Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Jun 4, 2017


Aydens Eyes 14

They demolished nearly all the sandwiches and were now drinking cokes and water while Alex was still mastering the board. Blue jumped up and secured his board to his ankle and then ran down to the water's edge.

"Keep you pants on, kids around," Horse sang out.

The kids tittered into their hands.

"Mister Horse can you teach me how to surf?"

"Do you know how to swim Holls?"

"No mister Horse."

"Okay fellas, we have our work cut out. The swimming lessons come first so I'll go ask at the caravan park if they have a kiddy's pool."

Blue and Alex came in and they flopped next to Ayden, Alex was beaming as he reached for his sandwich.

"Uncle Alex do you want me to cut the crusts off for you?"

"No thanks Holls, I love the crusts."

"Oh mummy doesn't like them, I had to cut them off but Peter and I love them."

This is just getting better and fucking better.

"You can add another word Alex, slavery," I sullenly said.

The kids returned to the waves but I lingered with Blue for a while in the shade.

"No more surfing today Blue?"

"Off and on Den, I want Alex to get comfortable without me hanging around."

"Okay now tell me, when did you meet Horse, like when were you first aware of him?"

He looked at me for a long time then replied,

"It feels like all my life. You have to make a promise to me Den, to keep your mouth shut on this one. Promise?"

"Of course Blue, but he's your father isn't he?"

"How the fuck do you know that?"

"I'm an artist, I know color and shape and he has the same eyes as you, the same bone structure and even the same temperament. I guessed this morning, after the school bully incident."

"Fuck me." He went quiet then he added,

"My father left me when I was five and my mum told me horrible things about him. I hated him for such a long time. When I took up surfing my mum chucked a spasm so at fifteen I left to become a wave chaser. I caught up with Horse in Western Australia and he followed me home to Victoria, he's been hanging around ever since."

"Did you know he was your father?"

"Not then, I suspected he was but I had no proof until he had a big fight with one of the gang and he was called by his real name."

"How did you feel about it then?"

"Den, I was as mad as hell at him for leaving me behind, but like Holly and Peter my mum wasn't a model parent."


"Yes oh. I was mad at dad for leaving me behind so I became a bully and a brat until the school couldn't take it anymore and expelled me, I've been on the road since then."

"Why don't you talk to your dad now?"

"Because we eventually have a really good friendly relationship and I don't want to be caged or slotted in as family."

"I think he knows that Blue he looks at you all the time, he protects you even now and I suspect he's been watching you all your life."

"Do you really think so?"

"I suspect so, how would he know you were a brat at school without being there?"

He went silent; Ayden was waking up so I took his wet nappy off, cleaned him down and put his shorts and tee on.

"Da da."

Blue gulped at the sound then looked at me.

"You can stop the hurt Blue; he's never been that far away from you I suspect. He didn't abandon you like your mum said, there are too many liars in this world Blue but thank you for telling me, your secret is safe no matter how you want to play it."

"Thanks Den."

"Dada, dada." Ayden was in top form when I put his hat on his head and carried him down to the shore, and his talking changed to screaming as the surf knocked him about.

Three of the boys had just finished another ride when they appeared with their boards then the kids got a ride. Holly screamed into the wind and if I wasn't so sure she was happy; I would have thought she was crying.

"She's overwhelmed by it all Den." Riley stood with me.

"It's the way it should be, let's hope there are no permanent scars."

"Oh god, I'll never forgive myself."

"You have to because your kids look to you for strength."

"Thank you Den, for looking out for mum and Alex."

"We would never have left them in Melbourne Riley, we love them too much."

"And Blue?"

"He has some anger issues he's trying to work on and he's Alex's defender, no one upsets Alex while he's around, it's a good thing don't you think?"

He didn't reply but just looked out at Alex taking another dunking.

We picked up our munchkins and carried them over the hot sand to the shade.

It was time to go home so I waved to Evan. Holly got a piggyback ride and Peter was falling asleep while Ayden just prattled on.

The kids got juice this time from grandma while Ayden had mashed bananas. Riley and I moved a bunk bed into the bigger room then settled it while grandma caught up with the kids. They were almost asleep at the table then Rita and Riley put them into bed for a nap, they put the air conditioner on low to make it more comfortable.

"From what I can work out they are all businessmen Riley, just living the dream, I have no idea what Nuts does."

"He owns a fabric import business in the next big town, he offered me a store man's job, I accepted."

"Oh that's great, so you're staying?"

"Yes until I can get this mess sorted out. I want to sell the house and buy a shack here I think, this seems a pretty good place to bring up kids."

"Did you own the house?"

"Margaret's parents bought it for us, stupid people put it in both our names."

