Aydens Eyes

By Maxieplus / Maxwell Dowling

Published on Aug 18, 2023


Chapter 120

I was so tired and wanted my man's arms around me again so I kissed the newborn baby and said my goodnights. I got a lot of bowing even from Rita then I was back in bed. I knew who Sam was, I just wanted to know if the others did. He's the backup to everything fairy and he's in the best possible place being around all of us, hidden in plain view of everyone, very much like my Ayden.

"What's the time Den?" Evan quietly moaned out, I looked at my watch.

"Go back to sleep bubs, it's only just gone half one." I placed my right arm around him he drew it in then folded into me, it was about then I had a nasty thought. Evan was very accommodating even though he was almost asleep, but you know that itch of mine, it needed scratching again, big time and I am a pervert.

My boy bounced up on the bed early, I woke with a start but I suspect Evan was already awake because he had his hand on my groin area.

"Come on pa, dah, Spud's nearly up we must go now." I woke fully then jumped out of bed, I slipped my shorts back on and took my son's hand to go watch this special moment, Evan was one second behind us.

"What's happening Den?"

"Sam's about to arrive, Spuds new son."

"Oh, that Sam, who the bloody hell is Sam?"

"I told you bubs, Spuds new son." I smiled at his confused face.

We sat at the table and Evan swept his hand, a coffee pot and mugs appeared with a glass of milk. He's getting good at this fairy stuff.

Ayden was so excited I could feel it and his old friend Spud will be appearing just about now. A bundle of rags suddenly appeared at the cafe door just as Spud opened it, he looked down and tears came instantly to his eyes, I know this because I felt them, and I felt his pure heart turn to complete love.

He knelt down and read the note that was pinned to his swaddling rags, then he gently picked the little mite up.

"Welcome Sam, you beautiful little thing I'm your poppy Spud." He kissed the little cherub then disappeared back into the cafe, I heard Ali's happy screams coming from within so I let Ayden's hand go and he ran up the porch to greet his new cousin. I knew, he knew who the baby was too, and he sure did a lot of fairy talking to Sammy who slept on unaware he was a very important bubby.

"Oh, and who's this little one Spudley?" I asked as I lit the gas to make more coffee.

"Look Den, look at this note." An overexcited Spud with tears in his eyes pushed the note over to me.

I took the paper and read it, it was written in the most beautiful Elvan handwriting.

'Please look after our Sam for us Spud and Ali, treat him like your own son. He's a foundling, his parents have gone on from this world so we thought you and Ali might like to have him for your very own.' It was signed by the seven kings.

Spud and Ali were both so worked up they didn't know what to do, so when Rita appeared she ordered up some clean nappies two nannies and a warm bottle of milk.

We leaned back on her counter and just watched both the boys jump up and down, tears flowed as they both tried to hold him, I saw a painting appear and will sketch it later.

Trident appeared in his human form.

"Is he ready for travel Nanny Iris?"

"Yes my lord very ready, and very excited underneath all that human covering." She giggled.

"We will be back shortly; I think he should be introduced to his other grandparents."

They all disappeared, and I thought Trident was thinking what I was, Arras and Aisha should be in on this miracle.

"That went well Den." Rita passed me the coffee pot.

"It sure did; hey they forgot to take Ayden." As soon as I said that Ayden looked up at me and I nodded yes, he popped out for a minute or two. I guess he can do that also, and anyway, he wants to see Souma, maybe talk about surfing and things. It wasn't until just before ten they came back, they were laden with shopping bags because Trident had taken them all on a spending spree in Paris, a present was handed to Rita and my son handed me one after he jumped up on my knees for his hugs.

Rita's was a pair of beautiful DeBeers diamond earrings and mine was a Blues tank top and shorts, I will treasure them always.

Little Sam was only hours old but he had the wisest face I had ever seen on a baby, and a shock of long brown hair. He was reluctantly handed around to Evan Bubble Tush Rita Myself and Ayden; the rest of the guys will get a turn when they come up for lunch. His nannies were hovering in the background and Spud and Ali couldn't stop crying they were so happy. A large crib appeared and he was put down to nap, watched over by his daddies and nannies. Cyn and David arrived and he was kissed then David was placed in Spuds room to continue his sleep next to Sam.

"Where did he come from Den?"

"Father Cyn, he's a foundling fairy who needed a couple of daddies."

"Boy things are moving fast around here lately; we are overrun with kids. I hope you aren't doing that Rita?"

"Cyn if I was, there would be a lot more, so think yourself lucky you're not pregnant again." she chuckled, then added.

"You're not are you?" She laughed loudly; poor Cyn. I don't think they are trying again but anything is possible down here.

We walked down to the table and sat with our coffee, hopefully, I will get to finish this one. Evan had shot off with Ayden to have a surf, they were excited to tell the boys about Sam's appearance I think.

"So how did you teach Tony how to use his magic Den?"

"I really didn't Cyn I just gave him the tools the folk did the rest." I smiled as she sat up straight and smiled at me.

"Rita's your queen ask her." I chuckled.

