lying on his back.

"Oh, sorry bub, my mind wandered."

"Well keep it on the job, now push."

I pushed all the way in and Ayden's schooling was forgotten.

Spud bloomed over the next month as the boys were coming back and he was meeting our friends one by one. He took to Nuts immediately and I wondered if he held magic in his body like mine. Early one morning I spied him and Nuts going down to the beach together with their boards under their arms. He was as white as a sheet and his wet suit hung around his waist but I'm sure he will tan up in no time once summer comes. Fortunately it is now getting milder and milder as the weeks pass.

One day when I was painting on the porch he came out with his canvas and paints and sat on the steps. He sketched his subject onto the board and worked solidly for two hours, I did very little because I was watching him. He eventually held up his work for me to see. It was clearly him and Nuts on one big board, their arms outstretched and the waves were leaping off the canvas, it will be a triumph. I gave him the thumbs up but I wish he would do more commercial work, yet if I really think about it I'm the same. I have lost count how many paintings I have done of Ayden and Evan.

"Den, can I ask you something?" I heard his little voice ask.

"Sure you can Spud, what is it?"

"Can you look at my paintings and tell me which ones I can sell?"

"Of course, where are they?"

I hadn't seen him painting a lot so I didn't expect to see what he showed me, twenty or so magnificent works he had stored in his bedroom.

"Where the hell did these come from?"

"I paint at night, I'm used to staying up and working, it's the best time of the day. I get enough sleep during the day and it's not every night but most nights." He was nervous. I went through this treasure trove and put aside just about all of them. The ones I didn't take were ones of his new friends, particularly one of Evan which I would die to own.

"How much for that one Spud?"

"It's yours Den, just take it, please."

"Okay I will swap you for one of mine which you can choose."

"Den, do you have one of the three of you?"

I laughed because I never paint myself, but just after he arrived I had done one family portrait I hadn't shown anyone and had stored it away.

"I only have one with me in it, you know us artists do very few self portraits."

"Yeah I know, it's hard to be critical of one's self." He actually laughed.

"Come on let's price and hang these and I will fish out that painting for you."

He helped me cart the paintings into the shop and we spent the next few hours hanging them. What we didn't hang we stored in my spare room.

"You can't put that much on them Den, thirty-five dollars will do." He didn't have a clue.

"How about you leave the pricing to me and go make us a coffee?" I smiled.

When he left I priced his work in accordance with what I knew they were worth, not what he thought; we sat and had coffee.

"How are the surfing lessons going?"

"Not too bad Den, Nuts is a good teacher, I feel safe around him and he's so patient, I'm enjoying it immensely." He smiled.

"Good because you need to have other interests other than painting."

"Like you Den."

I thought about that remark and blushed.

"I'm happy doing what I do Spud."

"So was I until Nuts turned up, we have a connection but I can't work it out, when Horse gave me that board I thought I would never use it but now I look forward to it."

"Good, and it's good your feeling more comfortable around the boys because there are more of them to come, and when Blue and Alex get back they will move into a caravan so you stay in at Rita's, we want you close by."

"Thanks Den, and thank you for liking my work."

"What's not to like, you are an amazing artist and you're one of the best I've ever seen, just as good as Bobby Thompson, if not better."


"Yes him."

He tried to change the subject by talking about my highlighting techniques so I shared my secrets with him, I think he understood and I think he's overwhelmed again.

Rita's biggest concern was how to keep her Wednesday night curries going over the Christmas holiday season, because there will still be customers who would want hamburgers, fish and chips and regular food like that. She had been showing Spud how to put it all together, but after she spoke to us she saw the solution. She would teach him how to make the curries and he could do that exclusively.

She spoke to him about it, explaining she was too busy to do both. She would show him how to cook the curries and store the take away containers in the fridge, they could be microwaved as they are ordered. The roti bread would have to be fresh and the same for the rice. She made a deal with him, he could work the kitchen Tuesday and Wednesdays and he could keep the profits. The other days he could surf and paint because she would have Blue and Alex to help her and wouldn't need him. He would make a week's wages just doing the two days, however he argued with her about it but she was adamant she made enough with Donk's orders and the regular stuff. She said later she was going to perfect her Chinese technique and do that on Thursday nights.