He leered at me and grinned and I thought, yep just like his brother- I laughed to myself. Ayden was asleep in the cool on the floor while I had some lookers in the shop, a guy bought a rod and a quality reel and a woman had been looking at my paintings for ages. When I finally caught up with her she introduced herself as Merle and she lived in town.

"I think I'll take this one, can I use my mum's credit card?"

"Sure you can, I'll wrap it for you."

"Oh don't go to any trouble, I only live two streets back, this is a present from my mum. She told me to pick one and said she would pay for it. I do love this one."

"It's the beach here and there in the distance is the wreck."

"Yes I met my husband by that wreck, he's passed now and this is supposed to cheer me up mum said." She giggled.

"I'm sorry to hear that hon, it's a bugger being on your own."

"Oh I'm not sad Den, my mum is. I'm happy to be free of the bastard." She nearly knocked me down, I didn't know what to say.

"Put an extra hundred on it Den, cash for me." She burst out laughing.

"I was going to give it to you for the local price Merle."

"Don't do that, let the old bitch pay top dollar, she owes me."

She didn't say what her mother owed her for but I complied with her wishes then gave her a hundred and fifty cash back.

"Good doing business with you Den, I do love the painting and you're perfectly safe." She winked.

Evan eventually came home while I was sitting on the porch doing another masterpiece. He leant over and kissed me, he had removed his wet suit when he showered so now just had his shorts on as he sat at the table.

Rita was singing away in the kitchen and Riley was giving her a hand with the tables a few backpackers to sit at. I watched Evan as he sat down, he hadn't noticed but one of his balls had popped out and he looked so sexy.

"Just stay there for a minute bub, I want to draw you."

"Haven't you got enough Den?"

"Yes but this pose is too good to miss." I reached for my pad.

As I drew away I giggled to myself, I was drawing his ball.

Rita came out with a couple of shakes and looked at Evan and blushed.

"I know, great isn't it?"

"Well I think Nuts' nuts are bigger." She laughed.

"What do you mean Rita?" Poor Evan asked.

"Oh please allow me," I said and turned my pad around. Evan was mortified, he suddenly grabbed his nuts and pulled his shorts down a bit, then put a napkin over his lap. I had drawn his nut as large as life.

"I think this will sell well, what do you think Rita?"

"Very well Den." She moved off giggling to herself. I looked at Evan who was speechless.

"Nice nuts bubs."

"Den don't say another word," he said through his teeth then sucked on his milkshake.

I slowly pulled my shorts aside and gave him my best view.

"These are nice too bubs." The milkshake was forgotten for the next twenty minutes or so.

As soon as Evan had me in the bedroom he pushed me onto the bed. My shorts were pulled down and his mouth was giving my nuts a good work over. All I saw was his long blonde hair covering my lower region. I may not have witnessed it but I certainly felt it. He was picking pubes out of his teeth for hours after.

We showered and dressed then went back to sit outside the shop. The boys were filtering up from the beach and Jack arrived and wanted a word with Riley and Rita. He had secured temporary custody of the kids and has requested a psychological assessment of Margaret. He didn't foresee any problems and when Rita mentioned it, he waved his bill, apparently he was bored and needed something to do. Not long after he left Horse came up and ordered a hamburger and chips and Ayden must have heard him as he was yelling for me to pick him up. I changed his diaper and Evan carried him out to the porch where he was greeted by a few of the guys. He was reaching for Horse so naturally I placed him on his lap.

I went to find some baby food thinking this might be a good time to feed him and Horse began spooning the liquid into Ayden's mouth. I could see Blue out of the corner of my eye and he was just standing there watching. Alex broke the moment by dropping his wet shorts and putting on dry ones then he hung the wet ones on a line we had strung across the side of the verandah. He had his speedos on underneath but I suppose it was too much for poor Blue.

"Alex can you come with me for a minute?" he called.

"Yeah Blue, what do you want?" He winked at me.

"I need to talk to you now about surfing." Alex winked again.

"Coming," he yelled. They were gone for an hour, dirty little buggers.

It was just another chill out afternoon at the café when Holly eventually came out and stood in the doorway - she was so adorable.

"Come on sweetie." Riley held his hand out so she curled up in his arms and went back to sleep.

Rita had been baking pies all afternoon because she has orders now she can't slack off. She must have made six dozen and the boys ordered two each, I never questioned how they paid for them but every now and then I could see cash change hands over the counter. I think Rita runs a tab for them and gives the boys a decent discount.

Peter was next to appear and he headed for Nut's lap as Ayden started talking to him, I think they will be good friends. He started getting a little upset because Peter was ignoring him so he squirmed down and headed Evan's way then talked his head off at him, of course Evan just agreed with him. A few customers came up the stairs so Evan passed him on to me as he went to help them. Ayden got some decent conversation at last but eventually fell off to sleep again - such is life.