Rita placed her hand on Cyn's shoulder and she shuddered.

"Start by imagining yourself as small folk." I heard a loud bang.

"Not so loud Cyn, gentle and ladylike." She tried again and this time we heard her laughing as she flew up the porch, she was stunning in her fairy state. She changed again and fell flat on her bum.

"Your landings need work Cyn, but you have the basic idea. Maybe practice on the beach, the sand is a little softer. Maybe find your red-headed fairy and she can train you" Rita sipped her coffee to stop a laugh coming out because Cyn disappeared in another loud bang to go find her friend.

Father and I decided we would only release the magic tools in our circle of friends, so we are doing the easy ones first. In doing it that way their won't be any more deaths or reincarnations only the outer circle will do that.

Once Cyn finds her full on magic she will be able to do a lot smoother change than she does now, but being full on fairy will come with time. We were hoping that we all could stay in the bay forever, without having to leave and be reborn; and we are going to work on it every day. Us four are already full fairy it was a natural transition and I suspected Katie was too.

The boys didn't leave their bedroom all afternoon and when my men came up they all had to go and have a look at the new little bundle of joy.

"I know him from somewhere Den," Evan whispered to me.

"Oh? where from?"

"I don't know but I feel I have met him before, no indication who he was in his past lives baby?"

"No bub, nothing yet he's just a little bundle of pink joy at the moment." I didn't want to lie to Evan but I did agree with Rita and father, its best no one knows who he really is.

When I caught up with Cyn later on, she and Abs were taking it in turns to amuse David, she said her friend had to go to some town meeting, I had been tossing up between telling her or forgetting it even existed but I figured if anyone should know about it it was Cyn, she deserves to know. I wanted to take her to see the Dwarf treasure, its a thank you present for being so wonderful to us, and it puts her on a higher ground than Tony.

"Cyn do you have a minute before dinner?" I could smell the curry cooking away in the kitchen.

"Yes Den, what's up?"

"We will be back in a half hour don't hold up dinner for us but please leave some won't you?" I stared at Evan. I took Cyn's hand and moved her into the lounge room.

"Where are we going Den?"

"Somewhere very special my friend, you must promise me you will forget we even went there, the Dwarves will ride my ass otherwise."

"Okay, I promise, you have me intrigued now."

I took her hand again and we were transported to Susan's basement, almost immediately the Dwarf king blocked our way. He bowed very deeply to me and I expected an argument to start.

"Welcome sire, Cynthia, please come this way." I nearly laughed but I knew he knew I wouldn't bring anyone down here without a purpose.

"What you're about to see is only for your eyes, no telling Mavis or Tony about this, it's my thank you tour for being a beautiful friend to me and Spud." She hugged me I could feel her excitement.

The wall disappeared in one flourish and the sparkles were blinding as we stepped through it.

"What the hell is all this stuff Den, it goes on for miles?"

"Everything you could ever wish for this my love is the treasure of the bay."

She looked twice at certain pieces of jewellery and when she touched each bit she instantly knew who had worn it.

"My god, No!"

"Yes my lovely, over there is Aladdin's lamp, the looking glass, the scrolls from the Alexandrian library, the magic carpet, the invisible cape, all sorts of trinkets from eons ago. You will know what they are from touch Cyn, but you can't have any of it." I smiled she nodded her understanding.

I hadn't seen the large red door before I had been too excited to notice it on my last visit.

"What's beyond that door my king?"

"A train full of stolen Nazi treasure, it will never see the light of day again, too many people died because of it and we won't allow anyone to profit from it. I know there are hundreds of paintings that the world hasn't seen for years but if released they will only start another war over ownership so we will look after it for now." Cyn had been playing with pouches and boxes of jewelry while we talked, of course, she was wearing some of the loose stuff which made her eyes shine more. We showed her the gold and the loose diamond piles, she swanned her way through most of it, becoming almost breathless at times.

"Shall we go and eat now Cyn, you can always come back on your own at a later date, but don't forget, don't tell anyone. I'm trusting you with this secret Cyn it can't ever happen."

"Sure Den, it's just so overpowering, where do you start to catalog all this stuff?" the king looked at her and said.

"I can assure you, princess, the Dwarf knows every piece that is stored down here, down to the last shiny bauble." He chuckled then handed her a paper carry bag.

"What's this sire?" She took it.

"Some jewels from Florence, only the lesser known bits and pieces, they tended to be a little forgetful those Florentine nobles, they had wealth beyond imagining, this is an assortment of the ones they seemed to have dropped along the way." He chuckled loudly, then winked at Cyn.

"You can't ....." Cyn started to say.

"For David's mother and our king's friend we can, but say you bought it on eBay or something, please. Of course, if you have a special night coming up feel free to borrow what you want from our storage rooms." Cyn followed me back into the basement and thanked the Dwarf king then in a flash we were back in our lounge room.

She wanted to hug me forever but I was hungry, I made her promise once again, and then we went to eat.