The boys slowly came back and our porch was filling up, the days were longer and the weather much better. As spring arrived we started getting a few customers, just weekenders and backpackers, their season was starting. Horse got a call from Blue who said they were on their way back so everyone's mood lifted, we had missed them.

"I hope there's not going to be any trouble between Blue and Spud, like jealousy or something Horse."

"No Den, he will be okay after I talk to him, he's a really good kid underneath that tough exterior you know."

"Yeah your right, and I don't think Spud's gay, so Alex is safe." I laughed.

"What are we going to do about lodgings?"

"I have it sorted Den, a caravan will arrive tomorrow, I'll set it up and they can pay rent to you for board and water, the electricity will feed off my hut. I'm turning over some of his money to him in the next week or two so that might make him a little more independent." He grinned.

I didn't dare ask how much but Horse occasionally laughed to himself in-between beers.

Evan was getting a little merry tonight and I guess he's happy his men are back at last. Next year I will make him go with them, it won't be the ideal thing for us but I think for Evan it's right. Who am I kidding? He's just not going; period.

Under Rita's guidance Spud learnt how to prepare the curries, cook rice and make three different types of roti. She watched him as he prepared his first batch and the boys were on to it immediately, then the phone started ringing for take away orders. He was run off his feet but he managed to serve all his customers with Nuts' help. He was smiling from ear to ear all night, he had so much fun. Rita, true to her word, supervised and turned out plenty of hamburgers and chips.

"I've never had so much money, my parents never gave me any and the street work I did was for board and food, thank you so much my friend." He hugged Rita and of course cried.

"Did you see the two ladies looking in the gallery?" I smiled at him.

"No, I didn't have time to look who was going into the shop."

I handed him a check.

"What's this for?"

"You're first painting sold and they gave me a check, it all checks out and is legit, you can use it to open your bank account tomorrow."

He flopped down on a chair and sobbed into his hands while Rita soothed him, then we all hugged him better.

"This calls for a celebration," Horse said as he brought out more beers. I went to check on Ayden and he was peacefully sleeping so I pulled his curtains closed and as I did I saw Blue's truck pull up. I ran out to the porch where everyone was leaning over the balustrade calling their names, I suppose it will be a late night again.

They looked wonderfully fit and healthy and Spud made up some curry bowls for them which they thanked him for. When it came to lodgings they didn't hesitate to take a stay for a few nights. I think Rita had already worded Alex up, who in turn talked to Blue. They were great kids and I was so proud of them when they pulled Spud into their conversation so easily. Maybe they talked his language and me thinks they became friends fast. He slowly moved down the porch and into the shop, I think he wanted to see which of his works sold.

"It was the dustbin one."

"Oh that one, I had forgotten it."

"Well it was lovely and the ladies loved it as soon as they saw it." It was an old metallic dustbin with a battered teddy bear hanging out if it, the bear popped out the canvas and the more you looked at it, the more perfectly happy the bear looked in his awful surroundings. True genius.

I had photographed the collection to get Spencer's comments on it, he hasn't answered me yet but I expect to hear from him any day now.

After getting Evan into bed and making sure he was comfortable, I asked him if he could find that toy Ayden lost this morning. He moved down the bed and found it quite easily, it didn't take me long because he also had his toy primed and ready for me to play with, and I was very eager.

Caravans had started setting up on the foreshore, people were coming down early but the bulk of holidaymakers are yet to invade us. The boys were back on the far beach, I was painting more and more and Ayden was growing and becoming more and more inquisitive. He's no longer a baby, he's a toddler and I miss my little baby so much. Riley, Holly and Peter had settled into town beautifully, they hit the beach on hot days and the swimming lessons they were having were making them more and more confident.

Their mum was only allowed to visit them under supervision with a social worker, but she's yet to use the time. Tony also came down a few times and stayed with Horse, he was still in two minds whether to move his warehouse down here. He insisted Spud send paintings to Spencer, who I finally heard from, and he also insisted I send some more of mine over.

I sold three more paintings to some weekend lookers however Spud had sold only the one so far. His work is great but I couldn't help feeling it was a select market he was aiming at. If I didn't know better, I would guess top shelf collectors.

Next: Chapter 20

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