Later I was hanging out the wash on the back porch and listening to the waves, generally daydreaming about life as it is now when my heart leapt as I thought of Evan sprawled out on our bed with Ayden. I wanted to join in but thought I wouldn't disturb them; anyway the shop got busy again. I sold some of Tony's tea light holders, a half dozen t shirts and the same in shorts. Everybody was in holiday mode, a relaxed atmosphere ascended on the caravan park and the café, it was like everyone was having late afternoon naps. As I walked through to the shop I looked at Ayden's eyes and butterflies appeared from nowhere so and I thought this was a good time to do a smaller version of my painting for Lindsay.

I sat with the boys and started the base drawing, I know this work like the back of my hand and poured a lot of love into that painting. With every stroke I was saying to myself, Evan loves Den - Den loves Evan, and by dusk I had the first layer done so I put it aside to dry then I started to draw Horse. He was out like a light in one of the bean bags so I placed a baby in his arms, not just any baby, Blue was his name, then covered it up so no one could see it.

Later Evan came out and started massaging my shoulders which felt nice and the kids had woken again as Rita was organizing her meals for the night.

They were begging for fries so she made up a basket for them to nibble on. They were different kids from this morning and the stress I saw isn't there anymore, they were two normal kids who loved their father very much.

They giggled their way through the chips until Rita came out with another basket of chicken nuggets. Evan had finished my massage and sat to have a beer.

"Did you read your email Den?"

"No, what email?"

"The one from Spencer, it was a sellout."


"Your exhibition was a sellout." I couldn't believe he sold them so fast, I had to go and look. I sat in front of the computer and typed a very genuine thank you to him then I opened my bank account and the deposit was showing pending. I almost jumped for joy.

"We can do the extra rooms now."

"What rooms Den?"

"I want to build on a couple of more stays, they are popular so I thought about more income, we can make them bigger than the ones we have now."

"Den, don't use all your money, you work hard for it, I will go you halves," Evan sort of moaned.

"What do you want Den?" Horse asked.

"Two dorm stays about triple the size of the ones we have now, I want to put showers in them and make them more backpacker friendly. It's just a thought bub, you can go halves if you want."

"Give me free accommodation over winter and I will build it for you, just pay for the men and materials." He then had another sip of his beer leaving the foam stuck to his mustache.

"We can't ask you to do that Horse, we will pay you, and of course stay here over winter, stay as long as you like. Build the two dorm rooms and one for yourself, it will be yours permanently then," Evan offered, I nodded my agreement.

"You're kidding, right?" He looked shocked.

"No I'm not, build our two then build yourself a tiny home. There's plenty of room, you can even pick the best spot, then it will be yours permanently." He smiled.

"I'll think on that one Evan, Den thank you." He went back to his beer. Evan whispered into my ear,

"You don't mind that I offered, do you Den?"

"Of course not bub, that's what we are here for, to look out for our mates."

There was a sizeable crowd in the cafe for dinner and the boys were run off their feet, the smiles on their faces told it all. Another week of school holidays and the campers will start packing up for yet another year and the boys will get their beach back. I will finish Lindsay's painting off tomorrow then give it to him when he comes down for his few days.

Merle came up the stairs and asked if she could put an ad on our notice board and I said of course. It was an ad for a rental property, fully furnished for six months. I found out it was her house and she was finally going overseas to catch up with old friends, she really wanted someone in the house while she was away.

"We will take it."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes that man over there and his two kids, they are looking in the area maybe for six months. I will vouch for them, they are sort of family."

"Give me a few days to get my flight bookings through and they can have it."

"Is your mum going with you?"

"Stuff her, I've waited thirty years for this opportunity and she can sit and wait or go into a home, stupid old bugger."

Oh dear, she is mad about something. I handed the flyer to Riley who looked at it.

"I said you will take it for six months, everything should be sorted out by then." I smiled. He talked to Merle and they agreed he could have it and she would drop the key off.

I think Rita was taking them shopping in the next few days to get some casual clothes, I hope they all sleep well tonight.

Ayden ended up in the kitchen with Rita and as usual he was talking his head off and it won't be long before he starts forming full words. She had given him a big spoon and he banged his way through an opus, but he banged once too hard and knocked his head so the crying started not long after. I went and got him as Evan was busy with lookers, I sat on one of the beanbags and soothed his pride because he was all hot and bothered. Then the whining started and he didn't know whether to cry or sleep, so I filled his bath with cool water then played a game of splashing with him. He was tired and when his milk appeared he kicked his legs and lay on the floor in front of the fan, of course I put the TV on for him.

Evan had a few sales then joined me on the porch but Rita by now was flat out, even Tiny was helping. Riley had gone to bath the kids and we found some t-shirts for them to sleep in. It was a balmy night for everyone and I was exhausted watching people flying everywhere. I stood up to go to the bathroom but then according to Horse I flaked out.