For the next hour, she was looking at her paper carry bag she so wanted to look inside it but resisted the urge. When she couldn't take anymore she suddenly disappeared for a short while and when she returned without the bag I knew she had gone home to look. Her smile was priceless and so were the jewels in that bag.

We readied for bed and we both were too tired to make love, Evan held me as I drifted off to sleep, I did think at the time it was a bit unusual.

Of course, I dreamt non stop.

I dreamt of ancient times and gods that really weren't gods just keepers of locks and keys, humans and fairy folk.

"Thank you, my friend, I can assure you there will be no trouble with my sudden reappearance. I have so much to reward you and Ayden for it's hard to decide where to start."

"No need my creator, I'm ashamed that we didn't find you sooner."

"No, don't be, I was destined to be reborn as soon as your colors came back and the black angel was destroyed, the golden prince always knew where I was, he looked out for me but even he couldn't untangle the mess I had made with my muddled up magic."

"So Ayden knew about you always?"

"Yes my friend, but he had promised not to divulge my secret."

"Will you return to us or stay in your dimension, creator?"

"In time I will move between both dimensions, for now, I need to rest, my abilities are a bit rusty but will come back in time. The more I am around you and my people the more I will gather more memories, Trident has already returned most of them to me." He chuckled.


"Well, he and I go back a long way, I can unbind him so you and your angel can have some fun if you like."

"Not happening creator, he's yours and I don't want to screw Evan up again by unbinding him." I shivered.

"Well, Tridents quite willing my friend just let me know if you would like to try him, he's a very good kisser you know." I felt him grin.

"So is my Evan." I grinned back then he disappeared from my dreams and I woke to that fantastic feeling I loved so much. My Evan was having a midnight snack so I pretended I was still asleep while he enjoyed himself. I really didn't want to complicate our lives by playing around, and I'm now certain I could unbind Evan to me without incident, but I kind of like the status quo at the moment, and it's much safer.

I slept soundly and woke up feeling wonderful, after adjusting my head I then crept out of bed to splash my face, the sun was coming up and I felt like I had been talking to the creator all night, but I knew he had been taking back some of the memories he had also deposited in me eons ago.

Evan stirred then looked at me as I returned to our bedroom.

"Den, your colors have gone." I went to look in the mirror and sure enough, they had finally disappeared.

"I am hiding them bubs, they were a bit too obvious before." I really didn't know what happened to them, so I lied again.

"Okay, did Horse knock?"

"Not yet bubs but he's coming up the track now." He sighed then threw the blanket off showing me all his talents. I couldn't help myself there has been so much magic around here lately I was always feeling horny.

"Spread em for me before you go bubs, pleeeease." I begged.

I am sure poor Horse got an eyeful when he peered in the doorway, but to his credit, he didn't stick around to watch.

We showered then Evan left with Ayden, he was excited to at last have a morning surf and maybe a ski ride with his pa. I set up for the day's work and was looking at my angels painting, I now could paint faces on the subjects.

Spud and Ali came down with Sam. He was still asleep and his nannies were close by.

"Any trouble last night kids?"

"Absolutely none at all Den, he's perfect." Ali smiled from ear to ear.

"Good, do you want me to watch him?"

"Yes please Den, we have to help Rita set up. He won't be any trouble and we would much rather he be out here than a smoky kitchen."

"Okay just put him in the bean bag, he will be safe with me."

They didn't do that chore, I did and I had a big cuddle and some kisses with my new nephew before I let him sleep some more.

As I painted I could feel him sort of watching me every now and then, I knew he was trying to let me know everything will be all right with him and he loved his new daddies to bits. When I came back to reality I looked at my painting and it was completed, signature and all.

The next thing I heard was the nannies changing him and giving him a bottle, he did smile my way several times as the milk squealed when he took a breath. Spud and Ali took it in turns to check on him and each time they patted my shoulder thanking me for watching him. If they only knew that their son was actually watching me, as I tranced.

Cyn and Tony popped in to see him and it was a bum fight to see who could nurse him first, Tony won because he was a little gentler than Cyn at the moment, and Sam was transferred into his arms gently. I saw that smirk and some fire in Cyn's eyes, she opened her arms and suddenly David was with us. Tony had a hard time deciding which baby he wanted after that.

Blue and Alex looked exhausted when they brought Andy by, they had been to the planet of the big mountains and surfed or skied down the snowy slopes with Trident. Alex was so happy he couldn't stop kissing Blue, and Blue was lapping it up. Cyn was looking at my latest work and adding up in her head how much she was going to get for it. Andy was slapping my legs he wanted up, so he got plenty of kisses and cuddles from me.

"It's awesome Den, I must put a ridiculous price on it this time."

"Don't go overboard Cyn, it's for my fans after all." I had decided that I would sell my angel painting because all of them were around me every day, the magic was in this painting but not nearly as much as there usually is when I place the magic baby in them.

"Okay we will see Den, maybe the Vatican will buy it." She giggled; yep good suggestion Cyn.

"You want to look at Spuds latest one Cyn, he spent hours on it last night." Ali smiled as Spud punched him lightly.

"Did you do Sam, Spud?" I asked.

"Yes Den, I couldn't wait to do him." Ali ran up the porch to get it, and as Spud watched his fine bubble butt he whispered to me.

"It's not for sale."

"What? that's a shame like Ali's tight bum, I would have bid on it?" I laughed, Spud stared at me in shock.

He came back and placed it on the easel, little Sam in his swaddling clothes was in the dustbin and leaning over the rim, his chin was resting on his little arms the lid looked like a big hat as it rested on the side of his head, and it was crazy beautiful as he leaped off the canvas. He captured Sam's wise old face and all. The alleyway was dark and a single light shone down on Sam. I nearly wept and Cyn did, she told Spud he could never sell it, she knew it was too precious for that.

It would be days before the big grins were wiped off Spud and Ali's faces. They took to fatherhood beautifully and Rita became the perfect grandmother to little Sam. The nannies were wonderful and the boys kept them around because they were worried something might happen.

Ayden talked to him forever one day, I'm sure Sam was gleaming history and magic out of Ayden's memory banks, and then it was tridents turn. He took the baby and sat with him on our sofa in human form, they watched a movie together, but I knew Trident was uploading hidden secrets to him then locking them away in his memory.

Over the next two weeks, the great one started entering our lives as he gathered more confidence. He got to the stage just before Christmas he and I were transported in the night to the planet where it all started. It looked so familiar to me and while I was there I was bombarded with more info, and Trident gathered up anything that I couldn't cope with then stored it in his runes to be passed over to me at a later date.

The great one had nearly returned and he told me to visit whenever I felt like it and I was to bring the golden prince. All this was happening so fast I couldn't cope with it all so I told Trident I would deal with it in the new year. The creator had opened a direct wormhole to his realm for us all. It was after he mentioned he wanted his Archangels by his side again I got depressed. I didn't ask him if my boys would disappear I just left it, for now, to be discussed with Trident at that later date.

As for baby Sam, he was created out of a hobo's rags behind a dustbin but Spud and Ali didn't have to know that. He was the perfect foundling and would be a full-on fairy when he reaches his perfect stage. He won't die, he will enter the folk world gradually like we all are doing now. With the creator now separated from the human world everything should get back to pretty much normal again and Trident told me after my visit to the great one's planet that he saw how upset I got when the creator mentioned taking his angels back, and he was going to have a quiet word with him about it. I felt a little better because I need them here, not for protection just because they have always been here with us and they are my friends after all.

"What about you? are you leaving us to go live with him?"

"No sire I am having too much fun for that, and I couldn't leave my Blue and Alexis, or you for that matter even though you're a lousy kisser."

That's enough, I had to do something so I placed my hand on him and made him human again, I took him in my arms and gave him a smacker of a kiss, one of the ones I only reserve for my Evan. His legs buckled and he returned my deep probing with his slick tongue as I stroked his hair.

"Den!" Oh shit, I'm busted.

"I'm out of here, sorry great knight." Trident disappeared with a loud bang.

"What going on here?" Evan was madder than a rattlesnake.

"He said I was a lousy kisser so I was showing him that I can do it properly if I try," I whined.

"Show me."


"Show me how you kiss properly." So I did and we landed back on the bed for an afternoon romp. It was funny because I didn't do that little manoeuvre, Evan did, and he also made me feel so loved as he swept his lips over my body.

My lovely friend from what seems like eons ago was humming away in her kitchen, I could hear the low tones of Frank Sinatra coming through the speakers. She had just baked another six huge cakes for her customers and was cooling them on the kitchen table before she iced them. A bunch of little ones came through her kitchen window, she knows what they are up to even before they do, so I stood at her counter and watched the kids do their thing.

"They smells lovely today nanny Rita. Ares you going to sells them to your nice customers?" Gardenia was elected the spokesperson for today, she was a little older than the others.

"Yes Gard's they are for the boys in the tea rooms, and some for here." She has played this game before.

"There is lots todays our nanny, do you think you might have any left so we cans buy one?"

She was about to reply but that was when the screaming started.

"Help nanny Help!"

We could hear a little one screams from the open window.

"What's happening kids?"

"We's don't know nanny." Peter said.

I felt uneasy and watched Rita change her colors and minimize, she flew out the window to go save the little mite. I stared at the kids in the kitchen and said.

"If you touch one of her cakes you will be sorry when she gets back."

"Wes sorry our gracefulness, we are just having a joke with our nanny Rita."

"No you were going to steal her cakes, and you set this all up. That's not very nice children. I have a mind to stop you all from coming anywhere near the cafe for two weeks."

They started crying, and through her tears Rose said.

"But its a game sereneness we plays it all's the times, it helps nanny Rita to be constable with her magic."

I doubted her words and got quite cross with her.

"Okay no Cake for two weeks now go home you're all grounded."

"What?" I heard behind me.

I spun around and there was Rita in her human form coming through the cafe door this time.

"I grounded them they were going to steal your cakes."

"They do it all the time Den, I love their little games, butt out please."

"What?" She passed a coffee pot to me and looked at the frightened kids.