I awoke moments later with a splitting headache and Evan was slapping my face.

"Not so hard," I moaned.

I hadn't eaten all day and was dehydrated according to Tiny so I was placed at a table with water and sandwiches and Evan watched me eat it all then drink the water. I felt a lot better afterwards and by now Rita was fussing around me, she had taken charge feeling my forehead. She wanted me to go to bed and to be honest after this big day I was ready for it too. I apologized to the guys and Evan helped me strip, sex wasn't on the program but he did kiss both my balls as he slipped my shorts off.


"He's fast asleep in his cot and the fan is on Den, so get some sleep." He gently kissed me on the lips and left me to it. He wanted to tally the cash register and close up for the night.

I slept like my son, all night through and felt a lot better for it. I got out of bed and left Evan to sleep then went and checked bubs, he's okay, now to look for coffee. I went out through the shop door and there were several bodies still on the porch.

"You feeling okay Den?

"Much better thank you Horse, did you all sleep here?"

"Yes we thought we had better stick close, just in case Evan needed a hand." He blushed.

"Thank you so much, I love you guys, I'll make us some coffee."

I waddled up to the cafe where Rita was one step ahead of me, she had a big pot of coffee and cups on a tray ready to go.

"You okay baby?" She felt my head.

"I'm okay, just forgot to eat yesterday, that's all."

"And the day before, the last meal I remember you having was the pies."

"Sorry Rita, I just forget that's all."

"I better keep an eye on you then."

"Thanks Rita." I took the tray back to the now wide-awake boys, some of whom were semi naked or naked while slipping their wet suits on, but I wasn't in the mood to crack jokes.

Horse went to get Evan and Ayden who had already woken, he will babysit him and give me some space for a while.

"Are you sure?" Evan asked as he slipped his suit on.

"I would let you know if I wasn't, I'm good, I'm just going to sit and paint."

"Okay I love you." I kissed him and then I had another coffee. Rita was closing up and was going shopping with the kids. I took the cover off the painting and thought I had better finish the eyes first, which I did then I put it on the back porch to dry. It was just a mini version but it did look like the original.

Next I worked on Horse's painting and I got a lot done, not knowing what Blue looked like as a baby I improvised, putting a silver rattle in his hand which looked so cute. I had no idea where the time went and after snapping out of my daze I heard Rita come back, then the kids and Riley and they were screaming to go to the beach again. Riley handed them bathers and shorts then told them to go change.

"She spent so much Den, I don't know how I'm ever going to repay her." I covered my work and sat with him.

"She's your mother, they are her grandchildren and she wants to spoil you all, let her do it. For a long time, it was just her, I think you will find she's just making up for lost time."

"Yeah, my fault again." He looked down.

"Not really, I think she understands about families, you have yours to protect now. I think she's secretly a little proud of you at the moment."

"Do you think so?"

"I know so." I winked.

The kids came out and screamed it was time to go now. He winked back at me and took their hands to walk down to the beach. I was left to myself then, but after awhile I got bored with my own company so headed to the beach to see my son and Evan.

He was squealing on the shore trying to stop the surf while Nuts was looking out for him this time, Ayden fell back and threw sand and generally was having a lot of toddler fun.

Evan was onto me after he rode a wave in, he hugged me and asked if I was feeling okay. I told him I was fine and he needn't worry about me, then I whispered I couldn't get a fat anymore, side effects and he looked like I had taken his favorite toy away.

"Just kidding bubs, it still works."

"How do you know Den?" He had to ask.

"Because if you look down I've got the biggest boner just watching you out there."

He had to look, then he had to feel. A few minutes more and my sex area was forgotten as he jumped on his board and paddled out again. Nuts had gone and now it was just me and Ayden. I sat down in the surf and held him while the small waves lashed into him and his giggles made those butterflies go wild.

"Da da," he squealed.

"Mor dada," squealing again.

He's talking, I was so proud of him but very sad because I like him as a baby, I felt a little loss but I was also excited to hear his voice. Well onward and upward I said to myself, you can't stop progress.

We had a lot of fun my son and I. I tried to make a sandcastle but he kept mucking it up the little trickster.

But then it was time for afternoon naps so I carried him over to the tree and laid down putting him on my chest, but before I did I put the piece of thick twine around his ankle then my wrist, just to be safe.

We must have slept for an hour or so before he woke me, slapping my face and calling dada. I watched the boys fool around for a while but the kids weren't there, Riley must have thought to take them for naps too. I packed up my towels and unhooked us then took bubs home as his milk will be waiting. I washed his feet and mine under the shower and headed for the porch. The kids were asleep and Riley was giving Rita a hand because there were a few customers. I felt okay actually, I lifted the sheet and had another look at the painting and it kind of spooked me.

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Next: Chapter 15

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