"Did you take any?"

"No our nannies ours kings frightens us."

That death stare was looming as she returned to look at me.

"I'm sorry children, I didn't know about your game. Please eat as much cake as you want, go ahead take them all." They destroyed two large ones and were working on the third when I left. I did hear some giggling so they mustn't have been that upset. I returned to my seat then looked at the painting I had been working on. It was a sleigh and Santa clause was driving it, I was bringing him back. The big bag at the back held promises he had to keep every year and Ayden and Horse were laughing in the back seat as the reindeer were poised to take off into the night.

Hundreds of fairy children were following the sleigh and the look on their happy faces was priceless. Christmas is looming and I have done some shopping but as usual, it needs wrapping. Evan had bought a stack of Christmas paper for the shop last year, there was plenty left over for this year so I put aside a couple of hours to do my chore.

"Why don't you use the magic sire?" Trident had popped in to borrow a DVD.

"I don't want to waste it, my friend."

"You couldn't in trillions of your year's sire and there is an infinite amount of magic hidden in the bay." I tried to imagine it but put it in the too hard basket.

When I turned to continue my wrapping, of course, they had all been done ribbons and all, so all I really had to do was write on the cards. Oh, no I don't, the cards have been done too, so I took them and stacked them under the tree. I had to rearrange the presents that had already appeared to make more room, I guess my no presents this year edict didn't reach everyone.

I arrived back at the table and Rita was setting up the coffee and sandwiches with a tray of tea cakes, we had sort of made this a ritual after having high tea at Susan's place. I know Rita has the tea cakes delivered, she has to give Millie some business.

"So what have we decided to do about the folk's Christmas Den?"

"Well the big cakes will be delivered on the day, Millie will finish them and I'll get them sent straight to the beach. I would like to supply some presents for the kids but I am at a loose end as to what to give them." I bit into a delicious cake.

"What about a big Christmas tree on the beach covered in presents, like we can make it give each fairy the gift they really wish for as they open them."

"We can do that?"

"Of course we can, and we can make it never-ending so they can take two or three gifts."


"Leave it to me Den, I have an idea, and also I want to place one out the front with a Santa and elves giving the holidaymakers presents too, maybe some tables with cakes and ice cream on them. I might just get Apple Bubble and Tush to be our sexy elves" She giggled.

"Good idea." I giggled back.

Sounds like Rita has it all organized. I didn't have a clue what to get Evan, let alone Rita and Ayden they have it all, and if they don't have it all they have to do is conjure it up now.

My two boys appeared just as I bit into another small tea cake, they were smiles for miles.

"What took you so long so?"

"We was playing a game dah, is there any cakes left?" He was joking with us because there was a stack of cakes left on the platter. I gave them both a big hug and they sat down, and of course, took their time choosing wisely what delights they wanted to eat today. Evan kissed my neck and took one for himself before they all disappeared, then I poured him a coffee.

"Your up early bubs, are you here to open the shop?"

"Yes Den, I feel it's going to be busy again."

"Well trust your feelings bub, they are never wrong."


"For sure bub's."

Again I was transported to our bedroom, my clothes had vanished and Evan was again lining me up for a quickie.

"I just had a feeling Den." He smiled.

"So did I bubs and it's awesome."

Christmas Eve arrived and the most excited member of our group apart from Ayden and his fairy mates was Horse. He was excited because he knew Santa would make an appearance and he has wanted to know if he's real all his life. As a young boy he told me he stayed up all night to try and catch a glimpse of him but to no avail, it just never happened.

The table was set and after a lengthy video call to Arras and Aisha the fun began. For our large tree we used the shady one that was next to Rita's cafe at the front, hundreds of presents appeared under it they were from us to the holidaymakers on the foreshore. The folk decorated the tree and it looked mighty good as it stood proudly lighting up the surrounding area, covered in baubles and fairy lights by the thousands. Our tree was smaller; it was set up in the lounge room as usual. Tradition, such as it was bound us all to be together on this one night of the year. The presents overflowed into the small kitchen and some of the larger ones were left on the back porch, they will be opened in the morning.

Ayden and his friends were more than excited they were almost hyper by the time dinner was served and even then they weren't all that interested in food, which was a surprise. Millie had delivered all the cakes and the boys helped me transport them down to the shore for the folk to celebrate, to any human eyes all they could see was millions of fairy lights scattered throughout the bushes, it was pure magic.

The seven kings had organized small gifts for their people to be delivered at midnight and with us were at least six hundred butterflies, children and small folk flitting around the porch. Rita was to do nothing the boys had this and she was promptly seated at the top of the table. Her new sequinned gown was pink; it had appeared in her shopping from the city but she insisted she never bought it.

She looked stunning as she nursed little Andy on her knees. Her necklace and earrings were large pink diamonds she had borrowed from the Dwarves stash, she out shone everyone even though Cyn, Mel Anne Mavis and Katie looked bloody gorgeous in their own finery. I was sad that Susan and Patrick couldn't make it but its the busiest time of the year for them, she said if she can lock up before midnight they would come and have a drink with us but she didn't hold out much hope. She could have come but she thought it unfair that the folk had to work on Christmas Eve and they didn't, it was unfair to them.

Rita's children kept flitting around her playing hide and seek in the sparkling gown, I saw Ayden amongst them laughing his head off. The weight on my knees came from my second son Birdy, who had exhausted himself earlier on by playing footy with his rough nut mates out the front. We watched as the children from the caravan park continuously came across the road to watch the spectacular night and every now and then, although illegal, in the distance a series of fireworks would go off, and they screamed and danced at the sight of them each time, I will thank father later on.

We had placed a sign in front of the tree to tell everyone that Santa would be arriving at eight; which we deemed late enough for them to play a bit then get into bed and wait for their very own Santa. Our food was spectacular the folk arranged it on my big table. I wanted them to enjoy the night with us because it wasn't a sit-down dinner it was a help yourself kind of night. The table was laced with food and the three out on the front lawn were full of cakes punch, and sweets for everyone. I watched as people walked up and down the street, some coming to eat at the cafe which they couldn't order from the menu, they paid ten dollars a head and got to select from the big array of all you can eat smorgasbord food which was replenished often.

I was full and Evan was eyeing the curries off again but I think he thought he had enough, his stomach was so tight. We ate standing up and the diners took the tables. I also walked around talking to our friends and for some reason the shop was open too for those last minute gifts, and it was busy. we had deliberately placed a table beside the railing for Blue Rita Alex and Andy, she Blue and Alex have worked their butts off for us during the year and they were receiving silver service because this was their night. My gifts had passed Sale and were turning into the bay road. Because the street was cordoned off for the holiday weeks it was a mammoth task to sneak them onto the porch, but with fathers help a golf buggy was supplied so they didn't have to walk far with their precious cargo.

This was my present for my beautiful friend, and I was thrilled it all came together so well. I spied the cart coming up the road slowly then I distracted Rita while it turned into our drive to the back yard, our guests will be settled into the bigger stay, they will refresh themselves then make an appearance.

"What's going on Den?" She stared at me.

"Nothing my beauty, just enjoy the night."

"I feel something's up, and I think I'm the first prize." She wasn't sure, that cloaking spell is working a treat, but it won't last long they never do with Earth fairy.

Suddenly when I was ogling Evan for the one-hundredth time I heard a scream. Holly and Peter ran onto the porch and into Rita's arms, I guess they couldn't wait.

"Nanny we have missed you so much." Riley stood watching with the biggest grin on his face, Rita immediately hugged them and tears flowed down her cheeks, she had missed her grandchildren. I leant over and said.

"Merry Christmas.

Alex and Riley hugged and he introduced him to Andy as Blue took him to cuddle.

"Mr. Horse, Mr. Horse where are you?" Holly sang out. I heard "Over here Holls."

She ran to Horse and he picked her up for a cuddle, Ayden was doing Peter then he wanted to play. Rita pulled Peter onto her lap and started fart kissing him, he was so happy to see her again, but he was also looking for Ayden to play with.

That was my first present, her second one will arrive at midnight. It was around eight that the fake Santa provided by father arrived on the golf buggy made up to look like a sleigh, he would give out the holidaymakers presents. Kids came from everywhere to receive a gift then the adults came to have a chat to Santa and his helpers who looked quite convincing in their tight sparkling shorts. Ayden and his mates couldn't believe their eyes as he chuckled his way through some pretty unreal requests for certain items.

I don't know whether they got their wishes but I did see a lot of happy kids running around.

When it was Ayden's turn he looked into Santa's eyes and chatted away with him, but I could tell he wasn't fooled by the folks stand in Santa.

He got a present then it was Peter and Gard's go, I don't know how many fairy folk kids were sitting on his knees and flitting around him, but they were only seen by us. They were wide-eyed and smiling as each one got a tiny gift. We didn't go with the Christmas tree on the beach we decided we would send each and every folk a small painting of themselves and the golden prince along with a colorful present that will hold each one's wishes, Trident had shown us how that was done.

"He's real he's really real," They squealed and Ayden jumped up and down with them, then he looked at me. I felt his disappointment, but he wasn't going to show it with his mates there, so I walked down the porch stairs wading through the crowd to get to my boy. I picked him up and took him down the side of the house taking Birdy's hand at the same time, past the new rose bushes Evans mum had planted. I walked them down to the beach. Evan and Trident caught up with me they had Horse in tow.

Sitting on the beach was a huge sleigh and some awesome looking magical reindeer. A big "Ho Ho Ho" was heard by only us, Santa had made a special stop just for Ayden, the folk kids went ape shit because they all of a sudden realized this was the real deal.

Ayden screamed then he buried his head into my leg, he was almost distraught because he knew also this was his Santa. Birdy had run up to the reindeer and was patting them, and as he did each one they licked his face, he giggled, and I felt blessed.

"Well don't just stand there boys, times a wasting we have presents to deliver, hohoho." He was a jolly old man and if I hadn't seen it I wouldn't have believed it myself. Thank you once again Trident, or was it my painting?

"Come my prince come my general, we have work to do fairy children one and all come with me and hold on tight. Young Birdy jump up on Rudolf's back and help him lead the way"

Birdy's eyes were like saucers as I placed him on the reindeer's back.

"Are you going to be okay here son or would you like to ride in the sleigh?"

His eyes were wet and he slowly shook his head no, he's staying where he is as he took hold of the reigns.

Horse had tears running down his cheeks as he slowly walked over to the sled, there was a huge green and gold bag full of presents to deliver to special children in the area on the back.

He sat in the back seat with Ayden then we heard.

"Off Dancer, off Donna, Rudolph light the way, Birdie me lad hold on." The sled started hovering over the sand, then in a noiseless sparkling shot blasted off over the beach, I heard my son and his friends giggling, plus Horses yahoo's as they flew out into the dusky sky.

"Amazing Den, he really is real."

"Well of course he is, he will be back with Ayden's special good boys present later and Rita's.

"What is it Den?"

"I don't know; I only know its special."

"Do you want yours now?"

"Yes please." I took him in my arms and we started dancing in the sky. I made love with my man for ages and I had no care for the visitors on the porch, only my man tonight.

As we descended I heard the sleigh return and drop three very happy riders off then it disappeared again into the western sky.

Ayden didn't know what to tell us first and Horse was still in shock, Birdie was breathless as he hugged me then went looking for Jay and Hulk to tell them, but all three of them said they couldn't wait to go to sleep tonight to get their promised special presents.

We returned through the back door, Rita and her family were saying goodnight it was getting late and they were all jet lagged, we said we would hang out some more tomorrow. The foreshore had settled down for the night, kids went to bed early because Santa only comes when they are sleeping. We said goodnight to our guests and started settling Ayden into bed.

"Happy Christmas son, I love you."

He sat up and gave me a big kiss and hug, he was so tired he could hardly keep his eyes open.

After we had gone to get ready for bed I had an idea so I took Evans hand and led him to the lounge room. He wanted to know what was up so I whispered in his ear.

"Your Christmas present." He gave me that Evan look.

I swept my hand across the room and presents started disappearing.

"What are you doing Den?"

"Making room, sending the presents off to their recipient's homes they will get a big surprise in the morning when they wake up."

With the lounge room cleared up, I looked him deeply in the eyes and kissed him.

"Happy Christmas bub's"

I then dropped my shorts and bent over the sofa armrest, he groaned quite loudly. It was on for young and old from the lounge room to the bedroom, we were like animals but it couldn't go on all night it was nearing midnight and Rita's other special gift will be arriving soon. I whispered to Evan to follow me for a minute. He protested a little because he was thoroughly spent.

"Come on bubs just for a minute I want to show you something."

I took him in through the shop and stood at the window to watch something wonderful.

We both looked out the shop window and saw Rita, her sparkling dress was almost shimmering with anticipation.

She was sitting on the porch all by herself, she knew something was about to happen so we watched for a few minutes until a very handsome man appeared, he walked up the stairs and sat with her. I didn't want to interfere with the magic of it all, but my heart gladdened that Rita's beloved husband had finally made an appearance.

"Who is he Den?"

"Rita's husband, it's another present for her."

"Is this real?"

"Yes baby, he's been busy lately but now I think we will see much more of him around."

"Has he been reborn Den?"

"No he never died really he's father time, and a thousand other things to do with the earth seems apt that he and mother nature have always been together." I heard soft music and Rita stood and was taken into his arms, they danced so elegantly I nearly cried with sheer joy. Taking Evans hand again I walked him to our bedroom and got a small special gift out for Ayden.

We went back to Ayden's room to place the gift beside him, he was sound asleep as Evan's arms went around my waist.

We watched again as the real Santa returned and Ayden's eyes popped open, he whispered something to him then disappeared into the night, my son slowly closed his eyes and that was the end of his special night, his two presents lay quietly next to him.

Before I nodded off I delivered the presents to my folk, a painting for each and a chocolate cupcake. I also dropped a stack of cash into Evan, Rob's, Susan and Millie's cash registers.

It was so late when I finally dropped off I had heard a moan and a little boy crawled up into bed with us. I stared into his eyes for a moment, they were the brightest azure blue that captivated me and totally enthralled me, I kissed his nose and then we both went back into a deep sleep.

The beach was pristine this morning and my folk were having a party because they had found their presents from their king and from Santa beside their beds, I was receiving plenty of thank you greetings as I stood with Trident, he had his new Blues shorts and tank top on and was blown away by all the gifts he had received when he had returned from the great one's bed earlier.

"When are you going to do it sire?"

"Soon my friend he's trying to open it now I feel his frustration, it will get the better of him and he will come and ask me for help." I giggled to myself.

"Do you still think it's wise?"

"Do you?"

"Yes sire, they need to come back eventually, I suppose now's a good time."


We had given Ayden an orb key for Christmas he needs me to help him use it and it will be our present to our wonderful friends.

"Dad, I can't open it cans you help me?" I heard Ayden say behind me.

"Of course I can help son, what is it?"

"I don't know its magic for sure, but I can't work out hows to open it."

A big basket arrived as we three sat under our shady tree it was the boy's breakfasts.

"Call the boys in baby." Ayden sang a tune and all our friends gathered on the shore, they spied the basket and started running over to us. Evan finally arrived, he was the last. I looked at Horse, Nut's, Donk, Tim, Trip, Tiny, Blue Ab's and Evan, I held my hand up and made an announcement.

"My dear friends, it has been a long journey for all of us and I would like to take this opportunity to say a warm Merry Christmas, and thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"What are you up to Den?" Evan whispered.

"Just wait will you." I patted his hand which had been resting on my leg.

"You all know how much your friendship means to us and the folk, so Ayden and I are going to give you a gift. This gift comes with a few minor restrictions unfortunately, you can't use it to stay away for months, I have modified it so when you are away it will only be for hours not eons."

I took Ayden's hand and he passed the shiny orb over to me, I placed it on the basket and said to Ayden.

"On three son." I smiled at him.

"Okay daddy."

"One two three."

The orb shook then lifted in the air as Ayden and I together used the keys to unlock the secrets it held. It went from friend to friend touching them on the shoulder unlocking their memories of eons ago when they were the great one's angels. It wasn't an instant thing but they gradually changed into their true colours and they shone so bright it was hard to see them properly.

"We have returned you all to your Angel state and if you take it slowly at first you will be able to control the magic that is actually blinding me at the moment, but all except you Blue."

"Eh?" I heard him exclaim.

"Blue you are Poseidon, and your full powers have been returned to you, you can now surf the planets on your own without Tridents help. You are in charge, but I urge you to take Alexis and Trident with you when you go off surfing the planets."

"And me." I heard my boy whisper.

"And Ayden." I giggled.

Trident punched the air with his fist, then he and Blue slapped hands.

My boys who were still stunned dimmed down their colours and I told them they could do the same as Blue, they all remembered their angel state and by the end of the day, they will be exercising their true full powers. They will be able to remember how to travel wormholes, surf the planets, if they wished and to visit the great one to chat. At the end of our little talk, Ayden dived into the basket handing a burger to Blue and stuffing one into his gob. I guess it was a non event, I half expected them to fly off into the sunset but I guess they were all hungry. I don't know why, they ate plenty last night and they have a big Christmas lunch to come. I dived in to get one and Evan grinned as he looked at me, no he leered at me something's not quite right with him.

"What's the matter bubs?"

"I was just looking at your cute tight butt and was thinking I might have a go at it later on if you don't mind."


I heard the great one laugh uncontrollably somewhere in my head, you bugger, but thank you for the present I can't wait; I think. I started laughing and kind of blushed, maybe we had better try that in our fairy state it might not hurt so much then.

When they finished their breakfast they all ran down to the shore to get some more surf's in before they had to go up for lunch, I watched Tim and Nut's change and their wings were huge as always, I think they were more advanced than the others already. I looked over at my Horse who hadn't gone with them he was deep in thought and after a few moments, he spoke.

"What about you Den, you didn't change?" He said.

"Oh you know little old me, I'm always last on the list." I blushed again.

"You're the king, there's no need for you to change." That's it Horse work it out mate. I thought I would put him out of his misery and replied.

"You had it right the first time my friend, I am the storyteller. I created all of this, the magic, Trident, the great one, Poseidon, the angels the planets, the outer dimensions, the magic baby and the best surfer on this beach, Evan." I chuckled again as I looked him in the eye. I think he believed me, and he did have a great idea at the same time, because he stood up and pulled me in and hugged me, I felt his breath in my ear as he said.

"Do you think you can write in a dance with me somewhere along the line?"

"I can do that my friend; do you want Evan to join us?"

"Yes please." I then kissed his neck and he groaned.

"Done my friend, after all, I am the storyteller and anything is possible.

The End.


While Horse went running into the surf I shook off my woody and sat just looking over my creation. I saw two little boys come running up the sand, one with the brightest azure blue eyes and one with the deepest brown ones.

"Dah, dah you forget something's."

"And what would that be sons?"

"Poppa you forgot some dragons." Birdy's face lit up.

I thought about it for a minute as they shuffled their feet, then we heard a squawk. They turned around and there were two pink baby dragons waiting for them on the sand. They were full to the top with magic and were waiting for their riders to take them into the story. Ayden stared at me and I got his confusion so I turned them into pale blue ones. They jumped aboard those mighty babies and soared into the sky screaming. I am so glad they didn't see the goofy smiles on their faces, me thinks they will give my sons hours of mishaps and giggles along the way. Now I am done.

Apparently not yet, in my mind I summoned Evan to my side.

"Dance in the sky or in our bedroom, your choice."

"Bedroom Den, I need to totally destroy your ass and ravage your body like there was no tomorrow. I have an almighty need to impregnate you with my seed, and I need to do it as soon as possible."

I laughed for ages as he rushed me to our bed.


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